North Shore Board of the
Northwestern Settlement Welcomes You To
The Glitter Ball “Find Your Light and Take Flight” Saturday, November 3, 2012 The Four Seasons Hotel, Chicago Dancing to
Party Faithful All proceeds support the
House In The Wood
H OUSE I N T HE W OOD S UMMER C AMP In 1910, Boy Scout Troop #11 and staff from the Northwestern Settlement camped along the Des Plaines River at Irving Park Road in a modest encampment and named it “House In The Wood”. For years, that camp location thrived and served as a retreat for children who worked in factories. In the 1950’s, when urban sprawl forced a change of location, the North Shore Board of the Northwestern Settlement purchased the current 24-acre site in Delavan, Wisconsin and developed it so that it could operate throughout the year. Today, House In The Wood offers low income, citydwelling children a nature-focused summer camp with programs that are designed specifically to help campers develop self-confidence, teamwork and conflict resolution skills, as well as personal discipline and positive decision-making abilities. Proceeds from the 2012 Glitter Ball will provide scholarships for over 400 children to attend this special overnight camp. To all of our patrons, private and corporate donors, friends and guests, we gratefully thank you for your support!
HOUSE IN THE WOOD CAMP…………………………………2 EVENING PROGRAM……………………………………………..5 GLITTER BALL COMMITTEES…….…………….…………..8 NORTH SHORE BOARD MEMBERS…………………………9 CORPORATE SPONSORS………………………………..……...11 BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS……………………………………..12 HEADS OR TAILS/TIFFANY RING RAFFLE……..……17 AUCTION RULES…………………….................................19 CHECKOUT PROCEDURES………………………………......23 LIVE AUCTION…………………………………………...........26 SUPER SILENT………………………………………..……......32 DIVERSIONS………………………………………………..…….36 WINE……………………………………………..…………………42 HIS AND HERS………………….………………..................52 TRAVEL……………………..............................................60 SPORTS………………………………………………………….….68 HOME AND GARDEN………………………………………….80 KIDS…………………………….…………………………………..90
© 2012 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. The KPMG name, logo and “cutting through complexity” are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. NDPPS 109378
Guiding kids on the path to hope. We’re glad to follow your lead.
E VENING P ROGRAM 6:30 P . M . Cocktail Reception Silent Auction Opens 7:40 P . M . Closing of Super Silent Auction 8:00 P . M . Dinner President’s Welcome Heads or Tails Live Auction Fund A Need 10:15 P . M . Closing of Silent Auction Raffle 10:20 P . M . Checkout Begins DANCING THROUGH THE EVENING TO
MAKING A DIFFERENCE DLA Piper is proud to support the 2SVXL 7LSVI &SEVH´W +PMXXIV &EPP FIRI½XMRK the House In The Wood. We applaud your GSQQMXQIRX XS XLI GLMPHVIR SJ 'LMGEKS When it matters to our communities, it matters to us.
DLA Piper LLP (US)
Steven Napolitano, 203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1900, Chicago, IL 60601
Attorney Advertising
Mary Carter
Hillary Priest Julie Rocap Maureen Sullivan
Julie Peinado Theresa Malin
Amy O’Donnell Lisanne Rogers Laura Elsaden
Ginny Burnstine
Barbie Myers
Diversions Travel Home & Garden
Karen Williams
Beth Kamphuis
Kathy Haft Joan Cardin Jen Stricklin Lisa Weis Theresa Malin Rebecca Anderson
His & Hers Kids Sports Wine
Kirsten Baer Lisa Johnson
Francine Purcell Alice Schaff
Laura Probst Kate McBreen 8
Barbie Myers* Amy O’Donnell Linda O’Toole Terri Peters Julie Peinado Lydia Porter Hillary Priest Laura Probst Francine Purcell* Julie Rocap Lisanne Rogers Elisabeth Rose Tina Dalman Roselli Alice Schaff Amy Seaman Jill Shannon Nora Shea Cinnie Siragusa Jennifer Stricklin Maureen Sullivan Sara Sullivan Mary Tilson Kim Urban Amy Van Gorp Kathy Waldman Audrey Wessman Jenn Weiler Lisa Weis Karen Williams Lib Williams Erin Wilson Julie Windsor
Rebecca Anderson Kirsten Baer Taffy Blommer Barb Brown Karen Brunhofer Cassie Buccellato Jennifer Bunge Ginny Burnstine Linda Campbell Joan Cardin Mary Carter Stacey Cohen Sarah Cunningham Anne-Sofie Davis Tammy Ehlers Laura Elsaden Anissa Forman Jennifer Frient Rosanne GroeneveldMeijer Kathy Haft Kim Half Christy Hannafan Gigi Johnson Lisa Johnson Patty Johnson* Beth Brauen Kamphuis
Michelle Leiter Theresa Malin Coe Kate McBreen Danielle McGuire Andrea Mercuri
*Past Presidents
C ORPORATE S PONSORS We acknowledge and thank the following sponsors for their generous contributions.*
$10,000--$19,999: KPMG $5,000-$9,000: Arbor Investments DLA Piper Goldman Sachs IMC – Chicago Siragusa Foundation Frieda & William Hunt Foundation $2,500-$4,999: Chloe’s Crew Deloitte, LLP Kirkland & Ellis Lowery-McDonald Company McGladrey, LLP State Street Global Advisors $1,000-$2,499: Allen Carter, UBS Wealth Management i2i eyecare Aetna Beam Global Spirits & Wine Nels Johnson Tree Experts REI The John Buck Company McBreen & Neubauer Under $1,000: Magnetar Capital Renaissance *Donors are as of October 5, 2012
We are pleased to offer the use of touch pad technology for tonight’s auction. This service is provided by Auction & Event Solutions, an organization that has provided event services to not for profits since 1989. We hope that use of the touch pad technology will simplify and enhance your bidding experience this evening. Volunteers are located throughout the venue to help you should you have questions or any difficulties. Tips and shortcuts for using the touch pads are listed below. Touch Pad Shortcuts Tap the
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Simply point your web browser to: Enter your Bidder# and the password: glitterball12 Having trouble logging in? Security settings on your device could be preventing you from logging in to the mobile bidding site. In order to place bids from your device, you will need to make sure you have cookies enabled in your web browser.* * You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of our website. Auction & Event Solutions, LLC | 866.360.2020 |
IMC Financial Markets is proud to support the North Shore Board of the Northwestern Settlement House in the Wood Camp
IMC Financial Markets is one of the world’s leading proprietary trading firms and a key market maker in various products listed on exchanges throughout the world. IMC Chicago Charitable Foundation works with schools in the Chicago Public Schools to expand opportunities for students
Congratulations to the North Shore Board of the Northwestern Settlement
Summer camp can change lives.
The Frieda and William Hunt Memorial Trust A proud sponsor of House In The Wood Camp
Chloe’s Crew Supports
The House In The Wood
“We have been kept afloat only because of the incredible generosity of you, friends, strangers, family, and organizations like Chloe’s Crew.” - Chloe’s Crew Recipient
Hope & Support For Those In Need Healthy Meals z Essential Clothing z School Supplies Medical Expenses z Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Random Acts of Love & Kindness
Making a difference. Deloitte proudly supports Northwestern Settlement House in The Wood and the Glitter Ball. As used in this document, “Deloitte” means Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
H EADS O R T AILS Buy a $50 chance to win 2 round trip vouchers on United Airlines. Travel can include US, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. Excludes Hawaii. Value: $1300 Chances may be purchased at check-in or during the cocktail reception. Put on your “Firefly Lapel Light” to show you are ready to play. When directed, place both hands on your head or your “tail” to await the result of the coin toss. Players matching the coin toss remain standing. The coin toss will be repeated. The last person standing wins the game and the airline tickets. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rose
T IFFANY R ING R AFFLE Buy a raffle ticket to win a beautiful Jean Schlumberger 16 stone ring in 18k Gold with Diamonds by Tiffany and Co. valued at $8,900 ! Donated by: Tiffany and Company
Glitter Ball (5x8 bw)_Kirkland 9/10/2012 10:47 AM Page 1
A UCTION R ULES 1. All bids must be made on either your personal Smartphone or any kiosk using the swipe card given to you at check-in. 2. Any Silent Auction bid below the stipulated opening bid will not be valid. Any incremental bid that is less than the minimum raise stipulated on the handheld device will be ruled invalid. 3. All sales are final. 4. Payment for all items will begin five minutes after the Silent and Live Auctions end. 5. Payment must be made in full by cash, check, (payable to NSBNUSA), MasterCard or Visa. 6. All auction items must be removed from the premises at the conclusion of the benefit. A receipt must accompany the removal of all items. 7. All auction items or services must be used within a one-year period from the date of the benefit unless otherwise stipulated. Restrictions and blackout dates must be honored. No items are redeemable for cash, and certificates cannot be extended. Certificates for travel or services may not be sold or transferred by the winning bidder without prior approval of the donor. 8. Successful bids in excess of the fair market value may qualify as charitable contributions to the extent of such excess. Values set forth for items in the auction are the donor’s estimates. 19
One sparkling lake. 23 wooded acres. 1,000 things for children to discover.
McGladrey is proud to support House in the Wood. This retreat’s beautiful setting on Wisconsin’s Lake Delevan is the perfect place for urban children to enjoy the wonders of summer camp and learn valuable math, science and social skills immersed in the peacefulness of nature. To learn more about McGladrey, contact our Chicago office at 312.384.6000 or fax 312.634.3410. Go to
© 2012 McGladrey LLP. All Rights Reserved.
C HECKOUT P ROCEDURES 1. Checkout begins five minutes after the Silent and Live Auctions end. 2. If you must leave early, please stop by the checkout table to put a credit card on file in case you win a silent auction item. You may continue to bid from your smartphone after leaving the venue until the silent auction closes. 3. To pick up your receipt or to pay for our purchases, please proceed to the first available cashier. You will receive your invoice for items purchased and other donations. The invoice will serve as your receipt for tax purposes. Payment is to be made in full by cash, check made payable to NSBNUSA (North Shore Board of the Northwestern University Settlement Association), VISA or MasterCard. Credit card statements will reflect items purchased as payable to Northwestern Settlement. 4. Bring your receipt to the pickup area to claim your certificates, tickets and auction items.
25 years of being FORTUNE ® magazine’s “Most Admired…” It’s been an honor.
We are honored to be named one of FORTUNE ® magazine’s “America’s Most Admired” life insurance companies. From our financial representatives who help clients achieve financial security to the Northwestern Mutual Foundation whose charitable donations help society at large, we are thankful to all who make everything we accomplish possible.
Thomas G McBreen CLU® , CFP® Wealth Management Advisor McBreen, Neubauer & Associates (847) 663 - 7059
Adam J Neubauer Wealth Management Advisor McBreen, Neubauer & Associates (847) 663 - 7036
05-2779 The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI (Northwestern Mutual). Individuals listed are Insurance Agents of Northwestern Mutual (life and disability insurance, annuities). Thomas G McBreen & Adam J Neubauer are Insurance Agents of Northwestern Mutual (life and disability insurance, annuities), Representatives of Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company®, Milwaukee, WI, a subsidiary of Northwestern Mutual and limited purpose federal savings bank, and Registered Representatives of Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, LLC (securities), a subsidiary of Northwestern Mutual, broker-dealer and member FINRA and SIPC. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP (with flame logo)®, which it awards to individuals who successfully complete initial and ongoing certification requirements. FORTUNE® magazine, March, 2008.
Live (1000’s) 1001. Puppy Love This adorable black and white Shichon puppy will make a wonderful loving companion for any family! The Shichon is a first generation cross between a registered Shih Tzu and a registered Bichon. This beautiful female was born to a reputable breeder in southwest Missouri. Her coat is very soft and it actually feels like you are holding a cuddly teddy bear! Shichons are very friendly, have a gentle temperament and love everyone; the cat, other dogs, neighbors and the pizza guy, but especially your family! Shichons are intelligent, small dogs, ranging from 8 to 14 pounds when full grown. They are hypoallergenic and easy to groom. Your new puppy will come with current appropriate vaccinations and a copy of the veterinarian’s health certificate. Her collar, leash, crate, bed, food and fun toys are also included. She also comes with a gift certificate from Carriage Hill Kennels for services such as grooming and boarding. Donated by: Friends of the Settlement, Carriage Hill Kennels, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rocap, Noah’s Ark Pet Supply Retail Value: Priceless 1002. Exclusive Resorts Luxury Destination Club – 4 Night Stay Exclusive Resorts® Luxury Destination Club 4-Night Stay: Imagine having the best of all worlds when you go on vacation; the spacious comforts of a multi-million dollar private residence, the services and amenities of a luxury resort, and none of the hassle! Each Exclusive Resorts residence is more than spacious enough for family and friends and is tastefully furnished to exceed even the highest standards. When travelling with the club, you’ll enjoy privileged access to the amenities of world-class resorts and unmatched personalized service designed to anticipate your needs and leave you entirely free to do nothing more than enjoy your time with your loved ones. Now you have the opportunity to experience the pleasures of membership as a guest of Exclusive Resorts with a four-night stay. As our guest, you’ll enjoy the benefit of our standard services, including daily housekeeping and a dedicated Onsite Concierge to fulfill your every request, from stocking the pantry with your favorite foods before your arrival to hiring a private chef, booking tee times and more. Choose from these desirable locations: Bonita Beach; Florida; Deer Valley; Utah; Fort Lauderdale; Florida; Grand Cayman Cayman Islands; Los Cabos; Mexico; Peninsula Papagayo; Costa Rica; Real Del Mar; Puerto Vallarta; Mexico; Scottsdale; Arizona; Snowmass; Colorado; Steamboat Springs; Colorado; and Telluride, Colorado.
V E o t A a T c a ( w E D
1 C r C A c H i w I b L s l 2 f w t h T j r l D
n e
Vacation will consist of one consecutive four-night stay in an available Exclusive Resorts residence listed above for an individual (23 years of age or older) and his/her guests. Vacation is not transferable and is subject to terms and conditions of the Exclusive Resorts Club Sponsored Guest Agreement. Vacation must be reserved directly through Exclusive Resorts and may only be reserved within 90 days of the desired checkout date. Travel must occur between April 15, 2013 and November 15, 2013 must be completed by November 15, 2013. Reservations for specific dates, residences and destinations are subject to availability. Subject to blackout periods (including but not limited to the Thanksgiving and 4th of July holiday weeks, and the seven-day periods surrounding other holiday weeks). Eligible destinations and blackout periods subject to change. Donated by: Exclusive Resorts Retail Value: Priceless 1003. Take the Ride of your Life with Christian Vande Velde Choose your favorite ride on the North Shore, invite up to 9 friends, and ride with one of the world’s top road cyclists, Christian Vande Velde! Christian Vande Velde, born May 22, 1976 in Lemont, Illinois, is an American professional road-racing cyclist and two-times Olympian who currently rides for Garmin-Barracuda. The son of United States Bicycling Hall of Fame inductee John Vande Velde, Christian became professional in 1998 for US Postal after many successful years on the track where he won 5 national championships and the World Cup overall in the Individual Pursuit in 1997. He twice rode on the Tour de France team that brought Lance Armstrong to victory, in 1999 and 2001. Christian moved to Liberty Seguros in 2004 and switched to Team CSC in 2005 where he stayed through 2007. He worked as a domestique for several different leaders from Roberto Heras to Ivan Basso and finally Carlos Sastre. In 2008, Christian made the transition from super domestique to team leader, finishing the season as one of the world’s top cycling talents. As part of the winning team time trial squad at the Giro, Italia, Christian became only the second American ever to don the coveted maglia rosa. He rode heroically throughout the 2008 Tour de France, finishing fourth overall. The team’s biggest win in 2008 came when Christian took home the yellow jersey from the Tour of Missouri. He is Team Garmin-Barracuda’s on-theroad captain and will lead the team in many future victories. Date (2013), location, and ride intensity to be mutually agreed upon. Donated by: Christian Vande Velde Retail Value: Priceless
1004. Chicago Bears Field Experience, Helmet and Football Tickets This amazing package allows you and three guests to view the pre-game player warm-ups prior to the Chicago Bears vs. Seattle Seahawks game at Soldier Field on Sunday, December 2, 2012! Don't forget your camera! Winner and guests must be 12 years of age or older. Participants must abide by all stadium and ticket holder polices. Please note that Field access could be delayed or suspended at any time due to field maintenance or weather. Four tickets to the Chicago Bears vs. Seattle Seahawks game on December 2, 2012, noon kickoff. Seats located on west side of Soldier Field behind Bears bench between the 45th and 50th yard lines - section 136, row 5, seats 3-6. Take home this autographed Bears helmet from Brandon Marshall. Marshall, #15, joined the Bears in March as a Wide Receiver. He's a three-time Pro Bowler from Central Florida. The chemistry between Jay Cutler and Marshall has been exciting to watch! Includes certificate of authenticity from the Chicago Bears. Donated by: Chicago Bears and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaff Retail Value: Priceless 1005. A. Marek Diamond Bracelet designed by Rhonda Faber Green Delicate, modern, yet timeless, this beautiful ladies diamond bracelet has over three carats of round, brilliant diamonds set in eighteen-karat white gold. From Oscar’s red carpet to many of today’s popular television shows, award-winning designer Rhonda Faber Green's jewelry shows up everywhere. Join the gallery of celebrities who wear jewelry from Rhonda's signature Filagreen collection, and have your own red carpet experience with this beautiful bracelet. Donated by: A. Marek Fine Jewelry Retail Value: Priceless 1006. Mayan Palace - Playa Del Carmen, Mexico Enjoy a tropical retreat in the fabulous Riviera Maya, Mexico! Includes a one-week stay in a two-bedroom apartment at the Mayan Palace that sleeps 6 people (1 king bed, 2 full-size beds, sleeper sofa). Enjoy the 18-hole golf course and interconnected pools that are surrounded by palm trees just off of the beachfront! There is a fitness center offering classes or weights, full spa services, and delicious restaurants. Each bedroom has its own bath and apartment includes shared living area equipped with a kitchenette. Daily maid service included. Valid only 3/23-3/30/2013 (New Trier Spring Break) Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Henk Kamphuis Retail Value: Priceless
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1007. Ski Beaver Creek President's Weekend Ski Beaver Creek on the most popular ski weekend of the year! Spend five days and four nights skiing, snowshoeing, skating, snow tubing, or just relaxing in beautiful Beaver Creek. This condo at the St. James is located on the Beaver Creek Village Square just steps from the chair lifts, restaurants, shops and skating rink. This 3-bedroom/3-bath condo has a King Master Suite, King Guest Suite and a Bunkroom with four bunks. Enjoy the pool, outdoor hot tub and fitness center in the St. James and walk next door to be pampered at the famous Allegria Spa in the Hyatt. Also, it's just minutes by car or shuttle to Vail. Dates: Friday, February 15 to Tuesday, February 19. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson Retail Value: Priceless
a s
roud to support
North Shore Board Northwestern Settlement
- Romana Malinowski, Executive Director
Antonini Assael Buccellati Carrera y Carrera Christophe Danhier Custom Jewelry Design Cynthia Bach Elizabeth Locke Estate Furrer Jacot Georland
Girard Perregaux Harry Kotlar Korloff Mesino Monika Rich Kosann Oscar Heyman Patrick Mauboussin Picchiotti Rhonda Faber Green Robert Vogelsang Robin Rotenier
Oak Brook Promenade • 3021 Butterfield Road 630.954.2662 •
UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS, INCOMPARABLE VACATIONS Exclusive Resorts is the world’s leading private club for luxury vacations, with an ever-evolving choice of destinations, a trusted one-on-one relationship with your own personal advisor, and members-only access to the very best. Whether it’s a spacious villa in Costa Rica, an unforgettable safari in Africa, or a VIP event like The Masters Tournament in Augusta—we make once in a lifetime moments happen, more easily and often than you ever thought possible.
866.863.2688 |
Super Silent (500’s) 501. Big Sky, Montana Vacation Home Ski in/out of this luxury Cowboy Heaven Mountain home. Everything is brand new--furnishings, hot tub, media, and other interior finishes. Main floor offers a great room, family room, kitchen, and dining area, garage and ski room. Lower level houses 2 master bedrooms with king beds and a bunkroom with four beds. Each bedroom has its own bath. Perfect in both Summer and Winter with access to both Moonlight Basin and Big Sky right out your door. Blackout dates: Feb 15-28, 2013 and March 23-30, 2013. Based on mutually agreeable availability. Please reserve early as this unit has a very popular rental history. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. George Peinado Retail Value: $7,000 502. Chicago Cubs First Pitch! Take Me Out to the Ballgame! Experience the magic of Wrigley Field when you throw out the ceremonial first pitch at a Chicago Cubs home game during the regular 2013 season. You will see the Friendly Confines like never before...make the dream come true for yourself or your favorite Cubs fan. You will also receive four field box tickets to the game. A sure hit! Game date is subject to availability. Opening day and inter-league games are not available. Donated by: Chicago Cubs Retail Value: $5,000 503. 1xSRAM RED Road Bike Group The ultimate experience for any road biker! Your bike will be transported to SRAM's Chicago headquarters, and changed out by their very own technicians. New SRAM RED represents the pinnacle of road racing technology and delivers countless performance advantages to the professional and enthusiast alike. For 2012, the new RED continues in the SRAM tradition as the leader in lightweight, flawless shifting, and ergonomic advantage with gorgeous aesthetic styling. How did SRAM improve on the world's best mechanical gruppo? They started with everything they knew, and then designed a brand new drivetrain from scratch. Each part was engineered with the twin goals of eliminating the superfluous while focusing on an overall synergy that translates into unmatched performance. Elegant and simple, RED perfects the riding experience through genuine innovation. SRAM RED changes everything! Donated by: SRAM Corporation Retail Value: $2,575
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504. US Open "Behind the Scenes Tour for 2" and Two Tickets The high bidder of this package takes home a "Behind the Scenes Tour" for two people during the first week of the 2013 US Open at Flushing Meadows in New York. It includes two general admission tickets for the day of the tour and two Courtside Box Seat tickets for the Thursday night match...known as the Andre Agassi night...always a very special match. The tour can include areas like the referee's office, the interview rooms and maybe even the player's lounge. The high bidder must contact the donor before June 15, 2013. Donated by: Brian Earley, US Open Tournament Referee Retail Value: Priceless 505. Beachfront Home in St. Joseph, Michigan A one-week stay in a beautiful beachfront home in St. Joseph, Michigan. Hear the sound of waves rolling in while lying in bed or sitting on the back porch. Located at the south end of Silver Beach. It is a 5-bedroom home that comfortably sleeps 16. 1 week to be mutually agreed upon. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mercuri Retail Value: $5,000 506. Butch McGuire’s Cocktail Party or Brunch for 25 Certificate for one of the following (purchaser’s choice): Option 1: A cocktail party for 25 people, including open call bar and mixed appetizers for 2 hours. Option 2: Brunch for 25 including a custom Brunch menu and drink package with Bloody Marys. Party must be arranged at least 21 days in advance. Blackout dates include Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Super Bowl Sunday, Mothers Day and Fathers Day. Donated by: Butch McGuire's Retail Value: $2,000 507. Shelle Jewelers Shelle Jewelers has a long tradition of offering custom design and unforgettable engagement rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, watches and more. Now you will have the chance to wear something unique from Shelle. Add some brilliance to your jewelry collection while supporting the House In The Wood camp at this year's Glitter Ball. This stunning piece will be revealed at the event! Donated by: Shelle Jewelers Retail Value: Priceless
Nels J. Johnson Tree Experts, Inc. A Proud Tradition Since 1930
Phone: 847-475-1877 • Fax: 847-475-0037
Is Proud to support
House In The Wood Summer Camp
Diversions (2000’s) 2001. Jerry’s Restaurant Dine in this quintessential Winnetka restaurant. Enjoy the gourmet menu by chef Larry Smith based on seasonal flavors and French technique with eclectic influences. No expiration date. Donated by: Jerry's Restaurant Retail Value: $100 2002. Prairie Grass Cafe Dinner at Chef Sarah Stegner's award winning restaurant. Experience delicious organic and locally grown creations. Located in Northbrook. Donated by: Prairie Grass Cafe Retail Value: $100 2003. Avli Estiatorio "Philoxenia" is the Greek word for traditional hospitality and you will experience it at Avli Estiatorio in Winnetka. Enjoy traditional Greek dishes and regional selections that allow you to experience Greek dining in a fresh, new way. Kali Orexi! Gift certificate value $75. Donated by: Avli Estiatorio Retail Value: $75 2004. Pinstripes Use your $250 gift certificate for any of the amenities Pinstripes has to offer. Chose to play bocce or bowling. Enjoy a delicious meal. You could even plan your next children's birthday party. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bunge Retail Value: $250 2005. Dinner at Girl & The Goat and signed Chef Izard Cookbook At the hugely successful Girl & The Goat restaurant, executive Chef Stephanie Izard (Izard means goat) uses produce and meats from local farms to prepare award winning and creative dishes. Stephanie has been a recent winner of the TV show "Top Chef". She has also written a Cookbook that you can take home and enjoy with this package. Call to make reservations, typically well in advance. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brown Retail Value: $170
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2006. Dinner at Quince and a Night at the Homestead Enjoy the delicious cuisine and extensive wine list at Quince Restaurant, located at The Homestead Hotel in Evanston. Listed as Northwestern's top place to stay in September's issue of Make It Better, The Homestead Hotel in Evanston offers one night of lodging for two in a One-Bedroom Suite. Donated by: Quince Restaurant and The Homestead Hotel Retail Value: $285 2007. Dinner at Michael One of Sheridan Road Magazine's favorite places to dine on the North Shore is Michael, a culinary adventure right in Winnetka. Enjoy dinner out for four and taste for yourself the pleasure that is chef Michael Lachowicz's imaginative creations. Donated by: Sheridan Road Magazine Retail Value: $350 2008. Wolves and Steak Take in the Chicago Wolves action with two tickets for any Friday, Saturday, or Sunday game during the 2012-2013 regular season. The Chicago Wolves play home games at the Allstate Arena. The request for tickets must be received by December 31, 2012. Also, enjoy a pre or postWolves game dinner downtown or in Rosemont with a $150 gift card to Harry Caray's! Donated by: Chicago Wolves and Harry Caray's Italian Steakhouse Retail Value: $187 2009. Wine Tasting and Basket of Wine A private wine tasting with appetizers for 10 people at the Winnetka Wine Shop, plus 10% discount on shopping during the evening. Enjoy this hour and a half wine tasting hosted by The Wine Shop’s owner, Emily Link. Enjoy this basket of wines to take with you. Picnic Stix will keep your bottle and glasses safe and sound whilst stuck in to nature's less-thanperfect terrain. Donated by: The Bottle Shop, Winnetka Wine Shop Retail Value: $525 2010. Foodstuffs, Glencoe Pack the perfect picnic or Ravinia basket! Certificate entitles holder to purchase $200 worth of food and wine at Foodstuffs, Glencoe. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Probst Retail Value: $200
2011. REI Package The lucky winning bidder will choose an REI outdoor school class or outing. You and a friend will join REI for a day of discovering a new outdoor activity such as kayaking, mountain biking, GPS navigation, outdoor photography, road cycling, Geocaching, family hikes and more...! Also included in this package are REI Trekking poles made in Austria and a REI Vagabond Tour 40 Traveling pack, yours to take home. Preregistration required and subject to available space. Offer valid at Chicago area REI locations only. Donated by: REI Retail Value: $350 2012. See "The Birthday Party" at Steppenwolf Theatre Petey, Meg and their long-time tenant Stanley live dull, comfortable lives in a seaside boarding house in England. Their humdrum routine ends suddenly when two men appear bringing with them menace and mystery. Written by Harold Pinter, play runs January 24 -May 19, 2013. Two tickets to a 2:00 pm showing on Wednesday April 17, 2013. Ticket may be exchanged prior to April 17, 2013 through box office if available. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Lee O'Donnell Retail Value: $80 2013. Shakespeare Tickets and Dinner at Riva Enjoy a perfect evening out with friends! Package includes four tickets to enjoy the Shakespeare Theater and dinner at Riva. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter Retail Value: $400 2014. Joffrey Ballet and Dinner at Rhapsody Enjoy a perfect evening out with friends at the Ballet! Package includes four box tickets to enjoy at the Joffrey Ballet and Dinner at Rhapsody. Date to be mutually arranged. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter Retail Value: $500 2015. Chicago Symphony Orchestra Take your date to the Symphony! Package includes two CSO tickets on the main floor for the evening of March 28, 2013. Concert begins at 8:00 pm. Uchida plays Mozart. Conductor Mitsuko Uchida. No exchanges. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foradas Retail Value: $178
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2016. Four Ravinia Lawn Tickets to Show of your Choice Enjoy a night on the lawn listening to the act of your choice at Chicago's main summer event: The Ravinia Festival 2013! Choose one show for all four tickets within time specified by donor. Donor will contact purchaser in early 2013 to choose performance. Subject to availability. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Probst Retail Value: $375 2017. The American Club Experience the luxury of Deluxe room accommodations for one evening at the beautiful American Club resort in Kohler, Wisconsin plus a $500 gift certificate to spend anywhere at the resort. Choose the many amenities at the Kohler Waters Spa, Golf at Whistling Straits or Blackwolf Run or a second night’s stay. No expiration date on $500 gift certificate. Donated by: Kohler Co. American Club Retail Value: $1,000 2018. Lake Geneva Cottage One week stay at beautiful Lake Geneva in a newly built cottage. The family home sleeps eight; four bedrooms and three bathrooms. Located near Black Point just one block off the lake with lake views. You will have access to two swimming piers and two fishing piers. Linens, beach towels, inner tubes and family games all included; just bring your family and be ready to have some fun. Dates to be mutually agreed upon. Excludes: Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day. No smoking or pets. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russell Retail Value: $2,000
Style, Taste & Culture on the North Shore
Proud Media Sponsor of the
2012 Glitter Ball SUPPORTING THE WORK OF The North Shore Board of Northwestern Settlement House JWC Media
9965 Gross Point Road • Skokie, IL 60076
Wine (4000s) 4001. The Fantastic Dozen This is an amazing Riesling from one of world’s classic producers. Do not let the age fool you. This Auslese still has plenty of gas left in the tank! Quite the find! Alfred Merkelbach Ürziger WÜrzgarten Riesling Auslese 2001 – 12 bottles Donated by: Bain & Company Retail Value: $1,100 4002. For the Sweet Tooth The magnificent Quarts de Chaume is a fascinating wine, with compelling intensity. Always long-lived, in great vintages this wine can be almost immortal, improving for decades. Not produced every year, only when botrytis conditions are perfect. Do not hesitate! Domaine des Baumard “Quarts de Chaume” 1996 – 3 bottles Domaine des Baumard “Quarts de Chaume” 1990 -1 bottle Domaine des Baumard “Quarts de Chaume” 1995 – 1 bottle Donated by: Bain & Company Retail Value: $425 4003. The Epitome of Syrah From the great 1998 vintage in the Rhône Valley comes one of the classic wines of the appellation. This wine is truly a cellar selection and it will reward those with patience. Paul Jaboulet Hermitage 1998 – 3 bottles Donated by: Bain & Company Retail Value: $300 4004. Simply Chardonnay A full case of four classic Chardonnay producers from four completely different regions of the world. From Napa to Burgundy, taste the different terroirs and microclimates right in your glass! Beringer “Sbragia Limited Release” Chardonnay 2007 – 3 bottles William Fevre Chablis Gand Cru “Bougros” 2002 – 3 bottles Domaine Gaffens-Heynen Pouilly-Fuisse “La Roche” 2002 – 3 bottles Domaine des Heritiers du Comte Lafon Macon Milly-Lamartine Clos du Four 2007 – 3 bottles Donated by: Bain & Company Retail Value: $500
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4006. Champagne PowerhousesFour stunning bottles of Champagne that promise to help ring in the New Year! These two producers have over three centuries under their belts. Cheers! Krug Champagne MV – 2 bottles Charles Heidsieck Champagne 1999 – 2 bottles Donated by: Bain & Company Retail Value: $450 4007. Prestigious Loire While Pascal Cotat's first passion may have been restoring old cars, wine especially his family's Sauvignon Blanc - was a fast second. This gutsy white showcases that distinctive smoky, gunflint character you would expect to find from the region. Pascal Cotat “La Grande Cote” Sancerre 2005 – 12 bottles Donated by: Bain & Company Retail Value: $725 4008. Time is on Your Side....Sort of These six bottles have been lying down in our Donor’s cellar for several years and they are ready to stretch their legs. Great vintages, all of them, but they need to find a good home. This is a fun lot, to be sure! Casa Dalla Valle Napa Red 2005 – 2 bottles Laurel Glen Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 1999 – 2 bottles Pahlmeyer Red 1997 – 2 bottles Donated by: Bain & Company Retail Value: $650 4009. Petite Bordeaux - But Big on Flavor Hey, whom are you calling little?! These little guys may not carry the names of a first or second growth Bordeaux, but do not underestimate the quality. Great taste, great value, period! Château Rollan de By 2003 – 2 bottles Château Beaulieu “Comtes de Tastes” 2005 – 2 bottles Château Quinault L’Enclos 1999 – 2 bottles Donated by: Bain & Company Retail Value: $225 4010. Big Reds Go big or go home! Enjoy these 1995 Big Reds. Pahlmeyer Napa Valley Sauvignon Blend 1995 and Diamond Creek Red Rock Terrace Cabernet 1995 are great additions to your cellar of reds! Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $315
4011. A Behemoth Cabernet This 1996 Chateau Montelena Cabernet Sauvignon Estate was rated 93 Points by the Wine Advocate. It’s a behemoth and a beautiful expression of their stellar cab! Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $150 4012. Turley, Turley, Turley Everyone is always on the look-out for a Turley. Drink one of each now and lay the others down, you will not be disappointed. Turley “Old Vines” Zinfandel 2010 - 2bottles Turley “Library Vineyard” Petite Sirah 2009 - 2bottles Turley “Pesenti” Vineyard Petite Sirah 2009 - 2bottles Donated by: Bain & Company Retail Value: $400 4013. Chateau Pontet-Canet Just this side of exotic, but sound natural acidity gives shape to the thick, mellow dark berry and chocolate flavors. Chateau Pontet-Canet 2003 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $130 4014. Napa Valley Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 Enjoy wine from The Napa Valley Reserve, the private club founded in part by Bill Harlan (of Harlan Estate and Bond fame) and crafted by his winemaker Bob Levy. This wine cannot be purchased in stores or at restaurants, and is solely available through members of The Napa Reserve in St. Helena, California. Donated by: Mr. & Mrs. John Priest Retail Value: $300 4015. A Second Chance at a 2006 Napa Valley Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Enjoy a second chance at this exclusive wine from The Napa Valley Reserve, the private club founded by Bill Harlan and crafted by Bob Levy. This wine cannot be purchased in stores or at restaurants, and is available exclusively through members of The Napa Valley Reserve. Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $300
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4016. Classic California Chardonnays Enjoy a lot of half a dozen Chardonnays from some of the all-time classic producer in California. From the early wine pioneers to the winery (Montelena) AND winemaker (Grgich) that helped put CA on the map with their victory at the Judgment of Paris…there is a quite a bit of history here. Cakebread Chardonnay 2010 Château Montelena Chardonnay 2009 Rombauer Chardonnay 2011 Grgich Hills Chardonnay 2009 Stags Leap Chardonnay 2008 Ramey Chardonnay 2008 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $250
4017. Napa Cabernet Heritage You want to talk about history? Taste history in a bottle. These Cabernet producers have been around for decades, either as owners or in practice. Inspired by the likes of Andre Tchelistcheff, Mike Grgich, Joe Heitz, Larry Hyde and Dan Duckhorn… pedigrees run deep! Kathryn Hall Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 Chappellet Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 Chimney Rock Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 Neyers “AME” Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 John Anthony Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 Broman Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $350 4018. A Legendary Napa Meritage From CEO of a little known winery in Chile by the name of Concha y Toro to President of Franciscan Estates, Agustin Huneeus Sr. really has seen the evolution of the wine industry. Taste what experience is all about! Quintessa (signed bottle) 2007 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $125
4019. Opus One Vertical - Double Plus Good! Seriously? An Opus One vertical from three phenomenal vintages? Did I say Opus One? Enough said! Opus One 1997 - 2 bottles Opus One 1998 - 2 bottles Opus One 1999 - 2 bottles Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chiang Retail Value: $1,550 4020. This One is For the Zin Lovers Here are half a dozen Zinfandels from the old timers and some of the new kids on the block. Rodney Strong Reserve Zinfandel 2007 Bucklin “Old Hill Ranch” 2008 Ridge “Geyserville” Zinfandel 2008 Frog’s Leap Zinfandel 2009 Orin Swift “Saldo” Zinfandel 2009 Wine Guerrilla “Adel’s Vineyard” Zinfandel 2008 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $225 4021. Golden Bear Goodies Own some more history. Bid on this lot of Jack Nicklaus’ 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon. He has even signed the Magnum. FORE! Jack Nicklaus Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 - 6 bottles Jack Nicklaus Cabernet Sauvignon Magnum 2008 (signed bottle) Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $350 4022. Northsiders vs. Southsiders No, this is not the Cubs vs. the White Sox. It’s Oregon Pinot Noir versus California Pinot Noir. Some amazing juice from stellar regions of the West Coast. You be the judge! Shea Wine Cellars Pinot Noir 2009 Domaine Serene “Evenstad Reserve” Pinot Noir 2007 BerstrÖm “Cumberland Reserve” Pinot Noir 2010 Sanford Pinot Noir 2009 Hitching Post “Hometown” Pinot Noir 2009 Sea Smoke Southing Pinot Noir 2008 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $325
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4023. The Next Great Thing These wines come out of the hottest wine region in the world. Not due to temperature, but popularity. In recent years, South Africa has gained notoriety for producing some fantastic wines. And lucky for us in the states, they are finally exporting some of the good stuff. Jardin Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Graham Beck Viognier 2008 Hamilton Russel Pinot Noir 2009 Anthonij Rupert Cabernet Franc 2006 Stark-CondÉ Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 Boekhoutskloof Syrah 2008 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $225 4024. Break Out the Fiat Take an Italian trip trough Piedmont and Tuscany with this lot. From elegant to big and powerful, these reds are sure to please. Salute! Renato Ratti “Marcenasco” Barolo 2007 Solane Santi Amarone 2006 De Forville Barbaresco 2007 Casanova di Neri Brunello di Montalcino 2005 Ruffino Ducale Chianti Classico Riserva 2008 Brezza Dolcetto d’Alba 2009 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $275 4025. Bubbles, Bubbles and more Bubbles This lot will have you covered for hostess gifts throughout the holidays. Then again, who said you have to share? Nicolas Feuillatte NV Laurent Perrier Champagne NV Duval-Leroy “Blanc de Chardonnay” 1998 Pol Roger NV Veuve Clicquot Rosé Billecart-Salmon Brut Rosé Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $375
4026. Big Brother, Little Brother Silver Oak has always had a bit of a following. Here we feature both of their vineyard designates, Napa and Sonoma. What else needs to be said? Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley 2006 Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon, Alexander Valley 2007 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $190 4027. Kissin' Cousins Not everyone drinks Cabernets. Here your chance to bring home this wellknown Napa producer’s “other” wines. Delicious! Plumpjack Syrah 2009 Plumpjack Merlot 2009 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $125 4028. Second is Pretty Darn Good Gruaud Larose is a second growth Bordeaux in Saint-Julien. The juice that is not used for their $100+ bottling is used for their second label, Larose de Gruaud. Practically the same wine, but at half the price. An incredible deal! Larose de Gruaud 2008 - 6 bottles Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $250 4030. I Come from the Land Down Under Believe it or not, Australia still makes some great wine. This lot is a great example of the wineries that have stood the test of time. Torbreck “Woodcutter’s” Semillon 2009 Peter Lehmann “Layers” White 2010 Mitolo “Jester” Shiraz 2009 Tir na N’og “Old Vines” Grenchae 2006 John Duval “Entity” Shiraz 2009 Yalumba “The Signature” Shiraz 2006 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $175
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4031. The Other Brother from the Land Down Under Now for something from the “Kiwis”. New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs and Pinot Noirs have been achieving high ratings and popularity and these are no exception. Here we have two producers with a history of consistently creating amazing wines. Wooollaston Sauvignon Blanc 2011 Palliser Estate Pinot Noir 2007 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $150 4032. Burgundy, on a Budget Sure you could drink Pommards and Corton-Charlemagnes every day, but that will cost you. Enjoy this lot of great Burgundies for pennies on the dollar. Domaine Seguinot-Bordet Chablis 2009 Domaine Cheveau Macon-Solutre-Pouilly 2009 Bachey-Legros “Sous La Roche” Santenay Blanc 2009 Domaine Pelletier Bourgogne-Passetoutgrain 2009 Domaine Besson Givry “Les Grands PrÉtans” 1er Cru 2008 Bachey-Legros “Clos des HÂtes” Santenay Rouge 2009 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $175 4033. Olé!, Olé!, Olé! Don’t miss out on this small Spanish production of “Psi” by famed winemaker, Peter Sisseck. Peter really knows how to push Tempranillo to its limits. This wine is the perfect addition to anyone’s “Cult” cellar. Andale! Andale! Dominio de Pingus “Psi” 2007 - 3 bottles Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $125 4034. If it is Good Enough for the Pope… The region of ChÂteauneuf-du-Pape has been around for centuries. We are pretty sure they have figured out how to make some phenomenal wines. Don’t wait to place your bid on this six-pack! Domaine du Vieux Lazeret ChÂteauneuf-du-Pape 2009 – 2 bottles Domaine Pierre Usseglio ChÂteauneuf-du-Pape 2009 – 2 bottles Bosquet des Papes ChÂteauneuf-du-Pape 2009 – 2 bottles Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $175
4035. The Meritage Six Pack Meritage (rhymes with heritage) wines are defined as blended red or white wines using ONLY Bordeaux varieties. This red six-pack lot comes from three fantastic Meritage producers in both Napa & Sonoma. Enjoy! Dry Creek “The Mariner” 2008 – 2 bottles Maier Family Meritage 2005 – 2 bottles Duckhorn “Decoy” 2010 – 2 bottles Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $225 4036. You Wanted Malbecs? Here Are Your Malbecs! Oh yes, let’s not forget about Argentina. We live in the Midwest and what goes better with a big juicy steak off the grill? Exactly, Malbec! Enjoy these big, bold reds from the Southern Hemisphere. Ben Marco “Expresivo” Malbec Blend 2009 O. Fournier “Alfa Crux” Malbec 2007 Bodega Tacuil “RD” Mablec/Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $175 4037. He is the Most Interesting Man in the World…of Wine Randall Grahm, the “Original Rhone Derranger”, is one of the most iconic figures in the wine industry. He is legendary for blending Rhone varieties from the Central Coast. Recently, he has branched out to include Spanish grapes, as well. If you have ever tasted his wines, you just know. Bonny Doon Albarino 2010 Bonny Doon “Le Cigare” Blanc 2008 Bonny Doon “Clos de Gilroy” Grenache 2010 Bonny Doon “Le Pousser” Syrah 2008 Bonny Doon “Contra” Old Vine Field Blend 2009 Bonny Doon “Le Cigar Volant” 2007 Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $350
The Northwestern Settlement House
His and Hers (6000s) 6001. Coach Purse and Manicure at Botanics Beautiful, distinctive leather large purse with silver metal chain hardware. Keep your nails healthy and great with a manicure at Botanics, Donated by: Botanics Nails and Spa, Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $508 6002. Balenciaga Papier Quatro Change Purse Kelly Green leather change purse from Chalk boutique. Donated by: Chalk Boutique Retail Value: $465 6003. Worth Handbag and $100 Gift Certificate Slate grey sparkling dressy leather handbag with zipper pouch and pocket. Gift certificate expires January 30, 2013 Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kaplan Retail Value: $498 6004. Fashion and Nails Enjoy this gift certificate from 312 Tudor, a Glencoe clothing boutique. Treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure from one of the best nail salons on the North Shore, Forever Young Nails. Donated by: 312 Tudor, Forever Young Nails Retail Value: $150 6005. European Facial and Manicures Look years younger after experiencing this facial from Noushin. Package also includes two manicures from Glencoe's popular nail salon, Bien Assorti. Donated by: Inspiration Salon and Spa, Bien Assorti Retail Value: $136 6006. Color, Cut and Style You'll love your new look with a new hair color, haircut and style from one of the most popular and well-regarded salons on the North Shore. Hair Color with Jennifer and Haircut with Style with Liliya. Donated by: Inspiration Salon and Spa Retail Value: $125
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6007. A Day of Beauty Indulge in a day of luxury. Package includes manicure, pedicure, haircut with a blow dry and a makeup application. Donated by: Hairsay Salon Retail Value: $212 6008. Sitting and Oil Painting Portrait Classic Portrait Source "Oil Painting Masters" are painted completely by hand in oils on artist canvas. The photographic image is taken at Donald Sayles' studio and transferred to canvas. The result is a perfectly proportioned 11x14 oil painting. Donated by: Classic Portrait Source, Donald Sayles Retail Value: $1,175 6009. Jovanka Corazzina Photography Get a two hour photo shoot of your choice, His and Hers or with the family. This certificate does not include travel time, reprints or CD. It is for a two-hour photo shoot only. Donated by: Jovanka Corazzina Photography Retail Value: $200 6010. Winnetka Community House Fitness Center If you haven't tried this conveniently located fitness center with state of the art equipment, now is your chance! Enjoy a 3-month membership at Winnetka Community House Fitness Center, so close to home. No more excuses. Donated by: Winnetka Community House Fitness Center Retail Value: $210 6011. Get in Shape with this Lifetime Athletic Club Membership There's no time like the present to start getting in shape! Use this onemonth individual membership at Lifetime Athletic in Skokie to get started. Not valid for current, former or on flex Life Time Athletic Club Members. Membership must be activated by October 31, 2013. Donated by: Lifetime Athletic Retail Value: $150
6012. NorthShore Medi Spa With this Microdermabrasion treatment you can reduce age spots, crow's feet, uneven skin tone and texture, fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damage with this safe, effective skin resurfacing treatment. Your skin is massaged with densely packed diamonds to precisely and painlessly exfoliate and rejuvenate. Donated by: NorthShore Medi Spa Retail Value: $150 6013. Whiskey Your Way and Two Dozen Carol's Cookies Get creative as you age your own whiskey! An Age Your Own Whiskey Kit includes a bottle of unaged Cedar Ridge Whiskey. Prepare the White Oak barrel, and age to desired flavor. Then serve in one of four beautiful Cut Leaded Crystal Old Fashioned glasses from Williams Sonoma. Also includes two dozen delicious Carol's Cookies. You must order them in advance and pick up at Highland Park Location. Donated by: Carol's Cookies, Mr. & Mrs. John Priest Retail Value: $210 6014. Carol's Cookies Large Gift Tins Two large gift tins of fabulous Carol's Cookies! This includes shipping of the tins any time except December. Donated by: Carol's Cookies Retail Value: $100
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6016. Tiffany Interlocking Circles Pendant Tiffany exclusive RUBEDO™ metal celebrates the 175th anniversary of Tiffany & Co.’s founding. Pendant in RUBEDO™ metal and sterling silver. Size medium, on a 20" chain. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carter Retail Value: $475
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6017. Semi Precious Stone Ring Absolutely fabulous! Stunning garnet gemstone set in a Tiffany 24 carat setting. Donated by: Anonymous Retail Value: $300
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6018. Gemstone Ring Absolutely fabulous II! Beautiful sparkling citrine gemstone set in a Tiffany 24 carat setting. Donated by: Anonymous Retail Value: $175
6019. Kenneth Jay Lane Maltese Cross Cuff Bracelet Fabulous Kenneth Jay Lane double Maltese Cross cuff bracelet: gunmetal enamel with 22k gold-plated and black Swarovski crystal cross. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Groeneveld-Meijer Retail Value: $231 6020. Stella and Dot Metropolitan Mixed Chain Necklace Metropolitan mixed chain necklace with toggle closure by Stella and Dot. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Matt Waldman Retail Value: $198 6021. Temptations Gift Certificate and Bracelet Delicate gold colored multi-chained bracelet with a touch of bling and $50 gift certificate from Glencoe's most eclectic boutique to help find the perfect outfit to go with your new jewelry! Donated by: Temptations Retail Value: $110
6022. Women's Fashion Sunglasses Tom Ford sun wear reflect the hallmark styling of this world-renowned stylist. These “Jennifer” style glasses feature a tortoise shell frame and are 100% UV protected lenses. Donated by: i2i Eyecare Retail Value: $415
6023. Men's Fashion Sunglasses You’ll have heads turning when you wear these Kaeonon men’s sunglasses. They feature titanium grey semi rimless frame with polarized impact resistant lenses. Great for golf, tennis. and water sports! Donated by: i2i Eyecare Retail Value: $350
6024. Hermes Tie Discover the Hermes universe your own way with this luxurious merlot diagonal stripe and dash woven silk tie. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Groeneveld-Meijer Retail Value: $200
6025. TUMI Men's Toiletry Kit Let him travel in style! From the ARRIVE collection, this handsome men's toiletry case comes with smooth calfskin trim, chrome accents, custom made leather handles, hanger hook, mesh zip pockets and more. It'll change the way you travel forever. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. David Stricklin Retail Value: $175 6026. Weber Q 320 Grill Be the grill master you've always wanted to be with this state of the art Weber gas grill which features a 462 square inch cooking area illuminated by a brilliant Grill Out handle light, 2 stainless steel burners, removable catch pan, 2 porcelain enameled cast iron cooking grates, electronic ignition and more! Donated by: Weber Retail Value: $380 6027. Tateossian Silver Cufflinks and CrossRoads Car Wash Add a little pizazz to that traditional French cuff shirt with these unique Tateossian silver 3-D lizard cufflinks from Neiman Marcus. Keep your car looking new with this $50 gift certificate. Crossroads offers a wide variety of services with friendly staff and a comfortable waiting room. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. David Stricklin, Crossroads Soft Cloth Car Wash and Detail Retail Value: $215 6028. Name Your Own Batch Of Bourbon and Car Wash Enjoy a bottle of FEW bourbon, a tour of the distillery and then name your own batch. Each barrel makes approximately 30 bottles, valued at $55 each, and bottles can be shipped anywhere in the world. All aspects of the Full Service Wash, Exterior Buff & Wax and Interior Shampoo & Cleaning Clean carpets, mats, upholstery, leather, vinyl & plastic surfaces. Clean out air vents and all nooks and crannies The goal is to make your car look and feel brand new! Distiller reserves the right to veto certain names. Donated by: FEW Distillery, Norm's Car Wash Retail Value: $545 6029. J. Hilburn Custom Luxury Menswear Two $100.00 gift certificates to J. Hilburn custom luxury menswear, including custom made shirts and suits. Available to new customers only, for custom shirts only. Expiration 4/30/13. Donated by: J. Hilburn Retail Value: $200
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6030. Bose SoundLink Bluetooth Wireless Speaker Enjoy clear, detailed sound from a small, portable speaker that connects wirelessly to your mobile phone, iPod or other bluetooth device. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Rick Weiler Retail Value: $269 6031. Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD Black On-Ear Headphones Light weight, high performance Beats by Dr. Dre give you a high definition sound experience, providing ultra precise highs and mids, plus deep, distortion-free bass, so you hear every detail, the way the artist intended you to hear it. Frequency Response: 20 - 20.000 Hz Tri-fold design and travel case for easy storage. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Groeneveld-Meijer Retail Value: $200 6032. X Box 360 Bundle X Box 360 Bundle features the whisper-quiet console with WiFi connection and 250GB hard drive, enabling you to store movies and even complete games. Also features Kinect sensor, which enables you to dispense with the controller and use your whole body to dictate the action in Kinect-compatible games. Bundle also includes 2 Kinect-compatible games with an ESRB rating of E or E10+. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Daniels Retail Value: $400
6033. Customized Catered Event Work with Jennifer to customize the perfect menu for your next event. You choose...5 course gourmet dinner with 3 hors d'oeuvres for 10, buffet dinner for 25, cocktail party for 50 or brunch for 25. Perfect for the holidays, graduation, birthdays and more. Everything will be homemade by Jennifer with the most fresh and natural ingredients. Date to be mutually agreed upon. Does not include staff or wine. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. David Stricklin Retail Value: $500 6034. Leather Office Chair Comfortable blue leather chair for the office with all the bells and whistles! Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mills Retail Value: $850
Quintessential New Trier is proud to sponsor the
North Shore Board of the Northwestern Settlement and the life-changing opportunities it provides for the inner city children of Chicago.
874 Green Bay Road, Suite 350, Winnetka, IL 60093 | 847.381.3860 |
REI is proud to support the
Glitter Ball benefiting the House In The Wood Summer Camp and their commitment to inspire the children of Chicago to enjoy outdoor adventure.
Travel (7000’s) 7002. Cannon Beach House Enjoy Magnificent Cannon Beach on the Pacific Ocean! Listed in the top 10 most beautiful destinations in USA Today's 2008 survey. Charming beach house located in a quiet, private enclave, just a few minutes walk from the beach. The house sleeps up to 8 people. Contact Mrs. Geisler. Donated by: Mrs. Geisler Retail Value: $1,800 7003. Four Nights at the Annabelle Inn, Aspen The Annabelle Inn is a classic lodge right in the heart of Aspen, Colorado. Offering all of the modern conveniences with unique, rustic charm. Located right on Main Street, you are steps from the town center and the shuttle bus stops right in front of the hotel. Enjoy Aspen anytime; the mountains welcome you in any season. World-class skiing, mountain biking, summer festivals. This offering is good for a Four-night stay for two, between November 4, 2012 through December 20, 2012 or January 3, 2013 through December 20, 2013. Donated by: Annabelle Inn, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Chookaszian Retail Value: $1,500 7005. Harbor Springs, Michigan One week stay in beautiful Harbor Springs, Michigan. Newly remodeled home in stunning wooded location 5 minutes from downtown Harbor Springs and Boyne Highlands and Nubs Nob ski resorts. Sleeps 10 with four bedrooms and three baths. Dates to be mutually agreed upon. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rocap Retail Value: $2,000
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7006. Red Mountain Resort, Utah Surrounded by the red sandstone and black lava rocks of Snow Canyon State Park, Red Mountain Resort is the perfect escape for the outdoor enthusiast. Offering a range of activities from guided hiking, biking, and canyoneering to world-class spa treatments, there's no better place to rejuvenate or rediscover your passion for adventure. This package includes a three-day, two night package for 2 in a deluxe room, three healthy meals daily, guided morning hikes, unlimited fitness classes, healthy life classes, and cooking demonstrations, and full use of the resort's facilities. Red Mountain is located a scenic two-hour drive northeast of Las Vegas. Travel to and from St George, Utah is the winner's responsibility. Gratuities are not included. This package may be booked for any day of arrival and is subject to availability and blackout dates. Some restrictions may apply. Donated by: Red Mountain Resort Retail Value: $1,560 7007. Anna Maria Island, Florida One week stay at charming Gulf of Mexico beachfront cottage on Anna Maria Island, Florida. Three bedrooms, 2 bath home sleeps 8 (with pullout sofa). Listen to the waves crash, watch dolphins swimming, and experience amazing sunsets from the huge porch or on the large sandy beach found at your doorstep. This quiet island is located north of Longboat Key at the mouth of Tampa Bay. Stay must be SaturdaySaturday, based on mutually agreeable dates November 2012-December 15, 2013. Blackout dates: February-April, holidays and spring break are not available. Security/damage deposit is required. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. David Golder Retail Value: $2,800 7010. Weekend at Four Seasons Chicago Swanky never goes out of style. The Four Seasons name is synonymous with refinement and exemplary service. Pamper yourself in the spa and indulge in the array of exclusively-selected treatments. Delight in the elegant restaurant. Included in this package is Two Nights in a City View King Room. Includes a daily Midwest Breakfast for two at Allium Restaurant, includes all taxes (excludes alcoholic beverages) Not valid for holidays, citywide conventions, special events. Subject to availability. Donated by: Four Seasons Hotel Retail Value: $1,100
7011. The “Jewel of the Desert�--Arizona Biltmore Resort, Phoenix Since 1929, the Arizona Biltmore has been a destination of inspiration. 39 acres of gardens, swimming pools, and iconic architecture stir a city to life, provide safe haven to celebrities and presidents, and envelop guests in historic luxury. Championship golf, a 22,000 square foot spa and fitness center, restaurants, and innumerable amenities await you. Experience the unrivaled grace of this timeless treasure with a spirited soul. Two Nights Premier Accommodations for two includes tax and daily resort charge; excludes incidentals. Donated by: Waldorf Astoria Retail Value: $1,100
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7012. Wine Country Getaway in Sonoma, California Enjoy a four-day, three-night stay in Sonoma, California! Nestled on 10 acres in the prestigious Chalk Hill appellation of the Alexander Valley, this beautifully renovated and newly furnished, 5br/3.5ba, 3200 sq. ft., twostory lovely home with central heat/AC, sits on a wooded knoll just above the vineyards. A separate 1br/1ba pool house on the opposite side of the circle drive combines with the main house to provide a total of 6 bedrooms and 4.5 baths, accommodating 12+ guests. Completing this wonderful retreat is an in-ground pool, spa, and abundant, new outdoor furniture on a flagstone patio beside the pool with beautiful landscaping and lawn all around. Blackout dates include major holidays. Dates to be mutually agreed upon between donor and winner. Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $3,600
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7013. Beachwalk Resort Vacation Home Sandy feet are welcome! Located just an hour from Chicago in Michigan City, IN, Beachwalk is a resort community where cottages and white picket fences line the street along the shores of Lake Michigan. Bring your family and enjoy swimming, tennis, beautiful sunsets and even apple picking while staying in a 3-4-bedroom house for a long weekend. Exclusions: Memorial Day through Labor Day 2013 Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moss Retail Value: $1,500
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7014. Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead (Atlanta) Weekend Escape Enjoy a “cocoon of civility” at this luxury hotel, which houses the best restaurant in the city, as described by Zagat. With impeccable attention to detail, each of the hotel’s spectacular rooms are inspired by the timeless appeal of Southern gardens and provide guests with an exceptional array of amenities. Located in the city’s finest neighborhood, this elegant hotel is four miles from Midtown’s cultural epicenter, exquisite eateries, and nightlife. 2 night stay in deluxe accommodations including bed and breakfast package. Includes room, tax, and gratuity. Valid at Buckhead Ritz only. No expiration date. Donated by: Ritz Carlton Buckhead Retail Value: $600 7015. Hotel Jerome, Aspen, Colorado A three-night stay for 2 in deluxe accommodations with one dinner included at the historic and newly renovated Hotel Jerome in breathtaking Aspen, Colorado. Exquisite dining, world-class skiing, and the finest accommodations. Date of stay based on availability, valid January 1December 15, 2013. Blackout dates include all holidays and peak periods including X Games Weekend, President's Weekend, and Food and Wine Weekend. Donated by: Hotel Jerome, An Auberge Resort Retail Value: $3,000 7016. Vintage on The Strand, Canyons Resort, Park City, Utah Summer is the best time to be in the mountains! Festivals, street fairs and live public concerts all can be enjoyed from this stunning 2 bedroom-2 bath luxury mountain condo in Canyons Resort, Park City, Utah. Top end, gourmet kitchen opens to a lovely, spacious family room with fireplace. Each bedroom has its own spa-like bathroom. Enjoy the resort's outdoor pool. Make it a relaxing or active getaway with oodles of activities to choose from, including golf, fly-fishing, mountain biking, hiking, hot air ballooning, and rock climbing. Relax with a glass of wine in the hot tub at the end of the day. The mountains offer it all. Sleeps 6 with the pullout couch. Exit cleaning fee $100. Daily maid service is available for an extra fee. Condo available for a one week stay between May 1-October 31, 2013. Dates to be mutually agreed upon. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $1,500
RMR12_1972_Glitter_Ball_Auction_Book_5x8.indd 1
9/20/12 2:18 PM
is a proud sponsor of the 2012 Glitter Ball benefiting House In The Wood
Proud Sponsors of Camp in the Woods. Stay and Play in Style at Four Seasons Hotel on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile.
Thank you to all of the 2012 Glitter Ball attendees and your generous support of House In The Wood summer camp. Your donations have helped to put
hundreds of smiles on the faces of
children in the inner-city of Chicago! -The North Shore Board of the Northwestern Settlement
Sports (8000’s) 8001. Two Chicago Bears Tickets and Tackle Buddy Have a great time at the game with these two tickets to the Chicago Bears vs. Seattle Seahawks on Sunday, December 2, 2012 - on the 50-yard-line! Kick-off at noon. Tickets are Club Seats with United Club access and include the best parking. The United Club is the premier hospitality area for Club Seat ticket holders. Located exclusively on the East side of Soldier Field, the three-level climate controlled indoor lounge combines a variety of food and beverages with surroundings unlike any other seating area. Tickets are located in Section 209, Row 13, Seats 9 and 10. Add some fun to your football party or game day with this officially licensed Fremont Die NFL Tackle Buddy. Take out your pre- or post-game stress! Donated by: Anonymous, Ms. Patty Johnson Retail Value: $1,038 8002. See the Chicago Bulls in Action! Two tickets to see the Bulls! Seats are in mid-court, nine rows back. Tickets are available for the 2012/2013 regular season. Date to be mutually agreed upon. Donated by: Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Urban Retail Value: $250 8003. Michigan Football Tickets for November 10, 2012 Take home two tickets to the Michigan v. Northwestern Game at Michigan on November 10, 2012. Kick-off time TBD. Seats are in section 11, row 34, seats 18 and 19. Donated by: Anonymous Retail Value: $150 8004. Michigan Football Tickets November 17, 2012 It's a great day for football! Two tickets to the Michigan v. Iowa Game at Michigan on November 17, 2012. Kick-off time TBD. Seats are in section 11, row 34, seats 18 and 19. Donated by: Anonymous Retail Value: $150 8005. 2 Tickets for Duke Basketball Don't miss this chance to see the Blue Devils in action with two tickets to a 2012/2013 Duke basketball game. Date to be mutually agreed upon (most games are available). Expires at the end of 2013 season. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rocap Retail Value: $200
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8006. Northwestern v. Illinois Football Enjoy two tickets to Northwestern v. Illinois at Northwestern's Ryan Field on Saturday, November 24, 2012. Seats are on the 35-yard line, section 130, row 23, seats 19 and 20 - right by the pathway. There's room to stretch your legs, and you don't have to climb over anyone to get to the seats. High enough to see the strategy of the game, but not so high that all the people are dots. You can hear the band, but aren't deafened by them. This section was originally the faculty and staff section, and still leans toward current and former NU employees. Donated by: Mr. & Mrs. Chris Crone Retail Value: $86 8007. See the Bears in Action! Go Bears! Enjoy two tickets to see the Bears in action against the Houston Texans on Sunday, November 11, 2012. Kick-off is at 7:20pm. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Blake Johnson Retail Value: $180 8008. Chicago Rush Arena Football If you haven't experienced the thrill of arena football with the Chicago Rush now is your chance! Enjoy 4 tickets to the 2013 regular season; subject to availability. The 2013 team is full of guys who are determined to never let the fans down. During the games, the PA announcer gets the fans revved up and the game emcee keeps up the energy by engaging fans through various promotions, trivia and contests. At the end of the game, stick around to receive an autograph, photos or even a conversation with the players and dancers. It's football and it's fun! Certificate must be redeemed one week prior to the game. Certificate is good thru end of 2013 season. Schedule has not been released yet, so 8/1/13 is just an educated guess. Donated by: Chicago Rush Retail Value: $140 8009. Cheer on the Sox and Dinner! Enjoy watching the Chicago White Sox from box seats at U.S. Cellular Field. Start out the evening with dinner in The Bard's Room. Four tickets for the 2013 season. Date to be mutually agreed upon. Excludes Opening Day, Cubs, Yankees and Boston Series. Expires at end of 2013 season. Donated by: Chicago White Sox Retail Value: $300
8010. Chicago Blackhawks Tickets One Game (TBD) 2 tickets, Section 210 1st row tickets on the aisle w/parking pass. Date to be mutually agreed upon with donor and winning bidder. Season schedule may be altered due to contract talks and possible NHL strike. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Garett Skiba Retail Value: $200 8011. Take Me Out to the Ballpark. Four Tickets to the Cubs! There is nothing better than watching a great game of baseball on a summer day! You and three friends can use these Club Box tickets for a 2013 regular season Cubs game and enjoy the action on the field. Tickets are in Aisle 6, Row 6, Seats 105-108 (seats will be same or better next year). Please contact donor early to agree upon an available game. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Blake Hannafan Retail Value: $448 8012. Northwestern Wildcats Tickets - November 24, 2012 See the Wildcats take on the Fighting Illini on November 24, 2012. These two tickets are on the west side in the Northwestern section. Game time TBD. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Kip Kirkpatrick Retail Value: $120 8013. Northwestern v. Illinois Basketball Tickets - February 17, 2013 Watch the fun on the court with these 4 tickets to the Northwestern vs. Illinois game on February 17, 2013. Game time is 6:30pm in Evanston. Tickets are in section 102 front row. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Kip Kirkpatrick Retail Value: $124 8014. Touchdown Bears!!! Four Bears Tickets for November 11, 2012 Four tickets to the Bears vs. Houston Texans can be yours! Tickets are Club Seats with United Club access and include the easily accessible Waldron Deck parking. Kick-off is at 7:20pm. The United Club is the premier hospitality area for Club Seat ticket holders. Located exclusively on the East side of Soldier Field, the three-level, climate controlled indoor lounge combines a variety of food and beverages with surroundings unlike any other seating area. Tickets are section 205, row 16, seats 5-8. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson Retail Value: $1,085
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8015. Golf at Sunset Ridge Country Club Enjoy a round of golf for three at the beautiful Sunset Ridge Country Club. Day and time must be arranged with Richard Porter, who will be your fourth player. Expires 11/3/2013. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter Retail Value: $405
8016. Winnetka Park District Round of Golf for Four with Carts Are the links calling you? A foursome can play a round of golf with two golf carts on the beautiful 18-hole Winnetka Golf Course with this certificate. Valid Monday thru Thursdays. Expires 11/1/13. Donated by: Winnetka Park District Retail Value: $240 8017. Golf for Three at the Chicago Golf Club Golf for three at the exclusive Chicago Golf Club in Wheaton, IL. The Chicago Golf Club is one of the five founding clubs of the US Golf Association in 1894. It was the nation's first 18-hole golf course. Lunch and caddies included. Date and time to be mutually agreed upon. Don Rocap will be your fourth player. Expires 11/3/2013. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rocap Retail Value: $750 8018. Golf for Three at Beautiful Skokie Country Club Enjoy a round of golf for three at the beautiful Skokie Country Club. Skokie Country Club has hosted the U.S. Open, the Western Amateur (2010), and, over the years, some of the greatest names in golf. Kevin Forman will be your host and the fourth player. Includes caddy fees. Expires 11/3/2013. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Forman Retail Value: $500 8019. Enjoy a Round of Golf for Three at Skokie Country Club Grab your clubs and hit the course! Three people will join Sam Elsaden for a leisurely round of golf at Skokie County Club followed by a casual lunch. Date and time to be mutually agreed upon with Sam Elsaden. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsaden Retail Value: $500
8020. Northwestern vs. Notre Dame Framed Poster Journey back in time to the crisp Evanston autumn days of yesteryear when you could grab a program and a seat on the 50-yard line for some old time college football, Wildcat style! Enjoy this authentic reproduction of a classic souvenir game program cover! Donated by: Ms. Patricia M. Johnson Retail Value: $125 8021. Framed Family Tree of Cubs by Bruce Burton Artist Burton brings to life the history of the Chicago Cubs. The content of the tree in uniquely arranged in chronological order and sized by significance. Thus, the story is told, from the beginning to end, without turning pages. The artist was born in Waukegan and raised in Evanston, Illinois. Donated by: Ms. Patricia M. Johnson Retail Value: $150 8022. Ernie Banks, Mr. Cub, Framed Autographed Photo Ernie Banks, #14, is regarded as one of the most popular baseball players in Chicago sports history. Banks played his entire career with the Chicago Cubs from 1953 to his retirement in 1971. Ernie ended his career with 512 home runs. His popularity and positive attitude led to the nicknames "Mr. Cub" and "Mr. Sunshine." "It's a great day for a ball game; let's play two!" is one of his famous quotes. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sullivan Retail Value: $250 8023. Go Hawks! Autographed Puck and Photo This autographed framed photo of defenseman Niklas Hjalmarsson is for the true Hawks fan! He won the Stanley Cup with the Chicago Blackhawks in 2010. A slapshot of Hjalmarsson's was redirected by Andrew Ladd to take a 3-2 lead in game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals where his team won in 4-3 in overtime. Take home this Johnny Oduya signed puck for your Blackhawks' fan! Oduya joined the Chicago Blackhawks in February 2012 from the New Jersey Devils. He has also skated for the Washington Capitals and the Atlanta Thrashers. Oduya was named to the 2010 Winter Olympics as a member of the Swedish men's ice hockey team. Donated by: Chicago Blackhawks Retail Value: $145
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8024. The Chicago Bull's Joakim Noah Autographed Photograph This growing all-star has most recently helped lead the Bulls to two consecutive playoff appearances the past two seasons. Joakim’s dream of becoming an NBA player was finally realized in 2007 when the Chicago Bulls selected him in the first round of the NBA Draft with the number Nine overall pick. Any NBA Team merchandise acquired in the Glitter Ball is for personal use only. The merchandise may not be used for advertising, promotional (including contests and sweepstakes) or other commercial purposes. Note: Restrictive language has been added per Chicago Bulls requirement. Donated by: Chicago Bulls Retail Value: $100 8025. HOF Joe Dimaggio Signed Limited Edition Framed Lithograph Joe Dimaggio has personally hand signed this 26x32 inch Lithograph with a blue sharpie pen. Joe was nice enough to add his "YANKEE CLIPPER" inscription below his autograph. Perfect Signature, no smears or smudges. This piece is hand numbered 148 out of 444. This lithograph comes with matching numbered authenticity sticker on the poster and a Full-page letter Certificate of Authenticity from Yankee Clipper Enterprises, which Dimaggio owned until his death. Donated by: Dr. Christine Jacobek Retail Value: $1,000
0 8026. Autographed Peyton Manning Shirt and a Tackle Buddy This autographed Peyton Manning shirt will look great in your family room or office! The shirt is a Nike Pro Combat officially licensed NFL product. Add some fun to your football party or game day with this officially licensed Fremont Die NFL Tackle Buddy. Take out your pre- or post-game stress! Donated by: Ms. Patty Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John Shea Retail Value: $338
8027. Autographed Ryan Lochte Speedo Swim Cap It’s no secret in the swimming community that Ryan Lochte is a bonafide free spirit. Between appearing at the Golden Goggle Awards in an allwhite leisure suit and posing on the podium with a blinged-out grill, Lochte makes it clear that he’s out to have a good time. In Lochte’s case, however, there’s no point in playing hard if you don’t precede it with some serious hard work. Ryan has 11 Olympic medals to his name, including 5 golds, as well as 7 NCAA championships, 51 major international medals and a handful of world records. He’s also got a pet Doberman named Carter, whom Ryan certainly considers man’s best friend. And, he's got a guest spot on "30 Rock" coming out soon! Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. John Shea Retail Value: $300 8028. Autographed Shorts from the World's Fastest Man Usain Bolt Arguably the most naturally gifted athlete the world has ever seen, Usain St Leo Bolt, confirmed his tremendous talents when he realized his dreams by winning a phenomenal three gold medals and breaking three world records at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China. Bolt became the first man in Olympic history to win both the 100m and 200m races in world record times and then as part of the 4x100m team that also smashed the world record later in the meet. He created history again and became a legend at the 2012 Olympic Games in London by defending all three Olympic titles with 100m, 200m and 4x100m victories, the latter in a new world record time of 36.84 seconds. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. John Shea Retail Value: $250 8029. One Week of Summer Baseball Camp Sign your child up for one week of summer morning baseball camp! Your child will enjoy learning the game of baseball in a positive environment where coaches are focused on having fun while teaching boys and girls how to play the game the right way! There are multiple locations and seven weeks to choose from. Recipients must register directly through IBA at least two prior to the start of camp. Valid only for 2013 summer camps that run from 9am-12pm. Donated by: Illinois Baseball Academy Retail Value: $200
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8030. The Bar Method Classes A 30-day unlimited package for classes at The Bar Method. The package may be used at any of three Chicago locations: Lakeview, the Loop and Highland Park. Package includes a great pair of workout socks. The Bar Method was named "The Best New Work Out in Chicago" by Chicago Magazine. Expiration date: August 5, 2013 Donated by: The Bar Method Retail Value: $220 8031. Private Pilates Lessons with Friends You and three of your friends can enjoy four 1-hour Pilates sessions with a private instructor. One of the area’s premier Pilates studios, Imprint Movement Studio is a fully equipped Pilates studio located in the heart of Evanston. It offers a full range of Pilates instruction, from beginner to advanced. There is no reason to delay any longer! Donated by: Imprint Movement Studio Retail Value: $400 8032. Private Pilates Classes If you are new to Pilates or if you want to work on your technique this is a great opportunity to do so. Let Suzanne Danilek lead you through two private classes. Participants of all levels will benefit from core and stability training with enhanced breathing techniques. Donated by: Suzanne’s Pilates Retail Value: $200 8033. Zumba with Candus Get in shape and have fun too with this 20-class punch card to Zumba with Candus. Location includes Winnetka Congregational Church. New Clients only. Donated by: Mrs. Candus Suppelsa Retail Value: $200 8034. Ten Pilates Barre Classes A ten-class fitness package to the Pilates Barre in Hubbard Woods, a boutique fitness studio with small class sizes. Pilates inspired workouts to sculpt and tone. This package entitles bearer to any classes in the upper studio. Donated by: The Pilates Barre Retail Value: $180
8035. Redefined Fitness Private Training Sessions Time to get in shape! This workout package includes an evaluation session and two one-on-one sessions. Expiration date: November 3, 2013. Donated by: Redefined Fitness Retail Value: $260 8036. Kayaking Adventure I Come kayak Chicago’s local waterways with The Northwest Passage and experience your own neighborhood from a totally fresh perspective. Kayaking adventures are informal and fun. No experience is necessary. Learn the basics and then get out on the water. Setting out on a beautiful local waterway is a perfect way to kick start your morning or peacefully unwind in the evening. Certificate is valid for two people for two hours. Expires 9/30/13. Donated by: Northwest Passage Retail Value: $120 8037. Kayaking Adventure II Come kayak Chicago’s local waterways with The Northwest Passage and experience your own neighborhood from a totally fresh perspective. Kayaking adventures are informal and fun. No experience is necessary. Learn the basics and then get out on the water. Setting out on a beautiful local waterway is a perfect way to kick start your morning or peacefully unwind in the evening. Certificate is valid for two people for two hours. Expires 9/30/13. Donated by: Northwest Passage Retail Value: $120 8038. North Shore Racquet Club/Karzen Winter Holiday Combo Camp Let your child take advantage of this Three-Day Holiday Little Sprouts Tennis/Basketball Combo Camp for ages 5-1/2 to 7 over the winter holiday while you rest! Choose from either Wed.-Fri. 12/26-12/28, 2012 OR 1/2-1/4, 2013. Camp is from 1-3:15 pm at North Shore Racquet Club in Northbrook, IL. Donated by: Jerry Morse-Karzen North Shore Racquet Club Retail Value: $110 8039. Tennis with Mel Two tennis lessons, 1-1/2 hours each, accommodating one to four people with Mel Ampon. Participants must be at least six years old and must be grouped. Location and date to be mutually agreed upon. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsaden Retail Value: $500
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8040. It's a Paddle Party! Host a paddle party at the Winnetka Paddle Hut for up to 50 people. Package includes use of 6 platform tennis courts and loaner equipment. Party must be held during April 2013-October 2013. Host liquor liability insurance is required if alcohol is being served. Donated by: Winnetka Park District Retail Value: $385 8041. Green Bay Packer Football Amazing collector’s item! The original signatures of the players and coaching staff were collected at the beginning of the 2011 regular season. The original signatures were then transferred to the football. The football includes this beautiful display case. Go Packers! Donated by: Green Bay Packers Retail Value: $125
8042. Get Out and Ride! Child's Bicycle See your child's face light up when you bring home this beautiful bicycle from Green Bay Cycles. Green Bay Cycles is a North Shore fun, friendly, family-oriented bike shop that also offers plenty to please the serious cyclists in the community, as well. See you on the trails! Donated by: Green Bay Cycles Retail Value: $300 8043. Wilson Paddle Racquet and Balls Stay active this winter! The Wilson Xcel Platform Tennis Paddle is the perfect lightweight paddle for junior players or new adult players needing a lightweight, great feeling starting paddle. A sleeve of paddle balls accompanies this paddle. Donated by: Mr. Matt Garavaglia, Mr. and Mrs. John Priest Retail Value: $125 8044. Biggest Chicago Bears Fan Ever! Have the biggest Chicago Bears fan sitting next to you while you watch the game. Proudly wearing Devin Hestor's number, this adorable bear would be loved by any kid! Donated by: Ms. Patty M. Johnson Retail Value: $80
8045. SMP Soccer Training Sessions Bring your A-game! 2 hour training sessions in soccer or the sport of your choice. Donated by: SMP Sports Made Personal Retail Value: $140 8046. Personal Lacrosse Training Bring your A-game! 2 hours of personal training in lacrosse or the sport of your choice. Donated by: SMP Sports Made Personal Retail Value: $140
Summer Dining Ad - Aspen Peak May 10.indd 1
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Home & Garden (9000’s)
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9001. Art Deco Diamond Earrings Pair of exquisite art deco style diamond earrings. These beautiful one of a kind earrings are sure to turn heads! Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $2,500
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9002. Iron and Glass Nesting Tables Set of two contemporary iron nesting tables with glass tops. These beautiful pieces are functional and will enhance any room in your home. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $600 9003. Julia Knight Mosaic Bowl in Pomegranate Handmade bowl in sand-cast aluminum decorated with hand cut inlaid mother of pearl tiles in beautiful mosaics. Matching mosaic borders each piece. No two are alike. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bunge Retail Value: $250 9004. Julia Knight Black Caviar Round Bowl Hand made in cast aluminum decorated with caviar enamel and infused with encrusted mother of pearl powder. Beautiful mosaic borders frame. No two are alike. Donated by: Anonymous Retail Value: $212 9005. Julia Knight Octagonal Tray in Snow Hand made tray in sand-cast aluminum, decorated with the trademark blend of enamel infused with crushed mother of pearl. Beautiful mosaic borders frame each piece. Perfect size for serving meats and vegetables. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $250 9006. Julia Knight Rectangular Tray in Pomegranate Octagonal tray in pomegranate. Hand made in sand-cast aluminum, decorated with hand cut inlaid pomegranate and white mother of pearl tiles with a beautiful mosaic border. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $250
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9007. Neiman Marcus Pewter Finished Dresser Three-drawer dresser with metal hardware. This distinctive piece will be beautiful in any bedroom or hallway. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $980 9008. Large Octagonal Tea Caddy Beautiful mahogany octagonal tea caddy with lock and keys. Can be used as a jewelry box. Donated by: Ms. Cinnie Siragusa Retail Value: $182 9009. Octagonal Regency Tray Mahogany octagonal serving tray with silver inlay. Donated by: Ms. Cinnie Siragusa Retail Value: $220 9010. De Ville Champagne Ice Vase Glass bowl in pewter stand. Ideal for any special celebration! Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $100 9011. Pewter Wine and Cheese Tray Cafe de Paris oval pewter serving tray with handles. Donated by: Ms. Cinnie Siragusa Retail Value: $100 9012. Beehive Etched Oval Tray Handled Oval pewter serving tray. Use as a decorative wall piece or as a serving tray. Donated by: Ms. Cinnie Siragusa Retail Value: $100 9013. Crystal Wine Decanter Crystal decanter that is delicately etched with elegant vine encircling the base. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Greg Purcell Retail Value: $100 9014. Hand Painted Iron Round Table 20" round Asian toile hand painted table with wrought iron base. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Greg Purcell Retail Value: $250
9015. Iron Chandelier Candlelit chandelier with terra-cotta accent pots. Perfect accent for porch or breakfast room. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Blake Johnson Retail Value: $180
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9016. Square Brass Tray with Iron Stand Square brass detachable embossed tray with iron stand. Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $260
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9017. Nesting Metal Planters Three nesting planters in various sizes with painted distressed finish. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $125
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9018. Rectangular Faux Leather Tray 30" x25"x. 3.5" black moc crocodile embossed pattern tray. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Henk Kamphuis Retail Value: $120
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9019. Rattan Woven Rectangular Baskets Three nesting woven rattan baskets with handles. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $70 9020. Beaded Cake Stand This round alloy cake stand is fabulous for holiday entertaining. Donated by: Mrs. Francine Purcell Retail Value: $100 9021. Round Shell Platter Round Abalone shell platter. Beautiful one of a kind piece. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $300 9022. Badash crystal etched vase Crystal tree of life etched vase. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. William Cardin Retail Value: $100
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9023. Pair of Ceramic Guinea Hens Hand painted ceramic male and female guinea hens. Decorative pieces for a Thanksgiving centerpiece. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rocap Retail Value: $240 9024. Large White Italian Urn 17" ceramic white rope trimmed urn with swag detail and decorative handles. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rocap Retail Value: $160 9025. Lavender Large Terra-Cotta Bowl 21" lavender terra cotta bowl with leaf-trimmed border. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rocap Retail Value: $175 9026. Indian hand stitched quilt Square cotton hand stitched quilt in multi colored motif. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rocap Retail Value: $175 9027. Set of 2 Silver-Covered Wooden Bowls Round scalloped silver-wrapped wooden bowls. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rocap Retail Value: $280 9028. Decorative Box Pretty red box with brass accents and mirrored interior. Perfect for jewelry or accessories. Donated by: KB Interiors Retail Value: $250 9029. Decorative Wooden Box Hand painted antique Chinese box with sliding lid. Functional as well as pretty! Great for storing mail or other small items. Donated by: KB Interiors Retail Value: $175 9030. Mirror with Antique Metal Frame Mirror framed with antique tin ceiling tiles from a building in Chicago. Transitional, vintage chic. Donated by: KB Interiors Retail Value: $300
9031. Trio of Trays Set of three decoupage wooden trays. Perfect for all of your entertaining needs. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russell Retail Value: $100 9032. Chinese Water Bucket Vintage Chinese water bucket. Takes care of all your storage needs. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russell Retail Value: $200 9033. Chinese Rice Bucket Made with antique wood. Perfect for storing firewood or kindling. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russell Retail Value: $150 9034. Neighborwood Cutting Boards Handmade wood cutting boards from fallen Urban Growth Timber. Donated by: Neighborwood Cutting Boards Retail Value: $150 9035. Personalized Photo Paperweight and Photo Box Personalize this Lucite paperweight and photo box with your very own photos. Donated by: Tara Wilson Designs Retail Value: $136 9036. Garden Potting Party Throw a Garden Potting Party! James Martin Associates, Inc. will co-host a potting party with you! They provide lunch and a demonstration of some fun and delightful potting techniques with complimentary clay pots, flowers and soil for all! You provide (up to) 10 guests! Donated by: James Martin Associates, Inc. Retail Value: $600 9037. Chicago Etching 12" x 18" Original Chicago landscape copper plate etching by artist Robert Edger, MD with silver leaf double matted frame. Donated by: Dr. Robert Edger and Dr. Gunn Lavoll Retail Value: $1,000
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9038. Crystal Butterfly Vase Lasered Crystal butterfly vase. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. William Cardin Retail Value: $160
0 9039. Granite Fire Pit Table Copper finish bowl on granite table top with iron base. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Greg Purcell Retail Value: $470.00
9040. Reindeer Centerpiece Three sparkling reindeer grazing under a snowy tree will grace your holiday table or mantelpiece. Donated by: Ms. Patty. Johnson Retail Value: $140 9041. Set of Four Tole Cache Pots Two sets of two hand painted decorative containers. Perfect for mantel or table top. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russell Retail Value: $88 9042. Carpenter for a Day Award-winning Normandy Design Build Remodeling, specializing in additions, kitchen and bath remodels, will help get your home looking its best for winter parties and guests! Eight hours of Carpentry/Handyman services get all those little projects crossed-off your to-do list; hang a new light fixture, fix squeaky doors, hang new bathroom fixtures, and get your home back in shape. Clients who refer a new customer to Normandy Design Build Remodeling overwhelmingly choose "Carpenter for a Day" as their preferred Thank You Gift--find out why. Winner provides the materials to be installed or changed. Does not include painting or plumbing work. Donated by: Normandy Design Build Remodeling Retail Value: $760 9043. Silk Flower Arrangement Large silk flower arrangement will add color and beauty to any room. Donated by: Mrs. Susan Shafiq Retail Value: $150
9044. Charming Garden Bench This lovely concrete garden bench has a charming floral border on the bench and legs. Donated by: Ms. Patty Johnson Retail Value: $160 9045. Designer "Modern Rustic" Console Table Reclaimed, old growth console table by up and coming designer Erin Norton True. Her custom creations at Urban Wood Goods can be seen all over town including Square One wine bar on Michigan Avenue. This West Loop studio specializes in "modern rustic" furniture of custom sizes, including tables, benches, islands, wine racks, desks, stools and more. Donated by: Urban Woods Goods Retail Value: $300 9046. Christofle Malmaison Cheese/Hors d'Oeuvres Tray This classic cheese and hors d'oeuvres tray with silver-plated pedestal and handle with frosted glass tray adds drama and sparkle to any table. Donated by: Christofle Silver, Inc Retail Value: $900 9047. Set of 2 Iron Barrel Patio Chairs Relax in these elegant Woodard Briarwood Barrel rocking chairs. Donated by: Williams Ski and Patio Retail Value: $788 9048. Set of Three Holiday Poinsettia Arrangements Heeney Company faux poinsettia arrangements - two red and one white. Perfect grouping for holiday celebrations. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $120 9049. Chalet Glazed Planter Vase This gold and verde ceramic glazed urn from Chalet has old world charm and beauty. Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $249 9050. Mosaic Bistro Table and Chairs Marble mosaic tiled bistro 30" round table with iron base. Two Parisian cafe iron chairs with seat cushions. Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $908
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9051. Enhance Your Home - Expert Carpentry Services Benvenuti and Stein, a Winnetka & Evanston based Design/Build/Handcrafted Cabinetry firm with 35 years experience; will enhance any room of your home. Imagine beautifying your space with the addition of crown molding, wainscoting; or maybe even a coffered or beamed ceiling. Our designers, carpenters & millwork facility are at your service. This certificate is good for 8 hours of carpentry service applied towards any home service we provide. Cost of materials is not included. Donated by: Benvenuti and Stein Retail Value: $640 9052. Kitchen Tune-Up Benvenuti and Stein, a local Design/Build/Handcrafted Cabinetry firm with 35 years experience, will give your kitchen cabinetry the facelift it needs. They adjust your cabinetry so that it is properly aligned, replace defective door hinges & door slides or perform cosmetic repairs on the face of your cabinet doors. Or use this certificate towards 8 hours of services applied to any home service we provide. Cost of materials is not included. Donated by: Benvenuti and Stein Retail Value: $640 9053. Decorative Lamp 27" lamp with silk patterned green shade with decorative coordinating trim. Perfect in girls room or guest bedroom. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hogan Retail Value: $119
9054. Pickard Champagne Glasses Toast your friends and family with these six beautiful champagne flutes made by one of the most prestigious names in English lead crystal for the past 300 years. Cheers! Donated by: Pickard China Retail Value: $600
9055. Iron wall hanging 64" decorative iron wall hanging by Interlude. Appropriate for interior or exterior use, a beautiful addition to home or garden wall. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $700
9056. Orchid Silk Floral Arrangements Set of two 22" silk orchid floral arrangements in green patina urn by Global Pottery. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. James Haft Retail Value: $250
Perfecting the Art of Home Renovation 847-291-7701 Additions| Kitchens | Bathrooms | Renovations
Kids (10,000’s) 10001. Math Tutoring Four hours of math tutoring for grades six through nine at 1040 Pine St. Winnetka. Tutoring by Mary Tilson Former High School Math Teacher. Donated by: Mr. and Mrs. John Tilson Retail Value: $140 10002. Registration for KWBA Spring 2013 Season The Kenilworth/Winnetka Baseball Association will donate one spring registration fee for any division (Pinto Grade 1, Stallion Grade 2, Pee Wee Grades 3 & 4, Bronco Mustang Grades 5 & 6, Pony Grades 7 & 8) Good Only for Spring 2013. Donated by: KWBA Retail Value: $300 10003. Second Chance - Registration for KWBA Spring 2013 The Kenilworth/Winnetka Baseball Association will donate one spring registration fee for any division (Pinto grade 1, Stallion grade 2, Pee Wee grade 3-4, Bronco/Mustang grade 5-6, Pony grade 7-8) Good for Spring 2013 only. Donated by: KWBA Retail Value: $300 10004. "Marvin Martian" Original Animation Production Cell Warner Brothers Studios one-of-a-kind, original, hand-painted production cell used in early film production. Certificate of authenticity included. Donated by: Anonymous Retail Value: $100 10005. Autographed "Lone Ranger" Animation Production Cell Autographed "Lone Ranger" hand-painted, original production cell with original background. Hand signed by animator Herb Klynn. Certificate of authenticity included. Donated by: Anonymous Retail Value: $150
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10006. Brunswick Air Hockey Table Your kids will have a blast all winter long with this 7' VForce Air Hockey Table. What a great way to pass long long winter days! Donated by: The Great Escape Retail Value: $889 10007. Bamboo Sunshine Dollhouse Large environmentally friendly dollhouse made of natural and sustainable materials with a solar panel in the roof. Birch floors and open walls give it a uniquely modern flair! Donated by: Ms. Patricia M. Johnson Retail Value: $239 10008. American Girl Doll McKenna: Girl of the Year 2012 and Matching Girl's Outfit American Girl Doll 2012 Doll of the Year, McKenna, comes with a book and a matching girl's outfit for her new owner. Matching dress and leggings are a child's size 10. Donated by: Mr. & Mrs. John Priest Retail Value: $175 10009. Ride to School in a Winnetka Fire Truck Have your child ride to school in a Winnetka Fire Truck or have the Fire Truck pick up your child from school and go to the station for a private tour. Pick up must be from Winnetka or Kenilworth and the child must be at least 3 years of age. Donated by: Winnetka Fire Department Retail Value: Priceless 10010. Ride to School in a Winnetka Police Car Give your child a memory he will have forever - a ride to school in a Winnetka Police car. The police officer will come to your home and pick up your child and drive him or her to their Winnetka school. The officer will then come to your child's classroom and speak for 30 minutes to his or her class. Donated by: Winnetka Police Department Retail Value: Priceless 10011. YBIKE Extreme Balance Bike Balance Bike is designed to help young kids learn to ride a bike. Far forward front wheel creates a bigger turning circle. Works on all terrain and is featured in fun bright orange color. Donated by: Beat Street, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Windsor Retail Value: $100
10012. Tee Pee Tent Fun play Tee Pee Tent for your children to spend many hours playing in and around! Donated by: Beat Street Retail Value: $100
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10014. Kate Oelerich Photography Perfect for any family! An outdoor regular sitting and one 8x10 classic family portrait. Donated by: Kate Oelerich Photography Retail Value: $500
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10015. Blackhawks Championship team at Wrigley Field The perfect gift for your little (or big!) Blackhawks fan! Framed photo of the 2010 Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Team photographed at/on Wrigley Field. Donated by: Anonymous Retail Value: $500
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10016. Classic Kids Photography Perfect for any family! A black-and-white portrait sitting for up to two (2) subjects in the Winnetka studio and one (1) black-and-white archival photograph. Donated by: Classic Kids Retail Value: $460 10017. Culinary Food Tour In Your Kitchen – Hands-On Group "Family Friendly Fare" Cooking Class for 6 Gear up for an evening that will excite your taste buds and spark your creativity for your next meal in the kitchen! Join Vicki Shanta Retelny, registered dietitian and author of The Essential Guide to Healthy and Healing Foods, for a culinary excursion in your own kitchen. You’ll learn how to use exotic herb and spice blends to healthfully flavor your food, capture the essence of vegetables and fruits on your plate for more satisfying and balanced family meals and cultivate a taste for unique plant-based proteins. Also, you’ll have the opportunity to have your burning nutrition questions answered by a national food and nutrition expert. This two-hour hands-on cooking class will feature delicious recipes from Vicki’s book - plus all attendees will receive a signed copy, too. Great opportunity to invite friends over and cook together! Donated by: Ms. Vicki Shanta Retelny Retail Value: $900
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10018. Mommy's Little Helper(s) - Free Drinks for All! This One's On Me! Receive vouchers for one year's supply of free Horizon Organic Milk & Silk Soy Milk as well as six bottles of Lafond Pinot Noir. Donated by: Anonymous Retail Value: $680
10019. Enid Romanek Etching with watercolor A delightful etching for your child's room. "Mother with a Kiss" will make your child smile every time they see it. Donated by: Ms. Patty Johnson Retail Value: $300
10020. 1978 Enid Romanek etching with watercolor " every day" is a darling etching that your child (and parents!) will enjoy. Donated by: Ms. Patty Johnson Retail Value: $300 10021. Make-up Party with Bobbi Brown Cosmetics You and three of your friends will enjoy a complimentary session with Bobbi Brown make-up artists. Choose one of three classes: Bobbi Brown's 10-Step Basic Beauty, Make Over Your Make-Up Bag, or Everyday to Runway. Each attending guest will receive a signature Bobbi Brown makeup bag filled with everyday essentials. Available at the Bloomingdale's location at Old Orchard Shopping Mall. Donated by: Bloomingdale's Retail Value: $800 10022. Raleigh Companion Tandem Make fabulous memories tooling around town on this awesome tandem! Donated by: Friends of the Northwestern Settlement Retail Value: $900 10023. Gingerbread House Just in time for the Holidays! Elaborately Decorated Custom Made Gingerbread House from Three Tarts Bakery & Cafe, Northfield, IL. Donated by: Three Tarts Bakery and Cafe Retail Value: $200 10024. Illinois Football vs. Chicago Blackhawks These Kaskey Kids action figures are the perfect toys for your sports loving kid! Hours of imaginative play can be had with this set of Blackhawks figurines and a set of Illinois Football guys. Donated by: Kaskey Kids Retail Value: $75
900 North Michigan Avenue | Chicago 10am–6pm | Thursdays 10am–7pm | Sunday 12pm– 5pm 312.664.9700
Keith Jones is the President and Owner of Sayre & Jones Auctioneers Ltd. and has been an auctioneer for over 25 years, specializing in Benefit Fundraising Auctions. Keith has helped to raise millions nationwide for countless organizations with his energy and excitement. He is a past president of the Indiana Auctioneers Association, a Champion Auctioneer, winning his second title this past August and the 2011 inductee into the Auctioneers Hall of Fame. Sayre & Jones Auctioneers Ltd. is based in the Chicagoland area.
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To provide equal passion, excitement, knowledge and professionalism to each and every event we are involved with.
(847) 338-4111