The Arc of Prince George's County Annual Report

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annual report 2007

six questions a lifetime of answers and support where do i turn? can i be included? what happens when the school bus doesn’t come? when can i move out? do you hear me? what happens when i’m no longer here?

question number one

dear friends of the arc: Just as in the popular game show Jeopardy, sometimes the right answers are the questions. That is what the Board of Directors and Staff of The Arc found as we spent 2007 developing and implementing our new strategic plan. As we delved into the essence of our association, we kept coming back to the many questions that Martin Lampe, President

linger in the hearts of people with developmental disabilities and their families.

Where do I turn? Caring for a person with a developmental disability often seems daunting and overwhelming. What do you do when you don’t know what to do? Who will help you through your day? The Arc of Prince George’s County helps guide families through life’s choices beginning at infancy and throughout the years. The Arc provides opportunities through workshops and networking with other families, developing lifetime bonds of mutual support. The Arc’s Respite Home provides relief from life’s daily caregiving stresses. From infancy, through the school years, and on into adulthood, The Arc offers a lifetime of support, understanding, and opportunities.

This report addresses The Arc’s response to six of the most profound questions posed - Where do I turn? Can I be included? What happens when the school bus doesn’t come? When can I move out? Do you hear me? What happens when I am no longer here? Our effort to answer these questions led to the development of our newly revised mission statement – The Arc of Prince George’s County … offering a lifetime of support, understanding and opportunities for people with developmental disabilities Mac Ramsey, Executive Director

and their families. The answers also set us on a new course to expand services for children and young families; transform our adult day services; create new community partnerships; improve our communications; and diversify our funding base. The Year 2007 was a year of reflection and direction. Many of you participated in both of these processes. Thank you for helping us formulate the questions we must answer to meet the needs of the people we support. We hope you enjoy the report! Sincerely,

Martin Lampe

Mac Ramsey


Executive Director

William Polanin talks with his mother Julie. William and his twin sister Elizabeth both have autism. The road ahead is paved with uncertainty, but the Polanins have turned to The Arc to help them with their journey. Julie says, “In the beginning, it’s all about the diagnosis. Then, it’s all about how you are going to live your lives to the fullest!” photos on this page courtesy of mark samuel photography

photo courtesy of mark samuel photography

question number three

What happens when the school bus doesn’t come? At age 21, mandated state educational services end. What happens next? The Arc of Prince George’s County works to help families plan for the future by offering a series of transition workshops and assisting families in applying for all available benefits and services. The Arc offers a wide array of supported employment and daytime opportunities so everyone can enjoy a meaningful day in the adult world.

Gabriela Rodriguez loves playing dress-up and adores dancing. Her dream of being a ballerina is coming true as she learns ballet with her friends at the Bowie Community Center. Gabby’s mother, Norma says, “The Arc is one of the best things that has happened to our family.” The Rodriguez family has broadened their knowledge at Arc sponsored workshops and was also able to purchase a communication keyboard for Gabby last year through The Arc’s Rolling Access Program.

question number two

can i be included? People with developmental disabilities are often excluded from the normal routines and rhythms of everyday life. The Arc of Prince George’s County works with schools, day care centers, community organizations, and employers to help build inclusive learning, recreational, and employment opportunities for everyone. A new initiative this year is The Arc’s childcare partnership with the YMCA that creates an environment for children with and without disabilities to learn and play together. Jason Scindian organizes a bulk mailing at the Office Skills Training Program. Jason has learned a whole new set of skills in the Office Skills Training Program. He now types 69 words per minute and is ready to enter the work force!

photo courtesy of mark samuel photography

question number five

Do you hear me? Sometimes people with developmental disabilities feel as though their voices are lost in the crowd. Who will listen and who will respond? The Arc of Prince George’s County is listening by providing services that are tailored to match personal needs and desires. The Arc is helping to make people’s voices heard through self-advocacy groups like People On The Go. Even when people cannot speak, The Arc is listening in nontraditional ways, so people’s wishes, dreams, and desires can be heard.

Pamela Gibson sits outside of her beautiful home in Upper Marlboro. Pamela receives supports through The Arc’s Residential Program. She loves watching cooking shows on T.V., and puts what she learns into practice in her own kitchen! She says, “I love coming home.”

question number four

When can I move out? There comes a time when most people want to move out of their parents’ home and set up their own. The Arc of Prince George’s County offers numerous programs to help people reach this goal. Through Residential Services, Community Supported Living Arrangements, and Individual Support Services, people with developmental disabilities are living valuable, productive lives throughout Prince George’s County. Tiana Bates and Antonio Benton swim at the aquatic center in Laurel. Antonio Benton has attended The Arc’s Bridges Program for the past 13 years. He enjoys going on trips and is an avid CNN watcher. Tiana Bates has worked at Bridges for the past four years. Communicating on all levels is important to Tiana. She says, “I have really learned a lot from Antonio over the years.”

photo courtesy of mark samuel photography

Bob Ziepolt enjoys a moment with his daughter Elsie. Bob was one of the founders and the first president of The Arc of Prince George’s County. Elsie has been a volunteer worker at the Bowie Senior Center for the past twenty-two years. She also loves her job at Chick fil-A.

question number six

What happens when I’m no longer here? This painful question languishes in the hearts of all parents of children with developmental disabilities. The Arc of Prince George’s County helps answer this question by offering a lifetime of support, understanding, and opportunities. While change is inevitable, The Arc will endure and be there for generations to come. The Arc’s quality services, advocacy, national presence, and family-based board of directors provide the confidence parents need to assure their child’s future is bright.

board of directors Martin Lampe—President Maureen Blasko—Vice President Melanie Townshend—Secretary Wanda Rogers—Treasurer Paul Bauer—Immediate Past President

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Ernst & Young, LLP Gilbane Building Company U.S. Treasury Department NJVC – LLC Information Technology Solutions

Dennis Braden Marie Brayman Paula Farmer Genevive Goodman Michael McLaughlin Norma Morales Eric Moy Craig Parker Juanita Pughsley Steve Pyles Yvette Smith Selena Swilling Patricia Ulf Susan Vadala Grace Williams

Goddard Space Flight Center Family Advocate Raytheon Solipsys Montgomery County Public Schools Family Advocate Puebla Construction, Inc. HOK Design Firm Catholic University of America Prince George’s County Public Schools Pyles Financial Services EduSerc – Educators Serving the Community Prince George’s County Public Schools University of Maryland Family Advocate The Parents’ Place of Maryland

staff leadership Mac Ramsey Mary Funk Tom Brown Todd Carton Andrea Kolp Emmanuel Adeyemi Ann Brady Becky Carter Lasan Crispin Jill Davis Megan Jefferson Kimberley Njowusi Penny Parker Kelly Shaner Angela Sykes Michael Visloskie Christina Varga Audrey Weaver

Executive Director Deputy Executive Director Associate Executive Director, Program Services Associate Executive Director, Administration and Finance Associate Executive Director, Program Services Director, Temple Hills Center Director, Bridges of Largo Center Director, Community Supports Director, Children’s Services Director, Infants and Toddlers’ Program Director, Quality Assurance Director, Laurel Center Director, Southern Residential Services Director, Northern Residential Services Director, Accounting Services Director, Largo Center Director, Employment Services Director, Human Resources

Staff Honored at the Annual Membership Meeting 5 years of service Brigid Avery Isatu Bah Antoinette Battle Donnell Becketts Bosede Bello Doreen Brown Lawrence Ceasar Cynthia Collins Lasan Crispin Rodney Davies Salieu Deen Cheryl Garry Nona Green Jean Harshaw

Gloria Hotten Sharon Iseli Thelma Johnson Patricia Kelly Lydia Leith-True Katrina Little Gloria Lyday Camillus Madu Lauren Morgan Grace Osunjimi Melissa Phillips Selena Roberts Raquel Smalls Bernetta Smith

Isha Thomas Lana Thomas Joseph True

Kpandi Sheppard Theleia Taylor Keishia Walker-Fells

10 years of service

15 years of service

Jean Gray Bessie Hines Zelma Hinton Vicky Lacey Margaret Maimo Kimberley Njowusi Lawretta Obodo Doris Penn Phillip Quansah

Tanya Alston Jacqueline Anderson

the arc society


The Arc Society 2007 is comprised of individuals and businesses that provide significant financial support to The Arc during the year. Arc Society membership can be gained three different ways. Legacy Members have designated The Arc as a beneficiary in their estate plans. Sustaining Members provide total contributions of $500 or more, and Horizon Members contribute a minimum of $250 to the Endowment Fund.

20 years of service Felicia Myers Martha Thompson

Felicia Myers began working for The Arc’s Day Program twenty years ago. She soon moved to Employment Services where she has been working ever since. She is now the Program Administrator for Supported Employment. Over the past twenty years Martha Thompson has worked in multiple capacities at The Arc—Employment Services, Residential Services, and in Day Services! Martha currently works at the Temple Hills Day Program.

Felicia Myers

James & Phyllis Hall


Bruce & Corky Andrews

Lorraine Handzo

Pat & Betsey Petit

Maxwell & Helen Ballanger

Catherine Hawkins

Mac & Debbie Ramsey

Adduci, Mastriani & Schaumberg LLP Bruce & Corky Andrews

Paul & Mary Alyce Bauer

Eugene & Betty Hawkins

Ray & Mitzi Revels

Sandi Berenbaum

Sandi Berenbaum

Hays Companies

Mildred Rogers

Bilmin Company

Don & Joanne Blakley

Nicholas & Irene Hluchyj

Carroll & Louanna Sturm

Don & Joanne Blakley

William & Donna Bryant

Household Finance Corporation

Kenneth & Lucille Taylor

Todd Carton

Todd Carton

Perry & Teresa Iannaconi

Woodrow & Melanie Townshend

Thomas & Mary Dugan

Standing Committee

Gilmore & Orgile Clark

Jefferson Leasing


William & Ruth Eicher

Megan Jefferson, Chair Corky Andrews Joanne Blakley Betsey Petit Lina Zubi

Ruth Coates

Johnny’s Auto Service

Kevin Collison

Thurmus & Evelyn King

Legacy Members

The Columbia Bank

Knights of Columbus

Estate of Robert Adams

Eugene & Betty Hawkins

Frank & Barbara Compitello

Martin & Barbara Lampe

Bruce & Corky Andrews

Hays Companies

Sidney & Lois Cox

Richard & Evelyn Lee

Sally Boarman

Nicholas & Irene Hluchyj

Suzanne Dixon

Mary Jo McGovern

Gilmore & Orgile Clark

Kenneth Jenkins

Louis Doroba, MetLife

Thomas & Mary Dugan

Martin & Barbara Lampe

Thomas & Mary Dugan

Mercantile Place #1 Limited Partnership

Warren & Mary Funk

Robert & Florence Ochinero

Estate of Kemper Hensley

William Ohge, Sr.

Marta Jones

Sharon Parsons

Estate of Anton Kragh

Wesley & Connie Paulson

Ellen Markham

Mac & Debbie Ramsey

Beatrice Rodgers

Ray & Mitzi Revels

2007 Arc Committees Finance Committee

Paul Bauer George Hoehl Kim Njowusi Craig Parker Betsey Petit Pat Petit Marianne Tropp

Mo Blasko, Chair Todd Carton George Hoehl Martin Lampe Mac Ramsey Angela Sykes

LRE Education Committee Melonee Clark, Chair Lillie Bond Meg Dillman Mary Funk Dwayne Jones Michael McLaughlin Judy Terle

Residential Quality Assurance Committee Megan Jefferson, Chair George Hoel Evelyn King Tim McCoy William Ohge Jr. Steve Pyles Mitzi Revels

Horizon Members

James Allotey, MetLife

Martha Thompson

Bowling Bash Committee

Sustaining Members

Golf Tournament Committee

Sarah Petit Fund Committee

Sarah Earwicker

Eric & Marylove Moy

Susan Eicher

Johnny Harrison, Chair Bruce Andrews Paul Bauer Genevive Goodman George Hoehl Mitzi Revels Marianne Tropp

Martin Lampe, Chair Ann Brady Evelyn King Kimberley Njowusi Betsey Petit Pat Petit

William & Ruth Eicher

Mullen, Sondberg, Wimbish & Stone William & Jane Mullins

Ernst & Young LLP Marilyn Farrell William & Linda Fern Fulton Financial Advisors Warren & Mary Funk Clifford & Mary George Helen Goldsmith

John & Mary O’Connor Robert & Florence Ochinero

Warren & Mary Funk James & Phyllis Hall

Mildred Rogers

Craig & Betsy Parker

Nancy Skibbie

Henry Parker

Kenneth & Lucille Taylor

Sharon Parsons

Robert Ziepolt

Wesley & Connie Paulson

supporters of the arc Between $250 and $499

Between $100 and $249

Alvin Bean

Gerald Adams

Jo Handley & Kurt Wiegand

Anita Pottinger

Northrop Grumman

Joseph Handzo and Elizabeth Youmans

Tom Schuessler

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bean


Peggy & Mike Haney

Principal Financial Group

Abbott Laboratories

James Hartsock

Marin Scordato

Bethlehem House Inc.

Morris & Amy Antonelli

Mr. & Mrs. George Harding

Steve & Tami Radov

Abiola Adeyemi

Mr. & Mrs. William Heath

Edsel Shaffer

Praxedes Belandres

Catherine Hawkins

Donna Richardson

Jackie Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Everett Hodge, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sims

Herta Clark

Kathryn Bender

June Hession

Elderberry Richardson

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Anzelone

Mr. & Mrs. George Hoehl

Dorothy Skok

Denise Coleman

Rev. James Betz

Charles Hix

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Rickett

Lucinda Beamer

William & Maria Huffer

Patricia Smith

Michael & Kathleen Curtin

Mark Biggins

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Horner

Beatrice Rodgers

John Benedetto

Marta Jones

Robin Smith


Mark Biron

Anne Hunter

Ralph & Monica Rohner

Neome Goodman Berg

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Julien

Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Smith

Paul Dorley

Carolyn Bissell

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hunter

James Roscher

William Bird and Jean Minor

John & Patricia Kelly

Yvette Smith

Edward & Beth Frankovic, Jr.

Eleanor Bissell

Barres Jackson

Rotary Club of Beltsville Foundation

Georgina Blaine

William Kelly

Dawn Sobol

Marian Hamby

David & Mary Blake

Charles Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan

Sonja Blair

Heather Kennedy

Sheldon & Barbara Steinbach

Mr. & Mrs. Roland Blandford

Jones Memorial Methodist Church

Eileen & Jim Sarsfield

Catherine & James Blazek

Mr. & Mrs. Leroy King

Mary & Joseph Stilwell

Dagmar Hering

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Bohner

Mr. & Mrs. Willam Kaplin

The Honorable Ronald & Peggy Schiff

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Blazek

Mr. & Mrs. Robert King

Mr. & Mrs. James Stockton

Human Services Benefit Company

Bowie Civitan Club

Mary Kilbride

Marion Schock

John & Sally Boyle

Knights of Columbus

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Taub

Patti Brothers

Mr. & Mrs. Marc Kolp

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Southerland

Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Braden

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kusek

Dorothy Taybron


Jeffrey & Candace Bryant

Alvin & Gail Kushner

Greg Stack & Gabrielle Boccher

Marlyne & Stan Braverman

Vita La Mora

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Taylor

Charlotte Jackson


La Guadalupana Store

Elinor Stillman

Frances & Marcus Brillantine

Kathy Labukas

Tony & Margaret Thibodeaux

Amy & John Jones

Calmra, Inc.

David Lay

Robert Sullivan

Elizabeth Burley

Mr.& Mrs. David Long

Annemarie Thompson

Knights of Columbus, Council 12524

Capital Construction Group

Mr. & Mrs. Guydo Lehner

Henry Tetrault

Claire Cargill

David Luce

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Thornton

Ravindra Kumar

Eileen Carzon

David Lipton

Mr & Mrs James Timony

Tara Carpenter

Rett & Anna Ludwikowski

James & Lauren Traer

Masonry Paving Company

Chesapeake Petroleum

Brian MacLean

Rollanda Tinney

Theresa Cartagirone

Martha Marshall

John Twerago

Kathy McLaughlin

Cynthia & Rich Carol Brunner

Winfred Harris

Between $50 and $99

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ciesielski, Jr.

Margaret Brent School

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Vadala

Leona Cizek

Gwendolen Marshman

Patricia Ulf

Melwood Horticultural Training Center, Inc.

Francis & Mary Ellen Clark

Helen McCormick

Philip Venable

Dorothy Cole

Lisa Matthews-Martin

Elizabeth Van Nort

Mr. & Mrs. David Clink

Wanda Mcculley

Verizon Foundation

Tobi Colvin-Snyder

Mr. & Mrs. James McDermott

Violeta Vasquez

Martha Myers

Cheryl Collins

Joyce & Winslow McGill

Richard Weil

H. Louise Coomes

Mr. & Mrs. John McKenna

William Wade

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Newman, Sr.

Tina Contee

Scott Millar

Marcia Whitehead

Christopher Cowen

G.G. McNeirney-Rewalt

Elaine Walter

William Ohge, Sr.

Earl Copus

Matt & Jen Moore

Yon Wiegand

Katherine Dann

Lisa Miller Delity

Bonnie Warnken

Sharon & John Oldenburg

Candace Crews

Steve Morgan

James Yorke

Cresencia & Rogelio David

MNCPPC Special Programs Division

Deborah Weber

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP


Patrick Mullaney

Zenart Carpet Cleaning

Len Davidson

Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Morales

Betty Whitney

Stephen & Polly Parker

Daniels & Daniels

Mylestone Plans

Mr. & Mrs. James Davis

Michele Morgan

Patrick & Cathy Wood

Paula Proctor

James & Patricia Davis

Barbara Nash

Jospeh Deady

Charles & Clare Murnane

Jonathan Yewdell

Steve Pyles

Kathy & Phil Debenham

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nichols

Jill Duffy

Allen Murray

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Zaleski

Quality Auto Parts

Eugene Ebel

Michael & Ann Noone

David & Barbara Emanuel

Travis & Kathryn Nelson

Resource Connections of PGC, Inc.

Michele Einolf

Rev. David O’Connell

Brian Ferme

Georgia Niedzielko

Richard J. Princinsky & Associates

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farmer

Margret O’Donnell

Chelsea Fore

Henry & Uchenna Obichere

Elizabeth Scorsune

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Finnance

Mr. & Mrs. Ed Partington

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Fung

Ken Pennington

Ellen Scully

Myrtle Fisher

Past & Present Towing

Debra Gallagher

Anne Petersen

Harold Sharlin

Deborah Fore

Vjekoslav & Marijela Pavlin

Anna George

Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Phillips

Lucia Silecchia

Maria Foster

Pediatric Therapy Associates, LLC

Mary Anne Gibbons

Loretta Powers

Nancy & Lawrence Skibbie

William & Joanna Gandy

Robert Peffley

Jerome Gilchrist

George Ramsey

Technical Specialties Inc.

John & Nancy Gardner

David & Janette Pekar

Sue Goliber

Wanda Rogers

The CIMA Companies, Inc.

Deborah & Gary Gibian

Peter & Susan Pervi

Grainger, W.W. Inc.

Robert Mack & Ruth Remmers

Cynthia Thomas

Francis Gignac

Michael Petit

Tom Goldsmith

Pamela & Chet Phillips

Grand Chapter Order of Eastern Star, D.C.

Dr. & Mrs. Aboki Samu

Mark Wurzbacher Mike Yocum

Bill Groves

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pollock

George Guthrie

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schlagel

Carol Scarlett

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you feel there is an error, please contact our Development Office at 301-925-7050.

united way/cfc donors

finances 2007

Barbara Adams

Herb Dantzler

Suzanne Hubbard

Jerry Mansfield

Treena Stancil


Michael Ahearn

Linda Dark

Sharon Hunt

Veerendra Mathur

Joycelyn Stephens

State of MD Program Service Fees

Eno Aka

Gary Davis

Irene Huskens

Thomas Medlock

Tanikia Strawder

Gwendolyn Anderson

Jill Davis

Heidi Hyatt

Tonjua Menefee

Shirine Baker

Cecelia Dill

IBM Corporation

Lita Barboza

Suzanne Dixon

Brenda Barnette



Prince George’s County



State of MD Program Service Fees (88%)

Calvin Stuntz

Program consumer fees



Prince George’s County (8%)

John Mohler

Shirley Stuntz

Fundraising / Thrift Store



Crystal Jackson

Lynne Monastero

Angela Sykes




Laverne Dorset

Darcel Jackson

Charlotte Montague

Dianna Thaxton



Bosede Bello

Mary Beth Dugan

Tara Jardine

Karen Thomas

Dedra Billings

Deborah Farley

Joyce Johnson

Montgomery County Government

Sally Boarman

Kathleen Fern

Mary Johnson

Kimberley Njowusi

Melanie Townshend Woodrow Townshend

Lesley Boyd

William Fink

Melinda Jones

Ann Brady

Mary Fisher

Ricarda Jones

William Ohge

Marianne Tropp

Daniel Kaczmarski

Betty-Jean Oladapo

Christina Varga Michael Visloskie

Quintessa Fuller Campbell

Phillip Brogsdale

Mary Funk

Mary Kapral

Herman Brown

Francis Greer IV

Eileen Keiper

Penny Parker

Richard Vondrak

Moizza Khan

James Peterson

Jeffrey Wagner

Expenses by Category

Steven Kirchoefer

Betsey Petit

Janet Walker

Salaries and Benefits

Kimberly Phelps

Wilma Walter


Sonja Carmichael

David Haberman Deirdra Hailes

Fundraising / Thrift Store (2.5%)





Rebecca Carter

David Hall

Andrea Kolp

Debbie Carthorn

Catherine Hawkins

Donna Kramer

Mac Ramsey

James Whitlow

Assistance to Clients



Anthony Cheatham

Cynthia Hedgepeth

Martin Lampe

Beatrice Rodgers

Gail Whitman




Makesha Clark

Marguerite Henry

Mary Lee

Wanda Rogers

Enid Williams




Melonee Clark Ruth Coates

Oscar Hernandez Nicholas Hluchyj

Rojas Lopez

Lisa Scarlett

Melvin Williams

General Operating

Gloria Lyday

Joycelyn Scriber

Paula Wood


Lina Zubi

Cheryl Collins

Marybeth Hoelk

Bernina McGee Giese

Cecelia Smith

Stewart Daley

Jennifer Hooper

Valencia Mabry

Cynthia Spiller-Goodman

memorial and honorarium gifts In memory of: Estate of Robert Adams Helen Danish Anna George Marguerita Gignac

June Hession Virginia Miller

Evelyn Oster

Warren Davis

Sarah Petit

Brian Ellis

Elizabeth Wilkinson




Salaries and Benefits (69%) 4%

Facilities (11%)




Assistance to Clients (8%) 11%

Travel (4%) Supplies (3%) 69%

General Operating (5%)

Expenses by Program

In honor of: Estate of Kemper Hensley

Program consumer fees (4%)

Other (1.5%)

Elin-Marie Papantones

Doreen Brown

4% 88%

Faye Tibbs

Joesph Nwude

Lisa Brady

2.5% 1.5%


Martin Finnance Catherine Higgins




Family Services



Vocational / Day Services








Transportation Fundraising / Thrift Store Management and General Total



Family Services (18%)


Vocational / Day Services (16%) 16%



Employment (7%)



Transportation (5%)



Residential (45%)

Fundraising / Thrift Store (1%) 18%

Management and General (8%)

The audited financial statements are available for public review during business hours at The Arc Building, 1401 McCormick Drive, Largo, Maryland.


1401 McCormick Drive Largo, MD 20774 phone: 301-925-7050 fax: 301-925-4387

In 2007, The Arc… • served 2,707 individuals • offered information and referral to 1,100 people • hosted 37 workshops attended by 600 • provided case management services to 595 children and families • assisted 463 individuals with in-home supports • engaged 200 individuals in recreational activities • supported 130 individuals in 44 homes throughout the county • facilitated day supports and employment services for 322 people • employed a staff of 452


Cert no. XXX-XXX-000

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