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Project Goals
The project goals were developed throughout the community outreach process and vetted by the Project Advisory Team (PAT). » GOAL 1: Develop an active transportation network that ensures residents of all ages and abilities have access to safe streetscapes, especially the more vulnerable sectors of our community, such as low-income populations, populations of color, children, and seniors whose primary mode of transportation is walking, biking, skateboarding, and public transportation. » GOAL 2: Develop a comprehensive network and infrastructure to provide a safe and convenient, healthy and environmentally-friendly mode of travel throughout the City for all ages and abilities. » GOAL 3: Develop non-motorized infrastructure to allow users of all ages and abilities to access transit, commercial and employment centers, neighborhoods, parks, and schools to provide a viable alternative for transportation to reduce vehicle miles traveled and traffic congestion. » GOAL 4: Maintain non-motorized infrastructure to allow users of all ages and abilities to access transit, schools, neighborhoods, parks, and employment and commercial centers. » GOAL 5: Develop safety and monitoring programs to encourage non-motorized travel within the City. » GOAL 6: Develop non-motorized multimodal resources that will meet both commuter and recreation needs, including bicycle support facilities once they meet their destinations. » GOAL 7: Develop programs that will increase public awareness of the benefits of active transportation and develop programs to encourage residents to ride bikes and walk to transit, work, school, and for recreation. » GOAL 8: Coordinate City non-motorized improvement plans with interagency transportation plans and funding programs. » GOAL 9: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth by developing non-motorized facilities and improving existing infrastructure in commercial areas. » GOAL 10: Foster equitable enforcement practices that encourage rather than penalize multimodal behaviors and prioritize education, particularly among low-income communities who rely solely on active transportation. » GOAL 11: Diversify local transportation options by encouraging the use of neighborhood electric vehicles (NEV) and golf carts. » GOAL 12: Develop a comprehensive network of hiking, biking, and equestrian recreation trails that provide benefit to the community by not negatively impacting the natural environment.