9 minute read
Community Engagement Overview Community Workshops and Pop-Up
The ATP planning process was conducted in an open and transparent manner to ensure that community members were included throughout the entire course of the project. Community input and involvement were crucial to identify barriers to walking, bicycling, skateboarding, or accessing transit. To achieve that, the community engagement process was designed to include stakeholder education and the involvement of a broad spectrum of stakeholders working towards a common goal, particularly people with little or no experience with civic engagement. Stakeholders included residents, city staff, local advocacy groups, and health organizations. Community Engagement Strategies The five primary community engagement strategies utilized for the ATP were: » Community Workshops and Pop-ups » Project Advisory Team (PAT) » Flyers and Social Media Announcements » Text-based and Map Surveys » Online Engagement Tools These strategies informed the public about the ATP, actively engaging community members and stakeholders in the process, allowing them to provide meaningful input.
Outreach Materials As part of the community engagement process, outreach materials were developed to maximize public participation.
Project Branding In order to be consistent with the City’s branding and graphic requirements, a similar type of branding style was used for this ATP. The project’s branding was used in all outreach materials, including flyers, surveys, online maps, and workshop exhibits.
Flyers and Social Media Announcements Because of Menifee’s diverse population, the project needed to have a variety of outreach methods, including printed media and an online presence. Bilingual flyers were created to promote the five community workshops that took place at various parks and community centers. According to the 2018 American Community Survey, approximately 36 percent of Menifee’s population is Hispanic or Latino. Because of these demographics, both illustrative and online outreach materials were created both in English and Spanish. In addition to this, the project team developed social media messages, including Facebook, to reach out to interested members of the community. Furthermore, meeting notices and other communications were sent via email blast to notify the stakeholders about upcoming meetings and project updates.
ATP logo
Help Us Make Walking and Other Modes of Active Transportation Better in Menifee!
The City of Menifee is undertaking an Active Transportation Plan (ATP) to improve access, mobility, and safety for non-motorized modes of travel, including walking, bicycling, and riding transit.
Join the Public Advisory Team!
• Provide input and feedback to the City and consultant staff regarding non-motorized modes of travel
• Represent the values and viewpoints of the community
• Serve as liaisons by sharing information with your stakeholders, related organizations, and broader networks about project goals and opportunities for involvement
• Plan to attend and encourage others to join us at community wide workshops
We Want to Meet You!
Location: City Hall Council Chambers 29844 Haun Rd. Menifee, CA 92586 Date and Time: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 2pm – 3pm
Let’s Build Safer Streets Together! BENEFITS OF Active Transportation
Reduced Emissions
Increased bicycling and walking reduce fossil fuel emissions. About 5 to 25% of users substitute bike share for cars.
Supplements the Transit System
Alternate modes of transportation can effectively link people to and from transit stops to their origins and destinations.
Improved Health
In addition to the universal public health benefit, such as improved air quality, bicycling and walking has the potential to positively impact personal health.
Social Equity
Alternate modes of transportation have the potential to alleviate issues for disadvantaged populations that are disproportionately impacted by rising transportation costs.
Enhanced Safety
Improved facilities enable safe, comfortable, and attractive access for users of all ages and abilities.
Economic Benefits
More bicycling and walking has also been tied to increases in commercial and residential property values and retail sales.
https://arcg.is/PTG4L Check out our story map and take our online survey today!
Contact Carlos Geronimo at cgeronimo@cityofmenifee.us for more information!
General Comments, Concerns, and Opportunities1 General Comments, Concerns, and Opportunities
3 1
Comment card
Informational handout
Survey A survey was prepared to determine satisfaction levels of current pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, along with desired improvements. The survey asked people a variety of walking, bicycling, equestrian, and public transit questions, and prompted them to provide both general and site-specific comments. Additionally, questions regarding the feasibility of a bikeshare system were also included. Surveys were distributed during the five community workshops, both in English and Spanish. Additionally, an online version was also made available to the public through March 2020. The last community workshop took place on January 30, 2020.
Online Map An online comment map was created as a supplemental input method that Menifee residents and stakeholders could use to highlight location-specific constraints and opportunities. It also provided the opportunity to categorize the type of issues or improvements identified on the map (e.g. bike, pedestrian, transit, etc.) and allowed respondents to attach photos and include comments. All points were automatically geo-referenced and allowed anyone to see where others had similar issues. This platform allowed the team and the City to efficiently document and analyze comments identified by the community.
How would you best describe your relationship with Menifee? (Check all that apply) Resident Property owner Business owner Employee Student Visitor/patron Other
Are there students in the household? If so, what school?2 3 4 5 6
How do you get to work/school/facilities? (Check all that apply) Walk Horse riding Bike Bus Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Vanpool Drive Not applicable Other (please specify)
Do you visit city parks or recreation facilities? If so, how do you get there? (Check all that apply)
Where would you like to see better pedestrian and bicycling routes to? Schools Parks Community centers Transit/bus stops Shopping centers Other (please specify)
How often do you walk in Menifee?
How often do you bike in Menifee? Daily 3-4 days per week 1-2 days per week
A few times a year Never Daily 3-4 days per week 1-2 days per week
A few times a year Never
What would make it easier for you to walk more in Menifee? (Check all that apply)
What would make it easier for you to bike more in Menifee? (Check all that apply) What would make it easier for you to reach transit stops in Menifee? (Check all that apply) Bike lanes on street Bike paths away from Street Lighting Street trees When you walk, bike, or roll, do you do it for: What other methods of transportation/travel so you use? Do you have any additional comments?
Bike parking Bikeshare Other (please specify) Bike Lanes on Street Bike Paths away from Street Lighting Street Trees
Improved Sidewalks Bus Shelters Shuttle service Other (please specify) Wheelchair Pushing stroller Skateboarding Neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV)
Necessity Recreation/fun and staying healthy Equestrian Scooters Roller blading/skating
13 14 7 8 Want to stay informed about the Active Transportation Plan? If so, please provide your email address below. If you prefer, you may provide your phone number instead. Name: Email: Phone:
9 Wider sidewalks Continuous sidewalks Street lighting Street trees/parkways
10 11 12
Marked crosswalks Multi-use path Other (please specify) The Menifee Active Transportation Plan will guide the design of safe, enjoyable and convenient walking and biking options to schools, parks, and other places you would like to go. We encourage additional members in the household to separately participate in the survey! To fill out this survey online, please visit: https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/MenifeeATP
Which of the following groups includes your age? 0-18 19-24 25-45 46-64 65+
What other forms of transportation would encourage you to visit city destinations more frequently? Bikeshare/scooter share Multi-passenger shuttle (i.e. vanpool)
Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Trolley
Walk Horse riding Bike Bus Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) 15 16
Vanpool Drive Not applicable Other (please specify)
5 4
ENCUESTA DE TRANSPORTE ACTIVO¿Cómo describiría su relación con Menifee? (Seleccione todas las opciones que apliquen) Residente Propietario Propietario de negocio Empleado Estudiante Visitante Otro ¿Hay estudiantes en el hogar? De ser así, ¿a qué escuela o universidad asisten? 7
1 ¿Cómo llega al trabajo o a la escuela? (Seleccione todas las opciones que apliquen) ¿Visita los parques o las instalaciones de la ciudad? Si es así, ¿cómo llega? (Seleccione todas las opciones que apliquen) Caminando Equitación Bicicleta Transporte público Vehículo eléctrico de vecindario
Viaje compartido Manejando No aplica Otro (especifique) ¿Dónde le gustaría ver mejores rutas para peatones y ciclistas? (Seleccione todas las opciones que apliquen) Escuelas Parques Centro comunitarios Paradas de tránsito Centro comerciales Otro (especifique) ¿Con qué frecuencia camina en Menifee? ¿Con qué frecuencia anda en bicicleta en Menifee? Diaro 3-4 días por semana 1-2 días por semana Pocas veces al año Nunca Diaro 3-4 días por semana 1-2 días por semana Pocas veces al año Nunca
¿Qué le facilitaría caminar más en Menifee? (Seleccione todas las opciones que apliquen) ¿Qué le facilitaría andar más en bicicleta en Menifee? (Seleccione todas las opciones que apliquen) ¿Qué le facilitaría el acceso a las paradas de tránsito en Menifee? (Seleccione todas las opciones que apliquen) ¿Qué otros métodos de transporte utiliza? (Seleccione todas las opciones que apliquen) Cuando camina, anda en bicicleta o patina, lo hace por: Carriles para bicicleta en las calles Caminos para bicicleta fuera de la calle Alumbrado Árboles Estacionamiento para bicicletas Bicicletas compartidas Otro Carriles para bicicleta en las calles Caminos para bicicleta fuera de la calle Alumbrado Árboles Banquetas mejoradas Marquesinas en las paradas de autobús Servicio de transporte Otro Silla de ruedas Empuja una carriola Patineta Vehículo eléctrico (NEV) Caballo Scooters Patines Necesidad Recreación o diversión y salud Desplazarse 8 ¿Tiene algún otro comentario? ¿Quiere mantenerse informado sobre el Plan de Transporte Activo? Por favor, proporcione su información a continuación.Nombre: Email: Teléfono: 15 16
12 13 10
9 El Plan de Transporte Activo de Menifee guiará el diseño de opciones seguras, agradables y convenientes para caminar y andar en bicicleta a escuelas, parques y otros lugares a los que le gustaría ir. ¡Esperamos que los otros miembros de su hogar tomen la encuesta por separado! 3 ¿Cuál de los siguientes grupos incluye su edad? 0-18 19-24 25-45 46-64 65+ Banquetas anchas Banquetas continuas Alumbrado público Árboles Cruces marcados Camino compartido Otro (especifique) Caminando Equitación Bicicleta Transporte público Vehículo eléctrico de vecindario 14 ¿Que otros modos de transportación te animarán a visitar más seguidos los destinos de las ciudad? Bicicletas / scooters compartidos Viaje compartido Vehículo eléctrico de vecindario Tranvía Para llenar esta encuesta en línea, por favor visite: https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/MenifeeATP
Viaje compartido Manejando No aplica Otro (especifique)
ATP survey
Project Advisory Team (PAT) The Project Advisory Team (PAT) was a key component of the community engagement process. For consistency purposes, the PAT consisted of members who represented various community areas/neighborhoods, businesses, school districts, and city departments. Participating organizations included: » Menifee Engineering » Menifee Public Works » Menifee Community Development » Menifee Community Services » Menifee Police Department » Menifee Senior Advisory Committee » Menifee Economic Development » Caltrans District 8 » Riverside Transit Agency » Cast A Shadow
The PAT met quarterly to share information, collaborate, and guide the ATP process and guidelines.
PAT meeting #4
Workshop #1: 4th of July Celebration
Resident providing map comments