The Catholic University of America Donor Report

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re p ort to donors May 1 , 20 0 9 – A p r i l 30, 2010

A l u m n i T r u s t e e s Pa r e n t s F r i e n d s C o r p o r at i o n s F o u n d at i o n s


Letter from the president

Letter from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Dear Alumni and Friends,

CUA Giving Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–57 Giving Circles Corporations and Foundations Gifts In Memoriam Matching Gifts In-Kind Donations Saint Thomas Aquinas Planned Giving Recognition Society 1887 Society

I am genuinely pleased to have this opportunity to thank you for your generous support for The Catholic University of America during the 2009-10 fiscal year.

Columbus School of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58–68 1897 Society Corporations, Foundations and Law Firms Matching Gift Companies Annual Giving Leadership Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Academic Deans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Development and Advisory Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-71 Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72–73 Senior Officers and Administrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Of course, I am particularly delighted to express gratitude on behalf of the University community in my role as the new president of CUA. Since I arrived at Catholic in July, I have been deeply gratified by the warmth of the welcome my wife Jeanne and I have received – from student and alumni, faculty and staff. I am most thankful for this outpouring of support as I begin my new journey at CUA. The spirit of generosity that you and thousands of others share with the University, which enlivens the following pages, represents the foundation for continued success and growth at Catholic University. Your investment supports our students and our faculty, strengthens our academic programs, and sustains the educational environment of this unique institution. Catholic University is dedicated to nurturing the intellectual, spiritual and social growth of all our students. Your continued philanthropy builds on CUA’s legacy and secures its national and international reputation as an outstanding institution of higher learning. Your investment provides much-needed and much-appreciated support to our students and benefits the entire university community. Your generosity, your collaboration—indeed, your deep commitment—will sustain and strengthen this community. Together, we can ensure the continued success of The Catholic University of America as a pre-eminent institution of higher learning, rooted in the teachings of our Church. Sincerely yours,

John Garvey President

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Letter from the vice president Dear Alumni and Friends, As we welcome the appointment of John Garvey as CUA’s new president, the University community looks forward to continuing the momentum established and nurtured by Father David O’Connell, C.M. Already President Garvey has met with many of you to extend a warm welcome to our alumni, parents and friends, and invites us to greet the challenges and opportunities facing us with renewed enthusiasm and anticipation for what lies ahead. And there is much ahead for all of us at Catholic University. We continue to make strides toward building a stronger endowment, which will support first-class education for future students both in and out of the classroom, and offset the high costs of education. The renovation of O’Connell Hall is underway. None of this could be done without your ongoing support at any level. I think this support is most evident in the announcement of the Lumen Society, which you will read about in this publication. The Lumen Society honors those of you who have committed your resources to our mission for 10 or more cumulative years. This past year, we welcomed over 243 new members into the Lumen Society, bringing our membership to well over 4,000. As we move forward, we will still depend upon the thousands of alumni, parents and friends who offer their financial and personal support to


t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

CUA Giving Societies

Catholic University year in and year out. Your gifts enable us to prepare men and women to make a profound impact upon the communities in which they live, and to fulfill our mission in service to the Church, our nation and the world.

The Catholic University of America gratefully acknowledges the many individuals, families and foundations that support the University’s work through their contributions. These gifts make it possible for the University to continue to provide needed student support and high-quality educational opportunities.

Our challenge today, tomorrow and in the months and years ahead is to embrace this mission with vigor and commitment. To do so will require the resources to provide an outstanding educational opportunity for our students. We ask you to help Catholic University continue to transform the lives of our students, intellectually, personally, spiritually. You can be assured that your gift will make that kind of difference.

Giving to The Catholic University of America continues to grow at a healthy rate. This past fiscal year, the University received more than $15.4 million in philanthropic dollars. The total represents an increase of 6.2 % in overall giving from the prior year. Each dollar raised enables our students to make the most of CUA’s educational opportunities, both in and out of the classroom.

Whether you are an alum, the parent of a student, or a friend of CUA, your generosity has an immediate and lasting effect in aiding our students, supporting our faculty, and strengthening our educational environment. In short, your financial and personal generosity help to make Catholic a better, stronger, more faith-filled University. Thank you for all that you continue to do for The Catholic University of America. Sincerely,

To learn more about giving to The Catholic University of America, contact the Office of University Development at 202-319-6910. The following are contributors who gave during the fiscal year May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010. CUA endeavors to provide a complete listing of all donors in the following categories. In the event of an error, please contact the Office of University Development by telephone, 202-319-6910. * Denotes deceased members throughout the publication Denotes members of the Lumen Society throughout the publication

Robert M. Sullivan Vice President for University Development r e p o rt to d o n o r s


The Founder’s Circle ($10,000 and above)

Anonymous Most Reverend Joseph V. Adamec Frederick L. Ahearn Jr., D.S.W., ’61 and Eileen M. Ahearn Martin John Amos ’68 Estate of Beryl Anderson Carl A. and Dorian Anderson Archdiocese of Atlanta Archdiocese of Baltimore Archdiocese of Boston Archdiocese of Chicago Archdiocese of Cincinnati Archdiocese of Denver Archdiocese of Detroit Archdiocese of Dubuque Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Archdiocese of Hartford Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Archdiocese of Los Angeles Archdiocese of Louisville Archdiocese of Miami Archdiocese of Milwaukee Archdiocese of Mobile Archdiocese of New York Archdiocese of Newark Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Archdiocese of Omaha Archdiocese of Philadelphia Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Archdiocese of Saint Louis Archdiocese of San Antonio Archdiocese of Seattle Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese of Washington Associated Sulpicians of the United States Most Reverend Robert J. Baker Richard D. Banziger ’81 Most Reverend John O. Barres ’89 George H. Bertels ’55, ’58, ’59


William V. and Nancy J. Bidwill Most Reverend Leonard Blair Most Reverend Stephen E. Blaire Most Reverend Paul Gregory Bootkoski Earl Alfred Boyea, Ph.D., ’87 Brother Edward G. Bozzo, Ph.D., ’56, ’69 Joseph V. and Bertha S. Braddock Kevin F. Brady and Lee Ann Joiner Brady ’78 Lawrence E. Brandt Most Reverend Michael J. Bransfield ’74 Most Reverend Robert H. Brom Most Reverend Tod D. Brown Most Reverend Alexander J. Brunett Estate of Pauline M. Bruno Most Reverend Michael Burbidge Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Most Reverend Raymond Leo Burke ’70, ’71 Trust of Olive Y. Burner Timothy R. and Stepan Busch, Esquire Joseph L. Carlini ’84 and Christine M. Carlini ’86 Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson ’78, ’79 Most Reverend Michael J. Carroll Braulio Castillo Cathedral of Christ the King Giuseppe and Mercedes Sanchez Cecchi Marguerite Chamberland Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M., Cap. Most Reverend Peter F. Christensen Matthew H. Clark Estate of Rita Ellen Cobb Most Reverend George W. Coleman Congregation of the Mission of St. Vincent de Paul Estate of Elizabeth C. Corasaniti Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone Most Reverend Alvaro Corrada del Rio, S.J.

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Nancy Coveny Robert E. Craves ’65 and Gerri Craves Most Reverend Edward P. Cullen D. Leo Sullivan Trust Most Reverend Frank J. Dewane Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio ’70 Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo ’71, ’74 Diocese of Albany Diocese of Allentown Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown Diocese of Arlington Diocese of Baton Rouge Diocese of Beaumont Diocese of Birmingham Diocese of Bridgeport Diocese of Brooklyn Diocese of Brownsville Diocese of Buffalo Diocese of Burlington Diocese of Camden Diocese of Charleston Diocese of Charlotte Diocese of Cleveland Diocese of Colorado Springs Diocese of Corpus Christi

Diocese of Crookston Diocese of Dallas Diocese of Davenport Diocese of Duluth Diocese of El Paso Diocese of Erie Diocese of Fall River Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese of Fort Worth Diocese of Fresno Diocese of Gary Diocese of Grand Rapids Diocese of Green Bay Diocese of Greensburg Diocese of Honolulu Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Diocese of Jackson Diocese of Jefferson City Diocese of Joliet Diocese of La Crosse Diocese of Lafayette, Indiana Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana Diocese of Lake Charles Diocese of Lansing Diocese of Lincoln

The Psychology Department receives an estate gift of $341,000 Local alumna Beryl Anderson left a portion of her estate to the University. Anderson obtained her M.A. in Psychology at CUA in 1953. She was the wife of fellow alumnus Dr. Thomas E. Anderson Jr., Ph.D., ’49, ’53, who predeceased her. She worked as a clinical psychologist and counselor, and resided in Montgomery County, Maryland with her husband. Her bequest to the University’s Department of Psychology supports current needs.

Diocese of Madison Diocese of Manchester Diocese of Marquette Diocese of Memphis Diocese of Metuchen Diocese of Monterey Diocese of Norwich Diocese of Oakland Diocese of Ogdensburg Diocese of Orange Diocese of Orlando Diocese of Owensboro Diocese of Paterson Diocese of Phoenix Diocese of Pittsburgh Diocese of Portland Diocese of Providence Diocese of Raleigh Diocese of Rochester Diocese of Rockford Diocese of Rockville Centre Diocese of Sacramento Diocese of San Angelo Diocese of San Diego Diocese of Scranton Diocese of Sioux City Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts Diocese of Springfield, Illinois Diocese of St. Augustine Diocese of St. Petersburg Diocese of Stockton Diocese of Superior Diocese of Syracuse Diocese of Toledo Diocese of Trenton Diocese of Tucson Diocese of Tulsa Diocese of Tyler Diocese of Venice, Florida

Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston Diocese of Wichita Diocese of Wilmington Diocese of Winona Diocese of Worcester Diocese of Youngstown Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan ’81, ’85 Dominican Sisters of the Perpetual Rosary Thomas J. Donnelly, Esquire, and Marilyn P. Donnelly Most Reverend Thomas G. Doran Francis L. Driscoll and Kelly Lynn Quinn Driscoll ’81 Monsignor Edward J. Duncan ’41, ’43 Edward M. and Carol R. English Dr. James Ewing and Dr. Elisabeth A. Rooney-Ewing Most Reverend Kevin Joseph Farrell Most Reverend John C. Favalora Frederick R. Favo ’55 and Anne Finnegan Favo ’57 Jerome J. Feik Most Reverend Patrick F. Flores, D.D. Trust of Willard H. Froehlich Most Reverend Joseph A. Galante Most Reverend Victor Galeone Most Reverend Richard Garcia Most Reverend John R. Gaydos Gareth Genner Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I., ’66 Edward W. Gillespie ’83 and Catherine Hay Gillespie Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory Edward R. and Kathleen D. Grubb Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone Frank J. Hanna III and Sally Hanna Frank J. Hanna Jr. Most Reverend Jerome G. Hanus, O.S.B. Robert M. Hickey ’74, ’78

Most Reverend William L. Higi Raymond J. Hillenbrand Holy Spirit College Most Reverend Walter A. Hurley ’84 Most Reverend Michael O. Jackels Irwin M. Jacobs, Sc.D., and Joan Jacobs Sam G. Jacobs ’59, ’60, ’64 Most Reverend C. Michael Jarrell, ’62, ’63 James D. Johnston and Margaret Johnston Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis ’93 Most Reverend Roger L. Kaffer Stephen and Andrea Kaneb Most Reverend Gerald F. Kicanas Most Reverend Edward U. Kmiec Knights of Columbus #2797 Knights of Columbus Charities, Incorporated Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz Most Reverend Richard G. Lennon Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki Most Reverend William E. Lori ’82 Estate of Lucile L. Love Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde ’80, ’82 Moster Reverend George J. Lucas J. Edward Lundy Trust Most Reverend Robert N. Lynch Cardinal Roger Mahony ’64 Most Reverend Richard Joseph Malone, Ph.D. Most Reverend William F. Malooly Most Reverend Henry J. Mansell ’65 Most Reverend Joseph F. Martion Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano Most Reverend John B. McCormack Most Reverend Timothy McDonnell James Joseph McFarlin* Mary Oriel McFarlin William P. McInerney ’77 and Maryrose H. McInerney, Ph.D., ’78 William A. and Rose McKenna Jr. Most Reverend Robert J. McManus ’73, ’74

Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Most Reverend John J. McRaith Most Reverend Dale J. Melczek ’64 Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino Most Reverend Robert W. Muench ’70 Most Reverend William Francis Murphy Most Reverend George V. Murry, S.J. Most Reverend John J. Myers ’75, ’77 Estate of Antonina F. Natoli Most Reverend Joseph F. Naumann Most Reverend R. Walker Nickles John C. Nienstedt Most Reverend Edwin F. O’Brien Most Reverend Armando X. Ochoa Trust of William Scott O’Connor Anne E. O’Donnell, M.D., ’78 Trust of Rita Frances O’Grady Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted Cardinal Sean O’Malley, O.F.M., Cap., 78 John J. O’Neil ’54* and Helene O’Neil ’56 William and Diane Parrett Most Reverend Raymundo J. Pena Most Reverend Michael D. Pfeifer, O.M.I. Most Reverend Glen J. Provost Most Reverend John M. Quinn Neil J. Rauenhorst ’76 and Becky Rauenhorst Estate of Carl J. Remick Estate of Joyce M. Reynders Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades Most Reverend David L. Ricken Cardinal Justin Rigali ’61 Trust of Henry J. Robitaille Most Reverend Thomas J. Rodi ’86 Helen L. Rotterman* and Marie F. Rotterman* John Mosby Russell ’50, ’52 Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample Most Reverend J. Peter Sartain Ronald J. Savage ’55, ’56

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New group honors long-time givers Timothy C. Scheve ’80 and Ann A. Scheve Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr ’78, ’80 Jean L Schreiber ’44 Most Reverend Arthur Joseph Serratelli Rodger D. and Grace Shay Vincent A. and Helen Sheehy ’51 George P. Shelton III and Breda Louise Shelton ’80 Most Reverend Michael J. Sheridan Most Reverend Clarence R. Silva, D.D. Most Reverend Paul D. Sirba Most Reverend Edward J. Slattery Most Reverend John M. Smith ’62, ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Van P. Smith Victor Patrick Smith, Esquire, ’96 and Kathleen A. Smith Most Reverend Jaime Soto Cardinal James Francis Stafford Most Reverend J. Terry Steib Most Reverend John T. Steinbock, S.V.D. Anthony R. Tersigni, Ed.D. The Society of Jesus of New England Thomas W. Pangborn Trust


Joe E. Timberlake III Most Reverend Thomas J. Tobin Kieu Lien Tran Trapp Family Most Reverand Donald W. Trautman Mark H. Tuohey III, Esquire and Martha K. Tuohey ’76 Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron, ’83, ’86 Most Reverend John G. Vlazny Elizabeth K. Walton Most Reverend Thomas Wenski R. S. White Jr. Dennis C. and Gayle Winchester Monsignor John Francis Wippel ’55, ’56, ’60 Most Reverend Donald W. Wuerl ’62, ’63 Andrew J. Youniss ’83 and Mariann A. Youniss Edwin S. Zolik, Ph.D., ’52, ’56 and Margaret M. Zolik Most Reverend David A. Zubik

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Loyal donors are the cornerstone to any institution’s success, and that could not be truer than at The Catholic University of America. These donors provide the means by which CUA can continue to offer an outstanding education, both in and out of the classroom. In recognition of this important commitment, THE LUMEN SOCIETY celebrates the philanthropic spirit of its most valued alumni and friends who have made charitable gifts of any size to the University for ten years or more. Consecutive years of giving are counted by fiscal year, which runs from May 1April 30. Founded in 2009, THE LUMEN SOCIETY is named in honor of the University’s motto: Deus Mea Lux Est — “God is My Light.”

The light provided through philanthropy nurtures the intellectual and spiritual growth of CUA’s students and ensures that they will come to understand the value of the Catholic intellectual tradition. Current students may embrace the example of donors and, after they graduate, begin to support their Alma Mater in the same manner. Today’s giving inspires future alumni and friends to invest in the mission and life of the University. This year there were 256 new members, bringing the total number of members to well over 4,000 members in THE LUMEN SOCIETY. The University highlights members by marking their names with the flame symbol.

The Chancellor’s Circle ($5,000 to $9,999)

Anonymous Cicely d’A. Angleton, Ph.D., ’84 Archdiocese of Anchorage Archdiocese of Indianapolis Andrew J. Balint, Esquire, ’56 Thaddeus C. Borek, Esquire, ’50 Bennett Boskey David A. Bottegal, OR, ’79 and Phyllis Bottegal ’79 Edward C. Bou James F. Brennan, Ph.D. and Mary Brennan Most Reverend Daniel Mark Buechlein, O.S.B. Matthew J. Burns ’80 and Teresa E. Burns Most Reverend Frederick F. Campbell Most Reverend Paul S. Coakley John J. Convey Jr., Ph.D. and Shelly Convey William A. Conway, M.D. and Susan M. Conway Jane E. Cox ’07 Most Reverend William J. Dendinger Orlando Diaz-Azcuy ’63 Diocese of Alexandria Diocese of Biloxi Diocese of Columbus Diocese of Covington Diocese of Evansville

Diocese of Fargo Diocese of Gaylord Diocese of Grand Island Diocese of Great Falls-Billings Diocese of Helena Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese of Laredo Diocese of Las Vegas Diocese of New Ulm Diocese of Pueblo Diocese of Salina Diocese of San Jose Diocese of Spokane Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau Diocese of Victoria Martin M. Dowd ’60 and Jone M. Dowd Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon Eparchy of St. Maron of Brooklyn Estate of J. Raymond Favret Most Reverend David E. Fellhauer Most Reverend Robert W. Finn Margaret Mary Fitzpatrick, S.C. Fordham University Most Reverend Roger J. Foys Laurene Davis Frederick ’78

* Denotes deceased members throughout the publication Denotes members of the Lumen Society throughout the publication

Patrick S. Gallagher Most Reverend Gerald A. Gettelfinger Most Reverand Bernard A. Hebda James and Patricia Hefelfinger Patrick J. Hennigan, Ph.D., ’67 Ronald P. Herzog ’68 Most Reverend Fernando Isern Meral Iskir ’73 Most Reverend James V. Johnston Jr. Stephen and Sharon Kelly Monsignor Paul A. Lenz Most Reverend Gregory John Mansour ’81 Most Reverend Patrick J. McGrath Maynard F. McLaughlin Jr. ’60 and A. Marilyn D’Andrea McLaughlin ’59 Michael P. Murphy Charitable Fund Estate of Bernard G. Miklos Most Reverend Roger P. Morin James Moye ’79 and Jeanne Olore Moye ’80 Mark A. Peacock ’83 and Irene Peacock Most Reverend Joseph A. Pepe Larry R. Pilot, Esquire, ’67 Regina P. Polich ’62 Joan M. Roche, Ph.D., ’64, ’79, ’82 Robert Emmet Ryan

Most Reverend Roger L. Schwietz Senators Club Alumni Robert J. Shaheen Vincent N. Sica ’83 Joseph M. Skeffington ’84 and Mary Elizabeth Kenel, Ph.D., ’76 Most Reverend William S. Skylstad Diana Smith ’81 Mary Dan Spencer ’60* St. Thomas Aquinas College John and Diane K. Starkovich Robert M. Sullivan Most Reverend James A. Tamayo Charlotte Taylor Most Reverend George L. Thomas Estate of Richard C. Timmons Trust of Bertha M. Roberts John F. Wallerstedt ’78, ’80 Most Reverend Michael Warfel Wesleyan University The William V. & Nancy J. Bidwill Charitable Trust Estate of Gordon C. Zahn

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The Trustee’s Circle

The 1887 Circle

($2,500 to $4,999)

Anonymous Vincent C. and Nancy Alexander Archdiocese of Santa Fe Bernice F. Laurins Trust J. Neil Birch ’61, ’66* and Kathryn Birch John E. Burns ’85 and Marcie Burns Richard H. Bush, D.D.S., ’67 and Judith Ann Bush ’67 Michael Carr Most Reverend Joseph R. Cistone Michael C. Clendenin ’56 Christopher J. Conefry ’94 and Erika Nicholson Conefry ’94 Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon Arthur S. Cranston ’51 and Berenice V. Cranston Diocese of Boise Diocese of Cheyenne Diocese of Kalamazoo Diocese of Little Rock Diocese of Saginaw Diocese of Santa Rosa in California Diocese of Sioux Falls Diocese of Steubenville Leo G. and Joan A. Dominique Most Reverend Michael P. Driscoll Edward J. Dwyer Jr. ’86 and Melissa Dwyer Kevin R. English ’84 and Mary McLaughlin-English Maurice Ernst Mary L. Gardner, M.D., ’60 Richard Thomas Girards Jr., Esquire ’01 and Elizabeth E. Cashin, Esquire, ’02 Mark L. Giuliani ’90 and Susan Giuliani


Austin E. Greaux ’50 and Anne Greaux James Judson Jr. and Elizabeth Judson Karen M. Korol ’02 John Lavoie, Esquire, ’87 and Terry O’Hara Lavoie ’87 Edward T. Leonard ’86 Dorothy Holland Lessard Charles J. and Colleen M. Maguire Emily A. Mahony Timothy J. Malloy and Patricia Ann Malloy Robert K. Malone, Esquire, ’81 and Janet Dempsey Malone Michael Mastroianni ’89, ’95 and Janet C. Mastroianni Thomas C. McFarlane and Elizabeth Ann McFarlane, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, ’76, ’80 Patrick J. and Barbara A. McGahan Michael J. Murray ’72, ’78 James E. Nolan Jr. ’55 and Mary B. Nolan Reverend Raymond C. O’Brien, Esquire, ’75, ’85 John J. O’Hare, Ph.D., ’52, ’58 Richard J. Parrino and Mary Jo G. Parrino ’83 David Michael Phelan, Esquire, ’53 James R. Phippard ’54 Dean A. Rakoskie ’72 E. Jeffrey Rossi, Esquire, ’75, ’78 and Carol A. Rossi ’75 The Rotondaro Family Charitable Fund Reverend James G. Sabak, O.F.M., ’85, ’03 Robert F. Shannon and Nancy Prior Shannon ’61 Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan Michael T. and Milly Stanges

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($1,887 to $2,499)

Philip A. Stevens ’58 and Kathleen C. Stevens James R. Stover ’50 and Mary E. Keenan Stover* Anthony B. Taylor Estate of Loretta M. Taymans Michael M. Tryon ’83 and Heidi Miles Tryon ’81 Christopher M. and Fay M. Wallace Most Reverend Daniel F. Walsh ’65 Jeffrey J. Wiesner Frank G. Wilson ’71 and Mary H. Novak ’74

Anonymous Eileen V. Akerson, Esquire, ’87, ’91 Margaret M. Allsup, RN, ’65 Most Revernd Robert J. Banks Nicolas M. Bazan Most Reverend J. Kevin Boland Joseph Edward Brown, FASLA, ’70 Michael P. Cannon ’84 Dougal M. Casey, Esquire, ’66, ’75 Catholic Daughters of the Americas Francis S. and Donna Chudy Michael R. and Kathleen M. Cote Patricia Coupard Richard Cupitt and Karen O’Connor Diocese of Amarillo Diocese of Rapid City Diocese of Savannah Diocese of Yakima Reverend Frank S. Donio, S.A.C., ’89, ’93 Catherine A. Dower Gold, Ph.D., ’68 Therese-Anne Druart Themistocles D’Silva, Ph.D., ’64 and Rosemarie A. D’Silva, Ph.D., ’64 Joseph A. Gannon ’51 Michael M. and Marianne H. Gick James J. Gontis ’59 and Judith Elizabeth Gontis ’61 Thomas J. Haborak Jr. ’87 and Paula Haborak ’88 Patrick J. Kerzic and Stephanie Germack Kerzic Reverend Matthew L. Lamb George C. Martin Jr. ’59 and Anne P. Martin Michael W. and Suzanne Sackleh Masters

John Patrick McCaffrey ’67 Michael Thomas McFarlane, Esquire, ’87, ’90 and Sarah A. Merrill Frank Dominic Musica and Kathryn Kelly, Esquire Mr. Philip and Mrs. April Nagel Peter F. Novak ’76 and Kathryn A. Novak ’75 Robert K. Oaks ’83 Frank M. and Victoria A. Parrotta Kieran P. and Donna H. Quinn Ralph J. Rohner ’60, ’63 and Monica A. Rohner The Helen L. Rotterman Trust Under Will Andrea Roane-Skehan and Michael Skehan Martin G. Saia and Mary E. Saia Most Reverend Carlos A. Sevilla, S.J. Franklin M. Shannahan ’50 and Mary F. Shannahan ’50* The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Society William F. Sondericker, Esquire, ’52 Antanas Suziedelis, Ph.D., ’55, ’57 and Ingrid G. Merkel, Ph.D., ’63, ’66 Michael W. Tkacz, Ph.D., ’89, ’93 and Catherine Brown Tkacz Joseph L. Tobin Jr., Esquire, ’50 Douglas J. and Brenda K. Tollett Clara J. Tucker ’54 Stephen G. Walker, Esquire, ’67 Lloyd Whitaker Stephen M. Younger, Ph.D., ’73 and Maryellen Mahler ’76 Most Reverend Patrick J. Zurek

* Denotes deceased members throughout the publication Denotes members of the Lumen Society throughout the publication

Honoring Sergeant Gerard “Roddy” W. Burke Jr. DC Police Sergeant Gerard “Roddy” W. Burke Jr., a 1989 graduate of the University, was in a fatal car accident in March of 2006. While off duty, he spotted a suspicious vehicle that he thought had been stolen. As he was in his personal car, he was unable to pull the other car over. While making a call to notify the station of his suspicions, he was hit by another vehicle. Roddy was taken to a local hospital where he passed away.

In June of 2006, his fiancée, family and his many friends established the Sergeant Gerard W. “Roddy” Burke Memorial Scholarship Fund at CUA with the aim of providing financial assistance to students “demonstrating academic merit and financial need.” Priority is given to students from Washington, DC, and/or students with a parent employed as a police officer in Washington, DC or from Burke’s original home, Suffolk County, New York.

His suspicions about the car proved to be correct – it was reported stolen some three hours after his tragic accident. Since his sense of civic engagement did not stop when he was out of uniform, DC Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey ruled that his death came in the performance of duty, and he was buried with full police honors. Ramsey said, “He was one of the best this department has to offer. He was off duty in his personal vehicle…Yet he saw what his instincts told him was a hot car, and he took action.”

The fund has been established with small donations, representing the gifts of friends and family, including many of Burke’s classmates. In fall of 2009, the scholarship surpassed the University’s $50,000 threshold for endowment. Eight out of ten full-time CUA students receive financial aid, and many of the donors to the Burke Memorial Fund have mentioned the fact that they were recipients of financial assistance when they themselves were students. Sergeant Burke’s classmates have not stopped giving.

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The President’s Circle ($1,000 to $1,886)

Anonymous Burnis S. and Diana H. Acuff Katherine E. Acuff, Esquire, ’03, ’08 Daniel P. Acuna American Concrete Institute American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Anchor of Hope Foundation, Inc. Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA Gerald R. Barlow ’59 and Barbara J. Barlow ’59 Mildred H. Banville* Janice Ann Barry Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception James E. Bates Reverend John P. Beal III ’83, ’85 Raymond E. Bedard Jr. ’74, ’77 and Marianne Angel Bedard ’74 Michael J. Bocchini and Suzanne S. Bocchini, Esquire, ’69 Sharon R. Bowes ’90 Linell Patrice Broecker ’74 Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio David G. Budinger Jr. Robert C. Burns ’51 and Elizabeth M. Burns Thomas H. Burton ’51 and Dolores Burton Robert M. Caffrey ’63 Joseph M. Carbone Sr. and Maria Carbone Young Soo Choi

Joseph A. Cicala, USAR (Ret.), ’35 and Libby M. Cicala George P. Clancy Jr. and Mary Anne Clancy Kevin P. Clancy, Esquire, ’90, ’94 Mary Higgins Clark Kathleen D. Cochran ’75 Congregation of Marians, Brookeville Salvatore L. Costabile ’63 and Mary Rae Costabile Gerard J. Cote and Margaret R. Hayes-Cote ’75 Donald J. Coutu ’64 and Mildred Coutu Gregory P. Crump ’77 and Carol Crump Olive Cua Berniece M. Czajkowski Ezio V. de Filippis Joseph M. Deady and Emilie M. Deady, RN, M.S.N., M.G.A., ’74 Ralph P. DeCicco and Rosalie A. DeCicco* Trudi L. DeDonato J. Raphael Della Ratta ’94 Kristen E. Dellith ’00 William G. DeMers Most Reverend Francis X. Di Lorenzo Diocese of Baker Diocese of Bismarck Diocese of Richmond Diocese of Shreveport C.R. George Dove, FAIA, ’72

Most Reverend Michael G. Duca John P. Eicher, Ph.D., ’62, ’65, ’70 Monsignor Ellsworth Kneal ’59, ’60 Barnett A. Epstein ’67 Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Neil F. Ewachiw ’00 Maureen A. Favo ’86 Jacob D. Ferry and Catherine R. Ferry ’02 Paul W. Fish, Esquire, ’59, ’62 and Kathleen Mary Fish ’59 Joseph A. Fisher ’75 and Patricia L. Fisher Ann C. Fitzgerald ’88 Marguerite Rey Florent ’65 Christopher R. Flynn ’85, ’91 Thomas J. Foote, M.D., ’55 and Sue Anne Foote Michael John Fortunato, Esquire, ’87, ’90 and Carol A. Fortunato Jude Eric Franklin, Ph.D., ’65, ’68, ’80 and Mary Frances Franklin ’65, ’80 Paul F. Galego ’59 and Jeanne M. Galego David Lucien Gaudreau Gerard M. Goeke ’78 and Patricia Maslen Goeke John Justin Gradowski Sr. and Ann O’Neil Gradowski William J. Gribbin, Ph.D., ’65, ’66, ’68 and Anne Gribbin

Devorah Jesse Hauss ’79 Ursula M. Heibges ’54 Peter S. Hornyak ’70 Paul H. Hoskins and Lois M. Hoskins, Ph.D., ’71 Sean E. Hunt ’81 and Nancy E. Hunt Fidrik and Jenny Iskandar Herculano A. Izquierdo ’62, ’63 and Jane Haher, M.D., F.A.C.S., ’62 Anthony J. Izzo Jr. ’62 Robert E. and Mary Ann Jacob Martin J. Judge and Dolores G. Judge ’50 Carol M. Keefe ’59 Robert P. Kelley ’51 Ursula Kelnhofer William J. Kelnhofer, D.Engr., ’60, ’66* and Ursula Kelnhofer George L. King ’58 David J. Kmetz ’95 Jack P. Knight ’64 Katalin S. Korossy Monsignor Joseph A. Koury ’46 Robert J. Kovacs, Esquire ’78 Ronald Krasinski ’68 and Mary Doyle Krasinski John P. Krylow and Gretchen E. Krylow ’56 Straton Charles Laios ’55 Ronny B. Lancaster, Esquire, ’73 Thomas E. Laux ’76, ’79 and Joyce M. Laux Christian J. Lessard, AIA

Stephen J. Limanek ’48 and Joan M. Limanek Mindy Linowes Claire K. Lipsman ’66 James A. Livesay Jr. ’55 John R. Looney ’56 and Kathryn Looney Arlan J. and Georgia W. Lyhus Lynne Cheney Charitable Fund Suzette Malveaux Stephen G. Margeton ’73 and Margaret S. Margeton ’76 Joseph G. Maron Sr. ’52 Michael Lewis Marshall ’80 and Lydia M. Marshall Clarence E. Martin III, Esquire, ’74 and Judith G. Martin Dale A. Masi, Ph.D., ’65 Thomas E. Maslen, M.D., ’82 and Carrie Y. Maslen ’82 John J. Mastrangelo ’83 Timothy J. May ’54 and Monica May Thomas N. McCarthy, Ph.D., ’50, ’52 James G. McClave Jan-Gee W. McCollam ’66 Richard M. McConnell Harold E. McDonnell ’49 and A. Veronica McDonnell Joseph B. McGuire ’56 Louis N. Medgyesi-Mitschang Richard A. Millstein, J.D.

Theresa Moini Richard A. and Helene H. Monaghan David P. Morgan ’83 and Christine Morgan John F. Muldoon, Ph.D., ’49, ’53 David J. Murphy III ’70 and Joyce A. Murphy Mary Rose Murray ’75 Richard F. Murray III ’58 and Patricia C. Murray Victor and Kristina Nakas The National Catholic Educational Association National Institute For Public Policy Very Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M., ’87, ’90 William E. Pairo ’62 and Ellen-Jane K. Pairo ’64 Paradisus Dei, Inc. Craig W. Parker, Esquire, ’78 and Betsy Parker Frank G. Persico ’74, ’76 and Stephanie Wagner Persico ’74 Peter A. and Susan D. Pervi Linda Pettie John A. Pigott and Sheila B. Pigott ’57 John Pinto and Donna DeVarona Paul J. Polking and Joan Yeager Polking ’68 Lawrence R. Poos and Nelida C. Wigfall, Esquire, ’93, ’94 Mark A. Price Thomas W. Pyret Leo James and Kathryn Quinn

Lawrence R. Radanovic, Esquire, ’59, ’63 Neil P. Roach ’90 Kenneth Miles Romney Juanita M. Ross ’55 Monsignor Walter R. Rossi ’97 Lenore M. Rouse Louis J. Ruggiero, Esquire, ’81 and Rosanna D. Scotto ’80 Saint Matthew’s Churches Jim ’72 and Joan Schaefer Harry F. Shaw ’51 Stacy L. Slette Carmella D. Smathers Kitty S. Smith ’58, ’60 Martha K. Smith ’96 Jack and Carolyn J. Sobocinski Joseph T. Sobota, M.D., and Patricia N. Sobota George H. St. Onge ’48 Samuel P. Starr and Marian Ulincy Starr ’77 Timothy Torrey Taussig and Nancy Arnot Taussig ’79

Stephen F. Twohig ’78 United Way of Delaware Richard and Kieu Untalan Christopher M. Veno ’86 and Margaret Murphy Veno Norbert G. Vogl Jr. and Joan E. Vogl Joan Sheehan Vorrasi, Esquire, ’70 Barbara C. Wagner ’80 Thomas M. Walton ’74, ’76, ’80 and Kathleen E. Walton ’85 Charles Edward Weir Jr., Ph.D., ’64 James B. and Mary Werle Joanne N. Whelley, Ph.D., ’73, ’74 Henrietta Wilbon-Escobar ’91 Michael J. and Maureen Wilkin Amy Wilson Catherine B. Winter, Esquire, ’97 Pat and Cathy Wood Nicholas T. Yannarell ’56 and Christine Frawley Yannarell ’58 Leocadia Wolak Zak ’47

The University receives estate gift of $90,000 for student support Ms. Lucille Love left the University $90,000 for general purposes. Love earned her B.S.N. in Nursing from the University in 1955, and her M.S.N. in 1961. She practiced as a registered nurse in Hawaii and was the former Hawaii League for Nurses president. She resided in Hilo.

* Denotes deceased members throughout the publication Denotes members of the Lumen Society throughout the publication


t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

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The Provost’s Circle ($500 to $999)

Anonymous Barbara J. Acuna John P. Ahern and Kelly Ann Ahern ’80 Elizabeth Alamo ’50 Trevor Darren Albertson ’04 Aric A. Anderson, Esquire, ’97, ’03 Eugene J. Aufiero ’51* Patricia K.S. Baker, Ph.D., ’75, ’86 William Edward Baldwin III ’58 Aaron Barkatt Robert Binswanger and Henriette P. Binswanger ’77 Toni M. Bischoff Reverend Melvin C. Blanchette, S.S. C. Beau Bobbitt and Kathryn R. Bobbitt ’65 Susan Elizabeth Bonner, RN, CPAN, ’80 David L. Booker ’75 Most Reverend Paul J. Bradley Stephen Braunlich Michael Brooks Lynn F. Brown Most Reverend Louis T. Brusatti, D.Min., ’83 Richard S. Burns ’59 and Margaret Devany-Burns* Joseph L. Calihan Jr. Carlos C. Campbell ’68 Courtney E. Campbell ’00 Craig Campbell Jerry L. and Mary E. Carbone ’59 Jerry L. Carbone Revocable Trust Ann Laughlin Carey ’62 Christopher T. Carnahan ’02 Reverend Edward E. Carroll, Ph.B., M.S.W., ’46, ’50, ’54 Chapel Tithes & Offerings Fund Robert Chiaravalloti ’83 Louise Mary Clifford


Marion Wolberg Coffey ’44 Marvin B. Cohen and Mary Riggs Cohen, Ph.D., ’84, ’90 John F. Coleman and Margaret M. Coleman ’65 Joseph A. Colletta ’82 Eileen M. Conlan ’67 Gordon A. Conner Cathy A. Costantino, Esquire, ’77, ’78 Jeanette Costantino, C.S.W., ’47 Estate of Mary E. Costello Annelle S. Covell ’66 Dayton Michael Cramer, USA (Ret.), ’71 and Lennard Smith Cramer ’71 William F. Delaney, Esquire, ’62, ’65 and Linda N. Delaney Paul and Amy DeRosa Anthony P. DeSpirito, M.D., ’48 Andrew J. Dick ’93 Thomas and Eileen Donatelli Jeanne A. Dorsey ’83 David E. Driscoll and Virginia M. Driscoll ’61 Franklin J. Duane ’55 Robert V. Dwyer Sr. John C. Edwards, Ph.D., ’63, ’65, ’69 Michael J. Egan ’80 Jo Ann Emmerich ’64, ’71 Eugenio Erquiaga and Victoria H. Erquiaga ’84 Michael A. Fantini ’86 Regan J. Fay and Michelle Phillips Fay ’83 Reverend Raymond L. Fecteau, D.Min. ’71, ’82 Kenneth H. and Kerry Fenoglio Geraldine Hasco Ferguson ’70 Francis J. Finan III, Ph.D., ’68, ’73, ’79 John-Peter C. Fogarty ’99 and Christine Fogarty Kathleen T. Frankle, D.D.S., ’69, ’81

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Judith Ann Quoos Freitag ’81 Rosalie Friedland-Arlotta Kathryn Louise Gauthier, USAF, ’80 David John and Colleen M. George Jeffrey E. Giangiuli ’91 David W. Gittings ’82 Amy E. Goetz ’84 Rick E. Gonzalez ’84, ’85 Richard L. Gorman ’73 and Mary B. Gorman Diane Marie Gronski, M.D., ’85 Bernard L. Grove IV and Nancy Grove Christopher R. Haeckler ’73 Ann M. Harkins ’74, ’78 Steven R. Harper ’78 and Barbara Klein Harper ’78 Reverend Monsignor Joseph D. Harrington ’58, ’60 John C. Harris ’78 and Ruth A. Harris ’85 Edward and Diane Hawkins Alfred O. Hayward Jr. Reverend John Paul Heil, S.S.D John B. and Regina A. Higgins

Megan Himler John B. Holden Jr. ’57 and Nancy B. Holden S. Craig Holden ’76 and Barbara Stocus Holden ’78 Donald M. Howe ’69, ’76 Mary Kathleen Howes Patrick J. Hughes Mark M. Hurley and Mary V. Petree ’87 Reverend Kyle T. Ingels ’99 Leon E. Irish and Karla W. Simon Merilyn S. Jacobson, D.M.A. ’96 Lisa M. Jaeger, Esquire, ’84 Patrick J. Jenkins and Agnes M. Courtney-Jenkins ’83 John M. Jennings ’53 William G. Jepsen Jr., Esquire, ’68 and Kathleen Hagerty Jepsen ’69 John R. Jermano, P.E., ’59 Eileen Gertrude Jones, USPHS (Ret.), ’45 Francis J. Jones Jr., Esquire, ’79, ’82 and Michelle Sears Jones ’79 Daniel E. Jordan ’86 and Denise J. Jordan

Estate Gift creates a new scholarship for the School of Engineering On June 16, 2009, CUA received $350,000 from the Estate of Elizabeth C. Corasaniti. Mrs. Corasaniti, who passed away on August 31, 2007, made this bequest in honor of her previously deceased husband, and through it has established the Joseph V. Corasaniti Endowed Scholarship Fund. Joseph Corasaniti graduated from CUA in 1947 with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. As the couple were longtime residents of Maryland, the bequest stipulates the funds be used to provide scholarship assistance to graduate students in the School of Engineering who are from the general Baltimore-Annapolis area.

James J. and Nancy K. Julian Robert A. Kavetsky ’75, ’78, ’80 and Carolyn Lower Kavetsky ’74 Reverend Francis G. Kazista ’70 Joseph Ambrose Kenny Jr., ’76 and Sharon Boynton Kenny, Ph.D., ’76 Carol A. Watt King ’56 Knights of Columbus Saint Cabrini George M. Krainak ’70 Bernhard J. and Patricia M. Kraus Alden J. Laborde, LL.D. Vincent Langton William P. LaRosa Sr. and Marjorie M. LaRosa Michael J. Leegan, Esquire, ’92 Julius S. Levine Dr. Mary Beth Lindsay ’77 Richard A. Loiselle ’64, ’68 Rett Richard Ludwikowski Edward J. Lynett Jr. and Lynda Lynett Mark F. Lyons ’52 and Molly M. Lyons ’52 Peter T. Manzi ’89 Loretta A. Marzetti ’65 Joseph F. Masso, Ph.D., ’59 Robert E. Matthews ’50 The Florence Mauboules Charitable Trust John E. May ’66 Patrick J. May ’88 and Mary Beth May Reverend Alfred McBride ’72 Douglas P. McCormack ’81 John J. McCoy James C. and E. Ann McCrery Francis L. McDonald Eric P. McErlain ’89 Stewart E. McHie Paul R. McHugh, M.D., and Jean B. McHugh Peter R. McInnes ’79 and Noreen Therese McInnes ’79

Mildred E. McSkimming ’68 Thomas P. Melady ’52, ’55, ’92 and Margaret Badum Melady Daniel J. Menniti ’57, ’64 Zdzislaw C. and Loretta Mikolajczyk Robert L. Mitchell ’69 Eileen Curran Monahan ’59 Patricia A. Morgan ’75, ’81 William D. Mulholland ’80 Sister Jacqueline A. Murphy, R.S.H.M., ’70, ’79 Dennis J. and Lisa J. Murray Anthony M. Natelli ’48 Matthew Luke Nestorick ’03 Hiram T. Norman and Megan W. Marconi-Norman ’93 Aldo G. Notarianni ’46 Daniel J. O’Connor ’57, ’65 Christopher D. Offen ’70 and Margaret Mulhern Offen ’70 James J. O’Hara ’71 and Mary Jo O’Hara Dr. Bernard V. O’Neill Jr., Esquire, ’59 and Marion W. O’Neill Brian O’Neill and Colleen V. O’Neill ’92 Timothy M. O’Neill ’81 and Margaret Anne O’Neill ’81 Mary Ann D. Oprisch William J. and Mary R. O’Shea James P. and Michelle P. O’Sullivan William B. Palardy, Ph.D., ’92 Thomas A. Pape ’79 and Judith Arena Pape ’80 Lauretta M. Pearl ’94, ’95 Kenneth J. Pennington and Marlene Carlson Leslie J. Pierre, Ph.D., ’69, ’75 and Joan M. Pierre ’65, ’68 Martin F. Pilger Jr. ’51 William Poms ’53 and Lela H. Poms Christopher Pooley and Margaret J. Pooley ’10

* Denotes deceased members throughout the publication Denotes members of the Lumen Society throughout the publication

Scott J. Privat ’01 Frank J. Pruss ’85 and Patricia Y. Pruss Mark Radowich Robert A. and Patricia M. Randall Richard F. Reidy Mark Roberts and Anne Roberts Joseph Michael Roche Mary Jo Rodgers ’77 Arthur D. Ruben, CFP, ’76 Michael J. Rubino ’50, ’54 Raymond R. Ruppert Jr. and Molly Murray Ruppert ’59 John T. Ryan III Saint Elizabeth Seton Fund Joel J. and Annette A. Santolla Peter and Constance Scalamandre Charles Scalera Jr. ’50 Peter P. Schaffer ’84 and Paula M. Schaffer ’85 Charles H. Schaub Jr. ’66 Robert T. Schroth ’49 Robert P. Schuh ’50 Ellen M. Scully, Esquire, ’67 John M. Sebahar ’66 Ann M. Seeger ’75 Megan Sweeney Seiner ’96 Lucia Ann Silecchia Theodore Sky and Vera C. Sky ’87 John P. Slattery ’51 Terrence A. Smart ’63 Steven J. Smith David J. C. and Marie A. Smith Gavin A. Smith and Karen L. Castellano-Smith ’93 Robert S. Sokolowski, Ph.D., ’56, ’57 Janet Rexrode Southby, (Ret.) Ph.D., RN, A.N.C., ’79 Thomas Patrick Stern ’93

James J. Still ’08 Stephen E. and Peggy Madigan Still Clare M. Storck Robert J. ’60 and Barbara J. Talbot James E. and Carol A. Tally John D. Tauke, Ph.D., ’65, ’66 and Regina V. Tauke ’64 D. B. Taylor Nielsen Deborah A. Taylor Michael Allyn Taylor ’68, ’72, ’82 Joseph J. Tecce, Ph.D., ’58, ’61 and Mary J. Tecce George D. Tibbits Jr. ’83 H. James Towey, Esquire and Mary G. Towey Michael J. Troha ’75, ’76 United Way of Monmouth County Gino S. Valenti ’50 and Louise M. Valenti Linda R. Valli Ronald L. Van Nest, USN (Ret.), ’74 Julius Varallyay Barbara A. Verbiar, RN, ’71 John and Mary Volpe Katalin Voros Daniel W. Wagner ’80 and Elizabeth A. Godfrey Frank J. and Mary B. Wallmeyer Sherril L. Weil ’76 Robert H. Wellen and Anita Wellen ’80 Stephen D. Westhoven ’90 John R. Whalen ’56 and Dorothy S. Whalen Henry S. and Elaine Wick Maria Clara Willis ’66* Andrew L. Wilson ’97 and Katherine E. Wilson ’96 Joseph J. Zelinka ’63 and Mary Alice Zelinka ’83 Regina M. Zinn Carl E. Zwisler

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The Dean’s Circle ($250 to $499)

Anonymous Michael E. Adamec ’65 and Linda Ann Adamec Paul S. Adams Jr. ’53 Robin P. Alexander ’77 Edward D. Alleyne ’56 Phillip J. Armstrong, Ph.D., ’62, ’77 Michael F. Bagnell ’83 and Debora J. Bagnell Sara Ellen Bannin ’62 Richard J. Bannon, Ph.D., ’48, ’50, ’54 and Phyllis Bannon Juan-Carlos Barraza ’96 Margaret Martin Barry ’39 Barbara Joan Baskerville ’73 Robert Basmadjian Jr. and Kathleen A. Basmadjian, Ph.D., ’93 Theresa Benevides-Blahato ’85 Nicholas W. Berg ’09


Paula M. Bergamini ’87 James W. Bergenn ’76 and Susan K. Bergenn Neil Best Jr. and Noreen Best Stanley Betts Brett A. Bivans ’86, ’87, ’91 Blessed Sacrament Paul F. Bliss ’81 and Christine C. Bliss Wendy Whiting Blome, Ph.D., ’94 Patricia Bloomfield ’49 John Paul Boucher, D.Min., ’70 Robert T. Bowser II ’59, ’63 Robe rt E. Brick ’73 and Mary Crooker Brick ’73 William J. Briscoe ’70, ’78 Mary A. Brockway ’49 Patricia A. Broderick ’55 Melvin L. Brooks ’40 Jos eph Vincent and Theresa Anne Bucherer Donald J. Buckley ’57 Linda McDonald Budney ’69, ’97 C ourtney B. Burroughs, Ph.D., ’70, ’77 and Mary Alice Burroughs Mae Barkley Butler ’63 Neil P. Byrne ’85 Harvely and Margaret Joann Cable Jan S. Callahan Michael and Maryann M. Camardo Beth Picknally Camden ’84 Robert D. Campenni Michael J. and Margaret M. Carew

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Frank A. Carlet, Esquire, ’56, ’59 and Anne Marie Caravati Carlet ’58 John and Barbara Carroll Richard T. Carty ’62 and Gloria A. Carty David J. Casey ’60 Myron B. Chace Jr. ’80 Children’s National Medical Center Young il Choo ’67, ’70 Thomas J. Christel ’79 Robert J. and Katherine M. Chrzanowski Alexander C. Cirillo Jr., Ph.D., ’69 and Judith Anne Mester-Cirillo ’69 Richard J. Clair ’72 and Roselyne E. Clair Catherine S. Cole, D.N.Sc., ’02 Hyacinth R. Collins, Esquire, ’70, ’73 Michael T. Concannon, Esquire, ’76, ’78 Catherine Ecock Connelly, Ph.D., ’64, ’79 Dianne M. Conte ’89 J. Patrick Corrigan, Ph.D., ’77, ’96 James R. Costello Jr., Esquire, ’68 Linda K. Cox ’93 Timothy Cox Neil Croarkin ’41 Ronald E. and Terrye Dachelet Theresa C. Daly ’89 David L. Danner, Ph.D., ’82 Bohdan Danyliw, USAF (Ret.), ’48 Margaret Dorian Davis, M.D., ’75 Robert A. Davis Jr., Esquire, ’78 and Liza Marie Davis ’00 Teodora J. De La Cruz ’54 Mary Therese De Lang ’72

Charles H. Deal David A. Didion, D.Engr., ’59, ’62, ’72 and Helen A. Didion Christian E. Dinegar ’95 Elvidio V. Diniz ’68 and Sara J. Otto-Diniz Trevor A. D’Souza ’87 and Maureen Devine D’Souza, Esquire, ’87, ’95 Paul R. Duke Jr. and Eileen M. Duke Jane H. Dunphy Roy E. and Diane B. Eades Robert J. Ebner ’59 and Elizabeth Beaton Ebner ’59 Ralph P. Edwards and Agnes Biscan Edwards ’61 Dale E. R. Eliasson, L.I.S.I.S., ’72 Alan C. Ernst ’67 Lisa Anjon Everhart, Esquire, ’83 Estate of Margaret W. Everhart Michael J. Fallon, Ph.D., ’71, ’79 and Christine Luchok Fallon, Esquire, ’77 Erin Connair Fanning ’88 Carolyn Kane Fantini ’66 Phillip A. Farber ’63 Caroline F. Farina ’63 Janet Louise Larmer Farrell ’59 Albert G. Fedalei, M.D., ’83 Dorothy Louise Fedorka, Ph.D., ’74, ’84 John J. Feeley Jr., Ed.D., ’76, ’78 David A. Feinstein Thomas A. Finnegan ’79 Gertrude M. Fitzsimmons Scott N. Flesch, Esquire, ’94, ’97 Albert John Fulner Jr. ’49 Christopher G. and Mary Ann Furlong Thomas P. Gaffney Jr. ’08 Loretta E. Gallegos ’86

Guillermo Garcia ’95 and Alison Poole Garcia ’95 Edward E. Gardner, Ph.D., ’55 and Betty B. Gardner Joseph G. Gatwood Theodore A. George, P.E., ’59, ’62 John G. Gill Jr., Esquire, ’62 Elisabeth V.K. Gilligan ’62 James M. Gilmer III ’81 Nicholas G. and Mary Sue Guetle Bridget Guetle Wise ’03 Michael J. Hackert ’80 and Geraldine Ann Hackert William and Diane Hagaman Herbert R. Hagenau, Ph.D., ’77 Paul A. Hallisey ’53 Joseph F. Hanley Jr. ’64, ’73 Timothy C. Hanley, Ph.D., ’64 Thomas E. Hanlon, Ph.D., ’58 Katherine J. Harig ’71 Andrew J. Harris Jr. ’58 Donatus C. Hayes ’71 J. Margaret Hayes ’53 Thomas F. Hayes ’83 Thomas M. Hayes and Katherine M. Hayes, Ph.D., ’97 Raymond G. Healy ’62 Roger Vincent Healy Sr. Jean S. Heisman, O.D. John B. Henderson and Joanna B. Henderson ’76 Phillip and Mary Henderson William L. Henn Jr. ’75 and Elizabeth S. Henn Ruby Francis Hill ’63 Joyce C. Hollis ’84 Alden V. Holmes and Eleanor Ann Holmes ’50 Joseph G. Holt, D.M.A., ’95 Donald W. Hoppenjans, Ph.D., ’68

James A. Hughes ’56 and Margaret C. Hughes Peter C. Hughes, Sr., Ph.D., ’79 and Mary Rose Hughes, Esquire, ’79 Thomas and Judit Jackovics Anthony Joseph and Susan Janicki Richard B. and Julia Jasinski Craig A. Jones, M.D., ’91 and Kristine Drury Jones Dora Ann Jones ’63 Christopher A. Joyce ’69 Kevin Kadesky and Angela Sagers Kadesky ’84 Donna Leigh Kahn, Ph.D., ’98 Reverend Thomas M. Kalita ’85 Nancy R. Kavanaugh, Ph.D., ’02 Patricia A. Keane Warren E. Keene, Ph.D., ’66, ’87 John C. Keller ’50 Katherine Yosko Keller Leonard P. Kelly, A.E.A., ’70, ’75, ’86 Patricia Jane Kelly ’77 Vincent J. Kelly Jr. ’80 William E. and Carolyn Kelly Susan Powers Kennelly ’59 John J. Kenney, Ph.D., ’79, ’81, ’85 Anita Khushalani Ahen Kim Gregory C. Kimm ’81 James A. and Patricia A. King Elise K. Kirk, Ph.D., ’77 Michael Dennis Kirley ’71 Mary Elizabeth S. Kiss ’94 Martha G. Klajnowski, USAF (Ret.), ’70 John L. Klemmer and Suzanne Starshak Klemmer ’59 Joseph and Lourdes Knight Maria Ottilia Koel ’69

* Denotes deceased members throughout the publication Denotes members of the Lumen Society throughout the publication

Martha A. Krebs, Ph.D., ’66, ’75 Kathleen K. Krehbiel Loretta K. Krogmann Deirdre E. Kvartunas ’81 Stewart J. Lagarde Jr. ’94 Michael A. Lapadula Joseph W. Lattisaw Jr. and Sharon S. Lattisaw John C. Lavezzi, Ph.D., ’62 William J. Leahy ’64 and Kay F. Leahy Jennifer Brown Leasure ’92 Emmanuel Hugues Lepoutre Peter Ligon James and Jean Linn Roy E. Littlefield III, Ph.D., ’77, ’80 Peter Lodewick and Elizabeth A. Sweeney-Lodewick ’75 Tzesiung Log and Sarah S. Log ’77 Eileen Dolores Logan ’80 Philip A. Loreti ’51 Paul J. Lotz ’92 Lawrence L. Luchi J. Craig and Mary M. Lundberg Minhthu Ngo Lynagh ’79 Sidney J. MacLeod Jr. ’59 Christopher J. Madigan ’71 Ernest L. Madsen, Ph.D., ’68 John Joseph Maggio ’81 Kyle B. Magner ’82 Desiree H. Magney, Esquire, ’78, ’81 William C. Maguire, Ph.D., ’73 Joseph B. Mahon ’51 Joseph M. Malley ’82 Pierre J. Malochee ’74 and Kristy Ann Malochee Gabrielle D. Martel ’59 Ellen D. Martin Rashaun J. Martin ’01 and Andrea Martin

Marc R. Masferrer ’89 William E. May, Ph.D., ’50, ’51 and Patricia A. Keck May, Ph.D., ’89 Michael J. McAleer ’90 Ryan T. McAllister ’99 and Debra McAllister ’99 Kevin J. McCall ’73 and Jane M. McCall R. Bruce McCommons ’85 Lyn G. Hartley McConnell ’63 Thomas J. McCormick John T. McCoy ’86 and Therese Lloyd McCoy ’86 F. Allen McDonogh Meghan O’Connor McDonogh Lorraine B. McGlynn, Esquire, ’79 Frank and Helen McGrail John P. McGuinness ’67 and Rosemarie Contini McGuinness ’67 Anne Higgins McMahon ’86 Thomas F. McNamara, Ph.D., ’59 Jane Ellen Mead ’74 Paul H. Meijer and Marianne S. Meijer ’60, ’73 Richard L. Mensi ’76 Edward J. Michuda ’50 Kenneth S. Mitchell ’86, ’87 Ann M. Moorhouse Jonathan K. Morse ’74, ’76 Justin G. Morse John O. Mudd ’65, ’66 and Margaret Mudd Gregory F. Murphy John Blake Murphy ’49 Joseph A. Murphy ’60, ’71 and Anne Reilly Murphy ’61 Kienan F. Murphy ’72 and Elizabeth Murphy Brian F. Murray ’89 Edward John Murray Laura A. Neal ’97 William Neba

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An Interview with Tristan Walton ’13, Mechanical Engineering Georgia Ann Niedzielko, Esquire, ’81 Kenneth R. and Christine Nolan P. Terence Nolan ’89 Charles R. Nugent ’79 Mary Ellen O’Brien-Palmieri, Esquire, ’73 Mark W. Ohnmacht ’78 Joseph D. Olivieri ’81 Neal O’Loughlin ’83, ’85 James M. O’Neill ’63 Kevin F. O’Neill ’94 Brendan T. O’Reilly ’87 and Maureen Devine O’Reilly ’87 Michael P. Orscheln ’87 and Eileen K. Orscheln Paul S. Osmanski ’85 Robert J. Overman and Maureen R. Overman ’89 William H. Owens ’59 David W. Palmer ’90 and Sheila C. Palmer, Ph.D., ’90 Ellen Pappas ’84 David L. Parker, Ph.D., ’81 William S. Pepe Jr. ’91 Gary E. Pergolini ’85 Steve Peroutka Michael J. Petrina Sr. Mary F. Pfordresher ’52 Piarist Fathers Stephen G. Piccone ’77 and Stephanie E. Piccone Joanne M. Pizzo ’83 William F. Potter ’50 and Elizabeth Edwards Potter ’50 Vance E. Powers Felix E. and Mary Ruth Prieur


Edward J. Queen ’59, ’62 and Patricia J. Queen William K. Quinter ’63 and Ruth Cella Quinter ’60 Mario J. Ramirez ’63 Joseph A. Ranieri ’63 James L. Raymond ’77 Monsignor Joseph F. Rebman ’65, ’66 William E. Reid Jr. ’65, ’68 Joan A. Reider, D.N.Sc., ’89 Kirk Renaud and Sarah H. Duggin Trevor O. Resurreccion ’01 Anthony V. Ricci, AIA, ’68 Mark L. Rienzi James D. Riley and Rita A. Riley ’80 John F. and Janet W. Robinson William Claney Rogers ’60 and Elizabeth Ann Rogers Donald F. and Daphne N. Rogowski Patricia A. Ryan ’76 Nabil S. Saad, Ph.D., ’72, ’74 Frederick and Mary Schoeffling Edward Joseph Scullen, USN (Ret.), ’42 Martha W. Sellers, Ph.D., ’77 Angela Shibetti-Swift ’86 David E. and Donna Shumaker Charles G. and Judith A. Siegert Mary Doorley Simboski, CFRE, ’81 Mary K. Walker Simmons ’69 James J. and Patricia Sinnott Michael Skokan ’88 Catherine Smith ’84 Barbara Ann Soniat

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Jack J. Spencer Jr. ’65 and Margaret Brubaker Spencer ’66 St. Matthias St. Vincent De Paul Church Jay J.L. Stegmaier ’76 John A. Stemwedel Maria A. Stevens Harlen Gebhard Stevenson and Katharine Gebhard Stevenson ’54, ’56 Michael A. Stiller ’92 and Allison F. Stiller Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Strishock ’52 Elizabeth Stroemer ’87 Catherine Hope Suber ’81 Dennis P. Sullivan ’85 Jerry T. Sullivan, Ph.D., ’71 and Joan M. Sullivan Chiang Syin, Ph.D., ’81, ’85 and Yvonne Wei-Hwa Yang, Ph.D., ’84 Richard A. Symuleski, Ph.D., ’70, ’73, ’77 and Mary Sommers Symuleski ’71 Joseph J. Szlavik ’91 Paul P. Szydlik ’64 and Mary Szydlik ’61 Edward L. Tarrant ’46 Paul G. Taylor Jr. ’82 Franz C. Theard, M.D., ’68 Jennifer M. Theroux ’82 Patrick James Thornton and Loretta A. Torio Hadassah N. Thursz Marjorie Hartman Tibery ’60 Rick and Diane Toler Larry A. Vaclavik ’82 and Elizabeth Talone Vaclavik ’79 Silvio T. and Kathleen O. Valente

Margaret R. Van Horn ’98 Kathleen T. Villemi ’64 Susan R. Vincent ’83 Nobert G. Vogl III David Clark Wagner ’75 and Kitty Wagner ’75 James F. and Mary Elizabeth Walker Bryan P. Walsh ’97 Kenneth G. Walsh, Esquire, ’87 Elaine R. Walter, Ph.D., ’73 Sue F. Ward Washington Rattlers Angela T. Weeks ’70 Harris and Rosa Weinstein Christopher Wheatley Thomas J. Whelan, Esquire, ’73 Thomas E. White ’73 John M. Wigglesworth ’35 Mary Ellen Williams ’74, ’75 Daniel Wilbur Wilson ’97 William James Wilson Jr. ’69 and Mary Pat Wilson ’71 William E. and Maria T. Wise Leah R. Wolf ’81, ’82 James Woolley and Susan Overath-Woolley ’66 Joseph J. and Maureen O. Yanoshik Michael A. and Karen A. Young James E. Youniss, Ph.D., ’63 and Dorothy Youniss Bernard P. Zipprich Jr. ’74, ’76 Kathryn A. Zonghetti ’86

Q: Why did you choose CUA?

Walton: Catholic just seemed like the right size for me. It was smaller than the other schools I was considering and visited. The class sizes are smaller, meaning I get more attention from my professors. Which is great! Q: When did you first visit campus?

Walton: I came to visit as a high school senior on an overnight visit. Everyone was so welcoming. As a rugby player in high school, I was able to work out with the team while I was here. It was great to meet and hang with the guys on the team. They just accepted me from the beginning. Q: Why is rugby so important to you?

Walton: I played on my varsity team in high school. Our team was good. We played matches all over the United States and abroad. It was cool being a high school student and traveling to South America to play. I was recruited by other colleges to play rugby at the varsity level. I wanted to continue to play but really be able to focus on academics. By coming here I could do both.

Q: Catholic University’s team is a club sport and not varsity. Has that been a problem for you?

Q: With the many disciplines in engineering, why did you choose mechanical engineering?

Walton: No, not at all. I really enjoy rugby, but it is not going to be my career. The difference is the guys on the team: we are like a fraternity, a brotherhood. We really look out for and support each other both on the field and off. It was great coming here as a freshman and upperclassman were open to listening to my opinions. There was no, “I’m a senior and you’re a freshman, so you don’t count.” They saw me as someone with a lot of experience who could help the team.

Walton: Mechanical engineering is a broad discipline. A degree in it will give me more options after graduation. I can go for an advanced degree either in engineering or math or work toward my M.B.A. I’m also interested in a degree in environmental engineering, so I need to explore what that will mean as it relates to my coursework.

Q: Why have you chosen to major in engineering?

Walton: I’m pretty good in math and science and I enjoy them. Majoring in engineering just made sense. You know it doesn’t always come easy but the professors here take time to help you. The size of the classes really gives us an opportunity to get that one-onone attention. Like my teammates on the rugby team, my classmates in engineering all support each other. I guess you can say we have bonded. We get together to help with labs or complex math problems. At a larger school, I don’t think I would have the same experience.


“The class sizes are smaller, meaning I get more attention from my professors. Which is great!”


Q: With all you do both in the class and out, what else have you found time to do?

Walton: I am busy, but I like it this way. This year I was on the support staff for Freshman Retreat. For several weeks leading up to Retreat, we would have meetings and get things ready. On the whole it was an extra three or four hours a day. During the actual Retreat, I was working 18 to 20 hours a day. When it was all over, I was really proud to be a part of welcoming this year’s incoming class to the community. People have always welcomed me and it really made me feel like this was home. I wanted to be able to do the same.

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The Gold Circle (Up to $250)

William H. Aarnes ’71 Jerome H. Aarons, M.D. Reverend John James Abrahams ’62 Joyce M. Abram ’75 Louis C. Abramovitz ’05 Alice U. Abramson ’81 Brother Edward Adams ’51 Ellen V. Adams ’89 Judith Anne Adams ’77 Richard P. Adams William J. and Cindy C. Adams John and Paula Addeo Agnes Z.S. Addington ’85 Charles G. Agli Jr. ’69 and Barbara J. Agli Mario Agudelo Mary T. Aguilera-Titus ’83 Karen C. Ahearn ’75 Margaret Ahern ’65 Honora Ahern-Grose ’79 Margaret C. Ahmann ’81 Louis P. Alar Ralph A. Albano ’84 Anthony J. Albence ’93 Christopher Albino and Myrna A. Mills Albino ’78 Andrew Alcorn Jr. and Francine Alcorn Jose and Nayda Alejandro Jennifer A. Alesia ’95 Angela Alfano Sister Laura Algiere, D.W., ’72 Hajrija Alic Reverend John E. Allard ’97 Max H. Allen, USN (Ret.), ’53 Anne Schwalbach Alleva ’79 Clifford Kent Allison ’79 Mary A. Allman ’74 Harry L. Alm Jr. ’68 Christina L. Alt ’89, ’92 Ronald S. Altemus ’00 Randi Levine Altschuler ’05


Anna C. Alt-White ’78 Antonio J. Amadeo Jr., AIA, ’81, ’86 Reverend William J. Amann ’49, ’50 Marylee Noonan Amato ’91 Paul E. Ambrose Jr. ’73 Adelaide C. Amend ’60 Geraldine A. Ames ’74 Reverend John J. Ames ’91, ’95 Bonnie Joyce Ammons ’80 Mary P. Anastasio Monsignor Gaspar F. Ancona ’58, ’59, ’63 Richard D. Andaloro Catherine J. Anderson, D.N.Sc., ’64, ’77 Judith L. Anderson ’84 Derien R. Andes ’57 John E. Andres ’51 Thomas J. Anessi ’56 Dorothy C. Aneto ’76 F. Virginia Angstadt ’81 William F. Anhut Jr. ’81 Kathleen A. Annulli ’81 David G. Anson ’72 Robert B. Anspach Sr. Michael and Maria Anthon Charito-Grace Antiporda Carol A. Antoniewicz ’74 Larry W. Applewhite, Ph.D., ’95 Roger S. Apted Diane Aquilino Pinar Arcan ’89 Ralph D. Arcari ’65 Ann Ardigo John and Jacquelyn Ardolino John J. Arege, Esquire, ’90 Javier Argomaniz Elaine M. Armanini Felice and Mary Lou Armenio Patricia A. Armitage Gretchen A. Armlin

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Alice M. Armour ’74 Joseph F. Armstrong and Patricia M. Armstrong ’57 Eugene L. Aronne ’51 George L. and Betty Arrigotti Megan A. Artz ’92 Michael Asbacher ’85 Denis Nicholson Asselin ’71 Maurice Astorga ’65 and Alicia Astorga Gail P. Jones Atkins ’74 Julie M. Atkins ’70 Thomas D. Atkins ’85 Karen M. Audant ’83 Leonard F. Augustin Jr. ’59 Joseph J. Aulenti ’68 and Louise D. Aulenti Gary and Joanne Ault Roger Curtis Ault ’74 Jennie Ross Downer Austin, CPNP, ’78 Richard H. Austing, Ph.D., ’63 Auto City Body Shop Joseph R. Avella ’95 John Roger Axe, Ph.D., ’72 and Jacqueline P. Axe Joan Ayers Geoffrey N. Azaroff ’85 Margaret Ann Babione, O.S.U., ’65 John P. and Heather Babish Kenneth and Kathleen Baccetti Reverend Frank J. Bach ’64 John Wilbur Baer, DA, ’80 Laura R. Baglio ’44 Marcella Bagnulo ’67 Eric and Wendy Bahr Rachael Bail Cornelius E. Bailey ’75 Carmen Perez Bainum ’64, ’70 Peter M. Bainum, Ph.D., ’67 Peter J. Bakarich Jr. ’69, ’70 Daniel J. Baker ’86 and Stefanie P. Baker

James O. and Sarah O. Baker Katherine G. Baker, Ph.D., ’75, ’85 Marianne Russo Baker, RN, ’81, ’85 Alexander T. Bakos ’86 Jagjit B. Singh Bakshi, Ph.D., ’66 Roland P. and Patricia J. Bakunas Barbara Britton Baldwin ’56 David W. and Karen Baldwin George R. Baldwin and Patricia J. Baldwin, D.N.Sc., ’75 Ralph E. Balestrieri ’83 Elizabeth B. Ballard ’92 Albert and Carolyn Banach Deirdre M. Creedon Bandur ’69 Alphonse Bankard III and Kathryn Bankard George E. Banks IV and Marguerite E. Banks Harry Banks, Ph.D., ’83 Myrtle T. Banks ’53 Theodore B. Banning and Ann F. Banning ’87 Roberto Baquerizo ’73 John Baranello Jr. and Candace Baranello Elizabeth Munyon Barbe ’66 William C. Barbee Jr., Ph.D., ’74 Frank and Dorothy Barbera George J. Barbero, J.D., ’50 Arthur A. and Lola A. Bardos Cecilia M. Baricevic, M.S.W., ’69 Conrad A. Barile Martha Keys Barker ’99 Scott S. Barker and Joan L. Barker ’77 William J. Barker Jr. ’71 Thomas E. Barnard, Ph.D., ’86, ’00 Ellen McCloskey Barnes ’74 Francis Barnes Francis H. Barnes Jr. William A. Barnes III, Ph.D., ’71 William L. Barnes ’68 Christopher Barnett ’93, ’94

James R. Baron ’64 Marcia Barone ’80 Benjamin E. Barr ’04 John Anthony Barrett ’67 and Joanne Donnelly Barrett ’67 Marie Rohner Barrett ’63 Nancy H. Barrie ’71 Rita C. Barriteau ’09 Ann Marie Barry ’70 Lance Leonard Barry ’88 and Kimberly F. Barry Laurence A. Barry ’50 Sarah A. Bartel Thomas R. Bartosiewicz ’71 Arvydas Barzdukas and Daiva Barzdukas ’79 Eniko M. Basa Charles G. Bashara, Ph.D., ’04, ’06 Franklyn B. Bassett Alberto P. Bastida ’66, ’75 Richard W. Bateman, D.S.W., ’51 Mary Manley Bates, C.F.A., ’66 Ann Marie Batten ’80 Albert J. Battista ’43 Allen Overton Battle, Ph.D., ’54, ’61 Scott E. Battle Laura Carolyn Baucus ’96 Al M. Baudhuin Barbara E. Baxter Mary Wright Baylor ’79 Reverend Ty Joseph Bazar ’02 Stanley John Bazydola ’56 Lisa M. Bazzarre ’84 Gail S. Beach Richard A. Beacom Jr., J.D., ’66 and Cynthia Beacom Timothy Daniel Beacom ’96 Thomas J. Beahn ’73 and Mary E. Beahn Tarcisio Beal, Ph.D., ’65, ’69 and Neuza F. Beal Jimille Shorter Beard ’70, ’74

Catherine A. Beaudry ’75 Daniel and Mary Beth Beaudry Robert M. Beaudry ’43* Raymond L. Beauregard ’56 and Dorothy M. Beauregard William and Kim Bechert Donald W. Bechtold, Ph.D., ’58, ’60, ’69 and Clare M. Bechtold Catherine Fico Beck ’69 Robert Beck Rosemary M. Becker ’66 Winfield and Sara-Jean Becker Bruce E. Beckert Donald M. Beckstead, M.D., ’78 and Sharon K. Beckstead James B. Beckwith ’83 and Robin L. Beckwith Charles W. Beeching and Marie McIntosh Beeching ’62 Teresa Acquaviva Begg ’85 Reverend Seely J. Beggiani ’61, ’63 James M. Begley Robert J. Behling ’74 Nicholas J. Bell ’06 John and Kathleen Bellacicco Horace V. Bellanca ’54 and Kathryn W. Bellanca Katherine L. Bellebaum ’03 Anne T. Bellinger ’81 Rocco W. Belmonte ’70 Leonard Eugene Belvedere Sr. and Stella-Ann Grace Belvedere Joseph and Corinne M. Bencivenga Monsignor Thomas G. Bender ’56 Sister Arnold Benedetto ’51 Henry O. Benedict ’52, ’56 and Lorene S. Benedict Benedictina Sisters Betty G. Bengtson ’67

* Denotes deceased members throughout the publication Denotes members of the Lumen Society throughout the publication

David Bennett and Sandra J. Bennett ’86 Terrence B. Bennett ’81 Donald F. Bennewitz ’52, ’53 Irene Benoit Howard H. Benson Jr., USN (Ret.), ’49 Glen W. Berg, P.E. and Judith C Berg Terry G. Berg and Anita M. Sevier ’81 Coletta A. Berger William J. Berger ’65 and Carol A. Berger ’64, ’82 Susan W. Bergmann ’94 Wilbur C. Bergquist, Ph.D., ’74 Robert A. Berles, M.S.W., ’50 James R. Berlow and Nancy M. Willis ’77 Karen J. Berman ’93 Anthony J. Bernardo and Mary Ann Bernardo ’59 Ann Dolores Bernhardt Walter F. Berns Jr. and Irene L. Berns Joseph A. Berrio Esperanza Berrocal ’97, ’02 Pamela A. Bertrand Denis C. and Nancy E. Berwanger Douglas O. Besharov, Esquire, and Susan H. Besharov Ricardo Bethencourt James H. Bettendorf ’55 and Patricia R. Bettendorf Kimberlee Antrim Bevis ’88 Timothy S. Bezanson and Constance B. Bezanson ’91 Richard Joseph and Kathleen T. Bianchini Philip and SallyAnn Biase Alice S. Bidwell Stephanie Bieloski ’01 Richard B. Bier ’54 Veronica M. Bierbaum ’70 Joseph R. Bigley ’69 and Darlene R. Bigley Maureen E. Billerbeck ’50, ’52

Reagan Dionne Billingsley ’05 Eugene F. Bilz ’49 Joan M. Binck-Fuechsel ’68, ’73 Joseph J. Binowski ’57 Reverend Joseph R. Binzer ’99 Andrea Croce Birch, Ph.D., ’80, ’83 Michael and Linda Birgenheir Elizabeth Crowe Bishop ’75 Agnes Caroline Black ’54, ’60 Mary Ann Blackledge ’70 Harold Blackstone and Kathryn B. Blackstone ’69 J. Miriam Blackwell, MSBT, Ph.D., ’74 Gene Granville Blades, Ph.D., ’87, ’90 Noel Blagg and Paula J. Blagg ’73 Dean H. Blair and Elizabeth Skowron Blair ’76 Elizabeth Dale Pagano Blair ’72 Bernadette M. Blais, Ph.D., ’69, ’77 Nancy Liebert Blake ’51 David L. Blanchard, Ph.D., ’71 Henry Robert Blanda ’71, ’81 and Marion Barbara Ficke ’71, ’79 Leslie Alan Blatt and Leslie Sue Blatt ’80 Robert Blau Roman G. Blazauskas ’84 Jeffrey P. Blazewicz Gerald V. Blessing, Ph.D., ’73 and Mary Lou Blessing John E. Bligh ’58 Linda Aileen Bloomfield ’62 Irene Blum Carol T. Blume ’69 Stephen J. Bobolia ’73 James G. Bodine Sr. and Ruth M. Bodine K. Michael Boehk ’70 Pierre D. Boehler ’93 Mary Hill Boggis, RN, ’46 Samuel Walter Bogley III and Rita C. Bogley

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Catherine Schulz Bogus ’71 James Thomas Boler ’72 Catherine Spearing Bolgiano ’81 August C. Bolino W. Lamar Bomar Jr. and Suzanne K. Bomar ’71 Ronald J. Bombick ’68 Rose Marie E. Bommer ’57 Therese E. Bonacker ’59 Nino L. Bonavito ’64, ’71 and Cynthia K. Bonavito Tom P. Bonczek ’70 Casimir J. Bonk ’50 and Emily M. Bonk Frank J. Bonnike ’52 Mary Jean Bonomo ’80 Hugo Anthony Bonuccelli Jr. ’74 Michelle C. Boomgaard, Ph.D., ’02 Laura C. Boone W. Marshall Booth and Valerie O. Booth ’94 David L. Boothe ’60 Douglas C. Borchard Jr. ’57 and Marlene Frank Borchard ’59 Thomas E. Bordley, D.Engr., ’77 and Rosemary W. Bordley Henry A. Borger Jr. ’56 Lawrence D. Boring Laurie S. Borman Martin James Borowski ’80 Michael A. Borsz Donald Bosse Sr. Christina Bosserman Louis M. Botto ’50, ’53 Monica Ann Botto Louis C. and Rosarina A. Bottoni Donald L. Bouchard ’67 and Jane Andrews Gary N. and Kay Lynn Boughan


Gerard P. Bourcier ’76 Coleen E. Bourque ’96 Bernard L. Boutin ’43 and Alice M. Boutin Claude A. Bowen Jr. Everett C. Bowen ’51, ’56 John M. Bower Jr. Sherrill H. Bower Karen A. Bowers ’71 John A. Bowler ’49 and Mary Lou Bowler Lois H. Bowman ’68 Victor B. Bowman, D.M.A., ’89 Shant S. Boyajian Jay E. Boyd ’74 Judith M. Boyd ’66, ’69 Christina M. Boyhan ’83 Brother James Michael Boyle, C.F.X., ’52 Margaret A. Boyle ’50 Michael Boyle John Bozeman Thomas and Mary Brabec Alice M. Bradee ’65 Sister Ann Rosaire Bradley ’66 Charles V. Brady ’49, ’58 Sister Marian Brady ’59, ’62 Patricia Brady ’73 Rupert J. Brady ’53 and Maureen M. Brady Gerhardt B. Braeckel, Esquire, ’66 Suzanne A. Brainard ’52 John J. Braithwaite John M. Braithwaite ’80 Lynne M. Braley Barbara A. Brammer Edward F. Branagan Jr. ’69, ’71 Eloise Jackson Branche ’60 William and Mary Brandenstein John Charles Brandes ’94

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Elizabeth A. Brandreth ’63 Marek and Barbara Brandys Vincent P. Branick ’64 Mary Theresa Branscome ’83 Letitia B. Bratton, Ph.D., ’92 Lucille J. Braun, M.S.N., ’67 Allen O. Breach, Ph.D., ’74 Cecelia K. Breazeale Joseph W. Bredie, Ph.D. ’74, ’80 and Carmen C. Suro Breide Therese C. Breen ’54 Yvonne M. Breen ’85 Edward D. Breitenbach, Ph.D., ’80 Eugene Breitenberg Jr. ’82, ’83 Robert E. Brennan ’65 and Carol Reich Brennan ’65 Roseann Brennan Thomas E. Brennan ’75 Thomas J. Brennan ’70 Arthur W. Brenneke ’78 Bernice O. Breslau ’78 Michael Patrick Breslin ’02 Thomas F. and Clara C. Brett Thomas Brew Elizabeth M. Brian ’90 Marjorie P. Bribitzer, LCSW, ’87 Carolyn Rickard Brideau ’83 Edward and Wendy Bridgeford Marianne Sullivan Bright ’54 Julius and Maria Brigoli Frances M. Brillantine ’92 Anthony J. Brink ’49 Margaret K. Brizendine ’77 Robert F. and C.M. Brockish Robert F. Brockish Richard D. Brody ’82

Barbara Ann Brooks ’68 William M. Brophy Jeffrey W. Brosius Carole M. Brown Jeanette H. Brown ’91 Mary T. Brown ’55 Nicholas D. Brown ’65, ’69 Sister Patricia M. Brown ’91 Richard W. Brown Jr. and Kimberly Beatty Brown Scott Brown Sharon Jacqueline Brown ’05 T. Alan Brown and Marilyn D. Brown ’65 Thomas Brown ’72 and Jo Ellen Seiser Peter H. Brownell and Susan M. Brownel ’84 Elmer R. Broxson, Ph.D., ’66, ’72 Dale and Cynthia Brubaker Cynthia Fischer Bruce ’77, ’78 John H. Bruce, Esquire, ’57 and Gloria Femia Bruce ’54 Theodore G. Brunner ’67 Anthony D. Bruno, M.D., ’61 Leonard C. Bruno, Ph.D., ’78 Frances Anita Sessa Bryner ’64 Joseph S. Buccolo ’78, ’80 and Debra Buccolo Doris Anne Bucher ’64 Reverend Thomas W. Buckley, S.T.D., ’57 Dorothy Jeanne Buckman ’78 Robert Burns Budelman III ’95 and Stephanie Budelman Sister Rita A. Bueche ’74 Luis and Mary Ann Buentello Patricia A. Buffler, Ph.D., ’60 Elizabeth Mortell Buker ’38 Joy Bullock Jane E. Buongiorno, Ph.D., ’86, ’94

John P. Bure and Dawn J. Bure ’57 Dorothy T. Burhanan ’76 David P. Burke, Ph.D., ’64, ’69 Harold B. Burke ’70 and Patricia Sweeney Burke ’58 James B. Burke ’04, ’07 Marilyn N. Burke-O’Neill Patrick A. and Nora M. Burke Regina Brunhuber Burke ’85 Richard C. Burke ’59 Robert F. Burke ’67 Thomas F. and Soley Burke Lawrence E. Burkhardt Sr. ’50 Susan J. Burks ’99 Michele M. Burnett ’78 Nancy C. Burnett, Ed.D., ’77 Andrew Michael Burns ’95 Ann T. Burns ’91 Eric M. Burns Belinda B. Burnworth ’79 Judith A. Burr ’92 Ronald Burrell Alessandro Busala ’51 Marla I. Bush Daniel J. Bushey ’78 Patricia L. Busk, Ph.D., ’69 Quincy Gasque Butler ’84 Reverend Richard J. Butler, D.Min., ’78

David and Stephanie Buttner Adam Button ’97 Cynthia E. Byce ’99 Laura T. Byers ’75 Robert Bykowski James M. Byrnes ’82 Eugene V. Byron ’71 Jessica L. Cabness, Ph.D., ’85, ’91 Tomas Cabrerizo Joseph H. and Deborah Cadott Jules I. Cahan, M.D., and Phyllis B. Cahan ’60 Susan Cahill-Aylward ’93 William S. Cahn ’70 Dr. Leonard F. Cain ’48, ’66 Mary Schwenkler Cain ’48 Peter and Maria Calamari David J. and Mary E. Calandro Katharine H. Caldwell ’81 Ellen Becker Callier ’69 Frank C. Callocchia, Esquire, ’00 Anthony F. Cambria ’53 Reverend Robert M. Cameron ’66 Maria Campanella ’00 V incent Matthew Campanella ’47 Anna S. Campbell ’80 Elizabeth A. Campbell Rhonda A. Campbell ’80 Thomas H. Campbell and Jill Serino Campbell ’59

Patrick R. and Anne M. Campellone Daniel R. Campos ’09 Michael P. Canavan ’97 Michael E. and Mary Pat Ferron Canes Sean P. Canning ’82 Margaret C. Cannoles ’71 James T. Cannon ’81 and Christine Cannon Anne Cantrel ’76 John L. Capelli ’84 Cynthia Ann Norman Carbo ’94 Dorothy H. Card Cardinal Basketball Academy, LLC Michael A. Cardinale ’93 Michael J. and Catherine M. Cardone Paul Michael Carew ’94 Martha Carey Carolyn M. Carita ’88 Joan R. Carlberg ’71 Stephanie Carleton ’73, ’84 John A. Carlson, USN (Ret.) Susan L. Carlson ’87 Stewart Lee Carlson ’69 Margaret Chase Carmichael ’62 Timothy R. Carmody, Ph.D., ’83, ’86 Megan Shiflet Carnell ’94 Thomas G. Carney ’72 Timothy J. Carney Barbara J. Carpenter ’81, ’82 Jonathan R. Carpenter ’03 and Beth M. Carpenter ’03 Zoe I. Carpenter ’61 Eileen R. Carpino ’46 Susan Golash Carr ’78 Jeanne Putka Carrick ’60 Arthur F. Carroll ’61, ’70 and Judith K. Carroll

Dennis F. Carroll ’70 Eireann M. Carroll Schulenburg ’91 Eugene R. Carroll Jr. ’58 Lisa Carroll Louise D. Carroll ’50 Margaret D. Carroll ’63, ’67 Thomas M. Carroll ’82 and Mary E. Carroll Andrea J. Carter ’85 John H. Carter, Ph.D., ’57 Margaret Ann Carter* James W. Cartwright Jr., USA ’03 and Jo Ann Cartwright ’97 Joan G. Carusillo, C.S.C., ’65, ’68 Marna Rice Cary ’76 Louis J. Casaregola ’73 Carl A. Cascio, Ph.D., ’80 M. Rose Cecilia Case ’50 Edward J. Casey Kevin Donald Casey ’95 Margaret Silvan Casey ’63 William E. Cashin, Ph.D., ’58, ’61, ’69

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Suzanne Erb Cashin ’63 Mary Ann Cashman-McGuire, Ed.D., ’90 Louis Donald Cass ’54 Edward C. Cassidy Sr. Edward C. Cassidy Jr. ’90 and Maureen C. Cassidy Sue Anne Cassidy ’91 Joan McDonald Castellan ’57 Mary Castellon ’82 Robert L. Castiglione ’66, ’68, ’71 and Rosalind M Castiglione James B. Castonguay ’73 and Mary Beth Castonguay Bernadette N. Castranova ’70 Edgardo V. and Vilma C. Castro Joseph F. Catalani Jr. and Allison Catalani Anthony M. Cataldo ’04, ’05 Joseph A. Caton ’60 Donald J. Caulfield* Patricia A. Caulfield Dimitri A. Cavalli ’97 Paul and Margaret Caverly Kristina Stanton Cawley ’94 Reymundo M. and Asuncion B. Cayode Joseph J. Cecconi ’73 Louis Ceci Mary T. Celia ’85 Joseph S. Ceo, D.M.A., ’76 Debra L. Delucia Cesare ’74 Ronald G. Cestaro Clinton N. Chadbourne ’97 Carlos J. Chamorro ’65 Kit-Ho Chan ’76 Robert M. and Kathleen Chandler Andrew Kun Chang ’56, ’58 Alan R. Chap ’71 and Janet M. Blum Chap, Ph.D., ’73, ’76 Dr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Chaplin Jr. ’55, ’64 Paula Charnosky-Moroz ’69


Ann McNamara Chase ’69 Steve Chasse Chattanogins for Life Ana M. Chavez ’87 John M. Chavez ’71 and Sharon Testa Chavez ’72 Kelly A. Chefalas Yung Ping Chen Tanya Easterday Cheney ’86 Abraham Cheng ’74 Pamela L. Cherry, Ph.D., ’01 Peter K. and Brenda Moore Cherry Rosemary Chesterman ’55 Maria Lam Cheung Lin Fen Chiou ’75 Charly A. Chirayath ’76 James A. Chisholm Ralph and Ruth Chite Ralph M. Chite ’79 Most Reverend David R. Choby ’72 Ruth Cholvibul ’81 Blanca Margarita Christensen ’64 Dale E. Christensen ’69 Robert J. Christian David A. Christiansen ’77 Rick Lynn Christman Sharon Christman Emilie D. Christy ’65 Ellen M. Chu ’74 Myrna Chunsanit Adele R. Chwalek ’72 Rita A. Ciaramitaro ’62 Susan M. Cicione ’70 John A. Cifala ’41 Katharine Ciganovic ’78 Kestutis Civinskas Anne T. Clancy ’64 Thomas Clancy Thomas M. Clancy ’49, ’50

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Christopher and Margaret Clark Eileen Britnell Clark ’68 Jane A. Clark, RN, M.S.N., M.Div., ’81 Kathleen Marie Clark ’86 Kristina A. Clark ’09 Marjorie S. Clark ’68 Martha Clark Martha Dorman Clark, Ph.D., ’88, ’04 Mary E. Clark ’52 Robert J. Clark ’76 Stephen J. Clark ’66 Thomas J. Clark Jr. ’63 and Rosalind Bastek Clark ’65 Thomas M. and Denise E.D. Clark John C. and Virginia J. Clarke Russell T. and Patricia A. Clarke Patricia Clark-Seifert, RN, ’88 Lydia Sharon Clary ’89 Deborah M. Clawson Paul Edward Cleveland, P.E., ’80, ’89 Mary McLaren Clifford ’48* Clairette Clinger ’77 Charles Kevin Clinton ’66 and Mary Donovan-Clinton Richard T. Close, Ph.D., ’67 Maureen Cluskey, Ph.D., ’97, ’99 Alfred W. Cochran ’75 Laura Cocoltchos Daniel K. Coen ’54 Suzanne E. Coen ’54* Harry C. Coffman Jr. ’52 Barbara Louise Coffman-Billeter ’86 Dennis Cogan and Tracey A. Cogan ’81 Ruth S. Cogan Robert J. and Jan Marie Coglman Patrick Cogswell and Tammie McMurdo-Cogswell Eileen Judge Cohen ’78 Christine Coleman ’87

Francis J. Coleman ’55 William F. and Dianne M. Colleary Agnes Renehan Collins ’60 Denis Tom Collins ’50 Elaine V. Collins ’62, ’65 Janet Ellen Collins ’81 Jennifer L. Collins, RN, ’92 Julia J. Collins Leilani A. Collins Martha E. Collins Melissa M. Collins Peter Michael Collins, Ph.D., ’62, ’65 Thomas R. Collins Claire Collura Thomas J. Colston ’52 William Dollard Commins Jr. ’52 and Mary G. Commins Elizabeth Compton John F. Concannon III ’02 Christina A. Condelles Virgilio and Cecile Congmon Congregation of Divine Providence Nancy Carroll Conley ’51 Edward Conlin Jr. John J. Conlon, Ph.D., ’68 and Nicole D. Conlon William Conlon Sr. and Maureen Conlon F. Kevin Connolly and Honora Baldes Connolly ’68 Fred H. Connally Jr. ’80 Paul M. Connolly and Margaret M. Connolly ’63 Martin J. Connor Jr. Francis S. Connors, USN (Ret.), ’78 Georgette M. Conroy Robert and Mary Conroy Elaine P. Considine ’83 John L. Considine, Ph.D., ’72 and Diane J. Considine

Thomas A. Constantine Maureen C. Conta ’78 Convent of The Holy Family Barbara Richard Conway ’78 Raye Conway Michael E. Conyngham ’85 John Michael Coogan ’87 Frances S. Cook ’66 Margot A. Cook ’65 Monsignor Paul G. Cook ’54, ’55, ’59 Paul P. Cooke ’43 Donna M. Cookson ’70 Barbara L. Coons ’81 Richard H. Cooper John Copeland Sarita M. Copeland John D. Copenhaver, Ph.D., ’83, ’86 Elizabeth M. Corazzini ’66 Steven P. Corbin Peter J. Corcoran ’61 David Cordivari Cynthia M. Cordova ’75, ’86 John F. Corkill Jr. Mary M. Corley ’88 Marjorie J. Corrigan, Ph.D., ’51, ’75 Michele Ann Corsetti ’05 Gladys G. Corsetti Ann K. Corsi Tanith Fowler Corsi Adolfo Ben S. and Marilou Cortez Carolyn F. Corwin ’72 Mary Colfer Cosgrove ’50 Shirley DeNoma Costello ’49 Robert and Patricia Costigan Jillian Cote Norman A. Cote Reverend Lawrence E. Cotter ’58 Lensworth Cottrell Jr. ’51 Sandra Meditz Coughlin ’78

Alfred J. Coulombre ’47 Sandra L. Coupe ’72 Eileen Couturier ’74 Laura Louise Cowden ’60 Diana H. Cowell, M.A.T., M.S.W., ’91 John W. Cox ’77 Melissa Daniel Coyle ’77 William F. Coyle James P. Coyne ’66 John W. Crabbe ’76 and Barbara B. Crabbe Michael A. Crackel ’80 Bradford Crane Kathryn K. Crane ’67 H. Bruce Cranford, P.E., ’68 Edward E. Crawford, Ph.D., ’69 and Patricia D. Crawford John D. Crawford and Mary Gavin Crawford ’50 Regina J. Creary-Molinelli ’92 Daniel G. Creel, Esquire, ’08 Loretta Creely ’69 Kelvin A. Creyts ’75 Giles F. Crimi ’63 Kelly Crimmins William and Margaret Crimmins Eleanor A. Criswell ’56, ’59 Jonathan E. Crittenden ’09 and Crystal M. Crittenden John A. Croarkin ’50, ’72 Lawrence J. Crone ’63, ’68 Larry M. Crosley ’72, ’75 Sheila M. Cross Reverend John W. Crossin, Ph.D., ’75, ’79, ’82 Diane Cross-Winter ’55, ’57 Albert L. Crow and Nevia T. Crow ’76 Kenneth L. Crowley ’76 and Patricia K. Crowley Paul D. and Leslee M. Crowley Barbara Marie Crowther ’06

Dwight Crowther Donald F. Crumbling John and Shiela Crye Sigmund M. and Gabrielle Csicsery Roberto Cuca and Janet Melei Cuca, Ph.D., ’79, ’89 Rosemary M. Cuddy ’60 Brother Thomas P. Cully, C.F.X., ’63 Gregory D. Cummings ’74 and Margaret L. Cummings Thomas J. Cummings and Valerie Biribin Cummings ’75 Margo M. Cunniffe ’92 Dorothy J. Cunningham, Ph.D., ’51 Gordon W. Cunningham, Ph.D., ’70, ’73 and Margaret A. Cunningham Judith L. Cunningham ’95 Mark Eugene Cunningham ’99 Patricia A. Cunningham ’76 Most Reverend Robert J. Cunningham ’77, ’78 Albert G. Cupka Jr., USAF (Ret.), ’55 Reverend David Allen Curran ’68 Donald E. Curley ’87 Francis B. and Jeanette T. Curran Francis W. Curran, Ph.D., ’62, ’73 Paul F. Curran, Ph.D., ’63, ’65 Sean J. and Elizabeth M. Curran Joseph A. Currie ’88 James P. Curry ’67 Timothy James Curry ’80 James H. Curtin ’73 Jane Elizabeth Curtis, Ph.D., ’80, ’82 John S. Curtis, Ph.D., ’82 Mary Curto George E. Cushmac, Ph.D., ’68 and Mary E. Peterson Cushmac ’66 Laura M. Cutway Lovelle P. Cyrus ’66 and Carol S. Cyrus Michael A. Czachor ’61 and Alice Czachor

Kathryn M. Czechanski ’82 Roy S. Czernikowski, Ph.D., ’64 Isabel Payne Czuba ’49 Louise M. Dagit ’72 Stanley M. Dahlman, Ph.D., ’76 and Beverly H. Dahlman Sister Dorothy E. Daiger ’68 Laurel J. Daigle ’66 Joan S. Dalton ’62 Sister Mary Aniceta Dalton ’71 John H. Daly ’50 John J. Daly Jr. ’53 and Mary N. Daly Stephen J. Daly ’72 Richard E. Dame, Ph.D., ’72 and Maria H. Dame Paul A. D’Amico, Esquire, ’84, ’88 Patricia Zangrilli Dammen ’60 Frances J. Damratowski, Ph.D., ’67 Mary Rita Dana ’44 Thomas L. D’Angelo and Prudence Y. D’Angelo ’83 Norman F. Danis ’60 Stuart H. and Sylvia Danovitch Howard A. Dapper Jr. Gerard P. D’Arcangelo ’78 Philip and Thersea Darr Anne MacNeil Darrel ’45, ’54 Catherine E. Darrow Jean M. Dasch, Ph.D., ’72 Carole A. Daugherty ’72 Nathalie Dautin Adrianne C. Davenport ’94 Jim L. and Donna E. Davenport Susan Milly Davenport ’67 Reverend Robert J. D’Aversa ’70, ’72 Lisa M. Davie ’82, ’90 Patricia Elizabeth Davila ’95 Barbara Recher Davis ’89 Mary Anne Davis

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Michael T. Davis ’96 Paul D. Davis and Felicia Rohner Davis ’87 Vashti Atkins Davis ’54 Reverend James D. Dawson ’59 Julia Farrelly McCarthy de Ayala ’80 Anna Marie de Groote ’79 Appad and Judith T. de Kovacsy Andrea L. De Pinto ’01 Valmore F. De Vost ’50 and Elenor W. De Vost Robert M. Dean ’73 Margaret Regan Dear, Ph.D., ’70, ’80 Helen Maymar Debinski ’44 Melissa Decardi Hladek Laurette Dechamplain ’50 John A. DeCicco Sr. and Susan P. DeCicco Judith E. Decker Patrick M. Decker Elizabeth M. Dedick ’93 Leon J. Dediot ’69 Eileen G. Deegan ’95 Sister Anne Dorice DeFebbo ’82 Lisa M. DeFerrari ’79 Peggy Abell DeGeorge ’68 Jennifer Degrezia Simon and Jean DeGroot Veronica Gustaff Deisler ’67 Nicholas L. DeiTos Anthony M. Del Giorno, USAF (Ret.), ’43 Louise Del Maestro, LCSW, ’04 Martha Del Rosario Romeo G. Del Rosario Marguerite Tokarz Delaney ’67 Jere T. DeLany ’55 and Agnes Winschel DeLany ’56 John F. Delean ’50 and Margaret A. Delean Susan C. Delehanty ’74 Norman P. DeLeon ’51 Dale B. Deletis ’63


Jacqueline Delima ’72 Nicholas DelleDonne ’67 Bartholomew J. DeLuca DeMatha Catholic High School, Inc. Cajetan DeMello ’75 Pierre P. Demers ’61 Mark D. Demo and Therese A. Brady ’88 Harry J. Dempsey, USA (Ret.), ’74 Robert A. and Eleanor E. Dempsey Christina A. Denny ’99 George E. Dent Jr. and Joan Marie Dent ’67 Howard M. Dent III ’69, ’73 Kenneth P. Dere, Ph.D., ’80 Monsignor John K. Dermond ’90 Linda D’Errico Frank W. Desiderati ’69 Brian H. Desilets, Ph.D., ’64 Mary Lake DesJardins ’61, ’66 Sister Joanne Desmond ’63 Douglas M. Deuitch ’94 Maura J. Devey ’87 Robert J. Devlin ’64, ’70 Denis E. Dewing ’63 Anne M. Diaz ’67 Clarence DiBlasi ’50, ’51 Jeffery L. Dickert, Ph.D., ’77, ’78 John H. Dickert ’68, ’72 and Sherry B. Shapiro ’75 Thomas and Rebecca Dickson Robert and Paula DiCrosta John Diehl ’03 Maurita A. Diehl, RN, M.S.N., ’65 Jacqueline A. Dienemann, Ph.D., RN, ’73, ’83 Reverend Parig L. Digan ’56 Dorothea E. DiGiovanni John E. Dillon Sr. and Sandra C. Dillon Patricia Harrington Dillon ’59 Joseph M. DiLullo, M.D., ’95 Charles E. Dinapoli and Katherine Keefe Dinapoli, CRNA, ’80

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Diocese of Nashville Vivian P. Diokno Mary Ann Discenza ’68 Angela Ruggiero DiSiena, RN, ’47 Peter J. Dispenzirie ’81 Mary Ann Dittgen ’80 David Dixon-Peugh and Katherine A. Dixon-Peugh ’07 Long C. Do ’99 Thanh-Xuan T. Do ’91 Eugene Doane William and Eileen Dobbs Kathleen R. Dobovsky Andrew J. Dobson, USA (Ret.), ’03 Elizbeth A. Dodson Richard A. Doeler ’59 Rachel H. Doggett ’77 Eileen C. Doherty ’67 James F. Doherty ’53 Kimberly Doherty Nancy M. Doherty ’75 R. Austin Doherty ’70, ’74 Ozzie L. Dolan ’46 Augustine A. Dolcich, M.D. ’83 and Marissa Y. Quintos Dolcich ’83 Benedict J. Dolcich ’79 Quentin E. Dolecek ’70, ’80 and Patricia N. Dolecek Kathleen E. Dollymore ’47 Nora Eileen Dollymore ’48 Eileen Anne Dombo ’96, ’05 Amparo V. Dominguez Dominican Sisters Kathryn A. Donahoe ’60 Edward E. Donahue ’50 Mary P. Donahue-Aveni ’69 Arthur J. Donaldson, Esquire, ’60, ’63 and Nancy M. Donaldson Douglas M. and Lorin Donnelly

Reverend Harry J. Donoghue John F. Donoghue ’51 Margaret Mary Donohoe ’66 Richard C. Donohue, Esquire, ’69, ’72 Craig L. and Jacquelyn M. Donovan Margaret J. Donovan ’68 Patrick F. Donovan ’84 Monsignor Walter J. Donovan ’40 William C. Donovan ’90 Karen P. Doody ’97 Cecelia M. Dooley ’51 Philip Dorian Robert L. Dorman ’06 Denise G. Dorn ’07 Marilyn April Dorn George T. Dorrill ’64 Barry T. Doucette ’60 Francis V. Dougherty Margaret A. Dougherty ’98, ’01 Mary Ann Dougherty ’67 Mary Ellen Dougherty ’55 Sister Mary Joseph Dougherty ’68 Michael E. Dougherty and Alison G. Kiss ’98 Michael W. Douglass Alberta A. Dowd ’50 Dana M. Dowd ’89 Kevin B. Dowd Ann Teresa Nicholson Doyle ’55 Dennis M. Doyle, Ph.D., ’80, ’84 Gregory Andrew Doyle ’92 Lynn M. Doyle Mary Farrell Doyle ’65 William A. Doyle William E. Doyle II ’08 Anne M. Drachbar ’77 Daniel T. Dransfield ’86 Patrick J. Draude ’01 John F. Dreier Trust Martin G. Drexhage, Ph.D., ’78

Mary Ann Dreyer ’68 Reverend Michael Terence Driscoll ’64, ’73, ’77 Patricia Driscoll ’93 Timothy J. Driscoll, Ph.D., ’64, ’77 David C. Driskell ’62 Dino Joseph Drudi ’79 Diane D. Ducas Sara B. Ducey Annette Christman Duckworth ’65 M. Suzanne Duff ’69 John N. Duffin ’91 Joseph D. Duffin, P.E., ’49 and Cornelia R. Duffin Timothy K. Duffin, M.D., ’82 Daniel Duffy Dorothy A. Duffy ’83 Joseph and Elaine Dugary Donald D. Duggan and Ann Marie Miliano Duggan ’65 Hugo Richard Duhn, S.T.D., ’68, ’81 Ilona Dulaski-Williams ’69 Adrian O’Hara Dumas Rebekah Anne Dunbar ’02, ’04 Sister Virginia C. Duncan ’52 Matthew Ian Dunch ’06 Kerin Elizabeth Dungan ’06 Lawrence P. Dunham ’71 Zofia Dunian ’97 Jacqueline Dunlavey ’54 Maryrita E. Dunlavey ’81 Kathleen J. Madden Dunleavy ’61 Bridget A. Dunn ’90 Danielle R. Dunn ’93 Francis Mary Dunn, P.B.V.M., Ph.D., ’60, ’66 Kathryn C. Dunn ’92 Michael E. Dunn Melissa A. Dunne ’98 Kenneth L. Dunning, Ph.D., ’68 Homer Lawrence Durant ’63

Michael A. Durso ’65 Patrick R. Dwyer ’07 Robert Thomas and Patricia Jarboe Dwyer Mary Alice Dwyer-Dobbin ’67 Kevin T. Dziwulski ’78 and Margery S. Dziwulski Joseph H. Eaione James and Elizabeth Easby-Smith Doris B. Eastin ’64 Theodore and Loretta Eby Jerome Eckerman ’56, ’58 and Nicki Eckerman Jayne Hofmann Eckert ’56, ’62 Deane Edelman Karl and Jacquelyn Edelmann Jenna E. Edelmayer Edward P. Edinger Jr. ’71 Rosalind Smith Edman, Ph.D., ’79 Eugenie Marie Edmonds ’80 Hula C. Edmonds, P.E., ’83 and Janalyn Cantey Edmonds, RN, M.S.N., Ph.D., ’77, ’06 Stephen J. and Ann M. Edmonds F. June Wenger Edwards ’73 Kathleen F. Edwards, Ph.D., ’71, ’81 Maureen S. Edwards ’92 Marie Clare Egan, S.T.D., ’69, ’76 Mary Joan Egan, Ph.D., ’70 Thomas C. Egan ’71 James P. and Jane H. Egasti Nancy Kelm Ehlke ’78 James R. Ehrstein, Ph.D., ’68 and Anita M. Ehrstein Victoria Marie Eichler ’90 Thomas A. Eifler Margaret Z. Eisele ’66 Robert C. Eisele, Ph.D., ’70 Sarah Rosenberger Eissler ’80 Ismail H. El-Abd ’75, ’76 John B. Elder ’65

Thomas E. and Marcella E. Elder Mary Anne Eley Mrs. Ellen Marie Eline, CRNP, ’96 Reverend Michael Ellias II ’80 David G. Elliott ’68 Rex Elliott and Denise Pino-Elliott ’93, ’94 George J. Ellis Jr., M.D., ’52 Kenneth D. Ellis ’93 Kevin C. and Carol Ross Ellis Michael Ellis Margaret L. Elliston ’70 Ahmed A. Elnaggar, Ph.D., ’64 Joseph C. Eloshway ’81 William G. Elsen ’54 Sister Charitas Elverman ’56 John C. Elwell ’65, ’71 and Carol K. Elwell ’65 Susan M. Emery ’69 John A. Eney ’64 Sister M. Sienna Engelbrink ’59 Charles C. England Jr. ’72 Allan Englehart and Patricia B. Englehart ’55 James F. Engler Sr. ’81 Lorri Engstrom Patricia A. Tietjen Enne ’58 James R. Enright III ’91 and Ellen Morgan Enright ’91, ’94 Eileen Catherine Eppig ’01 Evelyn Kramer Epstein ’79 Georjeanne Erickson Reverend Norman A. Ermis ’82, ’02 Joseph Anthony Louis Errigo Jr. ’66 and Georgann Eileen Errigo ’65 Richard Esposito Omar Estrada Torres Stanley F. Evanowski ’61 Daniel J. Evans Jr. ’03 David J. Evans, Esquire and Christine Evans ’82 Karen L. B. Evans ’80

Richard R. Even and Carol A. Even ’64 Donald E. Exner, Esquire, ’59, ’63 Kimberly D. Fabyan Catherine M. Faenza-Milewski ’82 Lawrence W. Fagg Richard P. Fahey, Ph.D., ’68, ’80 Edward Fahy and Maureen O’Reilly Jennifer L. Falcon ’92 Michael A. and Helen M. Fallon Josephine Riss Fang, Ph.D., ’55 Teh-Yung Fang, C.P.A., ’80 Helen Crowley Fanning ’48 Michaela L. Zajicek Farber, Ph.D., ’79, ’90 Vincent W. Farley Jr. ’58 Francis X. Farmer ’50 Sister Janice Farnham ’83, ’89 Charles F. Farquhar, M.D., ’60 Donald W. and Ethel A. Farr John P. Farrell, Ph.D., ’66, ’69 Todd R. Farrell ’00 William Farrell Philip Farrington ’65 Anthony J. and Catherine L. Farro Patricia L. Fasano ’59 John T. Fassl and Theresa Spencer Virginia L. Faulkner ’50 Richard Albert Fazio, D.M.A., ’74, ’98 and Nancy Arbusto Fazio, M.F.A, ’77 Frederick Fearnside Thomas C. Fearon ’70 Sharon Ann Fechter ’76, ’77 Reverend Stephen S. Feehan ’62 Ellen McNulty Feeley ’50, ’68, ’77 Virginia E. Feely ’99 Richard J. Fehring, Ph.D., ’78, ’81 Francis Feingold Hannah K. Feitelberg Susan M. Felch, Ph.D., ’92 Suzanne L. Felder ’75

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William R. Feldmann and Evamae C. Feldmann ’80 Janice W. Felker ’99 Joseph W. and Jamie L. Felock Christopher M. Fencel ’89 Zhijian J. Feng ’99, ’02 Paulette Fenoglio Richard K. and Patty L. Fenoglio Colleen Barbara Fenwick ’67 Colleen M. Ferguson ’85 Julius R. Ferlauto Alberto Fernandez and Monica Camacho Anthony A. Fernandez ’70 Edward J. Feroli, M.D., and Maureen McMahon Feroli ’61 Maria C. Ferraraccio ’04 Sister Joan M. Ferraro, Ed.D., ’89 Denise Ferretti Gail A. Ferris Joseph P. Ferrucci ’94, ’95 and Nancy L. Restivo Susan Cockburn Fetherman ’85 Laura Graham Fetters ’85 Frank and Mary Feyder John Paul Fiala ’71 and Susan W. Fiala Martha V. Fickett, Ph.D., ’83 John J. Filicko Jr. ’51 Marciana D. Filippone Jerome F. Filteau ’66, ’70 Christopher H. Finegan ’86 Anita M. Finie Nancy Bartholomew Fink ’69, ’70 John V. Finkell ’85 and Maureen A. Finkell ’86 Barbara R. Finn ’82 Daniel Patrick Finn ’05 Elizabeth P. Finn, USA (Ret.), ’71 John and Mary Finnegan Katherine F. Finney ’91 John P. Finzel ’90 Joseph and Elizebeth Fiore


Reverend Peter A. Fiore, ’55 Nancy Firestone Carol B. Fischer Jacob Fisher, Ph.D., ’52 and Marylouise Fisher Savantha Fisher ’80 Theodore A. Fisher ’51 Marjorie G. Fitton Leslie Fitz Robert J. Fitz, Ph.D., ’67, ’70 and Sandra Murrow Fitz ’66 David and Mary Fitzgerald Dorcas Cobb Fitzgerald ’01 H. Kenneth Fitzgerald, Ph.D., ’48, ’53 and Caroline G. Fitzgerald ’50 Joseph Terrance Fitzgerald Marie Lutz Fitzmaurice ’58 Robert J. Fitzmyer Jr. ’75 Cynthia Fitzpatrick James J. Fitzpatrick III Richard W. Fitzpatrick ’99 Thomas J. Fitzpatrick Michael and Donna Fitzsimmons David Flaccus and Patricia Tumulty Flaccus ’66 John F. Flavin and Elizabeth S. Flavin ’62 Gail S. Fleder ’96 Gregory Fleming Monsignor Patrick V. Fleming ’44, ’48 Philip W. Fletcher III Thaddeus Fletcher Brother Alan Flood, ’53 Cheryl Anne Flood ’68 Edward J. Flood, Esquire, ’57 Mary Flood ’52

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William G. Flood ’53 Timothy A. Florin and Alicia M. Florin ’86 Daniel M. Flynn ’56 and Ellenore A. Flynn ’56 Noel E. and Frances D. Flynn Ramsey W. Flynn ’50 and Mary Jane Flynn Roger L. Flynn ’60 Rosalind M. Flynn, Ph.D., ’78 Eugene C. and Beverly S. Fochtman Ibrahim M. Fofanah, Ph.D., ’86 Raymond and Jaclyn Foley Michael James Foppiano ’02 Reverend John T. Ford Kathleen Ford-Victorson ’63 William F. Ford and Barbara A. Basiel Ford ’72, ’74 Jack R. Fordyce ’52 Virginia J. Formichi ’48 Carl E. Forrest ’60 Charles Forster

Gregory Forster David A. Fortuna ’86 Erik L. Fortune ’09 Kevin R. Fosko ’07, ’08 Jerry J. Fotheringill and Elizabeth J. Fotheringill ’00 John P. Fox, USA (Ret.), ’68 Mary Ruth Fox ’64, ’66 Steven and Cecilia Fox Timothy J. Fox Carolyn Jean Fraley, Ph.D., ’98 T h omas L. Francavilla, Ph.D., ’73 and Carolyn A. Francavilla Patricia France George D. Franchois ’00 Connie Francis ’79 Sharon L. Francis Franciscan Friars Margaret A. Franckhauser, PH, ’78 An thony and Susan Franco Mary Ellen Frank ’65 Edward A. Frankle ’68, ’71 M. T. Franklin Mi chelle N. Frantzen ’03

John P. and Anna Franz Nesta Mary Frattallone ’62 Peter G. Frederick and Marcia H. Frederick ’90 Rona M. Frederick, Ph.D. Lara M. Frederickson Maralita Freeny ’72 Pamela B. Freer ’00 Lorraine Freitas ’59 Steven and Debra Frey Ronald P. Frezzo ’68, ’82 Monsignor Francis P. Friedl, Ph.D., ’52, ’54 Charles M. Friel ’63, ’65, ’68 George V. Frisk, Ph.D., ’75 Klaus Fritsch, Ph.D., ’68 and Hildegard Fritsch Margaret M. Fritz ’85 Mildred C. Fritz, USA (Ret.), ’62 Ronald A. and Nancy Fronduti Jorge L. Frontera ’88 Leonard C. Fu Nicholas and Kathleen Fuccillo Robert Fuchs Joan Fullam Walter and Deborah Fullam Janet Rutherford Fuller ’59 Michael and Lisa A. Fumai Mary Paula Hunt Fangman ’67 John J. Furlong, Ph.D., ’73, ’82 Paulette A. Furness, Esquire, ’76 Hans G. Furth* John C. Fusco ’93 Joseph P. Fuss ’52 Barbara A. Gabriel Rose T. Gadbois Reverend Albert R. Gaelens, C.S.B., ’68 Sandra Smith Gaffigan ’67 Joseph M. Gaffney ’83 Thomas Gaffney Sr. and Patricia Gaffney Gerard Michael Gager ’74, ’76

Vincent M. and Susan L. Gagliardi Anita J. Gagnon ’80 Gerald Gagnon Jean A. Gala ’65 David I. Gale Jr. ’76 James S. Gale, C.P.A., ’81, ’83 Richard E. Galgon ’93 and Susan Elizabeth Galgon ’93 Stanley Galicki ’81 George N. and Carol A. Galifianakis Anthony J. Gallagher ’93 Dennis J. Gallagher ’69 Frederick P. and Patricia N. Gallagher Michael J. Gallagher ’91 Patrick R. Gallagher Jr. ’72 Paul N. Gallagher ’92 Marybeth Gallant ’83 Margaret L. Gallen ’70 Monsignor Francis A. Galles ’48 Susan I. Gallucci ’00 Andrea Dufault Galvin ’61 Medeleine E. Galvin Robert E. Galvin ’59, ’68 and Mary Ellen Galvin William F. and Denise O. Galvin Alfred R. Ganther Jr. ’58 Carlos H. Garcia ’66 and Karen M. Garcia Barbara A. Gard ’76 John G. Gardiner ’89 and Rebecca W. Gardiner Elizabeth Whyte Gardner ’89 Jessica H. Gardner ’97 Michael C. Gardner, USAF (Ret.), ’71 and Wilma M. Gardner Stephen Eric Gardner, Ph.D., ’78 Anthony W. Garreis ’62 Sarah Gartner ’75 Trista L. Garttner ’09 Reverend Peter J. Gaspeny ’81, ’83

William L. Gates ’53 Mary F. Gathercole ’86 Ralph and Rosanne Gatta Monsignor Vincent S. Gatto ’51 Flora Agnes Gaudes, USA, ’52 James M. Gaudin ’65 and Elaine M. Kaminski Gaudin ’63 Joan M. Gautreau, PNP, ’81 John R. and Margaret Gavagan John A. Gavin ’91 Joseph E. Gawel ’09 Donard and Janet Gaynor Estelle K. Gearon, Ph.D., ’68, ’73 Dorothy Welsh Geary ’53 Reverend Patrick G. Geary ’63 Matthew L. Geiss Patricia McGeady Geneczko ’76 Thomas P. Genis, AIA, NCARB, ’72 Federico Genoese-Zerbi ’09 Robert J. Genovese, Ph.D., ’59, ’70 Alicia J. George ’92 Anthony D. George ’79 Sharon Gillcrist George ’79, ’84 Thom Ritter George, Ph.D., ’70 Michael R. Geraghty ’08 Joseph Gerard ’96, ’02 Sandra Forbes Gerhard ’79 Robert Anthony Germino ’67 Mary-Elizabeth Gervais ’09 Maria Gesualdo Raj S. Ghaman ’73 Donald J. Ghent Jr. ’74, ’76 Joseph J. Giampietro ’76 Catherine M. Giancoli Reverend Albert C. Giaquinto ’43, ’44, ’48 Daniel Gibbons Roberta Grosel Gibbons ’71 Susanne W. Gibbons ’07 Reverend Lawrence E. Giblin ’44*

Marie-Helene Gibney, Ph.D., ’70, ’78 Eloina C. Gibson ’78 Kelly Gibson Letitia Gibson ’75 Michele M. Giglio ’81 Gilbert L. Gigliotti, Ph.D., ’92 Henry C. Gignilliat Jr. ’75 Roland Gilbert and Allyson B. Simpson John W. Gilder ’50 Mary Jane Gillespie ’70, ’75 Thomas Lee Gillespie Robert C. Gillette Dr. Florence Morgan Gillman ’74, ’76 Susan D. Gills, RN, ’77 Eileen Gilmartin Bernard Gilroy ’92 Newt and Callsita L. Gingrich Marie A. Ginobbi William T. Giordano Jeannette A. Giovetti Mancus ’82 Benjamin W. Giuliani ’57, ’58 and Jane M. Giuliani Maria Giuliani Natalie Giusti ’71 Joan Givens ’87 Reverend Carl J. Glahn ’47, ’48 Marie Collins Glasheen ’57 Joan A. Gleckel ’70 Carolyn E.J. Glee ’85 James J. Glennon ’64, ’66 Thomas E. Glennon and Catherine Peters Glennon ’02 Mary Glenshaw, M.S.W., ’90 Gail M. Glick ’78 John H. Glick Jr. ’49 and Mary V. Glick Peter D. Glista ’87 and Elizabeth Stephenson Glista ’86 Herbert L. Goda ’38 Kevin M. Godfrey ’84

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JoAnn A. Godkin ’55 Daniel Godleski and Heidi Schreiner Godleski ’65 Robert F. Goeke ’71 John E. Going ’58 Stanley Mason Goldberg ’52 Patricia Garcia Golding ’92 Philipp Goldmann ’41 Clay W. and Jannie M. Goldston Gregory Golinski ’91 and Anita C. Golinski ’91 Patrick and Roseline Gomes Hector Hugo Gonzalez, Ph.D., ’67 Paula Gonzalez, Ph.D., ’63, ’66 Donald R. Goodness ’74 Everton Goodridge ’48 Leslie B. Goodwin ’83 Thomas G. Goodwin ’81 and Anne Marie Goodwin ’82 Bethany Gordon E. Quinton Gordon ’76 Violet W. Gordon ’51 William Harry Gordon, Ph.D., ’76, ’82 Stephanie G. Gorecki, Esquire, ’79, ’91 Michael Gorman ’89 Patrick J. Gormely ’63 Marion M. Gosney ’75 Ghislain and Marjorie Gouraige Kathryn Hulton Goyette ’60 Timothy A. and Wanda J. Gracy Mark Patrick Grady ’05 Michael A. Graham ’79 Michel Marie Graham, I.H.M., ’67 William H. Graham Sr. ’54 and Mary C. Graham ’87 Charles J. and Irene T. Gramlich Henry Franz Gramlich ’59 Joseph Linus Gramlich ’63 Marlene Stephanie Granada ’95 Michael P. and Cynthia L. Granchi


Grand Rapids Dominicans Anthony F. Grande ’73 Caitlin A. Graney Reverend Patrick R. Granfield ’58, ’62 Adrienne D. Granitz ’83 Albert A. Grant, PF, ASCE, ’48 Christpher G. Graveline, JA, USA, ’03 Gerald and Amelia Gray Joyce R. Gray ’02 Lois Gray ’66 Noel Gray ’50 Carlisle R. Greaves ’08 Michael Greco Robert M. Greco, Esquire, ’73 and Cecilia A. Hathway Greco ’71 John J. Greeley ’71 Georgiana Mathews Greely ’66 Brian C. Green and Christine Taffuri-Green Catherine Green, Ph.D., ’87, ’96 Christopher M. Green ’04 Elaine L. Green ’05 John R. Green ’92 Mark Stephen Green and Lt Col. Kathleen Franciose Green, USAF, ANG, ’77 Michael K. Green Jr. ’92 Michael K. Green Sr. ’67, ’71 and Mary C. Green Patricia W. Green ’76 Edward J. Greenan, Ph.D., USNR (Ret.), ’73, ’76 Gary C. Greenan ’71 and Linda Greenan Margery H. Greenan Trust Harvey A. Greenberg and Ann O’Donnell Greenberg ’85 Frances Gedra Greene ’65 James J. Greene Robert Gaudin Greene ’50 Allison Greenhack Anna S. Greenwood ’66

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Richard J. Gregor and Carolyn M. Gregor ’86 Reverend Anthony F. Gregori ’56* David L. Gregory ’73 and Garris R. Leisten Gregory Andrew K. Gregos ’50 John E. Gresock ’77, ’80 Reverend Jerome H. Gress ’78 Reverend William N. Grevatch ’73 Richard E. Gribble, Ph.D., ’95 Mark T. Grice ’69 Richard J. Grich, USN (Ret.), ’50 Robert M. Gries Lora J. Griffith ’86 Angela Merici Griffiths ’04 Steven and Jacqueline Grigsby Clyde E. Grimm ’50 Patricia Morano Grimm ’76 Michael P. Grissom ’77 John F. Groom ’67 Steven Thomas Gross, Ed.D., ’83 Ernest R. Grotefend Todd R. Grove ’87 and Deborah L. Grove S. Mary T. Gruber ’48 Susan Van Cuyk Grunder ’96 Carrie Ann Grundmayer, LICSW, ’96 Carl J. Grunwald ’86 Reverend Donald J. Grzymski ’87 Frank J. Gualtieri Bernard T. Guay ’77, ’80 and Allis Sullivan Guay ’77, ’79 Beth A. Guay ’82 Mary Clare Gubbins ’69 Paul W. and Valerie B. Guenther Paul J. Guercio Vincent J. Guercio ’61 Reverend William A. Guerin ’62 Patrick M. Guetti ’09 Brian J. Guidera ’65 Robert and Deborah Gulbin

Gregory G. Gumbs ’01 Sandra B. Gundersen ’66 Yvonne G. Gurney ’85, ’86 Gladstone P. Gurubatham, Ph.D., ’72, ’76 Reverend James C. Gurzynski ’86 Jordan Hagaman Arthur F. Hagar ’75 Louis R. Hage and Carmen Hage ’52 Cathleen L. Hagedorn ’85 James M. and Nancy J. Hagerty Charles E. Hahl ’82 Reverend Frank R. Haig ’59 Tesfaye Hailemichael ’81 Jessica A. Halas Donald J. Hale ’87 Mahmoud Haleem Brent W. Hall ’87 Katrinana T. Haller Hope M. Hallock-Walz, M.S.W., ’91 Stanley M. Halperson ’56, ’67 Catherine Burns Halpin ’50 Joan E. Halpin ’60 Tara A. Hamilton ’69, ’71 George H. Hammerbacher ’59 Mary Marcia Gibson Hammet ’80 William M. Hammond, Ph.D., ’67, ’69, ’73 and Lillamaud Leike Hammond ’72 Robert Francis Hampson Jr., Ph.D., ’51, ’57, ’59 and Janet Schroder Hampson ’62 Patrick Thomas Hand ’80 Joaquin J. Hangen ’67 Jill Schwartz Hanig ’72 Dr. Marvin J. and Mrs. Martha Hanka Matthew Jude Hanka ’02 Patrick C. Hanley ’03 Stephen J. Hanley ’73 Colleen Hanley-Johnson ’93 Arthur C. Hanlon, AIA, ’86 and Eileen McNamara Hanlon ’87

Harriet W. Hanlon ’73 M. Berchmans Hannan ’64 Patrick J. Hannan ’42, ’48 Lawrence J. Hannon ’79 James J. Hanrahan ’67 and Theo Theresa Baier Hanrahan ’67 Pirkko L. Hansen ’80 Margaret H. Hanson ’67 Salome E. Harasty ’81 John and Patricia Harding Richard Clarke Hare Jr. ’70 James F. Hargraves ’56 and Joyce P. Hargraves Patrick G. Harkins, Ph.D., ’69, ’75 and Regina F. Harkins Ernestine Harman ’62 Richard A. Harmel ’73, ’75 Stanley A. Harmen, Ph.D., ’71, ’74 Joseph C. and Luci M. Harp Marcella Harper ’82 Renee L. Harrangue, Ph.D., ’60, ’65 Gerard and Alice Harrington Helen P. Harrington ’87 Monsignor Thomas J. Harrington ’68, ’69 Janice S. Harris ’90, ’00 Marvin Harris Jr. ’73 Patricia Dunn Harris ’74 Ray K. Harris and Patricia E. Harris ’81 Virginia S. Harris ’73 Reverend James L. Harrison ’51, ’52 Mary Lu Harrison ’65 Wayne P. and Charlene E. Harrison William J. and Patricia A. Harrison Frances Rams Hart ’58 Michael J. Hartford ’66 Rachel M. Hartig, Ph.D., ’86 Catherine Rose Hartigan ’59 David V. Hartke, AIA, M.B.A., ’82 and Sarah A. Parkinson-Hartke Catherine M. Hartley ’81

Patricia L. Hartline Susan Hartman ’81 Sister Mary Theresa Hartnett, RN, Ph.D., ’04 Jonathan J. Hartrey ’06 Charles B. Harvey, USAF (Ret.), ’83 Reverend John F. Harvey ’46 Geneva M. Hassell ’75, ’85 Kevin A. and Kristie S. Hassett Austin E. Hatch ’96 James J. and Patricia Hatch Dondre M. Hatef Colby R. Hatfield ’62, ’68 David N. Hathcock ’07 Helen Hatzichronoglou, Ph.D., ’77 James and Maria Haubrich John F. Haught, Ph.D., ’68, ’70 Fernanda Wneck Haven, RN, ’56 Nouhed Nahra Havrilla ’64 Reverend Donald J. Hawes ’64 Stephen R. Hay ’80 and Palmira Perea-Hay Joseph Dunstan Hayden, Ph.D., ’56, ’62, ’78 and Barbara S. Hayden Robert L. Hayden, Ph.D., ’81 Reverend John J. Hayes ’55 Lawrence P. Hayes Stephen M. Hazen ’74 M. Bertille Hazeur ’69 Mary A. Hazlett Reverend Alex J. Hazzouri ’57 Reverend Bernard Head ’48, ’49, ’53 Crescentia Anne Healy ’59 Anne Allen Heanue ’76 Monsignor Ray Paul Hebert ’58 Leonard S. Hecht ’69 Colette Mary Heck, O.P., ’57 John N. and Vivien Ann Hecker Florence E. Heckman ’65 Inez S. Hedemann, M.S.W., ’54 Michael H. Heffron ’56, ’81

John Heidbreder Donald P. Heidt ’58 Raymond L. Heil ’69 Cynthia Heimann ’84 Edward V. Heiskell Jr. ’55 John P. Heliotis ’79, ’81 Charles O. Heller, Ph.D., ’68 Rose Marie Hellmann Mary E. Helming ’54 Michael C. and Carol K. Hemsley Elizabeth W. Henaghan Thomas and Jacqueline Henaghan A. B. and Marie C. Henderson John Henderson Geoffrey Marc Hendrick, USN, ’98 William W. Hendry Sherry L. Henig, Ph.D., ’78, ’81 Francis X. and Mary Frances Hennessy Eugene W. Henry and Alice Henry ’54, ’55 Patricia Simandle Hepner ’62 Joanne Roney Hepworth, Esquire, ’77, ’80 Tod A. Herbers ’70 and Suzanne Daly Herbers ’73, ’75 Dora Hercules Jocelyn Clare Reyno Hermoso, Ph.D., ’05 Wayne Herrington Joseph P. Herron ’62 Michelle A. Herx ’71 Ellen Ferens Herzman ’86 Ann-Marie Baas Hesford ’66 Edith J. Tepper Hessel ’91, ’98 Eileen Long Hessman ’64 Francis T. Heuring ’64 Raymond M. Heverling ’73 Reverend Todd O. Hevia ’74, ’75, ’76 Ann R. Heymann ’69 William J. Hickey III and Katherine Griffin Hickey ’67 John F. Hickey-Williams, Ph.D., ’75

Eugene A. Higgins ’52, ’55 and Helen Schrider Higgins ’52, ’55 James T. Higgins ’82 John K. Higgins and Katharine Withers Higgins ’74 Richard E. Higgins ’57 William James Higgins, Esquire, and Ellen Higgins Thomas H. Hill, D.M.A., ’70 and Ruth C. Hill Wendy S. Hill Yolanda M. Hill ’08 Marie T. Hilliard, RN, Ph.D., ’72, ’03 Richard H. Hinds ’62, ’63 Darl W. Hinkle ’69 David E. Hinkley, Ph.D., ’66, ’68, ’70 John S. Hinze and Mary Lou Anhalt Hinze ’57 George J. Hipona ’74 and Marianne Grasso Hipona ’73, ’74 Frederick Allen Hiser, AIA, NCARB, ’80, ’82 Louis Ting Ho ’53, ’62, ’72 Catherine M. Hoban ’71, ’73 Michele E. Hoban ’77 Suellyn Hoerl Lee Ann Hoff, Ph.D., ’63 Celesta M. Hoffman ’54 John William Hoffman ’92 and Stephanie Eugenia Paup ’90 Laurence Hoffman Jr. and Maureen Hoffman Paul W. and Kimberly M. Hoffman Bruce R. Hoffmann and Carole E. Hoffmann ’79 Christopher J. Hoffmann ’01, ’03 Brendan and Rosemary Hogan Susan S. Hogarty Christa Hojlo, Ph.D., ’84, ’89 Norman E. Holden, Ph.D., ’59, ’64 Marie Paula Holdman, S.C., Ph.D., ’53 Peter J. Holewinski ’51 Loren J. Holihan ’91

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An Interview with the Shelton Family Scholar: Lauren Hughes ’11, Nursing Robert A. Holladay ’76 Anne Daly Holland ’76 Charles E. Holland James C. Holland, Ph.D., ’68 and Mary Griset Holland, Ph.D., ’75 Scott E. Hollas, AIA, ’92 Robert Zachary Hollenbeck ’06 Robert Gary and Olesia A. Hollenbeck Marsha D. Holliday ’74 Kay A. Holloway ’85 Steven Holman Ernest A. Holmes, Ph.D., ’75 Marlene L. Holt Maryann G. Hood ’89 Sophie Hooks Alice Busby Hopwood ’75 Monsignor Donald E. Horak ’65 Christine M. Horan ’93 Andrew Horgan Martha Brean Horne ’95 Trust of Ann E. Horner Scott E. Horner Clement V. Horrigan ’51 and Helen M. Horrigan Mary A. Hotchkiss ’78 Cathy Hannan Hotka ’75 Rebecca C. Hough ’07 Reverend Monsignor Francis J. Houghton ’51 Sister Clara T. Hounsell ’74 Enid P. Housty, Ph.D., ’70 Andrew S. Hovanec and Mary D. Hovanec ’60 James H. Howard Jr. Clarence W. Howe III ’67 Donald W. Howell Jr. ’99 and Mary E. Howell James B. Howell III and Lorraine M. Howell ’59 William R. Howells Jennifer Ann Howes Stephanie Lynn Howes Gregory M. Howison ’71


Kathleen Winkle Hoyt ’67 Lydia Chang Hsieh ’66 Ingrid P.Y. Hsieh-Yee Mary Ann Hubbard ’73 Reverend Joseph G. Hubbert, C.M., Ph.D., ’83, ’92 Michael and Lisa Hudec Edward Lee Hudgins III ’83 Christopher L. Hudson and Eileen Ugast Hudson ’82 David F. Hudson, Ph.D., ’77 Lorraine Coonrod Huffaker ’61 Maria Huffer Brian J. Huffman and Claire Marie Zajac ’81 David Kent Hughes ’88 Frances R. Hughes James and Clara Hughes Richard Hulbert Jr. Brian P. Hull ’07 Sage Erin Hulsebus ’04 Diane M. Hulsey, USA (Ret.), ’85 Jack K. Hume ’94 Joshua K. Humphries ’09 Frank R. Hunt, Ph.D., ’80, ’85 Jacqueline G. Hunt ’07 Jane Stephenson Hunt ’56 Maureen C. Hunt ’80 Sharon R. Hunt ’85, ’87 Vera G. Hunter ’53 Ivy Huo Rachel I. Huot, M.D., Ph.D., ’76, ’80 Nathaniel Hurd Kathleen A. Hurley ’84 Douglas and Martha Huss Michael L. Hutchinson, USAF (Ret.), ’77 and Natalie Claire Hutchinson ’80 P. William Hutchinson Colleen A. Hyland ’09 Rosalie L. Iadarola ’85 Joseph A. Iandolo ’51, ’56

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Edwin Roberto Ibanez and Mary Jo D. Ibanez ’66 Edward J. Ilg ’50 Francis B. Imbrescia ’76 Jonathan J. Impastato ’02 and Melissa A. Impastato ’02 Daniel W. Inabinett ’50 Martha Sanders Inks, Ph.D., ’80 Olivia Insignares ’68 Andrew P. Interdonato Jr. ’01 Reverend Peter J. Iorio ’86 Winnie S. Ip ’86 Bruce Edward and Mary Beth Irvine Sister Marie Cecilia Irwin ’61, ’65 Joseph M. Iseman ’69 Margaret C. Ives ’76 R. Matthew Ives ’88 Noriko Iwase ’05 Antoine G. Jabbour, Ph.D., ’75 Justin Jackson Marcia J. Jackson Hooper ’72 Mary Kilgus Jackson ’69 Robert Wesley Jackson ’75, ’80 Susan S. Jackson, RN, ’77 Teri L. Jackson ’94 Joseph H. Jacobs, USAF (Ret.), ’56 Karen G. Jacobs ’84 Martin D. Jacobs, CPA, ’96 Sally Carol Jacobs ’75 Olive Krastell Jacobson, Ph.D., ’50, ’74 Bruce R. and Anne P. James Doris E. James ’76 Kathryn B. James Marguerite E. Janelle ’73 John M. Janiec Jr. ’95, ’96 John M. Janiec Sr. Eric and Penny Jansen Gerald F. and June Jansen Brian G. Jefferes ’06

Shirley Wells Jefferson ’61 Joseph E. Jeffs ’55 and Jeannine L. Jeffs Fred F. Jehle ’69, ’70 and Kay L. Jehle Joseph P. and Maryellen Jelenek Cara A. Jenkins ’98 Daniel E. Jennings, D.S.W., ’65 Beverly P. Jennison, Esquire, ’74, ’78, ’84 Robert F. Jeraci Jr. ’83 Richard Jerdonek and Julie A. Jerdonek ’72 Jeetendra Jodhpurkar, PMP, ’97 Betty J. Johnson ’87 Caroline Johnson D. A. Johnson Irene Albus Johnson ’51 Karen McClain Johnson ’76, ’83 Lawrence E. Johnson ’68 and Elizabeth S. Johnson ’68 Leroy E. Johnson ’69 Marjorie Scott Johnson, Ph.D., ’68, ’77 Martha M. Johnson ’89 Peter Michael Johnson ’80 and Sandra Rector Johnson Ruth Anne Lawn Johnson ’77 Deborah P. Johnston Margaret Placentra Johnston ’73, ’74 Thomas H. Johnston ’64 Annette E. Jolles ’77 John Michael Joly and Marianne Dellatorre Joly, M.D., ’77* Ann Schneider Jones ’70 Betty B. Jones, Ph.D., ’65 Brian and Nancy Jones Darren Richard Jones ’00 Irene J. Jones Lori A. Jones ’86, ’87 Philip B. Jones ’79 Rachel L. Jones ’86 Lloyd Jonnes, Ph.D., ’92 Christopher E. Jordan ’81

Q: How did you decide to come to Catholic?

Hughes: It’s actually a funny story. My family used to live in Alexandria, VA, and we would come to the Basilica all the time. Every time we passed by the Nursing School, I’d tell my mom enthusiastically that this was where I was going to go to school since I’ve always known I wanted to be a nurse. When I was starting to apply for colleges, I came to visit Catholic. The Nursing School blew me away. It’s 75 years old and offers a four-year BSN program, which is kind of rare these days. I felt like it was fate to come here. I’m so happy with my decision and I would never leave. I love this school. Q: Are you involved in any activities?

Hughes: Yes - both on and off campus. I’m involved in the Student Nursing Association (SNA). I also volunteer at St. Ann’s, an orphanage in DC, through Campus Ministry. I play and interact with the children, hold the babies, and help out with the nursing staff. It’s very rewarding to go there and makes me very appreciative of everything I have. It further propels me to want to be a nurse so I can help other children in these types of situations and make a difference in their lives. I wish I could

spend more time there, but I’m working three jobs right now so I can’t go as often as I’d like. Q: You’re the Shelton Annual Fund Scholar. How has that helped you?

Hughes: The fiscal benefits are enormous, and I can’t have enough gratitude for how much it’s impacted me and my entire family. It really is amazing how it trickles down to affect so many people. It’s propelled me to keep my academic focus because somebody else has invested in my education besides my family and me. It’s very encouraging and makes you feel supported. I feel like someone cares and I’m rewarded for all of my hard work. Q: Have you been in touch with the Sheltons?

Hughes: I’ve never met them, but I’ve corresponded with Mrs. Shelton. I’d love to meet them and I’ve heard they’re a fabulous family. Q: Do you feel like you have a real connection with them?

Hughes: Absolutely. Mrs. Shelton and I have shared details about our lives with each other. She was kind enough to write me a letter explaining her family background and how she came to give to

Catholic University. It was a really lovely letter. I think it’s neat to get to know the donors better because it puts a name to the gift. It makes you feel more thankful when you feel like you know the family who is doing this for you. Q: Do you have any final thoughts?

Hughes: There are students who have a lot of focus, and when a donor gives you this reward for all of your hard work, it really increases your drive. It makes you want to keep reaching for your academic goals. It’s not just you – it’s a whole community of people who are supporting you and want to see you succeed. I think that’s the most special part of being a scholarship recipient.

’’ ’’ “I think it’s neat to get to know the donors better because it puts a name to the gift.”

The Shelton Family Scholar is part of the University’s Annual Fund Scholar Program in which donors sponsor a rising sophomore. To learn more about the program, please contact the Office of University Development (202-319-6910).

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David E. Jordan ’87 and Susan A. Jordan ’87 Margaret J. Jordan ’92 Wendy Jordan Monsignor Gerald T. Jorgensen ’99 Monsignor Milam J. Joseph ’68 Stevan Jovancevic ’86 Marjorie G. Jovanovic-Johnson ’68 James T. Joyce John and Jane Joyce John R. Julian ’71 and Janice Julian Martina A. Jussel ’55 Charles Kahane and Dalia C. Kahane, Ph.D., ’78, ’81 Ruth Carlsen Kahn, D.N.Sc., ’76, ’89 Colleen Trihy Kaiser ’85 George P. Kalas Jr. ’74 and Ellen Kalas Bill Kalbreier Mary Cooper Kalil ’74 James T. and Julianna Kane John Thomas Kane ’60 Thomas J. Kane, D.S.W., ’72 Thomas H. Kang ’63 Kathryn A. Kanka ’62 Joseph M. Kanyan, Ph.D., ’67, ’72 and Virginia S. Kanyan Marcia E. Kaplin, LCSW, B.C.D., ’73 Monsignor Marvin J. Kapushion ’64 Sargent Caldwell Karch ’90 Maryann Karinch ’74, ’79 Kathryn M. Karrer, Ph.D., ’87 Alice A. Kassabian, Ph.D., ’86 Reverend Edward F. Kasten ’54 Louis P. Kastner and Regina R. Kastner ’08 Stephen J. Katona ’88 Irene A. Katsui ’90 Brother Leonard Katusz Eric A. Kavanagh ’82 Raymond P. Kavlick ’51 Stuart D. Kearney III ’77


Thomas M. and Mary L. Kearney Reverend George M. Keating ’54 James Keating and Maurya Crawford-Keating ’83, ’84 Susan Ranft Keating ’75 Ami H. Keatts ’91 Sheila A. Keaveney ’98 William E. Keefe ’65 Francis C. and Regina M. Keenan Gladys Calkins Keidel ’73 John F. Keiser Jr. Patrick B. Kelleher ’57 and Anne W. Kelleher ’57 Gregory and Katherine Keller Joan M. Keller ’73 Kemberly A. Keller Stephen G. Keller Susan G. Keller Susan J. Keller ’83 William T. Kellermann ’55 David Griffith Kelley ’96, ’97 Patrick W. and Michele M. Kelley Edward Patrick Kelley Donovan ’75 and Mary Kelley Donovan Valerie Ann Kellogg, M.F.A., ’70 Daryl J. Kelly, Ph.D., ’83 David H. Kelly ’52 Denis W. and Joan P. Kelly Francis J. Kelly, Ph.D., ’62, ’67 John E. Kelly ’62, ’71 John G. Kelly and Patricia A. Riehl-Kelly Johnetta E. Kelly ’62 Kathleen A. Kelly ’94 Sean T. Kelly ’60 Thomas J. Kelly ’50 Thomas P. Kelly Jr. ’61 Virginia J. Kelsh ’68 Paul J. Kemp, J.D., ’49, ’51 and Margaret B. Kemp William B. Kemp ’63

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Kenneth J. and Patricia Connor Kempf John R. Kender and Amelia J. Janisz Karen Dornan Kendig ’70 Gudrun E. Kendon James Luke and Alice M. Kenefick Joseph F. Kenkel, Ph.D., ’50 Brian F. Kennedy, Esquire, ’82, ’92 Kathryn M. Kennedy Mary Jane Kennedy ’53 Patricia A. Kennedy ’61 Patrick J. Kennedy and Jeannine M. Kennedy ’88 Paul A. Kennedy Danielle M. Kenney ’93, ’95 Donald F. Kenney ’66 and Mary M. Kenney ’68, ’86 Kathleen M. Kenney ’88 Richard L. Kenney ’69 Robert L. Kenniff Henry J. Kenny Mary Elizabeth Kentis ’83 Betty K. Kerley ’82 Edward W. Kernan ’67, ’71 and Catherine Kernan ’68 Margaret A. Kerr ’64 Marguerite E. Kerr ’57 Barbara Keverline ’52 Erin K. Keys ’92 Cecil Madolyn Kidd ’83 Ellen V. Kiernan ’90 Thomas A. Kiesler, Ph.D., ’60, ’63, ’66 Wilbert V. Kiessling ’75 Anita B. Kilcran ’81 Patrick A. Kilgallen John J. Kilker John F. and Christine Killela Cynthia E. Kilpatrick ’90 Margarita C. Kilpatrick ’76 Angelynn H. King ’94 David A. King ’68

Denis J. King ’76 Geraldine Hudley King ’74 John James King ’53 and Rita M. King Roger and Barbara King Vernon A. King Jr. and Joan I. King W. Fred Kinsey, Ph.D., ’73 Ralph and Mary Kirchner John Thomas Kirk Jr. ’98 and Marylou Johnson Kirk ’97 Reverend Gregory A. Kirsch ’00 Thomas J. Kitrick George F. Klecan ’71 Jeffrey Austin Klein ’81, ’90 Linda G. Klein, LICSW, ’68 Mary M. Klein ’55 Eva L. Klemens ’63 Reverend Dennis C. Klemme ’57 Daniel E. and Phyllis E. Kletter Sister M. Camille Kliebhan ’49, ’51, ’55 Kathleen O’Kain Kline ’71 Thomas Michael Kline ’05 John J. Klisch ’62 Gregory T. Klus ’83 Marilyn Klutstein-Meyer David and Marlene Knapp Alvin R. Knudson ’54 Nicholas J. Koas ’84 Helen Bartley Koch ’74 Elisa S. Koenderman James M. and Mary A. Koeth Raymond F. Kogan and Suzanne H. Harness ’78, ’79 Karmen Kohl Thomas C. and Judith Runnels Kohler Lynne H. Kohn, LCSW, ’87 Jeannine M. Kokiko, RN, M.S.N., ’81, ’87 Martha Ann Kokinda ’67 Ellen K. Kollar ’79, ’86 Reverend James R. Kolp ’63

Joan M. Koltonski ’78 Susan E. Konzelman ’81 Reverend Joel M. Konzen, S.M., ’78, ’91 Karen Ann Kopicko ’79 James Joseph Kopp, Ph.D., ’80 Manuel G. Kopp Stefan R. Koppi ’88 James H. Kordes and Marie Z. Kordes ’82 Jean Marie Korey ’79 George F. Korkmas ’52 Alan S. and Karen S. Kornacki Maria Montiel Koropecky ’02 Maurine H. Kostkowski John D. Kotler Eugene J. Kottenstette Jr. and Mary Ellen Kottenstette John C. Koutze ’77 Keith I. Kozak ’02 Katherine Lorraine Kozicki ’64 Samuel D. Kpodi ’78 Joseph M. Krafft ’43, ’52 Adrienne G. Kraft ’76 Kathryn T. Krajewski ’77 Thomas Michael Krall ’49 Reverend George J. Kramer ’81, ’85 Jane Kramer ’68 John Kramer Jr. ’66 George E. and Sharon J. Kranz Marie Kranz, Ph.D., ’73 Lesley Werner Krauland ’94 Mark L. Kraus, Ph.D., ’79 Walter J. Krawczyk ’73 and Nancy J. Walsh Krawczyk ’73 Arthur O. Kresse ’50 Karl and Martha M. Krichbaum Mary Krieger ’00 Paula Krieger Thomas A. Kriksciun ’69 and Pamela A. Kress Patricia Laskowski Kristobek ’81

J. Stanley Kriz and Ruth Holzapfel Kriz ’82 Gesine S. Krogh ’90 James C. Kruggel Joseph Ronald Krupka and Natalie Parisi Krupka ’66 Kenneth P. Kruse ’73 Gregory Krzyston Reverend Eugene H. Kubina ’50, ’54 Paul Richard Kuebler Jr. Donald H. Kuhn ’52 Harriet Lurensky Kuhn ’90 David A. Kulesh, Ph.D., ’81, ’86 and Joanne B. Kulesh ’82, ’85 Jeff Kuligowski and Mairin Gilhooly Kuligowski ’92 Robert P. and Susan Kunzelman Robert E. Kurilec, CHC, USNR (Ret.), ’68, ’69 Ronald R. Kurpiers ’97 Frederick J. Kurtz ’67 Michael J. Kurylo IV, Ph.D., ’70 Robert Christian Kuser III ’95 and Mary Teresa Fortuna ’95 William S. Kuta Jr. ’67 and Mary H. Kuta Reverend Eugene C. Kutsch ’51 Lawrence T. Kwiat Jr. ’90 DeChantal La Row ’52, ’56 Barbara S. La Vake, D.M.A., ’73 Samuel A. LaBeach Jr. ’65 Richard T. Labonski ’65 Louis J. LaBorwit ’77 Bonnie J. Labriola ’94 Diane M. Labruno ’82 Ronald Lacayo David G. LaComb, AIA, ’78 Robin Ladd ’00, ’01 Paul A. Lafranchise ’74 and Mary Walsh Lafranchise Glenda LaGarde Victor G. Lainez

Daniel Russell Lake ’05 Veronica A. Lake ’66 Myra L. Lall ’69 Katherine Lam ’60 Donald A. Lamontagne, USAF (Ret.), ’69 and Karen Schmidt Lamontagne ’69 Patricia C. Landi ’85 Reverend Nicholas J. Landsberger ’61 John D. Landwehr, Esquire, ’74, ’75 Raymond M. Lane and Laura A. Jacobi ’76 Sean A. Lane and Kathleen Doyle Lane ’85 Judy K. Langley ’76 K. Frederick Lanier Jr. Michelle C. Laplaca ’91 Michael J. LaPlace and Clare M. Coyle LaPlace ’58 Edward R. Larach ’79 Robyn A. Larche ’82 Mary Catherine Larkin ’86 John Clute and Kathleen McNamara Larmett James H. Laster ’92 Margaret A. Latronico ’72 Jennifer Sikaitis Lau ’94 Stephen M. and Bernadette M. Laug John R. Laughlin Sarita V. Moore Laughlin ’79, ’82 Richard A. Laurick, Ph.D., ’67 Virginia M. Lausier ’90 Margaret A. Lawler ’37 Sylvia Mike Lawler ’67 Marie C. Lawlor ’69 Carolyn Lawlor Duignan ’57 John T. Lawrence Jr. ’60 and Joan M. Lawrence ’79 Patricia McGuire Lawson ’72 Philip C. Lawton, Ph.D., ’81 William G. Laxton ’69, ’70 Louis H. Layton III ’56 Vivian Le

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Stephen Leach M. Wendelin Leadem ’69 Mary G. Leary James R. Lease ’85 William A. Leasure Jr. ’69 Robert J. Lecat, Ph.D., ’49, ’53, ’64 Hannah H. Leckman, Ph.D., ’82 William R. Ledoux ’67, ’71 Hugh James Lee ’54 Ling W. Lee Roland E. Lee, Ph.D., ’52, ’54, ’73 and Catherine Y. Lee Shirley Schultheis Lee ’55 Wah Hing Lee ’73 Luke C. Leiden Michael F. LeMay, AIA, ’63 Jeffrey A. and M. Lauren Lemieux William D. and Barbara J. Lemonnier Kevin J. Lennan and Patricia R. Janson-Lennan ’85, ’89 Reverend Joseph L. Lennon, Ph.D., ’48 Mary E. Lennon ’91 Damian Lenshek Patrick M. Leonard ’01 Fred C. Leone Soon H. Leong, Ph.D., ’81 Donald J. and Nancy Leopold Lucille L’Episcopo ’68 George S. Lesiak ’95 James P. Lester ’84 William A. Lester Jr., Ph.D., ’65 Paul R. and Susan K. LeTellier Robert Paul Letendre Jr. ’59 Edward J. Letkiewicz ’51 Maureen M. Leventhal ’81 Calman Levich, Ph.D., ’67 Stanley S. Levy ’50 Stevan M. Levy ’76 Emilly A. Lewis ’77


James M. and Marguerite C. Lewis James Mark Lewis, Ed.D., ’79 and Noreen Blake Lewis ’78 Mary Elizabeth Lewis Mary T. Lewis ’75 Neva E. Lewis-Farrah ’73 Paula C. Lewis ’80 Robert J.C.K. Lewis ’74 Rosemary Sheridan Lewis ’64 Susan Lee Leyden ’79 Michael and Melanee Libby Reverend Joseph J. Lieberth ’63, ’64, ’68 Sister Andrea Likovich ’80 Callista Joanne Lillard ’64 Barbara J. Limandri ’73 Kathleen Oare Lindell Veronica Galvin Lindemon ’70 Ellen T. Lindenbaum ’83 Don E. Lindsay and Jane M. West Lindsay ’88 Frances M. Linehan ’55 Mary Linn James W. Linnehan, Ph.D., ’68, ’75 and Jeannene K. Linnehan David J. Lippert ’61 and Patricia L. Lippert ’61 Robert A. Lisauskas ’93, ’94 and Kathleen M. Lisauskas John N. Lisica and Cara A. Lisica ’77 Nora J. Lissy ’82 Reverend Daniel P. Liston ’89 Monsignor Roy Edward Literski ’49, ’50 Maureen Lobb ’81 Lawrence Lobo ’77 George F. Lockeman Jr., USNR (Ret.), ’83 Gregory W. and Linda P. Locraft Thomas H. Locraft Jr. ’56 Susan E. Loeffler ’90 Jovita Loeri-Sebbe Joseph Lofaro ’79 Roberta L. Logan ’80

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Thomas and Mary A. Logan William S. Logan Jr. ’51 and Irene M. Logan Ksenia A. Loginova Michael T. Lonergan ’88 and Margaret Meagher-Lonergan John J. Long ’50, ’52 Norma J. Long, Ph.D., ’75 Tom H. W. and Joy K. Loomis Sharon A. Loosman ’78 Aida Lopez Stephen Lord Thomas Edward Lordan ’96 John Joseph Loria and Patricia R. Loria ’82 Maria Bartolotta Lostoski ’87, ’93 Fred J. and Jean M. Lotz Stephen and Mary Lovell Paula M. Lovelocke-Tolbert J. Wayne Loving and Kathleen B. Loving ’83 Carol A. Loviza ’81 Jean L. Lowder ’76 David A. and Joan E. Lowe Leah B. Lowe Marilyn M. Lowe ’75 Letizia Fiore Lowman ’60 Michael-Anne H. Lowry ’98 John Lubas ’51 Michelle Lubatti Catherine Eileen Luby ’02 Nick Lucas ’01 Susan M. Ludeman, Ph.D., ’74, ’77, ’79 Peter F. Luongo, Ph.D., ’75, ’77 and Kathleen B. Luongo Eugene J. Luyster, Ph.D., ’59, ’64, ’70 and Jane Luyster Anne DeFuria Lycan ’78 Gere Cronin Lynch ’48, ’63 Kathryn D. Lynch ’69 Maurice J. Lynch ’71 Kevin F. and Helen McCool Lynn

Theodore F. Lyon, Ph.D., ’52, ’55 Thomas A. Lyons III ’88 and Kyra A. Lyons ’89, ’95 Michael J. Lysaght and Carmen Bourget Lysaght ’80 Cheng-Hsuan Lyu, Ph.D., ’93 Rita S. MacAyeal ’90 Paul and Maureen MacCrory Mary M. Macdonald ’49 Littleton C. MacDorman ’67 Andrej Macek, Ph.D., ’52, ’54 Howard A. MacEwen, Ph.D., ’66, ’75 Morris J. MacGregor Jr. ’53 Daniel and Barbara Macgregor Carlotta M. Mack ’72 Charles S. Mack ’04, ’08 John E. Mack Jr., Ph.D., ’71 and Jayne D. Mack Sheila Colby Mack ’80 Beatrice A. MacKenzie ’55 Jeanne M. MacLellan ’90 Constance Rojas Macy ’88 Reverend Edward T. Madden ’47, ’48 Liddell Louise Madden, Ph.D., ’72, ’91 Thomas J. Madden ’62 and Gayle M. Madden ’64 Elizabeth T. Madio ’09 Maria E. Madrid ’78 Maria Gabriela Madrigal-Haughn ’94 Edward F. Maffey ’76, ’78 and Joann O’Donnell Maffey ’75 Drew Maggard Todd Robert Magin ’02, ’04 Joanne Magoulas ’84 M. Eleanor Maguire ’62 Johanna Claire Maguire ’67 Saiban E. Mahamooth, PE, ’97 Sean D. Mahaney ’91 Anthony E. Maher, AIA, ’84 and Susan H. Maher John J. Maher ’58

Mary Anne Goeke Mahin ’71 Ann Gail Mahoney ’60 Jean C. Mahoney ’52 John J. Mahoney ’49 Louis Maier ’70 and Aholivah Maier G. Joseph Maiuri ’51 Willy J. Malarcher ’58 Ann S. Maliniak ’82 Mark P. Malkovich III, D.M.A., ’99 Maryrita K. Mallet, M.D., ’83 Bernard J. Malone ’72 Kathleen R. Malone ’81 Paul T. Maloney ’90 and Christine T. Maloney ’90 George and Grace S. Malouf Robert F. Maloy and Elinor Geoghegan Maloy ’57 Alice S. Mandanis, Ph.D., ’66 Ralph P. Manfredonia ’98 Nicholas J. Mangraviti, AIA, AICP, ’64, ’68 and Barbara J. Mangraviti Francis M. Manion Katherine C. Mann Janet T. Mann ’60 Timothy G. Manning ’80 and Bernadette Manning ’80 Jeanette R. Mansour ’69 Sotires P. Mantis ’56, ’62 Grace A. Marad ’51, ’63 Marian Marascia Rose M. Marburger Anita Marcellis ’67 Therese M. Marchlewski ’75 Frank P. and Julia D. Marciante Charles T. and Carol S. Marck Donald P. Marcopulos ’59 Judith A. Margolis ’83 Gloria Mariani ’57 William J. Marin ’92 Vincent James Marinelli Sr. ’62

Anthony and Mary-Jo Marino William J. and Paula Marino Michael L. Mark, D.M.A., ’58, ’69 William D. Mark ’56 Anthony and Lucy Markowski John E. Markowski ’98 and Carolyn Ann Markowski John Victor Markowski ’68 Mark Marlett Teresa B. Marley ’68 Donald E. Marlowe ’64, ’66 John A. Marlowe ’74 and Ann Byerly Marlowe Joseph R. and Patrice M. Maro Eileen E. Maroney-Lynagh ’76, ’83 Katherine Ridinger Marosek ’80 Mary Ann Key Marrero Michael J. Marrone, Ph.D., ’71 Philip H. Marsh Carolyn L. Marshall Debra M Marshall ’91 Paula J. Marshall ’74 Kay Martel Connors ’83 Jody Marten ’74 Robert T. Martens ’70 Debra Campagnari Martin ’82 Elaine E. Martin, Ph.D., ’86 Jacqueline V. Martin ’93 Mary Joan Martin Matthew L. Martin Maureen Martin Richard W. Martin ’49 Roy and Doris Martin George S. Martinez ’71 Michael L. Martinez and Lenore Margaret Reilly-Martinez ’80 Frances T. Martinez-Goodrich ’75 Raymond and Frances Martini Elizabeth A. Martinka ’83 David L. Martino ’65

Thomas Patrick Martino ’60, ’67 and Mary A. Martino Diona Martyn Donald T. and Dianne Martz Kathleen A. Marucci ’76 Thomas J. Maschek Ellen C. Masciocchi ’72 Joyce Cones Mason ’71 Nancy K. Mason, Ph.D., ’83, ’00 Donna Ritenour Massano ’73 Fredda Massari-Novak ’76 Arash Massoudieh Daniel T. and Faye F. Mata Joseph Anthony Matan, M.D., ’58 George S. Matejka ’73, ’74 Reverend Frank J. Matera Thomas P. Mathes ’96 Edward J. Matricardi ’70 Antonio José Matta ’78, ’80 and Aileen Scharmann Matta ’78 Kristine E. Matthews, Ph.D., ’97 Marion E. Mattoon Burke ’64 Douglas Mattson John H. Matuska Paul R. Maurath and Juliann Pledger Maurath, Ph.D., ’81 John J. Mauro ’61 Colleen Mavrikes James R. Maxeiner and Andrea D. Bessac Maxeiner, Ph.D., ’80, ’90 Louise K. May ’76 Francis H. Mayer Jr. ’60 Joseph G. Mayer, AIA, ’80 Carolyn J. Mayers, Ph.D., ’65 John M. Maysak ’59 and Anne Maysak Mary C. Mazure ’57 Anthony M. Mazzuca ’90 Thomas W. Mazzotta ’86 Tome N. Mbuia-Joao, Ph.D., ’90

Andrew K. McAllister Reverend Donald A. McAndrews ’60 Francis and Kathy McAneny Clare J. McCabe ’79 Eugene F. McCabe Joan M. McCaffrey Dennis C. McCall ’90 June Lorraine McCalla ’62, ’68 Kathleen F. McCallan ’74 Janice M. Linsenmeyer McCann ’58 Gerald T. McCarry ’64 Brian McCarthy Kathleen A. McCarthy ’64 Kevin M. and Patricia S. McCarthy Louis J. McCarthy Jr. ’52 Philip E. McCarthy, M.D., F.A.C.S John Michael McCauley ’62, ’78 John McChesney III and Roxanne C. McChesney Timothy J. McCleerey ’77 and Jean L. McCleerey Audrey L. McConnell ’77 Marie P. McCormack ’72 Megan A. McCormack ’91 Tracey Ann McCormack ’88 Susan A. McCormack-Pike ’86 Reverend J. Justin McCormick, Ph.D., ’63, ’68 Marguerite B. McCormick ’64 Rory McCormick E. Patricia McCormick, Ph.D., ’65, ’73 Patrick J. McCormick ’53 Lynn Rae McCready ’77 Rhea K. McCullough ’90 Patrick M. McCurry ’96 and Jeannie F. McCurry Regina McDermott James P. McDevitt ’66 and Joanne M. McDevitt Steven P. McDevitt ’89 Gail D. McDonald ’74 Patrick K. McDonald, Esquire, ’72, ’73

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Robert E. and Joanne McDonald Sister Joanmarie McDonnell ’70 John M. McDonnell William E. and Ellen M. McDonough Blake J. McEnany John J. McFadden ’68, ’72 Lisa A. McFadden ’92 William C. McGaffigan ’76 and Barbara Ann McGaffigan ’77 John A. McGann Jr. and Genevieve G. McGann Sheila M. McGarr ’73 Patricia A. McGarrity, Esquire Charles P. McGee Terrence P. McGeehan Henry A. McGinnis and Lucille M. McGinnis ’50 Meagan E. McGivney ’98 James P. McGlone, Ph.D., ’56 David J. McGonagle and Sally A. McGonagle ’75 John H. McGovern ’49 John T. McGovern Terrence J. McGovern ’63, ’70, ’74 Kevin B. McGrath Jr. ’85 Louis J. McGrath Michael F. McGrath ’70, ’72 and Sarah S. McGrath ’73 Patrick A. McGrath Richard E. McGuinness ’88 Dorothy McGuire John F. McGuire ’53 John P. and Elizabeth A. McGuire John P. McGuire Jr. ’89 Matthew J. McGuire ’87 Michael A. McGuire ’82 and Kathleen M. McGuire ’82 Robert J. McHenry ’56 Martha Slavin McHugh, LCSW-C, ’64 Charles Addison McInnes ’80


Betty Marie McIntyre ’79 James P. McIntyre ’71 Jerry Lavin McKain, Ph.D., ’69 Elizabeth L. McKane ’92 Marianne M. McKee ’82 Catherine A. McKenna ’48, ’60 Debra McKenzie-Gude ’76 Bruce McKnight ’69 Dennis E. McLaughlin ’97 and Teresa Money-McLaughlin ’96 Amy Noll McLean ’96 Marybeth McLoughlin Reverend Nicholas P. McLoughlin ’68 Edward P. McMahon, Ph.D., ’63 Joseph McMahon ’59 Stephen Joseph and Deborah Kay McMahon Joseph Paul and Kathleen Elizabeth McManus David S. McMullen Patricia C. McMullen, Ph.D., ’03 Thomas E. McMurry Robert W. McNally ’64 and Jody F. McNally Christian McNamara ’55 Kevin McNamara Susan Q. McNamara ’80 Teresa M. McNamara Jack R. McNamee Jr. and Camille A. McNamee ’71 Kirsten Leigh McNelis ’01, ’02 Frederick B. McNicholl Daniel E. McNulty ’65, ’68 Mark A. McNulty Stephen P. McPhail ’92 Cathy Borla McQuade ’91 Sharon M. McQuate ’82 Holly J. McRee ’92 Elizabeth Davis McShalley ’56, ’58 Gregory C. McShane ’87 John McShane Monsignor John R. McSweeney ’65 Francis Patrick and Denise Conlogue McTaggart

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William J. McVeagh II ’75 Edward Meany ’97 John J. Mecholsky Jr. ’66, ’68, ’73 and Susan Kurtz Mecholsky ’66, ’71 Reverend John M. Medwid ’90 Dennis and Coleen A. Meehan Dennis N. Mehring ’75 Michael J. Meinhold and Patricia O’Connor Meinhold ’88 Mark Meister ’82, ’83 and Carla Krivak Meister, Esquire, ’82, ’89 Dorothy L. Mekaru ’62 Leonard B. Melley Jr. ’82 William J. Mello Jr. ’56 Marjory H. Melnick ’90 Cecilio and Herminia Melo Susan M. Memoli ’91 Maryclaire Mena ’85 David Mario Mendoza ’04 Myriam Mendoza John Henry Menges ’54 Lydia Menocal ’02 Bernard A. Mercer ’94 Judith S. Mercer, D.N.Sc., ’89 David B. Merchant and Barbara L. Merchant ’81 Mary R. Mercuri ’57, ’66 Joseph A. Meringolo ’80 Andrea O. Merrill ’71 Dr. Susan Mary Merritt, RDC, ’68 Robert Francis Merski ’71, ’73 Sandra Anne Mertes ’69 Vincent P. Mesaric ’69 and Kathleen M. Mesaric ’69 Carol W. Mesrobian Ralfe Mesrobian ’50* Franklin L. Metcalf, USA (Ret.), ’78 and Sandra Ann Metcalf Michel G. Methot ’70 Robert John Metro ’67

Donald E. Metz ’87 John B. and Jackie Metz Joseph G. Metz, Ph.D., ’63, ’64, ’66 and Elissa Milone Metz Mark and Mary Metzler Clare N. Meyerson Christine Mica Monsignor Chester Paul Michael ’37, ’38, ’42 Louis P. and Donna Michael John A. Michalowicz ’65 and Judith Michalowicz Michael V. Michalski ’08 Frank V. Michielli ’83 and Roberta Myers Mary E. Micker ’01 Marvin J. Mielke ’79 Joseph A. Mihalcik ’81 David Allen Milburn, D.M.A., ’82 Christopher Robin Miles ’76, ’78 Edward F. Miles, Esquire, ’74, ’82 Anne Miller, Ph.D., ’61, ’64, ’69 Brandon C. Miller Dorothy D. Miller ’78, ’80 Eunice Hammerman Miller ’78 Karen S. Miller Kevin and Carole Miller Mary Ann Buddenberg Miller, Ph.D., ’00 Maryrose Miller ’71 Michael G. Miller ’85 Stephen and Lisa Miller Terry G. Miller ’81 Sister Kathleen A. Milliken ’60 John Milliot ’61 Caroline Joy Mills ’62 Christopher M. Mills ’91 Reverend Joseph M. Mills ’49 Eileen McKenna Milton ’60 Kathleen T. Miner ’05 Tung Ming Li Rita T. Minkley ’74

Julie T. Min-Tun Joachim Mioduszewski ’59 Julian Miranda Peggy Shropshire Misback ’52, ’55 Monica Luz Mische, Ph.D., ’05 Charles J. Misiaveg Jr. Kate R. Miskovsky ’80 Charles David Missar, Ph.D., ’94 Anne Bradley Mitchell ’82 Bailey A. Mitchell Charles B. Mitchell ’49 Jo H. Mitchell ’81 John Paul Charles Mitchell ’06 Amy L. Mitson ’96 Carole S. Mittler ’82 Robert W. Moden ’85 Margaret Ann Moe ’69 Joanne M. Bioni Moffett ’79 Louis A. Mole, Ph.D., ’80 and Kathryn A. Mole Elma G. Molina ’97 Linda A. Molina ’84 Donna A. Mollenhauer ’82 Felicity J. Moller ’05 Jo Anne Monaco ’77 Edward J. Monaghan ’72 James J. Monahan ’60 and Ann T. Monahan Reverend Peter M. Mongeon ’83 Edward J. Monk ’83 Cynthia Lotz Monroe ’84 John and Katie Monroe Meghan R. Monroe ’93 Rose Ann Monsell ’79 Richard and Marcia Montanio Chris and Susan Montella Arturo Monterrubio Daniela Monterrubio ’06 Richard Montgomery and Caroline S. Montgomery ’93

Donald L. Mooers Jr. and Magdalene Kobylinski Mooers ’90 Rosemary Mann Mookerjee ’87 William M. Mooney, Ph.D., ’72, ’75 Reverend Augustine J. Moore, Ph.D., ’60 Charles Moore Jr. and Linda Moore Jean Burley Moore, Ph.D., ’77, ’84 John J. Moore and Rita Karcher Moore ’65 Julianne Moore-Michalenko ’83 Katherine K. Moore ’78 William J. Moore, Ph.D., ’69 Kirsten L. Morasco ’93 Talaat Moreau, Ph.D., ’91 Janet L. Moreland Elaine B. Morgan Sister Julia Moriarty ’60 Reverend Mark M. Morozowich ’89 Maria Teresa Morrell ’85 Anne and Daniel Morris Eugene S. Morris ’90 M. Scotland Morris and Margaret K.H. Morris ’89 Mary Agnes Morris ’54 Sally Doherty Morris Theresa M. Morris ’72 W. Patrick Morris and Mary Alice Burke Morris ’65 William J. Morris Jr. ’50 Barbara Pedrini Morrison ’75 David J. Morrissette, Ph.D., ’84, ’00 Faye C. Moul Lari ’83 Herbert J. Mould Jr. ’58 and Elizabeth Seidensticker Mould ’56 Andre J. Mouledoux Sr. and Andre J. Mouledoux Carla Mouta-Bellum Get Wah Moy ’74 Annalee Moyer ’08 John L. Moylan ’58

Dale and Linda Mrozinski Florian A. Muckenthaler ’64 Patricia Lieb Mudd ’65 Edward A. Mueller ’67 H. Vincent Mueller and Marguerite A. Mueller ’74 Jay V. Mueller ’79 Susan Taber Mulhern ’66 Monica Mulholland Kevin M. Mulkern William E. Mullan Jr. ’49 Erin K. Mullaney ’03 Rose M. Mullen ’77 Angela M. Muller ’94 David J. Muller and Mary R. Muller ’59 James J. and Louise D. Mullican M. Alicia Mullins ’63 Sheila Ann Mulvihill ’56 Daniel R. Mulville, Ph.D., ’74 Satinder K. Munjal ’73 Reverend Nathan J. Munsch, O.S.B., ’92 Mark A. Munson Sr. and Jean T. Munson Suzanne L. Munson ’97 Edward Munyak ’65 David and Christine Murawski Kenneth H. Murdock ’56, ’71 Steven J. Murfin Christopher W. Murphy ’02 Constance Ann Murphy ’96 David G. and Julie Murphy Douglas Roe and Susan Ann Murphy James P. Murphy, Ph.D., ’76 Karen A. Murphy ’78 Marie E. Murphy Maureen M. Murphy ’73 Peter and Kerry Murphy Sandra Murphy Anne V. Murray ’60 Michael G. and Linda J. Murray James P. Murtha, Ph.D., ’75

Rose Muscarella Wayne and JoAnn Muscarella Joseph C. Musumeci ’96 and Karen R. Musumeci Charles John Myler ’52 and Kay Myler Cynthia C. Myles James L. Myracle Jr. ’76 Patricia Marie Myron ’79 Mary Mytryshyn ’66 Raymond H. and Carter-Anne Nadonley Rae Ann Nager ’61, ’65 Anton and Murielle Nagl Diana L. Napolitano ’08 Vincent Nappo Joyce C. Narden ’70 Sarah Hendrickson Nash ’77 Tobias J. Nathe National Council on Aging Ezra A. Naughton, Ph.D., ’73 John Patrick Naughton ’54 George H. Nazarian Mary Kaye Nealen, Ph.D., ’89 Edith S. Neece ’48 David C. Neisler Dean and Lynn Neligan Matilda Jacquelyn Nelson ’86 Richard A. Nelson ’59 Reverend Lawrence J. Nemer ’67 Judith Nemethy Virgil P. Nemoianu, Ph.D., and Anca M. Nemoianu, Ph.D. Robert C. Nerbun Jr. Juliana B. Nermark ’53 Brenda T. Nesbitt Lauren T. Nesbitt Anthony C. Neubauer ’75 Margaret M. Neubig ’93, ’98 Jennifer Nevins Nancy E. Newman ’82

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Hubert Remi Ngueha Danh Viet Nguyen ’79 Quynh T. Nguyen, D.D.S., ’82 Voc Nguyen Marinella Nicewicz, F.S.S.J., ’60 Barbara Benone Nichols ’64, ’70 Claudia P. Nichols ’70 James T. Nichols ’79 James and Mary Nicholson Kevin Nielsen Brian J. Niemiec ’09 Mary Martinelle Niemiec ’69 Jeffrey E. Niesz ’92 and Kristin A. Niesz ’92 Monsignor Allan F. Nilles ’49 Gregg Nimmo Calvin J. Nisson ’50 and Mary R. Nisson Janice A. Noack, Ph.D., ’60, ’70 Frederick E. A. Noah ’72 Gretchen A. Nobahar Morton W. Noble ’43 Tina R. Noblitt ’93 Kevin M. Nolan ’70 and Margaret M. Jylkka-Nolan ’70 Nancy W. Nollen, L.C.S.W., ’90 Francis and Barbara Noonan Paul V. Noonan ’50 Barbara E. Atkins Noone ’64 John J. Noone Jr., M.S.W., ’41 Anthony F. Norcio, Ph.D., ’78 and Armella M. Norcio Nancy Norment-McCabe ’77 Terese C. Norris, RN, ’77 Joyce R. North ’64 Carl B. Norwood and Jan Welch Norwood ’75 Gregory Carr Noschese ’93 Edmund H. Novak and Sheila Brennan Novak ’84 Theresa C. Brady Novak ’74 David C. and Lynn B. Novicki Kevin R. Nowak ’01, ’03


Rose Adami Nowak ’80 Marie E. Nowakowski, Ph.D., ’74 Dianne M. Nukk, ACSW, LCSW, ’67 Joan A. Nunnery ’77 Todd Nygard Kathleen A. Nystrom ’80 John and Eileen M. Obanhein Katherine T. Obanhein Robert S. Obenreder ’77, ’81 Oblates of St. Francis DeSales Arthur and Ann O’Brien James P. O’Brien, Ph.D., ’77 and Mary Louise O’Brien ’73 John E. O’Brien ’94 Kathleen M. OBrien Patrick and Elizabeth O’Brien Paul J. O’Brien ’68 Timothy F. O’Brien ’65 William C. O’Brien Jr. ’72 William M. O’Brien ’96 Daniel P. O’Connell ’82 Edward A. O’Connell ’89 Terence J. O’Connell, Esquire, ’78, ’82 William J. O’Connell ’49 and Dorothy S. O’Connell Daniel Richard O’Connor ’90, ’91 John K. O’Connor ’50 and Betty A. O’Connor Marilyn C. O’Connor ’66 T. R. O’Connor Reverend Vincent M. O’Connor ’53 Beatrice O’Donnell ’65 Dorothea O’Donnell John J. and Mary Beth O’Donnell John J. O’Donnell Jr. ’52 and Joanne M. O’Donnell Sheila A. O’Donnell-Schuster ’66 Terence S. O’Donnell Veronica O’Donnell ’62

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Walter J. and Mary A. O’Donnell Philip L. O’Donoghue Irene M. Odorizzi ’65 Mary K. O’Dowd, M.D. Thomas D. Oellerich, Ph.D., ACSW, L.I.S.W., ’59 William B. O’Grady, M.D., and Kathleen K. O’Grady Sook-Ja Bang Oh ’72 John H. O’Hara, Ph.D., ’68 and Merrily J. O’Hara Patricia A. O’Hare ’65 John and Carol Ohrnberger

Daniel F. O’Keefe Jr. and Sandra S. O’Keefe ’80 George Evans O’Keefe Jr. ’04 David O’Keeffe ’69 Octavia Okorafor Allan J. Olchowski, Ph.D., ’80 and Joann Olchowski Erin J. O’Leary ’97, ’04 Patrick T. O’Leary, Ph.D., ’98

Rita K. O’Leary, I.H.M., ’89 Timothy J. and Jane E. O’Leary William J. O’Leary III ’81 William James O’Leary Sister Mary David Olheiser, Ph.D., ’76, ’77 Eugene E. Olich ’51 Joyce E. Oliver Judith E. Oliver ’87 William M. Olsen II ’01 Linda S. Olson ’84 Anthony O’Malley and Donna Randles Ingjerd O. Omdahl ’70 Sister Constance O’Meara ’67 Lillian M. O’Neil Robert F. O’Neil and Mary C. O’Neil ’50 Edward J. O’Neill ’63 Jeffrey T. O’Neill, AIA, ACHA, ’90, ’91 Lawrence A. O’Neill ’59 Thomas M. O’Neill, M.D., ’61 William Francis and Sharon R. O’Neill Brian Andrew O’Palko ’86 Christine M. Orawsky ’09 Robert T. O’Reagan ’54 Claire M. O’Reilly ’59 James Edward O’Reilly ’65 Edith Freund Orem ’87 James and Maureen Orgill Thomas Joh n and Mary Jo O’Rourke Gloria J. Orr ’90 Louis Orrison Jo seph M. Orzech ’72 M ary Jean Osberger ’80 Richard N. and Janet L. Osgood Mary Ann O’Shea ’70 Robert M. O’Shea, Ph.D., ’56, ’65 and Suzanne M. O’Shea ’55 John H. and Helen Osman Betty Anne Osterhoudt ’78 Jim and Constance J. O’Sullivan

Teresa A. O’Sullivan ’73 Charlotte P. Otis ’56 Anthony P. Ottati ’82 and Kateri M. Ottati ’82 Stefanie Ottenstein ’07 Beverly Oubre John H. Overtoom ’53 Gretchen C. Owens-McAllister ’69 Vittoria Pace ’89 Kenneth R. Pacheco John Thomas Pack Sr. ’80 Mary C. Padden ’71 Joseph N. Pagano ’90 Fr ank P. Palazzo and Aileen T. Palazzo ’70 Anthony C. Palerino Jr. and Audrey A. Palerino ’64 Arthur V. Paletti Reverend Steven M. Paliwoda ’94 Kelly Meddaugh Pallagi ’80 Sahon C. Palmer ’95 Fra nk G. and Maureen G. Palmieri John R. and Stephanie Palumbo Fu h-Shing Pan, Ph.D., ’80, ’83, ’84 Alice M. Pandolfi, M.P.H., CHES, ’92 Reverend Robert J. Panke ’89 Mercedes A. Pannone Nanci Panos Reverend John C. Pantuso ’62 Denise Pappas Robert and Kathleen Pappas Neil Parent and Lynn M. Parent ’67 Sister Kathleen Ann Parisi ’80 Jennifer A. Park ’97 Jung H. Park, Ph.D., ’93, ’00 Sharon Collins Park, AIA, ’71 Richard J. Parker ’73, ’92 Samuel J. Parker Jr. ’69 and Patricia E. Parker ’74 Stuart and Barbara Parker Carl F. Paroby ’90 Irene M. Parrish Parham ’71

Kimberly Ann Parrott John Q. and Paula J. Parsons Leo D. and Maryanne M. Parsons Geoffrey A. Pascoe ’84 Steven B. and Suzanne M. Pascoe Allan L. Pashcow David W. Patch ’75 Elaine K. Patelunas-Copeland ’83 Margaret Sheeran Paton ’06 Brian J. Patterson ’79 Raymond A. Patterson ’03 Dana H. Patton ’63 Patricia F. Paukstis ’60 Judith A. Paulus ’73 Reverend Mark F. Pautler ’87 John Andrew Pavco ’68 and Catherine M. Pavco Brother Joseph Pawlika, C.F.X., ’66 Margaret J. Payne ’46 Megan E. Payne ’07 Elbert F. Peacock Jr. and Katherine P. Peacock James J. Peacock ’49 Lynda Ann Pearson ’77 Murray L. Pearson ’79 Judith Ambrose Peck ’83 Mary Rose Peck ’70 David M. Pedersen ’66, ’67 Brian J. Pedraza John James Peirano Jerome M. Pelkowski ’59 Anthony and Jacqueline Pellegrino Richard R. Pelliconi ’74, ’76 Luis Miguel Penafiel ’76, ’78, ’80 and Catherine A. Penafiel ’85 Rosita Garcia Penetar ’47, ’48 John J. Penkunas ’69 David J. Pepson ’74 and Maureen Pepson ’75 Alan O. Perantoni, Ph.D., ’83 James W. Pereira ’51 and Madeline F. Pereira

Kathleen Pereira ’96 Fernando C. Perez Cardenas ’96 Efrain Perez-Rosario ’72 Ruth M. Perkins ’91 John T. Perkinson John Raymond Perkowski ’81 Kenneth J. Perrone, Esquire, ’82 Margaret M. Perrone ’69 Lawrence G. Perry, AIA, ’82, ’84 Stacey Persichetti-Moyers ’99 Patricia Persse ’49, ’66 Lynne D. Pesce ’02 Janice B. Peters ’72 Christine A. Peterson Frances K. Peterson ’53 June W. Peterson, LCSW-C, ACSW, ’73 Victor P. Petrolati ’72 Ronald Petrongolo Joseph Daniel Petruso ’74 Roderick A. and Lori G. Petschauer Monika F. Petter ’96 Catherine S. Pettit David L. Pettit ’65, ’68 Dennis M. Pettit Mary A. Pettit ’76 Evelyn L. Pezzulich ’86 Susan B. Pfaff ’88 David A. Pfeiffer and Janet M. Pfeiffer ’92 Tibor and Maria T. Pflum Rachel M. Pham ’92 Xuan Huong Thi Pham ’97* Mary P. Phelan ’66 William J. Phelan IV, Esquire, ’04, ’07 Heather M. Phelps Thomas Phelps Bernard E. Phifer and Virgie Boyd Phifer ’78 Kenneth O. Phifer ’83 and Julia H. Phifer Andre G. Philippon ’63 Constance R. Phillips ’64

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An interview with past Edward L. and Ruth S. Hennessy Distinguished Scholar: Tony Metzger, Ph.D. candidate, School of Engineering Q: When did you enroll in Catholic, and how did you decide to attend?

Metzger: I began in the fall of ’07. I came here primarily because I was interested in working for Dr. Lum over at National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH). I wanted to work with people who were doing research with amputees and prosthetics. I sent Lum an email and he said, “Sure, come on over.” I took a tour, and he offered me a job.

’’ ’’ “Any funds like this that come a student’s way really do help.”


Q: Why prosthetics?

Metzger: I attended a seminar about prosthetics during my undergrad. The coolest part was the lecturer’s comment, saying that the best part of his day is when the patients come in to his office in a wheelchair but they go out walking. That’s when it hit me.

their abilities. From there, I’m looking at whether they’re able to learn how to form new strategies and how to recreate normal reaches with their new arm. Once we know that, we’ll develop new training protocols to integrate their arms into normal use. Q: The emphasis of your studies is how the prosthetics work, not on design.

Q: Why did you choose to earn your undergraduate degree in biomedical?

Metzger: Correct, its focus is on motor control and motor learning.

Metzger: I’ve always been good at math and in high school I was interested in biology. I felt like biology and math combined got me into bioengineering.

Q: It’s how the body reacts to the prosthetic and how it sends its messages back and forth.

Q: I had the pleasure of attending The Hennessy Scholar presentation this past fall, where you spoke. Walk me through your presentation and what you’re specifically working on.

Metzger: I’m involved in research with two groups. The first group works with stroke victims. The second is with prosthetics. The prosthetics group is focused toward improving the training of amputees and how they use their devices. In order to understand how to train them, we have to understand how they use their devices and their motor control and motor learning of the new devices. My first project looked at how they use their prosthetic arms to reach and to determine

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Metzger: Yes. Q: What have you found so far?

Metzger: Looking at horizontal planar reaching, amputees were able to perform reaching to the same level as normal. The performance is comparable both with and without visual guidance. Our first hypothesis was that they would perform less without vision, because they lack the sensory mechanisms in their arm. We thought their reaching performance would be decayed, but actually they were able to recreate their reaches. We looked at their intact arm reaching – “while you’re here, reach with your good arm” – just as a side note, and we actually found

some deficits in their good arm. They tended to reach in a skew pattern. That shocked us—we didn’t expect it at all. So we’re trying to figure out what caused that. Maybe it’s some kind of internal model problem in the brain or some kind of intercortical inhibition, which I don’t know that much about. We’ll work on this in the future. Q: You said that you had two studies – one for amputees and one for stroke victims. How does the stroke work differ from that with the amputees?

Metzger: They’re actually very similar in that they both look at upper extremity reaching. We looked at improvement in the acute phase, right after the stroke. When they’re first admitted to NRH, [patients] take a test to see how they reach to different targets. They go through 2 to 4 weeks of therapy, and we test them again after that to see if there is improvement. There’s not much research that looks at that acute phase of reaching to see how the arm recovers. We use quantitative measures to assess their improvement from time one to time two. Right now we’re working on piecing together our findings to see if we’re finding changes, which I’m pretty sure we are.

Q: So how long is the master’s program?

Metzger: I finished my master’s in two years and went right into the Ph.D. program. Q: How much longer until you finish the Ph.D. program?

Metzger: Ideally, from now it would be another year and a half. From beginning to end, my time at Catholic will be about 4 years. Q: You do most of your work at NRH. How does that interface with your class work? Does most of your class work support the research you’re doing?

Metzger: There are a couple of classes that cross over. The biomed engineering program has a broad range of topics, between rehab engineering and classes on biomaterials, or signal processing or tele-medicine. My focus is on the rehab engineering. I’ve taken three courses on that, and Dr. Lum taught two of them, so that helped show how what we’re learning is being done in the real world. Q: So when you’re done with your Ph.D., where do you plan on going?

Metzger: There are two main routes. I could go into academia and stay in research, and maybe even be a teacher, work at a university. The other route, which I’m leaning more toward, is to go into industry, like at an engineering firm. Research is interesting, but sometimes it’s a little redundant and I want to expand my horizons.

Q: Tell me how you learned about the Hennessy Scholarship?

Metzger: Dr. Lum suggested to me that I apply. The process involved me filling out an application, and then it went to a faculty committee for review. Q: How has the award assisted you?

Metzger: The funding did help, as I used it toward my research. Any funds like this that come a student’s way really do help.

The Edward L. and Ruth S. Hennessy Distinguished Scholarship Program was established in 1992 at The Catholic University of America to recognize and support outstanding graduate scholars in the School of Engineering. Hennessy Distinguished Scholars are chosen annually by the dean of the School of Engineering from students nominated by faculty in their respective departments. Scholars are selected based upon high levels of academic achievement and research potential. In addition to the honor of being recognized as a Hennessy Distinguished Scholar, each scholar receives $5,000.

John Edward Phillips ’85 Scott H. Phillips, Esquire, ’87, ’92 Michelle Y. Phipps ’87 Susana E. Picado ’77 J.R. Picardo ’09 Robert A. Piccirelli, Ph.D., ’52, ’53, ’57 Daniel T. Piekarski ’78 John Q. Pierce ’95 Henry Joseph Pierpan John J. Pikarski Jr. and Sandra S. Pikarski Robert P. Pikul ’54 Mary Patricia Pilch ’50 Reverend Daniel J. Pilon ’86 Richard A. Pincus ’52 and Cecilia G. Pincus Thomas E. Pinelli ’83 David M. Pires ’06 Anthony and Patricia A. Pisano Thomas Place Robert C. Placious, Ph.D., ’65 Antonio Planells, Ph.D., ’70, ’76 and Lila De Jubecourt Planells Jennifer B. Planert ’89 Jeannette F. Plante ’86 Peter W. Platten and Mary June Platten ’70 Jeanne G. Plitt ’68 Leo A. Plourde ’71 Robert M. Plowman, Ph.D., ’71 Reverend Alexander T. Pocetto, O.S.F.S., Ph.D., ’52, ’60 Dorothy B. Pocklington, USA (Ret.), ’61 Karona Desna Poindexter ’95 Henry A. Poirier ’52 and Bibiane C. Poirier Miriam C. Poirier, Ph.D., ’77 Daniel J. Poje, Ed.D., ’73 and Stephanie F. Poje Monsignor Peter Mark Polando ’94 Joseph B. Policelli ’63 Francis J. Polkowski, Esquire, ’63 Alexander J. and Anne F. Pollock

Sherry Pollock Michael B. Pomfret ’02 John G. and Carey A. Pomykata Sydney L. Pomykata Theresa P. Ponko ’59 Peter G. Popovich Jr. Kathryn D. Poppiti Rita J. Poranski ’82 N. Claiborne Porter Jr. ’68 Peter Pospiech Scott P. Pospiech ’08 Michael Postar and Adeen J. Postar ’86 Constance F. Potthast ’54 Nancy Noonan Powell ’86 Steven and Maria Powell William A. Power ’50 Kancharla C. Prasad, Ph.D., ’69, ’73 Presentation Convent Marianne V. Prestifilippo ’65 Kathleen Stockin Prevost ’95 Linda Ruth Price ’78 Martha Wylie Pride, D.N.Sc., ’76 David Daniel and Elaine Marie Primmer Patricia Anne Prince ’02 Reverend Kurt Pritzl, O.P. Joseph Procaccini, Ph.D., ’71 Norma Procopiow ’62 Alexander S. Prokos ’60 and Maureen Prokos Frances M. Prout-Rutan ’61 Emilio M. Pucillo ’52 Thomas A. Pugliese ’64 Gemma Rita Puglisi ’80 Reverend Theodore Pulcini ’85 Janet Puleo Marissa Joy Pullano ’04 John E. Punyko Anthony Purcell Elizabeth Purcell Robert Benjamin Purdy Sr. ’61 and Mary C. Purdy r e p o rt to d o n o r s


John E. Puskar Jr. John E. Puskar Sr. Raymond P. Putt Jr. ’93 Deborah L. Queenan ’79 John H. Quillinan ’49 Theresa Quine Cynthia J. Quinlan Anthony B. Quinn ’90 and Melinda A. Quinn Dorothy Anne Quinn ’77 Henry J. Quinn ’51 and Mary W. Quinn John S. Quinn ’97 Katherine A. Quinn ’91 Kathleen M. Quinn ’76 Sonya A. Quitslund, Ph.D., ’64, ’67 Clyde E. Rader ’67 Jean Ouellette Radford ’76 Bartholomew Radolinski Barbara A. Radtke, Ph.D., ’70, ’75 Seyed M. Rahini-Madjzoub ’75, ’77 Maria C. Rahmoeller ’59 Henry F. Raine ’85 Jean L. Ralston ’73 Reverend Gabriel M. Ramacciotti ’66 Viggo Bech Rambusch ’57 Roxanne C. Rameshwar ’83 Jorge L. Ramirez Jr. ’85 Francisco Ramos ’81 Jorge A. Ramos Timothy J. Ramsey ’81 Joseph R. Ramus and Katherine Safford-Ramus James Daniel Randall Jr. ’71 Patricia Ranft, Ph.D., ’70 William B. Rankin, USAF (Ret.), ’83 Mary L. Rapczynski ’75 Marsha G. Rapfogel ’78 Hortenzia Septimia Rapking ’70 Adam D. Rasmussen Michelle E. Rasmussen ’90 Angus J. Rava ’50 and Anne C. Rava


Catherine P. Ravo ’08 Beverly A. Raway, Ph.D., ’89, ’94 Kathryn Collison-Ray ’76 Thomas Monroe Rayburn Reverend John Anthony Raymaker ’61, ’65 Donald J. Reagan, Ph.D., ’69, ’72* Monica Elena Reardon ’05 Reverend Thomas J. Reardon ’51 Kristin L. Reavey Maria Ann Rebbert ’77, ’83 Jeffrey C. Redder, M.S.G.T., USAF (Ret.), and Teresa S. Redder John M. Reddington ’50 Erika M. Redmond ’98 John O. Redmond ’67 Very Reverend Richard T. Reece ’66 Laura D. Reeping ’92 William A. and Renee Guanlao Reese Christine R. Reesor ’00 James Mathew Reeves, D.M.A., ’80 William H. Reeves Jr. ’81, ’83 Eileen A. Regan ’77 Regina Health Center Steven Francis and Maureen Rose Rego Nicholas J. Reid Dorothy Lipka Reilley ’54 Cornelia K. Reilly Sister Patricia A. Reilly ’56 Bruce R. Reiter ’79, ’81 and Allyson A. Burke-Reiter ’83 Seymour Reitman ’75 David Owen Remington, Ph.D., ’80 Louis C. Renaud Jr. and Laurel A. Renaud ’95 Robert B. Rendely ’90 and Peggy A. Rendely ’85 John M. Repass and Sharon H. Repass ’81 Lindsay L. Rerecich ’08 Paul Revesz Lucy E. Rex Marie Rex

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Nancy South Reybold ’58 Patricia C. Reyes ’83 Jerry F. Reynolds II ’02 Mildred M. Reynolds, Ed.D., ’69 William H. Reynolds Jr. ’50 and Patricia O’Brien Reynolds, Esquire, ’55 Blaise Rhodes ’88 Reverend Thomas W. Rhomberg ’53 George L. Ribaud and Ruth Hausle Ribaud ’48, ’50 Estelle Alston Ricchiuto ’42 Beryl Carter Rice, Ph.D., ’80 Paul C. Rice ’82 Sue Ann Rice, Ph.D., ’79, ’88 Diana M. Richards ’74 Joseph A. Richards Jr. ’56 Katherine Richardson ’88 Martha W. Richardson ’83 David R. Richie II ’73 Robert J. Rickenback and Christina F. Rickenback ’72 Phyllis Ricker Karen C. Ridenour, M.S.N., ’72 Suzanne M. Ridgway ’64 William C. Ries ’70 Mary Downey Rigney ’49 Edith Rikuris ’64 Ann Sherman Riley ’77 Kara Riley ’98 Paul V. Riley Sr. ’50 Quiana A. Riley ’01 Lawrence D. Rilla ’67, ’68, ’70 Lolita P. Rillorta-Deyto ’02 Nathan H. Rinehart ’90 Patrica A. Ring ’86 Marilyn L. Ringenberg, Ph.D., ’05 Roberta M. Riordan ’85 Ellen Riotto ’73 Mary Ellen Risch ’78

Michael T. Rittenour ’99 Bernadette M. Rivas, RN, ’87 Marylouise Ambrogi Roach ’79 Allan W. Robbins ’73 and Lianne L. Robbins Joseph A. Robbins Dolores Donnelly Roberson ’75 Carol Hoppe Roberts ’58 Frances T. Roberts ’56 John P. Roberts ’62, ’65 and Carol Ann Roberts, Ph.D., ’63, ’66, ’70 Susannah H. Roberts, D.S.W., ’85 Ryan P. Robichaux ’04 Mclouis Robinet and Harriette Gillem Robinet, Ph.D., ’57, ’62 Ellen S. Robinson, M.S.W., ’81 Wilma F. Robinson ’52 Catherine Fredricks Rocco ’68 Joanne Roche ’68 Mary Purcell Roche ’41 Henriette M. Rocks ’61 Beatrice M. Rodgers ’68 Geraldine E. Rodorigo Carlos A. Rodriguez ’93 and Therese M. Rodriguez ’92 Carmen L. Rodriguez-Peralta ’80 Daniel Rodriguez William and Margaret Roell Kevin and Pamela Rogan Sister Julia Rohr, O.S.B., ’59, ’74 Suzanne M. Rohrbacher ’85 Manuel T. and Maria F. Rojas Susan H. Roling ’03 Frances B. Rollert Jeffrey James Roman ’97 Margaret E. Romano ’88, ’89 Paula Josephine Romano, Ph.D., ’61 Teresa Romanowska-Lakshmanan, Ph.D., ’64 James P. Romer ’72 Alicia Romero Schoshinski ’90

Irene Louise Romersa ’62 Larry A. Ronk ’75 Judith Anne Ronzio ’67 Ramon Rosa-Cruz ’70 Giulio G. Rosanova ’83 James R. Rosato Jr. Rolf Rosch Nancy H. Roscher Robert Rose and Alice R. Nicholas Stephen B. Rose ’85 and Lisa A. Rose George P. and Nancy Rosenkranz Stuart P. and Judith K. Rosenthal Kenneth Louis Rosette ’65 R. Andrew and Lynn Ross Shawn Kohut Ross ’82 Christopher W. Rossi Ellen C. Roth ’71 Mary Catherine Roth, PNP, CRNP, ’82 Georgianna C. Rouleau ’87 Samuel S. Roushar Victor T. and Susan Jane Roushar Donald Routh Carol Ann Rowe, Ph.D., ’67, ’93 Imelda Rowe James L. Rowe Jr. ’69 Patricia J. Rowe ’67 Tori M. Rowe ’09 Dennis H. Rowinski ’71 Benjamin J. Rowland Gary W. and Kathryn G. Rowland Thomas V. Rowland, Ph.D., ’68 Donna J. Rowles ’79 George and Susan M. Rowlyk Richard R. Roy ’77 Robert Royal, Ph.D., ’94 Michael E. Ruane and Catherine T. Lee Jeffrey S. Rubin, AIA, ’80 Luis Rubio-Losada, IMC., ’69, ’74 Edward D. Ruch Jr., Ph.D., ’79

Anthony J. Rudgers ’70 and Karen J. Rudgers Lawrence M. Rudner ’78 Theresa Marie Rudnicki-Jones ’77 Louis R. Rudolph ’51 Charles P. Rufe, USA (Ret.), ’76 Mary Ann Ruffing-Rahal, Ph.D., CNP, ’70 Carleen E. Rule ’78 David Q. Rupp ’82 and Judy K. Rupp Jeanne M. Rush ’70 Patricia O’Hanlon Rush ’58 Francis Russell and Mary Z. Hittinger Mark and Bernadette Russell Joseph J. Russell ’71 and Sharon Lee Russell David A. Russo, Ph.D., ’74 Robin A. Rustad, Ph.D., ’94, ’99 Suman Rustagi Diane E. Rutherford ’68 Marian Lynott Rutherford, RN, M.S.N., PHR, ’77 Richard C. Rutledge Jr. ’83 Christopher B. and Barbara S. Ryan James M. Ryan ’80 Reverend James M. Ryan ’92 Katie Ann Ryan ’99 Laura J. Ryan ’71 Michael F. Ryan ’71, ’74 Robert L. Ryan Jr. and Debra Ryan Reverend William Arthur Ryan ’52 Jayne Helena Ryzewski ’66, ’68 Jozef and Felicia Jemionek Rzeznik Christine A. Sabatino, Ph.D., ’85 Wigdan H. Saber ’09 Richard H. Sacchetti ’64 Henry G. Sacks ’66 and Mary Jane Sacks Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Parish Kamal Saffarinia, Ph.D., ’82, ’84, ’91 Saint Augustine Cathedral #116 Saint Paul Catholic Church Vincent A. Sakraida and Teresa Joan Sakraida ’02

Carmen Escude Salgueiro ’71 Joel and Janet Salmons Damian A. and Diane L. Salvi Margaret R. Sammis Michael G. Samordic ’80 Merlin D. Sampson Serafin Y. Samson ’85 Charles V. and Ellen A. Sanaga Roseanne Bryce Sanders ’58 Rosemary Sanders ’74 Jean C. Sansobrino ’80 Sarah Santellano ’03 Nicholas R. Santilli, Ph.D., ’86 Gustavo A. Santos ’09 Carol L. Sargent ’71 John C. Sargent Jr. and Sheila A. Sargent Abhijit Sarkar Marie Rose Sarno ’73 Michele Rose Sarris ’79, ’82 Frank J. Sasse ’70 Bruce K. Sasser ’75 Chiyono Sata ’74, ’82 James D. Sauers Kenneth R. Sault ’83 and Bich-Thuy T. Sault ’83, ’10 Deborah A. Lazenby Saunders ’72 Maura Ann Savage, M.S.W., LCSW, ’96 Nancy G. Savage ’62 Amalaraj A. Savari ’98 and Martha Savari Louis M. Savary, Ph.D., ’63, ’65 Reverend Pedro C. Say ’65 Paul Saylor ’79 Louis John Scalfari ’80 and Patricia A. Scalfari ’80, ’04 Joyce McAllister Scanlon ’55 Mary W. Scanlon ’78 Reverend Michael J. Scanlon ’64, ’69 Michael J. Scanlon ’83 Paul F. Scanlon, USAF (Ret.), ’62* and Joyce McAllister Scanlon ’55

Gene A. Scapanski ’68 Susan M. Scarpa ’86 Edward Schaefer and Ellen T. Schaefer ’81 William and Elena Schaetzl Brother Joseph F Schafer ’69 Peter J. Schafer Carolyn Schallenberger, R.S.M., ’62 William J. Schanberger, Ph.D., ’52, ’60 Thomas J. Schap and Jill S. Morrow Alan G. Schaplowsky ’68 Frank E. and Jane K. Schatzman Robert W. and Nancy E. Schatzman Reverend Joseph C. Scheib ’03 Andrea Hankins Schellman ’79 Joseph P. Schepis ’82 and Marybeth Quigley Schepis ’82 Joyce Scherer-Hoock Paul R. Scheurich Jr. ’71 Eugene F. Schiavo, AIA, ’77, ’79 Patricia Schiele Raymond J. Schiele Susan J. Schiffer ’77 Gerald S. Schillon ’50 Elisabeth J. Schindler ’80 Margaret W. Schlegel ’50 Daniel J. Schlitt and Sharon M. Schlitt ’89 Elizabeth A. Schmidt ’70 Klaus D. Schmidt ’03 Roger P. and Linda M. Schmidt Susan Schmidt ’70 Kerry Lynn Schmit Thomas J. Schmit ’82 Jean McNamara Schmutz ’53 Reverend Henry W. Schneider ’48, ’49, ’54 Joseph D. Schneider ’68 Martin D. Schoch ’82 Winafred N. Schoeffler ’87 Kristen Schoeffling Rosemarie A. Schoeffling

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Stephen Joel Schoen ’62, ’63 Adam and Pamela Anne Schoenfeld School Sisters of Notre Dame-Baltimore, MD School Sisters of Notre Dame-Bridgeport, CT Pamela Suzanne Schopp-Young ’74 Elizabeth Schrader ’83 Irene R. Schreck ’71 Frances Schaf Schueler ’54 Lawrence C. Schuette, Ph.D., ’83, ’85, ’95 and Jennifer F. Schuette Ruth S. Schukman-Dakotas ’74 Guillermo and Maria Cecilia Schultz John C. Schultz ’62, ’63 Ann Schumacher, M.D., ’77 Sven Schumacher Patricia Schumann Robert P. Schunemann ’64 Thomas A. Schuster Gisela J. Schwab, Ph.D. Mary E. Schwappach ’65 Carl Clinton Schwartz, D.M.A., ’79, ’84 Christine M. Simonick Schwartz ’58 John J. Schwartz ’64 and Phyllis M. Schwartz Paul F. Schwartz ’86 Monsignor John F. Schweder ’60 John and Lena Sciarappa Nicholas and Dana Sciarra John A. Scibilia ’73 John E. Scorah and Cecilia M. Scorah ’65 Catherine D. Scott ’50, ’55* Ellen Scott-Johnson ’70, ’89 Stuart Scott ’73 Frank G. Scotti Michael and Kathleen Scotto Brother Bonaventure Scully ’51 John J. Sczepanski, Ph.D., ’84 Yolanda M. Seabert ’57 Philip J. Seader ’55 and Helen R. Seader ’52 Joan E. Seaman, RN, NPP, ’68


Woodrow Seamone ’50 Helen J. Sebekos William Sederowitz ’66, ’67 Jeffrey and Margaret Seeburger Nancy J. Seeger ’85 Reverend John T. Sekellick ’77, ’78 John H. Sellars Jr. ’86 Thomas G. and Mary-Jo W. Sellers Jon Sellin ’76 Richard A. Senerchia ’71 Richard M. Senfield Alfred A.C. Senior ’87 Marie S. Senzig, USN, ’90 Gregory J. Sesny ’99 Jane T. Sessa ’77 Robert A. Settersten ’61 Jean A. Setterstrom, Ph.D., ’75 Leo H. Settler Jr. ’81 Peter H. Severinsen and M. Patricia Keating Severinsen ’74 Ariel Sewell Linda Margaret Sewell ’79 Jeffrey R. Seymour ’90 Henry J. Sgrecci ’02 and Susan Hertzler Tracy L. Shadle ’90 Robert J. Shafer Jr. ’67, ’68 and Sharon G. Shafer ’65 Judith Shahriari ’70 William J. Shanahan ’63 John C. Shanks Sr. ’57 Wilbert C. Shannon ’58 Barbara T. Sharp ’51 Peter W. Shaughnessy, Ph.D., ’67, ’69 Reilly M. Shaughnessy ’80 Frederick and Mary D. Shaver Laura D. Shaw ’07 Martha Potter Shaw ’74 Virgie Lee J. Shaw ’54 Victoria E. Shay

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Charles E. Shea and Kathleen M. Shea ’85 Daniel and Beth Shea Michael J. and Angela Shea Robert F. Shea Jr. ’78, ’79 Grace Shead Barbara Moran Shearer ’69, ’80 Joseph M. Sheehan ’59, ’61 Sarah E. Sheehan ’88, ’90 Christine M. Sheehy, Ph.D., ’78 John W. and Mary Kay Sheehy Renee Terese Sheehy, Ph.D., ’97 Therezon M. Sheerin ’62 Julia S. Sheffield ’94 Eileen P. Sheil, Ph.D., ’65 John R. Shelley and Elizabeth A. Shelley ’82 William J. and Marie E. Shepherd Philip and Margaret Sheridan John D. Sherman Sr. ’61, ’63 and Lois J. Sherman Col. William E. Sherman, (Ret.), and Helen Q. Sherman ’98 Henry E. Sherry Jr. Edward J. Shields Jr. and Debra L. Shields Kristen E. P. Shields ’98 Mary D’Agostino Shields ’79 Walter D. Shih ’63 Judy Lynn Shindel Suzanne Shiner Karen Tintle Shirron ’81 Michael R. Shook, Ph.D., ’78 Norma Jo Shore ’72 Marlene Showalter Laura B. Shuey ’02 Ruth Anderson Shvedoff ’60 Mary E. Shvodian ’82 Phyllis G. Sidorsky ’72 Frank A. and Josephine A. Siegel Sister Molia Sieh ’86 Sister M. Juliana Sienko ’60

Sister Lucianne Siers ’95 Charles F. Siford Jr. ’61 Joan K. Sigmund ’69 Jerome Edmund Sikorski ’95 Leonard S. and Evelyn J. Sileo Robert M. Silsby ’83 and Maryellen Walsh Silsby ’83 Colin J. Silver ’96 John J. and Catherine D. Silver June P. Silvester ’84 Leonard C. Simmons, D.S.W., ’57 Luella L. Simon ’61 Arnold B. Simonse ’85 and Kathleen Simonse Magnolia L. Simpson ’71 Maryann Mason Simpson ’56 Philip A. Simpson ’50 Gajinder Singh, R.A., ’73 and Ritu R. Singh George P. Sinnott ’01 Sister of The Visitation of Georgetown Sisters of Charity St. Joseph’s Hospital Sisters of Charity-Bronx, NY Sisters of Charity-Silver Spring, MD Sisters of Notre Dame Sisters of Saint Joseph, TOSF Sisters of St. Benedict Sisters of St. Francis-Aston, PA Sisters of St. Francis-Springfield, PA Sisters of St. Francis-Sylvania, OH Sisters of St. Mary of Namur Sisters of the Divine Savior Sisters of the Holy Cross Sisters of The Holy Family of Nazareth James N. Sites and Inger K. Sites ’57 Rosalie Sitzmann, Ph.D., ’59, ’70 Adriana M. Skamay-Meeks ’79 Raymond and Helen Skarzynski Reverend David Patrick Skillman ’04, ’05 Christine Skrypek Karoline Murphy Skrzyniarz, RN, ’84

Marie C. Slattery ’58 Hope Slavoski ’89 Douglas J. Slawson ’81 Mark C. Sleevi ’73 and Margaret S. Sleevi Amy Pisani Slevin ’63 Robert M. Sliwiak ’77 and Kathleen L. Sliwiak Sarah C. Slough ’76 R. Jeanne Cain Slovenkay, RN, B.S.P.H.N., ’50 James H. and Doris M. Small Rebekah A. Small ’08 Michael H. and Marion P. Smedberg Margaret Anne Smedley ’70 Brian K. Smiley ’90, ’91 and Susan Mudrick Smiley ’90, ’92 Margaret M. Smiriga ’74 Benjamin and Tammy Smith Cora B. Smith Elizabeth C. Smith ’78 Gary W. and Margaret Ann Smith Joan Veronica Smith ’58, ’66 Juanita Lee Smith ’80 Kathleen F. Smith ’63 Kathleen V. Smith ’80 Mary Ellen Smith ’77 Mary Morrill Smith ’73 Melissa N. Smith Robert J. Smith ’81, ’86 Sandra Jeanne Smith ’73 Sharon O. Covington Smith ’95 Shawn M. Smith, USN Sister Rosemary Smith ’80, ’81, ’84 Trust of Peter T. Smith Florence I. Smoczynski, Ed.D., ’77 Curtis K. Smoyer ’50 Christopher J. Snodgrass ’03 Paul Snopek Margaret M. Snow ’46 Donna M. Snyder Edward J. Snyder ’55

Dawn Sobol ’01 Eugene E. Sobolewski ’50 Geraldine D. Sobolewski ’53 Ramon Sobrino Jr. ’55 and Elba Izcoa Sobrino ’58 Kristen Sokich Ann Therese Sokolski, RN, ’60, ’62 Zoila Solano Dennis J. Sorce, Ph.D., ’75 Don Sotirchos Maurice G. Soucy ’64 Margaret Fellmer Soule ’67 Theresa E. Sousa ’06 Arden Southard ’54 Judith H. Southard ’64, ’79 Eleanor A. Sowa ’66 Marion Peterson Spahn ’81, ’84 Joseph W. and Carmela V. Spangler Laura E. Spaulding ’09 Robert E. Specian ’70 Robert H. Speer ’90 Reverend John P. Spellman ’63 William M. Spelman, Esquire and Barbara Dempsey Spelman Maria C. Spence ’81, ’83 Valentine J. Spiegel ’50 and Norma Danis Spiegel ’49

Herman M. Spivack ’46 Donald A. and Susan Spohn Barbara M. Sponn Carolyn Patricia Sponn ’05 Thurman E. Spriggs, Ph.D., ’61 Joseph W. Sprug ’47, ’49 Martha Ann Spudis ’81 St. Anthony’s Convent St. Francis of Assisi Parish Elizabeth A. Stack ’84 Patrick Stack ’09 John D. Stackpole and Laurie E. Stackpole ’77 Barbara E. Stader ’73 Stephen F. Stahl ’98 Elizabeth A. Stallings ’68 Sharon E. Stambolos ’03 Ricky Wayne Stanfield ’96, ’03 E. Jeffrey Stann and Patsy Haley Stann ’78 Richard H. and Kathleen Stannard Andrew and Joyce Stanton Elizabeth A. Stanton Reginald S. Stapczynski ’70 Robert A. and Sharon L. Stark Charles Bruce Starkenburg ’75, ’85

Donald W. Stauffer, USN (Ret.), Ph.D., ’54 Richard A. Stavely ’78, ’80 Robert P. Stavrakas ’51 Jennifer L. Steele ’89 Stephen F. Steele, Ph.D., ’81 M. Bradford Stein ’71 Steve Steinberg Marion A. Steinhilber, USA (Ret.), ’49 Adolph Stenftennagel Edwin O. Stengard ’52 William F. and Patricia M. Stengle Mark and Linda Stephens John E. Stephenson, J.D., ’69 Richard W. Stephenson ’76 Tom Stepka and Marina I. Martinez ’74 Kelly A. Sternkopf ’00 Gerald J. and Kathleen Stevenson Carol K. Stewart ’00 Elaine M. Stewart ’81, ’85 Scott D. Stewart Joseph F. Stivaletti ’54 Valerie A. Stocking ’74 Reverend Mark J. Stoll ’97 Elise Braceras Stone ’83 Ann M. Stoppleworth ’59

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Eleanor Fenol Strack ’63, ’66 Donald C. Stratton ’73, ’80 Chris tine Whalen Streetman ’81 Paul F. and Kathleen C. Strittmatter Susan E. Strohm ’93 Reverend Placid L. Stroik, O.F.M., ’69 Alice Strom ’73 Mary Lou Stromer ’59 Linda Lee Strong ’80 Richard F. Strosser ’54 Julia Ann Strzalka ’85 Douglas B. Stuart ’79 William Studwell ’67 Matthew David Stymiest ’99, ’00 Sandra Mondello Stymiest Elizabeth C. Suddaby ’83 Reverend Donald P. Sullins ’93 Amelia Sullivan Barbara Koster Sullivan, Ph.D., ’69 Erna C. Sullivan Reverend James B. Sullivan ’58 Joanne M. Sullivan ’86 John F. Sullivan and Patricia Dailey Sullivan ’60 Karen J. Sullivan, APRN, PMH, IBCLC, RLC, ’87 Kenneth and Lisa Sullivan Lawrence J. Sullivan ’75 Lucille Licata Sullivan ’70 Marie A. Sullivan ’61 Mary Ann Sullivan ’77 Mary E. Sullivan Mary Rose Sullivan, Ph.D., ’41 Michael L. Sullivan Peggy Sullivan, Ph.D., ’53 Phyllis A. Sullivan ’80 Robert C. Sullivan ’65 Thomas and Barbara Sullivan William R. Summerhill ’81, ’82 George M. Summers, Ph.D., ’65 and Gertrude Jackson Summers ’62, ’65


Irene E. Surmik Ronald T. Suski, M.D., ’68 Crisniani Sutardjo ’94 Elia M. Sutardjo ’87 William J. Sutherland and Karen Kamataris Sutherland Dallas B. Sutton Daniel J. Svenconis, Ph.D., ’94 Anne D. Svonavec, L.S.W., ’93, ’95 Ellen A. Swain ’79 Bradley and Peggy Swalwell Benjamin R. Swann Jr. ’62, ’78 Amy Elizabeth Swantner ’90 Ron Swarthout and Judy Swarthourt Josephine A. Swartz ’64 Dolores E. Swatsley ’60 Kevin P. Sweeney ’03 Mark W. Sweet ’79 and Ruth S. Sweet Frances Ann Swenson ’87 James L. Swiger III ’05, ’07 John and Diane H. Sybor Rose C. Sydeman ’65 Iwona Monica Sykala ’04 Alan O’Neil Sykes, Ph.D., ’68 Stephen Francis Sylvester ’72, ’76 James F. Szabo ’90 and Elizabeth Roche Szabo ’90 Anthony P. Taddeo ’87 Eileen A. Taddonio ’81 Patricia Taffe Driscoll, M.S.W., L.I.C.S.W., ’54, ’56 Maria C. Taffuri Hideko I. Takahashi ’85 Carmen L. Talarico, M.D. ’74 and Margaret Anneke Talarico ’74 Edward J. Talbert ’62 Laureen Talenti ’85 James N. Talley ’61 Jo A. Talley ’89 Thomas and Denise Taltavull

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

The University receives estate gift of $278,000 for student support Olive Y. Burner left the University $278,000 to support the general scholarship fund. Burner obtained her M.S.N. in Nursing from CUA in 1960. Towards the end of her 30-year military career, she served as director of nurses at March AFB in Riverside, CA. It was during this time period she earned her Ph.D. She and her husband, Alvin Burner, lived in Bexar County, Texas (San Antonio). Mr. Burner predeceased her in death. She had one step-child, Constance Elizabeth Henry.

Yoshiko Tanaka ’80 Jitendra N. Tandon and Kalpana L. Tandon ’03 Jan H. and Mary Tanghe Michael L. Tanguay ’75 and Donna M. Tanguay, Esquire, ’78, ’87 James R. Tansor, D.S.W., ’74 Patricia A. Tartaglia ’58 Sister Mary Michael Tashiro ’64 Joseph G. Tattoni ’83 and Julie Riley Tattoni ’83 Patrick B. Tatum Sr. and Mary McErlain-Tatum Madeleine Plascjak Tauber ’67 Cleonice Tavani ’53 Floy C. Taylor ’78 Janis D. Taylor Jay Lisle Taylor ’95 John F. Taylor Jr. and Mary H. Taylor John T. Taylor ’52 William F. Taylor ’53 William T. Taylor Jr. ’64 James A. Tegnelia, Ph.D., ’68 and Sandra R. Tegnelia John F. Teiber Rod and Michelle A. Templon Frederick R. Tench ’86 Philip A. Tenkhoff, Ph.D., ’64, ’69

Thomas N. and Leslie W. Tentler Carol A. Teoli ’59 Edward H. Tepper ’53 Thomas F. Tepper Jr. ’88 and Kristen Stack Tepper ’89 Francis T. Terminella and Sue E. Terminella ’00 Gloria Terwilliger ’67 Jeanette D. Terzi ’89 Jan Marie Thape ’95 Carroll E. Thebaud ’72 Joseph L. Thimm ’51 and Mary Walsh Thimm ’51 Anne D. Thomas ’79 John B. Thomas ’77 Kevin and Valentina Thomas Raymond E. Thomas III Rose V. Thomas ’69 William H. Thomas Jr. ’66 Anne M. Thompson Benedict D. Thompson, D.D.S., ’61 Judy A. Thompson, M.S.W., ’66 Marta A. Thompson Mary D. Thompson, Esquire, ’49, ’53 Raymond J. Thompson Richard C. Thompson Jr. ’09

Saul Thompson Susan P. Thompson ’79 Reverend Edward A. Thomson Jr. ’80 Jeffrey D. Thomson, M.D., ’78 Kerry Carew Thorburn ’93 Rick and Patricia M. Thorell Joan Vail Thorne ’54 Francis J. and Patricia A. Thornton Susan M. Thrower ’75 Thunderbirds Softball George E. Thursby ’88 Douglas and Barbara Tibbetts Plaridel and Gaudelia Ticzon Brian G. Till ’98 Liam V. Timoney ’02 Mario Tinto ’70 Charles P. Tivenan, Esquire James M. Tixier ’75 Joseph C. Tobin ’69 George Y. Tokiwa and Michele A. Cleary ’87 Joseph J. Tomaino ’81 Stephanie H. Tomao ’93 James R. Tompkins, Ph.D., ’72 Anne I. Toomey ’64 Robert M. and Nancy M. Toomey Elliott and Joanne Topkins Lisa A. Torpey ’71 Gustavo Torres Gustavo A. Torres Sara L. Torvik, APRN, ’92 Ellen E. Torzilli ’87 Michael C. and Susan C. Toth Stephen Michael and Lynn C. Toth Reverend Louis A. Tou, Ph.D., ’71, ’74 Elise B. Tougas ’62, ’72 Normand P. Tousignant, Ph.D., ’68, ’72 and Mary L. Tousignant Mary E. Town ’72 Elizabeth Linge Townsend ’89

Paul R. Townsend ’71 John T. Tozzi ’82 Kathleen R. Trachte ’73 Daniel J. Tracy ’67 Robert E. Tracy Jr. and Catharine Kiefer Tracy ’74 Mary Agnes Graney Trainor ’65, ’67, ’80 William R. Trainor ’80 Danh C. Tran, Ph.D., ’73, ’78 Huong Cao Tran ’84 Paul J. Tran ’86 Father Thienan Tran ’05 Marc H. Traum, D.S.W., ’97 Paul P. Traver ’55 Reverend Gregory G. Trawick ’99 Alice Volkman Traxel ’52 James D. Trent Jr. ’54 Richard L. Trent Jr. ’85 Laurel P. Tria ’68 Ann G. Triantafillos ’77 Leonard V. Triggiani, Ph.D., ’55, ’63 Jorge Trigo Joseph F. Trinity ’53, ’57 Carol M. Triolo Monsignor Robert Trisco Linda Owens Troester ’72 Bernard I. Trombetta and Elizabeth Molnar Trombetta ’60 Antoinette N. Trotzer ’63 Margaret M. Tucker ’93 Joseph P. Tumulty Kathleen A. Guidotti Tumulty ’66, ’76 Annmarie Turcotte ’83 Edward John Turner ’88 Robert D. Turner and Nancy Reed Turner ’72 William J. Turner, Ph.D., ’55 William L. Turner Jr. ’95 Robert F. Turnure Jr. ’56 and Frances S. Turnure

Timothy T. Tweedy, P.E., ’87 and Colleen Breheny Tweedy ’86 James H. Tyler and Eleanor A. Tyler ’65 Susan B. Tyliszczak Thomas M. Tynan, Ph.D., ’76 and Katherine I. Tynan ’80 Peggy Tyre Kathleen E. Ugalde Terry Saddlemire Ullman ’81 Margaret Gaughan Upton ’87, ’88 Velma Mathias Uricchio ’49 Ursuline Convent Mary M. Vaccarelli, Ph.D., ’72 Alex C. Vaclavik ’03 George F. Vaeth Jr. ’56 and Jean M. Vaeth Anthony P. Valach Sr. Ramon Valdepenas Luis A. Valencia ’75 William T. Valenta Dominic A. Valenza ’48 and Antoinette Valenza Martin L. and Donna M. Valerio Aurora Ursua Valish, Ph.D., ’62, ’69 Richard Valliant and Carla E. Maffeo, Ph.D., ’69, ’81 Milan Valuch Sarah Hazlin Van Dam ’92 Barbara Van De Castle ’89 Marianne S. Van Doorn ’79 Manuel F. Van Kretschmar ’92 Marie J. Van Ness ’71 Barbara A. Vandertie ’52 Deborah A. Vandover Viviane P. Vanhoolandt Betty R. Vargas, RN, ’62 Frank D. Vassallo ’95 John C. Vaughan ’50 George E. Veen ’52 Pauline J. Velasco ’55

Thomas A. Velazquez ’52 Frank R. Vellutino, Ph.D., ’62, ’64 Gary Vena, Ph.D., ’66 Cristina Louise Verderese ’05 Liliana Verno Reverend Thomas S. Vesbit ’77, ’78 Christopher L. Vetick ’09 Winslow O. Vickerie ’76 Thomas Vieira Mary Gerald Vietmeier ’69 Noel John Vigliotta ’96 and Jennifer Michelle Duin, Esquire, ’96 Janet M. Vignaly ’98 Donna M. Villareal ’84 Raymond A. Vincent ’63 Veronica C. Vincent ’77 Catherine L. Vincie, R.S.H.M., Ph.D., ’90 Virginia Aandahl Vinton ’64 Dennis D. Viscanti Frank A. Visted Francis N. Vita ’75 Isidore L. and Mary Collins Vivaldi Catherine Marie Vivona ’66 Matthew John Vlissides ’63, ’65* Virginia W. Voeller, CPNP, ’83 Andrew and Cathleen Vogel Edward W. Vogel Sr. and Barbara E. Vogel Florence M. Vogel ’68 Mary Louise Vogelberger ’68 Ann L. Vogler ’92 Paul A. Voigt, Ph.D., ’63, ’74 Michael J. Volkert ’70 George C. Volkman II USN (Ret.), ’69 Joyce Ragonese Volterra ’80 Eric A. and Sandra J. Von Tish Mary F. Vondrak Marilyn Price Voss ’58, ’67 E. Elaine Vowels, Ph.D., ’67 Louis and Maria Vuoncino

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Teresa Vyhanek Erin Waas Ralph F. Wachter, Ph.D., ’41 Andrea C. Wade, Ph.D., ’81 Julia H. Wade ’75 James D. Waechter Frances B. Wagar-Clark ’62 Maurice H. Wagner ’61 and Frances S. Wagner ’62 Michael Robert Wagner ’82 Sister Christopher M. Wagner ’82 William J. Wagner ’67 Grayson Wagstaff Reverend Joseph A. Wahl ’56, ’59 Patricia A. Nelson Walck ’69 Andrea Marie Waldock ’06 James P. Walker ’77 and Margaret A. Lopez Laura P. Walker ’73 Kara M. Walker ’08 Kathryn N. Walker ’76 Kathleen Margaret Wall Shavaun M. Wall ’72 Thomas E. Wallace ’78 Reverend William J. Wallace ’74 Robert L. Wallack ’82 Kate Tremper Walser ’96 Charles K. Walsh ’65 Christine M. Walsh ’74 Daniel E. Walsh Donna L. Walsh ’92 Frances Quinn Walsh ’51 James Thomas Walsh ’03 John R. Walsh and Efthalia Walsh, Ph.D., ’94 Joseph G. Walsh ’48 Kevin Walsh Roger William Walsh Jr. ’62 W. Brian Walsh ’90 Ursula M. Walter ’50 Martha C. Walters ’70


Loralyn J. Walther ’92 Larry R. Walz ’63 and Margaret L. Walz Ge Wang ’96 Michael A. Ward Thomas S. Ward ’88 Sister Waldia A. Warden ’88 Catherine Frances Warfield ’54 Michael Richard and Christina Hyde Wargo Thomas J. Warner ’83 John Warshawsky Emmjolee Waters ’01, ’09 Hal P. Waters ’50 James D. Watkins, USN (Ret.), and Janet Louise Watkins Robert A. Watson III and Patricia Dillon Watson ’58, ’70 Mario C. Wawrzusin ’82 and Dianne M. Wawrzusin ’85 David L. Wayland, AIA, ’77, ’80 Regina T. Waznak Richard Weathers Andrew H. Weaver Sharon T. Weaver ’91 Carissa Tudryn Weber ’00 Robert M. Weber ’84 Vin and Cheryl L. Weber Moges Webete Philip A. Weeda ’85 and Rosanne Shepler Hope A. Weidenboerner Frances D. Weiffenbach George C. Weiffenbach, Ph.D., ’58* Raymond Charles Weigand ’79 Anastasia M. Weilandt ’69 Sister Josephine M. Weiler ’60 Karen Weimann Lenore Sirota Weinberg ’80 Gary P. Weiner ’71 and Lynn C. Weiner Barbara M. Weingold ’89 Raymond H. Weir Jr. ’48

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Michael J. Weis ’92 Chrysanthi J. Weisburger ’02 Stephanie Andrea Weiss ’96 Marlene H. Weitzel, Ph.D., ’63 Suzanne M. Welch ’68 Georgeanne Welde ’74 Stephen W. Welde, USAF (Ret.), ’70 and Constance A. Welde ’70 Mary Morgan Welker ’69 Dennis J. and Nancy R. Weller Joseph F. Weller and Rosemary Doheny Weller, Ph.D., ’63 Coralie Elizabeth Wells ’63* Mary Vivian Wells, L.C.S.W., ’50 Janet M. Welsh, O.P., ’82 Mickie Walbridge Welsh, D.N.Sc., ’80 Winifred H. Welsh Gregory J. Welter ’71 Leonard P. Wencis, Ph.D., ’66, ’69, ’73 Gregory D. Wendel ’94 Paul C. Werntz ’86 Mildred E. Wesolowski ’63 Anne R. West ’81 Paul E. Wetzel ’87 and Brenda Kay Wetzel ’84 Garwood P. Whaley, D.M.A., ’70, ’77 Gary M. Wheeler ’74 and Anne M. Wheeler, Esquire, ’76 Stephen G. Wheeler ’07 Gregory James White, CPCU, ARE, ’91 and Colleen M. White ’91 Joan Peterson White John Kenneth White and Yvonne J. Prevost Joseph J. and Suzanne J White Rosanne M. Kane White ’62 Stephen V. White ’89 and Mary E. White Frances Moroney Whited ’49 Christopher P. Whitehead ’07 Estelle Whitney ’82 Timothy J. Whitney ’01, ’09

Dennis M. Wholey ’59 Megan J. Wholey ’88 Mary Whyne Mark H. Wiatrowski ’86 Mary Cephas Wichman, R.S.M., ’69 Timothy P. Wickstrom, Esquire, ’83 William M. Wiecek ’59 Jeanne A. Wieckowski ’69 Howard L. Wiener, Ph.D., ’71 Reverend Paul R. Wienhoff ’83 Cynthia A. Wiffin Michael J. Wigglesworth ’65 Michael S. Wijdoogen ’99 Anne E. Wilcox Patricia A. Wilcox ’55 Paul F. Wilczak ’64 August Martin Wildberger, Ph.D., ’76 James Anthony Wilding ’59 John Joseph Willging ’59 Thomas J. Willging ’66 Almenia Stevenson Williams ’74 Angela Colette Williams ’03 Ann W. Williams ’68 Diane Del Pomo Williams ’66 Eddie Williams III ’08 Elizabeth M. Williams Emilie F. Williams ’03 Gregory D. Williams ’97 Jack T. Williams ’67, ’69 Jeanne L. Williams Jessica Dermer Williams ’93 Leo C. Williams ’51 Patricia H. Williams Stephanie F. Williams, M.D. William V. Williams, M.D., and Lorraine M. Williams W. Daniel Williamson, M.D., and Kay H. Williamson Margaret Reese Williamson ’77

Holly J. Wilson ’81 Robert A. Wilson, M.M.E., ’71 and Joan B. Wilson Robert C. Wilson Jr. ’69 Sarah Dawson Wilson ’69 Thomas M. Wilson ’73 Albert G. Winchester III ’81, ’84 and Deborah L. Winchester Michelle A. Wines, M.S.N., CPNP, ’90 James G. Winkler ’56 Edward G. Winner ’56, ’59 and Mary Kathryn Winner ’55 Harriet C. Winslow ’86 Eva Kornyei Winters ’53 Paul R. and Carol L. Winters Stanley A. Wirpsza Jr. ’74 Frank C. Wirth ’71 Christen Wise E. Dewey Wiseman, Ph.D., ’82 Reverend Paul G. Witthauer ’70 Joseph Witzke and Rebecca Csutora Harrison ’79 Thomas M. Wochok, Esquire, ’70 and Elizabeth Wochok Douglas L. Woerner Graham A. Woerner Chester J. Wolejsza, Ph.D., ’80 Michael E. Wolf Bonnie Ann Stingl Wolf ’79 John G.R. Wolfe and Margaret L. Rouse Wolfe ’65 Edward and Jacquelyn Wolfgram Mark Wolfson, Ph.D., ’85, ’86, ’88 Patricia A. Wolpert ’61 Bernard V. Wolski ’50 George D. Wolterman and Mary C. Wolterman ’64 Cynthia Wood ’83 Herbert T. Wood ’61 and Kathleen O. Wood ’61

Jacob W. and Heather M. Wood William D. Wood Marie Esselman Woodard ’71 Doris A. Woodson ’70 David M. and Nancy M. Woody John H. Woody Jr. Alyce Ann Woroniak ’76 ’80 Reverend Douglas George Worschak ’79 Reverend Dennis A. Worzalla ’46, ’50 Albin S. Wozniak Edward A. Wright ’56 Joann S. Wright ’87 Rebecca F. Wrotny Lucy M. Wyatt ’81 Michael T. Wyatt ’86 James B. Wyble ’70 and Carol Morkus Wyble ’70 Erik W. Wyche ’07, ’09 Mary Ann Wynne-Franscioni ’85 Linda Xerri Jianling Xu ’98, ’01 Marshall E. Yaap ’09 and Andree Louapre Yaap ’99 Joel T. Yablunsky ’08 Eugene Yacapsin and Frances McDonald Yacapsin ’65 Sarah J. Yaklic ’03 Edward S. Yambrusic, Ph.D., ’84 and Natalie M. Yambrusic Ann Masae Yanagihara Anqi Yang Ruiqing Yang ’97 Steven D. Yang ’84 John V. Yanik Antonio J. and Bernadette A. Yanni Jordan Leigh Yanoshik ’05 Addison Yeaman Hope H. Yelich ’81 Katherine M. Yohe, Ph.D., ’93 Leonard and Sheila Yoritomo

Theresa Fritz York Mary Yosko Katherine Yosko Keller Elizabeth Miller Young ’51 Jessica Lynda C. Young ’73 John T. Young, Ph.D., ’70, ’75 Stephan A. Young ’81 and Cynthia Schoenborn-Young Gerald S. Younger ’76 Leslie Yu and Lori Stover Yu ’83 Maria Hsieh-Yue Chang Yu ’52 Henry C. Yuen and Jiping Lu ’96 Sue Y. Chea Yun ’65 Mark E. Zadrozny ’82 Joyce E. Zakierski Simmons ’74 Rudolph P. Zalesak ’54, ’60 Howard T. and M. Claire Zane Ernest E. Zarnick, Ph.D., ’69, ’72 Nancy R. Zavilinsky ’77 Loretta T. Zderad ’52 John Jeffrey Zeender ’73 Lauren E. Zelinski

Todd and Mary Zelinski Helene H. Zeller Bernard A. Zempolich ’60 Melissa M. Zeno-Swanson Gwen B. Zervas ’89 Mary E. Ziegler ’70 Kathryn O. Ziko Brandon A. Zimmerman ’09 Kathleen E. Zimmerman ’98 Alan James Ziobrowski ’72 Ronald J. and Mary M. Ziolkowski Most Reverend Peter H. Zipfel ’71 David Nicholas Zmijewski ’91, ’94 and Beth Derr Zmijewski Barbara Zolbrod Gerald Zon and Victoria Lee Boyd, Ph.D., ’79, ’86 Edward C. and Stephanie Zoneberg Leonard J. Zonneveld, Ph.D., ’60, ’68 Edward J. Zoski ’66 and Delphine M. Zoski Robert Coury Zugby ’63 Jennifer Fontenot Zurik ’92 Gail F. Zwirner ’92

University to receive $1.4 million estate gift Joyce M. Reynders, mother of the late Siobhan M. Reynders ’99, left $1.4 million of her estate to Catholic University’s School of Architecture & Planning. This bequest will be put toward the Siobhan M. Reynders Endowed Scholarship Fund to honor her daughter, who received her Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from CUA. The scholarship was established in 2008 by Mrs. Reynders and her husband, Thomas R. Reynders, who passed away in early 2009. It will provide financial assistance to undergraduate students in the School of Architecture & Planning.

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Corporations and Foundations

Contributions from corporations and foundations support The Catholic University of America’s mission by meeting needs campus-wide. Each provides crucial support for student scholarships, intellectual research and strong academic programs. CUA thanks them for their generosity, which helps to advance academic excellence, strengthen the University’s Catholic identity, and prepare students to become tomorrow’s leaders. 3M Foundation A. A. Beiro Family Foundation AARP Accenture Foundation, Inc. Advanced Arison, Inc. Aetna Foundation, Inc. AIG AK Steel Foundation Alcoa Foundation Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust Alice & Eugene Ford Foundation, Inc. Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. The Almar Foundation American Electric Power Ancar Services Andersen-Benson Consulting Services Andreas Foundation AOL Time Warner Foundation, Inc. Aramark Corporation Architects Ascension Health Assurant, Inc. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP AT&T Foundation AT&T Services, Inc. ATK AXA Foundation Ball Corporation Bank of America Foundation Barclays Bank PLC Bauman Foundation Beachhead Publications Bechtel Foundation Boeing Company


Boeing Political Action Committee Bou Family Foundation Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. Bronx Central General Contractors, Inc. Brown Construction Co., Inc. Bull Productions, Ltd. Burns Engineering, Inc. CA, Inc. Cameron Financial, LLC Capital One Services, Inc. Capital Search Group, LLC Care First-Blue Cross Blue Shield Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Carroll Realty, LLC Casey Trees Cassidy, Romano & Love, PC Catholic Foundation Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, Inc. Catholic Health East Catholic Healthcare West Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Clark Charitable Foundation Clark Construction Group, LLC Coca-Cola Company College Success Foundation Combi-Blocks, Inc. Community Counselling Service Co., LLC Community Foundation of Dutchess County Community Foundation of Jackson Hole Community Foundation for the National Capital Region Control Roofing and Sheet Metal

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Craves Family Foundation C.S. Lawn & Landscape, Inc. Dakota Charitable Foundation, Inc. David & Lucile Packard Foundation Deloitte Foundation Dempsey Insurance Agency Design Surfaces Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Dominion Engineering, Inc. Dominion Foundation Duke Energy Foundation Earl Beckwith & Associates, Inc. ECS Edward Colston Foundation, Inc. Edward M. Nagel Foundation EF Language School, Inc. Energy Solutions International, L.L.C. Ernst and Young Ernst & Young Foundation Exelon ExxonMobil Foundation Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fitzgerald Co FM Global Foundation Focus Marketing Associates, Inc. Foggy Bottom Assoc/Defense & Improvement Corporation Frank J. Lewis Foundation Franklin J. Matchette Foundation Freddie Mac Foundation Arthur J. Gallager & Company Garwood Whaley Music Program, Inc. General Dynamics Corporation

General Electric Foundation George P. and Breda L. Shelton Fund Georgetown Floorcoverings, Inc. Giordano Foundation, Inc. Giuliani Associates Architects, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Glenmede Corporation Global Impact Goldman, Sachs & Co. Greater Pittsburgh Medical Center Guest House, Inc. Harrisonburg Ob-Gyn Associates, PC Hartford Hunt & Associates, Inc. IBM Foundation Infrared Focal Systems, Inc. Intel Foundation The IP Piano School, Inc. Izzo Family Foundation James E. Bashaw & Co. James Edward Miller Chapman Educational Foundation James M. Johnston Trust JDI, Inc. JET Foundation Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Jewish Community Foundation John A. Quinn Foundation, Inc. John C. and Ruth A. Harris Fund John E. Kelly & Sons Electrical Const., Inc. Johnson & Johnson Family Co. J.S. Paluch & Co., Inc. Kraft Foods Law Offices of Valera & Associates

Lessard Group, Inc. Levy Family Ltd. Ligon & Ligon, Inc. Lockheed Martin Macy’s Foundation Marquis Who’s Who, LLC James J. and Mary Oriel McFarlin Foundation McKenna, Long & Aldridge, LLP Merck Partnership for Giving Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Metropolitan Life Foundation Microsoft Corporation Miles Building Supply Company Morgan Stanley Dean Witter New York Life Insurance Company New York Times Company Foundation, Inc. NJR Development Company, LLC Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation Nursing Network of Naples Inc. Nuzzi & Arnstein Group, Inc. Office Installation Service, Inc. Ontario Corporation Foundation Open Heart Counseling Service Oppenheimer Funds Legacy Program Orlando Diaz-Azcuy Design Associates Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Paulist Press, Inc. Perrone Law Office Pfizer Foundation Phi lip and Janice Levin Foundation PhillipMorrisUSA PNC Foundation Potomac Waterproofing Inc. Procter & Gamble Fund Providence Health Foundation Prudential Foundation Public Service Electric Gas Co.

Qualcomm Quantum Group, Inc. Queen of Pious Schools, Inc. Quikrete Companies Radian Group, Inc Ralph F. Peo Foundation, Inc. Ramos & Ramos Associates Architects, CSP Raytheon Company R & B Richmond Corporation REG Architects, Inc. Renaissance Travel, Ltd. Richard A. & Helene H. Monaghan Family Foundation Ridgewood Savings Bank Rippeteau Architects, PC Rivermoor Engineering, LLC Robert and Mary Ann Jacob Foundation Rosewood Foundation Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Shaw Family Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation SK&I Architectural Design Group, LLC Skipjack Productions, Inc. Sprint Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation State Street Foundation Strake Foundation Sun Microsystems Foundation Suntrust Foundation Sun Trust Mid-Atlantic Sutherland Asbill & Brennan, LLP Tatjana Grgich Family Foundation Temple-Inland Foundation Textron The Skyway Foundation Thomas P. Devito, Inc. Titmus Foundation, Inc.

Tortimaki Foundation Trace Systems, Inc. TransAmerican Office Furniture, Inc. T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation Truly Fine Painting & Decorating, Inc. Trust for Mutual Understanding United HealthCare Services, Inc. UPS USAA Group US Bancorp Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Verizon Communications Inc. Wachovia W.B. Maske Sheet Metal Works, Inc. Wallenpaupack Veterinary Clinic Wells Fargo Foundation Weyer’s Floor Service William S. Paley Foundation, Inc. William H. Sadlier, Inc W. O’Neil Foundation Wyeth Xerox Corporation Foundation

New Scholarship Established The University is the recipient of a bequest from the estate of Antonina Natoli to establish the Ruth Burdette and Joseph Natoli Scholarship. Mrs. Natoli was a friend to the University, and with this bequest honored both her husband Joseph and her daughter Ruth Burdette, both of whom pre-deceased her. The Fund will be awarded to students “with the ability and desire to write creatively…in a manner which would create respect for honorable conduct and inspire decency in those who read the individual’s writings.” It will be used at the graduate level for students in the Drama and English Departments.


Arts & Science Dean Larry Poos is thrilled with the creation of this scholarship. “One of our biggest challenges in Arts and Sciences is providing levels of financial support for graduate students, in order to attract and keep the best applicants in our programs. This is especially true for the arts and humanities, where funding sources are more limited. For these reasons, I’m all the more grateful for the Ruth Burdette and Joseph Natoli Scholarship, which will have an immediate impact in helping us aid outstanding students in creative writing fields,” says Poos.


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Gifts in Memoriam

Matching Gifts

Gifts are given throughout the fiscal year in honor of those alumni and friends who are no longer with us. The following are individuals who were honored by their loved ones throughout the year. We keep these friends and families in our thoughts and prayers. Mario H. Acuna, Ph.D., ’74 Jeffrey H. Arnold, Esquire, ’89, ’92 Joseph M. Baglio, Esquire, ’44, ’55 Wenona Barbero ’50 Gabriel Boehler, Ph.D., ’53 Daniel J. Brockway ’50 Margaret E. Buchsteiner ’41 Gerard W. Burke ’89 Sister Mary Vincent Callahan ’45, ’66 John J. Canavan ’49 Donald F. Clifford Jr. ’57 and Louise Mary Clifford Joseph B. Cody ’43 Julia M. Collins ’29 Maureen P. Corcoran ’75 Donald N. Coupard ’52 William T. Daley, Ph.D., ’50, ’51, ’76


James Emerson Davis ’50 Myrl M. Farrell, Ph.D., ’52, ’66 Joseph Thomas Gannon ’24 Marianna Grotefend ’48 Lora Ann Guidera ’66 Reverend Gilbert V. Hartke’39 Mary Dolores Hayes, Ph.D., ’42 Charles Rex Hellmann ’50 Margaret St Francis Joyce ’71 Reverend James P. Kelly ’52, ’67 Elizabeth Conroy Kilker ’48 Arnold M. Kronstadt Karen Laub-Novak Che-Fu Lee Urban A. Lester ’54, ’59 Jackie M. Levitsky ’81 Theodore A. Litovitz, Ph.D., ’46, ’50

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Thomas Hall Locraft, Sr., Ph.D., ’26, ’31 Louise M. Madden ’44 Patrick Joseph McCormick, Ph.D., ’05, ’11 Margaret K. McGehearty ’52 Rosalind McGehearty ’51 Edward L. McMahon ’49, ’88 Marilyn L. McPhaul ’54 Joseph Miller ’38 Monsignor Robert Paul Mohan, Ph.D., ’42, ’43, ’48 Raymond W. Moller, Ph.D., ’51 Charles J. Montrose ’67 Robert Moore ’55 Harry Lee Morrison, Ph.D., ’55, ’60 Michael Patrick Murphy ’74, ’75 Marilyn Neeley Richard John Neuhaus

Gifts from alumni and friends and parents are often doubled or even tripled by corporations, corporate foundations or family foundations through their matching gift programs. These gifts continue to be an important component of the number of dollars raised during 2009-2010. CUA is grateful to both the initial donor and the matching organization for the additional support. Loretta C. Noone ’41 James Francis O’Neil John M. Paul, Ph.D., ’36, ’39 John R. Pfordresher ’53 William G. Polking, Esquire, ’58, ’62 Teresa Braxton Posey ’48 Mary J. Posta Grove ’56 Erin M. Schafle ’99 Susan Sharkey Christopher J. Smith ’83 Julius T. Stanges ’41 R. Florence Steffes ’39, ’50 Elizabeth W. Stone ’61 Daniel Thursz, D.S.W., ’55, ’60 James J. M. Vaughan, Esquire, ’66 Mary Folliard Wieseman, Esquire, ’64, ’67 Ann K. Zempolich ’59

AARP AIG AK Steel Foundation Alcoa Foundation American Electric Power AOL Time Warner Foundation, Inc. Aon Foundation Arnold & Porter, LLP AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP ATK AT&T Foundation AXA Foundation Ball Corporation Bank of America Foundation Barclays Bank PLC Bechtel Foundation Boeing Company Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. CA, Inc. Cahill, Gordon, Reindel Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Chevron Texaco Clark Construction Group, LLC Coca-Cola Company Covington & Burling LLP David & Lucile Packard Foundation Deloitte Foundation Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Duke Energy Foundation eBay Foundation Edison International Ernst & Young ExxonMobil Foundation Fannie Mae Foundation FM Global Foundation Freddie Mac Foundation General Electric Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Glenmede Corporation Goldman, Sachs & Company Hartford Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Home Depot Foundation Intel Foundation Johnson & Johnson Family Company Kraft Foods Lockheed Martin McGuire Woods LLP Merck Partnership for Giving Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Microsoft Corporation Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Morrison & Foerster Foundation New York Times Company Foundation, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation Paccar Foundation Pfizer Foundation PNC Foundation Procter & Gamble Fund Prudential Foundation Public Service Electric Gas Company Qualcomm Raytheon Company Rosewood Foundation

Schering-Plough Foundation Scripps Howard Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation Sprint Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation State Street Foundation Sullivan & Cromwell, LLP Sun Microsystems Foundation Sun Trust Mid-Atlantic Temple-Inland Foundation Textron T. Rowe Price Associates UPS USAA Group US Bancorp Foundation Verizon Communications Wachovia Wiley Rein, LLP Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP Wyeth Xerox Corporation Foundation

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Saint Thomas Aquinas society

1887 Society

Planned Giving

The 1887 Society derives its name from the year The Catholic University of America was founded. Just as the American bishops laid the groundwork for a now-successful university, so, too, members of the 1887 Society provide support for the University in years to come, through their lifetime giving. These Catholic University giving societies represents gifts made by donors over their lifetimes.

As the Church’s “patron of learning,” Saint Thomas Aquinas championed a philosophy based on the harmonious integration of faith and reason. The University offers membership in the Saint Thomas Aquinas Society to those living alumni and friends who, in accord with the legacy of Saint Thomas, wish to preserve and further that mission for generations to come and who affirm their commitment to do so by means of a planned gift.

New members in each of these societies continue to be added yearly. Overall, in the last seven fiscal years, The Catholic University of America has experienced a healthy annual growth in new membership. This growth supports the university’s critical mission – providing a well-rounded educational experience to the student population.

The members of this society continue to grow yearly. To become a member or to learn more about the Saint Thomas Aquinas Society, please contact Michael K. Green Jr. ’92 at 202-319-6914 in the Office of University Development. Thank you to the current members of the Saint Thomas Aquinas Society: Capt. Edward L. Barker, USN (Ret.) Reverend John P. Beal III, J.C.D. Laurent A. Beaubien ’53 Michael Berwick Dennis Beshara Dennis L. Beshara J. Neil Birch ’61, ’66 Regis Louise Boyle, Ph.D., ’34, ’39* Jerry L. Carbone ’59 D. Robert Cervera ’43 Lorriaine Chanatry-Howell ’59 Young Soo Choi R. Frederick Church ’75 Dr. John A. Cifala ’45 Laura C. Cifala ’45 Miles Circo ’68 Mrs. Honora B. Connolly, M.S.W., ’68 Robert J. Crimmins Joseph D. Crumlish, Ph.D., Esquire, ’48, ’66 Reverend Charles R. Dautremont ’56, ’57 Susan Hurley DeConcini, M.S.W., ’81 Donald J. Dellario ’68 Thomas W. Devereaux, D.Min., Ph.D., ’68 Arthur J. Donaldson, Esquire, ’60, ’63 Mr. Ralph H. Dawn Jr. Jacqueline E. Egan ’50 Dr. Lawrence W. Fagg Dena C. Feeney, Esquire, ’63 Jerome J. Feik Marilyn A. Fingerhut, Ph. D., ’70 Karen Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., ’75 Jacqueline R. Fleming ’75


Judith Ann Quoos Freitag ’81 Mary A. Giunta, Ph.D., ’80 Rick E. Gonzalez, AIA, ’84 Noel Greene Stanley I. Hallet Thomas E. Hanlon, Ph.D., ’58 Josephine W. Hillyard, LLB, ’37 Carl J. Hoffman ’42 Paul W. Hofmann Jr. Mrs. Betty Ann Holl William H. Holl ’58 Reverend Kevin D. Holmes ’79, ’80 Richard E. Hopkins Jr. Teresa G. Hopkins James B. Howell III and Lorraine M. Howell ’59 Robert Edward Jamroz ’67, ’70 Mary Catherine Jennings-Holden, M.S.W., ’55 Joseph E. Joers ’43 John W. Johnston Mrs. Karolina E. Kabal ’69 Carol M. Keefe ’60 Ursula Kelnhofer Reverend Robert J. Kemmery ’51 Patricia A. Kenworthy ’58 Reverend Joseph Komonchak George J. Korschen Jr. ’50 Saul Kruger James P. Lamb ’56 Joan Lamb Joyce Leonetti, M.S., ’70, ’76 Richard C. Lessard, AIA, ’74, ’75 Monsignor Roy Edward Literski, M.A., ’49, ’50

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Edwin H. Liu James A. Livesay Jr. ’55 Lucy M. Long Dr. Madeleine Loretta Long ’71 Thomas L. Long Dr. Charles C. Mary Jr. Dr. Thomas O. Mastroianni Leonard J. Mather, Ph.D., ’66, ’71 Cardinal Theodore Cardinal McCarrick ’60, ’63, ’06 Col. Rosemary T. McCarthy, USA (Ret.), R.N., Ph.D., ’74 Lt. Cmdr. James J. McDonald, USN (Ret.), ’67 Lucille M. McGinnis, M.S.W., ’67 William A. McKenna Jr. Maynard F. McLaughlin Jr. ’60 and A. Marilyn D’Andrea McLaughlin ’59 Marilyn L. McPhaul ’54* John J. McPhaul Jr. Ellen H. Morrison, M.A., ’86 Reverend Michael J. Murray, M.A., ’72, ’78 Anthony M. Natelli, ’48 Randolph R. Newton, ’52, ’54 Antonina D. Natoli* Michael Novak, M.A. Reverend Raymond C. O’Brien, Esquire, ’75, ’85 Anne K. O’Neal, M.S.W., ’73, ’78 Edward J. O’Neill ’63 Sebastian Pawlowski ’96 Susana Pawlowski Dr. Lawrence R. Poos, Ph.D. Jack E. Pulwers, Ph.D., ’83 Claude Reed Melita Rodeck ’73

Howard Rovelstad* and Dr. Mathilde V. Rovelstad ’60* John Mosby Russell, M.S.W., ’50, ’52 Jim ’72 and Joan Schaefer Madeline Sapienza, Ph.D., ’90 Ms. Elizabeth Sarantos Charles Scalera Jr. ’50 Franklin M. Shannahan ’50 Breda Louise Shelton ’80 Anne E. Sherwood James M. Shrode ’61 Anna D. Sloan ’55 Reverend Gerard S. Sloyan, Ph.D., ’44, ’48 Terrence A. Smart ’63 Margaret A. Smith Sandra Smith, Ph.D., ’63, ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Van P. Smith Robert S. Sokolowski, Ph.D., ’56, ’57 Marvin E. Spychaj Mary M. Stanges Donald W. Stauffer, Ph.D., ’54 William ’70, ’76 and Susan Steif Reverend James E. Steinle ’48 Edward P. Suchard Most Reverend Stephen M. Sulyk, D.D., ’52 George D. Tibbits, M.S.L.S., ’78, ’83 Mrs. Joan G. Wells Phyllis G. Wilcox Monsignor John F. Wippel ’55, ’60 Anita Carlet Wodziak ’61 Barbara Wolf Ralph R. Wolf, M.D. Teresa Wren

Pope Leo XIII Circle (Individual Donors who have cumulative giving of $5 million and above)

The Honorable Raymond Albert DuFour ’28, ’36, ’86* Edward J. Pryzbyla ’25, ’95* and Helen Pryzbyla*

The Mohler Circle (Individual donors who have cumulative giving of $1 million to $4.9 million)

Richard D. Banziger ’81 Margaret Ann Carter* Robert E. Craves ’65 and Gerri Graves Wylma R. Curtin, Ph.D., ’40* Charles R. Dautremont ’56, ’57 Joseph M. Della Ratta ’53 Ralph H. Dwan Jr. and Mary Dwan* Cardinal Edward Egan Frederick R. Favo ’55 and Anne Finnegan Favo ’57 Willard H. Froehlich, Ph.D., ’26* William R. Hewlett* Raymond J. Hillenbrand Gertrude L. Hubbard* James S. Keelty Jr., Esquire ’34* Helen Ridgely Kennedy* Byron A. King ’49* Miriam K. Leahy* Mary J. Feik Trust

John McShain ’64* Anthony R. Miranda Dorothy Abts Mohler, Ph.D. ’31, ’45* William Scott O’Connor* Cardinal Sean O’Malley, O.F.M., Cap., ’72, ’78 John J. O’Neil ’54* andHelene O’Neil ’56 Thomas W. Pangborn* Neil J. Rauenhorst ’76 and Becky Rauenhorst Cardinal Justin Rigali ’61 Benjamin T. Rome ’34, ’80* Lois E. Schmitt ’55* Vincent A. Sheehy ’51, ’04 and Helen McKenna Sheehy Walter A. Slowinski ’44* and Annette R. Slowinski Mr. and Mrs. Van P. Smith Joseph A. Unanue ’50 and Carmen Unanue Justine Bayard Ward, D.M. ’71*

The Bishop Keane Circle (Individual donors who have cumulative giving of $500,000 to $999,999)

Joseph L. Alioto, Esquire ’40, ’66* Peter and Georgia Angelos Edward M. Crough ’50* Gen. Thomas Darcy* and Marjorie Darcy* Mary Claire Wertenbruch De Rycke* Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio ’70 Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo ’71, ’74 Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan ’81, ’85

* Denotes deceased members throughout the publication Denotes members of the Lumen Society throughout the publication

Thomas J. Donnelly, Esquire, and Marilyn P. Donnelly The Honorable Kathryn J. DuFour* George F. Dunn, Jr. ’51* Richard W. Galiher Sr., Esquire ’35, ’38 * and Phyllis S. Galiher, Esquire* Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I., ’66 Arthur Kenneth Hesselberg, Ph.D. ’52* Irwin M. Jacobs, Sc.D. and Joan Jacobs William Munsey Kennedy Jr. ’52* Alden J. Laborde, LL.D. John T. LaMacchia, Ph.D. ’63, ’66 and Elizabeth H. LaMacchia ’63 Ruth Maria Lange ’52* Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde ’80, ’82 Sandra Andreas McMurtrie George R. Mehocic ’67 and Denise A. Mehocic Most Reverend William Francis Murphy William Scott O’Connor* Howard Rovelstad* and Dr. Mathilde V. Rovelstad ’60 John Mosby Russell ’50, ’52 Monsignor Walter J. Schmitz, S.S. ’34, ’36, ’56* Noel J. Slakey ’60* Estate of Walter A. Slowinski Gerard S. Sloyan, Ph.D. ’44, ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Van P. Smith Dr. John T. Winters ’27* Most Reverend Donald W. Wuerl ’62, ’63

The Haynes Circle (Individual donors who have cumulative giving of $100,000 to $499,999)

A. Kenneth and Doris B. Hesselberg Trust William S. Abell, Esquire* Frederick L. Ahearn, Jr., D.S.W. ’61 and Eileen M. Ahearn Damian Paul Alagia, Jr., Esquire ’51 Anthony P. Ambrosio, Esquire ’66 Michael P. Ambrosio, Esquire ’66 Carl A. and Dorian Anderson Cicely d’A. Angleton, Ph.D., ’84 Ann M. Harvey Trust Emil A. Audette ’36* Elizabeth Bagley Louis P. Bahner* Mildred H. Banville* Dorothy G. Benning ’52* Bernard J. Ransil, Ph.D., M.D. ’56* Henry G. Beuchler* William V. and Nancy J. Bidwill Most Reverend Stephen E. Blaire Most Reverend Paul Gregory Bootkoski Brian D. Boyle, Esquire ’68 Joseph V. and Bertha S. Braddock Kevin F. Brady and Lee Ann Joiner Brady ’78 Most Reverend Michael J. Bransfield ’74 Angela Brosnan* Rae E. Brosnan* John P. Buccieri* Most Reverend Michael Burbidge

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Most Reverend Raymond Leo Burke ’70, ’71 Olive Y. Burner Timothy R. and Stepan Busch, Esquire Reverend William J. Byron, S.J. John G. Carberry, Esquire ’73 Manuel Cardoza* Paul Carey ’80 Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson ’78, ’79 Albert A. Carretta* Alan Cassidy ’49 Giuseppe and Mercedes Sanchez Cecchi Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Ying-Nan Chiu George A. Clyde ’42 Donald W. Collier, Ph.D. ’41* Robert F. Comstock, Esquire ’58, ’64 Elizabeth C. Corasaniti* Virgin Santi Crisafulli ’61 Harold D. Crowley ’50, ’54* and Ruth Ireland Crowley* Most Reverend Edward P. Cullen John P. Curran Wylma R. Curtin, Ph.D. ’40* Ernest C. Cutchins* Michael W. Dagostino, D.D.S. Leo A. and Grega Daly III, FAIA ’67 General Thomas Darcy* and Marjorie Darcy* Frank A. Daspit ’67 and Ellen A. Hennessy, Esquire ’78 Mary Claire Wertenbruch De Rycke* Jay L. Deblinger Susan Hurley DeConcini, MSW ’81 Edward J. Dempsey, Esquire ’70 Most Reverend Francis X. Di Lorenzo


Anne Donnellan* William A. Donnelly Jr. Kevin C. Donovan Charles L. and Shirley J. Drury Monsignor Edward J. Duncan ’41, ’43 Mr. Ralph H. Dawn Jr. Dr. Edward R. O’Connor ’49, ’51 and Marcella M. O’Connor John Tracy Ellis, Ph.D. ’28, ’30, ’78* His Excellency Sheik Hassan Enany Dr. James Ewing and Dr. Elisabeth A. Rooney-Ewing Donald W. Farley, Esquire, ’65, ’69, and Jo-Ann D. Farley ’69 Most Reverend John C. Favalora Stephan E. Fay ’75 and Ann Marie Fay Jane C. Fitzpatrick* Peter M. Flanigan Most Reverend Harry J. Flynn Joseph F. Fogarty, Jr. F. Raymond Fowerbaugh ’50, ’51, ’55* Willard H. Froehlich, Ph.D. ’26* Most Reverend Joseph A. Galante J. James Gallagher, Esquire ’68 Most Reverend John R. Gaydos Lloyd Christman Geisler* Gilbert R. Giordano, Esquire ’50* Joseph Carl Giuliani, FAIA, ’55 and Patricia C. Giuliani ’54 Most Reverend José H. Gomez Joseph E. Gordon Lawrence P. Grassini, Esquire ’70 Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory Robert E. Guglielmone Elizabeth Guhring, Esquire ’54*

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

A. Lee Haislip, Jr., Esquire Daniel D. Hanley ’86 Euphemia Lofton Haynes, Ph.D. ’43* Edward L. Hennessy Jr. Jane Anne Henson ’59 Arnold L. Hespe, Esquire ’56* Robert M. Hickey ’74, ’78 Thomas F. Hitchell III ’63* Carroll A. Hochwalt ’81* Salah H. Hosny, M.D. Charles Chiu-Hsiong Huang ’88 Ralph J. Hubert ’50* Margaret W. Hubert Adolph C. Hugin, Esquire ’49* Joseph G. Hurley, Esquire ’50 James D. Johnston and Margaret Johnston Charles H. Kaman ’40 and Roberta C. Kaman Eugene I. Kane* John Francis Kane, Jr. ’46* Stephen and Andrea Kaneb Sheilah A. Kast ’71 Louise T. Keelty, Esquire ’72 Patrick J. Kerzic and Stephanie Germack Kerzic Most Reverend Edward U. Kmiec Laurene Anne Krispin ’71, ’73* Karen Laub-Novak* Most Reverend Richard G. Lennon Jerome E. Listecki Most Reverend William E. Lori ’82 Winifred Mary Madigan ’42* James A. Magner ’26* Cardinal Roger Mahony ’64 Cardinal Adam Maida G. J. Manderfield ’56 and Loretta Beale Manderfield ’55*

Rose Anne Manganaro* Clarence Eugene Martin Jr., ’31, ’34* and Catherine S. Martin Charles C. Mary, Jr., M.D. Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano Leonard J. Mather, Ph.D. ’71 Timothy J. May ’54 and Monica May Joseph Bernard McAllister, S.S., Ph.D. ’30, ’31, ’39* Clement Royal McCormack ’38* Most Reverend John B. McCormack Most Reverend Timothy McDonnell James Joseph McFarlin* Mary Oriel McFarlin Edward L. McMahon ’49, ’88* Father John J. McMahon Most Reverend Robert J. McManus ’73, ’74 John McShain ’64* Annabelle M. Melville, Ph.D. ’50, ’90* Thomas A. Moore, Esquire, ’68 Don Moran Jeffrey R. Moreland, Esquire ’70 and Nancy C. Moreland Gerald H. Morrisey ’32* and Marjorie Morrisey* Most Reverend Robert W. Muench ’70 Most Reverend John J. Myers ’75, ’77 Randolph R. Newton ’52, ’54 John E. Nicholson ’52* Robert C. Nothwanger George J. Noumair, Esquire ’56* Michael Novak Most Reverend Edwin F. O’Brien Dr. Edward R. O’Connor ’49, ’51 and Marcella M. O’Connor

Rita Frances O’Grady ’29* John J. O’Neil ’54* Dean Francis Pace, Esquire ’54 Thomas W. Pangborn* William and Diane Parrett Ghanshyam and Prabha Patil Roland F. Pester* Carl J. Peter, S.T.D.* Most Reverend Michael D. Pfeifer, O.M.I. Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk Larry R. Pilot, Esquire ’67 The Ponaras Family Johannes Quasten* George J. Quinn ’50* Dr. Joseph E. Rankin, M.D. ’42* Dr. Henry V. Ratke ’37* and Cecilia M. Ratke Patrick Michael Regan, Esquire ’80 Edmund M. Reggie Dean W. Roach and Berta A. Roach Melita Rodeck ’73 Helen L. Rotterman* and Marie F. Rotterman* Catherine G. Rottier ’49* Howard Rovelstad* and Dr. Mathilde V. Rovelstad ’60 Carlton M. Sage, Ph.D. ’44* B. Francis Saul, II Timothy C. Scheve ’80 William E. Schuyler, Jr. Esquire ’35* Rodger D. and Grace Shay Helen A. Shea, R.N. ’47* James M. Shrode ’61 Allen G. Siegel, Esquire* The Most Clarence R. Silva John M. Skenyon, Esquire, ’69, ’73 and Margaret M. Skenyon Most Reverend John M. Smith ’62, ’63

Otis M. Smith, Esquire ’50, ’77* Mary E. Snedeker ’66 William F. Sondericker, Esquire, ’52 Vito J. Spitaleri, Esquire Rose Marie Spivacke* Most Reverend John T. Steinbock, S.V.D. Paul Joseph Taggart ’51* Thomas D. Tarantino and Kathleen Tarantino Patricia M. Thuer ’57* Most Reverend Thomas J. Tobin T. Murray Toomey, Esquire ’49* and Grace D. Toomey ’47 Benedict J. Torcivia, Sr. ’51 John W. Townsend* Mark H. Tuohey, III, Esquire and Martha K. Tuohey ’76 Madeline M. Ullom ’52* Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann Allen H. Vigneron, D.D. ’83, ’86 Clarence C. Walton, Ph.D. ’51, ’93* Elizabeth K. Walton Thomas M. Walton ’74, ’76, ’80 and Kathleen E. Walton ’85 Ralph Anthony Wells, III* Most Reverend Thomas Wenski Nellie F. Whisenhunt ’51* Winifred Mary Madigan Most Reverend John Francis Wippel ’55, ’56, ’60 Theodore Wolfe ’50* Margaret E. Wroblewski* Thomas B. Yewell José J. Yglesias ’51 Dorothy Caroline Zaweckis ’69* Most Reverend David A. Zubik

The McGivney Circle (Cumulative giving from archdioceses, dioceses, corporations, foundations or more than $1 million)

Al and Angela Farone Foundation Annenberg Foundation Archdiocese of Atlanta Archdiocese of Baltimore Archdiocese of Boston Archdiocese of Chicago Archdiocese of Cincinnati Archdiocese of Denver Archdiocese of Detroit Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Archdiocese of Hartford Archdiocese of Los Angeles Archdiocese of Miami Archdiocese of Milwaukee Archdiocese of New Orleans Archdiocese of New York Archdiocese of Newark Archdiocese of Philadelphia Archdiocese of Saint Louis Archdiocese of San Francisco Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese of Washington Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Community Foundation for the National Capital Region Dakota Charitable Foundation, Inc. Diocese of Albany Diocese of Arlington Diocese of Bridgeport Diocese of Brooklyn

Diocese of Buffalo Diocese of Camden Diocese of Charleston Diocese of Cleveland Diocese of Fall River Diocese of Green Bay Diocese of Greensburg Diocese of Harrisburg Diocese of Manchester Diocese of Oakland Diocese of Pittsburgh Diocese of Providence Diocese of Rockville Centre Diocese of Scranton Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts Diocese of Syracuse Diocese of Trenton Diocese of Wilmington Diocese of Worcester Dom Mocquereau Foundation Hyman Foundation IBM Corporation John A. Quinn Foundation, Inc. John McShain Charities, Inc. Knights of Columbus #5998 Knights of Columbus Charities, Incorporated NJR Development Company, LLC Opus Group Vinco Management Services

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The columbus school of law

1897 Society

The 1897 Society derives its name from the founding year of the Columbus School of Law. The following pages recognize all individuals, corporations and organizations who graciously supported the Columbus School of Law with gifts between May 1, 2009 and April 30, 2010. These generous contributions assist the law school in providing scholarships for students and friends and in supporting faculty research, library resources, enhancements and other programs. A special thank to you is extended to members of the 1897 Society who have demonstrated their commitment to the Columbus School of Law with a leadership gift of $1,000 or more. Gifts from all alumni and friends truly sustain the community of CUA Law. Thank you! For information, contact the CSL Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 202-319-5670.

Leadership Council Level $50,000+

Estate of Arnold L.Hespe ’56 Knights of Columbus Jeffrey R. Moreland, Esquire, ’70 and Nancy C. Moreland

Suellen M. Ferguson ’77 Lawrence P. Grassini ’70 Karen L. Grubber ’92 Francisco Hernandez Jr. ’90 Jeffrey S. Puretz ’81 Richard L. Thompson ’75 James P. Ulwick ’77

Vernon X. Miller Deans Circle Level Level $25,000 - $49,999

$5,000 - $9,999

Donald W. Farley, Esquire, ’65, ’69 and Jo-Ann D. Farley, ’69 Arnold L. Hespe ’56 Juliette N. Lester Urban A. Lester ’59

John G. Carberry ’73 Clinical Legal Education Association Francis X. Dee ’69 John P. Donohue ’69 Ellen A. Hennessy ’78 David P. Langlois ’70 Mr. and Mrs. David Lightfoot Francis J. Lorson ’71 Larry R. Pilot ’67 Shawn Patrick Regan ’96 Stanley J. Samorajczyk ’67 John M. Skenyon ’73 Robert W. Smith ’80 Richard M. Starr ’79

Columbus Circle Level $10,000 - $24,999

Paul Curth Michael F. Curtin ’65 Edward J. Dempsey ’70 Agnes P. Dover ’81


t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Partners Club $2,500 - $4,999

James A. Bennett ’65 Elizabeth E. Cashin ’01 Christopher H. Collins ’78 Mark D. Cowan ’77 Janice M. D’Amato ’79 Barry B. Direnfeld ’76 Anne M. Donohue ’98 Federal Communications Bar Association Richard T. Girards Jr. ’01 H. Jason Gold ’79 Alan M. Grimaldi ’71 Francis J. Hearn Jr. ’89 Randall K. Hulme ’90 Daniel J. Hulseberg ’93 John M. Ingram ’85 J. Michael Klise ’86 Ronald H. Lazarus ’75 Robert E. Mannion ’69 Reverend Raymond C. O’Brien James P. Ogilvy Kathryn D. Pagnani ’89 Keith A. Pagnani ’89 Linda O. Perez ’83 Luis J. Perez ’83 Peggy Phillips Love ’88

The Honorable William G. Polking ’62 Robin M. Schachter ’77 Stephen M. Silvestri ’79 Vito J. Spitaleri The Honorable Marilyn D. Zahm ’72

Deans Council Level $1,000 - $2,499

Eileen Gallagher Akerson ’91 Michael P. Ambrosio ’66 Anonymous Costas A. Avrakotos ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Raphael J. Ayoub J. Israel Balderas ’06 The Honorable Charlene Barshefsky ’75 Felicia Clelia Battista ’92 Timothy M. Biddle ’71 Thaddeus C. Borek ’50 Phyllis C. Borzi ’78 Katharine Randolph Boyce ’79 James M. Breen ’68 Kevin J. Brosch ’81 Nancy Brouillard McKenzie ’87 William C. Burgy ’75 Barbara A. Bush ’76

James P. Carroll ’77 Peter J. Chepucavage ’74 Kevin P. Clancy ’94 Patrick Thomas Clendenen ’91 William H. Clendenen Jr. ’67 John K. Coleman ’75 Ann Marie Connery ’08 The Honorable Martin E. Connor ’70 Joel E. Cooperrider ’75 Margaret A. Crowley ’88 Melissa Ellen Darigan ’92 Jeffrey Michael Donofrio ’90 David A. Donohoe ’62 Dena C. Feeney ’63 Clifford S. Fishman Rosemarie Frankino Steven P. Frankino ’62 Arthur N. Fuccillo ’78 Christopher G. Fusco ’92 J. J. Gallagher ’68 K. S. Grafton ’85 Karen T. Grisez ’90 Jamie Danielle Gross ’07 Joseph A. Guay ’94 Alyce C. Halchak ’75 Brian E. Hanlon ’95 Clyde J. Hart Jr. ’75 Eric L. Hirschhorn William H. Hoch ’93 James F. Hogan ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Holthouse Kathy L. John ’79 Charles W. Johnson IV ’94 John H. Jorgenson ’75 Song K. Jung ’96 Kathryn Kelly Martin V. Kirkwood ’91 Thomas M. Lawler Jr. ’73 Theodore R. Lazo ’94

Sidney G. Leech ’68 Amanda Leiter The Honorable Adriene Lepiane Hanlon ’90 David A. Lipton Thomas J. Madden ’68 Anne-Marie Magruder ’77 Juan M. Marcelino ’81 Stephen G. Margeton Frank H. McCulloch ’74 James E. McDonald ’69 Michael T. McFarlane ’90 Michael T. McGonnigal ’85 Francis D. McQuilkin ’74 Christopher D. Menconi ’94 Dean Veryl Victoria Miles ’80 Patrice G. Nichas ’86 Vincent R. Olivieri ’71 Estate of Mary L. O’Meara ’81 Robert B. Ott ’79 Nancy M. Palermo ’97 Richard A. Palumbo Bruce R. Parker ’78 Adam C. Paul ’97 John Polanin Jr. ’83 Michael S. Ray ’91 John F. Ring ’89 Benjamin Y. Roca ’96 Ralph J. Rohner ’63 Monica A. Rohner Nancy L. Rowe ’92 Susan S. Rucker ’92 Mark E. Ruddy ’00 Eric J. Russo ’78 James E. Ryan Jr. ’71 John J. Scally Jr. ’76 Stephen D. Scavuzzo ’80 Jerome C. Schaefer ’72 Thomas E. Schubert ’85 Isabelle Scott ’92

Richard A. Shapack ’77 Marguerite E. Sheehan ’75 Thomas J. Sippel ’75 Ann M. Slowinski ’92 Richard Lee Slowinski ’91 The Honorable Loren A. Smith Robert A. Smith ’79 E. A. Southerling ’94 Elizabeth M. Stewart ’95 James C. Stewart ’79 Ulric R. Sullivan ’71 Michael Q. Tatlow ’62 James J. Tenn Jr. ’91 Raymond A. Tiernan ’76 The Honorable Joseph L. Tobin Jr. ’50 Winston W. Tsai ’70 Gregory F. Ugalde ’85 John W. Weber ’72 John B. Wefing ’67 James R. Weiss ’74 James M. Weitzel Jr. ’86 Karen H. Williams ’73 The Honorable Marcus D. Williams ’77 Leah Wortham Bernard J. Young ’72 Henry S. Zak ’75

Judges Level $500 - $999

Daniel R. Addison ’87 Dennis E. Ahearn ’77 Paul Alvarez ’06 Rev. Msgr. Charles V. Antonicelli ’86 Association of Haitian Professionals Barbara N. Beach ’99 Bruce S. Beck ’73 Thomas J. Bender Jr. ’77 J. Bradley Bennett

Catherine M. Bishop ’73 Adam N. Bitter ’07 Christopher R. Bjornson ’00 Eric W. Blanchard ’99 Christopher Paul Boam ’98 Jessica D. Bradley ’05 Mary Ellen Bresciani ’74 Francis X. Canale ’76 C. Brian Carlin ’85 Rita Micheli Carrier ’84 Warwick M. Carter Jr. ’91 Christopher R. Chase ’02 Tillena G. Clark ’05 Anthony C. Coe ’80 Chris Comuntzis ’82 M. Jill Cook ’90 Robert E. Cook ’90 Francis X. Coonelly ’86 Anatolio B. Cruz III ’92 Laura Dansby Brendan D. Delany ’05 Michael J. Desmond ’94 Warren J. DeVecchio ’78 William E. Devitt ’95 Steven J. Doherty Lonny H. Dolin ’79 J. Kenneth Donnelly ’72 John C. Dooher ’67 Megan L. Dunphy ’96 Michael T. Flannery ’91 Donald A. Franck ’67 Takamitsu Fujiu ’07 Reid A. Godbolt ’80 Captain Alan E. Goldsmith ’76 Ariel Alejandro Gonzalez ’07 Thomas A. Grant ’72 Lisa A. Grattan ’90 Donald R. Greeley ’60 Robert P. Hagan ’06

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Richard J. Herbst ’65 Michael S. Heyl ’02 Sylvia Horwitz ’79 Patrick J. Hughes ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Imperatore The Honorable Jean Ingrassia ’76 Ralph J. Johnston Jr. ’76 Thomas J. Kelly Jr. ’80 J. P. Kessel ’75 Rajeev Khanna ’01 Sue T. Kilgore ’98 James J. Kulbaski ’92 Sarah F. Lacey ’08 John T. Landry Jr. ’81 Richard W. Lawlor ’75 Kathryn Hazeem Lehman ’85 Susan E. Lehman ’08 Lisa G. Lerman David M. Levite C. Michael Loftus ’73 Mary A. Lopatto ’86 The Honorable Cheryl N. Lowery ’94 Rett R. Ludwikowski Edward P. Macdonald ’93 Wellington M. Manning Jr. ’65 Charles A. Maresca Jr. ’88 Clarence E. Martin III ’74 Elizabeth V. McCarthy ’94 Michael T. McCormack ’92 Cecilia J. McGregor ’06 Marvin H. McIntyre II John J. McLaughlin ’68 The Honorable Daniel P. Mecca ’67 Edward Hulvey Meyers ’05 Lisa M. Mezzetti ’80 Thomas M. Mistele ’84 Paul Monsour Sandra P. Montrose ’84 Robert F. Moriarty ’90


Faith H. Mullen ’84 The Honorable Charlotte P. Murphy ’48 Robert F. Murphy Jr. ’69 James J. Naccarato ’47 Diana E. Norris ’06 Eileen J. O’Connor ’78 Judith M. O’Hara ’68 Bartley M. O’Hara ’70 Patricia A. O’Neil ’85 Rebecca R. Oshoway ’79 Nadine M. Osinski ’02 Alyson Marie Oswald ’05 Sharon M. Parker ’01 Elizabeth H. Patterson ’73 Thomas E. Patton ’65 Guillermo P. Pesant ’82 Brigadier General Coral W. Pietsch, USA ’74 James H. Pietsch ’74 Karen M. Pink ’85 Elizabeth M. Piper-Bach ’08 Warren Duryea Price ’08 Lawrence R. Radanovic ’63 Siobhan C. Rausch ’97 Daniel K. Roque ’05 Trudy P. Saad ’74 James D. Sadowski ’92 Joseph E. Santucci Jr. ’76 The Honorable Stephen P. Scaring ’67 Warren A. Schneider ’62 Jamie Severson Michael W. Sheehy Paul H. Sighinolfi ’81 Robert D. Strahota ’69 Louis B. Tommer ’87 James E. Toomey Jr. ’82 K. Gregory Tucker ’79 Robert J. Tyrrell ’69 Janet R. Urban ’74 Theodore W. Urban ’74

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Joseph F. Vallario Jr. Manuel Vazquez Joan S. Vorrasi William W. Ward ’81 Ryan Z. Watts ’01 Cynthia C. Weber ’76 Harris Weinstein Robert G. Wheeler ’74 Grant W. Wilkinson ’87 Donna L. Yesner ’83

William Robinson Level $250 - $499

The Honorable Karen H. Abrams ’79 Colin B. Albaugh ’07 Michael J. Anderson ’06 Richard M. Ashton ’74 Helen Clark Atkeson ’82 The Honorable Sylvia Bacon Gregory Bailey ’10 Joseph J. Baniszewski ’75 Louis J. Barracato ’65 The Honorable William Barry ’78 Marilee Bell ’92 Eric P. Bernard ’82 Lynne D. Bernard ’82 Laura R. Biddle ’96 Blake Biles and Laura Sessums Bradford C. Blaise ’02 The Honorable Kevin E. Booth ’67 Dennis Richard Braddock ’80 Theodore E. Breault ’63 Sherry Brett-Major ’08 The Honorable Patricia A. Broderick ’81 John S. Brunette ’84 Derek L. Burrows ’06

Sean Byrne Mary Cademartori ’90 Kimberly Ann Cain ’05 Molly M. Cannon ’07 Lt. Colonel Mary E. Card ’96 Daryl A. Chamblee ’77 Thomas M. Clark ’79 Donald B. Coffin ’65 The Honorable Richard P. Conaboy ’50 Carol A. Connolly ’99 Sean M. Connolly ’99 Wilfred Paul Coronato ’90 Johanna M. Coughlin ’06 Truman D. Cowles ’49 Colonel Dayton M. Cramer ’71 Catherine E. Creely ’07 Ryan J. Cudnik ’02 Emily R. Currier ’05 Patrick T. Currier ’05 Linda D. D’Albis ’84 Lee A. DeHihns III ’74 William F. Delaney ’65 Anthony J. DeLaurentis ’84 Frances C. DeLaurentis ’85 Paul J. Delligatti ’06 William G. DeMagistris ’73 Patrick J. Devine ’89 William D. Dolan III ’72 Margaret M. Doyle ’09 Ernest W. DuBester ’75 Sarah Duggin Mary S. Elcano ’76 Lynne H. Engledow ’02 Lesley Fair Melanie L. Fein ’79 Susanna F. Fischer Mark R. Fitzgerald ’82 Thomas L. Fitzpatrick ’78 Luis A. Fors ’80

Vicki S. Foster ’91 Adrienne M. Fox ’74 The Honorable Thomas E. Gallahue ’76 Jerome O. Galli ’96 John L. Garvey ’48 The Honorable Adam Gefreh ’49 Donna S. George ’78 Aneerban Ari Ghosal ’03 Edward J. Gill ’73 Stephen M. Goldman The Honorable Patricia M. Gormley ’66 Kathleen M. Grassini ’06 Kathi L. Grasso ’80 Donna C. Gregg James M. Griffin ’75 Arthur G. Grunke ’43 S. John Hajjar II ’91 Lawrence J. Halloran ’76 Katie M. Hanvey ’09 Michael Duane Harris ’03 Roger C. Hartley Robert W. Hartt ’89 Justin D. Heminger ’06 Estela R. Hernandez ’08 James C. Higgins Jr. ’66 Jennifer Hill-Wilson ’06 Michael H. Hughes ’87 Cordell A. Hull ’05 Major Candace L. Hunstiger ’00 James A. Hunter Jr. ’66 Phu D. Huynh ’06 Margaret E. Ives ’04 Jesse Theodore Jachman ’08 Gordon R. Jimison ’06 Mark D. Johnson ’92 Marvin E. Johnson ’80 Michael J. Kearney Jr. ’96 Mary Ann Keeffe Vishal V. Khatri ’07

Jean L. Kiddoo ’80 Edward J. Kielty ’61 Meredith J. Kroehl ’10 Linda Lee Joseph F. Leeson Jr. ’80 Jennifer E. Levy ’79 Nick C. Lipresti Edward Liu ’07 Kathleen M. Long ’99 Catherine Mack ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Manfreda Michael B. Marion ’08 William T. Marshall Jr. ’70 David J. Martel ’72 Debra A. Martin ’78 Michael J. Martineau ’83 James P. Marusak ’80 Joseph V. McCarthy ’68 Michael N. McCarty ’79 Thomas K. McCraw Jr. ’97 Linda C. McCreary ’99 The Honorable Donald P. McDonough ’73 Matthew J. McGowan ’82 John F. McHale ’90 P. Tony Mensah ’00 Nicole E. Mestre Robert W. Metzler ’82 Christine T. Milliken ’76 Meaghan Elizabeth Molinini ’03 Thomas A. Montminy ’86 Joanna L. Moorhead ’79 Captain James F. Morgan Jr. ’78 Susan S. Newell ’93 The Honorable Juanita B. Newton ’75 John H. Nilon ’96 James A. Nugent ’67 Dawn E. Oakley ’80 Kathleen O’Brien ’81 Christopher R. O’Hara ’86

Thomas F. O’Herron ’64 Jack H. Olender Emily P. O’Neill ’03 Herron J. Ortiz Jose A. Ortiz ’99 Craig J. Paul Kenneth Pennington Lonnie A. Pera ’90 Stephen F. Riley ’79 Ronald E. Robinson ’83 Michael D. Rossi ’75 Ray M. Rothermel Jr. ’97 James W. Rourke ’72 Barbara A. Rutland ’91 Nicola E. Sanchez-Williams ’04 The Honorable Toni R. Scheiner ’93 Howard J. Schmidt ’90 Marin Scordato Robert C. Sexton ’84 Daniel F. Shea ’75 The Honorable Joseph M. Shortall ’64 Lucia Silecchia Karla W. Simon Theodore Sky Kristine Maciolek Small ’99 Daniel F. Smith ’07 Joan E. Socolof ’72 John E. Stevens Linda S. Stewart ’88 Jennifer A. Streets ’99 Gregory R. Talbot ’97 Katherine Terrill Gwena K. Tibbits ’81 Stephen J. Toomey ’83 Richard L. Treanor II ’94 Peter S. Trentacoste ’04 Howard S. Trickey ’76 S. Jenell Trigg ’97 Sarah H. Trott de Seve ’02

The Honorable Fred B. Ugast Donald J. Urgo Jr. ’90 Andrew R. Van Haute ’07 Patricia VanBuskirk Sarah E. Venuto ’07 Patricia Villani ’90 Daniel J. Vitiello ’69 Michael R. Wack ’83 Robert L. Walsh ’72 Walter J. Walvick ’72 Kevin Matthew Wells ’08 R. Wade Wetherington ’79 J. T. Wieseman Victor K. Williams Burke M. Wong ’80 Raymond J. Wyrsch Sung B. Yhim ’02

Advocates Level $100 - $249

Kathleen Quinn Abernathy ’83 Douglas Ochs Adler ’79 Richard L. Aguglia ’70 Lynn I. Alfalla ’84 Cynthia T. Alm ’82 James Constantin Anagnos ’96 Trevor D. Anderson Clare G. Anderson ’90 The Honorable Joan C. Anthony ’79 Coreen S. Arnold ’82 Frank Arthur Bacelli ’99 Andrew H. Baginski Sara Ann Bakker ’07 Ann M. Balcerzak ’82 Margaret L. Barbier ’76 Alvita E. Barrow Margaret M. Barry

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Sheila M. Barry ’83 William W. Bassett ’72 Timothy L. Bauersachs ’03 Charles W. Beinhauer ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Bell Joseph Ernest Bell II ’66 The Honorable Marielsa A. Bernard ’80 Vern Felipe Best ’86 Matthew Bixler Briana Black ’07 Joseph A. Black ’87 The Honorable James M. Blaney ’73 Raymond C. Bliss ’84 Donald K. Bloomfield ’62 Linda C. Bloomfield Kenneth J. Bossong ’77 Gary W. Brasseur ’67 Ricardo Bravo Jr. ’78 Julius J. Brecht ’74 Clare J. Brooks ’77 John D. Brosnan ’88 Lisa A. Brower ’01 Nathan Bruner ’07 Stacy L. Brustin Molly R. Bryson ’98 Gail A. Buchman ’84 Alexis Buckhannon ’07 Patrick M. Buechner ’06 Mark T. Bullock ’85 Jack T. Burgess ’80 Gary M. Burt ’83 The Honorable Paul Buxbaum ’74 Marc R. Cadin ’06 Mary E. Cahill ’87 Marian H. Callahan ’87 Leigh Z. Callander ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Campenni Todd J. Canni ’04 Daniel F. Cardile ’05 Joseph Dennis Carlson ’08


Brendan Thomas Carr ’05 Machalagh Carr ’05 Colleen E. Carr Jarrott ’02 John Mark Carrick ’90 Christopher B. Carveth ’75 Kim Sweeney Carveth ’91 Peter Lawrence Casciano ’07 Roderick A.J. Cavanagh ’68 Carolyn Beatrice Cayode ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Reymundo M. Cayode Kasey Anna Chappelle ’00 Mary Stern Cheng ’04 Mary Schneider Chyun ’74 Matthew J. Clark ’83 William Clarkson ’07 Philip J. Clausen ’69 Kelly Cleary ’06 Erin Mary Coffer ’97 Elaine Zipp Cole ’77 Julia Farr Connolly ’93 Kathleen A. Connolly ’06 Sara Anne Connor ’10 The Honorable Robert P. Contillo ’80 Adam W. Cook ’06 Fletcher A. Cooke ’73 The Honorable Alfred D. Cooper, Sr. ’83 Maureen E. Costigan ’81 The Honorable S. John Cottone ’51 Catherine Anne Courtney ’01 Sharon Nelson Craig ’87 B. Jeffrey Cravath ’88 The Honorable David W. Cunis ’90 Reverend Thomas B. Curran, O.S.F.S. ’92 Michelle L. Curth Mary Anne Curtin ’81 R. E. Dachelet Mark A. Dallesandro ’06 Norman J. Dame Jr. ’68 John D. D’Amore ’84 James A. Daniels ’06

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Adrienne Wood Davis ’81 Andrew R. Davis ’05 Geoffrey Adam Davis ’99 Martha L. Davis ’80 Rebecca Ann Davis ’05 Reverend Curtis De Vance ’74 James F. DeDonato ’00 James L. Deegan ’54 Stephen Anthony DeLeo ’90 Denise G. Dengler ’80 Peter McFarland Dennis ’08 The Honorable James D. DeRose ’78 Robert A. Destro Edmond F. DeVine ’41 Denis Crowley Dice ’90 Rita Dimartino Vito J. DiPietro ’66 Frank A. Distasio ’82 Madeliene H. Dobbins ’82 Mark M. Dobson ’73 John C. Dodge ’85 John Lawrence Donohue ’98 Joseph F. Donohue Jr. ’68 Richard C. Donohue ’72 Gregory Thomas Douds ’95 Carrie A. Downey ’91 Paul M. Doyle ’72 Kristen Droesch ’06 Juanita Dubois Peter J. Duhig ’00 Lynne B. Dunbar ’91 Alexandra D. Dunn ’94 Jay DuVon ’82 Eugene M. Dwyer ’59 Chester J. Dzialo ’52 Naomi C. Earp ’82 James K. Edmundson ’90 Myles J. Edwards ’02 Nina Eldred ’83 Eric Jon Eller ’08

Betsy S. Elliott ’77 Beth A. Esposito ’04 Mark D. Etchart ’90 Peter T. Ewald ’05 Lorenzo F. Exposito ’94 Patricia A. Exposito ’96 Christine L. Fallon ’77 Rev. Msgr. James P. Farmer ’72 Justin Lambert Faulb ’08 Martin L. Feinberg ’83 Mark Feinroth ’90 Maureen D. Feinroth ’90 Nathan R. Fennessy ’07 The Honorable Alfred M. Fenzel ’74 Allen R. Ferguson Jr. ’84 The Honorable Edward B. Finch ’54 Terrence M. Finn ’74 Alexandra J. K. Finucane ’78 David A. Fitzgerald ’95 Charles H. Fitzpatrick ’72 The Honorable Johanna L. Fitzpatrick ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Flannery Hugo P. Fleischman ’78 Wayne R. Fleit ’00 Captain Scott N. Flesch ’97 Matthew C. Ford ’06 Donald D. Forrer ’65 Kyle Fralick ’08 Joseph O. Francke ’40 Barbara B. Franklin ’77 Loree L. French ’91 Loretta M. Fresquez ’78 Todd J. Frye ’97 Donnell R. Fullerton ’75 Allen S. Furst ’79 Edward M. Gaffney Jr. ’75 Paul F. Gallant ’93 Coby D. Gallo ’87 Mary M. Galvin ’74 Thomas M. Gargan ’03

Dean George E. Garvey Philip Gasteyer ’72 Emily Gebbia ’06 The Honorable Carey R. Geghan ’64 James D. Gentile ’81 Elizabeth Fletcher Getman ’07 John A. Gibbons ’98 The Honorable Alice B. Gibney ’72 Joseph C. Gil ’72 Eugenia M. Gillespie ’92 Sheldon L. Gnatt ’80 Robert L. Goebes ’74 Susan C Goldhar ’08 Bettie E. Goldman ’87 Jason D. Goldman ’03 Andrew G. Golian ’68 Bethany Gordon Joseph W. Gorrell ’68 Robert P. Grabowski ’68 Anne Marie F. Green ’83 Sheila F. Green ’02 Jacquelyn E. Grillon ’84 Dennis W. Guard Jr. ’00 Georgia W. Gurren ’76 William F. Hague Jr. ’68 The Honorable Paula T. Hairston ’77 Gregory V. Haledjian ’02 Kenneth C. Hall Mark A. Hallal Patrick R. Halley ’10 Constance Hannigan-Franck ’04 J. Michael Hannon ’80 Kathleen M. Hannon ’83 Tanika S. Harding David A. Harris ’76 Justin P. Hedge ’07 Shannon M. Heim ’99 Nicole M. Heiser ’03 Daniel Zev Herbst ’05 William T. Herman ’09

Doug J. Herrema ’06 Pamela R. Hershinson ’75 Mary Therese R. Hills ’92 Essita R. Holmes ’01 Wendell S. Holmes ’36 Michael E. Holzapfel ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Hughes Mary R. Hughes ’79 Gerald P. Hurst ’79 Marie-Louise M. Huth ’06 David W. Illingworth II ’06 Katie A. Illingworth ’07 Marie D. Ito Marc Jaffan ’94 Regina Jefferson Beverly P. Jennison ’84 Jay A. Jupiter ’80 Laura Kakuk James S. Kane ’49 Bert W. Kapinus ’68 William A. Kaplin Frank J. Kauffman ’75 Thomas W. Kavanagh ’79 Thomas P. Keefe ’74 Robert J. Keller ’79 William F. Kelley ’97 James J. Kennedy ’67 Charles D. Kenny ’70 Charles J. Kenny ’90 Thomas J. Kenny ’89 Wayne A. Keup ’76 Jane Heather Kim ’07 W. S. Kingsley ’71 Catherine Klein Colonel Edward J. Kline ’77 Catherine M. Koester ’75 Laura G. Kovalsky ’97 Richard G. Kozlowski ’72 Cynthia Ann M. Kratz ’90 The Honorable Peter F. Kratz ’83

Angela W. Kronenberg ’95 Elizabeth K. Krumeich ’80 Kathleen M. Kundar ’74 Thomas L. Kundert ’73 Deana A. Labriola ’01 Christine A. Lambert ’94 Colleen A. Lamont ’81 Anne M. Lange ’78 Lawrence Langerman ’76 David E. Langford ’89 Damian R. LaPlaca ’86 C. Stephen Lawrence ’84 Suzanne L. Lawrence ’86 Vivian M. Lawyer ’81 Thach X. Le ’95 Janice L. Le Clainche ’84 Gary N. Lento ’91 Donald C. Lepiane ’71 Susan A. Leverone ’83 Laurie A. Lewis ’84 Peter S. Leyton ’80 The Honorable Paul Lieberman ’71 Robert E. Liguori ’67 Edward S. Lloyd ’08 T. J. Longino Jr. ’81 Andrew F. Lopez ’08 Michael D. Lovelace ’99 Alois Lubiejewski ’69 Emmanuel Luk ’06 Jacqueline L. Lussier ’82 William J. Lutz ’92 D. M. Lyles ’94 Desiree H. Magney ’81 Robert K. Magovern ’04 Jennifer A. Mahar ’95 Eric Mahoney William E. Mahoney ’88 Paul J. Maloney ’81 Louis J. Marinucci ’52 Vernon E. Martens Jr. ’70

Jessica L. Martyn ’07 Michael R. Maryn ’89 Karen H. Mason ’92 Jakki L. Mathis-Hull ’04 John J. Matteo ’85 F. Gordon Maxson ’88 J. Patrick May ’78 Kenneth May ’75 Martin F. McAlwee ’69 Peter M. McCamman ’05 Clifton E. McCann ’77 Michael R. McCarthy ’91 Shannon McCarthy ’78 Seamus P. McCloskey ’94 Judith A. McDermott ’97 Robert R. McGill ’88 Mary A. McGinnis ’00 Robert A. McGuire ’78 Margaret G. McHale ’82 John J. McHugh ’69 Erskine D. McIntosh ’79 Mark P. McKenney ’81 James B. McMahon ’69 Richard F. McManus ’82 Sandra J. McManus ’79 Thomas A. McManus ’79 Emily A. McNamara ’04 John L. McPherson ’91 Kevin P. McVerry ’77 Kirsten Jennings Meadow ’91 K. Patrick Meehan ’85 Christine C. Meier ’95 Glenn J. Melcher ’87 Petula A. Metzler ’04 Edmund A. Miarecki ’72 Marc Z. Michael ’98 Michael L. Michetti ’97 Jeffrey G. Micklos ’93 Cecilia O. Miller ’00 Richard A. Miller ’81 r e p o rt to d o n o r s


Benjamin W. Mintz George G. Misko ’80 Michael J. Missal ’82 Colonel Gerald C. Mitchell ’79 Timothy P. Mitchell ’03 Anthony J. Montalbano ’53 Christine M. Morgan ’94 Claire N. Morisset ’06 Christina F. Morris ’04 Sean T. Morris ’04 Edward J. Morrison ’87 Jane H. Morrison ’87 Matthew J. Morrissey ’08 George W. Moxon II ’72 Gary L. Mucci ’72 Martin E. Muehe ’79 Peter T. Mulhern ’76 Patrick A. Mulloy John A. Murphy III ’07 Keith Murphy ’08 Kevin M. Murphy ’84 Michael J. Murphy ’89 Rebecca L. Murphy ’00 John E. Murray ’58 Paul A. Mutino ’66 Denise L. Myers ’90 Timothy B. Nagy ’98 Nadine G. Najjar Dean Georgia A. Niedzielko ’81 Francis J. Nolan ’93 Michael F. Noone Jr. Kirby G. Oak ’87 Gerard J. O’Brien Jr. ’78 Valerie R. O’Brian ’85 Harold C. Odom Joseph F. O’Hara ’84 Margaret M. O’Neil ’06 Emily P. O’Neill ’03 Phillip Orleans


Gregory J. Ossi ’97 Andrea J. Ottomanelli Magovern ’04 Anthony F. Pagano ’73 Siddhesh V. Pandit ’06 Kinari Patel ’07 The Honorable H. Dudley Payne Jr. ’73 Kelliann H. Payne ’05 Ann Marie Pedersen ’08 Carla M. Pehowski ’81 Ann Marie H. Peters ’76 Frederick W. Peters ’81 Elizabeth A. Peterson ’78 Nils G. Peterson ’79 Meredith C. Petravick ’06 James Petrungaro ’06 The Honorable Richard E. Peyser ’77 Matthew P. Phelps ’08 Joanne Phillips ’07 Joseph C. Polking ’64 Francis J. Polkowski ’63 Patricia E. Potts Pierre Priale ’06 Jean J. Provost ’63 The Honorable William D. Quarles ’79 Aimee J. Quast ’94 Thaddeus C. Raczkowski ’67 Rixon C. Rafter ’07 Victor G. Raphael ’00 Frances E. Ray ’78 Sandra M. Rayford ’81 Paul J. Reinstein ’80 Joanna Reiver ’76 Michael J. Remington Theodore P. Remley Jr. ’80 The Honorable Thurman H. Rhodes ’75 Paul M. Rivard ’98 Jeannette E. Roach ’82 Irving J. Robertson Jr. ’76 Shelley G. Robinson ’83

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Steven N. Robinson ’84 Remy A. Rodas ’81 Joel W. Rogers ’92 Stuart D. Rosen ’82 Anthony G. Rossi ’61 Sidney P. Rossi ’86 Richard A. Rothermel ’76 Mary M. Rummery Kathleen F. Russell ’82 Susan H. Russell ’79 Andria L. Ryan ’88 Paul T. Ryan ’88 Michael R. Sachs ’05 Raeka Safai ’07 Amanda J. Sams Samantha P. Sanchez ’73 Larry Santucci ’07 Davina Sashkin ’07 Donna M. Sauer ’95 Christine E. Savage ’98 Rhonda Karen Scarborough ’03 Neil A. Schachter ’08 Burton S. Scheiner ’73 Thomas A. Schellhammer ’98 Thomas D. Scheuermann ’85 Anne E. Schneiders ’92 Heidi Schooner Priscilla A. Schwab ’81 The Honorable Audrey W. Scott ’77 Stephanie Seidman ’85 Robert G. Sewell The Honorable Booker T. Shaw ’76 Michael P. Shaw ’93 Stephanie L. Shaw ’96 Anne H. Shields ’77 Andrew W. Shroyer ’91 Gary Siegel ’73 Hannah S. Sistare ’70 Roshni A. Sitapara

Frank J. Skokoski ’83 Meredith M. Skowronski ’06 Marimichael O. Skubel ’79 Stephen C. Skubel ’78 Bart B. Slabbekorn Jr. ’04 George P. Smith II Holly H. Smith ’82 Merton V. Smith ’82 Samuel B. Smith Jr. ’64 Mary A. Snow ’83 Jennifer M. Snyder ’92 Elizabeth A. Soule ’87 Maria R. Spangenberg ’01 Lt. Colonel Andrew E. Squire ’86 Theresa A. Stark ’85 The Honorable Douglas M. Stephens ’67 Maureen Stoneman Donna E. Straff ’80 Chiarra-May E. Stratton ’03 Grayson Douglas Stratton ’03 Kevin R. Sullivan ’75 Michael D. Sullivan ’78 Thomas C. Sullivan ’75 Jonathan Svetkey ’84 Father Ralph W. Talbot Jr. ’88 Kathryn Marie Tarallo ’04 J. Patrick Taves ’79 Joseph W. Taylor ’07 Jeffrey S. Tenenbaum ’96 Michelle M. Thomas ’96 Emily M. Thomson Williams ’76 Charles W. Tiedemann ’81 Paula S. Tiedemann ’81 Philip J. Tierney ’68 Edward J. Timberlake ’00 Charles M. Tobin ’68 Michael K. Tomenga ’78 Dr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Tramont Gerard F. Treanor Jr. ’68

Louis M. Troilo ’98 Alexis Tucci ’67 Marat Umerov ’08 Carl L. Vacketta Susan M. Van den Toorn ’74 Jeffrey J. VanHooreweghe ’01 John W. Van Schaik ’82 Matthew J. Venuti Ann H. Von Luttichau ’82 Nicole M. Vorrasi Bates ’97 Robert D. Wagman ’79 Michael S. Waldron ’95 Woodrow W. Walker ’50 William Wallace William L. Walsh Jr. ’68 Harold L. Warner Jr. ’91 John A. Wasowicz ’84 James I. Wasserman ’74 Carlton A. Watkins ’83 Alison F. Watson ’03 Geoffrey Watson Martha J. Watson ’73 Charles L. Weatherhead ’73 James Robert Wedeking ’05 Cameron K. Weiffenbach ’73 Franklyn C. Weiss ’65 Gerard S. Welch Jr. ’67 Elizabeth A. Welsh ’91 Laura K. Weston ’06 Patrick E. Whelan ’66 Denise S. Whisenhunt ’97 Rebecca B. Whitaker Timothy Joseph Whitney ’09 Ronald P. Whitworth ’06 Edmund V. Wick ’81 Timothy P. Wickstrom ’83 Christopher Alex Wieczorek ’08 Mason E. Wiggins Jr. ’86 Thomas H. Wilkins ’88

Brinley H. Williams ’71 John B. Williams ’78 Thomas N. Williams ’69 Michael E. Winer ’79 Elizabeth I. Winston Suzanne W. Martin ’64 Frederick E. Woods Anne D. Work ’83 Bing Xu ’98 Robert Yates Stephen G. Yeonas ’55 Jeane Yoo ’06 Carolyn Young and Richard Gerber Christopher R. Yukins James M. Zaleta ’03 Theresa M. Zehe ’88

Contributors Level $1 - $99 Alfredo Acin ’08 The Honorable William H. Adkins III ’73 Elaine C. Afable ’73 Marian K. Agnew ’79 Linda Anise Aikens ’80 Brett M. Albro Louis Allahut ’67 Lawrence F. Anito Jr. ’68 Megan E. Annitto ’01 Chad L. Appel ’08 Anthony F. Archeval ’98 Lucas Aubrey ’07 Geoffrey Douglas Aurini ’96 Amanda M. Axeen ’06 Sarah R. Bagley ’06 Joseph M. Baglio ’55 Dexter M. Bailey ’69

Linda C. Bailey ’07 Constance H. Baker ’75 Matthew F. Baker Philip M. Baker-Shenk ’84 Susan Catherine Barlocher ’92 Kevin R. Barry ’81 Elizabeth K. Beam ’39 Michael Beker ’08 Catherine Drissel Bertram ’89 Christie Jallick Bevacqua ’97 John Anthony Bielec ’91 Mary Elizabeth Bierman ’86 David Peter Blackwood ’83 John C. Bleutge ’72 Murray A. Bloom ’80 David P. Boergers ’72 John A. Bonello ’91 Xenia Senny M. Boone ’91 Charles A. Booth ’78 Karen E. Branson ’95 Professor Marshall J. Breger, Faculty Alfred J. Bridy ’37 Jennifer J. Brooks ’78 Molly G. Brottmiller ’08 Maureen E. Browne ’04 Steven H. Brownlee ’90 Anthony J. Bur Kathleen D. Burgess ’85 Stephen F. Burt Kimberly Beane Burzych ’90 Jon M. Byrne ’05 Bettina S. Callaway ’79 Marijane Camilleri ’91 Martha M. Campbell ’07 Timothy J. Canney Christopher A. Canter ’06 Anthony V. Capobianco ’04 Dorothy H. Card Albert F. Carilli ’84

Henry V. Carr ’77 Sandra M. Casey ’88 Stephen Thomas Chema ’05 Blessing Vurayai Chimwanda ’08 Courtney Elizabeth Christman ’08 Dennis M. Cimbaljevich ’08 Joseph K. Cobuzio ’88 Andrea Cole Dree K. Collopy ’07 Debra L. Curtin Comizio ’85 Lori Ann Commins ’91 Aindrea Marie Conroy ’07 Louis F. Cooper ’83 Francis P. Cotter ’56 Susan H. Crandall ’88 Courtney C. Crouch, III ’05 Stanley O. Croydon ’73 Joseph D. Crumlish ’66 Joan G. Cullin ’78 John Michael Dahut ’85 Reverend Peter J. Daly ’80 Sean P. Daly ’08 Christine S. Davis ’99 Holly Davis Kelly E. Davis ’07 Janette E. DeBoissiere ’87 Linus H. Deeny ’68 Sheila K. Delaney ’73 Drew M. Derco ’08 Blair M. Dickhoner ’08 Ruth Ann Donahue Patrick W. Dragga ’75 Natalia Drelichman ’09 Professor Cara Drinan, Faculty Robert J. Duke ’05 Stuart M. Dulin, DDS Elva G. Dunbar Paul Robert Durand ’08 Roderick T. Dwyer ’77

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Cecile L. Dykas ’90 Captain Donald E. Edington ’70 Sean Robert Elliott ’08 Katherine A. England ’81 Robert D. Epstein ’08 Professor Lisa A. Everhart, ’83 Donald E. Exner ’63 Sandra B. Falzone ’87 Andrew A. Favret ’87 Vincent J. Fazzone ’00 John T. Fedigan ’66 Mary C. Ferguson ’07 Jeffrey P. Finan ’85 Kayleen M. Fitzgerald ’06 Paula A. Forero ’00 Glenn B. Foster ’87 Kieran E. Fox ’93 Elizabeth Anne Francis ’03 Jocelyn T. Franklin ’01 Thomas Freyvogel, III ’07 James A. Frost ’71 Orisia K. Gammell ’08 Gwendolyn B. Garner ’82 William C. Garvert ’64 Nicholas J. Gehrig ’07 Aliza A. George ’09 John Gilchrist ’70 Lisa G. Godfrey ’80 John A. Goetcheus ’93 Stephanie G. Gorecki ’79 Michael D. Gorfinkle ’06 David J. Gorman ’89 Caren A. Grau ’99 Joseph L. Graves ’69 John E. Graykowski ’88 Mark B. Greenblatt ’75 Dean E. Griffith ’06 Jessica Shari Groppe ’08 George E. Grosser ’73


Edward F. Grourke ’80 M. Willis Gunther ’91 Paul Gurzo ’08 Curry L. Hagerty ’89 Mark K. Han ’07 Professor A.G. Harmon David F. Harris ’90 Irene K. Harvey ’83 Jonathan M. Hauck ’02 Christian Frederick Henel ’08 John C. Hitt Jr. The Honorable John C. Holmes ’64 Tina R. Holmes ’00 Murray L. Howder Kimberley L. Hunt Johnston ’04 Matthew J. Iandoli ’01 Arthur A. Impastato ’86 Nikecia C. Ingram ’01 Kathryn P. Inman ’04 Monica B. James ’87 Douglas M. Jasinski ’94 Cheryl M. Johns ’05 Judith B. Jones ’05 Lana K. Jones ’77 The Honorable Richard E. Jordan ’77 Mary Beth Jorgensen ’79 Barbara C. Joseph ’80 Gina Junio Caroline B. Kahl ’86 Captain Franklin M. Kang ’96 Dean Michael Kanne Alisa A. Karlsons ’08 Jacqueline R. Kaufman ’08 Judith M. Keegan ’86 Laurie J. Kelly ’86 LaVerne M. Kempinen ’75 Brian F. Kennedy ’92 Ernest L. Kennedy ’74 Nicoletta M. Kennedy ’08

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Andrew S. Kent ’09 Helen B. Keplinger ’79 Ahsen M. Khan ’06 Paul Michael Kiernan ’08 Theresa L. Kilgore ’85 Robert H. Kim ’00 The Honorable Edward C. Kimlin ’74 Felicia C. King ’07 Sherry A. Kinikin ’83 Edward J. Kirk ’97 Christian A. Klein ’95 Brian P. Knestout ’06 George F. Knight ’68 Gregory H. Koger ’99 Kristin M. Koger ’99 Susan S. Korfanty ’79 Kendra L. Kosko ’06 Colleen M. Kozikowski ’01 Nancy E. Kozlowski ’74 The Honorable Jonathan B. Kramer ’94 Emily I. Krause ’07 Mary K. Krivda ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Lagana Charles E. Lahey, III ’88 Behnaz Lavian ’06 Deborah A. Lawrence ’87 Professor Mary Leary Andrew B. Lee ’90 Mary J. K. Lee Peter T. Legler ’67 Colleen Leonard ’03 Andrew K. Lin ’08 Brian J. Luhman ’08 Kathleen D. Madavo ’81 Maryam Mahdavi Terry G. Mahn ’76 Sean P. Mahoney ’07 Joseph P. Malinowski ’69

Andrew F. Malone ’72 Professor Suzette M. Malveaux Kathy A. Mancusi ’85 Christina Manfredi ’09 Raymond A. Marcaccio ’86 Cheryl Matheis ’78 Lisa S. Mathew ’07 Barbara E. Mathews ’81 Meredith V. Mathis ’01 Abel J. Mattos ’80 Jennifer H. McCabe ’97 Patrick J. McMahon ’85 Kathleen McManus Bagwell ’04 Jacqueline K. Mendel ’91 Reynold Meni ’76 Phillip K. Merkle ’90 Summer Kristine Mersinger ’07 Angela M. Micheli ’90 Edward F. Miles ’82 Morgan J. Milner ’04 Charles C. Milton ’64 Gregory J. Miner ’78 William R. Mirabella ’42 Natalie C. Moffett ’04 Marilyn Mohrman-Gillis ’79 Derek M. Moitoso ’01 Jennifer Grant Moitoso ’01 Andrea P. Molina ’93 Katelin T. Moomau ’08 Patrick J. Morgan ’82 The Honorable Bruce Q. Morin ’70 Joseph P. Morra ’92 Leslie Gallagher Moylan ’05 Kevin B. Murphy ’02 Sunwoo Nam ’86 AnnaLisa E. Nash ’04 Andrew C. Neblett ’94 Jade Nester ’07 Claire D. Newman ’76

Paula E. Newman ’99 Katherine T. Nicoletti ’79 Rajesh Noronha ’05 Gayle Novig ’76 James K. O’Brien ’95 Julia P. O’Brien ’96 Rita C. O’Brien ’96 William T. O’Brien ’94 Sean O’Donnell ’5 Leigh L. Oliver ’04 David J. Olmstead ’95 Caroline J. O’Neill ’01 George E. Oram Jr. ’78 Allen M. Ostrager ’73 Manuel A. Palau ’78 Leo M. Pall Jr. ’83 Rosemary R. Pall ’83 Michael J. Palma ’81 Mark D. Palmer ’84 Melissa Alice Parham ’07 Gaetano Parrinello ’07 Margaret Sheeran Paton ’06 Irwin Pernick ’86 Jodi L. Peters ’07 Patrick J. Petit ’78 The Honorable Thomas F. Phalen ’67 William J. Phelan, IV ’07 Gail L. Polivy ’77 William E. Potts Jr. ’77 Stephen R. Prest ’06 Michael J. Provost ’04 Richard E. Pullano ’86 Wendy E. Pullano ’86 Peter C. Quinn ’80 Catherine M. Rafferty ’91 John C. Raffetto Bernard M. Raiche ’96 Philip S. Raskin ’07 Catherine Dubois Rayder ’01

Ariel I. Rayman ’01 Patricia M. Rehfield ’02 T. Patrick Rehfield ’00 Raelynn T. Remy ’94 Mary Beth H. Richards ’82 William J. Riley ’57 Meghan Louise Roach ’08 Joanna L. Roberts ’00 Patricia H. Rose ’98 Tiffany A. Rowe ’10 Matthew P. Rudden ’59 Stephen E. Ruscus ’91 Janice M. Ryan ’08 Sandra E. Safro ’08 Thomas B. Salzer ’86 Linda M. Samuel ’81 Candace L. Sandifer ’07 Donna M. Sauter ’00 Lenore M. Savage ’81 Edward C. Schepp ’62 Stuart Schept Susan L. Schor ’77 David Schrock Jill Schulman Kenneth Schwartz Virginia Marie Sciabbarrasi ’07 Emily C. Scruggs ’06 Professor Ellen M. Scully ’67 Edward F. Seibert ’60 David A. Seid ’88 Dianne W. Shawley ’83 Mary C. Sheridan ’04 Alan R. Siciliano ’75 Lt. Colonel John J. Siemietkowski ’87 Stacy P. Silber ’94 Sara G. Silverman ’08 Brian G. Smith ’08 Dennis P. Smith ’81 Michael J. Smith

Heidi K. Stack ’09 Mark C. Stackhouse ’02 Debbie Stanislav Marc A. Stanislawczyk ’97 Deborah C. Stanley ’85 Daria M. Stec ’77 Gerard J. Stief ’76 Charles W. Straub, III ’05 Sabrina Calice Streagle ’07 Holly Hagen Styles ’93 A. Michael Sullivan Jr. ’66 Brendan F. Sullivan ’05 Lawrence M. Sullivan ’73 Margaret C. Sullivan ’75 Maureen Elizabeth Sullivan ’05 Michael M. Sullivan ’72 Carolyn J. Sutton-Dixon ’80 Casey L. Symington ’06 Victoria M. Szybillo ’01 Rashmee R. Tadvalkar ’08 Gregory E. Taitt ’99 Ellen M. Tallerico ’08 William G. Tenerowicz ’62 Margaret G. Thessin ’81 Mark G. Thessin ’81 Vanessa J. Thomas-Cooper ’96 Mary D. Thompson ’52 Patricia Thompson-Hill ’86 Sarah M. Timmers ’02 The Honorable James J. Tini ’71 Carol M. Toth ’91 Erica J. Tritta ’06 John Paul Trygar ’71 Ingrid M. Turner ’93 Jennifer Clare Vaughan ’06 Andrea T. Vavonese ’97 Captain George H. Verd ’83 Rachel I. Viglianti ’07 Ashley K Vroman-Lee ’08

Anthony V. Vuono ’5 Professor William J. Wagner Carla P. Walsh ’85 Gregory L. Walsh ’85 Qun Wang ’08 Abigail A. Warren ’04 Michele Warren Laura G. Watkin ’98 The Honorable Albert H. Weeks ’82 James R. Weiss ’06 Anne A. Weissenborn ’77 Joseph F. Weller Eric T. Werner ’90 Theresa M. Werner ’91 Laurie J. Whitaker ’86 Erica Meeks White ’08 Samuel C. Whitt ’71 Wendell W. Wiener ’71 William E. Wilkin ’85 Thomas E. Willging ’65 Harold L. Williams ’75 Todd A. Wilson ’07 John T. Winkler, II ’97 David D. Withnell ’84 Jeffrey A. Wolf ’86 Cecilia R. Wolfe ’85 Herman Wolff Jr. ’51 Henry F. Woltman Stanley E. Woodward Jr. ’08 Charles R. Work Sarah Wyss ’09 Paul J. Young ’87 J. P. Youngs ’81 Richard M. Zanfardino ’96 Michael A. Zarcone ’86 Julie R. Zignego ’82

r e p o rt to d o n o r s


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Columbus School of Law Foundations

America’s Charities Edison International Google Nokia Port Tobacco Boat & Yacht, LLC Thomson Reuters West Corporation Time Warner Cable Warner Marketing Inc.

The Community Foundation For The National Capital Region Connelly Foundation Fellowship Foundation, Inc. 1-92 The Grassini Family Charitable Foundation H. Rubenstein Family Charitable Foundation Kings Grant Foundation Schering-Plough Foundation United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Columbus School of Law Law Firms Carr Maloney P.C. Hannon Law Group, LLP Patton Boggs, LLP


t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Columbus School of Law Matching Gift Companies AARP Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld Aon Foundation Arnold & Porter LLP AT&T Higher Education/Cultural Matching Gift Program Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP Covington & Burling LLP Deloitte Foundaton Dow Jones & Company eBay Foundation Edison International Ernst & Young Foundation Exxon Mobil Foundation Fannie Mae Foundation Freddie Mac Foundation

GEICO IBM Corporation National Benefits Service Center Johnson & Johnson The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Marsh & McLennan, Inc. McGuireWoods LLP The Morrison Foerster Foundation Mowry International Group, LLC The Northrop Grumman Foundation PACCAR Foundation Rose Real Estate Schering-Plough Foundation Scripps Howard Foundation Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP Sprint Foundation Matching Gift Program Sullivan & Cromwell, LLP Verizon Foundation Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program Wiley Rein, LLP Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP

Started in October 2006, the Annual Giving Leadership Council comprises alumni and parents of students. These individuals are selected by the University to this volunteer group through their dedication to the further the success of the university. Through their efforts for reaching out to thank CUA donors to the Annual Fund, the council members – who have themselves each made a recent leadership gift to the University – are also speaking to alumni, parents and friends of the University about giving. We thank them for their tireless dedication in making the experience of every alumnus and friend to the University even richer.

CO-CHAIRS William P. McInerney, Esquire, ’77 and Maryrose H. McInerney, Ph.D., ’78 Franklin Lakes, NJ

MEMBERS David A. Bottegal ’79, ’09 and Phyllis J. Bottegal ’79, ’09 Silver Spring, MD

Lee Ann Joiner Brady ’78 Skillman, NJ

Mark L. Giuliani, AIA, M.Arch. ’90 Potomac, MD

Susan M. Conway ’11 Birmingham, MI

Brian F. Kennedy, Esquire, ’82, ’92 Kensington, MD

Joseph A. Giordano ’85 and Kelly K. Giordano ’87 Annapolis, MD

Sharon B. Kenny, Ph.D., ’76, ’13 Bethesda, MD

Richard T. Girards, Jr., Esquire, ’01 and Elizabeth E. Cashin, Esquire, MSW, ’02 Stirling, NJ

Michael E. Pegg ’91 and Kimberly Tierney Pegg ’92 Gladwyne, PA

YOUNG ALUMNI ASSOCIATES Nicholas W. Berg ’09 Dover, NJ Brendan R. Martin ’06 Washington, DC

Academic Deans Randall Ott, M.Arch. School of Architecture & Planning

Charles C. Nguyen, D.Sc. School of Engineering

Sara M. Thompson, Ph.D. Metropolitan College

Patricia McMullen, Ph.D., J.D., CNP, CRNP School of Nursing

Lawrence R. Poos, Ph.D. School of Arts & Sciences

Veryl Victoria Miles, J.D. Columbus School of Law

Grayson Wagstaff, Ph.D. Benjamin T. Rome School of Music

Reverand Kurt Pritzl, O.P., Ph.D. School of Philosophy

Reverend Robert Kaslyn, J.C.D. School of Canon Law

Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Interim School of Library and Information Sciences

James R. Zabora, Sc.D. National Catholic School of Social Service

Monsignor Kevin Irwin, S.T.D. School of Theology and Religious Studies

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Gift Planning Advisory Council

School of Engineering Executive Development Board


The gift planning program at CUA seeks to unify the needs of donors with those of the university in mutually beneficial ways. The Gift Planning Advisory Council is a group of volunteers who help promote giving opportunities at CUA, and offer insights on the techniques and benefits of particular gift types. The members of this group bring a wealth of expertise in the areas of financial, tax and estate planning, as well as business development and marketing. By selflessly giving of their time and talents, they promote the mission of CUA and its status as the national university of the Catholic Church in the United States.

The School of Engineering’s Executive Development Board is responsible for strategic planning and fund development. In 2007, Dean Charles Nguyen invited a cadre of exemplary alumni to help plan a 21st-century engineering education at The Catholic University of America. Board members meet every two months, on campus and by conference call, traveling from across the United States. Each member makes a yearly annual gift to support the School’s strategic plan.

Gift Planning Advisory Committee Diana H. Acuff Hanahan, SC

Martin D. Jacobs, C.P.A., ’96 Edgewater, MD

Brendan T. O’Reilly ’97 Yardley, PA

Guillermo Garcia ’95 Arlington, VA

Michael P. Jacobs, CFP Rockville, MD 20852

Sebastian Pawlowski ’96 Falls Church, VA

Elizabeth Sullivan, C.F.P., ’83 Fairfax, VA

Trevor A. D’Souza ’87 Whitefish Bay, WI

School of Architecture & Planning Advisory Board Dean Randall Ott founded an Advisory Board soon after he arrived at the School of Architecture and Planning in 2003. This board assists the dean in academic planning and alumni engagement. Members of the board have launched new graduate programs in real estate development, city and regional planning and sustainable design. The board’s commitment to architectural education is unwavering.


Mr. G. William Calomiris, A.I.A., ’72 Washington, DC

Mr. Michael M. Gick Arlington, VA

Mr. Demetri P. Koutrouvelis ’92 Washington, DC

Mr. Jonathan J. Penney, AIA, ’97 Bethesda, MD

Mr. Orlando Diaz-Azcuy ’63 San Francisco, CA

Mr. Mark L. Giuliani ’90 Potomac, MD

Mr. Richard C. Lessard, AIA, ’74 Sperryville, VA

Mr. Paul A. Perini ’92 Hagerstown, MD

Mr. Andrew H. Diem ’73 Washington, DC

Rick E. Gonzalez, AIA, ’84, ’85 Juno Beach, FL

Mr. Robert L. Mackie ’75 Annapolis, MD

Mrs. Stephanie Wagner Persico ’74 Fulton, MD

Mr. Christopher M. Dolan ’95 San Francisco, CA

Meral Iskir, AIA, ’73 Bethesda, MD

Michael Lewis Marshall, AIA, ’80 Washington, DC

Walter D. Ramberg, AIA Sparks, MD

C.R. George Dove, FAIA, ’72 Vienna, VA

Franklin J. Kaye, AIA, ’85 Annapolis, MD

John Patrick McCaffrey, AIA, FCSI, CCS, ’67 San Francisco, CA

Mr. Philip A. Stevens ’58 Silver Spring, MD

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Matthew J. Burns, PE, ’80 Chair Exton, PA

John R. Heisse II, Esquire, ’76 Sausalito, CA

Mark A. Peacock ’83 Hinsdale, IL

Barbara C. Wagner ’80 Aliso Viejo, CA

Thomas E. Lauz ’76, ’79 Springfield, VA

Vincent N. Sirca ’83 Fairfax Station, VA

Charles C. Nguyen, D.Sc. Dean, School of Engineering Washington, DC

Brien F. Morgan ’87 McLean, VA

School of Philosophy Advisory Board

The Board of Advisors for the School of Philosophy provides strategic counsel and fundraising support for academic programs, faculty development and scholarly achievement. The Dean of the School is assisted by this 18-member Board, which is comprised of business leaders and accomplished professionals from a multitude of backgrounds and areas of expertise. Presently, the Board is engaged in a project that honors and memorializes Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and his influence on the teaching of Philosophy while a professor at The Catholic University of America (1926-1950) and during his famous “Life is Worth Living” television series. Kenneth E. Archer ’84 Washington, DC

James D. Johnston Bethesda, MD

Jacques J. Moore McLean, VA

Michael Sullivan Mt. Victoria, MD

Jayne Gilbride Bauer, J.D. Ho Ho Kus, NJ

Emily Mahony Washington, DC

Michael Novak Washington, DC

Barbara Weisz New York, NY

Mary Ellen Bork ’80 McLean, VA

The Honorable Raymond J. McGrath McLean, VA

The Honorable Edward F. Reilly Jr. Bethesda, MD

David Wroe Osterville, MA

John J. Castellani Washington, DC

Paul McHugh, M.D. Baltimore, MD

Catharine M. Ryan Pittsburgh, PA

Stephen M. Younger, Ph.D., ’73 Las Vegas, NV

Jane N. Haher, M.D., ’62 New York, NY

Margaret B. Melady, Ph.D. Washington, DC

Mark Ryland, Esquire, ’04 Great Falls, VA r e p o rt to d o n o r s


Board of Trustees 2010-2011

The civil charter and the Bylaws place in the Board of Trustees ultimate responsibility for governance and sole responsibility for fiscal affairs of the University. The Board’s membership is limited to fifty persons. The Chancellor, who is the Archbishop of Washington, and the President are members ex officio. The remaining forty-eight (except for those cardinals who are diocesan bishops) serve for a specific term. Of those forty-eight, twenty-four shall be clerics of the Roman Catholic Church and twenty-four shall be laypersons. Additionally, at least eighteen of the clerical members must be members of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Board holds scheduled meetings four times each year. Its Executive Committee meets during intervals between Board meetings and on call by the Chairman and is empowered to act for the Board.


Carl A. Anderson New Haven, CT

Leo A. Daly III Washington, DC

Archbishop Philip M. Hannan, Trustee Emeritus Covington, LA

Archbishop John J. Myers Newark, NJ

Bishop Robert J. Banks, Trustee Emeritus Green Bay, WI

Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo Houston, TX

Stephen J. Kaneb South Hampton, NH

Archbishop John C. Nienstedt St. Paul, MN

Richard D. Banziger, Vice Chairman New York, NY

Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan New York, NY

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz Louisville, KY

Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien Baltimore, MD

Nancy J. Bidwill, Trustee Emeritus Paradise Valley, AZ

Thomas J. Donnelly, Esquire, Trustee Emeritus Pittsburgh, PA

Alden J. Laborde, Trustee Emeritus New Orleans, LA

Anne E. O’Donnell, M.D. Arlington, VA

Toni M. Bischoff, Trustee Emeritus Columbus, OH

Bishop Thomas G. Doran Rockford, IL

Bishop Paul S. Loverde Arlington, VA

Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted Phoenix, AZ

Lee Ann Joiner Brady Skillman, NJ

Monsignor Edward J. Duncan, Trustee Emeritus Champaign, IL

Monsignor Paul A. Lenz, Trustee Emeritus Washington, DC

Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap. Braintree, MA

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge Raleigh, NC

Frederick R. Favo Oakmont, PA

Philip D. Lewis, Trustee Emeritus Riviera Beach, FL

Helene C. O’Neil, Trustee Emeritus Bethesda, MD

Timothy R. Busch, Esquire Irvine, CA

Sister Margaret Mary Fitzpatrick, S.C. Sparkill, NY

Cardinal Roger Mahony Los Angeles, CA

William G. Parrett New Canaan, CT

Joseph L. Carlini Malvern, PA

John Garvey, President Washington, DC

Bishop Gregory J. Mansour Brooklyn, NY

Bishop Joseph A. Pepe Las Vegas, NV

Archbishop Robert J. Carlson St. Louis, MO

Cardinal Francis E. George, O.M.I. Chicago, IL

Timothy J. May, Esquire, Trustee Emeritus Washington, DC

Neil J. Rauenhorst Tampa, FL

Robert F. Comstock, Esquire Washington, DC

Edward W. Gillespie Alexandria, VA

Bishop Robert J. McManus Worcester, MA

Cardinal Justin F. Rigali Philadelphia, PA

Bishop Edward P. Cullen Allentown, PA

Archbishop José H. Gómez Los Angeles, CA

James Moye Fairfield, CT

Andrea Roane Washington, DC

Bishop Thomas V. Daily, Trustee Emeritus Douglaston, NY

Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory Atlanta, GA

Mark A. Murray Grand Rapids, MI

Monsignor Walter R. Rossi Washington, DC

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Timothy C. Scheve Philadelphia, PA

Victor P. Smith, Esquire Burlingame, CA

Anthony A. Williams, Esquire Washington, DC

Archbishop Francis B. Schulte, Trustee Emeritus New Orleans, LA

Anthony R. Tersigni St. Louis, MO

Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl, Chancellor Washington, DC

Rodger D. Shay Miami, FL

Mark H. Tuohey III, Esquire Washington, DC

Frank G. Persico, Secretary of the Board Fulton, MD

Vincent A. Sheehy, Trustee Emeritus Fairfax, VA

Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, Chairman Detroit, MI

Van P. Smith, Trustee Emeritus Muncie, IN

Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski Miami, FL

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Senior Officers and Administrators John H. Garvey President James F. Brennan, Ph.D. Provost Cathy Wood, M.F.A. Vice President for Finance and Treasurer Susan D. Pervi, M.A. Vice President for Student Life


Frank G. Persico, M.A., ’74, ’76 Vice President for University Relations and Chief of Staff Robert M. Sullivan, Ed.M. Vice President for University Development W. Michael Hendricks, Ed.D. Vice President for Enrollment Management

t h e cat h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i ca

Victor Nakas, Ph.D. Associate Vice President for Public Affairs

Sarah Phelps, J.D. Associate Vice President and General Counsel

Carl A. Petchik, M.Arch, M.CRP Associate Vice President for Administration and Facilities Operations

Reverend Jude DeAngelo, O.F.M., Conv. University Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry

Christine Peterson, B.S., SPHR Associate Vice President/ Chief Human Resources Officer

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