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Figure 5-10: Potential Trail Corridors to be Considered
from Oceanside Parks Master Plan
FIGURE 5-10: Potential Trail Corridors to be Considered
The Division should continue to coordinate with the Public Works Department as they look to develop and expand greenways, bike paths, and trails that connect communities, neighborhoods, and parks.
It is also recommended that the City implement the various access connections shown on Figures 4-6 - 4-30. These connections help to better connect the parks to the surrounding communities, thus improving access and encouraging use of the parks.
An additional way to improve connectivity is through signage. It is recommended that the Division develop and implement a wayfinding signage program. The program should include directional and distance signage, maps, and the use of apps. Enhanced wayfinding will help connect residents and visitors to bike paths, trails, and parks as well as create an awareness of these amenities.
5.2.5 New Development Recommendations
It is recommended that the City, following the Quimby Act, continue to condition development projects to build parks (rather than accept the in-lieu fees) if the development is located in an area that is underserved by parks geographically and/or if it is underserved in terms of facilities (a low GDA and where the PBS is not being met). Figure 5-11 shows areas that are not served by community parks via a five-minute driveshed and are not served by neighborhood parks or schools with existing MOUs via a 15-minute walkshed. These areas should be a priority for new development to be conditioned to build parks in these areas. Also, shown on this figure are areas where the Smart Growth Opportunity Areas collide with the above gaps in geographic service. These areas should be given high priority for new parks to be built by development. And lastly, Figure 5-12 shows where gaps in service exist if it is assumed that the City will eventually have MOUs with all the schools. These gap in service areas should also be given high priority. In areas where gaps do not exist or when the proposed amenities are community-wide assets, they should be added to El Corazon Park, based on the El Corazon Master Plan. 5.2.6 New Construction, Enhancement, and Maintenance Recommendations
Restrooms: Throughout the Master Plan process, there were many comments made that there should be better maintenance of the restrooms.
It is recommended that a more thorough cleaning and maintenance schedule be adopted, a checklist created, and that staff be held accountable for completing the cleaning and maintenance. It has been identified that restrooms need to be added or replaced at the followint parks:
Joe Balderrama Park, Buccaneer Park, Capistrano Park, Buddy Todd Park, Joseph Sepulveda
Park, and Landes Park. Security: It was also heard throughout the process that security should be enhanced in the parks. It is recommended that additional lighting be added to parks and Crime Prevention
Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principals be used when retrofitting or building new facilities. GIS database: The division should maintain a GIS database for parks and trails’ assets using the current inventory from the Master Plan. As new parks, trails, and amenities are added or existing assets are upgraded, replaced or repurposed, the GIS database should be updated to reflect those changes. Shade structures: Shade structures should be added to existing parks. Playgrounds, picnic areas, and other seating areas should be priorities for shade structures. ADA Access: There should be at least one playground that is fully accessible and that is centrally located. Community center: The community center at
John Landes should be reopened and programmed.