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Ranchito Street and McGirk Avenue
6.3.9 Santa Anita Avenue
Santa Anita Avenue is a large corridor that is nestled between small streets, Ranchito Street and McGirk Avenue, which is located in the western part of the City of El Monte. It borders a mixed-use, mostly residential, partially commercial area that borders the San Gabriel Valley Airport. Given the high speeds, the lack of bicycle facilities, and the numerous conflict points, it is the ideal candidate for Vision Zero projects. Figure 6-13 provides concept level improvements with numbered callouts and corresponding sample pictures below the map. A concept level cost estimate is shown in Table 6-11. Figure 6-13: Santa Anita Avenue Project Sheet: Between Ranchito Street and McGirk Avenue
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Pedestrian Signal Bicycle Priority Lanes High Visability Crosswalk Low-Cost Bulb-Outs Crossing Island Conflict Striping