ergo, December 2017

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Stewarts honored:

Center, professorship named in recognition of their gift

Volunteers recognized:

Four alumni receive Distinguished Service Award


ladies who law

Celebrating 175 years of alumnae who rule, challenge, lead, and lawyer

N E W S ,

D E C .

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in this issue From the dean


The women of Indiana Law


Alumnae leadership celebrated


Class of 2017 honored


Class reunions held


Distinguished Service Awards given


Presidents Circle welcomes eight


Associate deans named


Delegation visits Saudi Arabia


Center on the Global Legal Profession named


Smith lecture focuses on environmental law


Two faculty receive fellowships


Applegate honored for research


Cate publishes new book on government surveillance 40 Lederman among most-cited


Coming events


Wells Scholars announce accelerated degree


Class notes


In memoriam


Ways to give


Dean and James H. Rudy Professor of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Austen L. Parrish


Executive Associate Dean and C. Ben Dutton Professor of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donna M. Nagy

There are many ways to stay connected with the IU Maurer School of Law. Add these networks to your contact lists:

Assistant Dean for External Affairs and Alumni Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrea C. Havill Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenneth L. Turchi, ’83


Executive Director of Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Hosey

LinkedIn: Indiana University Maurer School of Law

Director of Development, Major Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maarten Bout


Director of Development, Major Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Susan Yoon, ’96

Twitter: @IUMaurerLaw

Director of Annual Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephanie Coffey

YouTube: IUMaurerLaw

Director of Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Boyd

Instagram: IUMaurerLaw

Indiana University­– Maurer School of Law

ergo is published in print in March and December, and electronically in February, April, August, September, and October, by the Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Arthur M. Lotz Office of Alumni and Development / Indiana University Maurer School of Law Baier Hall + 211 S. Indiana Ave. + Bloomington, IN 47405-7001 + (812) 855-9700 + (877) 286-0002 Copyright 2017 The Trustees of Indiana University

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It’s autumn in Bloomington, and the fall semester is already moving into the home stretch. We were pleased

This fall we celebrate generous contributions from two alumni that will further support faculty research.

to welcome 162 outstanding first-year students to the Law School this fall from 22 states and 86 undergradu-

George P. Smith, II, ’64, a distinguished legal scholar in his own right, has endowed a professorship that

ate institutions. The Class of 2020 has a median LSAT score of 161 and a median undergraduate GPA of 3.75,

will be held by Professor Robert L. Fischman. Milton Stewart, ’71, and his wife, Judi, have made an

consistent with last year’s entering class. We also welcomed more than 60 practicing lawyers, judges,

additional gift to the school. Jayanth Krishnan, director of the Milt and Judi Stewart Center on the Global

and academics from 21 countries who are studying in our LLM, SJD, MCL, PhD, and exchange programs.

Legal Profession, will be the first holder of a professorship bearing the Stewarts’ name.

dear friends

Gifts such as these — along with many others throughout the course of the Law School’s current capital campaign — have resulted in $41.8 million in contributions as of September 30. As we approach the 70% milestone of our $60 million goal, we are grateful for the tremendous support of our alumni. Our student scholarships, innovative programs, and important faculty research would not be possible without your generosity.

This issue of ergo celebrates the achievements of our school’s alumnae throughout our storied 175-year history.

We also have good news to report about our recent graduates. The first-time July bar pass rate

Beginning with Tamar Althouse Scholz, Class of 1892, our first woman graduate, and continuing to the

for our graduates was 89%, about the same as last year’s, and 24 percentage points higher

present, with the achievements of a large number of distinguished alumnae. You’ll read some of their stories

than the overall pass rate for the state. Our employment numbers continued to

in this issue. You’ll also meet our two new associate deans — Professor Christiana Ochoa and Professor

improve, too. The crucial ten-month JD-required and JD-advantage employment

Aviva Orenstein — who are leading the development of our faculty research and curriculum initiatives.

rate in long-term, full-time jobs for the Class of 2016 was 82.2%, and employment

The past six months have seen the usual exciting activities within Baier Hall. In May, we honored the Class

rates for the Class of 2017 should be similar, if not higher.

of 2017 at commencement, which featured a keynote address by the Chief Justice of Indiana, our own Loretta

This summer and fall, I have enjoyed visiting with many of you, either on campus

H. Rush, ’83. We expanded the range of partnership programs to more than two dozen, including summer pro-

or at receptions in Chicago, Crown Point, Dallas, Evansville, Fort Wayne,

grams with Dinsmore & Shohl, Middleton Reutlinger, and PwC, and a 3+3 program for Indiana University’s

Indianapolis, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. This fall I had the

Wells Scholars. Programs such as these help attract talented students by offering them guaranteed summer

privilege of meeting with our partners at King Saud University Department of Law

employment or by enabling them to earn both their undergraduate and law degrees in as few as six years.

and Prince Sultan University in Riyadh. The Law School’s reach — whether across

In August, we welcomed our Global Advisory Board to Bloomington for its inaugural meeting. These 17 alumni and friends of the school representing China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam are advising us on ways to build connections with our colleagues

the state or across the world — is truly impressive, and I look forward to working with you as it grows and develops. Sincerely,

throughout the world, expand the school’s global presence, and further build our commitment to enable students to practice in a complex, globalized legal profession. It was a successful and productive weekend. On the academic front, we saluted Associate Professor Jessica Eaglin, who was selected as a prestigious Law and Public Affairs Fellow at Princeton University for 2017–18. She follows her colleague H. Timothy Lovelace, who received the same fellowship two years ago. Professor Eaglin’s expertise is in sentencing law

Austen L. Parrish Dean and James H. Rudy Professor of Law

and policy, and her scholarship examines state and federal responses to the economic and social challenges created by mass incarceration in the United States. Professor Deborah Widiss received a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar grant for Australia. She will be hosted next year by the Centre on Labour and Employment Law at Melbourne Law School, where she will research Australia’s work-family policies, particularly its implementation of a new paid parental-leave law. And Professor Amy Applegate was a co-recipient of Indiana University’s Outstanding Faculty Collaborative Research Award, the first time the award has been presented to a clinical professor. She received the award for her work on intimate-partner violence and the development of a device for screening for it.


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following in the footsteps of the women of Indiana Law

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” — Sally Berger

Tamar Althouse was a trailblazer. A high school graduate at the age of 17, she enrolled directly into Indiana University’s law school at a time when many women didn’t have the chance to pursue higher education — much less a career practicing law. In fact, in 1870, only eight state universities — including IU — allowed women to enroll. But Althouse wasn’t intimidated by the prospect of being an outlier. When she became the first women to graduate from the Law School, she was one of 17 members of the class of 1892. She didn’t stop there. Althouse returned to southern Indiana to begin a law practice that would span the rest of her life. In the decades since, Indiana Law has produced an extraordinary array of women lawyers, judges, politicians, educators, academics, and more. Althouse surely would be proud to know that the Law School — and the profession itself — has seen dramatic increases in the number and prominence of women attorneys. Women comprise more than 47 percent of our just-enrolled class of 2020, a stark contrast from the diversity at the tail end of the 19th century. As the Law School commemorates its 175th anniversary, we pay homage to our extraordinary women alumni, faculty, staff, and students. Althouse herself recognized the challenges that lay ahead for her peers. Writing for the Indiana Student (the paper hadn’t yet quite gone daily), Althouse put out a fierce message to the public. “We know that the period of their lives when both sexes can naturally and advantageously receive the same training as in their youth. And if girls from the time of birth were dressed, fed, taught, and allowed to play as sensibly and healthfully as boys, their whole future lives would be benefitted by it. Although very little now remains as a barrier to the full assumption by woman of her rights, the rank and file are not yet ready to assume these responsibilities. Her preparatory education has just begun.” The generations that followed continued carrying the torch of equality.


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Tamar Althouse with fellow graduates from the class of 1892.

the trial was being held, Bouslog gave a speech to an ILWU meeting, the content of which was reported to the presiding judge in the case. He found her in contempt of court, and the Territorial Supreme Court suspended her license for a year. The decision was appealed to both the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and later, the U.S. Supreme Court, which reversed the previous decisions. In Re Sawyer is to this day considered a landmark precedent on the rights to free speech by attorneys. Bouslog, second from left, sits in the courtroom with colleagues and clients.

Harriet Bouslog earned her LLB from the Law School in 1936. She followed her husband to Hawaii, where she became the eighth woman admitted to the territory’s bar on December 23, 1941. Martial law was declared in the Hawaiian territory due to the outbreak of World War II, forcing Bouslog to move to Washington, D.C. to find legal work. Bouslog didn’t know it then, but the move would change her life — and the lives of everyone else who would later go on to become a practicing attorney. Bouslog poses with three colleagues.

As Bouslog was being admitted to the Hawaiian Territory bar, Jean Stoffregen was leaving the University of Chicago Law School. After earning her law degree in 1942, she set out as an attorney in private practice, gaining entry into the Indiana Association of Women Lawyers. She was asked in 1946 to clerk for Indiana Supreme Court Justice Frank Richman. Richman was serving as an American judge in the second round of war crimes trials in Nuremberg, Germany. The judge asked Stoffregen to assist with work overseas. She became one of the few women — in any capacity — working on the Nuremburg trials. Stoffregen traveled across Europe

She began working at the National War Labor Board, and later for the International Longshore and Warehouse Union. After the war ended, and martial law was lifted, Bouslog was asked to return to defend union sugar strike workers charged with criminal offenses. A later case found her defending the “Hawaii Seven,” a group of defendants charged with conspiracy to violate the Alien Registration Act. While

throughout 1947, assisting residents displaced by the war with emigration documentation and processing. And when she returned to the United States, she personally networked with churches and other local organizations across the country to find homes and sponsors for those she helped overseas. Stoffregen is personally credited with helping dozens of Europeans find permanent homes in the U.S. in the wake of World War II.


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“For a while, after people like me got out of school, working wasn’t always the popular thing to do,” Miller said. “It’s exhilarating for me to see so many women now who have outstanding prospects for a lifetime career in just about every field. We’re not limited in any way.” Miller stayed in New Haven for her entire career. She ran her own small firm for a number of years, enjoying the life of a community attorney. Jeanne Seidel Miller holds the trophy in honor of her highest GPA in 1948.

Our alumnae have made history on the other side of the bench, too. Juanita Kidd Stout (above) began college at the age of 16 in Missouri. She had dreams of becoming a music teacher, and had returned to her native Oklahoma to fulfill them until World War II took her and her husband to Washington, D.C. She found work in legal dictation, but was so good she decided to pursue a legal education. Her husband enrolled in the PhD program at IU, creating the perfect opportunity for Stout to enroll at the Law School. She earned her JD in 1948; her LLM in 1954. Two years later, Stout had been appointed to the District Attorney’s office in Philadelphia. She received an interim appointment to the Philadelphia Municipal Court, and when the job came up for election after only two months, Stout became the first black woman in the United States to win an election to a court of record.

“Divorces, deeds, fights with neighbors,” she recalled. “I handled it all at some point.” But she never would have become a successful businesswoman without the love and support of her family and friends. “I was encouraged by my parents, particularly my father, and I found inspiration in wanting to find an interesting career for myself. And I did. And now I feel vindicated in some ways because when I got out of law school, going to work was not always the popular thing to do for a woman.”

It wasn’t Stout who finished first in her class that year. That honor went to Jeanne

Miller is still learning to this day: She attends IU’s MiniUniversity every summer

Seidel Miller. Now 90, Miller remembers the honor well.

on the Bloomington campus, enjoying lectures and classes from some of the univer-

“I had always wanted to be a lawyer,” she said recently from her home in Fort

sity’s best faculty.

Wayne. “As early as the eighth grade I was making speeches about how I was going to be a lawyer.” She met her late husband Mickey here — a friend told her a cute boy was entering law school; one of Mickey’s fraternity brothers mentioned Jeanne to him — and the

While Miller was setting up shop in New Haven, Flerida Ruth Pineda-Romero

two formed a partnership that went beyond marriage. After graduating, the couple

was hard at work on her second law degree. A native of Tondo, Manila,

moved north and worked in a small New Haven firm.

Pineda-Romero enjoyed a tremendous legal career on both sides of the bench.

It wasn’t always easy. 8

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After earning a degree from the University of the Philippines College of Law in 1952, she enrolled in Indiana Law’s prestigious international legal studies program.

Hon. Loretta H. Rush, ’83, is the first woman to serve as Indiana’s Chief Justice.

Here she earned an LLM and went back to her native country to serve. In 1962, Pineda-Romero was named director and dean of the University of the Philippines School of Labor and Industrial Relations, becoming one of the world’s foremost experts on the Civil Code of the Philippines. In 1986, she was chosen by then-President Corazon Aquino to be secretary-general of the Constitutional Commission and oversee the creation of a new Philippine constitution (modeled after the United States Constitution). This new constitution, establishing a democracy and ending the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos, was written in less than five months and ratified by the Filipino people that same year. Aquino appointed Pineda-Romero to the Supreme Court of the Philippines in 1991, where she served until retirement in 1999. Justice Romero fought to elevate the status of women and children through lecturing, publishing, and promoting legislation. She was chosen in 1975 to head the Philippine delegation to the International Women’s Year Conference in Mexico. In 1995, Romero received the Gintong Ina Award (Golden Mother Award) and participated in the Regional Consultation on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. She has served as president of the Philippine Women Judges Association,

Indiana Law’s distinguished roster of alumnae is a tremendous source of pride for the school. Its women graduates have gone on to success across the globe. Tamar Althouse didn’t know it when she enrolled in the late 19th century, but she was setting the standard of excellence that generations of women would come to follow. As the school commemorates its 175th anniversary, we honor the legacies set forth by Althouse and all those who have followed in her footsteps.

as international director of the International Association of Women Judges, and as consultant to the University of the Philippines Women Lawyers’ Circle.

Pineda-Romero wasn’t the last Indiana Law alumna to be appointed judge. Hon. Shirley Abrahamson, ’56, became the first member and chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court; the Hon. Loretta H. Rush presides as Chief Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court; and Hon. V. Sue Shields, ’61, claims three firsts: the first woman trial court judge in the state, the first woman on the Court of Appeals, and the first female federal magistrate judge in Indiana.


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alumunae assume leadership roles on law school’s boards

Given the Law School’s storied, lengthy history of educating and employing strong women, it should come as little surprise that Indiana Law’s Alumni Board and Board of Visitors are today led by a team of passionate and dedicated alumnae who are working to ensure that the Law School continues to empower all who walk through its doors. In fact, it’s the school’s progressive history — not to mention a few family ties — that drew many of our alumnae leaders to Bloomington in the first place. Susan Lynch, ’93, incoming president of the Alumni Board, recalled growing up in Massachusetts, working as a paralegal in New York City, then realizing she was searching for a law school experience reminiscent of her undergraduate days at Dartmouth. “My family said, ‘You’ve never been west of Pennsylvania!’ but I came out for an Admitted Students Day, met with great professors like Tom Schornhorst, Gene Shreve, and Roger Dworkin, and was sold immediately. I accepted right away.” In the 25 years since she graduated, Lynch has led a career and life that seemingly require boundless energy. In addition to her JD, she’s earned LLM and DrPH degrees. She’s currently a senior counsel for elder justice at the Department of Justice. She’s an adjunct professor at George Washington University Law School. She’s a volunteer EMT. And in her spare time, she competes in triathlons. But she makes time to return to Bloomington twice a year in service to her school, which she described as “an absolute gem.” “It’s the faculty, it’s the beauty of the campus, it’s the nature of the school itself,” Lynch said. “When I was in school, the class was made up of maybe 70 percent men. The school is really progressive and open-minded, and the fact that they’ve attracted even more strong women to campus now doesn’t surprise me at all. I’m excited about it.” So, too, is Courtney Tobin. Coming from a family of lawyers, Tobin, ’92, immediate past-president of the Alumni Board, wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps and become an attorney. “My brother’s a judge; my cousin is a lawyer,” she said. “We came over to visit from Illinois and I just fell in love with the school. Not just the beauty of Bloomington, but with the collegial attitude here. Everyone seemed eager to help one another succeed.”


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While in school Tobin found female mentors in professors like Lauren Robel.

Over the past two decades Preheim has continued with Arnold & Porter, focusing

Both women have gone on to achieve great things — Tobin in private practice,

her practice on SEC and Public Company Accounting Oversight Board enforcement

public service, and now with financial advisory firm Sycamore Advisors, and Robel

actions and complex commercial and environmental litigation, with an emphasis on

as dean and eventual provost of IU Bloomington and executive vice president of

class actions and professional liability.

Indiana University. “Seeing her progression in becoming the dean of the Law School and then the provost speaks volumes about the school and university’s acceptance and embrace of women leaders,” Tobin said.

As Board of Visitors president, she is particularly enthusiastic about increasing judicial clerkship opportunities for current and future students. “My clerkship with Judge Selya immediately after graduation was tremendously formative, both in terms of the invaluable legal skills that I learned from the judge,

Tobin recounted a story decades ago of a female attorney — in the midst of child-

and the longstanding professional relationships I formed as a result,” Preheim said.

birth — on the phone with a client. Today, the balance of family and professional life

“I look forward to working with the board and faculty in the coming year to help a

is more equal, she said.

greater number of students benefit from the experiences and opportunities that a

“I remember when Lauren was dean and we were in meetings where students

judicial clerkship affords.”

were giving presentations,” Tobin said. “And by late in the day, she’d seen them

Jeanne Picht, ’94, joined a law firm straight after graduation, practicing in

all several times, but her phone was never out. She was as engaged for the last

litigation. A winding career path saw her go from private practice to LexisNexis,

presentation as she was for the first, and that’s one small way I’ve remembered to

back to private practice, then a consulting startup before joining Fenwick &

keep things in perspective.”

West, where today she focuses on talent development.

Elissa Preheim, ’96, didn’t come from a family of attorneys. Instead, the incom-

She likely wouldn’t be the Alumni Board president, and students and alumni today

ing president of the Board of Visitors became the first lawyer in her family’s history

might not be beneficiaries of her great experience, were it not for Len Fromm.

after realizing a legal career would enable her to pursue longstanding interests in writing and issues of justice.

“It was about a decade after I’d graduated that Len called and asked me if I’d be interested in serving on the alumni Alumni Board,” she said. “I’ve truly enjoyed

But the common thread of collegiality and academic rigor — not to mention the

my service over the years. It’s re-energizing to talk and work with students as they

enticing campus — drew Preheim in, too, much as it did her colleagues.

embark on their new careers.”

“The faculty and students were engaged both with each other and with the local,

Picht is quick to point out she might not have been an Indiana Law graduate at all

national, and global communities,” she said, “and that resulted in a rich and

had it not been for Fromm.

dynamic environment.” That environment included the Indiana Law Journal, where Preheim served as executive articles editor. A clerkship followed with the Hon. Bruce Selya, of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and at the suggestion of a classmate, Preheim interviewed with Arnold & Porter for a summer associate position. “I was delighted to find a community of Indiana Law alumni at the firm, including senior partner Jim Fitzpatrick, ’59, and a law firm that had a strong history of valuing and promoting women lawyers.”

She was visiting campus with a friend — the two were actually here to see Jimmy Wales, who would go on to found Wikipedia — when she ran into the late dean of students. “I loved the campus and was looking for a more national curriculum that would allow me to practice anywhere, and I was very impressed with the people at Indiana Law,” she said. “Len made you feel like he really cared about you as an individual.” There are common threads you hear when you ask alumni how they either came to Indiana Law as a student or why they reconnected with the school long after they’d left. The names Fromm and Robel are mentioned enough that you begin to sense a theme.


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“I’d lost contact with the school,” Lisa Powell, ’84, Alumni Board vice president

Baney’s especially passionate about the issue, having learned that her sister

said. “But Lauren came down to Houston and met with a few alumni and formed a

suffered adverse events after taking medication she purchased from a “Canadian”

connection that led me to service on the board.”

online drug retailer.

The roots of Powell’s family tree run deep in Bloomington. Her father William, ’52,

“Consumers increasingly are buying products online for convenience and cost;

was one of the first student body leaders of the university.

this includes medicines,” she said. “Indeed, in May 2017 ASOP Global found 55%

As a senior in high school, she joined the debate team where she was partnered with an attorney. “My father loved IU, and since he was an alumnus the law school felt like a natural fit.” She moved to Houston, carving out a career in litigation with Jackson Walker LLP. She joined FisherBroyles this fall. As an alumni board member, Powell is delighted to connect with Indiana Law students and learning their stories and aspirations. She’s mentored them when given the chance, and one of those students, Scott Gosnell, ’17, ended up joining Jackson Walker as a summer associate while in school, and later as a full-time associate after he graduated. Powell wants more women attorneys to serve as mentors.

of Americans have bought or would buy medicine online. This is scary for patient safety, as 96% of the websites selling medicines are unsafe and illegal, often offering counterfeit or unapproved medicines from unregulated sources. “We’re working to make sure the medicine you buy online is the same you buy offline,” she said. Her work hasn’t gone unnoticed: It’s been covered in media outlets around the world. Baney’s leadership doesn’t end there. As a principal at Faegre Baker Daniels Consulting, she works for clients on issues related to the opioid epidemic, drug safety, telemedicine, and access to care. She regularly engages with the White House, Congress, international governments, and allied stakeholders. Baney returns to Bloomington often, speaking to both undergraduates and law students.

Libby Baney, ’07, may be one of the youngest members of the Alumni Board, but she’s already done more in a decade than many will in a lifetime. After earning her undergraduate degree from IU Bloomington, Baney came to Indiana Law in the fall of 2004. She left her mark by establishing the Health Law Society, something that would shape her career path just a few years later. She joined Faegre Baker Daniels LLP in Washington, D.C. in 2007, working in the health law and policy arena, and developed an interest in the emerging field of online sales of medicines and digital health. Baney began devoting even more time to digital health issues in 2009, when she helped launch a coalition, which grew into the nonprofit Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies. Baney currently serves as ASOP Global’s executive director and recently launched the ASOP Global Foundation. “ASOP Global is a nonprofit organization founded in 2009 dedicated to making the Internet safer for patients,” she said. What started as a small coalition has grown into a global initiative, with operations in Canada, Europe and Asia, to help medical patients access medicine safely and responsibly.


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class of 2017 honored The 160th graduating class of the Maurer School of Law was honored in early May, with 177 JD and 53 graduate degrees awarded in a ceremony held at the IU Auditorium. Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta H. Rush, ’83, served as the keynote speaker while Professor Charles Geyh delivered the faculty address. “The accomplishments we celebrate today are not those of our graduates alone. Behind each and every one of our graduates there is a story of family and friends, and our graduates’ real education was earned long before they arrived here at IU,” said Dean Austen L. Parrish, who opened the ceremony by recognizing the school’s outstanding faculty and offering students the chance to recognize their family and friends in attendance. Continuing a recent tradition, two students — Elaena Harris and Kai-Chih Chang — served as student speakers representing the JD and graduate programs, respectively. Harris encouraged her colleagues to continue their habits of hard work and determination as they enter into a variety of careers across the world. “We have completed thousands of pro bono hours, helped file hundreds of taxes through the VITA tax clinic, expanded research in post-conflict societies through the Center for Constitutional Democracy, and dedicated countless hours to moot court and journal,” she said. “By virtue of earning our JD, we have a lot of influence,” Harris added. “Therefore, our life’s mission is never really our own. We are always working on behalf of those in the community, our clients, or those who lack agency. Whether you are going into intellectual property, government, private practice, in-house, JD advantage, or some other practice area, the decisions we make will impact others’ lives. So, while you’re thinking about your life’s mission, remember: don’t forget where you came from.” The class of ’17 received $17,741 in pledges, for an 82% participation rate.

DONNELLY TO SERVE AS 2018 COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Parrish announced in October that Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) will serve as the Commencement speaker for the May 2018 ceremony.


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class reunions Members of the Classes of 1967, 1987, 1992, and 2007 gathered on October 28 in Bloomington. 1) Vincent Moccio organized the class of ’87 reunion. 2) Gustavo Jimenez, ’19, third from right, welcomes alumni to Baier Hall. Jimenez serves as

an admissions fellow.

3) Christine Bookwalter, ’07, talks with a guest. 4) Class of ’07 organizers Rachel Clark (and baby), Stephanie Artnak, and Laura Koenig. 5) Tanya Pettay, ’07, right, catches up with a former classmate. 6) Libby Baney, ’07, right, at the reunion reception. Baney serves as secretary of the

Alumni Board.

7) Members of the class of 1967. 8) Dawn Wrona Eby, ’92, and Class of ’92 organizers Mark Need, Lisa McKinney, and

Courtney Tobin.

9) Millard Lesch, ’67, (right) and his wife, Wendy, surprised their class with the announcement

of a scholarship in honor of their classmate Michael S. (Mickey) Maurer (left). Lesch is a

longtime member of the Law School’s Board of Visitors.







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alumni honored for distinguished service

Courtney R. Tobin, ’92, Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, Sycamore Advisors, LLC, Indianapolis and Atlanta; recognized for her outstanding service to the school and her enduring commitment in leadership roles as immediate past president of the Alumni Board, and for her volunteer work in behalf of education and the homeless. For more information about the Distinguished Service Award, and to view a list of past recipients, visit

Four alumni of the Indiana University Maurer School of Law received the school’s Distinguished Service Award on October 27 at a luncheon at the Indiana


Memorial Union. Established in 1997, the award recognizes alumni who have

Nominations are open for the Academy of Law Alumni Fellows, the Law School’s highest honor. Estab-

distinguished themselves in service to their communities and the school in ways far exceeding traditional business, professional, and civic duties.

lished in 1985, the Academy recognizes alumni who have distinguished themselves in their careers through personal achievements and dedication to the highest standards of the profession. With profession-

Through their hard work, passion, and accomplishments, these alumni define

al roles ranging from U.S. senators to federal judges to managing partners of national law firms, Academy

Indiana Law’s ideals for community service and serve as accomplished role models

Fellows bring honor to the legal profession and enhance our school’s reputation. Fellows are chosen by an

for our Law School and the greater community.

anonymous committee and honored at a ceremony in Bloomington every spring.

“We are truly honored to recognize these four outstanding alumni,” said Dean

Selection criteria:

Parrish. “Their work in behalf of the profession and their communities is

– The nominee must have earned respect as a leader in his or her chosen career as evidenced by public

inspirational, and we are proud to claim them as part of our alumni community.”

service, such as national or state offices held; by professional leadership positions; by published works;

or by other indications of special qualifications and performance.

This year’s recipients are:

– The nominee should be perceived as experienced by his or her peers.

Jeffrey J. Kennedy, ’67, Retired Partner, Kirkland & Ellis, Chicago; recognized

– The nominee should hold a responsible position in a law firm, business, or institution that has a

for his service to the school as a long-term member of the Board of Visitors

and to his community, including the Village of Oak Brook, Ill. and the Diocese of

– The nominees must agree to be present at the award ceremony in order to receive the award.

Joliet, Ill.

– The nominee must have received a degree from the Law School. Exceptions must be approved by the

reputation for high quality.

selection committee and the dean.

Martín Montes, ’95, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Commonwealth Edison, Chicago; saluted for his long-standing commitment to the Law School through


service on the Alumni Board and as a leader of the Latino Alumni Advisory

To submit yours, and to view a list of previous recipients, visit

Board, for his continued mentoring of students, and for his volunteer efforts with the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Legal Aid Society.


TELL US ABOUT LOCAL AWARDS IN YOUR COMMUNITY Do you have a friend or colleague who has been recognized for professional achievement or community

Susan Blankenbaker Noyes, ’83, Founder, Make it Better Media, Wilmette,

service? Do you know someone who is worthy of such recognition? The Law School’s Office of External

Ill.; recognized for establishing Make it Better, a media company that has

Affairs and Alumni Relations is here to help. We are glad to submit nominations on behalf of worthy

flourished; her service in furthering the concept of social entrepreneurship; and

alumni. If you would like to submit an alumnus for us to consider nominating for an award in your

her leadership of the Make it Better Foundation, which identifies and amplifies

community, please contact us at And as always, if you would like to submit infor-

the work of outstanding nonprofit organizations.

mation about friends and colleagues who have been recognized, please send it to the same address.

ergo: dec. 2017 — 23

presidents circle welcomes eight law alumni

Kerrye Dove, ’04, received her BS in accounting in 2000, her MBA in accounting taxation from the Kelley School of Business in 2001, and her JD from the Maurer School of Law in 2004. Currently, Dove works for the McDonald’s Corporation as a senior counsel, corporate legal in tax, corporate governance, and securities. She has been with the company since 2004. Dove and her husband Michael Gerlach have been tremendous supporters of IU Athletics, the IU Foundation, the IU Alumni Association, and the Maurer School of Law. In 2003, Kerrye and her family established the Sandy, Jason, Kerrye, and Kent Dove Athletic Scholarship.

Eight Indiana Law alumni have been inducted into Indiana University’s most

This scholarship provides support in perpetuity to deserving student athletes

prestigious recognition society, the Presidents Circle.

competing in one of 24 varsity sports as they pursue their education at Indiana

Lowell E. Baier and wife Bonnie; Kerrye K. Dove and husband Michael Gerlach; Robert Duvin and wife Darlene; Dale and Donna Gettelfinger; Lauren K. Robel; Jacqueline A. Simmons and Thomas Schnellenberger; and John Seddelmeyer and wife Sarah were all honored earlier this fall.

University. Kerrye has also established the Kerrye K. Dove IUSF Steering Committee Scholarship, which is given annually to an IUSF Steering Committee member who exhibits outstanding leadership, commitment to academics, and involvement in campus.

The Presidents Circle honors individuals whose lifetime giving to IU has reached $100,000. IU President Michael A. McRobbie and IU Foundation President Dan Smith presided over the ceremony. “Indiana University would not be what it is today without the gracious support of all our present and past Presidents Circle inductees,” Smith said. “Our Presidents Circle honorees pave the way for a stronger, healthier, more diverse Indiana University for generations to come. We couldn’t be more grateful for their enduring support.”

Robert Duvin, ’61, grew up in Evansville, Ind., and received two degrees from IU: his BA in business in 1958 and JD in 1961. After graduating from the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Bob was drafted into the Army. He left military service with a wife, Darlene, and child — but no money or work plans — and moved to New York, earning an LLM from Columbia University in 1964. He then joined Burke, Haber & Berick, a law firm in Cleveland. He spent seven years there, then decided to strike out on his own. That decision led to the formation of Duvin, Cahn & Hutton, which grew from a small firm specializing

ABOUT THE INDUCTEES: Lowell E. Baier, ’64, practiced law in Washington, D.C., eventually forming Baier Properties, Inc., a Bethesda, Maryland-based developer of warehouses,

in collective bargaining to a 50-lawyer firm doing significant work throughout the country for many of the largest companies in America. The firm became part of Littler Mendelson in 2007.

residential properties, and award-winning office buildings and shopping centers. He’s been recognized many times for his extraordinary public service at the local level and for his conservation work nationally. He was named Conservationist of the Year by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in 2008, and by Outdoor Life in 2009. In 2015, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters from IU. Baier Hall is named in his honor, as are the Baier Gates at the southwest corner of campus.

Dale, ’77, and Donna Gettelfinger have been supporting the Kelley School of Business, the IU Foundation, and IU Athletics for years. The Gettelfingers have endowed the Gettelfinger Family Scholarship in recognition of the Kelley School of Business graduates within their family. Despite having grown up just a few miles from each other in Harrison County, Dale and Donna’s first date — if a Coca-Cola at the Waffle House on College Avenue can be called a date — was at IU. IU has always been a big part of their love affair.


ergo: dec. 2017 — 25

Lauren K. Robel, ’83, was named provost of Indiana University Bloomington

Jackie Simmons and Tom Schnellenberger earned their undergraduate

and executive vice president of Indiana University in 2012. She is the Val Nolan

degrees from Notre Dame in 1976 and law degrees from the Indiana University

Professor of Law in the Maurer School of Law, where she served as dean from

Maurer School of Law in 1979. Simmons has served as Indiana University’s vice

2002 to 2011 and as associate dean from 1991 to 2002. She joined the law school

president and general counsel since 2012. She represents and directs representa-

faculty in 1985. As the chief academic officer for the Bloomington campus, Robel

tion of Indiana University in all legal matters. Prior to coming to Indiana

oversaw the implementation of the 2011 New Academic Directions report, which

University, Jackie practiced law with Faegre Baker Daniels where she became

created several new schools and programs, including The Media School, the

managing partner of the Indianapolis office. Jackie also served as General

School of Informatics and Computing, the School of Public Health, the School of

Counsel at Reilly Industries, Inc. Subsequently, she became vice president and

Global and International Studies, the Integrated Program in the Environment,

general manager. Simmons is an adjunct faculty member at the Maurer School of

and the Office of Scholarly Publishing. Robel has solidified IU Bloomington’s

Law, teaching environmental-related courses. She serves on the Board of Visitors

reputation as a renowned international academic partner and a preferred desti-

of the Law School, on the board of directors of the Indiana Repertory Theatre,

nation for students from around the globe. She has traveled to Australia, Brazil,

and on the board of directors of the Indiana University Foundation Women’s

Chile, India, South Korea, and Taiwan to explore new academic partnerships and

Philanthropy Council. Tom has been a partner in the Indianapolis law firm Ice

reaffirm existing ones. Robel is a member of the Executive Committee of the

Miller since 2000. He is the chair of the firm’s tax department, and his practice

Association of American Law Schools and served as its president in 2011–2012.

focuses on income tax and estate and gift taxation. He is also a member of the private equity and venture services group and the affordable housing and economic development group. Prior to joining Ice Miller, Tom was a partner with the Indianapolis law firm of McHale, Cook & Welch. He was also a tax partner at

John Seddelmeyer, ’74, has many fond memories of his time in law school, but

Ernst & Young. Schnellenberger has been an adjunct professor at the McKinney

one regret: He failed to take advantage of the cultural splendor of the Blooming-

School of Law, teaching partnership taxation. Tom has served on the Board of

ton campus, particularly the magnificence of the operas at the Musical Arts

Directors of the Ruth Lilly Health Education Center, Inroads Indiana, Westside

Center. John and his wife Sarah know a thing or two about opera. They are

Community Development Corporation, and Writers Center of Indiana, Inc.

deeply involved with the Dallas Opera as trustees and were also on the board of trustees at the Houston Grand Opera. It is no surprise, then, that their more recent fond memories of IU revolve around taking current law students to IU Opera performances. Since 2007 they have taken 20+ students each year on an excursion to the Musical Arts Center at the Jacobs School of Music, where they have the opportunity to see a performance, meet some of the production staff and music school leadership, and see how the magic is made backstage. John has served on the Law School’s Environmental Law Advisory Board and has helped prepare for the law school’s innovative winter session curriculum. Moreover, apart from sponsoring well over 140 students to attend IU Jacobs School of Music events, he and Sarah have given extensively to the Law Fund for Excellence. In recognition of this commitment to the success of the students of Indiana University and the IU Maurer School of Law, John received the Law School’s Distinguished Service Award in 2014.


ergo: dec. 2017 — 27

The Law School has appointed two talented professors as associate deans,

and trial competitions.

effective July 1, 2017.

A member of the faculty since 1992, Orenstein writes and teaches in the area

Christiana Ochoa has been named associate dean for research and faculty affairs. She will be responsible for helping develop the faculty’s research agenda, advancing the school’s four research centers, organizing guest lectures, and working with the marketing office to enhance the academic reputation of the faculty. Ochoa is a professor and Charles L. Whistler Faculty Fellow at the Law School. She joined Indiana Law in 2003 after working in New York and London at the global law firm Clifford Chance, where she dedicated her efforts to cross-border capital markets and asset-finance transactions. She had also worked for a number of human rights and non-governmental organizations in Colombia, Brazil and

of evidence. Her scholarly interests concern the intersection of evidence law and culture, and she is currently writing about jurors’ emotions and how the emotion of regret can justify rules excluding character evidence. Orenstein also teaches Civil Procedure and, occasionally, Family Law, Legal Profession, and Children and the Law. For the past three years, she has taught American evidence law in China. On her recent sabbatical she studied Bible, Talmud, and Jewish law as a visiting second-year student in the Hebrew College Rabbinical School in Newton, Mass. Her Aramaic is much improved and her appreciation for the cultural aspects of legal interpretation has deepened.

Nicaragua. Together with her life experience in Latin America, this work focused

Previously Orenstein directed the Child Advocacy Clinic, supervising law stu-

her attention on governance in the field of business and human rights. Since that

dents who serve as guardians ad litem for children in contested-custody cases.

time, her research on governance mechanisms has expanded into the field of

She has served as a court-appointed special advocate for abused and neglected

law and development. Her scholarship in these areas has been published widely,

children and currently performs pro bono work in the local juvenile court.

and her first documentary film, Otra cosa no hay/There Is Nothing Else, was completed in 2014. She is pursuing fieldwork toward the production of a second documentary, which will focus on law as a set of tools for the realization of differing views of development.

ochoa, orenstein named associate deans

Orenstein founded and supervises Outreach for Legal Literacy, a very popular program through which law students teach constitutional law and civics to local fifth-graders. She has written and produced a number of plays on legal and ethical questions used for the professional development of law students and the local bar. Orenstein was a humor columnist for the Bloomington Herald-Times and still runs into folks who have laminated copies of her essays on their refrigerator. She points out that no one does this with her scholarship, adding that in 2016, her debut novel, Fat Chance, was published to little acclaim but much personal delight. Ochoa and Orenstein will work closely with Executive Associate Dean Donna

Ochoa teaches Contracts, Law and International Development, International

M. Nagy, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Catherine L. Matthews, ’06, and

Business Transactions, International Human Rights, and International Law.

Dean Parrish.

She is also the inaugural academic director of Indiana University’s Global Gateway in Mexico City. Previously Ochoa was IU’s associate vice provost for faculty and academic affairs and director of the university’s PhD minor in human rights program. Aviva Orenstein has been named associate dean for academic affairs, a previously established position that has not been occupied in recent years. Her responsibilities include administration of the school’s clinics, externships, pro bono programs, judicial clerkships, and co-curricular activities, including law journals and moot court


ergo: dec. 2017 — 29

law school delegation visits saudi law schools, builds strategic partnerships

A delegation from the Law School completed a week-long trip to Saudi Arabia in early October, establishing a deeper relationship with the country’s top universities and law schools. The trip builds on a partnership agreement executed by IU President Michael A. McRobbie and King Saud University President Badran al-Omar in November, 2014. The Law School is in the process of negotiating an agreement that will bring LLM and SJD students to Bloomington each year. Many of these students are KSU faculty members or will join KSU’s faculty once they complete their degrees. “We were honored by the hospitality of our Saudi hosts and their enthusiasm for collaborating with the Law School,” said Dean Austen Parrish, who headed the delegation. “I am especially grateful to the kindness of our alumni, particularly Prof. Othman Talbi, SJD ’14 and Faisal al-Wazzab, LLM ’08, who warmly welcomed us and went above and beyond to make this a productive trip.” Highlights from the trip include: – A dinner hosted by His Royal Highness Prince Mansour bin Nasser bin

Abdulaziz Al Saud, a grandson of King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia’s founder and

first king. The prince visited Indiana University in 2016. Special guests at this

dinner included his sons, HRH Prince Fahad bin Mansour bin Nasser Al Saud

and HRH Prince Sultan bin Mansour bin Nasser Al Saud.

– An alumni reception in Riyadh hosted by al-Wazzab and Talbi. Al-Wazzab

is a member of the Law School’s Global Advisory Board and president

of the IU Alumni Association’s Riaydh chapter. Dr. Talbi is assistant professor

of law and chair of KSU’s private law department, College of Law and

Political Science.

– Meetings at King Saud University to explore collaborations such as the LLM


and SJD programs described above. Honored to meet with a range of faculty

and administrators, the delegation also met with Dr. Mufleh R. al-Qahtani,

dean of the College of Law and Political Science, and Dr. Ahmed al-Aamer,

vice rector for graduate studies and scientific research. (Dean al-Qahtani’s son,

Sultan, is a current student in the Law School’s LLM program.) The

visit to KSU culminated in an epic ping-pong duel between Dr. Talbi and

William Schaad, the Law School’s director of graduate admissions.

ergo: dec. 2017 — 31

– A meeting with Dr. Ahmed Dhaifallah al-Yousef, vice dean and legal

counsel, and other leaders at Princess Nora Bint AbdulRahman

University, to explore collaboration with their Law Department. PNU is

the largest women’s university in the world.

– A warm welcome from a large number of faculty and administrators from

Prince Sultan University, including Dr. Rimah S. al-Yahya, the vice rector

of Prince Sultan University’s Women’s Campus, and Dr. Saad A. al-Mosa,

the dean of the College of Business Administration. PSU is Saudi Arabia’s

first private, non-profit university.

– A discussion with officials of the Islamic Development Bank, a UN General

Assembly observer with membership of 56 countries. The bank’s president,

His Excellency Dr. Bandar al-Hajjar, is a 1981 IU graduate with an MA in

economics. President McRobbie and a delegation visited him in 2014 when

he was the Minister of the Hajj. Also present from the bank were Mansur

A. Noibi, director of the bank’s legal department, Dr. Abderrahman Beddi,

manager of education initiatives, and Nedzad Ajanovic, senior partnership

specialist at the bank.

Dean Parrish and colleagues from the law school were guests of HRH Prince Mansour and other members of the Saudi royal family during a recent visit to Saudi Arabia.

The school’s visit attracted attention in the local media, including coverage of the dinner with HRH Prince Mansour in the Riyadh Post, an interview led by students from Prince Sultan University, and an interview on Saudi Arabia Radio focusing on IU, its collaboration with King Saud University, and questions about social media and student learning. In addition to Dean Parrish, the IU delegation comprised Lesley E. Davis, assistant dean for international programs; Gabrielle L. Goodwin, director of graduate legal studies; and Schaad, all from the Law School; Fredrick W. Perry, executive director of international advancement, Indiana University Foundation; and Dr. Shariq Siddiqui, visiting director and assistant professor of the Muslim Philanthropy Initiative at the IUPUI Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

Law School alumni hosted Dean Parrish, Assistant Dean Lesley Davis, and colleagues at a reception in Riyadh.

– Learning about the Sulaiman Abdul Aziz al-Rajhi Holding Company


from its chief executive officer, Dr. Zeyah O. al-Hekail. The company was

created by Sulaiman Abdul Aziz al-Rajhi, whose estimated worth of

almost $8 billion makes him one of the world’s richest people. He received

the 2012 King Faisal International Prize for dedicating half his fortune

to charity. ergo: dec. 2017 — 33

event commemorates naming of research center, professorship

and to some extent for Judi and me,” he said. “The students have taken that seriously, and they’ve acquitted themselves well.” “The managing partners of the firms we send Stewart Fellows to tell us that they’re the best externs they’ve ever had in the history of the firm. So I’m very optimistic about the future, and hopeful that our gift will be rocket fuel for this program. Krishnan

“Happiness is at the intersection of passion and opportunity,” Stewart concluded. “For all of you out there, I hope you find what Judi and I have found at that intersection. We think we’ve done well, and we’ve done good, and we know we’ve changed lives. But we know it’s all just begun. And we thank you.”

More than 100 members of the Indiana University Maurer School of Law community gathered in Baier Hall

Krishnan thanked the Stewarts and the Law School leadership for naming him

on October 16 to honor Milt, JD ’71, and Judi Stewart for their previously announced $7.7 million gift to the

as the inaugural holder of the endowed professorship, and for having the vision to

school’s Center on the Global Legal Profession.

establish the Center and the Stewart Fellows program.

In recognition of their longstanding commitment to the Law School, the Center was named the Milt and Judi

“The unique part of the program is that we’ve been able to structure these experi-

Stewart Center on the Global Legal Profession. The Stewarts have generously supported the Center since its

ences so that our students don’t have to incur further financial costs to partici-

founding in 2009, including establishing the Stewart Fellows global externship program, which has funded

pate,” he explained. “So when I think about today’s gift from Milt and Judi, the

more than 125 students’ summer externships in ten countries since 2010.

beautiful part about this gesture is that it will allow us to continue to support the

In addition, Professor Jayanth Krishnan was named the Milt and Judi Stewart Professor of Law. A socio-legal researcher who focuses on the legal profession, law and globalization, access to justice, and legal education, Krishnan is director of the Stewart Center on the Global Legal Profession.

work we’re doing while giving us a chance to think about new lines of research inquiry on the legal profession. Their gift enables us to come up with new ways and methods to expand institutional partnerships and the Stewart Fellows program even further.”

“Through their remarkable generosity, Milt and Judi have ensured that the Center now named in their honor A plaque commemorating

will continue to provide Indiana University students with excellent and unique opportunities to immerse them-

the Stewarts’ investment in

selves into learning about international legal systems,” said IU President Michael A. McRobbie. “Their support

the Law School has been

is truly inspiring and will have an enduring impact on the IU Maurer School of Law as the school advances its

installed on the second floor of Baier Hall.

mission to be an exceptional law school that benefits Indiana, the nation, and the world.” Lauren K. Robel, ’83, IU Bloomington provost, IU executive vice president, and former dean of the Maurer School of Law, told the assembly, “Milt and Judi, we are so grateful for all you’ve done to support Maurer and the Center on the Global Legal Profession. In particular, I would like to thank you for the impact you’ve had on our students...I remember meeting a student who had just come back from Japan after the first year of the Stewart Fellows program. She said, ‘This is why I came to IU. This is what I hoped I would be able to do.’ You’ve given our students opportunities that are beyond transformative.” Stewart thanked the Law School and the university for the opportunity to develop the Stewart Fellows program. “It’s a competitive program..., and we put these kids through hard interviews. We make sure they understand that they will be ambassadors for Indiana University, for the state of Indiana and our nation,


Several other distinguished guests spoke at the naming ceremony, including Dean Parrish, William D. Henderson, Stephen F. Burns Professor of Law and founding director of the Stewart Center on the Global Legal Profession; Christiana Ochoa, associate dean for research and faculty affairs; and Kylie Wood, a 2017 Stewart Fellow. ergo: dec. 2017 — 35

inaugural smith lecture focuses on environmental law On November 2 the Indiana Law community gathered in the Moot Court Room Stewart is a retired partner in the Portland, Oregon, office of Davis Wright Tremaine, an international business and litigation law firm with offices across the United States and in Shanghai.

of Baier Hall for the George P. Smith, II Distinguished Professorship Inaugural Lecture. The lecture was titled “Letting Go of Stability: Resilience and Environmental Law” and was delivered by Robert L. Fischman, who was named the first George P. Smith, II Professor of Law.

Long active in Indiana University activities,

Fischman and a team of colleagues recently received a $55 million grant from

he currently serves as vice chairman of the

Indiana University to develop actionable worldwide solutions that prepare busi-

Indiana University Foundation board of directors,

nesses, farmers, communities, and individuals for the effects of climate change.

where he is the volunteer chair of the university’s

The initiative — Prepared for Climate Change — is part of the university’s $300

Bicentennial Campaign. Milt and Judi Stewart

million Grand Challenges Program, launched in 2015. The initiative will create

Clockwise from top left:

are both longtime members of the advisory board

an Environmental Resilience Institute that will predict the impact of climate

Milt Stewart visits with his classmate,

of the IU Eskenazi Museum of Art.

change and facilitate collaboration between IU’s research faculty and Indiana’s

Hon. John G. Baker, ’71, Indiana Court of Appeals. Milt Stewart expresses his gratitude to

Established in 2009, the Milt and Judi Stewart Center on the Global Legal Profession engages in

residents, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and the public sector. The Law School’s leadership role in the new Institute builds on its environmental law tradition of interdisciplinary research.

Indiana University and the Maurer School

research that advances knowledge about the global

of Law for laying the foundation for his

legal profession, provides students with opportuni-

Fischman teaches Environmental Law, Public Natural Resources Law, Water

success in the legal profession.

ties for hands-on learning about the law in other

Law, and Wildlife Law, along with courses at IU’s School of Public and Envi-

Judi Stewart, Milt Stewart, ’71,

countries, and builds global partnerships with

ronmental Affairs. A faculty member since 1992, he is co-author of the leading

IU President Michael A. McRobbie,

other law schools to enhance the impact of the

casebook on public land and resources law and a founding board member of the

profession throughout the world. With more than

Conservation Law Center, Inc., which operates the Law School’s Conservation

IU First Lady Laurie Burns McRobbie,

a dozen affiliated faculty, it is one of the leading

Law Clinic.

Dean Austen Parrish,

research centers of its kind. Through its programs,

IU Bloomington Provost and IU Executive Vice President Lauren Robel, ’83,

Professor Jayanth Krishnan.

the Center has been instrumental in the law school’s holistic approach to transforming students into outstanding, ethical lawyers who understand the evolving nature of the legal profession.

George P. Smith, II, ’64, is professor emeritus at Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law in Washington, D.C. He has made a generous gift to establish a professorship in his name. Smith is an internationally recognized scholar whose pathbreaking research on artificial insemination and the law established him as an insightful frontiersman in the emerging area of law, science, and medicine. He is continuing his research and writing in the field of international human rights as a residential fellow at the IU Institute of Advanced Study.


ergo: dec. 2017 — 37

widiss, eaglin receive prestigious research fellowships

applegate honored for research on helping families experiencing parental separation or divorce

Two Indiana Law professors have received fellowship grants from prestigious academic institutions. Deborah A. Widiss, professor of law, has received a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar Grant for Australia. She will spend the spring semester of 2018 at the

Amy G. Applegate, clinical professor of law, Ralph F. Fuchs Faculty Fellow, and director of the Law School’s

Centre on Labour and Employment Law at Melbourne Law School. Widiss will be

Viola J. Taliaferro Family and Children Mediation Clinic, has received the Indiana University 2017 Outstanding

studying Australia’s support for workers who are also juggling family responsibili-

Faculty Collaborative Research Award for her work in helping families experiencing the distress of separation

ties. Her research will focus on that country’s recently enacted paid parental leave

or divorce. She shares the award with Amy Holtzworth-Munroe, professor of psychology in IU’s College of Arts

scheme and other legal supports, such as paid time off to care for family members

and Sciences’ Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Applegate is the university’s first clinical professor

and a right to request a flexible working schedule.

to be honored with this prestigious award.

Although these legal developments are an important step forward, government

Divorce and parental separation affect about 50 percent of families in the United States each year, including

studies and anecdotal reports suggest that women and men in Australia continue

more than one million children. This development puts children at risk for numerous negative outcomes and costs

to face significant discrimination at work based on their family responsibilities.

families and courts considerable time and money.

Widiss plans to use semi-structured interviews with stakeholders to learn about Australia’s legal reforms in this area and consider the lessons they may hold for policy makers and researchers in the United States. She noted that this is an area where we can learn much from the rest of the world. The United States is one of just two countries in the world (the other is Papua New Guinea) that fails to guarantee that new mothers at least have paid time off after the birth of a baby.

Although there are various mediation programs that help families navigate separation and improve outcomes, little has been done to study their effectiveness. Applegate and Holtzworth-Munroe have done just that, pursuing evidence-based analyses of family law interventions such as online parent education programs. They also are examining the safety and outcome of mediation for divorcing and separating parents with high levels of intimatepartner violence, including developing a better screening tool for mediators to be aware of the violence. Their research is conducted in the law school’s Viola J. Taliaferro Family and Children Mediation Center and in courts

Jessica M. Eaglin, associate professor of law, is on leave this academic year as

around Indiana, as well as at the Washington, D.C., Superior Court Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Division.

a Law and Public Affairs Fellow at Princeton University. An expert in the area of sentencing law and policy, she focuses her scholarship on state and federal responses to the economic and social pressures of mass incarceration in the United States, with a particular focus on recidivism risk predictions. At Princeton, she will further explore the intersection of employer background check policies and recidivism risk prediction in the era of mass incarceration. Eaglin’s LAPA fellowship is the second one in three years for Law School faculty. Associate Professor H. Timothy Lovelace was a LAPA Fellow in 2015-16.


“The important work that Amy Applegate and Amy Holtzworth-Munroe are doing will inform the body of knowledge on the effectiveness of mediation programs for families undergoing difficult transitions,” said IU Bloomington Provost and Executive Vice President Lauren Robel. “I am confident that their combination of legal and psychological research will make a positive impact on people’s lives.” Jointly offered by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice Provost for Research, the Outstanding Faculty Collaborative Research Award recognizes faculty team accomplishments in research, scholarship, and creative activities.

ergo: dec. 2017 — 39

new book chronicles government surveillance around the world

A new book from an Indiana Law professor is shedding light on a subject

usually kept in the dark: government access to private-sector data.

lederman among top 10 most-cited tax faculty Leandra Lederman, William W. Oliver Professor and director of the

Bulk Collection: Systematic Government Access to Private-Sector Data

Law School’s tax program, is an internationally known tax scholar and acclaimed

compiles six years’ worth of research conducted across a dozen countries. It is

teacher. A frequent speaker, she recently presented her work at the 35th

edited by Indiana University Vice President for Research and Distinguished

International Symposium on Economic Crime at Jesus College of the University

Professor Fred H. Cate, and James Dempsey, executive director of the

of Cambridge and the Law and Society Association meeting in Mexico City.

Berkeley Center for Law & Technology at the University of California, Berkeley,

Lederman also recently became a vice chair of the American Bar Association’s

School of Law.

Section of Taxation, Tax Policy, and Simplification Committee.

Leading an initiative sponsored by The Privacy Projects, Cate and Dempsey

Lederman ranks among the top 10 most-cited tax law professors in the

commissioned a series of 12 country reports from a wide array of leading scholars and practitioners across

United States, according to a ranking published in 2016 that the University

the globe.

of Chicago’s Brian Leiter developed using the number of citations from 2010–2014. With 300 citations, Lederman ranked sixth on the list, among

Chief among their discoveries is that foreign governments — much like in the U.S. — are using national

colleagues from the University of Chicago, Columbia, Michigan, Stanford,

security to cloak their data-collection efforts in secrecy.

and NYU Law Schools. This year, in addition to working on articles, she “There are disturbing indications of systemic access to private-sector data all over the world,” Cate said.

completed the fourth edition of her casebook, Tax Controversies: Practice and

“These programs are often undertaken in the name of national security, which makes them largely immune

Procedure (co-authored with Stephen W. Mazza, Dean of Kansas Law School),

from oversight and pose significant threats to personal privacy.”

which is currently in press. Lederman also blogs as part of the tax blog The Surly Subgroup,

Those countries examined include: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and the United States. The report on the United States was compiled by Cate and Beth Cate, clinical associate professor in the IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs. The book also includes 11 chapters that present descriptive and normative frameworks for assessing national surveillance laws, survey evolving international law and human rights principles applicable to government surveillance, and describe oversight mechanisms. It also explores the concept of accountability and the role of encryption in shaping the surveillance debate. Cate and Dempsey conclude by offering recommendations for both governments and industry, oriented around the principles of legality, proportionality, and accountability.

coming events Dean’s Alumni Receptions San Diego — Jan. 5, 2018 Miami — Jan. 19, 2018 Naples, Fla. — Feb. 8, 2018

The book has been published by the Oxford University Press.


For location, time, and other details, visit

ergo: dec. 2017 — 41

The Law School and the Indiana University Wells Scholars Program have

indiana law, wells scholars program announce 3+3 accelerated law degree

announced a program that enables IU students to earn both a bachelor’s degree and a juris doctor degree in just six years instead of seven years, with full scholarship and living stipends of more than $175,000 for Indiana residents and $300,000 for non-residents. Students accepted to the Maurer-Wells 3+3 Program will graduate from Indiana University upon completion of their fourth year, after completing their first Gibson

year of law school. Eligible students will receive scholarship funding and living stipends from the Wells Scholars and IU Pathways programs, along with a tuition scholarship from the Law School. As a result, Maurer-Wells students are expected to incur no college or law school tuition expense, and they will receive other substantial assistance to offset the cost of their education. “The Maurer-Wells 3+3 Program is another way for the law school to attract the best and brightest students, while enabling them to meet their educational goals at little or no expense,” said Dean Parrish. “IU’s Wells Scholars have honored the university with distinguished careers in nearly every profession, and we look forward to welcoming them into the law school community.” Parrish plans to teach a course, International Law in a Changing World, as part of the Wells Scholars freshman seminar in the spring of 2018. At the conclusion of the course, the entire class will visit Berlin, including the university’s Global Gateway there. The program was featured in the fall 2017 issue of Pre-Law magazine. “This program builds upon the goals of our former longtime president and chancellor, Herman B Wells, in creating one of the most prestigious and competitive awards offered by any university to attract the most talented students to Indiana University,” said Christoph Irmscher, director of IU’s Wells Scholars Program and Provost Professor of English. Additional support for the program is being provided in the form of a $50,000 scholarship gift from Bonnie Gibson, ’78, a 1975 recipient of the Herman B Wells Senior Award. Gibson is a retired partner of Fragomen, a Phoenix, Ariz., law firm. The Wells Scholarship, created in honor of the late IU Chancellor Herman B Wells, ranks among the most competitive and prestigious awards offered by any American university. Wells Scholars have gone on to win more than 75 national and international scholarships, fellowships, and grants, such as the Rhodes, Truman, Marshall, Soros, Mitchell, Churchill, Gates Cambridge, Fulbright, and Goldwater awards.

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Before 1960 MCKINNEY HONORED WITH HERMAN B WELLS VISIONARY AWARD Indiana University and the IU Foundation honored Robert H. McKinney, ’51, with the Herman B Wells Visionary Award. The award recognizes an individual whose lifetime commitments of time, talent, and treasure to IU reveal a deep understanding of the power of philanthropy to shape the future of the institution. Hon. Lee H. Hamilton, ’56, received the Gold Winner Next Generation Indie Book award for Congress, Presidents and American Politics.

1960s Joseph T. Bumbleburg, ’61, was recently reappointed to his 19th term as judge advocate for the American Legion, Department of Indiana. Bingham Greenebaum Doll partner Daniel P. Byron, ’62, was honored with the Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame Distinguished Service Award for his body of work protecting journalists in their many investigative efforts and in holding governments accountable for their actions, both in the U.S. and abroad. Byron concentrates his practice in media law, and has defended the First Amendment and journalists throughout his career, including working with the International Senior Lawyers Project to end repercussions against journalists in Ghana, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Mongolia, and representing journalists pro bono with the Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Byron is president of the Indiana Debate Commission, serves on the boards of several media advocacy organizations, and is general counsel for the Indiana Broadcasters Association. He was also recognized with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Indiana Broadcasters Association in 2008 for especially meritorious service and contributions in the field of broadcasting, the association’s highest honor; he is the only non-broadcaster to receive the award.


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A new book by Lowell E. Baier, ’64, Inside the Equal Access to Justice Act: Environmental Litigation and the Crippling Battle over America’s Lands,


Endangered Species, and Critical Habitats, has been chosen as a 2016

Indiana University and the IU Foundation honored the family of Randolph

Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award finalist in the two categories of

L. Seger, ’72, with the Family Legacy Award. The award recognizes families

Ecology/Environment and History. One of America’s preeminent experts on

who have created a time-honored tradition of volunteerism and generosity

environmental litigation, Baier chronicles the century-long story of America’s

toward Indiana University. Seger is a member of the Law School’s Board

resources management, focusing on litigation, citizen suit provisions, and

of Visitors.

attorneys’ fees. He provides the first book-length comprehensive examination of the little-known Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) and its role in

Tucker Ellis LLP has announced that Richard A. Dean, ’73, has been

environmental litigation, focusing on its effect on wildlife and especially en-

selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America for 2018.

dangered species. A native son of Remington, Indiana, Baier was a research

Dean was recognized for his work in the area of mass tort litigation/class

assistant for two years for his famed mentor, Dr. Jerome Hall. The naming

actions — defendants. He is a partner for Tucker Ellis in Cleveland.

of the Law School’s Baier Hall was in recognition of Baier’s dedication and service to the legacy and conservation of America’s wildlife and natural

Harry L. Gonso, ’73, was sworn in as a member of the Indiana University

resources, and to the Law School.

Board of Trustees. This is his second time serving as a trustee.

Frank E. Wrenick, ’65, has just published his second book, Automobile

Donald R. Lundberg, ’76, was featured in an article in the March 8-21,

Manufacturers of Cleveland and Ohio, 1864–1942. His first book, The

2017 issue of Indiana Lawyer. The article focused on his transition from his

Streamline Era Greyhound Terminals: The Architecture of W.S. Arrasmith,

deputy general counsel role at Barnes & Thornburg LLP to his solo practice,

was published in 2007, both by McFarland Press. Wrenick is an award-

Lundberg Legal.

winning transportation author and lecturer who has participated in the restoration of World War II aircraft and a 1918 steam locomotive. He lives

Bunger & Robertson attorney Joseph D. O’Connor, ’78, was named to the

in Cleveland.

2017 Super Lawyers list. O’Connor has worked with Bunger & Robertson since he was a clerk with the firm in law school. He became a partner in 1983


and was recently recognized by his peers for his career achievements and was inducted into the prestigious American College of Trial Lawyers.

A new book by Michael S. (Mickey) Maurer, ’67, recounts the story of Indiana University’s legendary football team. Cinderella Ball: 1967 Indiana

Jeffrey S. Dible, ’79, has been recognized by The Indiana Lawyer in the

Hoosiers Run for the Rose Bowl, draws from archival sources and dozens of

2017 Leadership in Law series as a Distinguished Barrister. The Indiana

interviews with the team’s players and coaches to create a colorful narrative

Lawyer annually honors members of the local legal community for their

of a storied time in IU’s history. Maurer is the principal benefactor of the

professional commitments, social and civic involvement, and volunteer efforts.

Law School, which bears his name, and chairman of the board of the National

The Leadership in Law Distinguished Barrister Awards are given each year

Bank of Indianapolis and IBJ Corporation. This is his sixth book.

to those attorneys who have shown a commitment to their profession and the clients they serve. Dible is a highly regarded tax attorney at Frost Brown Todd LLC in Indianapolis. He is also well-known in estate planning and frequently testifies before committees of the Indiana General Assembly in favor of or against bills to amend the state’s trust, estate and guardianship laws, including the repeal of Indiana’s inheritance tax.


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Allen Circuit Court Judge Thomas J. Felts, ’79, was selected as this year’s

Frank E. Sullivan, Jr., ’82, has been selected to receive the prestigious

recipient of the Outstanding Judge Award by the Indiana State Bar Associa-

2017 American Inns of Court Professionalism Award for the Seventh Circuit.

tion Young Lawyers Section at its annual awards luncheon in Indianapolis.

The American Inns of Court Professionalism Award honors “a lawyer or judge whose life and practice display sterling character and unquestioned integrity,


coupled with ongoing dedication to the highest standards of the legal pro-

Thomas “Buddy” Downs, ’80, has been recognized by The Indiana Lawyer

University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, where he teaches courses in

in the 2017 Leadership in Law series as a Distinguished Barrister. The

closely held business organizations, contracts, securities regulation, advanced

Indiana Lawyer annually honors members of the local legal community for

sales, secured transactions, and a course in judging.

fession and the rule of law.” Sullivan is professor of practice at the Indiana

their professional commitments, social and civic involvement, and volunteer efforts. The Leadership in Law Distinguished Barrister Awards are given

Gregory F. Zoeller, ’82, has been recognized by The Indiana Lawyer in

each year to those attorneys who have shown a commitment to their profes-

the 2017 Leadership in Law series as a Distinguished Barrister. The

sion and the clients they serve. Downs is one of the state’s leading authorities

Indiana Lawyer annually honors members of the local legal community for

on municipal finance. He has chaired Ice Miller LLP’s municipal finance

their professional commitments, social and civic involvement, and volunteer

group for 26 years and has served as bond counsel on hundreds of financings

efforts. The Leadership in Law Distinguished Barrister Awards are given

for major shopping centers, airlines, city halls, convention centers, and

each year to those attorneys who have shown a commitment to their profes-

other entities. He is a strong ally of his clients and is a great mentor to many

sion and the clients they serve. Zoeller spent eight years as Indiana attorney

lawyers at Ice Miller.

general, taking on consumer fraud, prescription drug abuse, sexual and domestic abuse, and advocating for states’ rights. He was also recently hired

Terry G. Farmer, ’80, has co-founded a new firm, Farmer Scott Ozete

as general counsel for Golars Environmental and Remediation Services

Robinson & Schmitt, in Evansville. He focuses his practice on banking and

in Noblesville. Golars, founded in 2008, provides services in environmental

financing matters, business strategy, construction, corporate governance

remediation and contamination cleanup, brownfield site remediation, air

and shareholder disputes, business and commercial transactions, creditors’

quality management, and vapor intrusion investigation and management.

rights and bankruptcy, and litigation. Bunger & Robertson attorney Samuel R. Ardery, ’83, was named to the Indiana Super Lawyers magazine recently named Stephen J. Peters, ’80,

2017 Super Lawyers list. Ardery has been recognized multiple times by his

from Plunkett Cooney, one of the Midwest’s oldest and largest law firms, to

peers in the past three decades he has been practicing law. He was named one

its 2017 list of Super Lawyers. Since 2009, Peters has received the Indiana

of the Top 10 Lawyers in Indiana in 2014, is consistently chosen among the

Super Lawyer designation in the areas of appellate law, commercial litigation,

Top 50 Lawyers in Indiana, and is routinely listed as one of the Best Lawyers

construction law, and insurance law. Peters serves as the managing partner

in America. He focuses his practice on mediation/ADR, civil litigation, and

of the firm’s Indianapolis office. Peters was also included among the 2018

personal injury in Bloomington.

Best Lawyers in America list for his work in appellate practice, commercial litigation, insurance law, and construction litigation.

Mary H. Conwell, ’83, has been promoted to department chair of the Paralegal Studies Program at Florida Southwestern State College in Fort

Kahn, Dees, Donovan, & Kahn LLP is pleased to announce that Brian P.

Myers, Fla. She lives in Cape Coral, Fla.

Williams, ’81, has been selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2018 in recognition of his work in economic development

Lauren K. Robel, ’83, has been appointed to the American Bar Foundation.

law. Williams is a co-managing partner for KDDK in Evansville. Williams

Robel is a former dean of the Law School and currently serves as provost of

also received the Indiana University Alumni Association President’s Award

IU Bloomington and executive vice president of Indiana University.

to acknowledge his service to, and volunteer leadership of, the IUAA.


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Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP has announced that Kimberley K. Rhoades, ’83, has joined the firm’s Indianapolis office as of counsel in the Health & Life Sciences group. Prior to joining Taft, Rhoades served as the director of the Indiana State Department of Health’s Long-Term Care Division, where she was responsible for administering laws governing the day-to-day operations of nursing facilities and residential care facilities, as well as monitoring compliance with Life Safety Code and physical plant requirements. Rhoades will focus her practice primarily on regulatory and corporate matters, with particular emphasis on long-term health services. Wyatt, Tarrant, & Combs LLP has announced that William H. Hollander, ’84, has been recognized by Woodward White’s 2018 The Best Lawyers in America. Hollander received the recognition in the practice areas of copyright law, litigation — intellectual property, trade secrets law, and trademark law. He is of counsel in the firm’s Louisville office.


HILL EARNS TOP VOTES, SWORN IN AS INDIANA ATTORNEY GENERAL Former Elkhart County prosecutor Curtis T. Hill, Jr., ’87, was sworn in as Indiana’s 43rd Attorney General on Jan. 9. By casting over 1.6 million votes for him, Hoosiers made him the top vote-getter of any elected official in Indiana history. After being elected to four terms as Elkhart County Prosecutor, Hill begins his administration as Indiana Attorney General with an emphasis on safeguarding the rights of Hoosiers by fighting tirelessly to eliminate government overreach, protecting families from drugs and violence, and defending our most vulnerable from fraudulent practices such as scams. Hill succeeds Greg Zoeller, ’82, who served two terms as Indiana Attorney General. Thomas R. “Tom” Newby, ’87, recently retired after eighteen years as senior judicial law clerk at the Indiana Court of Appeals and is enjoying spending most of his time in New York City. Joshua J. Minkler, ’88, has been named U.S. Attorney for the Southern

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has appointed Randall K. Nixon, ’84, as

District of Indiana. He had served as the interim U.S. Attorney in the South-

small business ombudsman. As an attorney and president of three successful

ern District since June 2015.

companies which he operated simultaneously, Nixon will share his strategic planning, business development, training, leadership, and business plan

Terry L. Harrell, ’89, was quoted in a New York Times article, “The

implementation skills as he works with small business owners across the

Lawyer, The Addict.”

state. The business ombudsman is responsible for resolving problems encountered by businesses interacting with state agencies and facilitating responsiveness to business needs. The ombudsman also maintains a central clearinghouse of business assistance programs and connects businesses with services or assistance programs. Nixon will collect and report data to the governor and the General Assembly regarding trends that create barriers to business growth, and work with the appropriate stakeholders to develop smart, lasting solutions.

1990s The global law firm Jones Day announced that the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers (AAAL) has named issues and appeals partner Gregory A. Castanias, ’90, as a Fellow of the AAAL. Founded in 1990, the AAAL recognizes outstanding appellate lawyers and promotes the improvement of appellate advocacy. Castanias is the head of Jones Day’s Federal Circuit team in D.C. and has almost 30 years of experience as a

Bunger & Robertson attorney James L. Whitlatch, ’84, was named to the 2017 Super Lawyers list. Whitlatch is a partner committed to helping

leading appellate and intellectual property litigator. He is a member of the Law School’s Board of Visitors.

individuals and organizations in health care law, employment and labor law, business entities and civil litigation. He has been an adjunct faculty member at Indiana University since 1989, teaching Legal Aspects of Health Care.

Kahn, Dees, Donovan, & Kahn LLP announced that Shannon S. Frank, ’90, has been selected by her peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2018 in recognition of her work in real estate law, closely

Philip M. Purcell, ’85, has joined Focus Fellowship of Catholic University Students as senior counsel for philanthropy. He was previously the

held companies and family businesses law. Frank is a partner for KDDK in Evansville.

vice president of planned giving at Ball State University Foundation.


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HAINES TO LEAD TAYLOR UNIVERSITY Paul Lowell Haines, ’90, was installed as Taylor University’s 31st president during inauguration ceremonies on October 20. Previously Haines practiced law at Indianapolis-based Faegre Baker Daniels, where he served dozens of colleges and universities across the country, along with churches and faithbased organizations, private foundations, museums, and many other nonprofit organizations. Haines served the first 10 years of his professional career at Taylor, first as a residence hall director (1977-80), later as Director of Student Programs (1980-83), Dean of Students (1983-85) and finally as Vice President for Student Development (1985-87). He left Taylor in 1987 to attend the Maurer School of Law. Michigan Lawyers Weekly has selected Aileen M. Leipprandt, ’90, as one of its “Women in the Law,” Class of 2017. The honor recognizes Leipprandt as an inspiring and accomplished leader who has shown a commitment to excellence in the practice of law. Leipprandt is an attorney at Hilger Hammond in Grand Rapids.

TUUK ELECTED TO BOARD OF VISITORS Mary E. Tuuk, JD/MBA, ’90, has been elected to the Law School’s Board of Visitors. Tuuk is vice president and chief compliance officer for Meijer, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Mich.-based retailer. Previously she spent nearly 15 years at Fifth Third Bancorp in a variety of leadership roles and was an associate at Chapman and Cutler in Chicago. After a successful six-year run as president of the Legacy Fund of Hamilton County (Ind.), Terry W. Anker, ’91, completed his tenure with the foundation in March 2017. He has returned full time to the Anker Consulting Group, where his primary focus is to advise entrepreneurs in both mature and start-up enterprises.

LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION COUNCIL NAMES TESTY PRESIDENT, CEO Kellye Y. Testy, ’91, dean of the University of Washington School of Law in Seattle, has been named the new president and CEO of the Law School Admission Council. Testy brings substantial experience as a law school dean and business leader to her new post, along with effective partnerships throughout legal education, including with the American Bar Association, and the Association of American Law Schools, of which she served as president in 2016.

Kahn, Dees, Donovan, & Kahn LLP has announced that Kent A. Brasseale, II, ’93, has been selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2018 in recognition of his work in real estate law and construction law. Brasseale is a partner for KDDK in Evansville. Julie M. Conrad, ’93, has been recognized by The Indiana Lawyer in the 2017 Leadership in Law series as a Distinguished Barrister. The Indiana Lawyer annually honors members of the local legal community for their professional commitments, social and civic involvement, and volunteer efforts. The Leadership in Law Distinguished Barrister Awards are given each year to those attorneys who have shown a commitment to their profession and the clients they serve. Conrad was also named vice president and chief counsel at Eskenazi Health. Sandra Henson Kinney, ’93, was recognized as a Lawyer and Leader Class of 2017 by the West Virginia University College of Law and West Virginia Executive magazine. She is part of an exceptional group of professionals invested in advancing the legal profession and empowering the people, organizations, and communities they serve. Kinney is an attorney at Bailey Glasser LLP in Charleston and focuses her practice on consumer rights litigation, class actions, and general litigation.

POPE HONORED AS WOMAN OF THE YEAR As selected by her peers, Delanie P. Pope, ’93, is Michigan Lawyers Weekly’s 2017 Woman of the Year. Pope is a staff attorney and clinical assistant professor at the Michigan State University Chance at Childhood Law and Social Work Clinic in East Lansing. Pope specializes in advocacy for children in the family court system. Much of her work is devoted to providing pro bono legal services to Michigan families. She also oversees day-to-day activities of the clinic, which is staffed by MSU law students and graduate-level social work students and focused on family and children’s interests, including custody, guardianship, and adoption matters. In July, Wooden McLaughlin, an Indianapolis-based law firm with offices in Evansville and Bloomington, Ind., announced that four lawyers and one practice area were recognized in Chambers USA: A Guide to America’s Leading Lawyers in Business. The firm achieved a Band 1 Real Estate Firm ranking for Indiana, and E. Joseph Kremp III, ’94, was one of four firm partners highlighted in the directory. Kremp concentrates his practice in real estate, commercial and real estate finance, and corporate law. Chambers guides are the culmination of thousands of in-depth interviews by the largest research team of its kind and are trusted globally to objectively rank the world’s best lawyers and law firms.


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Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn LLP welcomes Scott R. Sikkenga, ’94,

focused on first-year law students, among other accomplishments. She

as partner in the firm’s Kalamazoo office. An experienced lead trial attorney,

advocates for community service with her team, supporting flexible work

Sikkenga joins the Complex Commercial Litigation practice. He focuses his

schedules and encouraging employees to serve organizations and provide

practice on commercial, real estate, and tax litigation matters in state and

pro bono service within their communities. O’Donnell is a newly elected

federal courts.

member of the Law School’s Board of Visitors.

Long-time Dearborn-Ohio County prosecutor F. Aaron Negangard, ’95,

Andrew C. Ozete, ’96, has co-founded a new firm, Farmer Scott Ozete

is leaving to become chief deputy to the newly-elected Indiana Attorney

Robinson & Schmitt, in Evansville. He focuses his practice on banking and

General, Curtis Hill. Negangard has been prosecutor since 2006 after start-

financial institutions, business services, creditors’ rights and bankruptcy,

ing as a deputy prosecutor in 1997.

employment, and manufacturing.

Laura A. Scott, ’95, has co-founded a new firm, Farmer Scott Ozete

Theodore R. Eppel, ’97, has joined Butzel Long as a shareholder in the

Robinson & Schmitt, in Evansville. She focuses her practice on banking and

firm’s Bloomfield Hills (Mich.) office. Eppel is a former state prosecutor with

financial institutions, business and commercial transactions, business

nearly 20 years of experience in criminal and civil litigation.

services, creditors’ rights, employment, electronic payments, manufacturing, and real estate.

Angelina A. Torain, ’97, who serves as Notre Dame’s Associate Athletics Director, Human Resources, Legal and Risk Management, was appointed to

Faegre Baker Daniels has announced that Joseph L. Smith, Jr., ’95, was

the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel.

elected to the firm’s management board for his first term. Smith is a government partner who advises clients on government, labor, employment

K. Thomas Ko, ’98, has joined Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP

and supplier diversity matters, as well as legislation drafting and lobbying.

as a partner in their New York office. He is a member of the financial institutions practice and focuses on bank regulatory matters.

Kahn, Dees, Donovan, & Kahn LLP has announced that Robert F. “Ted” Barron, II, ’96, has been selected by his peers for inclusion in The

Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP has elected David T. McGimpsey, ’98, as

Best Lawyers in America 2018 in recognition of his work in healthcare

a partner. McGimpsey works in the firm’s Jasper office and concentrates his

law. Barron is a partner for KDDK in Evansville.

practice in regulatory and transactional matters involving businesses, real estate, utilities, and energy. He also hosts the bi-monthly “The Water Values


Podcast” that was named to the best of 2016 list from Global Citizen.

Hon. Christopher M. Goff, ’96, has been sworn in as Indiana’s 110th Supreme Court justice. He has been a superior court judge in

Nichole M. Pitts, ’98, vice president, international compliance and ethics

Wabash County since 2005, and previously served as Huntington County

officer at Louis Berger, has been recognized as one of the 2016 Attorneys

public defender.

Who Matter by the Ethisphere Institute. Pitts is included in the compliance category on Ethisphere’s annual list that recognizes ethical and responsible

O’DONNELL EARNS TOP CORPORATE COUNSEL AWARD Laura C. S. O’Donnell, ’96, vice president and general counsel for GE Healthcare, was awarded top corporate counsel of the Milwaukee Business Journal’s 2017 Top Corporate Counsel awards. O’Donnell is credited with helping GE Healthcare set up a cybersecurity program; rallying her team to create and implement a self-service app that allows businesses and employees

business practices globally. Attorneys Who Matter represents all areas of practice, including federal agencies, in-house counsel, ethics and compliance officers of major companies, and outside counsel. Pitts has more than 20 years of experience in compliance and ethics, and is a Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional (CCEP) and an International Association of Privacy Professionals certified professional (CIPP).

to create their own straightforward contracts, bringing the legal department into the digital age and saving time; and creating an internship program


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Christopher J. Worden, ’98, is the new executive director for Future Ready, an organization headquartered in West Sacramento, Calif., that helps district leaders plan and implement personalized, research-based digital learning strategies so all students can achieve their full potential. Gina Brickley Beredo, ’99, has been named vice president, general counsel, and secretary of Nordson Corporation in Westlake, Ohio. She will oversee the company’s legal function in global mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, ethics and compliance, litigation, and other general corporate legal matters. Elaine M. Pohl, ’99, was recently named a department leader of Plunkett Cooney, one of the Midwest’s oldest and largest law firms. Her responsibilities took effect on April 1. Pohl will serve as the firm’s department leader for attorneys practicing in the areas of insurance coverage and Appellate Law. A partner in Plunkett Cooney’s insurance coverage practice group, Pohl maintains a national practice where she counsels insurers in complex property and casualty insurance coverage disputes, including litigated and non-litigated matters.

PRYOR TO LEAD NEWLY FORMED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LAW STUDENT AFFAIRS PROFESSIONALS Johnny D. Pryor, ’02, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at IU Robert H. McKinney School of Law, is one of the co-founders and president of a newly formed organization, the National Association of Law Student Affairs Professionals (NALSAP). The group held its inaugural conference at the UCLA School of Law June 1-3 in which 160 law student affairs professionals from 34 states and Canada were in attendance. The group’s next annual meeting will take place at IU McKinney in summer 2018. Pryor, Assistant Dean of Students Catherine Matthews, ’09, and Director of Student Affairs Elizabeth Bodamer, ’12, presented “Law School Mentoring Model: How Student Affairs Professionals Can Use Mentoring Principles to Support Marginalized Students” at this year’s conference. Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP has elected Theodore C. Ziemer IV, ’02, as a partner. Ziemer works in the firm’s Evansville office and concentrates his practice on handling all facets of corporate law, from structuring the initial creation of an entity to the negotiating and drafting of documents for all manner of corporate transactions. He also has extensive experience in the


real estate and mineral fields, including work on complex mineral ownership and land title issues.

Jessica P. Barth, ’00, has joined Faegre Baker Daniels’ health care and FDA group, where she will practice as counsel in the firm’s Indianapolis 96th

William J. “B.J.” Brinkerhoff, ’03, is a shareholder in the newly formed

Street office. An associate with the firm from 2001 to 2004, Barth returns to

firm Katz Korin Cunningham, PC. Brinkerhoff focuses his practice on

FaegreBD after a 13-year tenure as chief counsel at Ezkenazi Health, one of

business disputes, such as employment matters, shareholder claims, director

the largest public health systems in the United States. She will provide guid-

and officer liability and day-to-day business disputes. He also has litigation

ance on nearly all matters related to hospitals and health systems, including

experience handling products liability cases, restaurant and retail liability,

contracting, risk management, governance and employment law. In addition,

civil rights matters, contract disputes, insurance matters, personal injury,

she will help clients on compliance matters related to a variety of health care

and appeals.

From top: Pryor, Matthews, and Bodamer

laws and regulations, including health care consent laws, provider-based billing regulations and the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.

Professor Bruce Yuan-Hao Liao, ’03, argued in a landmark gay marriage

Finally, as a member of the firm’s public law and finance team, Barth brings

case before the Taiwan Constitutional Court before 14 grand justices.

focused expertise to the unique needs of city, county and other governmentally controlled health care facilities.

Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP has announced that Elizabeth A. Shuster, ’03, has joined the firm’s Indianapolis office as a partner in the Intellectual

The Sinas Dramis Law Firm is pleased to welcome attorney Kevin Z.

Property group. Shuster was also involved in launching a local chapter of the

Komar, ’00, to its personal injury team in the Lansing, Mich., office. Komar

national organization ChIPS (Chiefs in Intellectual Property). The mission

represents plaintiffs who are injured in motor vehicle, semi-truck, motorcycle,

of ChIPS is to connect and advance women working in technical legal fields.

and bicycle accidents. He also handles wrongful death, highway defect, and

Shuster is a registered patent attorney with more than 10 years of experi-

premises liability claims.

ence providing intellectual property services to individuals and companies of all sizes. She is the former chair of the Intellectual Property Section of the


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Indiana State Bar Association. She is also the co-founder of the Indy Attor-

Kathleen E. Mote, ’05, was named vice president of operations in the south

neys Network Section of the Indianapolis Bar Association, which promotes

at Ivy Tech Community College and will oversee seven campuses in southern

collegiality between attorneys.

Indiana. She had been serving as interim chancellor for Ivy Tech’s Columbus/ Southeast region.

Terrance Stroud, ’03, was selected as a recipient of the BE Modern Man (BEMM) 100 Men of Distinction award, being named Mr. Public Servant.

Bunger & Robertson attorney Jessica L. Merkel, ’06, was named to

BEMM is an integrative program that honors the essence, image, and ac-

the 2017 Super Lawyers list. Merkel, a Bloomington native, has a heart

complishments of today’s man of color. Stroud is a member of the Law School’s

for helping people of all ages with estate planning needs. As a partner

BLSA Alumni Advisory Board. Additionally, he has been named chair of the

with Bunger & Robertson, she practices in estate planning, trust and

Mentoring Committee of the Brooklyn College Alumni Association Board

probate administration, estate, trust and fiduciary litigation, guardianship

of Directors. The committee’s mission is to improve mentoring, internship

administration, and family law.

and post-graduate opportunities through strategic partnerships that will result in the creation of alumni mentorships, customized internships and

The Executive Office for Immigration Review announced the investiture

employment pipelines.

of Sean D. Santen, ’06, as a new immigration judge in the Boston Immigration Court.


International law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP has announced that

Jeanette Hanna-Ruiz, ’04, has taken a new position as deputy chief

Charles M. Persons, Jr., ’07, has been named a Texas Rising Star 2017

information officer at Georgetown University in the University Information

by Super Lawyers. Texas Rising Stars is an annual list of exceptional lawyers

Services department.

in the state who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement, and who are either 40 years old or younger or

Reminger Co., LPA is pleased to announce that Logan C. Hughes, ’04, has

have been practicing for 10 years or fewer. Persons is an associate and works

been honored by Indiana Super Lawyers Magazine as a Rising Star. Hughes

in the business finance and restructuring department, focusing on debtor

serves as a shareholder in Reminger’s Indianapolis office and is also the chair

and creditor representations in complex Chapter 11 cases, out-of-court

of the firm’s drug and medical device practice group. He has been recognized

reorganizations and refinancings, distressed acquisitions, and a variety of

as an Indiana Rising Star since 2013.

bankruptcy litigation matters.

Inge M. Van der Cruysse, ’04, a lecturer in law and director of externships

Joshua K. Richardson, ’07, an attorney shareholder with the Lansing

and clerkship placements at Maurer School of Law, published an article in

office of Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC, has recently been named the

The Indiana Lawyer titled “What Do Indiana Law Schools Do for Students

vice president of the Michigan Defense Trial Counsel (MDTC). The MDTC

in Need?”

is an association consisting of the top lawyers in the state whose sole purpose is dedicating themselves to the excellent representation of both

The Franklin College Board of Trustees granted continuous tenure and

individuals and corporations in civil litigation. In addition to being named

promotion to Allison Fetter-Harrot, ’05, an associate professor of political

vice president, Richardson also serves on the MDTC’s sponsorship and

science. She also holds the Elmon and Lucile Williams Endowed Chair in

future planning committees.

Law and Public Service. William P. Harbison, ’07, received a letter of commendation from Hon. Anne M. Tucker, ’05, presented at the ABA Business Law Section Annual

Robyn L. Moberly, chief bankruptcy judge, and Hon. James M. Carr, ’75,

Meeting 2017 in Chicago. She was a speaker at the CLE Program,

and Hon. Jeffrey J. Graham, bankruptcy judges, Southern District of Indiana.

“Perspectives on Cutting Edge Issues in Venture Capital and Private Equity.”

Harbison and his firm, Louisville-based Seiller Watermann LLC, for their pro bono service in resolving several bankruptcy matters after debtors’ counsel was suspended from practice. Harbison was involved in more than 60 of these cases, the vast majority of which involved no compensation to the firm.


ergo: dec. 2017 — 59

Brian R. Weir-Harden, ’07, has been recognized by The Indiana Lawyer

to those attorneys who have shown a commitment to their profession and the

in the 2017 Leadership in Law series as an Up-and-Coming Lawyer. The

clients they serve. Connor is an associate at Plews Shadley Racher & Braun

Indiana Lawyer annually honors members of the local legal community for

LLP in Indianapolis; since joining the firm, he has made a direct impact for

their professional commitments, social and civic involvement, and volunteer

his clients and on Indiana case law in the areas of workers’ compensation and

efforts. The Leadership in Law Up-and-Coming Lawyer Awards are given

insurance issues in environmental mediation.

each year to those attorneys who have shown a commitment to their profession and the clients they serve. As a partner at Barnes & Thornburg LLP

Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP has elected Alex E. Gude, ’09, as a partner.

in Indianapolis, Weir-Harden handles a wide range of white-collar criminal

Gude works in the firm’s Indianapolis office and concentrates his practice

defense with a focus in antitrust law. He is considered an emerging leader

in the area of complex commercial litigation in federal and state trial and

at the firm, where he has contributed significantly to internal activities. He is

appellate courts. He was also named a 2016 Up-and-Coming-Lawyer by The

also a member of its recruiting committee. He recently became the Barnes &

Indiana Lawyer.

Thornburg board member for the Indiana Bar Foundation, an honor for which the firm’s management thought Weir-Harden was best suited.


Mario K. Castillo, ’08, was named in the Houston Business Journal’s

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor, & Reed, P.A. is pleased to announce

annual 40 under 40 award list, recognizing his leadership, community

that senior associate Laura M. Walda, ’08, has been appointed to the City

involvement, and ability to overcome challenges. Castillo is chief operating

of Winter Park Planning and Zoning Board, with her term ending in 2020.

officer and general counsel for Lone Star College.

The board reviews and makes a recommendation on all ordinances, subdivisions and major building plans which affect the development and use of land

Ryan J. Guillory, ’08, has been hired as deputy attorney general for

in the City of Winter Park. At the firm, Walda serves as a senior associate

the Office of the Indiana Attorney General. Guillory will work in the civil

and focuses her legal practice on commercial real estate and finance law. She

litigation department.

is a member of the Law School’s Law Alumni Board and chair of the Young Alumni Steering Committee.

Stephen E. Reynolds, ’08, provided data security insights in The Indiana Lawyer article, “ABA Urges ‘Reasonable Efforts’ to Avoid Cyberattacks.” Reynolds is a partner in the Indianapolis office of Ice Miller LLP. He is a member of the Law School’s BLSA Alumni Advisory Board. Theodore S. Brassfield, ’09, is working on a documentary film about electoral reform titled Outdated Democracy: A 21st Century Civics Lesson. The film will be a practical guide to electoral reform. It will examine barriers to meaningful representation and evaluate proposed solutions. Stephanie Snell Chaudhary, ’09, has been named a partner at Riley Bennett Egloff LLP. She has been with the Indianapolis firm for nearly eight years and concentrates her practice in the areas of business litigation, construction litigation, medical malpractice defense, and non-profit law. Colin E. Connor, ’09, has been recognized by The Indiana Lawyer in the 2017 Leadership in Law series as an Up-and-Coming Lawyer. The Indiana Lawyer annually honors members of the local legal community for their professional commitments, social and civic involvement, and volunteer efforts. The Leadership in Law Up-and-Coming Lawyer Awards are given each year


2010s Swift Currie McGhee & Hiers LLP has announced the addition of Gillian S. Crowl, ’10, to the coverage and commercial litigation practice group in its Atlanta office. Crowl focuses her practice on commercial litigation, construction defects, professional negligence, and insurance coverage matters. She has experience counseling clients in the implementation and revision of company policies and procedures. Patricia Román Hass, ’10, has joined Indiana Legal Services as the managing attorney in their Merrillville office. Román Hass was previously an attorney for Reminger Co., LPA. Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership has promoted Ryan R. Twiss, ’10, to vice president of regional initiatives. His involvement in the Regional Partnership began in 2006. He is responsible for the operational oversight, strategic development, and community engagement efforts for the Partnership’s regional initiatives. In this role, he develops, aligns, and

ergo: dec. 2017 — 61

manages the implementation of strategies that build a region positioned to

and bankruptcy practice groups, and is one of the chairs of the firm’s summer

increase business investment. Twiss also serves as executive director of the

associate program. She is a member of the Law School’s Young Alumni

Northeast Indiana Fund, a support organization that allows the Regional

Steering Committee.

Partnership to receive and deploy foundation and other philanthropic funding and grants.


Carita Austin, ’11, has joined the labor and employment group at Faegre

Mario Treto, Jr., ’12, was included in this year’s National LGBT Bar

Baker Daniels as an associate in their Indianapolis office. Austin advises

Association’s Best 40 under 40 Lawyers list. Treto is the assistant city

clients on best practices in federal employment law, particularly those related

attorney for the city of Evanston, Ill. He is a member of the Law School’s

to labor unions and organizing rights.

Latino Alumni Advisory Board and Young Alumni Steering Committee.

Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP is pleased to announce that Jonathan

Faegre Baker Daniels associate Anne E. Fischesser, ’13, has been named

D. McPike, ’11, has joined the firm’s Indianapolis office in the business &

to the Michiana Forty under 40 Class of 2017. She is an associate in the

finance group. Prior to joining Taft, McPike practiced in the national private

corporate practice in South Bend where she counsels private company clients

equity group of Kirkland & Ellis, LLP in Chicago, where he focused on

in areas of corporate law.

representing private equity funds and in the acquisition and disposition of their respective portfolio companies. He also has substantial experience

Nathan W. Harter, IV, ’13, announced his intent to seek re-election in 2018

representing investors in connection with prospective private equity fund

as the Decatur County Prosecuting Attorney.

investments and in connection with the federal and state securities laws implications of private equity investments.

Emily Sanchez Salcedo, SJD ’13, was profiled in International Jurist about her experience at the Maurer School of Law. She is a law professor and

In June, Elizabeth Steele Schmitt, ’11, joined Wooden McLaughlin as

litigator at De La Salle University in the Philippines.

an associate. She practices in the areas of insurance coverage, insurance defense, business litigation, and asbestos litigation. While in law school,

Zachary S. Heck, ’14, has recently participated in two different interviews.

Schmitt published an article in the Federal Communications Law Journal

The first one was with Franklin Graves for his YouTube series “The Law

and participated in the Sherman Minton Moot Court Competition.

School Strategy.” The second interview was with Fox and ABC affiliates in Dayton, Ohio to comment on the Michelle Carter case in which she was ac-

Drew T. Simshaw, ’12, a legal method and communication fellow at Elon

cused of egging on her boyfriend’s suicide through text.

University, received the H. Latham Breunig Humanitarian Award from Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc. at TDI’s 22nd

Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP has added Julie A. Laemmle, ’14, to its

biennial conference. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the

Louisville office. Laemmle joins the firm’s litigation and dispute resolution

program or activities of TDI.

service team and concentrates her practice in the areas of commercial


disputes, healthcare litigation, and employment matters.

Lauren C. Sorrell, ’12, has been recognized by The Indiana Lawyer in the

Barrett McNagny has announced that Justin T. Molitoris, ’14, has

2017 Leadership in Law series as an Up-and-Coming Lawyer. The Indiana

joined the firm as an associate. He will concentrate his practice in the areas

Lawyer annually honors members of the local legal community for their

of business and corporate law in Fort Wayne.

professional commitments, social and civic involvement, and volunteer efforts. The Leadership in Law Up-and-Coming Lawyer Awards are given each year

J. Peter Murrey, ’14, wrote an article for the Conservation Law Center

to those attorneys who have shown a commitment to their profession and

about his work as a fellow with the Law School’s Conservation Law Center.

the clients they serve. As a senior associate at Krieg DeVault LLP in Indianapolis, Sorrell is a member of the firm’s litigation and creditors’ rights


ergo: dec. 2017 — 63

Locke Lord LLP has announced that Jonathan B. Turpin, ’14, has joined the firm’s Chicago office as an associate. He focuses his practice on intellectual property litigation, primarily on pharmaceutical patentinfringement actions under the Hatch-Waxman Amendments to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Turpin is a member of the Law School’s Young Alumni Steering Committee.

in memoriam Frederick A. Beckman, ’49, age 94, passed away Sunday, July 16, 2017, at St. Anne Home. Born on February 23, 1923, in Fort Wayne, Ind., Fred was the son of the late Adam and Cornelia (Schnitker) Beckman. After graduating from Central Catholic High School in 1941, he worked for General

Brian P. Bartish, ’15, has joined the Cincinnati office of law firm Baker-

Electric, the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, and the IRS until he entered St.

Hostetler as an associate. He focuses his practice on privacy and data

Joseph College, Rensselaer, Ind., in the fall of 1942. He left St. Joe to enlist in

security, combining his experience and knowledge of business compliance

the U.S. Navy, serving as a communications officer. He resumed his studies

and the technical field to understand his clients’ businesses and their

after the war, graduating in 1947 with an A.B. in economics and a J.D. from

privacy implications.

the Law School. He was a founding member of Beckman Lawson, LLP, served as an Allen County deputy prosecutor, and practiced law for more than half

Scott Breen, ’15, has joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation as

a century. He was a member of the Allen County, Indiana State, and Ameri-

the Senior Coordinator of the Circular Economy and Sustainability program

can Bar Associations. He served as president of the ACBA and Chairman

in D.C.

of the ISBA House of Delegates. He served as a board member for countless community organizations, including Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Fort

Jordan L. Couch, ’15, wrote an article, “Twitter for [Young] Lawyers” that was published in Pierce County (Wash.) Lawyer. Anthony W. Finnell, ’15, has joined Faegre Baker Daniels in the firm’s Minneapolis office. He will be practicing with FaegreBD’s product liability team, helping clients prevent and manage product liability issues and litigation. Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP has announced that Vivek R. Hadley, ’15, has joined the firm’s Indianapolis office as an associate in the Environmental

Wayne-South Bend; Fort Wayne Philharmonic; and Allen County Society for Crippled Children and Adults (now Turnstone). He was a member of the Serra Club (now Father Solanus Casey Vocation Society) and life member of the Knights of Columbus. He married Betty Bireley on February 5, 1948, while on semester break from law school. She preceded him in death in 2000. He is survived by sons John of Indianapolis and Tom (Chris Jacob) of Boulder Creek, CA; daughter Maribeth (Kevin) Leininger of Fort Wayne; grandson Adam (Laura) Leininger of Indianapolis; granddaughter Abby Sauer of Henderson, KY; and companion Jane Keltch of Fort Wayne. He was preceded in death by his brother George and daughter Teresa.

and Litigation groups. Prior to joining Taft, Hadley clerked for Hon. John G. Baker, ’71, of the Indiana Court of Appeals. Edward J. Meyers, Jr., ’51, age 93, of Columbia City, Ind., died Saturday, Jeffrey Furminger, ’16, has joined Mattingly Burke Cohen & Biederman

June 17, 2017, at North Woods Village in Fort Wayne, Ind. Born May 18, 1924

LLP as an associate. He focuses his practice on intellectual property

in Columbia City, Ind., he was a son of the late Edward J. Meyers Sr. and L.

and general litigation, and has been a registered patent agent since 2011.

Eloise Meyers, and was one of Whitley County’s longest serving judges. He grew up in Columbia City and graduated in 1941 from Columbia City

Jeffrey S. Haut, ’16, wrote an article, “New Computer Ransomware

High School on North Walnut Street, now the home for Columbia City Eagle

Attack Needs Attention” that was published on, part of the

Tech Academy. In May of 1942, he enlisted for the U.S. Army Air Corps

USA Today Network.

Cadet Program following the United States’ involvement in World War II. He graduated in August of 1943 as a pilot. He trained in Texas and Arizona

Alexander B. Avtgis, ’17, has accepted a position in the Indiana Court of Appeals as a permanent law clerk for Hon. Elaine Brown, ’82, Indiana Court of Appeals. Port Tampa Bay announced that it has hired sixth-generation Floridian and former marine Jamal A. Sowell, ’17, as its new director of special projects.


to be a fighter pilot, although his time in the service would find him in an unarmed aircraft. He was assigned to an aerial photoreconnaissance unit whose task was to fly over and photograph enemy territory or recently gained Allied territory. Squadron members flew the P-38 Lightning, one of the fastest planes in the sky during the war. He flew numerous missions and earned two Distinguished Flying Crosses for missions where he sustained enemy


fire and damage to his plane but still completed the missions. He enrolled in

travel to Ireland, Acapulco, and take a tour of Europe. Together, they

1946 at Indiana University School of Business in Bloomington after his

would raise three sons, actively shepherding them through church and school

honorable discharge from the military. He attended college year-round and

activities, boy scouts, little league baseball, and youth soccer.

achieved his business degree in 1949, at which time he enrolled in the Law School. He returned to Columbia City the following year where he practiced law with Jim Biddle.

in memoriam

In 1979 he took a position with the law firm of Harris, Cook, & Browning and relocated his family to Corpus Christi, Texas. Three years later, he was named a vice president and trust officer of Corpus Christi National Bank.

In 1954, Meyers was elected Whitley County Prosecutor, a post he would hold

Joe and Lynn moved to the Austin area for their retirement, where they

for nearly 10 years until he was appointed in 1963 as judge of Whitley County

would ultimately settle in Cedar Park, Texas. It was there that Joe was able

Circuit Court. On Nov. 10, 1977, he was united in marriage with Susan

to conduct a weekly current events show on KOOP community radio.

Rothert, and moved to the Tri-Lakes home they shared ever since. He served as Circuit Court judge until April 1992 when he retired and became a Senior Judge, filling in for other judges on the bench as needed until he retired in December 2008. He is survived by his wife, Susan L. Meyers; a daughter, Susan E. (Barb) Meyers; two sons, Chris (Ashley) Meyers and John (Barbara) Meyers; a granddaughter, Kira Meyers-Guiden; grandsons Jon Adam Meyers and Josh Meyers; and several nieces and nephews. He was also preceded in death by a brother, Richard Meyers, who was killed in World War II; and two sisters, Marjorie (Stanley) Nestingen of Wisconsin and Sally (Gail) Martin of

in memoriam

Survivors include his wife, Marilynn T. Kutch of Cedar Park, Texas; sons, Joseph Alexander Kutch, Jr. (Michelle) of Houston, Texas, John David Kutch (Minerva) of Round Rock, Texas, and Roderick Bartleah Kutch of Cedar Park, Texas; grandson, Oscar Alexander Kutch of Boston; brothers-in-law Donald Thompson of Atlanta and Stephen Thompson (Maureen) of Manteo, NC; sister-in-law Amy Kutch of Greenwood, Indiana; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Thomas Kibby Kutch.

Columbia City. Memorials can be made to Honor Flight of Northeast Indiana or the Humane Society of Whitley County.

David A. Willis, ’60, age 86, of Noblesville, Ind., formerly of Chesterton, Ind. and Indianapolis, and Penns Grove, New Jersey, died in Noblesville on

Joseph Alexander Kutch, ’57, age 87, passed away the morning of August 15, 2017, in Round Rock, Texas. Born April 17, 1930, in Clinton, Ind., he was the son of Joseph John Kutch and Auverne Kibby Kutch. His father was an engineer for the Indiana Highway Department. His mother was a longtime educator, serving as a teacher and principal in the Clinton and Seymour,

May 25, 2017. Willis was a graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences of Indiana University, Bloomington (B.A., economics), and the Law School. He was a member and secretary of the Law School’s Alumni Board.

Indiana, schools. Joe was reared in Seymour and graduated from Shields

After serving Indiana as counsel to the then Department of Mental Illness,

High School there in the spring of 1948. That fall, he matriculated at Yale

he practiced law in Porter County, Indiana, for nearly forty years. On his

University, where he would receive a bachelor’s degree in economics,

retirement from the practice of law, he formed a financial advisory firm in

government, and history in 1952. Upon graduation, he was commissioned

Indianapolis, specializing in employee benefits and estate planning. As a

a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force Reserve, and would

practicing attorney, he served as president of the Porter County Bar

serve in the Korean War at Taegu Air Base, with the 310th Fighter-Bomber

Association; as a member of the Board of Managers and Secretary of the

Squadron. Following his separation from active duty in 1954, he enrolled

Indiana State Bar Association; as a member of the Indiana Bar Foundation;

in the Law School and began his lifelong affiliation with Sigma Phi Epsilon

and as a Lifetime Fellow of the American Trial Lawyers Foundation. He

Fraternity. After moving to Indianapolis, he served as law clerk for Judge

was admitted to practice by the Indiana Supreme Court and by the Supreme

William E. Steckler of the U.S. District Court from 1957 to 1959, as a deputy

Court of the United States. He was awarded the Presidential Citation from

Marion County prosecutor for one year, and then was named an Assistant

the Indiana State Bar Association. As a financial advisor, he was involved

United States Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana in 1961. Hired

as a member of the board of directors and president of the Indianapolis

to the RCA legal staff in 1963, he rose to become senior counsel for the RCA

chapter of the American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters and Certified

Consumer Electronics Division and a staff vice president.

Financial Consultants. He was also national chairman of the Certified Senior

During his time as a U.S. Attorney, Joe met the love of his life, the former

Advisors Board of Standards for more than three years.

Marilynn Thompson, a deputy clerk in the U.S. District Court office. They

Long active in Rotary International, Willis was the Charter President of the

were married March 16, 1963 at North Methodist Church in Indianapolis and

Portage, Ind. Club; Charter Member of the Indianapolis-East Club; President

honeymooned in Washington, D.C. In the years to come, Joe and Lynn would 66


of the Indianapolis-Northeast Club; President of the Noblesville Club; for

He is survived by his children, Shannon L. Cleckley and his wife Julie A.

many years President of the District 6560 Rotary Foundation; and a Paul

Cleckley of Anderson, Ind.; Nicole Cleckley of Boston; and Luke Wallace

Harris Fellow. He was the author of five books, two of them about his beloved

Cleckley of Washington, D.C.; grandchildren, Jordan, Sydni, Whitni, Holly,

hometown of Penns Grove, New Jersey: Get Ready For Tomorrow; The School

Ryan, and Leo Cleckley; and several siblings, Dr. Betty Cleckley, Ellen

Bell Rang At Nine; Our Final Salute; Cooking Tools; and 1945.

Nichols, Virginia Wood, Ivery Wood, and Ivan Davis. He was preceded in

Deborah Ann King Willis, his wife of more than 47 years, preceded him

death by his grandmother, Rev. Ellen Cleckley and his mother, Vivian Wood.

in death. He is survived by three daughters: Anne Willis Reed (Thomas);

in memoriam

d’André Willis (Jamie Whalen); and Alexandra Willis. He is survived also by one grandchild, Deborah Katherine Reed. Kay Vesey was his loyal friend for many years. His parents, Russell and Margaret Willis, preceded him in death, as did all of his siblings: Russell, Mary, William, and Lewis Willis.

U.S. District Court Judge Larry Jim McKinney, ’69, age 73, died unexpectedly September 20, 2017.

in memoriam

He was born on July 4, 1944, to the late Helen and Lawrence McKinney. He graduated from South Bend John Adams, MacMurray College, and the Maurer School of Law. He received honorary doctorates from Franklin

Justice Franklin D. Cleckley, ’65, age 77, of Morgantown, Ind., passed away Monday, August 14, 2017, at his residence. He was born August 1, 1940, in Newberry, South Carolina.

College and MacMurray College. Larry served in the Indiana Attorney General’s office before he began the private practice of law at Rogers & McKinney in Edinburgh. Later he moved

He was an active member of the Morgantown Church of God. He received his

to Sargent and McKinney in Greenwood. He was elected judge of the Johnson

undergraduate degree at Anderson College in Anderson, Ind., and his law de-

County Circuit Court in 1979 and served there for eight and a half years.

gree in 1965. He served three years as a Navy JAG officer then attended Har-

President Ronald Reagan nominated Larry to the U.S. District Court in

vard University, where he received his LLM in 1969, before pursuing post-

1987, and he served there until his death.

graduate studies at Exeter University in England. He joined the faculty at the West Virginia University College of Law in 1969. In 1990, he established the Franklin D. Cleckley Foundation, a non-profit organization designed to help give former convicts educational and employment opportunities.

Larry was devoted to civil education. He worked tirelessly with the Indiana Bar Foundation’s program, “We the People,” educating middle and high school students about the Constitution. He also worked with high school moot court competitions. His devotion to the concept of justice took him to many countries

In 1992, the Franklin D. Cleckley Symposium was established at West

as a speaker for the International Judicial Academy. He shared our system of

Virginia University to bring distinguished members of the civil rights and

justice, using his extensive experience as a trial judge to assist judges working

African-American communities to the campus as lecturers. He was the author

to improve their own skills.

of the Evidence Handbook for West Virginia Lawyers and the West Virginia Criminal Procedure Handbook.

Larry’s belief in the need to provide opportunities for those leaving federal prison led to his involvement in the REACH program. Larry’s ability to

On May 3, 1994, former Governor Gaston Caperton appointed him to the

foster cooperation helped to build a team of dedicated professionals in the

West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, making him the first African-

legal system, and students and faculty of the Robert H. McKinney School

American Justice in West Virginia. Justice Cleckley chose not to seek election

of Law to assist in the re-entry of ex-felons into society.

to the Supreme Court and instead returned to the College of Law at the end of 1996. During his time as a justice, he authored more than 100 majority opinions in addition to concurring and dissenting opinions.

Larry was man of faith who served the Edinburgh Presbyterian Church in many capacities for more than forty years. His bonds with pastors and parishioners lasted a lifetime. No one enjoyed children more than he. Larry’s

He received many awards himself, including the 2011 Liberty Bell Award

grandchildren, and the children of family and friends were the light of his

from the West Virginia Supreme Court, the Civil Libertarian of the Year

life. Grandpa Larry had a gift for bringing joy and laughter into their lives.

Award from the West Virginia Civil Liberties Union, the Thurgood Marshall

He will be remembered for his compassion, his sense of humor and love of

Award from the West Virginia NAACP, the West Virginia Common Cause

learning. Larry believed in the worth of all and worked to help others be the

Award for Public Service, the Public Citizen of the Year Award from the West

best they could be.

Virginia Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, and the West Virginia Human Rights Commission Civil Rights Award.



in memoriam

Larry is survived by his wife of 51 years, Carole; son, Josh (Veronica), twin

On July 1, 2017, Dirk William de Roos, ’71, of Greenwood Village, Colo.,

grandchildren Jack and Helen and grandson Everett; son Andy (Danna);

beloved husband of Joyce de Roos, passed away after a brief illness. He leaves

brothers Ed (Judy), Mike (Bobby), and their children and grandchildren;

behind his wife, three children, four grandchildren, and his brother:

sisters-in-law Janet (Bill), Dianne (Harvey) and brother-in-law Jim (Sandy),

daughter Gretchen (Richard) Buechsencheutez, their three children, Callan,

and their children and grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his sister,

Adele and Richie of Thousand Oaks, Calif.; daughter Christiane Ketje de

Ann. In addition to family, Larry leaves behind a multitude of friends all over

Roos of Denver, Colo.; son Dirk (Heather) de Roos, their son William Tate of

the United States and the world who treasured him.

Manhattan Beach, Calif.; brother Jan de Roos of Omaha, Neb.; and extended

Memorial contributions may be made to the Indiana Bar Foundation “We the People” Program, 615 N. Alabama, Suite 122, Indianapolis, Ind. 46204; or the Edinburgh Presbyterian Church, 306 E. Main Cross, Edinburgh, Ind. 46124.

family in Iowa and Nebraska, including his uncle and aunt, Dick and Helen Dirks, of Akron. Dirk also leaves a legion of friends across the globe who shared in his adventures. He loved the wilderness and had a deep knowledge

in memoriam

of history. Dirk combined these loves with humor and wit to make him one of the great raconteurs.

John E.S. Mohr, ’76, age 65, of Centerville, Ohio, passed away on Friday, June 2, in Dayton, Ohio, after a courageous battle against cancer. John was a 1970 graduate of Tiffin Columbian High School (Tiffin, Ohio) and received a bachelor’s degree in political science from Miami University, Oxford, in 1974, before attending law school. After graduation, he began a five-year (19761981) active-duty service as an Air Force Judge Advocate General stationed initially at Mather AFB in California. He later served as Area Defense Counsel at Kunsan Air Base in South Korea and head prosecutor and head of security at Wright Patterson AFB. John then continued his career as a civilian member of the Air Force Trial Team, representing the Air Force

Dirk was born in Sioux City, Iowa, on November 3, 1945, to Bill and Betty (Dirks) de Roos. Betty is formerly of Akron. Dirk grew up in Omaha, Neb., where he was the valedictorian at North High School. Immediately upon graduation, he worked on an archaeological dig with the Smithsonian and was a civil rights activist in Mississippi. He attended Dartmouth College, where he met Joyce, his wife of 51 years. After college, Dirk served as a lieutenant in the 214th Field Artillery Division of the United States Army. He retired from his civil litigation practice in 2015. Those wishing to honor Dirk may make donations to Opera Colorado or Tesoro Cultural Foundation.

around the globe in complex civil litigation. He later entered the private sector and accepted a position as Director of Risk Identification and Prevention and Associate General Counsel at Trinova/Aeroquip-Vickers in Maumee, Ohio, where he was awarded the Spirit of Trinova Award in 1993. After

Kristofor J. Hammond, ’99, age 43, of Washington, D.C., formerly of McCordsville, Ind., passed away Thursday, March 30, 2017.

retiring from the practice of law in 2000, John enjoyed a retirement position

He was born on June 4, 1973, in Evanston, Ill., as the son of Robert C. and

at Siebenthaler Garden Center in Centerville, Ohio.

Jaris A. (Standley) Hammond. He graduated from Mt. Vernon High School

John was a passionate intellectual who pursued his hobbies and pastimes with fervor. He loved his family and enjoyed cooking, model railroading, baroque music, politics and history, hiking, and traveling. He was an active

in 1991. Kristofor received his degree in Political Science and Journalism from Franklin College in Franklin, Ind, and continued his education at the Law School, graduating summa cum laude from both.

and enthusiastic member of both of President Obama’s election campaigns,

He was a former civil rights attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice

most recently serving as local area head for Get out the Vote for Organizing

in Washington, D.C., who fought passionately for equal rights for others,

for America. He was preceded in death by his parents Ralph William and

before going into private practice in Alexandria, Va. Kristofor was a member

Virginia Ann Springer Mohr of Tiffin. He is survived by his wife of 31 years,

of the Lambda Chi Fraternity, Federalist Society, and Young Republicans.

Shelley Staddon, and their two children, Ethan and Victoria Mohr. Also surviving him are his twin brother Ralph, sister-in-law Janet, and nieces Kelly Mohr and Yukiko Staddon; nephews Karl Mohr, Jim Staddon; and Karl, Wesley, Alex, and William Schulze.

He is survived by his parents, Robert and Jaris Hammond of McCordsville; brothers, Timothee A. Hammond of Indianapolis and Nicholas L. Hammond of Baltimore, Md.; and sister, Kelly (Jerry) McGilvary of Eufaula, Ala. He was preceded in death by his grandmother, Harriet (Curry) Hammond of Bloomington, Ind.; and grandparents, George L. (Marie) Standley and Betty Standley.



ways to give There are many ways to support the Law School’s annual fund — the Fund for Excellence. For further information, please contact Stephanie J. Coffey, annual fund director, at (812) 856-2793 or (877) 286-0002.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.