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parthenios architects +associates

PARTHENIOS architects+associates based in Athens, Thessaloniki and Chania, offer a broad range of premium design and construction services to distinguished clients since 1974. Their projects include private residences, hotels and resorts, office buildings, housing complexes, museums, industrial buildings, housing complexes, exhibition spaces and landscape design. What distinguishes their office is not so much the types of projects they undertake, as it is their philosophy towards them: regardless its type, each project stands out for its unique idea –selected among a large number of alternative explored solutions–, its functionality, aesthetics and construction quality. Bioclimatic architecture and technology integration are crucial in their design decisions. Their projects have been distinguished in international competitions, exhibitions and awards. Panos Parthenios is a professor of Digital Technologies in Architectural Design at the School of Architecture, TUC, since 2009. He serves as the director of the Digital Media Lab, and from 2016 until 2020 he served as the director of the Post Graduate Studies Program, where he teaches Advanced Digital Media for Tourism and Information Technology for Cultural Heritage. He has been selected among Europe’s 40 most important emerging young architects for 2009, receiving the "Europe 40 Under 40" award.
www.parthenios.com / T: +30 210 8019217
A new genre of housing in Chania
Architectural design:
Parthenios architects+associates

Location: Chania, Crete
Year: 2022
A new genre of housing with mixed uses in the center of Chania, aimed at covering the post-covid era needs of locals, digital nomads and guests. Each unit embraces a private flexible garden with spaces in-between interior and exterior, ideal for the Mediterranean climate, and shares co-working spaces, open gyms, spa, laundry and other services for the community.
"Villa 13"
Architectural design: Parthenios architects+associates

Location: Kefalari, Kifissia
Year: 2019
Photo credits: Georgios Sfakianakis
The volumes of this private residence on Apollonos Street in Kefalari are the result of three consecutive foldings, which embrace the main spaces of the villa and assist the composition both in turning smoothly around the corner and in climbing the gentle slope, in Kifissia, one of the northern suburbs of Athens. The strict white surfaces of the three foldings engage in a dialogue with the dark gray semi-transparent metal filter towards the south and the west, offering privacy and shade.
"Το ξύπνημα όλων των αισθήσεων μέσω αυθεντικών και διαχρονικών εμπειριών"
Οι Block722 με έδρα την Αθήνα, ιδρύθηκαν το 2009 από τον αρχιτέκτονα Σωτήρη Τσέργα και την interior designer Κάτια Μαργαρίτογλου. Με γνώμονα την ελληνική και τη σκανδιναβική κληρονομιά, καθώς και τη διεπιστημονική εμπειρία, το στούντιο δημιουργεί έργα διαχρονικά με τη δική του μοναδική αισθητική υπογραφή.
Το στούντιο αναλαμβάνει μια ποικιλία έργων σε όλα τα στάδια της αρχιτεκτονικής μελέτης, από το concept design, μέχρι την κατασκευή και την παράδοση. Δίνεται έμφαση στα υλικά υψηλής ποιότητας με μια προσέγγιση που βασίζεται στη χειροτεχνία, σε συνεργασία με τοπικούς τεχνίτες και καλλιτέχνες που ερμηνεύουν το μεσογειακό πνεύμα και τις παραδόσεις τον 21ο αιώνα. Ταυτόχρονα, οι σχεδιαστικές λύσεις από τους Block722 καθοδηγούνται έντονα από τις ανάγκες του κάθε έργου και του εκάστοτε πελάτη. Ως αποτέλεσμα, το στούντιο έχει κερδίσει πολλά σημαντικά βραβεία και έχει παρουσιαστεί ευρέως σε ελληνικά και διεθνή μέσα.