3 minute read
Figure 4-6: Reggie Rodriguez City Park Redesign
from Montebello Parks Master Plan
Reggie Rodriguez Specific Park Survey was sent to the public after Community Workshop 4. This survey yielded 289 responses from the public. Out of these responses, 53% of the survey takers lived closest to Reggie Rodriguez Park. When asked how often they used the park, 49% responded with about once a week. In regards to park user safety, most users stated that the issues they encountered were uncleanliness or park amenities (specifically restrooms) and vagrants. When shown the potential park redesign in Figure 4-6, many users stated their excitement about walking trails and playgrounds.
Figure 4-6: Reggie Rodriguez City Park Redesign
Do you feel safe visiting the park? Top 3 areas survey users utilize the most:
Specific Park Amenities Preferences:
New Park Amenities Preferences:
Improved Park Amenities Preferences:
The City offers a variety of recreation services and programs that seek to meet the needs of the community. These services benefit individuals, families, businesses, and neighborhoods as a whole. Assessing current program offerings, determining program gaps, and identifying community needs will allow the Parks and Recreation Department to identify improvement areas and develop strategies to assist in the delivery of other services. To do so, the City should develop a vision and mission to help identify the core services that will bring the greatest community benefits. It is also important to maintain regular dialogue with users and residents, as well as analyzing current trends, the market, and the data obtained during the community outreach efforts. The Montebello Recreation and Community Services Department should pursue program development around the priorities identified by the program evaluation process, research, and community input, including community events, hobby/interest programs, fitness and wellness programs, nature programs, among others. According to the survey, the top three highest priority programs are community events, fitness and wellness programs, and outdoor recreation programs. The following criteria should be analyzed when developing new programs: » Need: outgrowth of a current popular program, or enough demonstrated demand to successfully support a minimal start (one class for instance). » Budget: accounting for all costs and anticipated (conservative) revenues; should meet cost recovery targets established by the department. » Location: appropriate, available, and within budget. » Instructor: qualified, available, and within budget. » Materials and supplies: available and within budget. » Marketing effort: adequate and timely opportunity to reach intended market; (either existing marketing budget or as part of new program budget). New programs should be based on community demand and trends. Careful consideration, planning, and communication with the community are required. Due to the inability to predict the success of certain activities and programs, the City should engage in continuous creative assessments, surveying, research, and planning for viability. Additionally, new programs should be well advertised to provide the best possibility of success. Available facilities and funding must be considered when adding or expanding programs, as this may hinder potential opportunities in some cases.
All current programs should be evaluated annually to determine if they should be continued, changed, or discontinued. A few simple questions should be asked about each program that includes: » Is participation increasing or decreasing? » Is there information contained in user feedback that can be used to improve the program? » Are cost recovery goals being met? If not, can fees be realistically increased or costs reduced? » Can the program be offered by a more suitable or more qualified provider? » Is this program taking up facility space that could be used for expansion of more popular programs or new programs in demand by the community?
Grant Rea Park