FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
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Vol. 4, No. 50 | Neighborhood News | Community Calendar and Restaurant Guide | Arts and Entertainment | katytrailweekly.com
‘Three Sisters’ comes to Deep Ellum The Undermain Theatre at 3200 Main St. presents Anton Chekhov’s “Three Sisters.” Opening night is Saturday, Feb. 10. One of the world’s great plays, Chekhov's tragicomic masterpiece tells the story of the daughters of a revered commander of a Russian military outpost who KATHERINE OWENS yearn to return to their cosmopolitan home. Tickets are available at undermain.org or by calling the box office at 214747-5515. — Theresa Webster
Love is in the air Delta Charlie's Bar & Grill, located at the Dallas Executive Airport at 5303 Challenger Drive, is offering a romantic adventure for Valentine's Day. Delta Charlie's offers a three-course dinner for two, then guests are escorted out to the runway and take a flight that circles Dallas' best attractions including Fair Park, White Rock Lake and Downtown Dallas. Valentine's Day flights packages will be offered from Friday, Feb. 9 through Sunday, Feb. 18 from 4 p.m. to midnight. Call 972-655-6665 to make a DELTA CHARLIE'S reservation. — Staff Reports
Two book signings coming up The World Affairs Council hosts an event on Saturday, Feb. 17 at 9:30 a.m. at the Warwick Melrose, on 3015 Oak Lawn Ave., where Jeffrey Engel (left) discusses his newest book When the World Seemed New: George H. W. Bush and the End of the Cold War. Then, on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Crescent Club at 200 WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL Crescent Court, author Alyssa Ayres talks about India’s rising economic fortune in her new book Our Time Has Come: How India is Making Its Place in the World. More information at dfwworld.org. — Betty Houser
Deadline for State Fair Scholarship The State Fair of Texas reminds all eligible candidates to apply for one of its college scholarship opportunities. Since 1992, the State Fair of Texas has awarded scholarships to more than 2,000 students for a total of more than $10 million. Each scholarship requires students to attend an accredited college or university within the state of Texas. Applications are due on Friday, Feb. 23. To apply, along with more details on the program, go to bigtex. com. — Karissa Condoianis DALLAS PARKS
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Notes from the Editor Bubba Flint Love on the Trail Life on the Trail Mull It Over Automobility
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Meteorologist weathered the storm of local TV news
By Ed Bark
walk out the door and not come back.” He signed his last long-term He succeeded a legend and deal in 2012 and it was set to expire then became one himself. on June 1 of this year. But Finfrock From Harold Taft to David says he opted for a Dec. 31 “retireFinfrock — and the list doesn’t ment” due to imminent changes in go on and on. They have been the the station’s health insurance proonly two chief meteorologists in visions that would have affected his the 70-year history of KXAS-TV wife of 40 years, Shari Finfrock. In (which began as WBAP-TV and what so far is “kind of a handshake now is promoted as NBC5). deal,” Finfrock is “more likely to be ED BARK As of Feb. 1, that changed. in” on Wednesdays through Fridays. David Finfrock will be working less this year. Finfrock isn’t leaving, but he’s But if bad weather hits, he’ll pitch cutting back to a part-time forein on other days. Because of a longcaster who will work roughly 100 planned vacation trip, he’ll also miss days a year on a pay-per-day basis. The new chief is Rick most of the month of November. Mitchell, who joined NBC5 in August 2012 and has been “If everything goes well, it’ll probably be the same situthe weekday 10 p.m. meteorologist ever since. ation next year,” he said. Finfrock, who turns 65 in May, said, “it’s the best of Station management asked him about titles and sugboth worlds for me” and a voluntary move that meets his gested he could be NBC5’s “senior chief meteorologist,” goals of having more time off while also staying in the Finfrock says. “But you can’t have two chiefs,” he added, so game. they settled on the title of “senior meteorologist.” “That’s one thing I was looking forward to — the flexFinfrock pinpoints his “first day in the building” as ibility and scheduling,” he says during an interview at Dec. 22, 1975, but isn’t entirely certain about the exact date NBC5’s Fort Worth studios. “I enjoy the work. Most of my FINFROCK cont'd on page 7 friends are here at the TV station. And I would hate to just
Despite distance, the writing Slageter Sisters never apart By David Mullen
david@katytrailweekly.com Siblings Babs Horner and Susan “Sue Sue” Palma — the Slageter Sisters — may live 1,600 miles apart, but it’s as if they have never been separated. They have channeled their humorous stream of consciousness with excellent entertaining tips into their book Sophistication Is Overrated, released from Brown Books Publishing Group and available at specialty stores, amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. Horner lives in New Canaan, Conn., is a gourmet caterer of Absolutely Babulous and a needlepoint entrepreneur with It’s a Stitch. Palma, a self-proclaimed “respected member of the Fruit of the
Month Club,” lives in the Park Cities and is a noted Dallas interior designer and owner of Susan Palma Interiors. “Growing up, you were told you had to become a nurse or a teacher,” Palma, mother of two boys, said. “So I became a teacher. But I always wanted to go to architecture school. I always wanted to be a decorator. So I would go over and decorate all of the other teacher’s houses. And my husband [Gene] worked for Merrill Lynch. So I would go over and decorate all of his coworker’s houses.” Sophistication Is Overrated is billed as “a coffee table book you’ll actually use” and the contents back that statement up. The book is chock full of recipes, design
Babs Horner (left) and Susan Palma sign copies of their book.
ideas, party themes and very funny antidotes based on the wealth of knowledge and experience both Horner and Palma possess. It is divided by two different tables of contents: one entitled “So Chic” and the other named “So Stageter,” when the wacky side
comes out. “Interior design is like the book,” Palma said. “It is all about the details.” The sisters speak every day by phone — Talk about a party line! — but when together they could be dressed SISTERS cont'd on page 6
Students display creativity in ‘Retail As Art’
By Michael Tate
mjt0004@yahoo.com The Age of Instagram taught smartphones users that the highest form of flattery is to turn your camera on yourself and share it with the world. Retail As Art is asking teenagers to turn their cameras around and aim their lenses on the world outside themselves. And maybe earn some money for college to boot. The 2018 Retail As Art Scholarship Competition is back for the 10th year. The goal is to showcase "the best photographic talent in our local high schools." They have succeeded admirably for a decade, pushing students to make their photography something more than simple snapshots. "We’re seeking photographs that go beyond point-and-click to deliver a remarkable and interesting image," according to the competition registration.
Previous winner’s work is posted on the organization's website, retailasart.com. These students are really good. Their examples reveal keen eyes for composition and focus, an understanding of bold, vibrant color and moody, insightful black and white. These are well-designed and thoughtfully-framed photos. Retail As Art was the brainchild of real estate executive Mickey Ashmore. He initiated the competition in 2008 with students from the Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. It is now open to any Dallas-Fort Worth area student currently enrolled in public and private high schools. Each student may submit up to two photos representing what retail as art means to them. Deadline for submissions is midnight on Wednesday, March 14.
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RETAIL cont'd on page 8 First place winner "Stenciled Start-Up"
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FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
Music, news and traffic on the new ‘Hole-FM’
By David Mullen
ball was found to be underinflated … Our friend the Amazing Kreskin made his Super Bowl LII prediction on “I just started writing my Saturday on a New York City unauthorized autobiography,” radio station. He picked the Johnny Carson once said. “I Philadelphia Eagles and noted am interviewing a number of people I have never met” … David Mullen that he had a “premonition that somehow the number I swear. Well, I do swear, but 8 would be significant in this contest.” in this case I mean under oath. This is The Eagles won by eight points … After the honest truth. I encountered a potthe Super Bowl, on Facebook The New hole on Avondale Avenue that when I hit it, changed my radio station. I wish I York Times posted “Nick Foles, who started the season as a backup quartercould say that it went to a public access back, outplayed Tom Brady to lead the station, but it went from The Ticket to Philadelphia Phillies to a 41-33 victory KLIF. I thought I had just dived off a cliff. We already have The Wolf and The over the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl.” Wait, what? The Phillies? Eagle, so I say we need a station here We all make mistakes, but the vaunted called “The Hole.” The station could New York Times? Even they seemed just play Bruce Springsteen and Mary to have turned to fake news on social J. Blige singing “I’m Goin’ Down” for media … This is the first year that I can 24 hours a day. It could become the highest-rated station in DFW, especially remember that bears and babies were not among the top ads in the year’s USA with commuters … An actual Super TODAY’s Super Bowl Ad Meter. Good Bowl LI game ball used by the New riddance. The ads were fair this year, England Patriots on offense against with very few belly laughs. But that is the Atlanta Falcons defense sold for not the purpose of great advertising. It is $41,125 on the day before Super Bowl to make a brand memorable and comLII in Minneapolis. The money went to NFL and team charities. No wonder the municate product benefits. And this year’s winner, the Amazon Echo device nets behind the goal posts are so high. featuring Alexa, accomplished both. It No word as to whether the $41,000 david@katytrailweekly.com
was a clever use of a variety of celebrities reaching a number of demographic audiences. Unfamiliar with Gordon Ramsay, the ad also included Rebel Wilson. Don’t know who Cardi B is? Amazon presented Sir Anthony Hopkins. But as a conspiracy theorist, I was disheartened when the ad opened with a woman asking Alexa for the weather forecast in Austin, one of the 20 finalists for the next Amazon headquarters. Credit the NFL for poking fun of themselves in the WILLIAM "BUBBA" FLINT — SPECIAL CONTRIBUTOR second most popular ad. They had Eli Manning and Odell Beckham Jr. dance in a The trees are shipped postpaid and parody of the famous scene from “Dirty arrive in time for planting, between Dancing.” Not bad from a league that March 1 and May 31, with enclosed frowned upon touchdown celebrations planting instructions. The 6 to 12-inch as late as a year ago … With football trees are guaranteed to grow or they will over, I will now have to fight through be replaced free of charge. To become a the Winter Olympics. I think I may go member of the foundation and receive into television hibernation instead … I the free trees, send a $10 contribution to am all for growth. Once again, the non- TEN FREE NORWAY SPRUCE TREES profit Arbor Day Foundation is offering or TEN FREE EASTERN REDBUD 10 free Norway spruce trees or 10 free TREES, Arbor Day Foundation, 100 redbud trees for just a $10 donation. Arbor Ave., Nebraska City, Neb. 68410,
Breaking up or breaking the bank? By Donna Arp Weitzman
you’re both on the same page. It becomes much easier to plan for other major relationship milestones: buying a house, children, Relationships aren’t easy, and these days, vacations, etc. Remember, while setting your money somewhere near 40 to 50 percent of margoals together, it’s just as imriages end in divorce. A main portant to plan realistically and reason for this is finances. Eiagreeably. Compromise will be ther a couple is slightly incomessential. Meaning, a saver will patible in the financial area, or have to spend a bit more and they are what I call “financial the spender will have to practice opposites,” with completely restraint. Ultimately, be realistic clashing ideas on spending for one another by doing some and saving. What’s worse is unbiased research on organizing when these incompatibilities finances for proper budgeting. fail to be communicated before Donna Arp Weitzman However, even when you marriage. Prior to walking set realistic goals and comprodown the aisle, a couple should mise per one another’s needs, at least discuss the big issues: money, children and where they want to live problems will inevitably arise. When they do: Communicate. Communicate. Comin the long run. municate. When you accidentally (or not So, that’s my first rule regarding relaaccidentally) overspend, let the other know tionships and finances today: talk money — not so you can argue, but so you can work before marriage. If you have already tied the together to adjust the budget for the rest of knot and currently struggle with financial the month accordtension in the relaingly. This will put tionship, sit down each of you at ease, and have a mature knowing that when conversation. problems come That’s rule number about, it’s not the two. Be very clear end of the world, with one another and it’s certainly not about what your a relationship deal spending patterns breaker. are, and don’t be No matter ashamed. If one of what, keep in mind you tends to spend that marriage is a more and the other partnership, and it spends nothing, needs to be fair and equal in every way. It each of you can actually help the other imcan be complicated, tense and even scary, prove. After all, that’s what relationships are but do your best to think of the person first, all about. While one of you helps the other before thinking of their price tag. Money can loosen up and enjoy what they’ve earned be compromised on, but when there’s too and saved, the other can help relieve their much or too little of it, there can be reperpartner by encouraging a little more saving. cussions. A strong relationship will withThese practices will help as you grow and stand these obstacles and maybe even come will allow you a more prosperous future. out better than before. Don’t be part of that Next, set clear spending and saving 40 percent. goals together, as a team. By matching up your goals and vision from the start, you A former mayor and businesswoman, leave less room for discrepancies, dysfuncDonna Arp Weitzman was a later-dater betion and disappointment later on. Not only fore marrying Herb Weitzman in 2012. She that, but with an agreed-upon goal, you can is the author of Cinderella has Cellulite and both plan better for the future. If there isn’t miscellaneous spending happening constant- Sex and the Siren, both best selling books ly and harbored cash somewhere untouched, available on Amazon. donnajarp@gmail.com
CRIME WATCH Feb. 1 – 8:28 a.m. 4300 Block, Capitol Ave. (75204) Criminal Mischief: The suspect flattened the complainant’s tire with a screwdriver. Feb. 1 – 11:48 p.m. 3800 Block, Rawlins St. (75219) Aggravated Robbery of an Individual: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s property at gunpoint. Feb. 2 – 10:47 a.m. 4600 Block, Belmont Ave. (75204) Burglary of a Habitation: An unknown suspect forced a rear door open, entered and stole handguns. Feb. 2 – 12:21 p.m. 8200 Block, Douglas Ave. (75225) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: The suspect stole the complainant’s vehicle.
Feb. 2 – 2:13 p.m. 3100 Block, State St. (75204) Theft of Property: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s UPS package. Feb. 2 – 7:29 p.m. 4300 Block, Lemmon Ave. (75219) Aggravated Assault w/a Deadly Weapon: The suspect stabbed the complainant, causing serious bodily injury. Feb. 3 – 10:57 a.m. 3300 Block, Lee Pkwy. (75219) Burglary of a Building: The suspect damaged the front door, entered and stole property. Feb. 3 – 2:16 p.m. 2000 Block, Woodall Rodgers Fwy. (75201) Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect broke into the complainant’s vehicle and stole property. Feb. 3 – 7:27 p.m. 8600 Block, Hillcrest Rd. (75225) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect
by February 28 or visit arborday.org/ february … According to The Great Love Debate, a touring series of live town hall forums on love, dating and relationships that often gather at Hyena’s in Mockingbird Station, Dallas has the “Most Dateable Women.” “Dallas women are bold, sexy and up for anything,” a report said. “The best women and the best BBQ. Sounds like a good place for single men.” Guess I need to hang out at Sonny Bryan’s more often.
Don’t stress out heart with bad habits By Dr. Beth Leermakers
decreases cortisol (the primary stress hormone). In addition to its stress-busting properties, physical activity promotes heart health by reducing blood In honor of Valentine’s Day, pressure, strengthening your heart let’s focus on taking good care muscle and helping you maintain of your heart. In addition to eata healthy weight. Aim for at least ing a healthy diet and exercising 30 minutes of moderate-intensity regularly, managing your stress activity at least five days per week is a key lifestyle factor for heart for general health, or 60 minutes health. Chronic stress can take of activity every day for weight its toll on your body, causing or management. exacerbating several health conDr. Leermakers Unplug. Stressful stimuli bomditions, including heart disease. bard us throughout the day via TV, Researchers don’t know exactly email and social media. Turn your mobile how chronic stress damages the heart. One likely, although unproven, mechanism is that devices and TV off and take a break — even for 10 or 15 minutes a day. Spend that time stress triggers inflammation, a known cause of heart disease. Another reasonable explana- relaxing or connecting with loved ones. Read a book or listen to music to boost serotonin tion is that stress causes people to engage in — another feel-good hormone. unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. People may eat Get more sleep. Most adults need at least high-fat comfort foods and skip their physseven hours of sleep per night. Insufficient ical activity when they’re stressed. Smoking or poor-quality sleep can impair your mood, and drinking alcohol — in an effort to cope energy level, mental alertness and physical with stress — also damage your heart. health. Schedule a sleep study if you sleep Here are a few stress management techseven or more hours but don’t feel rested the niques to implement, for your heart’s sake: next day. Using an app that monitors sleep, a Laugh more often. Laughter reduces stress by decreasing stress hormones (cortisol client discovered that she was only getting 1 and adrenaline) and relieving muscle tension. 1/2 hours of deep, quality sleep per night. No wonder she was exhausted all the time! Now A hearty laugh can relax your muscles for she’s using a CPAP machine and feels much up to 45 minutes. Laughter provides a physbetter. ical and emotional release for pent-up feelConnect with people. Social support ings and can also distract you from stressful has been shown to buffer stress and improve thoughts and situations. Laughter has been shown to reduce inflammation in the arteries physical health. Take a class, volunteer (volunteermatch.com) or join a club to make new and increase the “good” HDL cholesterol. Meditate. Meditation has been shown to friends. Visit meetup.com to find special-interest groups. reduce high blood pressure, a heart disease What will you do this week to reduce risk factor. Try a guided meditation app if your stress and take good care of your heart? you’re a newbie. Happy Valentine’s Day! Be physically active. Any type of regular physical activity — walking, swimming, Beth Leermakers is a clinical psycholoyoga, or lifting weights — can reduce stress. gist who specializes in stress management and Aerobic exercise boosts levels of endorphins health behavior change. You can reach her at — the feel-good hormones responsible for bethleerwork@gmail.com. the “runner’s high.” Physical activity also
Randall Elms, MBA, Realtor® PROFESSIONAL • EXPERIENCED • TRUSTED 214.649.2987 | randallelms@yahoo.com
stole the complainant’s vehicle. Feb. 4 – 3:49 a.m. 4000 Block, N. Hall St. (75219) Aggravated Robbery of an Individual: The suspect used a handgun to steal the complainant’s vehicle. Feb. 4 – 9:55 a.m. 3800 Block, Commerce St. (75226) Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect used an object to break the window, entered and stole property. Feb. 4 – 1:15 p.m. 2700 Block, Howell St. (75204) Burglary of a Habitation: An unknown suspect kicked the complainant’s door in and made entry into the residence. Feb. 4 – 10:10 p.m. 400 Block, W. Mockingbird Ln. (75247) Burglary of a Building: An unknown suspect sued a rock to break the glass door, entered and stole property.
OUR MISSION Katy Trail Weekly is a community-friendly newspaper designed to inform and entertain the people in many diverse demographics who live and/or work in these neighborhoods. Much like the Katy Trail itself, Katy Trail Weekly is designed to help bring together the neighborhoods of Downtown, Uptown, Cedar Springs/Oak Lawn, the Design District, the Medical District and the Park Cities, as well as others. The newspaper is placed in local businesses, and other locations, for free pick-up by their patrons. We support this publication by providing ad space to local businesses who want an effective and affordable way to reach the Katy Trail area readers we attract and serve. We welcome participation in the paper through story and picture submissions, and we hope that you will join us in making this paper the best it can be. Publisher Rex Cumming Editor in Chief David Mullen Graphic Design Bronwen Roberts Sidney Stevens Accounts Mgr. Cindi Cox Distribution Randy Elms Mgr. Copy Editors Michael Tate Jessica Voss Editorial William "Bubba" Flint Cartoonist Online Editors Bronwen Roberts Naïma Jeannette Society Editor Sally Blanton Advertising Sales Michael White
Joe Flattery Susie Denardo Becky Bridges Writers Ed Bark David Boldt Dr. Jay Burns Chic DiCiccio Candace Evans Leah Frazier Ryann Gordon Dotty Griffith Dr. Donald Hohman Jo Ann Holt Beth Leermakers
Rani Monson Naima Montacer Sara Newberry Joe Ruzicka Stephan Sardone Shari Stern Wayne Swearingen Michael Wald Dr. Kim Washington
Co-founders Nancy Black Rex Cumming David Mullen Andy Simpson
Distribution Paul Omar Redic Brandt Carroll Chris Maroni Juan Najera
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Katy Trail Weekly
(214) 27-TRAIL (87245) • P.O. Box 601685 • Dallas, TX 75360 info@katytrailweekly.com • katytrailweekly.com
FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
Valentine roses for the love of sports
Dallas Auto Show begins with heart By David Boldt
By David Mullen
david@katytrailweekly.com This column often points out the negativity associated with sports. It is really just meant to be a constant appraisal of the state of sports today. Some will say that many of us take sports too seriously, and they would be correct and I am guilty as charged. I know that a game is not a life or death situation, it just seems that way. Attending a sporting event or viewing a sport on television is supposed to be a pleasant escape from reality. We were reminded of that last Sunday evening, when millions of people from different races and creeds and sexes gathered together to watch an unforgettable football game from Minneapolis. It had all of the elements that make sports so great. It was David versus Goliath. The underdogs would be the otherwise hated Philadelphia Eagles. But they were underdogs, and America loves the underdog. The villains were the reigning champion New England Patriots led by the man in the cut-off hoodie — the irascible Bill Belichick — and the once unflappable, turned increasingly bitter quarterback Tom Brady. The likeable, backup Eagles quarterback Nick Foles shocked the world by becoming an unlikely Super Bowl MVP. Brady turned in a remarkable performance by throwing for more than 500 yards, three touchdowns and no interceptions and still lost. It was a game that reminds us why sports are so special. So in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let’s hand out a dozen roses for the love of the games. The first rose goes to Philadelphia. Maybe a stinking rose given part of their fan base. But, the Eagles valiant victory is one of the reasons why people are obsessed with sports. The other Valentine’s Day roses go to: Spring training baseball. Young, potential stars playing with veterans in the warmth of the Florida or Arizona sun. So few MLB regular season games are played during the day anymore. Whether it counts or not, spring training baseball during the day is as pure as it gets. NCAA basketball tournament. Brackets. Sixty-eight teams. Upsets galore. Chances are you have some affiliation with one of the teams. But
Nick Foles (holding Lily) was rosy in Super Bowl LII. watch out. No matter how much you know about college basketball, even your grandmother can beat you in a NCAA bracket pool. The baseball box score. When the Sporting News was the only place to find out-of-town box scores, I would run to the mailbox as a kid to get the weekly issue. With today’s technology, box scores are available in real time, but they still bring back memories and they are a great chronicle of the game. The Masters. May everyone get a chance to go to Augusta National. It is as beautiful a golf course as you have ever seen. That said, the final round of tournament is better on TV. Kentucky Derby. May everyone get a chance to go to Churchill Downs. It is as beautiful an event as you have ever seen. That said, the horse race is better at the track. Live playoff hockey. Ask a longtime Stars fan. They won’t talk about the two Stanley Cup Finals here in Dallas. They will talk about how loud it was in Reunion Arena during Game 7 of the Western Conference Finals against the Colorado Avalanche in 1999. The Indianapolis 500. It is America’s classic auto race, and the only place where 300,000 people can live in harmony for a day, save a march on Washington D.C. Watching the NFL on a Sunday at a Las Vegas sportsbook. Sports and betting. Peanut butter and jelly. They just go together like agony and ecstasy. MULL cont'd on page 11
what it’s designing for the motoring public. And while you’ll read much — djboldt@sbcglobal.net especially in the general media space If we can believe what we read, our — about alternative propulsion and federal government is preautonomous driving, internal paring to invest more than a combustion is still with us, trillion dollars in our nation’s albeit with more horsepowcrumbling infrastructure. er and/or more efficiency. In As you know, it can’t come short, keep the Shell card. any sooner, with bridges, While the Detroit show roads, highways and byways offered most of what’s new, in desperate need of either several of the Detroit debuts renewing or rebuilding. But will have found their way David Boldt to our bigger ‘D.’ Ford will until those multi-year projects begin, we’re saddled bring its all-new, much anwith many of the same potholes while ticipated midsize Ranger, and it looks driving the same car, truck or SUV. And fully capable of credibly competing with while Dallas-area dealers can’t help you Toyota’s Tacoma and the GM Colorado/ with the misery of the roadway, they can Canyon duo. And for those inclined minimize that misery with — you’ve to think ‘McQueen’ before thinking already guessed it — a new car, truck or mulch, Dearborn’s brain trust is also SUV. bringing the latest iteration of the Bullitt Most of what’s new in or around au- Mustang. Green, of course, is the semtomotive showrooms is on display — or inal color — and ‘green’ is what it will available for a brief demo drive — at the take to buy it. Dallas Convention Center, beginning Of course, there’s more news — real Wednesday, Feb. 14. And if that seems news! — than offered by Ford. Beyond an unlikely date to begin an auto show, its all-new Wrangler, Jeep brings its remember America’s love affair with its freshened Cherokee, which boasts both cars and, for that matter, our love afa new nose and new powertrain. And for fairs in our cars. We think the timing is those with a penchant for a hot, disperfect. tinctive hatch sitting on this side (the You’ll see a lot that’s new in the friendly side) of $25K, Hyundai is showConvention Center. The industry is ing its all-new Veloster. experiencing a veritable sea change in Obviously, with the growing interest in crossovers there’s a growing inventory of new entries. These include, but are not limited to, Alfa’s new Stelvio; Buick’s redesigned Enclave; Chevy’s Equinox and Traverse; Ford’s all-new Expedition and Mitsubishi’s Eclipse Cross and Outlander PHEV. And don’t, forgawdsake, forget trucks, because the OEMs haven’t. Beyond the midsize Ranger is the debut of an all-new Chevy Silverado, GMC Sierra and Ram, along FORD
Ford GT.
AUTO SHOW cont'd on page 11
FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
Contact us at info@katytrailweekly.com with your Community Calendar Event. Feb. 9-10
2520 Flora St. Dallas, 75201 214-750-1492
Moody Performance Hall — The Orchestra of New Spain presents Francisco Courcelle’s “Achilles in Skyros,” a three-act opera centered around the young Achilles, forced to disguise himself as a young woman to escape death. Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. $10-$100.
Feb. 9-10
1515 Young St. Dallas, 75201 214-670-1400
J. Erik Jonsson Central Library — Calling all writers. Do you want to improve your writing? Learn marketing strategies? Network with other authors? Join the Lonestar.Ink Writing Conference. Take classes from best-selling authors, editors and agents. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. $125.
Feb. 10
8250 N. Central Expressway Dallas, 75206 214-328-4444
Backdoor Comedy — It’s a Champagne, Chocolates and Comedy Valentine’s Celebration. Emmy award winner Dean Lewis headlines. Tickets include a glass of champagne, a box of chocolates and a ticket to a future show. 8 p.m. $38.
Feb. 10
2889 Cityplace West Blvd. Dallas, 75204 214-377-8723
Mutts Canine Cantina — The SPCA of Texas will be at the park with special adoption rates available for guests and a Puppy Kissing Booth! Get the best kisses ever from rescue puppies by making a donation to the SPCA of Texas. Noon to 4 p.m.
Feb. 11
2800 Routh St. #168 Dallas, 75201 214-871-3300
Theatre Three — On the fog-bound streets of Victorian-era London, Henry Jekyll’s experiments with exotic “powders and tinctures” have brought forth his other self — Edward Hyde. The classic “Jekyll and Hyde” runs through Feb. 11. 7:30 p.m. $10-$35.
Feb. 13
3656 Howell St. Dallas, 75204 214-730-0596
The Rustic — New Orleans is coming to The Rustic on Fat Tuesday! Enjoy live music, a crawfish boil, jambalya, face painting and more! The Rustic’s full menu will be served in addition to New Orleans features. 5:30 p.m. Free with online RSVP.
Feb. 15-18
2301 Flora St. Dallas, 75201 214-880-0202
Meyerson Symphony Center — One of Tchaikovsky’s most audacious works, the “Pathétique” Symphony confronts the artist’s struggle head-on with a depth of feeling matched only by its exquisite lyricism. Gustavo Gimeno conducts. 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. $32-$169.
Picture of the Week
On Monday, Feb. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture at 2719 Routh St., Dr. Jeff Gusky will discuss “African American Heroism and America’s Racial Past.” Send us an item or photo on Facebook and it may be featured here!
Sp tlight
Supporting those with type 1 diabetes, and constantly seeking breakthroughs to eradicate the disease.
By Sally Blanton
sallyblanton455@gmail.com Each week, Katy Trail Weekly will feature a charity that is doing remarkable work in Dallas, a city known for philanthropy and generosity.
QW hat is your mission or highest purpose?
Hotel. Tickets are $360 each.
Q T ell us the name of a volunteer who always goes beyond the call of duty.
A Without a doubt, Kim Roosevelt is one of
our most cherished volunteers. Mother to a child with T1D, she has been a dedicated JDRF volunteer for more than 10 years. The Roosevelt family alone is responsible for establishing the annual JDRF Fund A Cure Luncheon. Currently, she is the Dallas Advocacy Team Chair and serves on the JDRF International Board of Directors.
A Our mission is to create a world without
type 1 diabetes (T1D) through accelerating life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat T1D in all cases. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) began in 1970 by a group of families who refused to believe that diabetes was incurable. Today, JDRF has become the leading global organization funding T1D research and works ceaselessly to amass grassroots support, advance and share scientific breakthroughs, and create partnerships to help fund ongoing research.
QW hat do you think is the most important thing you do for the community?
A We work very hard to provide connection, support and education to those affected by T1D, as well as constantly work to accomplish our mission of creating a world in which T1D does not exist.
Q H ow many people are served each year?
hat is difficult about your job? A The JDRF Greater Dallas chapter annually Q W serves more than 10,000 families affected A Dealing with the complications associated with T1D, especially in young children, can prove to be very challenging.
by T1D.
QW hat percentage amount actually reaches those in need?
A Approximately 80 percent of what JDRF
spends goes directly into research-related education.
QW hat is rewarding about your job?
A Playing a major role in finding a cure for
T1D is the best reward there is. In addition, seeing the impact you have on creating a better quality of life for those living with T1D is extremely fulfilling and motivating.
QW hat are your critical needs now, besides money donations?
A We are always in need of volunteers!
There are so many leadership and committee positions available with JDRF that will have you partner with JDRF employees to facilitate events that raise funds for T1D research and work with the families in our community who are dealing with T1D.
QW hat upcoming fundraisers are on the calendar?
A Our annual JDRF Dream Gala is on
Saturday, April 28 at the Omni Dallas
Q S uppose your nonprofit received a
$20,000 check in the mail today… where would it immediately be put to good use? It would immediately be put toward our ongoing research initiatives to find a cure for T1D.
Amy Camp, executive director, answered this week’s questions.
FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
In-house brewery to join kitchen soon By Dotty Griffith
ale he’s been working dotty.griffith@yahoo.com on. Smooth, creamy, delightful mouth coating. It’s a good omen Housemade brews for things to come at will be flowing soon WRAB. from taps at White Rock This location at the Alehouse and Brewery. curve where Gaston Early March is the target date. Dotty Griffith Avenue meets Garland Road has the potential Since the Alehouse to be the Katy Trail just below the White Icehouse, minus the patio, of the Rock Lake dam opened late last east side. It feels like the White year, owners Dave Kirk and Greg Rock-Lakewood neighborhood Nixon, and brew master Blake and aims high for food as well as Morrison have been working beverages. to get the brewery side up and New chef Ben Zimmerer running. “brings it” in the kitchen and Not that there’s a shortage of plans to put more seafood on beers there now with 36 on tap, the menu, given his experience including craft beers brewed loat Rex’s Seafood at The Dallas cally and all over the U.S., from Farmers Market. One more reason San Diego to Brooklyn. The list to visit White Rock Alehouse. includes two made by Morrison He’s added dishes like Red at other breweries, Cedar Creek Velvet Battered Shrimp. It is what Dankosaurus and Whistle Post you think. The tempura-style batElectric Owl. Ordering a pint of ter starts with red velvet cake batone of them is a good way to samter. It’s a little bit sweet and a little ple his style before fermentation bit yeasty; great on the shrimp. begins in the new brewery’s stainThere’s a little bit of everyless-steel tanks. Morrison gave us thing you want to go with beer a taste of a coffee vanilla brown
White Rock Alehouse Dino Rib.
on the menu. Of course, there’s a big, thick, two-fisted burger with a half-pound of ground beef, pork belly, Tillamook cheddar, WRAB Beer and Bacon Jam, fully dressed with lettuce, tomato, onion and pickle on a brioche bun. Delicious and a handful. It does come in a “junior” size, 1/3 pound. The nosh I wish I’d ordered: crab-stuffed jumbo tator tots. What we did have, the margherita flatbread, was another good beer as well as wine option. Best beer bet, the Texas Heat Flatbread with Luscher’s Spicy Sausage, tomato sauce, jalapeño, cheese, garlic and oregano. The show-stopping main plate is the Dino Rib, a brawny beef rib with a sticky barbecue sauce. Looks like a real beer deal to me. Predictably and happily there are lots of good televisions for sports watching. In case you’ve been off the grid, the Olympics started this week. Winter television didn’t die with the Patriots on Super Bowl Sunday. Although some of the dark craft beers are creamy enough to count as desserts, the dessert menu is worth checking out. Beer doesn’t stop with apps and mains. If you think red velvet cake battered shrimp is creative, check out Beeramisu, a riff on tiramisu with layers of mascarpone, whipped Irish cream, stout beer, ladyfingers and chocolate. Oh yeah! Get over and pick out your favorite spot before the spigots open. WRAB is the kind of place you’ll want to be recognized as a regular. WHITE ROCK ALEHOUSE AND BREWERY 7331 Gaston Ave., Suite #100 Dallas, 75214 214-989-7570 whiterockalehouse.com
Building a better burger By Dotty Griffith
dotty.griffith@yahoo.com White Rock Alehouse and Brewery Chef Ben Zimmerer uses bacon jam on this burger. If you don’t have bacon jam, don’t fret. You’ll love this burger anyway. Add another schmear of mayo or sub sweet mustard. WHITE ROCK ALEHOUSE AND BREWERY BURGER 2 pounds ground beef 1 teaspoon each salt and pepper, or to taste 8 slices of cooked pork belly or thick-cut crisp bacon 4 thick slices Tillamook cheddar cheese 4 brioche buns 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup bacon jam (optional) 1 cup shredded iceburg lettuce 1 small yellow sweet onion, sliced thin 1 large ripe tomato, cut into 4 slices Horseradish sweet pickle slices or other pickle slices as desired Form ground beef into four half-pound patties slightly larger in diameter than the hamburger buns. Season with salt and pepper. Place to the side while grill or griddle is heating. When grill or griddle is hot, cook for approximately 4 minutes on each side, rotating burgers 90 degrees after 2 minutes. Flip burgers after 4 minutes. While finishing burgers, place cooked pork belly on grill or griddle just to heat through. During the last minute on the grill or griddle, place a slice of cheddar cheese and 2 slices of pork belly or bacon on top of each burger. Just before the cheese melts, remove burgers from heat and let rest for several minutes to allow the juices to redistribute throughout the burger. While burgers are resting, toast the buns on the grill or griddle. Spread mayo on the bottom halves of buns and the bacon jam on top halves. Place burgers on bottom bun and top with lettuce, onion, tomato and pickle slices. To hold it together, skewer the burger with a 4-inch pick. Makes 4 servings.
White Rock Alehouse Burger.
Do essential oils provide value? Some are convinced, others remain skeptical
By Ryann Gordon
ryannbgordon@yahoo.com Essential oils have become a much talked about topic in the modern beauty scene. People rave about them and rely on them for everything from aromatherapy to facial cleansing. They’ve been Ryann Gordon known to alleviate pain from headaches and muscle soreness, and also symptoms of cancer, autism and ADHD (which the FDA has denied). So, how much can we actually trust these essential oils? How far can we go with them? And, most importantly, are they actually making a change in the lives of believers? Cindy Hutchins Neuschwander is a passionate advocate of essential oils, and she believes that discovering them changed her life. After first coming across them at a fragrance home party three years ago, Cindy’s been using them religiously ever since. “Essential oils are really not oils at all,” Neuschwander said. “They are the life blood of plants. In fact, if you get them on your clothing they don’t even leave a spot.” And just like a miracle, they’ve proven their worth. Neuschwander has gotten her entire family involved and on the essential oil train, using them for everything from headaches and arthritis pain to toe fungus and acne. She also uses them for all her beauty needs, dry shampoo, lotion and even her own face care system that she mixes up herself. “They support asthma; shorten the life of bruises; soothe our sore throats,” Neuschwander said. “We even completely rid our four-year-old grandson of warts all over his little arms in a month!” Neuschwander raves about the proven success of her beloved oils. She uses them topically, through diffusion and also orally, which she takes through drops or capsules. “I totally love my essential oils!” she admits. “We are completely committed to the benefits of essential oils. I’m confident we can take care of most minor health concerns that come at our family with their help.” And with passion and proof like this, it’s hard to deny the benefits that essential oils provide. But how does one get started? Do your research, buy a diffuser and find the oils that are right for you at Akin’s or Whole Foods and then, get to healing! Uses include: Breath in. Utilize essential oils for aromatherapy at all costs. Invest in an essential oil air diffuser and add a few drops of nature’s anxiety cure along with water for a spa-like feeling in any room of your home. Lavender and basil are known for their calming properties, while peppermint has been known to treat anxiety and lemongrass relieve stress. Be wary. Don’t jump in all at once! Dip a toe or two at a time into this new trend. Start with simple changes, like aromatherapy, and don’t ingest or put the oils directly on your skin. Use bases to dilute oils when using in facewash or moisturizer and don’t use more than a couple of drops at a time. They smell oh so
good, yes, but believe me — they’re strong. Breath out. Embrace the benefit of essential oils for more than just aromatherapy, but actual therapy for medical issues like restlessness and insomnia. While eucalyptus has been known to ease exhaustion, lemongrass is reputable for fighting insomnia. Orange, on the other hand, helps in treating erectile problems. Scrub. Now, be easy. Don’t ever scrub your skin or scalp too hard, but do get a nice exfoliation in every once in a while with the help of essential oils. Lavender is useful in enhancing blood circulation on the skin and scalp, while peppermint, clove, cinnamon, sage and eucalyptus have been historically used for dental health. Do research. Look up the uses of each oil before you use them to get the most out of them therapeutically. Purchase a multi-pack of essential oils when you do, so that you can try various oils and see the differences in how they treat different areas of stress in your life. Prevent. Take into account the preventative work done by essential oils like lemongrass, which also acts as an insect repellant, and eucalyptus, for insect bite relief. Along with eucalyptus, orange and tea tree oil have been known to possess antibacterial/antiseptic properties and fight fungal infection better than many over-the-counter medicines. Be picky. When assessing which oils to use, read into them and be picky about which you choose. While lavender and peppermint might both help to relieve anxiety, lavender works more for aromatherapy and respiratory problems, unlike peppermint which would be more effective for digestion or an upset stomach. Treat. Try using essential oils for a natural therapy the next time you have bodily pain. Lemongrass has been used as a pain reliever for muscle pain, menstrual cramps, migraines, stomachaches and toothaches, which were also historically treated with clove. Eucalyptus, on the other hand, has been successful in treating congestion for years before allergy medicine was commercialized. Be sensitive. Enter the realm of essential oils with caution — especially if you have sensitive skin. Don’t apply any oil directly to your skin and take a careful approach to lemongrass, orange, peppermint and cinnamon. Cleanse. Combine a dot of tea tree oil or basil in your facewash to fight off acne, along with oil of camphor, orange and lemon balm for skin relief from infection. Rose hip oil is reputable for brightening the skin, being rich in vitamin C and jasmine oil with coconut oil works on stretch marks. Trust no label. Don’t believe everything you read on the package your essential oils come in. As we clarified before, not everything manufacturers print is 100 percent true. Do research on the different remedies you are seeking and wary when shopping, and seek out the highest quality before you purchase anything. After all, this is going on or in your body in some way … so don’t be cheap!
Essential oils have many uses inside and outside of the body.
FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
Brighten up your sunroom By Stephan Sardone
So many homes in Dallas, especially older homes in my Lakewood/ Lake Highlands neighborhood, have a long Stephan Sardone narrow room that may separate the living room or kitchen from the backyard. On the East Coast and in the Upper Midwest, they may be called wet rooms, especially if they also have access to and from the garage because you can drop your wet jackets, gloves and boots in there. And now, you can drop a Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl Champion knitted hat there as well. Sorry, Cowboys fans. Here, they are often called sunrooms but are rarely used that way. They often look like they were built in the '50s and appear that they have not been updated since. The room takes a lot of wear and tear, since it is a great place to put the dogs or cats when company comes over. Many have sliding doors, either from the house or to the yard that get abused. This area is often where people bury the kids. Not in a morbid way, but as a place that you can put your kids with the neighbor kids or cousins when they come over to play at a time when it is perfect to crack a nice microbrew with your buddy. It is also the area where the worst of the worst goes: the worst TV, the worst furniture, the worst flooring and the worst odor. I am not suggesting adding an Olympic size pool. But chances are, if you are a homeowner with a sunroom, it is the most neglectSardone Design-Build-Remodel ed room (not counting the attic or is locally owned and operated. garage) in the house. And it can Sardone, his wife and two daughters become remodeled into one of your are Lake Highlands residents.
By Candy Evans
candace@candysdirt.com Let’s talk hot property, shall we? This gorgeous Highland Park English Tudor revival at 4814 Saint Johns Drive hit the market Candace Evans for $4.9 million last Friday. It is everything you could ever want in a home, and you simply cannot ask for a better location! The English Tudor revival style evokes a sense of gracious living and tradition. When you can find an original like this one that’s been seamlessly renovated and expanded, well you’ve hit the jackpot because they are rarely available. The revivalist architecture trend became popular after the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. It was a celebration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the New World. European architecture had a significant influence in the construction of the buildings and served as inspiration for a new generation of architects. In the 1920s, if you could afford a substantial home, the English Tudor revival was the desired style. It’s called “revival” because the original Tudor period was from 1500 to 1559. The main features are ornamental half-timbering, stucco walls and steeply pitched roofs. It’s a style you see not only in every English village, but all over Europe. This beauty was built in 1922 and has withstood floods from a creek that ran through the property and multiple additions over the years that did not complement the architecture. The present owners purchased the stately English Tudor revival in 2003 knowing they would undertake a significant renovation. They called in architect Mark Domiteaux of Domiteaux + Baggett and builder Charles Haggard to do the updating and expanding their active family would need. “We tried to make the house flow and have the entire structure look like it was all from the same period,” Domiteaux said. “We had a really good time digging into English architecture and adding some fun and surprising elements to the house.” One of the first decisions was to relocate the front entry, originally opening onto Dartmouth Avenue, to Saint Johns Drive. Ten feet were added to this area with a proper English entry hall to the formal areas and a charming vestibule, complete with leaded windows, leading to the family room. “We tried to build in some eccentricity, so it felt like a rambling English manor,” Domiteaux said. “It has the unexpected things that you encounter when you turn a corner in a stately English home. I enjoyed that!” One of Domiteaux’s favorite elements is the circular staircase. It connects multiple levels of the home rising from the garage to the family room, the children’s bedrooms and the playroom at the top of the house. Domiteaux designed a compass rose at the bottom of the staircase created from multiple types of hardwood. This element is just one example of the many unique touches that were added to the house. “The family has loved this house,” said Ebby Halliday listing agent Kay Weeks. “They wanted a big yard for the kids to hang out in and a pool that could easily be secured. The house is a wonderful home for entertaining. In fact, the family hosts a Christmas party each year with carriage rides leaving from the corner so guests can see neighborhood holiday lights.” It’s a rarity to find a home in the heart of Highland Park, with proximity to everything you need, and yet the moment you enter the front door, you feel as if you are in a stately manor in the English countryside. That feeling is a credit to Domiteaux and Haggard, who managed to deliver a house with all the credentials of an estate yet all the warmth of home. And it’s especially a credit to owners that had the foresight, patience and taste to make it come to life. “It’s a home that just wraps its arms around you,” Weeks said. If you’re ready to be enveloped in warmth, style and history with a surprise or two around each corner, give her a call. This home is SISTERS cont'd from page 1 to the nines for a cocktail party or dressed as nuns (inspired by their Catholic school upbringing) for a theme party. “We always wanted to do something together,” Palma said. “We had a million harebrained ideas. But we decided to do something we knew about. People would call her [Babs] for recipes and call me for funny ideas for parties, so we just decided to put it together.” Horner wrote the recipes and Palma tackled the design and feature sections. Despite living all around the country, as a Cincinnati native Palma has never forgotten her Midwestern roots. In fact, Palma still eats Cincinnati favorite Skyline Chili out of a can when available at the local Kroger. “Not the real thing, but better than nothing,” Palma said. “The reason we even wrote this [book],” Palma said, “and I do like to read a lot, but I read these morbid books.” She just finished a book on the axe wielding Lizzie Borden. “All of these books are so sad, and our parents died when we were young, so we decided to tell a happy story. And this is how you do it in a beautiful way.” The book is dedicated to parents Artsie and Patsy
favorite rooms on a relatively modest budget. Better Homes and Gardens recently described the sunroom in such romantic terms: “Very little comes close to replicating the pleasure of basking in the warm sunshine — in an enclosed room, four seasons out of the year. That's the joy of a sunroom.” Could not have said it better myself. As always, you may want to consider a remodeling specialist. But many of these rooms already have a solid construction base and foundation. You will want to check and see if it was an add-on room, because electrical wiring could suffer from inferior workmanship if it was not part of the original house. In almost every case, you will want to upgrade the windows. Chances are that they have aged, separated or become foggy. No sense having a sunroom if the sun can’t get in the room. It is the perfect time to consider floor-to-ceiling windows or something very close. Make it bright and airy. Use pastels and a nice color-contrasted carpet, tile and appointments to freshen up the room. Replace or add ceiling fans, as it adds to the ambiance. Increases functionality by adding a television mounted from the ceiling or upper wall and by installing a wet bar. Upgrade the furniture. And if you are really ambitious, consider a fireplace or heat stove. The beauty of redoing your sunroom now is prudent. You can’t update your backyard or garden until spring, anyway. Get this job out of the way, tend to the garden later with the help of a landscape architect (or just rely on your green thumb) and you will experience years of pleasure in no time.
A remodeled sunroom provides four seasons of pleasure.
4814 Saint Johns Drive is listed for $4.9 million by Kay Weeks. indeed a one of a kind English Tudor revival! CandysDirt.com is the only blog in Dallas for the truly real estate obsessed! Named by National Association of Real Estate Editors as the BEST Real Estate Blog in the country. Slageter, who the women credit for their sense of humor. “He was larger than life,” Palma said of father Artsie, who fought through a long illness when the girls were growing up. Sophistication Is Overrated was part of the gift, or swag, bags handed out at the Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills in January. Recently, at an Atlanta signing, rapper 2 Chainz bought the book. He called the sisters “The Buckhead Bettys.” Palma was thrilled, until informed that his lyrics would not quite match up with the principles she was taught in Catholic school. One of the fun party ideas that the sisters use is to dress a blow-up doll like the host of the party and put the doll on the porch as if he or she is welcoming guests. “We go in their closet, and dress the doll up and put their face on it. People are laughing before they come in,” Palma said. “One time in West Palm Peach — we were on this road trip we called the Dairy Queen trail — and my car got hit and run. So the police came to this little boutique hotel. He opens the door and a blow-up doll pops out at him. He came back and checked on us every day.” Few books combine lavish recipes, beautiful gift ideas, unique party themes with blow-up dolls. These girls just want to have fun.
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FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
1 Texas A&M student 6 Pottery fragment 11 Healthy hues 16 Golden statuette
21 Swing wildly 22 Enthusiastic 23 Regular’s order 24 Dorian Gray’s creator 25 Math figure 26 Muralist — Rivera
27 Cugat specialty 28 Napoleon’s fate 29 Crude metal 30 Pod vegetable 32 Farm buildings 34 Wall Street optimists
of his inaugural onair appearance. On one of the “first few days of January” 1976, though, Taft walked up to him during a commercial break for the noon newscast and said, “Why don’t you do it today.” “I had two minutes warning for my television debut,” he recalls. “I was nervous. It took me about six months, really, to get comfortable in front of Ed Bark the camera.” Until the early 1980s, Taft and Finfrock stuck to what now seems like a stone age approach. They hand-drew their maps for each newscast. There was one for Texas, another for the U.S. and a third “forecast map.” Temperatures were posted with a MarksA-Lot pen just before the weather segment began, with Finfrock hurrying to a teletype machine to get the latest highs and lows. Taft, who was an Army officer during World War II, often acted as though he was still in uniform. Yes was “Affirmative,” No was “Negative,” and he went “on leave,” not vacation. “I never had any problems with Harold,” Finfrock says. “He was a stickler for doing things by the book. He had that military bearing, which I definitely do not.” So how did Finfrock, “extraordinarily shy” as a young man, and the stern, imposing Taft hook up in the first place? It’s still quite a story. Finfrock, who grew up in Houston, graduated from Texas A&M in May 1975 with a bachelor of science degree in meteorology. He then spent the summer in Juneau, Alaska, doing field research in geology, geophysics and meteorology. A full fellowship for graduate studies awaited him at Texas A&M, where he resumed studies that fall. Then came a phone call from someone “I never heard of.” It was Taft. FINFROCK cont'd from page 1
36 .001 inch 37 Formal meetings 40 Fishtails 42 Garden-pond fish 43 Diminishes 44 Raggedy redhead 45 Provide food for
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 3) You can reduce relationship stress this week by permitting what you could not sanction a while ago. Many of the rules have changed! (Feb. 4-Feb. 18) — You're likely to be targeted by someone who doesn't understand what you're all about. By week's end, this threat is likely turned into an advantage.
ARIES (March 21-April 4) Something you do the old-fashioned way this week is going to pay off far more than anything newfangled or cutting-edge. Trust in tradition! (April 5-April 19) — What seems at first to be a mistake is likely to be something you're going to want to repeat when you have the chance. Your success surprises your critics. TAURUS (April 20-May 5) You can do much for someone younger than yourself this week — but in the process, you can also learn an important lesson that is long overdue. (May 6-May 20) — You may not be expecting much this week, but what comes your way is likely to create more than one new opportunity. It may be time to take a risk. GEMINI (May 21-June 6) You must not let your peculiar bias affect your decision-making process this week, especially where others are concerned. (June 7-June 20) — You can demonstrate your
1 Puffy hairstyles 2 Dazzling light 3 Barriers 4 Grandson, perhaps 5 Marrying in haste 6 Roomy vehicle 7 Osaka OK 8 Improves, as wine 9 Check in
10 More amusing 11 Bag or tote 12 Ames inst. 13 Deaden 14 Japanese theater 15 Downhill events 16 Uses a charge card 17 Hockey-team complement 18 Ascend 19 Improvise (hyph.) 20 Walks unsteadily 31 Many, many years 33 Royal pronoun 35 Least firm 38 Smooth wood 39 Cleaned a fish 41 Make purchases 43 Screwed things up 46 Word of assent 48 Toon pooch 49 Gutter locale 50 Large gathering 51 Supple 52 Caper 53 Foxes’ abodes 54 Have a desire for 56 Curlew cousin 57 Pixies 59 Dripping sounds 60 Lava spewers 61 Battery’s “+” end 63 Sudden urges 65 Zeniths 66 Socks set 68 Fish-to-be 70 Go separate ways 71 Humane org. 72 Yield 75 Franc replacer 76 Runs a fever 77 Letterman and Barry 78 Whiskey grains
80 Fishing spots 81 Words of advice 82 Stuck in the mud 83 Band bookings 84 Newton or Asimov 85 Metalworker 86 Trippet 88 Banqueted 89 Stator’s partner 90 Powerful engine 91 Pigpens 93 Jiffies 94 Moos 95 Like instantly (2 wds.) 97 Lacks 98 Prefix for “trillion” 99 Toward the Arctic 1 00 Break of day 1 04 Make haste 1 05 Grassy shoulder 1 06 Harp kin 1 08 Fastens down 1 10 Toll road 1 11 Lancelot’s son 1 13 Moral discourse 1 14 Cosmic force 1 15 Winery cask 1 16 Checkout units 1 17 Ford predecessor 1 18 “Peachy keen!” 1 21 More peculiar 1 23 Affectations 1 24 Red-flowered cactus 1 25 — de menthe 1 26 Loosened 1 28 Type of mgr. 1 29 Drama prize 1 31 Winged god 1 35 Sea, to Cousteau 1 37 Flight dir. 1 39 Before, in verse 141 Sean Lennon’s mom
Ed Bark, who runs the TV website unclebarky.com, is a past member of the national Peabody awards board.
by Stella Wilder
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 5) You must do what you can to remain down to earth this week, even as those around you are losing touch with what counts the most. (March 6-March 20) — Are you willing to do what you must to come out on top this week? You can win — but it is likely to cost you in ways you had not imagined. Is a compromise in order?
1 09 1040 org. 1 10 Pulled along 1 11 Pita treats 1 12 Electronic file (2 wds.) 1 14 Burma’s U — 1 15 Paver’s goo 1 16 Bed-andbreakfasts 1 19 Paris season 1 20 Squirrel away 1 22 Riches 1 27 Equal score 1 28 Kind of physicist 1 30 Quench 1 32 — — dare 1 33 Mouths, in biology 1 34 Midterms and finals 1 36 Fix, as in cement 1 38 Metal strands 1 40 Aspirations 1 42 Dust particles 1 43 Unneeded info 1 44 Delight in 1 45 Make — — for oneself 1 46 Farm sound 1 47 Scornful gaze 1 48 Oui and da 1 49 Allotted
He’d been looking at various job applications on public file at the National Weather Service’s southern regional office in Fort Worth. Finfrock caught his eye — along with a number of other applicants. Would he like to audition at KXAS? “I almost didn’t come,” Finfrock said. He had put off taking a mandatory public speaking class until his senior year as an undergrad at A&M. Couldn’t he just take a second semester of Russian instead? Told no, he girded himself and to his amazement, got a grade of A. During the course of the course, he learned “if you know your topic ahead of time, your fear tends to go away.” So the idea of being on television wasn’t as daunting when Taft called. And after an intoxicating summer in Alaska, “sitting in a classroom again was kind of stultifying,” Finfrock said. “I was ready to get on with my life.” The KXAS audition didn’t go well — or so Finfrock thought. Initially seated at an anchor desk on a raised platform about six inches high, he was required to stand up and walk a short distance to the “weather wall.” When Finfrock arose and pushed the chair back, it toppled off the platform, making a “tremendous crashing sound.” Finfrock stayed on his feet and did the segment. But at that instant, he figured he’d blown it. Taft chose him anyway, and a couple of years later, Finfrock asked him why. Taft told him he was impressed with how the kid reacted calmly to a little duress and “if you can smoothly handle that, you should be able to handle just about anything on the air.” Otherwise the applicants were pretty much even in their qualifications, Taft said. “So if my chair hadn’t toppled over, I might not have gotten the job,” Finfrock said. “I might be studying climate science on a glacier somewhere right now.” (A bit later, Finfrock accidentally knocks over his interviewer’s coffee cup. Just saying.)
YOUR STARS THIS WEEK The coming week is likely to find many individuals encountering new vibes and rhythms that prove both inspiring and challenging, as they are likely to require subtle changes both within and without. Some of these changes will be only temporary, but some are likely to be permanent; each individual may discover that it is quite possible to forge an entirely new path, whether professional or personal, as a result. Some may consider this week to be the true beginning of a year that is already 6 weeks old, as new doors are opened, new opportunities come knocking, and new relationships are forged or confirmed. Indeed, new beginnings made now could not have been made as the year opened; the odds of success are much greater right now than they have heretofore been in 2018. When it comes to relationships, some may discover this week that everything is somewhat topsy-turvy, as the boundaries between friendships and working relationships are obscured or even obliterated. What is even more remarkable is that the rules governing romance are changing for many, and what was off-limits a while ago is now very possibly favored!
47 More straitlaced 50 Jangle 53 More hobbled 54 Microscopic 55 Thin 58 Peel 59 Not as bright 60 Pat Sajak’s cohost 62 Smoothly 64 Baseball’s Mel — 65 UFO passenger 66 Fish habitat 67 Sharp drop 69 Trouser fabric 71 Cellar contents 72 Major D.C. employer 73 Farm enclosure 74 Leaves hastily 75 DeMille genre 76 Verdi heroine 77 Maxi or mini 79 Home tel. 80 Profitable 82 Flowery month 83 Main points 86 Irene of “Fame” 87 Pharaoh’s river 88 Amuses 92 Doctrine 93 Dangerous shark 94 Removes branches 95 Wearies (2 wds.) 96 Run too fast (2 wds.) 99 Refusals 100 Copenhagen residents 101 Hex halved 102 Lustrous fabric 103 Puts on display 105 Did a fall chore 106 Earring site 107 Little angel
expertise early in the week, and enjoy greater opportunity later on as a result. A combination of forces is working for you right now. CANCER (June 21-July 7) You're likely to attract a good deal of attention this week no matter what you do, so be sure you're doing the right things! (July 8-July 22) — You can expect some of the changes coming to you this week to increase the fun in your daily life, at least for the time being. Share with friends! LEO (July 23-Aug. 7) You may have to wait for something this week that you thought would be coming to you long before now. The delay may well have been unavoidable. (Aug. 8-Aug. 22) — What you want is within reach, but timing is the key. This week, you must be sure that your efforts do not directly conflict with anyone else's. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 7) While you usually don't want to repeat yourself, this week you can benefit greatly by doing the same thing twice or three times — even four! (Sept. 8-Sept. 22) — What goes on behind your back at first is sure to be revealed to you before the week is out — and in time for you to do something about it! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 7) A problem arises when you don't pay enough attention to what
Copyright 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. a family member is doing. Once solved, you won't want to repeat it! (Oct. 8-Oct. 22) — Any commitment you've made for this week must be kept, even though you may find it more difficult than expected given the other things that arise at this time. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 7) You're used to encountering bumps in the road, but this week an obstacle looms before you that will require some serious forethought. (Nov. 8-Nov. 21) — Now is no time for making things up as you go along; a definite plan is in order, and your ability to follow it to the letter will make all the difference. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 7) You have the opportunity this week to take over from someone who has enjoyed a great deal of success. Now it's your turn! (Dec. 8-Dec. 21) — Contentment waxes and wanes this week, but you'll find the greatest comfort among certain friends and family members. Don't cut yourself off for any reason! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 6) You may have trouble being fair and unbiased as you do your best to solve a problem that was not originally of your making. (Jan. 7-Jan. 19) — You'll want to take advantage of every opportunity this week to show off your generosity — and skill. Family and friends provide word-of-mouth support.
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‘The Cloverfield Paradox’ sent right to streaming
By Chic DiCiccio @chiccywood
In an effort to release a movie that is actually worse than the Will Smith-starring “Bright,” Netf lix has snagged the distribution rights to the J.J. Abrams-produced “The Cloverfield Paradox.” The only smart decision regarding this movie involves marketing. Netf lix made it available for streaming the moment that the Super Bowl ended on Sunday. Perhaps they did so in hopes that everyone was in a food coma or an alcohol-induced stupor to notice just how insanely bad the movie is? While “10 Cloverfield Lane” played out as a fantastic claustrophobic thriller, “The Cloverfield Paradox” is so poorly conceived and written that Netf lix subscribers should be visibly shaken about the rising fees that are presumably funding this garbage. How did this wretched screenplay attract such a talented cast? Why did J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot production company taint a reasonably decent brand name like “Cloverfield” by force feeding the thinnest of narratives into this generic time waste? “The Cloverfield Paradox” takes place in 2028 when the Earth is smack dab in the middle of a mass energy crisis causing pandemonium, mass hysteria and potential world power warfare. Prior to wanting to kill each other, the world powers got together and built the Cloverfield Space Station. Its crew is tasked with the goal of working on a fancy thing called a particle accelerator that can, if it works, provide unlimited energy for Earth. Among the crew is Ava (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), a British citizen who leaves her husband, Michael
(Roger Davies), behind as they mourn the loss of their children. Her life and the current situation on Earth is quickly explained prior to a credits sequence that shows Ava and the station’s crew working on their project for well over two years. The credits stop and voila! The particle accelerator works! Well, it sort of works. See, the machine has some drawbacks and some tin foil hat kooks think that it could open up a portal to other dimensions that could then attack Earth. Naturally, the nut jobs are right and after the accelerator properly works, all hell breaks loose. The space station disappears from orbit leaving Earth wondering where they went as the planet is under attack by … something. It’s not a completely terrible premise, but the promise of an entertaining movie lasts for about 20 minutes. Once the station is lost, this great cast gets to run around the space station and get picked off one by one while spouting gibberish dialogue that sci-fi fan fiction writers would call bland. “The Cloverfield Paradox” becomes a video game and its characters move from level to level, completing tasks that get progressively sillier and more difficult until the final “big bad” shows up. “The Cloverfield Paradox” is director Julius Onah’s first big budget movie and he’s dealing with such a terrible script (courtesy of Oren Uziel) that it’s impossible to judge his work. Characters are killed in inexplicable ways by a space station that is … haunted? Maybe? There’s literally no explanation for it. There’s also a chance that whomever decided on using the word “paradox” so much doesn’t really know what it means.
The cast of "The Cloverfield Paradox" look to be stunned by the many negative reviews. RETAIL cont'd from page 1 Retail As Art brings students into the real world of art photography. "You don't make a photograph just with a camera," said the legendary photographer Ansel Adams. "You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved." Competition organizers want to show students that they can take the passion Adams spoke of and turn it into a career. “Our goal was to give students an opportunity to learn what they can do in graphic art,” Ashmore said, “giving students an opportunity to see what they can do with their lives.” That lofty goal is part of why Retail As Art is not your average take-a-snap-of-anything contest. Every student submission will be part of the final gallery show at Dallas Contemporary. Ashmore believes the gallery experience is important. The young photographers get to see their work framed and displayed in a professional space. The best photographers will leave with scholarship money for college. In 2017, the foundation awarded $30,000 in scholarships. The rules require each participant use their own equipment "to capture your unique interpretation of our theme." That theme is simple: retail buildings.
Students can choose any type of retail structure — restaurants, groceries, malls, food trucks and similar operations. Signage, merchandise, display, lighting, architecture and history are all viable options for images. This year there is a new category for judging, the Human Experience Award. Organizers want participants to include more people in their images than before, to "express human experience within a retail environment or setting." Retail As Art entries are open through Wednesday, March 14 at retailasart.com. Winners will be announced Thursday, April 19 at Dallas Contemporary, 161 Glass St.
Mickey Ashmore is surrounded by young artists.
FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
Swarner transforms into 1930s crooner By Shari Goldstein Stern stern.shari@gmail.com
Back in the day, singers like Bing Crosby, Rudy Vallee and Bob Hope were crooning songs including “I Only Have Eyes for You,” “The Very Thought of You” and “Blue Moon” in supper clubs everywhere. Their work was written with passion by composers like Dorothy Fields and Harry Warren. Such were the 1930s in music. Dorothy Fields and the brilliant Jerome Kern’s “The Way You Look Tonight” was another hit of the era. Dallas’ own crooner, Max J. Swarner will perform that romantic ballad along with other 1930s music at the Bath House Cultural Center this month. The well-recognized Swarner will take center stage in the hearts of patrons when he serenades at Echo Theatre’s “Her Song,” a supper club in the Bath House on White Rock Lake. A few of his other vocals will be, “You Oughta’ Be in Pictures” and “Exactly Like You.” Already a force in Dallas theater, in addition to many awards and much recognition, Swarner was named one of Dallas’ top male performers for his lead in “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” at Irving’s MainStage in 2011. Swarner has appeared in more than 100 plays and musicals in Dallas and the area. That goes back more than 20 years to his premiere at the age of four in “Aladdin” at Capers for Kids. Then at nine, he played his first leading role in “The Music Man.” As an adult, he has made the rounds in theaters including Dallas Summer Musicals, Theatre Three, Theatre Too, Uptown Players, Garland Summer Musicals, WaterTower Theatre and Contemporary Theatre of Dallas, to scratch the surface. The acting bug bit hard when he was a seven year old seeing the National Broadway Tour of “The Phantom of the Opera” at Ft. Worth’s Bass Hall. “Seeing that show changed my life forever, and I knew while sitting in that theater that I had to do this for the rest of my life,” Swarner said. “My greatest influence in life musically came from growing up in a church with a rich music program,” he said. “I was musically spoiled from a young age, hearing classical music with a full 50-piece orchestra every Sunday morning. There is simply nothing better!” The triple-threat made his Northeast debut in the title role in Yeston/Kopit's musical “Phantom” in Connecticut. According to the actor, “Playing the Phantom of the Opera in Yeston/Kopit’s musical was a perfect experience in every way. This version was written by Tony Awardwinner Maury Yeston. Local actor Max Swarner. It premiered at Theatre
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Houston’s Theatre Under the Stars in 1990. It is a beautiful piece that follows similar plot points to the Webber version, but has its own differences.” One of Swarner’s goals is to star in “The Phantom of the Opera,” one of his favorite shows and his “dream role.” “Playing Tony in Garland Summer Musicals’ production of ‘West Side Story’ was another bucket-list role with an amazing production team and a full orchestra performing that glorious Bernstein/ Sondheim score. Singing that music every night was heaven on earth.” Swarner is thrilled and grateful to have worked with some of Dallas’ finest directors. Those have included Bruce R. Coleman, BJ Cleveland, Michael Serrecchia, Cheryl Denson and many more. He said, “I also had the honor of being directed by the late Jac Alder, Terry Dobson and René Moreno. Those men taught me so very much, and I miss them every single day.” The singer describes his first performance with “Her Song” as a joyous experience. “I am working with the finest people on this production. The cast, crew, production staff is kind, humble and amazingly talented. What more could you ask for?” In “Her Song” Swarner plays Montague Rose Rollins, one of the headliners of The Echo Room. He is a triple-threat performer who has history with all characters in the play. “Her Song,” is a February tradition that serves as a great “date night” for Valentine’s Day. It will run this year from Friday, Feb. 9 through Saturday, Feb. 24. The 1930s supper club-inspired classic food and craft cocktails are available on a cash basis. Swarner is proud of having been born and raised in Lakewood and Dallas and enjoys living walking distance from White Rock Lake. He still lives in Lakewood today with his wife, actress Kim Borge Swarner. He attended White Rock Montessori and First Baptist Academy before graduating from SMU with a BA in Voice. He says that he loves the energy in Dallas and plans to be here for a very long time.
Dallas | (214) 369-8130 8220 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 512, Dallas, TX 75231
FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
Visit to far Northwest Rockies uplifting
By Michael Wald
wald.world@yahoo.com I started my visit to the Canadian Rockies in the gem of a town on the U.S. border, the little-visited Waterton. Staying at a motel-style lodge right on glacier-formed Waterton Lake for two days, I felt like I was still in the U.S. as the Canadian and American flags are both flown in the first International Peace Park, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located here where the U.S. Glacier National Park and Canada’s Waterton Lakes Park meet. The town only has one season, the summer high season; normally it is too cold and snowy for inhabitants. Waterton’s friendly seasonal shopkeepers all have stories to tell of where they spend the rest of the year when tourists are not soaking up the beauty of the surrounding majestic mountains. A boat ride on Waterton Lake (about $40 for two hours) crosses the U.S. border which runs through the middle of the lake and is marked by a line of felled trees up the mountain. Ranked by National Geographic as one of the best hiking destinations, some come back every year. Disembark the boat at Goat Haunt inside the U.S. park, you can process through border control, hike for days and then return on the boat to Waterton. From the boat, you will see amazing geology of million year old rock formations from collisions
of the Tetonic and Pacific plates when this area was under the sea. Over the U.S. border in northern Montana, stunning mountain views in Glacier National Park await you. Although the park is only one million acres, making it one of the smallest, it packs a big punch. Most visitors head for Logan Pass via the Going to the Sun Highway, where the main park interpretive center and rangers are located. At Logan Pass, straddle the continental divide and get backwoods maps. Although the park is named for the glaciers which formed it, today only 26 small, melting glaciers exist here. Predictions are they will all disappear by 2025 … and even if you don’t believe global warming is the reason, warmer park temperatures definitely are. While in the park, spotting wildlife, especially bears and eagles, is common. Other than camping, there are many hotel accommodations in the park. The fanciest luxury hotel is the Many Glacier Hotel, but search glaciernationalparklodges.com for other varied options. A little north, one hour outside Calgary, is Canada’s mountain playground, Kananaski Park, with many hikes above the tree line. Travel a bit further north to Banff, Canada’s first national park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and you will be among glacier-formed lakes and two of Canada’s tallest mountains, Mount Cascade and Mount Rundle. Banff itself is very
busy, but its unimaginable beauty is what makes it a stand out, particularly the sparkling Bow River, around which the town is built. Most tourists will want to take the Banff gondola to the observation point above the treetops or enjoy rafting. If you prefer quiet and solitude, head a bit further north to Jasper, the small town in the center of Jasper National Park, Canada’s largest. You’ll probably want to stop and see three turquoise-colored glacier lakes in Banff National Park on the way, Moraine Lake, Lake Louise and Peyto Lake, before entering glacier-surrounded Iceland Parkway. Off the Parkway you will want to walk out onto the huge Athabasca Glacier or use an all-terrain vehicle to transport you while you still can, because predictions are it will melt in this decade. If you have time and can find them, Maligne Lake (also glacier formed) and Maligne Canyon are both a bit out of town but amazing places to visit. Jasper is a major railroad stop for trains running through Northern Canada. An interesting alternative is to start in Vancouver or Toronto and take the trip I describe above in reverse, from Jasper south to the U.S. border. Michael Wald is a travel specialist with special expertise in Panama adventure travel. He blogs about travel and other musings at untroddenla. com. Follow him @Adventourist and see where he is off to next.
View from the boat on Waterton Lake (above) and geological formations (right).
The butterfly effect of the thyroid By Dr. Kim Washington
times of hormonal changes, such as during or after pregnancy or even during January was National times of prolonged emotionThyroid Awareness Month, al stress. According to Sara with primary focus being on Gottfriend, a gynecologist, encouraging the “Women are most general public to vulnerable after learn more about pregnancy and disorders of the during perimenothyroid gland and pause and menohow these disorders pause. Thyropause can affect the way — a drop in reproour bodies funcductive hormones tion from day to that often trigday. Although the gers hypothyroidthyroid is a small ism — is the main gland, its effects on Dr. Washington cause of fatigue, the body as a whole weight gain, and can be profound. depression.” The thyroid gland looks Thyroid function tests like a butterf ly and is locatare not typically staned on the front of the neck. dard labs tests ordered. It is a small gland the size Only expressed symptoms of a quarter, but it controls of under-functioning or many functions in the body. over-functioning thyroid will The thyroid makes a horprompt lab studies to be ormone which controls metadered. After treatment, many bolic rate (how fast or slow symptoms will go away, howyour body breaks down and ever it is important to get builds necessary nutrients) medication levels adjusted to and production of proteins. the correct thyroid hormone If there is a problem with the level. thyroid, either over-funcIf you believe you are tioning or under-functionexperiencing any symptoms ing, multiple organ systems of under-functioning thyroid are affected. disease (hypothyroidism), Women are more prone especially if you are postparto thyroid issues than men. tum or perimenopausal, talk As if women do not have to your doctor about thyroid enough hormone troubles as function testing. Low thyroid it is, to add thyroid problems hormone levels are relatively into the mix is just plain easy to manage with thyroid rude! It is unclear as to why replacement hormones — a women are more affected, simple pill for a complex however, it is thought to be disease. linked to female hormones since high levels of estrogen Dr. Kimberly have been implicated. Washington, a general surThere is a clear interacgeon at Highlander Surgical tion between the thyroid and Associates in Arlington, women’s reproductive hormaintains an interest mones. Many women have in health education and thyroid problems during advocacy.
FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
‘Hockabots’ team from Dallas wins champion’s award
By Taylor McDonnell taylor@mayadpr.com
It was a thrilling year as the North Texas FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Regional Championship Robotics Tournament commemorated 10 years of inspiring the STEM leaders of tomorrow. After months of intense preparation for this season’s FLL robotics competition challenge “HYDRO DYNAMICS,” nearly 600 North Texas youth came ready to compete at the 10th annual tournament held Feb. 3 at Parish Episcopal School and Community Center. Winning the First Place Champion’s Award were the “Hockabots” team, with students from The Hockaday School in Dallas. The Hockabots will now advance to the World Festival in Houston on Wednesday, April 18. The second place team — “Incredibots of Panther Creek Estates” (with students from Frisco) — will head to the LEGOLAND North American Open in Carlsbad, Calif., May 18-20. Both Champion’s Award teams were recognized for fully embracing the FLL Core Values while achieving excellence and innovation in the robot game and project. Produced by the Perot Museum of Nature and Science and presented by Lockheed Martin, the FLL competition featured 60 teams of nearly 600 young “engineers in training” developing crucial practice with research projects, teamwork skills and robot-design strategies. Teams also built and programmed an autonomous robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS technology to score points in 2.5-minute “mission” matches on a water-themed playing field. “We’re excited for Lockheed Martin to be part of the North Texas FIRST LEGO® League tournament,” said Frank Armijo, vice president of Lockheed Martin Energy. “Lockheed Martin is committed to educating students in science, technology, engineering and math — whether inside or outside the classroom. This tournament is a shining
example of the latter, and a great way to get students interested in engineering.” In 2008, the Perot Museum of Nature and Science became the affiliate and operational partner for the North Texas FLL region. The Museum coordinates and oversees all North Texas FLL events, the largest of which is the Regional Championship Tournament typically held in February. FLL continues to grow in North Texas, from 25 teams in 2008 to 435 teams registered for the 2017 season. “The North Texas region boasts one of the fastest rates of growth for FIRST LEGO® League, and we’re proud to have produced the championship event for the last 10 years,” said Dr. Linda AbrahamJERSEAN GOLATT/PEROT MUSEUM Silver, Eugene McDermott CEO of Pictured from left to right are Mariah Bowen (with supporting sponsor Arco Murray), the Perot Museum. “It’s competiand Anisha Sharma (Plano), Riya Guttigoli (Preston Hollow), Nina Dave (Preston Hollow), tive, high-energy and, best of all, Stella Wrubel (Park Cities), Sophia Yung (Park Cities), Laura Baker coach (Lakewood) of an incredibly fun gateway for stuthe first place champions Hockabots team at the 10th annual North Texas FIRST Lego® dentsto pursue careers in STEM. League Regional Championship Robotics Tournament. Not pictured - Lisa Dwinal, Thanks to the FLL program, there’s coach (Garland). a tremendous amount of momentum, and we can’t wait to foster and grow the program over the next decade.” associated with the human water cycle and coming up with This year’s FLL journey began in August 2017, when innovative solutions using science and technology. After 4,350 North Texas students ages 9-14 — and approximatequalifying rounds took place in December and January, ly 284,000 students worldwide — received the “HYDRO nearly 600 North Texas youth qualified for the regional DYNAMICS” theme. They spent the next few months tournament. studying, dissecting and analyzing real-world challenges
Board of directors and event chairs announced By Sharon Adams
adamscomm1@aol.com KidneyTexas, Inc. 2018 president Mary Lee Cox recently announced members of the new board of directors, including the much anticipated chairs for the 2018 Fashion Show and Luncheon, Annalee Aston and Joanna Tollenaere, with Dr. Goran Klintmalm as honorary advisor. Further announcements, along with the theme and date of the Fashion Show and Luncheon will be made at the Spring Tea, chaired by Deborah McKeever. The date and location is coming soon. The new board members are: president, Mary Lee Cox; advisory board chair, Therese Rourk; president elect, Sandy Secor; first vice president of membership, Donna Arp Weitzman; second vice president of luncheon, Annalee Aston and Joanna Tollenaere; third vice president of charity selection, Kendra Karlock; recording secretary, Jeannie Nethery; corresponding secretary, Jennie Gilchrist; treasurer Stacey Wiggins; treasurer elect, Cindy Hanson; historian, Natalie Taylor and parliamentarian, Andrea Alcorn. The Fashion Show and Luncheon chairs announcements were made at the Fall Tea hosted by Lauryn Gayle and Tom White in their lovely Preston Hollow home and featured catering by Eating Royally, with royal anecdotes by the Royal Chef Darren McGrady. Fall Tea chairs were Natalie Taylor, Suzette Derrick and Andrea Weber. The purpose of KidneyTexas, Inc. is to
provide funding to improve the methods of treatment, the search for a cure and prevention of kidney disease and other kindred or contributory diseases, and to develop more adequate provision for the care of persons suffering from such diseases. Debilitating kidney diseases impact approximately 20 million people in the U.S. today. Groups at high risk include African Americans, Hispanics, senior citizens and people with diabetes. In Texas, there are over 30,000 people on dialysis and 4,000 on a transplant list. The number of patients on dialysis is anticipated to double this decade. Since 1999, the dedicated volunteers of KidneyTexas, Inc. have worked in tandem with underwriters to raise more than $3.1 million for local efforts to improve the ability to diagnose and manage kidney disease. Each fall, KidneyTexas, Inc. hosts its Fashion Show and Luncheon in an effort to raise money for designated beneficiaries and awareness for a disease that affects millions of people each year. The success of this event depends heavily upon the contributions and dedication from Dallas business and community leaders. Membership in KidneyTexas, Inc. is open to the public and offers many benefits. Men are invited to join in their own special category, Men of Kidney. There is also a special Young Adult membership level for those from 21 – 35 at a discounted rate. Sign up through the website at kidneytexas.org, contact 214-891-0896 or email kidneytexas@sbcglobal.net.
Top: Annalee Aston and Joanna Tollenaere, 2018 Fashion Show and Luncheon chairs. Bottom: Natalie Taylor, Tea Chair and Historian; Royal Chef Darren McGrady, featured speaker; Suzette Derrick and Andrea Weber, Tea Chairs.
Four new board of trustees, grants and initiatives introduced
By Laurey Peat lpeat@lpapr.com
Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) announced that Michael Dardick, José (Pepe) Guevara, Thomas A. Montgomery and Connie O’Neill have been appointed as new members of the board of trustees. CFT trustees are selected for their wide-ranging knowledge of community needs, record of charitable service and fiscal responsibility. They serve as stewards of more than $1 billion in assets across 1,000 charitable funds. These trustees oversee the largest community foundation in Texas and one of the largest in the United States. CFT ranks in the top 20 nationally for assets managed, gifts received and grants paid. Since its founding in 1953, CFT has awarded more than $1.7 billion in grants. “With their vast business experience and knowledge of the community, Michael, Tom, Pepe and Connie will help guide CFT in our work to amplify philanthropic impact, making tomorrow better throughout North Texas and beyond,” said Jim Bass, chair of CFT’s board of trustees. Dave Scullin, president and CEO of CFT, echoed, “The growing needs in our region require CFT to expand our impact, and we’re confident these four leaders will help us towards our vision of thriving communities for all.” Michael Dardick serves as founding partner and chief executive officer of Granite Properties. Since 1991, Granite Properties has acquired or developed more
than 25 million square feet in commercial real estate. Michael serves on the Children’s Health System of Texas board as well as the chair of the Plano governing board of the Michael Dardick Children’s Medical Center Legacy Campus. He was also a past board member of the Vogel Alcove and chairman of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Collin County Walk. He is a member of the Dallas Citizen’s Council, Collin County Business Alliance, chairman of the Urban Land Institute Industrial and Office Council, a member of the Young President’s Organization and past chairman of The Real Estate Council. Michael graduated with a finance degree from University of MissouriColumbia. He and his wife, Jill, live in Plano and have two children. New trustee Tom Montgomery brings a wealth of business and financial experience to the board. He is a founding partner of Montgomery Coscia Greilich LLP and owner of Montgomery Capital Advisors, LLC. Thomas Montgomery His disciplines include advanced tax planning, transactional services and strategic and operational planning for large and medium-sized businesses. Prior to founding the firm, Tom was responsible for starting
and growing Beal Capital Markets, Inc., an investment subsidiary of Beal Bank specializing in both public and private corporate finance products. Tom serves as Chairman of Children’s Medical Center Dallas and on the board of directors of Children’s Health System of Texas. He is a Southwestern Medical Center board member. Tom graduated from Texas Tech University with a master’s degree in accounting and taxation. He is also a certified public accountant. He and his wife, Beth, live in Dallas and have three children. New trustee Pepe Guevara brings strong strategic and operational experience inthe world of private equity investments. Pepe recently founded Millstone Assets focusing on cross-generational wealth preservaPepe Guevara tion strategies. Prior to founding Millstone Assets, Pepe had a 20-year career and served as a partner at Boston Consulting Group. His work focused on value creation through strategic acquisitions across a range of industries, serving both corporations as well as private equity funds. His interests in education and entrepreneurship led him to serve on the board of directors at KIPP:DFW and Endeavor. org. Pepe lives in Dallas with his wife and three children. New trustee Connie O’Neill is an active community volunteer who has
served on numerous philanthropic boards. She has extensive board experience through her chairmanships for Children’s Medical Center Foundation, the Susan G. Komen Connie O'Neill Foundation and Highland Park Education Foundation. She also serves on the boards of Southern Methodist University, UT Southwestern Medical Foundation, Momentous Institute, The Senior Source, the executive board of the Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education at SMU and on the board of Children’s Health System of Texas. Connie is a former president of the Junior League of Dallas and chaired Crystal Charity Ball from 2010-2011. Connie was previously a certified public accountant with Ernst & Young and currently a member of the Texas Society of CPAs. Connie graduated summa cum laude with a BBA from Southern Methodist University. Connie and her husband, Chris, live in Dallas and have three daughters and one son. CFT also announced that Judith W. Gibbs, John McStay, Karen Shuford and Frank Risch are retiring as trustees after ten years each of dedicated service. Trustees continuing their service include Jim Bass, Richie Butler, Kenneth Hersh, Chris Kleinert, Sarah Losinger, Bobby B. Lyle, Alfreda Norman, Carlos Gonzalez Peña, The Honorable Florence Shapiro, Nicole G. Small and G. Stacy Smith.
FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
Our Favorite Restaur ants INDIAN Masala Wok 6106 Luther Ln. 469-232-9390 IRISH PUB
Black Friar 2621 McKinney, Ste A 214-953-0599 Renfield’s Corner 2603-A Routh St. 214-397-0300 Trinity Hall Irish Pub 5321 E. Mockingbird Ln. 214-887-3600 ITALIAN & PIZZA California Pizza Kitchen 8411 Preston Rd. 214-750-7067 CiboDivino Marketplace & Cafe 1868 Sylvan Ave. 214-653-2426 Dough 11909 Preston, #1444 972-788-4600 Holy Ravioli 4446 W. Lovers Ln. 214-696-3993 I Fratelli 2815 Allen St., #124. 214-720-0070 Italia Express 111 Continental, #300 214-748-2700 4000 Cedar Springs 214-521-3300 Joe’s Pizza, Pasta & Subs 4343 W. NW Hwy, #347 214-272-9007 Lover’s Pizza Pasta & Grill 5605 W. Lovers Ln. 214-353-0509 Mimi’s Pizzeria 6807 W. N.W. Hwy. 972-215-7290 My Family’s Pizza 10720 Preston Rd,#1014 214-363-6122 Olivella’s 3406 McFarlin Blvd. 214-528-7070 Penne Pomodoro 6815 Snider Plaza 214-373-9911
11661 Preston Rd, #143 214-368-3100 Rocco’s Uptown Pizza & Pasta 2717 Howell St. 214-871-9207 Sal’s Pizza Rest. 2525 Wycliff 214-522-1828 Taverna Pizzeria 3312 Knox St. 214-520-9933 Tomato Pie 11661 Preston Rd. 214-750-8743 Villa-O Rest. 4514 Travis, #132 214-707-3848 LATIN AMERICAN Gloria’s 3223 Lemmon Ave. 214-303-1166 Zaguan Latin Cafe 2604 Oak Lawn Ave. 214-219-8393 MEALS TO GO – CATERING The Festive Kitchen – Snider Plaza 3404 Rosedale Ave. 214-520-6888 Short Stop – Food To Go 6025 Royal Ln., #101 214-265-8828 6918 Snider Plaza 214-360-0311 MEDITERRANEAN Baboush 3636 McKinney, #160 214-559-0707 Fadi’s Mediterranean Grill 3001 Knox St., #110 214-528-1800 Zoe’s Kitchen 6025 Royal Ln., #104 469-341-0123 MEXICAN & TEX-MEX Bandito’s Tex-Mex Cantina 6615 Snider Plaza 214-750-6100 Campuzano Mexican Food 2618 Oak Lawn 214-526-0100
Chipotle Mexican Grill 2705 McKinney Ave. 214-871-3100 4502 McKinney Ave. 214-302-2500 Digg’s Taco Shop 6309 Hillcrest Ave. 214-520-0155 E Bar Tex Mex 1901 N. Haskell, #120. 214-824-3227 El Fenix 5622 Lemmon Ave. 214-521-5166 6811 W. NW Hwy. 214-363-5279 Fuzzy’s Taco Shop 4740 W. Mockingbird 214-352-8226 Manny’s Uptown Tex-Mex 3521 Oak Grove Ave. 214-252-1616 Mario’s Mexican & Salvadorian Rest. 5404 Lemmon Ave. 214-599-9744 Mattito’s – Centrum 3102 Oak Lawn Ave. 214-526-8181 Meso Maya 11909 Preston, #1426 469-726-4390 Mi Camino Restaurante 3830 W. N.W. Hwy. 214-888-0055 Ojeda’s Mexican Restaurant 4617 Maple Ave. 214-528-8383 Qdoba Mexican Grill 5600 W. Lovers Ln. 214-352-2277 Rafa’s Café Mexicano 5617 W. Lovers Ln. 214-357-2080 Taco Diner 3699 McKinney, #307 214-521-3669 Torchy’s Tacos 5921 Forest Ln. 972-720-9200 Urban Taco 3411 McKinney Ave. 214-922-7080 MIDDLE EASTERN Food From Galilee 6710 Snider Plaza 214-750-0330 MOROCCAN
This is half of Our Favorite Restaurants. See the full list at our website: KatyTrailWeekly.com
Souk 3011 Gulden Ln, #114 469-458-2233
St. Pete’s Dancing Marlin 2730 Commerce St. 214-698-1511
Vertskebap 7949 Walnut Hill Ln. 469-726-2855
NATURAL–GLUTEN-FREE –ORGANIC Company Cafe 3136 Routh St. 214-468-8721 Kozy 4483 McKinney Ave. 214-219-5044 Southpaw’s Organic Cafe 3227 McKinney Ave. 214-754-0100 6009 Berkshire Ln. 214-987-0351
SPANISH Café Madrid 4501 Travis St. 214-528-1731
VEGETARIAN Cosmic Cafe 2912 Oak Lawn 214-521-6157
SPORTS BAR & RESTAURANT Christie’s Sports Bar & Grill 2811 McKinney, #22 214-954-1511 Liquid Zoo Sports Bar & Grille 3851 Cedar Springs 214-221-3004 Milo Butterfingers 5645 SMU Blvd. 214-368-9212
VIETNAMESE Miss Chi 6030 Luther Ln, #130 214-692-1000 Pho Crimson 3000 Blackburn, #140c 469-547-5443 Pho Envy Vietnamese Bistro 8611 Hillcrest, #190 214-987-1468
NEW AMERICAN City Café 5757 W. Lovers Ln. 214-351-3367 Luck 3011 Gulden Ln, #112 469-250-0679 Natalie’s Restaurant 5940 Royal Ln. 214-739-0362 NHS Bar & Grill 10720 Preston Rd. 214-368-1101 SEAFOOD Amberjax Fish Market Grille 3011 Gulden Ln., #107 469-513-9088 Dive-Dallas Coastal Cuisine 3404 Rankin St. 214-891-1700 Half Shells Oyster Bar & Grill 6617 Snider Plaza 214-691-8164 Hook, Line & Sinker 3103 Lemmon Ave. 214-965-0707 Lovers Seafood and Market 5200 W. Lovers Ln. 214-351-6363 Rockfish Seafood Grill 5331 E. Mockingbird 214-823-8444 11661 Preston Rd, #153 214-363-7722 Shell Shack Uptown 2916 McKinney Ave. 877-434-1411
STEAKS Dee Lincoln Steak & Burger Bar 2626 Howell St. 214-754-4949 Dunston’s Steak House 5423 W. Lovers Ln. 214-352-8320 THAI Best Thai 5959 Royal Ln., #540 214-373-8113 CrushCraft Thai Street Eats 2800 Routh St., #150 972-677-7038 Malai Kitchen – Thai & Vietnamese 3699 McKinney, #319 972-591-3387 Naga Thai Kitchen & Bar 665 High Market St. 214-953-0023 Sabaidee Lao & Thai Street Food 5200 Lemmon, #100. 214-520-6868 Saucy’s Thai Pho 5944 Royal Ln. 214-378-8424 TURKISH Café Istanbul 5450 W. Lovers, #222 214-902-0919
WINE BAR Dream Cafe 2800 Routh St., #170. 214-954-0486 Two Corks & a Bottle – Quadrangle 2800 Routh St., #140 214-871-9463 YOGURT, SMOOTHIES & JUICES The Gem 5915 Forest Ln, #360 214-792-9928 I Heart Yogurt 5450 W. Lovers, #143 6305 Hillcrest Ave. Nekter Juice Bar 6712 Snider Plaza 469-418-4029 Smoothie Factory 2817 Howell, #210 214-954-0900 Smoothie King 6061 Forest Ln. 972-404-1852 Tropical Smoothie Cafe 4560 W. Mockingbird 214-351-7037
DISD educators join students to read The joy of reading and the rich heritage expressed in African-American literature will take center stage at a trio of AfricanAmerican Read-Ins planned in February. Families and educators can choose to attend one or all three events. Each will celebrate Black History Month with book giveaways, speakers, music, refreshments and prizes for all ages. Saturday, Feb. 10, Golden Gate Baptist Church and Dallas Independent School District (DISD) District 5 Trustee Lew Blackburn will present STEAM UP with Reading at the Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center. Speakers and performances will focus on the importance of strong reading skills to prepare students to enter careers in science,
technology, engineering, arts and math. Saturday, Feb. 17, Cornerstone Baptist Church and DISD District 9 Trustee Bernadette Nutall will celebrate literacy and literature at Billy Earl Dade Middle School. Storytelling, reading activities and free books for all ages will be available. On Saturday, Feb. 24, Friendship West Baptist Church and DSID District 6 Trustee Joyce Foreman will wrap up the month long literacy celebration at Friendship West Baptist Church with a read-in theme that invites participants to “Unlock your story one book at a time.” All events are free of charge and open to the entire community. Visit dallasisd.org/ readinday for more information. — DISD
Five ways to improve your financial plan
From StatePoint Media Spending too much and saving too little? Getting out of your current financial rut can feel daunting without the right habits and tools. Here are five ways to improve your financial plan now. 1. Set goals. What do your plans include? A car or house? An expensive getaway? Long-term retirement savings or a college fund for your children? Start by identifying your goals clearly. Then, figure out how to get there. 2. Plan smarter, not harder. The right tools onhand can make the business of financial planning easier. Consider such tools as a multi-functional desktop printing calculator, such as Casio’s HR-150TMPlus, which features a 12-digit easy-to-read display and can print 2.4 lines per second. With two-color printing in red and black, exchange calculation and tax calculation, it can help you stay organized and accountable. 3. Follow the money. Take a deep look into your spending habits. While a $5 cup of coffee or a lunch out with coworkers may not seem like much at the time, indulging in these expenditures five days
a week will really add up over time. Think of all the money that can be put towards savings by making small changes to everyday habits. For example, pick one or two days a week to enjoy a lunch out with friends, but bring your own lunch the other days of the week. Skip the pricey latte and get yourself a thermos, so you can enjoy coffee brewed at home on your commute. 4. Analyze your expenses. New apps and websites that connect to all your finances, including bank accounts, savings, credit cards, student loans and more, can help you track your expenses and create and manage budgets. Graphs and charts help you understand all facets of your finances, so you can be more in tune with where your money is going, helping you navigate a plan to use it more wisely. 5. Make a change. Want to put your money to good, long-term use in a way that won’t put a strain on your wallet? A selection of apps automatically round-up the leftover change from purchases made by you with your debit cards, and puts that change towards something else — like student loans or investments.
MULL cont'd from page 3 College GameDay. Not only the ESPN Saturday morning show, which is a wonderful presentation on a different college campus each week, but just going to a college football game, wearing your colors, visiting with fans of both sides, eating barbeque and drinking a cold beverage. Sports on the radio. Taking a long drive, working in the backyard or sitting on the porch listening to a ball game on the radio is still as good as it gets. “Inside the NBA” on TNT. The nine-time Emmy award winning show with Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and Shaquille O’Neal is not only encapsulating, it is often the funniest show on TV. For every greedy sports executive, owner, player or agent, for every disrespectful act paid to fans by those in sports, there is still a love for the game. You can always find something deserving of a dozen roses or maybe a box of chocolates. Because, like life, sports are like a box of chocolates. AUTO SHOW cont'd from page 3 with Ford’s aggressively updated F-150. Those with an interest in plugging in to something other than that Shell station will be impressed by the number of hybrid plug-ins. MINI provides a North Texas debut of its Countryman Plug-In Hybrid, while Nissan formally introduces to Dallas its redesigned Leaf EV, with all-new sheetmetal and an extended range. Also worth a look is Kia’s Niro hybrid, now with plug-in capability and almost 50 miles of all-electric range. If you like to fly high at low altitudes, you haven’t been forgotten. The Convention Center’s ‘High End’ area (dress appropriately) offers the latest and greatest from the world’s most exclusive vendors: Aston Martin, Bentley, Maserati, McLaren and Rolls-Royce, along with the return of Lamborghini and Ferrari. And while not for sale, a 2017 Ford GT, owned by the (Dallas-based) Shelby family, sports
‘0062’ on its VIN, honoring the first year of Cobra production. (If it were for sale, ten of us — together — couldn’t afford it.) Finally, if you’d like to do more than just sit in the various cars, trucks and SUVs on display, several manufacturers are offering demo drives immediately outside the convention center. Sponsored by CBS 11, there will be some 75 vehicles available. And given that it begins on Valentine’s Day, many — we’ll assume — will have necker’s knobs. If under 50, look it up. The DFW Auto Show at the Dallas Convention Center begins Wednesday, Feb. 14 (doors opening at 4 p.m.) and continues through Sunday, Feb. 18. For more information, visit dfwautoshow.com. David Boldt brings years of experience in automotive retail sales and public relations to his automotive reporting. More can be found at txGarage.com.
CLASSIFIEDS DIAPER SERVICES Clean & Green Luxury Cloth Diaper Service. Cloth diapers are much cheaper than disposables even when using a service. Babies. Love. Cloth. Cgdiaperservice.com 469-283-8397
Call Today 214-27-TRAIL
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students: The School of Metaphysics teaches individuals how to use the innate and full potential of the mind by the study and application of Universal Law. The School of Metaphysics admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin. All the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded, are made available to students at the school. For more info on what is available now in Dallas call: 214-821-5406, Live Oak Street, Dallas, TX 75214, www.som.org/dallas
By Sally Blanton
FEBRUARY 9 - 15, 2018
Society Editor
PAWS Cause SPCA Event raises over $215,000 Jan Rees-Jones Animal Care Center
Giana DePaul, “Scooter,” James Bias, “Snip,” Melissa Vullo Bell, Kristen Greenberg
Help Our Heroes Army Scholarship Fund Brook Hollow Golf Club
Suzy and Hank Bashore, Gwen Echols and London Echols
Phyllis Comu, Emi McNair, Irina Paraschiv Speaker Honorable Allen West, Chairs Rose Gault and Colonel Jeff Gault
Woman of the Year Les Femmes du Monde Dallas Country Club
Don and Barbara Daseke, Honoree Carmeleta Felton and Otis Felton
Maurice Ballew, President Sharon Ballew
Chef Stephan Pyles, Faye Briggs
New Year’s Brunch Women of Water Tower Theatre Stoneleigh Residences
Hostess April Bosworth, Nick Even, Dawn Mickey
Judy Mathis, Betsy Kinney, Judy Birchfield
Lisa Proctor, Greg Dotson
Communities Foundation of Texas New Board of Trustees CFT Building
Nancy Brenner, Jennifer Martinez
Michael Dardick, Connie O’Neill, President/CEO Dave Scullin, Jose’ Guevara, Thomas A. Montgomery
To be featured in this section, call: 214-27-TRAIL or email: info@katytrailweekly.com
Sergio’s is a full service neighborhood jewelry store. Valentine’s Day is Wednesday, February 14. Amethyst is the birthstone for February The February born shall find, Sincerity and peace of mind, Freedom from passion and from care, If they, the amethyst will wear. We appraise jewelry and coins. Custom designing is our specialty. We use CAD software and 3-D wax printing. We replace batteries and repair watches. All jewelry repair is done on site. While-you-wait repair service is available. We also re-string pearls and beads. Tue-Fri: 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 170 Casa Linda Plaza SW corner of Buckner Blvd. at Garland Rd. 75218 info@sergiosjewelry.com Call ... 214-320-2007, Text ... 469-999-3338
Family Owned and Operated. Great services and great prices! The true environmentally friendly dry cleaners. Tailoring services available. Serving Dallas since 1986. 3220 N. Fitzhugh Ave. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 6:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Closed Sunday Same day service and drive-thru service everyday.
Serving Dallas and the White Rock area for more than 25 years! Across from Mockingbird Station near SMU SHOE AND BOOT REPAIR! We repair belts, purses and luggage, too! Hours Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 5340 E. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75206 214-824-7463