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Table 5-2: Population Distribution Table - 2035 Projection


Based on the demand that TOD may have on the City, an analysis of the growth distribution was done to better understand growth areas within the City. Since growth will be focused on key corridors and around future transportation hubs, a focused analysis that takes the anticipated growth and divides it amongst these areas is the best method to understand distribution. Table 5-2 illustrates the anticipata ed distribution based on this analysis. Furthermore, Figd ure 5-3 shows these areas and their anticipated growth percentages as it relates to the City map. Note that these projections are preliminary and will be examined in greater detail and refined during the General Plan update and Downtown Specific Plan process; however, this provides a general framework to explore growth distribution within the City. The areas identified within the growth areas are:


Area A – Beverly Boulevard:

Beverly Boulevard will likely experience a level of growth that is slightly above the rate of growth within the City but modest compared to other key corridors. This is due to the commercial presence of Beverly Boulevard and the fact that most administrative and governmental facilities occur along this corridor which will restrict residential growth. However, some areas along Beverly Boulevard may witness some infill development resulting in some growth of the area.

Area B – Montebello Boulevard North:

The north end of Montebello Boulevard may see growth mildly above the City’s rate of growth. This is due to the commercial presence, the existing Taylor Ranch Park site and other areas that may restrict residential growth. However, some areas south of Beverly Boulevard and adjacent to the Whittier Boulevard growth / downtown specific growth area may witness some infill development resulting in mild population growth.

Area C – Whittier Boulevard:

Whittier Boulevard will likely experience the highest level of growth within the existing developed areas within the City due to the Downtown Specific Plan on the east end of this corridor area. Additionally, this corridor is a SCAG High Quality Transit Area and has a Major Transit Stop on the west end of the corridor. The existing sparse development on the far east end of the identified area along the Rio Hondo may experience additional growth due to the available land. All these factors contribute the higher percentage of population distribution for the corridor.

Area D – Greenwood Avenue:

Greenwood Avenue will likely experience a modest level of growth compared to the rest of the City. This is due to the adjacency to Washington Boulevard and the likely increase in density that may occur due to a potential Gold Line expansion. Additionally, this area already has some density compared to the rest of the City which may be redeveloped to accommodate additional housing units.

Area E – Montebello Boulevard South:

Montebello Boulevard South will likely experience a modest level of growth compared to the rest of the City. Similar to Greenwood, this is also due to the adjacency to Washington Boulevard and the likely increase in density that may occur due to a potential Gold Line expansion. This area is mainly R1 residential zoning which may change if the community and planning officials feel that higher density along this corridor is desired.

Area F – Washington Boulevard:

Washington Boulevard will likely experience the second highest level of growth within the existing developed areas within the City along with the catalytic sites. This is due to the increase in density that may occur due to a potential Gold Line expansion. Further, this area has other growth opportunities on the western end that are currently light industrial uses. These areas may be rezoned if the Gold Line becomes a reality.

Area G - Catalytic Sites:

The catalytic site areas are specific areas that may be sought after for redevelopment in the future. These sites currently have vast parking lots, unused land, are underutilized or simply inefficient in their uses. These sites allow for possible growth opportunities as redevelopment may include additional housing in order to achieve the RHNA goals.

Area H – Montebello Hills:

The Montebello Hills site is a specific plan area with up to 1,200 planned residential dwelling units. Using the average household size of 3.3 persons, an approximate population increase of 3,995 people could be anticipated in these areas if approval, construction, and occupancy occurs. This exhibits the largest population growth area within the City. As such, the distribution accounts for this population as closely as the percentage increments allow. Table 5-2: Population Distribution Table - 2035 Projection

AREA NAME AREA ID PER TOTAL Beverly Blvd. A 5% 832 Mont. Blvd. N. B 3% 499 Whittier Blvd. C 20% 3,329 Greenwood Ave. D 8% 1,332 Mont. Blvd. S. E 8% 1,332 Washington Blvd. F 15% 2,497 Catalytic Sites G 15% 2,497

Montebello Hills H 24% 3,995 Rest of City - 2% 333 All - 100% 16,647

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