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RING ROAD AND PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS The Ring Road development can be broken into two phases. The first phase includes the area on the north and west side of campus. This section of the road should incorporate unified planting, Ulmus parvifolia street trees, and shared bike lanes with appropriate markings until it links up to the new Ring Walk, refer to Appendix D, at the core of campus.
Phase two along the south and east sides includes the relocation of the road from the center of campus to the perimeter of campus. All pedestrian and bike traffic is removed from this section of the road and pedestrians and bikes are encouraged to utilize the Ring Walk to create a safe separation of vehicles and people. The Ulmus parvifolia street tree should continue as the street tree in this phase as well to help define the Ring Road. Refer to Appendix D for more information on the Ring Walk.
In addition to establishing the Ring Road, all parking lots on campus should be enhanced to ensure proper vehicle shading either with canopy trees or solar arrays to reduce the heat island effect. Center islands and end aisles with planting will help mitigate the visual experience of large expanses of asphalt parking areas. Parking lots shall have a consistent planting theme and trees shall be spaced so there is one tree within 30’ of each parking space. All parking lots on campus should include end islands and opportunities at every fifth parking spot to include trees to reduce heat island effect. Planting should be integrated to help define the parking lots.
All parking lots should incorporate shade trees or PV panels to help reduce solar heat gain.
The Ring Road with shared bike lanes- Phase I at the north and west sides of campus.
The Ring Road to accommodate vehicular traffic along the perimeter of the south and east sides of campus.