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Planning Context
Equity Historically, many low-income communities and underserved populations have been excluded from the transportation planning process and due to this, pedestrians and bicyclists are over-represented in crashes. An equitable transportation system promotes justice and helps facilitate access to opportunities for all residents. In order to achieve transportation equity, communities must participate in outreach so that they are able to address the inequalities of access and prioritize equity during all stages of the planning and implementation processes. This encompasses building an accessible, affordable, and reliable transportation network that effectively serves all users. Transportation equity requires understanding the unique needs and safety concerns of different community backgrounds and providing enough resources to these communities. Numerous studies have shown that enhancing the ability of traditionally underserved populations to travel via nonmotorized modes, can possibly lead to improved outcomes in public health, safety, and economic development. In addition, this can also promote economic development and resource efficiency, strengthen neighborhood relationships, and encourage public transit services.
The ATP incorporates regional and local planning efforts that are directly related to walking, biking, and trails. These efforts range from long-range regional planning to neighborhood-specific plans. The following information summarizes the planning documents that were evaluated as part of ATP development.
Menifee General Plan The Menifee General Plan is the primary citywide comprehensive plan that guides future growth. The General Plan contains goals and objectives to guide decisions and preserve the quality of life within the City of Menifee. The Circulation and Land Use elements contain goals and objectives that contribute to the success of this ATP.
Menifee Parks, Trails, Open Space, and Recreation Master Plan The City of Menifee’s Parks, Trails, Open Space, and Recreation Master Plan (PTOSRMP) provides a coherent set of objectives to guide direction for development, re-development, expansion and enhancement of the City’s park system, open spaces, trails, and recreation facilities program and services.
Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) First and Last Mile Plan This regional First and Last Mile Mobility Plan is a collaboration between Riverside Transit Agency (RTA), Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), and Caltrans. The goal of the plan is to increase transit ridership through developing strategies that address first and last mile barriers to transit use. The plan summarizes RTA’s existing ridership characteristics, highlights the future needs of RTA’s customers, identifies various strategies to improve First and Last Mile access, and provides an Implementation Plan.
Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) Strategic Assessment The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) has conducted a Strategic Assessment of Riverside County’s transportation needs today and for the future. This countywide strategic review began in May 2015 and was completed in January 2016. The process included extensive public input and technical analysis. More than 200 community members participated in RCTC’s Transportation Summits throughout Riverside County. The results of the public’s feedback were integrated with data regarding the county’s future growth and available funding. One of the recommended strategic actions included developing a long-range transportation plan (LRTP) for Riverside County that involves creating plans and strategies for active transportation facilities to enable greater levels of trip making by bicycle, on foot, and low-speed electric vehicles.
Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) ATP The Western Riverside Council of Governments ATP identifies facilities to enhance and increase active transportation options in the region. The ATP builds on the Western Riverside County Non-Motorized Transportation Plan (NMTP) published in June 2010, by updating active transportation network improvement projects, implementation strategies, and funding opportunities.