JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 2017
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Katy Trail Weekly
Vol. 4, No. 24 | Neighborhood News | Community Calendar and Restaurant Guide | Arts and Entertainment | katytrailweekly.com
Illustrators showcased at studio Kettle Art at 2650 Main St. presents “Black and White and Read all Over,” featuring illustrators Brad Albright, Miguel ‘Miggy’ Aguilar and Katy KETTLE ART Trail Weekly cartoonist William “Bubba” Flint. The three artists come from three diverse areas of illustration and essentially cover all aspects of living in America. The show runs now through Saturday, Aug. 19. For more information, visit facebook.com/kettle.art. — Staff Reports
Velvet Taco debuts mobile app Velvet Taco, a premium taco restaurant created by Dallasbased Front Burner Restaurants and located at 3012 N. Henderson Ave., has introduced an all-new mobile app. The user-friendly app allows customers to conVELVET TACO veniently order Velvet Taco’s tacos directly from their mobile devices. The app is available for download at the iOS and Android stores. For more information, visit velvettaco. com. — Jami Zimmerman
Women’s Foundation receives gift American Airlines has gifted $50,000 to Dallas Women’s Foundation in honor of Bev Goulet, who recently retired after 24 years with the company. She served as executive vice-president and chief DALLAS WOMEN'S FOUNDATION integration officer since 2015. A strong supporter of Dallas Women’s Foundation, Goulet is a member of the foundation’s board and executive committee. — Juliette Coulter
Raw bar open in Park Cities Hudson House, at 4448 Lovers Lane, is the first full service restaurant by Hunter Pond, founder of East Hampton Sandwich Co. It is now open daily at 4 p.m. for happy hour and dinner. Located in the Park Cities, the East Coast inspired HUDSON HOUSE neighborhood restaurant serves an all-American menu along with a raw bar specializing in oysters and classic cocktails. Visit hudsonhousehp.com or call 214-583-2255. — Lindsey Miller
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Notes from the Editor Bubba Flint Love on the Trail My View Along the Green Trail Mull It Over Automobility Uptown Girl
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Dallas Zoo sets attendance mark early
By Lydia Jennings
Lydia.Jennings@DallasZoo.com For the third straight year, the Dallas Zoo has welcomed one million visitors. Thursday’s Dollar Day crowds pushed attendance over the one million mark, making this the earliest point the zoo has reached the exclusive milestone. “Once again, more than a million people have turned out to support our mission of engaging people and saving wildlife,” said Gregg Hudson, Dallas Zoo president and CEO. “Our community knows how hard we’ve worked to make the Dallas Zoo one of the nation’s best zoological parks, so it’s appropriate that we broke the million mark this year on a day when we look to give back to that community.” The zoo welcomed its millionth visitor early Thursday morning with the first wave of Dollar Day guests. More than 19,000 people braved the Texas heat yesterday to enjoy the zoo’s annual summer tradition of $1 admission. This is the third time Texas’s oldest and largest zoo has welcomed 1 million visitors in a fiscal year (ending Sept. 30). The zoo hit its previous million milestone on Aug. 27, 2016. Of the more than 230 facilities accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA), the Dallas Zoo joins only 38 other zoos to
reach more than a million visitors annually. The Dallas Zoo is at 650 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway (I-35 at Marsalis) and is open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For information, visit DallasZoo.com or call 469-554-7500.
Amateur juried photo exhibition announced
By Terry Lendecker
Dallas Arboretum board chairman. "We're also giving them the opportunity, if selected, The Dallas Arboretum and to be compensated for their Botanical Garden will hold an work through the sale of their amateur juried photography photos." exhibition open to all photograParticipants must fill out phers with entries due by Sept. a registration form and a $30 1. Presented by Full Color, the application fee, which includes exhibition requests that photogone admission ticket to the raphers submit photos that capgarden and two submissions to ture the unique beauty of the the jury. All applications and Dallas Arboretum in one of the submissions are due on Sept. four seasons. Winning photos 1. A jury will select photos by will be featured and available Sept. 15, and those selected will DALLAS ARBORETUM be printed on metal, courtesy of for sale in the Gallery at Rosine Hall, Saturday, Sept. 23 through The best photography will be on display at the Arboretum. Full Color, and will be available Wednesday, Nov. 22, during for sale. If an item is sold, the Autumn at the Arboretum. photographer will receive 50 gardens are open to photographers daily Applicants may apply in one of two percent commission on his or her metal between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. categories: landscape or life in the garden. photo. "We want to encourage photograAwards will be given in each category. For more information, contact Megan phers of all ages and levels to participate The artwork must be of the Arboretum Lucas at mlucas@dallasarboretum.org or in photographing one of the most beaugardens within the last 12 months. The 214-515-6605. tiful places in Dallas," said J. Mark Wolf, tlendecker@dallasarboretum.org
A look back at Trump’s television campaign
By Ed Bark
unclebarky@verizon.net As of this writing, your friendly correspondent will be in sunny Southern California this week for the first days/daze of the annual Television Critics Association summer “press tour.” One-by-one, and stretching all the way through Aug. 9, networks large and small appear in no particular order to parade their new programming initiatives by day and sponsor “star parties” by night. I’ve been going to these things since the summer of 1980, missing only a handful along the way. Searching the available interview session transcripts, which date to winter 2005, I hoped to discover an appearance by Donald Trump on behalf of “The Apprentice.” Eureka, it was in the winter
of 2007, when not only papa Trump but also new “board room” advisors Ivanka and Don Jr. met with a gaggle of us. It turned out to be a lastditch attempt to save the original conventional version of “The Apprentice” by originating it from Los Angeles for the first time and also changing up the format. But this sixth edition of “The Apprentice” flopped in the ratings, drawing the show’s smallest audiences to date. It prompted the emergence of “The Celebrity Apprentice” in 2008. The future President (who knew?) exhibited all of the traits he’s since deployed in the Oval Office. He exaggerated, meandered, self-aggrandized, entertained and happily rekindled his latest feuds when asked. At the time his targets were Rosie O’Donnell and Barbara Walters of ABC’s “The View.” O’Donnell
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Dollar Days helped the Dallas Zoo reach one million visitors.
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Donald Trump and Don Jr. at the winter 2007 TV Critics Association "press tour." NBC
had criticized Trump for backing reigning Miss USA Tara Conner (he owned the pageant at the time) and giving her a second chance after she admitted to heavy drug and alcohol use while wearing the crown. O’Donnell slammed Trump as a hypocritical serial adulterer and “snake-oil salesman” who was anything but a “moral compass.” Walters sided with her, at least on the air. In private, Trump claimed she earlier had told him of her distaste
for O’Donnell and plans to fire her soon. Of course these subjects came up again, as Trump knew they would. He first gave O’Donnell the old slam-bam. “I think I exposed her for what she is, and she’s terrible,” he said. “She’s a terrible, BARKY cont'd on page 9
JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 2017
Where is a cop when you need one?
By David Mullen
as an example and cut him, despite bringing him to camp in Oxnard, Calif. One problem. Whitehead didn’t do As the weather really heats up, it it. It was a case of mistaken identity. got me thinking. Whatever happened Whitehead denied it all along, but the to ice machines in the city? I know that Cowboys deemed him guilty until provthere are a few of en innocent. Talk about fake news those trailers with … Global Sports Ventures LLC is the penguin on the trying to bring an eight-team proside around town, fessional cricket league to the U.S. but remember when by 2020. That gives me three years there was an ice mato figure out this perplexing sport. chine on every corIt lasts for days. How do you score? ner? I guess the block How do you change sides? Who ice market melted can drink that much tea? A team when Freon and the will be located in the Dallas area — David Mullen I am guessing Plano — because of a ice maker became part of the refrigergrowing Asian population. Hard to ator. As kids, we would buy a block of believe, but it is reported that outside of ice, sneak onto a local, hilly golf course, India, the U.S. makes up cricket's secand side down the fairways. Closest ond highest viewership. No way. I think we got to sledding in the mild climate they are confusing it with Australian Bay Area … It’s not lucky to be a Dallas Rules Football. According to the 2010 Cowboy this week. Coach/puppet Jason census, there are 70,000 Asian Indian Garrett gave a speech Monday about the residents in Dallas and Collin County. character of the Cowboys team, despite Is that enough to support a team? And many off-the-field incidents among everyone is complaining about the players including a TMZ report that length of baseball games. Wait until they Cowboys receiver Lucky Whitehead see cricket. With American’s attention was arrested for shoplifting in Virginia. spans the way they are, maybe they The Cowboys decide to use Whitehead will develop “Arena Cricket” … Hit a david@katytrailweekly.com
few new places in the area lately. I went to District 30 at 3211 Oak Lawn Ave. for lunch recently. Still not easy to find quality places open for lunch during the week in Dallas. Everyone prefers to eat at their desk these days. District 30 has a big, comfortable bar area with lots of flat screen TVs. Nice people working there including bartender Olivia, named because her father was a fan of Olivia Newton-John. Saturday afternoon was spent in Deep Ellum. Wow are things changing down there. The area is vibrant again, full of hipsters servicing a number of high-priced places that are opening up. HIDE at 2816 Elm St. and IdleRye at 2826 Elm St. were two of the modern places I visited, as the creative cocktail generation continues to help these joints thrive. I suggest a weekend afternoon in Deep Ellum soon ... Hard to believe, but on Tuesday, July 25, 1966, The Monkees recorded their first single called “The Last Train to Clarksville.” It became a huge hit, and led to a wacky television show that can be found today on some cable channels. In 1967, The Monkees sold more albums than the Beatles and Rolling Stones combined … Why is recorded Julie allowed to monitor my credit card accounts? According
Finding love at later age
By Donna Arp Weitzman donnajarp@gmail.com
Consciously coupled for 69 years, after a short illness, my dad passed at 90 years old. My mom, five years younger, was a remarkable caregiver during his confinement. Several hours after Dad's funeral, friends and relatives left, and Mom and I were alone. I admitted how concerned I was about her life as one. Smiling, she looked me in the eye and said one of the most loving statements possible for those long married. The conversation happened like this. "Mom, what will you do now that dad's gone?" "I'll be fine," she said. "I plan to go to Walmart every day." Flabbergasted, I asked, “Why Walmart? What do you need?" She smiled again. "I need a walker," she said. "A walker? What." I questioned her, totally perplexed. "I need a man to be my escort and keep me from getting bored." In shock, I vacillated between anger and shock.
Another man so reenter the relasoon? I couldn't tionship world. breathe. Reentering Then mom the dating world uttered the or deciding it words that have is not for you is brought me your decision peace and love and whateveternally for er you decide, both my parents. Donna Arp Weitzman it should be "Your dad supported, not always told me, I don't want criticized, by your children, you either alone or lonely,” friends or relatives. she said. “Find a friend as Having been a later-dater soon as you can and live life." in my ‘50s, and now having Fifteen years ago, online written two books on love dating was out of the quesand relationships, I've spotion for a rural 86-year-old ken to hundreds of singles. woman. But mother was Whether they were never clever. She determined that married, divorced or widthe local Walmart was a ready owed, entering or reenterbastion of semi-retired male ing the relationship world is greeters who enjoyed people frightening, exhilarating and and would be ideal for a date. exhausting. She could select her new beau If you have any experiundercover, while pretending ences you'd like to share, I'd to shop. love to hear from you. My purpose for sharing this story is many fold: there A former mayor and is no magic age for dating. businesswoman, Donna Arp Older relationships can be Weitzman was a later-datsimply wonderful. There is no er before marrying Herb perfect timeframe for mourn- Weitzman in 2012. She is ing a death or loss of a loved the author of Cinderella has one. If you are happiest when Cellulite and Sex and the you are busy and social, only Siren, both best selling books you should decide when you available on Amazon.
Opportunity missed for Zola’s big dance By Naïma Jeannette @naimajeannette
Now that it’s come and gone, I can write about it and your perspective will hopefully be a bit more clear. I’m talking about the big Naïma Jeannette missed opportunity from the Dallas Zoo’s “splash dancing” Zola the gorilla video. Many zoos around the country have conservation as part of their missions. Conservation is the ethical protection of natural resources to maintain the health of our ecosystems and biodiversity. Conservation can be done at many levels and many zoos operate on the notion that first viewing an animal creates a connection to it and starts a level of respect and care for wildlife. The idea that we can’t
protect what we don’t know about is at its core. Studies have shown this to be true. Building a connection to our natural world does increase empathy towards the protection of wild spaces and wild animals. This connection to our natural world happens in many ways, from exploring your own backyard to visiting zoos and museums. The next vital step is understanding how we as humans fit into the ecosystem and how our everyday actions affect the environment. Changing some of our small daily actions can have a great impact on the health of our ecosystems and help to conserve wild spaces for wildlife. Zookeepers are the heart and soul of every zoo. The everyday care they put into their animals is unwavering. I should know, I used to be one. Zookeepers do everything they can GREEN cont'd on page 9
Katy Trail Weekly is a community-friendly newspaper designed to inform and entertain the people in many diverse demographics who live and/or work in these neighborhoods. Much like the Katy Trail itself, Katy Trail Weekly is designed to help bring together the neighborhoods of Downtown, Uptown, Cedar Springs/Oak Lawn, the Design District, the Medical District and the Park Cities, as well as others. The newspaper is placed in local businesses, and other locations, for free pick-up by their patrons. We support this publication by providing ad space to local businesses who want an effective and affordable way to reach the Katy Trail area readers we attract and serve. We welcome participation in the paper through story and picture submissions, and we hope that you will join us in making this paper the best it can be. Publisher Rex Cumming Editor in Chief David Mullen Graphic Design Bronwen Roberts Sidney Stevens Accounts Mgr. Cindi Cox Distribution Andy Simpson Mgr. Copy Editors Michael Tate Jessica Voss Intern William Skipworth Editorial William "Bubba" Flint Cartoonist
Online Editor Bronwen Roberts Naïma Jeannette Society Editor Sally Blanton Advertising Sales Susie Denardo Becky Bridges Writers Ed Bark David Boldt Dr. Jay Burns Turner Cavender Chic DiCiccio Candace Evans Leah Frazier Ryann Gordon
Dotty Griffith Dr. Donald Hohman Jo Ann Holt Beth Leermakers Rani Monson Naima Montacer Sara Newberry Joe Ruzicka Stephan Sardone Shari Stern Wayne Swearingen Michael Wald Dr. Kim Washington
© 2017 Trail Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Katy Trail Weekly is published weekly and distributed for free. Views expressed in Katy Trail Weekly are not necessarily the opinion of Katy Trail Weekly, its staff or advertisers. Katy Trail Weekly does not knowingly accept false or misleading editorial content or advertising.
Distribution Paul Omar Redic Brandt Carroll Chris Maroni Juan Najera Co-founders Nancy Black Rex Cumming David Mullen Andy Simpson
Katy Trail Weekly
(214) 27-TRAIL (87245) • P.O. Box 601685 • Dallas, TX 75360 info@katytrailweekly.com • katytrailweekly.com
to a report, 89 percent of Texas phone owners receive between five and 30 nuisance calls per week. Almost a fifth of Texas adults admit they have been a victim of a telephone scam and lost money. Years ago, I was scammed by someone posing as a representative of Microsoft. A YouGov survey says that the top scams in Texas remain the fake Internal Revenue “Services” call, the credit/ loan scam and the robocall/automated message calls which are on the increase based on my phone. Yet the government continues to ignore these thieves. Let’s concern ourselves with important issues like where people go to the bathroom,
and not worry about taxpayers (particularly seniors) losing their hard earned money … Like Stephan Sardone of Hammer and Nails found on page six of the humble, but loveable Katy Trail Weekly, I, too had jury duty this week. Why does the jury room look like the audience on “The Price is Right,” without the energy? I wasn’t picked, but the most ironic thing is as I was pulling out of the parking lot at the Frank Crowley Courts Building about to cross N. Riverfront Boulevard, I was nearly killed by a driver who ran a red light doing at least 50 mph. Too bad there aren’t any cops in that area.
The lipstick is the gloss on my mood
By Rani Cher Monson ranicher@yahoo.com
It's not uncommon for me to have my eyeliner lightly smeared down my face or my hair sticking up in funny directions, untamed despite my ponytail. I've gotten Rani Monson accustomed to ignoring how I look. While I can be a bit ignorant, it isn't the blissful sort. It’s my own discomfort with my appearance, be it new breakouts or the resurgence of gray hair roots between salon visits. Parents who still comment on the appearance of my middle-age self doesn’t help. Plus, weight gain means my clothes don't fit, which is another reason to avoid leaving the house. All of which has been fine until a week ago when I started a job. Like a real J-O-B. The corporate kind, no longer working for myself. Around people and wanting to make a good impression. Exchanging the stress of self-employment for the anxiety of my personal appearance. The only upside is I can blame my woes on The Man. I know people around the world get dressed and go to the office daily. I’m rusty. It’s a lot to worry about them liking me and doing good work. Now, I also must think about how I look while I do it. To prepare myself, I take baby steps. Step one: The purge. Shoes I don’t wear. Clothing that doesn’t fit and, oddly, makeup. For someone who isn’t really into makeup, I have a lot. From the drugstore variety to fancy brands my mother has given me, which means stuff that looks good on her, horrible on me. After two donation visits to Genesis Women's Shelter, I feel I’ve barely made a dent. But at least the process has begun and that feels good. Step two: Wardrobe. I’ve lined up outfits that fit and separate them from the remaining clothing chaos to simplify choices. Step three: Makeup. When I try, it's typically just an odd layering of whatever I pull out of the drawer. I knew I needed expert help, just a few items to use daily and get rid of the rest. It felt like a necessary splurge even though I’m a “I buy my makeup at Target” lady. The MAC counter was too busy so I ended K ATY TR AIL WEEKLY'S
up at Sephora, with the bright lights and customers buzzing about with excitement. Again, I fear my girl gene is missing but am surprised to find myself thrilled with my visit. They don’t work on commission, and they help you pick the right products across different lines. New filler injected under my eyes a few weeks ago left me needing more oomph. Undereye concealer in the right shade did the trick. Then we selected eye shadow and liner that’s applied directly from the tube without brushes or mess. All three the Sephora brand and reasonably priced. Highlighting color is suggested since your face is two shades lighter than your body. Who knew? I almost choke at the $44 price of the Bobbi Brown bronzing powder but suck it up, thrilled with my four key products. I’m ready. Done. Time to work. But I keep hearing a nagging voice in the back of my head. Luckily it wasn’t my mother but it was my therapist. She’d told me about the lipstick she wears that stays on all day. She bought some for her daughter, who, like me, wasn’t interested. “She loves it. It’s still on at the end of the day, and she looks polished and pulled together.” I don’t want that to make a difference. My appearance at the end of the day shouldn’t matter. But I fear it does and my anxiety of being wrong kicks in. Step four: Lips. I find a LipSense distributor, like Amway or Mary Kay. Check out the YouTube clips of men reacting to the color not budging. They’re better than cat videos. I purchased a $55 starter kit which I was OK with since I was already aware of the price and it’s basically self-proof, meaning I can’t mess it up. I wore it the entire weekend and kept checking out my lips in the mirrors I typically avoid. On Monday, I went to my new job in a cute outfit wearing my new makeup and long-lasting lipstick. I felt good about myself! How I looked and mentally ready to work. Me and my Bobbi Brown bronzer are very happy, but it was the lipstick that sealed my mood. Maybe I’m not missing a girl gene, after all? Perhaps it’s just been hiding. Writer Rani Monson lives in Dallas. She's still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up.
Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect broke the complainant’s window and stole property.
July 21 – 2:30 a.m. 4100 Block, Rawlins St. (75219) Burglary of a Habitation: The suspect entered the complainant’s residence and stole property.
July 22 – 12:51 p.m. 2600 Block, Elm St. (75226) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: The suspect stole the complainant’s vehicle.
July 21 – 9:36 a.m. 100 Block, Turtle Creek Blvd. (75207) Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect broke window, entered vehicle and stole property.
July 22 – 5:50 p.m. 3200 Block, McKinney Ave. (75204) Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect broke the complainant’s window and stole property.
July 21 – 11:17 a.m. 2200 Block, N. Harwood St. (75201) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s vehicle. July 21 – 3:42 p.m. 6100 Block, Lemmon Ave. (75209) Criminal Mischief: The suspect intentionally damaged the complainant’s property with a brick. July 21 – 11:27 p.m. 1400 Block, Bennett Ave. (75206) Aggravated Robbery of an Individual: The suspects pointed a gun at the complainant and demanded property. July 22 – 8:28 a.m. 4100 Block, Fairmount St. (75219)
July 22 – 11:39 p.m. 5900 Block, E. University Blvd. (75206) Aggravated Assault w/a Deadly Weapon: An unknown suspect intentionally hit the complainant with a vehicle. July 23 – 8:54 a.m. 2500 Block, Carlisle St. (75201) Burglary of a Habitation: An unknown suspect entered the complainant’s residence and stole property. July 23 – 8:08 p.m. 2600 Block, N. Stemmons Fwy. (75207) Robbery of an Individual: The suspect stomped on the complainant’s face and stole his wallet and phone.
July 23 – 10:37 p.m. 2100 Block, Bennett Ave. (75206) Aggravated Robbery of an Individual: The suspects pointed guns at the complainant and demanded property. July 24 – 8:34 a.m. 4700 Block, Cedar Springs Rd. (75219) Criminal Mischief: An unknown suspect broke the complainant’s vehicle window. July 24 – 1:13 p.m. 5500 Block, Richmond Ave. (75206) Burglary of a Building: The suspect forced entry into a vacant house and stole property. July 24 – 4:02 p.m. 4400 Block, Main St. (75226) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s vehicle. July 24 – 6:50 p.m. 3300 Block, Hudnall St. (75235) Burglary of a Habitation: The suspect entered the complainant’s residence and stole a rifle and jewelry. July 25 – 9:52 a.m. 4200 Block, Fairmount St. (75219) Criminal Mischief: The suspect vandalized furnishings at an apartment complex clubhouse.
JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 2017
Hall of Famer Rodriguez all-time best
Honda Odyssey delivers family values
By David Mullen
By David Boldt
On Sunday, July 30, Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez will become the 14th catcher to be inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown joining greats like Yogi Berra, Carlton Fisk and Johnny Bench. He will become the 10th Latin American player to play Major League Baseball inducted into the Hall of Fame including Rod Carew, Juan Marichal, Tony MLB Perez and Pedro Martinez. Sunday, Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez becomes a Hall of Famer. He will become the fourth Puerto Rican-born player Yes, Rodriguez did play with other teams to earn a plaque in the hall joining Roberto later in his career and won a World Series Clemente, Orlando Cepeda and Roberto championship with the Florida (now Miami) Alomar. Marlins. But Rodriguez logged 14 seasons He will join pitchers Ferguson Jenkins, with Texas and won the American League Gaylord Perry and Nolan Ryan who played Most Valuable Player Award in 1999 as a for the Texas Rangers and are in the Hall of Ranger. Fame. But unlike the others, Rodriguez is a The Hall of Fame Class of 2017 includes true Ranger. He is Mr. Ranger. Rodriguez, Tim Raines and Jeff Bagwell. Call him “Señor Ranger.” Raines was selected in the fifth round of Jenkins started his career with the the 1977 amateur draft by the Montreal Philadelphia Phillies, but is best known for Expos. During his first full season in the big his 10 seasons with the Chicago Cubs. In leagues in 1981, he batted .304 with 71 stosix years with the Rangers, he had 93 wins. len bases in a strike-shortened campaign. He Ryan pitched for five years with Texas and finished second in Rookie of the Year votcompiled a 51-39 record. He cemented his ing, losing to Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Rangers legacy when he was in the front ofFernando Valenzuela. He later played for the fice, but after a management rift, he went New York Yankees and was part of World back to the Houston Astros where he had Championship teams in 1996 and 1998. his longest stint as a player. Perry played Ranked by percentage, Raines is the most four years in a Texas uniform, was 48-43 and successful base stealer in MLB history. played for eight different teams in his career. Bagwell was the consummate power hitThe Rangers moved to Texas in 1972 and ter for the Astros. He won the 1991 National still do not have a World Championship. The League Rookie of the Year Award by hitting team honors players like Buddy Bell, Toby .294 with 15 homers and 82 RBI. Later, he Harrah and Rusty Greer because they played blossomed into one of the most feared hitters with grit. None of them can even be meain the National League. In the strike-shortsured in talent with Rodriguez. Or, frankly, ened 1994 season, Bagwell hit .368 with 39 none are as popular with Rangers fans. homers and 116 RBI in just 110 games, winAfter signing an amateur free agent ning the NL Most Valuable Player Award. contract with the Rangers in the summer of From 1996 through 2001, Bagwell totaled at 1988, Rodriguez made his major league debut least 30 home runs, 100 runs scored and 100 against the Chicago White Sox on June 20, RBI per season. He is one of just six players 1991 at Comiskey Park. He had one hit in in baseball history to reach those gaudy numhis first game, but threw out two base runbers joining Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Jimmie ners. Fans were in awe of this pudgy, 19-year Foxx, Alex Rodriguez and Albert Pujols. old’s arm, comparing him to Bench. We just Because of his defense and hitting, Pudge weren’t sure if he could hit. We found out Rodriguez may be the most complete catcher quickly that he could. entering the Hall of Fame in the last 60 years Rodriguez finished with a lifetime .296 and is the best player of the three entering batting average. In their careers, Bench hit the Hall of Fame this weekend. While those .267, Fisk hit .269 and Berra hit .285. He repoints are open for debate, there is no questired with 14 Gold Glove Awards. Bench had tion that Rodriguez enters Cooperstown as 10. the greatest Ranger of all-time.
If this were a just world, I’d be retired. The energy expended on the aborted repeal of the ACA would instead be spent on its improvement, and I’d be writing about Indian’s new Bobber rather than a minivan. But it’s not a just world, and it is summer. And since summers in North Texas can seem somewhat endless, we have for you the Official Vehicle of the Endless Summer. Honda calls it the Odyssey, and if heading anywhere beyond Whole Foods you’ll find it an eminently fair piece of personal transport. Now in its fifth generation, Honda’s newest Odyssey takes the basic profile and design elements of its immediate predecessor, embellishes the sheetmetal with more expressive sculpting (which may or may not suit your taste — we’re ambivalent), ups the convenience features inside almost exponentially, and boosts the power under the hood to a competitive — albeit not dominant — level. And then Honda’s product team tunes the Odyssey’s ride/handling compromise (and most ride and handling combos are a compromise) to the point the Odyssey’s ride/handling dynamic is almost sublime. We’ll begin outside. EXTERIOR: The significant feature of the last Odyssey was what Honda called the Lightning Bolt, where the minivan’s beltline (the juncture between the door panel and side glass) dips aggressively downward immediately before the van’s C-pillar. The character line remains, but is augmented by counterprogramming between the wheelwells, an aggressively sculpted line that almost looks nautical. While admittedly subjective, we’re of the “first, do no harm” school, whether discussing medical treatment or automotive design. But given the popularity of redesigned Lexus models and Honda’s own Civic, there might be something to be said — at least monetarily — from sweeping revisions that are (we’ll note) “sweeping.” Beyond the side sculpting, there’s a tad more bling up front, a slightly enlarged opening for the rear hatch, and alloy wheels on the Odyssey Elite trim that look to have come from a “Pimp My Ride” sweepstakes. Honda also devised a way to eliminate the open track on which the side doors travel. Taken as a whole, we’ll guess the target audience will love it. INTERIOR: Inside, the big news is Honda’s Magic Slide seat, whereby your toddler can be mid-mounted in his or her child seat and not impede access to the third row. The co-worker, heading back to that third row at
Staying fit while multitasking
By Ryann Gordon
ryannbgordon@yahoo.com Struggling to stay fit can be difficult during the summer, especially when you’re stuck in an office all day long. Summer bodies are made in the summer, though — and no one wants to show off a frumpy, office bod acquired from eight hours of spinning aimlessly in a swivel chair at a desk, five days a week. So, how do you do both? How about squeeze in some physical activity straight from the office? Don’t let your day job ruin your workout regimen. There are several healthy and active ways to change your lifestyle and keep moving in your workplace. Making little changes like taking the stairs or suggesting new meeting places can keep your weight-loss battle under control and, not to mention, keep your body looking poolside-ready all summer long. Wall sit. Utilize your long phone calls and periodical readings for the perfect indoor workout that’ll have your legs toned in no time. Make a goal to not stand up until you’ve finished reading your files or hung up that phone call and feel a burn that’ll put your work rage to shame. Stair step. The elevator is your backside’s worst enemy. I’m not saying you should walk up 15 flights of stairs every time you forget your keys in the office, but this is one of those little
changes that tell anyone that’s why!) will benefit you Offer to help lift or and keep you move heavy items feeling active and run errands at from anywhere, any given opportuninot just at ty. You’ll gain points work. with your boss and Silently your body. I call that a squeeze. No Ryann Gordon win-win. one has to Desk squat. If know! You can you’ve already mastered get a full-on gluts or abdom- the art of standing while at inal workout from the seat work, add in a little extra at your desk. Just keep your strength training that actualbreath steady and tighten ly doubles as cardio if done and release your muscles in right. Switch it up with lungvarious reps during specific es and backward leg raises (or all idle) times of the day. when necessary. Just don’t Repeat and squeeze … just act surprised when your keep it down already! cubicle neighbor raises their Just stand. Standing brows at your constant popdesks have become increasping up over the half-wall. ingly popular in offices Make moves. Make across the nation. After all, moves toward a healthier long periods of sitting have office vibe by suggesting been linked to various dischanges in the way your orders aside from obesity. daily workplace runs. Switch Invest in a standing desk and up the way you approach keep as far from that swivel meetings by taking it to the chair as possible. halls or outdoors for a walkCalf raise. Use those ing meeting, plan a work drawn out silences while retreat or weekly softball waiting on the printer or games, or just throw a daily your work’s outdated WiFi dance party after lunch to to work in some extra fitget the mood back up to par ness. Repeatedly stand on after break time. your tip-toes for calf raises Swivel and strengthen. to help pass the time away; Swivel chairs are fun and all, or be discrete at your desk but spinning in aimless cirand do leg raises that will cles with your feet until your give those abs a boost. Add eyes spin isn’t doing anyan extra challenge and loop thing for that summer body. your purse around your foot Raise your feet off the floor for some desk side weight and use your core to lean training (never thought we’d and spin yourself back and hear that together). forth for several rounds. Just Run errands. Become don’t forget to shout “whee” the best employee at your as you spin, despite the burn work while also working on you’re surely to be feeling in that physique. (Just don’t your core.
your request, will absolutely love this feature — while wishing he or she had grabbed Uber. Alternatively, you can opt for a second row bench, which provides seating for eight. There’s also CabinWatch, allowing you to check on that co-worker’s pained expression while — at the same time — wondering where you’ll park a not-so-mini minivan near a downtown meeting. And finally, Honda offers CabinTalk, allowing the driver to mute any media and actually converse (look it up!) with second and third row passengers. (CabinTalk is available in EX-L Navi/RES trim and above — the rest of you will simply shout.) In our Elite trim, we were pleased by the supportive (and ventilated) seating, along with reasonably good outward visibility. You don’t sit Tahoe high in the Odyssey, but then, neither does it submerge you in the sea of SUVs. ON THE ROAD: With an all-independent suspension and the tuning dynamic of a team fully in touch with their mission, we found the Odyssey both more agile and composed than the Sienna driven a few weeks ago. That said, the dynamic differences are relatively small, and both vans represent a credible way of getting more than six people somewhere or anywhere. In our week with the Odyssey we didn’t have six, but we did have two with bikes, and with the third row down we fit all of it easily. AND THIS: Like Toyota, Kia and Chrysler, Honda’s Odyssey begins at around $30K, but that window can quickly escalate to our Elite’s $47,610. And like the Sienna, we think the sweetspot is somewhere in the middle; the Odyssey EX-L will run about $40K, and that’s probably where we’d end our financial odyssey in a minivan purchase. We’d more enthusiastically, however, suggest a car-sharing service convert (or supplement) their inventory to minivans. Few of us need an Odyssey every day, but I’d love to grab one a few times a month. David Boldt brings years of experience in automotive retail sales and public relations to his automotive reporting. More can be found at txGarage.com.
The 2018 Honda Odyssey.
JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 2017
Contact us at info@katytrailweekly.com with your Community Calendar Event. July 29
3636 Turtle Creek Blvd. Dallas, 75219 214-219-2718
Kalita Humphreys Theater – SMU professor Blake Hackler’s newest play, “Necessities,” closes. Presented by Second Thought Theater and set in East Texas, four strangers come together as they search for intimacy and connection. 8 p.m. $25.
July 29
300 Reunion Blvd. E. Dallas, 75207 214-978-8010
Reunion Tower – Summer’s Reunion Tower Lawn Party is back, featuring live party bands, food trucks, a Nodding Donkey beer garden and lawn games. This month, the Dallas Stars are taking over, and The Special Edition Band will perform. 6:3010:30 p.m. FREE!
July 30
2520 Flora St. Dallas, 75201 214-880-0202
Dallas City Performance Hall – The Basically Beethoven Festival returns for its 37th year. A chamber arrangement of Aaron Copland’s “Appalachian Spring” rounds out the festival for an “Americana!” performance. 2:30-4 p.m. FREE!
Aug. 1
211 N. Record St. Suite 100 Dallas, 75202 214-741-7500
Dallas Holocaust Museum – In conjunction with the Fifth Annual Holocaust and Human Rights Educator Conference, join a presentation by a panel of experts on their work fighting hate groups. RSVP required through Eventbrite. 6:30 p.m. FREE!
Aug. 2
400 S. Houston St. Dallas, 75202 214-571-5709
Union Station – The biggest spa party in Dallas has arrived, celebrating beauty, wellness and fitness. Set inside historic Union Station, Spa Pop Up provides an exclusive shopping opportunity in an experiential way, bringing together the best brands in the spa industry. 4:30-9 p.m. $9-$96.
Aug. 3
1902 Main St. Dallas, 75201 214-744-1270
Main Street Garden – Grab your chairs, snacks and blankets and enjoy an iconic movie each month, starting from the 1950s on. This month’s screening is the family-favorite, “Forrest Gump.” 8 p.m. FREE!
Aug. 3
3019 McKinnon St. Dallas, 75201 214-663-1001
Grove at Harwood – Casper, is coming to town for a one-night-only staycation event. Turn down during cocktail hour with a DJ set from Red Eye, while enjoying lawn games and the atmosphere. Round out the evening with a tuck in screening of the baseball classic, “Field of Dreams.” 6-10 p.m. FREE!
Picture of the Week
SMU sponsors Texas Science and Engineering Fair winners from across the state to a free, residential camp Sunday, July 30 – Friday, Aug.4.
Send us an item or photo on Facebook and it may be featured here!
Fighting poverty and food insecurity for over 30 years, they serve 150,000 meals a week to kids during the summer months.
By Sally Blanton
sallyblanton455@gmail.com Each week, Katy Trail Weekly will feature a charity that is doing remarkable work in Dallas, a city known for philanthropy and generosity.
QW hat is your mission or highest purpose?
A Food on the Move sends CitySquare
AmeriCorps members to nearly 100 sites throughout North Texas to provide kids with access to nutritious meals during the summer, when school is out of session and access to free meals is cut off. Food on the Move is a program of CitySquare, and because of their support we will also be providing educational enrichment programs to reduce summer learning loss.
Q H ow many clients?
A Besides our summer program, we serve
important thing you do for the community? Those of us who haven’t experienced food insecurity don’t always understand how impossible it is for children and adults, for that matter, to function if they are constantly hungry. A child can’t focus and learn if they are waking up and going to bed hungry. Food on the Move helps youth and families escape food insecurity. Many of our neighbors, including the children we serve, go on to become volunteers in Food on the Move that helped them as kids.
QW hat is difficult about your job?
A Knowing that there are so many kids that we have not yet reached.
QW hat is rewarding about your job?
A Dallas has one of the worst poverty problems in the country. Many folks may not realize the overwhelming trauma of poverty, especially for children. That trauma can create a multi-generational cycle of poverty. Knowing that we are helping to break that cycle and strengthen our community while getting to see the faces of the children and families we are helping every day is incredibly rewarding.
after-school meals when school is in session. Annually, we serve more than 3,500 kids daily.
QW hat are your critical needs now, besides money donations?
A We love equipment that encourages ac-
tivity. We like balls and hula hoops, sidewalk chalk, jump ropes and educational toys like simple games and books.
QW hat upcoming fundraisers are on the calendar?
A CitySquare’s annual fundraiser, “A
Night to Remember,” will take place on Saturday, Sept. 9 at the Winspear Opera House and features award-winning talent, Jennifer Hudson, available now at CitySquare.org/JHUD.
Q S uppose your nonprofit received a
D A Y S. N I G H T S.
$20,000 check in the mail today … where would it immediately be put to good use? It could vastly increase the number of meals we are able to provide to kids and families throughout the community.
L I V I N G.
N O W .
Annie Lord, CitySquare chief program officer, answered this week’s questions.
QW hat sort of volunteer jobs are available?
A We have volunteer opportunities for every age, ability and schedule.
QW hat do you think is the most
4 7 19 C O L E AV E N U E
P. 9 7 2 9 3 0 5 3 3 0
DA L L A S, T E X A S 752 0 5
JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 2017
Grilled Chiles Rellenos
Scrape the charred skin from the peppers and remove the seed pod by the stem. Fill the cavity of each pepper with the zucchini mixture, then return to the grill. Grill over indirect heat until the cheese melts. — Sara Newberry
Despite Theron, ‘Atomic Blonde’ dull, listless
Charlize Theron stars in “Atomic Blonde.”
By Chic DiCiccio @chiccywood
The basic premise of “Atomic Blonde” sounds like a can’t miss movie. A hyper-stylized action flick starring Charlize Theron that is directed by one-half of the duo behind “John Wick” set in 1989 Berlin? It’s surely a winner … right? Sadly, “Atomic Blonde” drags along for what feels like an eternity, even though it’s only 115 minutes long. Director David Leitch breaks the monotony with a few action sequences that, while technically brilliant, only serve as a small wake up call in between a John le Carréwannabe spy tale. In fact, gold stars to those who can make any sense of Kurt Johnstad’s screenplay. One thing is for certain, Theron’s MI6 spy Lorraine Broughton can sure take a beating. When we first meet her, she’s taking an ice bath presumably to sooth her bruised from head-to-toe body. She’s called in to explain the events of the previous 10 days to her boss, Eric Gray (Toby Jones), and CIA agent Emmett Kurzfeld (John Goodman). The entirety of “Atomic Blonde” is told via flashbacks in a very straight forward manner that somehow becomes extremely confusing. Lorraine was sent to West Berlin to work with David Percival (James McAvoy), the MI6 Berlin station chief who earns a living on the side dealing black market American jeans and Jack Daniels and is declared to be “feral” by his bosses.
RJ meaty West End option
By Dotty Griffith
2 onions, sliced 1 tablespoon cumin 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 zucchini, sliced 1 can black beans, drained 1 cup corn kernels 1 can diced tomatoes w/green chiles, drained 2 cups shredded mozzarella 4 large poblano peppers Olive oil Salt and pepper Heat a grill to medium high. Heat a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons oil; when hot, add the onions and cook until translucent. Add the cumin, then the garlic, tomatoes, zucchini, beans and corn. Cook 3 minutes. Season to taste and remove from heat. Stir in the cheese. Coat the peppers with oil, then grill until lightly charred on all sides, about 8 minutes.
They are tasked with finding a list that would out every CIA and MI6 spy on Earth that was lost by a now dead MI6 agent. There’s a hint that Lorraine was romantically involved with him, but that plot thread is as dead as the barrage of KGB agents that Lorraine inexplicably runs in to at every turn. The list has also been memorized by a guy named Spyglass (Eddie Marsan), who Lorraine and David need to smuggle from East Berlin over to West Berlin. One of the most insane aspects of “Atomic Blonde” is that Lorraine is surrounded by spies doing spy stuff, but she doesn’t participate in any of it. Director Leitch just shows her in designer lingerie as she sticks a tape recorder to her thigh then she walks outdoors in small amounts of clothing and boom … all the spy stuff just happens to her. It makes it seem like this flux of spies from a handful of nations are actually looking for her and not this mysterious list of spies. Leitch and cinematographer Jonathan Sela are undoubtedly skilled at creating visceral action. There is an “unedited” stairway fight between Lorraine and what seems like a dozen guys that is equal parts amazing to behold and overcooked. It becomes so lengthy that you may start to try to spot the hidden edits instead of paying attention to the bloody combat, no matter how cool it all looks. Just in case you weren’t sure it was occurring in 1989 (the Berlin Wall coming down is a big hint), there are neon lights all over the place and
“Atomic Blonde” is littered with 1980s pop. It’s literally impossible for a scene in which Theron walks along a chilly Berlin street set to David Bowie’s “Cat People” not be exceptionally cool, but seeing a Russian baddie pummel a guy as “99 Luftballons” blares through a boom box is fairly played out. From the second that puppy is killed in “John Wick” (whoops, spoiler alert), everyone watching that movie was hooked and on board with John’s revenge-filled rampage. There’s nothing remotely close to that in “Atomic Blonde,” and it leaves you with zero emotional attachment to Theron’s Lorriane. She’s after a list of names of people not in the movie (that you don’t care about) and the only reason you are on Team Lorraine is because she’s Charlize Theron and the star of the movie. Theron gives it her all and this is a physically impressive performance. She punches, kicks, leaps, falls and gets bloodied just as much as action stars of the opposite sex do and she does it all extremely well. She’s highly likable (thank goodness) and her smirks and snappy insults are easily the best thing about the movie. Her screen presence and the handful of slick action sequences keep “Atomic Blonde” from being a complete disaster. But the most egregious error of “Atomic Blonde” is the use of “Der Kommissar” by After The Fire as opposed to the Falco version … which is entirely in German. It’s potentially the biggest missed opportunity in movie history.
For many Texans, a Mexican steakhouse covers two of our favorite food groups. RJ Mexican Cuisine in the West End hits both categories spot on. The Mexican part of the menu spans Tex-Mex and gourmet Mex-Mex. The steak list includes ribeyes, filet mignons and T-bones grilled straight up and served classic steakhouse style or with Mexican touches. Since Sept. 2004, co-owners Jay Kahn and chef Ron Van Hatten, known as Chef RV, have been turning out flavors for Texas palates. They recently hosted a media dinner to reintroduce themselves and their cuisine. Thanks for inviting us over. The far-reaching menu reminded us how good this place can be. We started with a craft RJ MEXICAN CUISINE cocktail, the blueberry and basil Coffee-crusted filet mignon and grilled langoustine. margarita, paired with a piquant and beachy Mexican seafood cocktail, and canastas de atun, Steakhouse) and YO “tuna baskets.” The tuna appetizer featured Steakhouse (and Texas fresh ahi on crisp fried wontons with jalape- cuisine) to bring the no, mango salsa, pickled cucumber, avocado beef in the historic butter and sriracha aioli aka garlic mayo. West End. This course alone is a great representation of The other outthe depth and breadth of the RJ menu. standing part of the Craving queso, guacamole, enchiladas, menu revolves around fajitas or tacos? RJs has them. The menu inchef ’s specialties. Dotty Griffith cludes baseline cheese enchiladas with chili These include several gravy; beef, chicken, even mushroom fajitas; seafood dishes such tacos with fish, beef or chicken. as Caldo de Mariscos, Now here’s the beef! Consider a rosy, a Mexican-style cioppino, with prawns, medium rare, coffee-crusted filet mimussels, fish and scallops in a tomato broth gnon and grilled langoustine (looks like a accented by roasted poblanos. Sounds so mini-lobster but is actually a big shrimp or beautifully vibrant in color and flavor. prawn). Also on the plate: thick toasted rods If RJ Mexican Cuisine has fallen off (or of masa with a moist polenta center, a riff wasn’t ever on) your radar, it is time to reset. on sopes (thick corn tortillas shaped to look Especially when you can’t decide between like tourned potatoes. Also on the plate: steak and Mexican. Or when you have forcharred corn; roasted poblanos and an aneigners, i.e. non-Texans, in town and you cho-tinted, demi-glace or brown sauce. This want to give them a taste of Texas. dish is the best of both worlds: steak and Mexican. RJ MEXICAN CUISINE That steak component is more import1701 North Market St. ant than ever in this part of town since Dallas, 75202 the closing of longtime red meatery, The 214-744-1420 Palm. That leaves RJ Mexican Cuisine (and rjmexicancuisine.com
By Candy Evans
candace@candysdirt.com You may not be a basketball star, but you can certainly live like one. Former Dallas Mavericks player Shawn Marion has just put his Preston Candace Evans Hollow mega-modern estate at 4512 Isabella Lane on the market. Rogers Healy and Veronica Lind have it listed for $5.95 million. And it is truly one of the most beautiful and memorable homes in Dallas! Simmie Cooper built this 12,629-square-foot mansion in 2008 with so many amenities the list will make your head spin. Among the luxury features are a state-of-the-art game room, home theater, an extensive gym that doubles as a ballet studio, a private lounge with a DJ booth — essentially an intimate nightclub, a temperature-controlled wine room, a glass mosaic resort-style pool with a travertine entertainment area, and of course a fireplace and grill. Car collectors take note: the four-car garage holds up to eight vehicles, which seems to be the magic number today. What I love most on the amenity list Rogers Healy sent over is the following description of the gourmet chef ’s kitchen: “Double everything — microwaves, ovens, dishwashers, laundry rooms, wet bars.” The cabinets are striped lacquered mahogany,
and I don’t recall ever seeing anything this beautiful in any kitchen, anywhere, ever. There are six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, two powder baths, four living areas and two dining areas. The master suite is seriously sexy, with a private sitting area, fireplace and a round bathtub as the centerpiece of the master bathroom. Now, you may have heard rumors that I, in my slimmer days, got in that bathtub. No, not with Shawn Marion (Ha! Maybe!). Just don’t ask! You know I always go the distance to get the scoop, and when this baby was first finished in 2008, just a baby, I was one of the first to get inside that gorgeous front door. Kara Schlegel Klower had the listing. Shawn Marion has had quite the career. In 2009 he was traded to the Mavs and won the NBA championship in the 2011 NBA Finals. He’s only one of four NBA players, along with Hakeem Olajuwon, Karl Malone and Kevin Garnett with at least 17,000 points, 9,000 rebounds, 1,500 steals and 1,000 blocks. I’m betting that private nightclub saw a lot of celebrating! CandysDirt.com is the only blog in Dallas for the truly real estate obsessed! Named by National Association of Real Estate Editors as the BEST Real Estate Blog in the country.
This home, located at 4512 Isabella Lane, is listed at $5.95 million.
JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 2017
Media room no longer guilty pleasure By Stephan Sardone
stephan@sardoneconstruction.com Last week while exercising my civic responsibilities, I was also exercising my designing juices. Admit it. The first thing you do when you receive a jury duty summons in the mail is cringe. But then you realize that serving is a part of being an American. So, you wake up PINTEREST early, head downtown and sit and wait for the chance to serve Media rooms are now affordable for most. or be excused because they don’t need you. room should While sitting in the jury room, be accessible to with the rows of seats lined up facing your in-house the bailiff, flat screen televisions posiWi-Fi or wired tioned throughout the room to show for the internet. A videos and ultimately a list of jurors Blu-ray player is matched with the court room in which multi-functional they should appear, my mind started and can do more wandering about creating the ideal than just play Stephan Sardone media room. After all, there is a lot of discs. Many game down time in the jury room. consoles also proNow is the perfect time to create vide audio and video options. the entertainment room that meets Choosing between satellite or cable your needs, available space and budfeeds again is a matter of preference get. With the start of the college and and cost. Personally, I am a cord cutpro football seasons right around the ter. There are lots of great options for corner, you have plenty of time to plan streamlining media. And everything your room for your viewing pleasure will link to your personal computer before the first kick-off. today, so even your vacation photos are You have two options in creating easily projectable. the space. If you are tech-savvy, you can If you have kept your LPs, considdo it yourself. But if you want to avoid er adding an old school feature like a getting your wires crossed, you should turntable. You can always add visual work with a professional. If you are images to your TV monitor to support building the room from scratch, wiring the sound of your records. and sound installation must be the first A high-end universal remote is a consideration. must. They run about $150, and can Ideally, the room should be at least also be programmed to your cell phone. 12’ by 12’. While it is nice to have the Any electronics retailer will provide room off a common area like a living you with a number of options. room or kitchen, an upstairs loft or a I always recommend having a spare bedroom can be locations to con- mini-fridge in the media room like the sider and would be less disruptive. one you may have had in your college Because the cost of high-quality dorm. Big box home improvement electronic components has come way retailers often have these on sale. And down, a media room is no longer exunlike the vending area that is a long travagant. Chairs should be large and walk from the jury room, a mini-fridge comfortable. And they are movable. in your media room keeps your cold But, before buying equipment, you beverages handy without an interrupshould think about your permanence. If tive walk to the kitchen. you are not planning on staying in your The verdict is in. Media rooms are residence for a long period of time, easy to build and no longer a luxury. you should purchase portable speakers. Case closed. Otherwise, in-wall speakers create a great sound and eliminate clutter. Sardone Design-Build Remodel is Whether to have a large locally owned and operated. Sardone, wall-mounted TV or projection style his wife and two daughters are Lake screen is a matter of preference. The Highlands residents.
‘Eileen’ brings new meaning to ‘peeping Tom’
By Shari Goldstein Stern stern.shari@gmail.com
In the traditional, highpitched, nasal voice of 1930’s actresses like Ruby Keeler in “42nd Street,” Tammy Partanen is a perky Eileen Sherwood. The peppy leading lady in Joseph Fields and Jerome Chodorov’s 1940s comedy, “My Sister Eileen” (MSE) thinks her Greenwhich Village basement apartment is “just swell.” Sharing the aging unit is Eileen’s more serious, focused sister, Ruth, as
played by Caitlin Duree in MainStage Theatre’s “keen” production of “My Sister Eileen,” through Aug. 5 and directed by Dave Schmidt. While Eileen longs to make it on Broadway, Ruth aspires to be a writer. Setting the mood inside the eclectic, “Bohemian” pad, as Eileen’s father refers to it, is a large street-level window without window coverings and facing the street. This provides a scene for any number of pedestrian characters to enjoy a chat with the girls. Today they would be called
“peeping Toms” or far worse. As an indirect result, the girls’ accessible apartment, designed by Jeffrey S. Franks, feels like Grand Central Station. A host of friends and wanna-be friends drop by at will, letting themselves in and wanting to stay. There’s not a dull moment, as the spirited Partanen spends more than two hours, less intermission, on stage. The production team includes Admin. Producer Clayton Cunningham, Tech Producer Neil Rogers, Stage
Manager Evelyn G. Hall, Costume Designer Tory Padden, Lighting Designer Scott Davis, Set Designer Jeffrey S. Franks, Video Designer Rich Frohlich, Properties Designer Jo Anne Hull and Master Carpenter Kris Hampton. MSE was adapted from the autobiographical New Yorker short stories by Ruth McKenney. The play ran on Broadway in 1940 through 1943 starring Effie Afton and the well-known actress Shirley Booth. The Tony Award-winning musical
Playing sisters, Tammy Partanen and Caitlin Duree settle in Greenwich Village for a 1940s journey in the Big Apple. “Wonderful Town” was an adaptation of “My Sister
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Eileen” in the mid-fifties with a revival from 20032005. It had music by the worshipped Leonard Bernstein. In 1958, the timeless story of “Wonderful Town” was a made-for-TV movie starring Rosalind Russell. “Wonderful Town” was made into a 1960 CBS-TV series starring Elaine Stritch that ran one season of 26 episodes. For perspective, the show aired opposite “Hawaiian Eye” on ABC and “Perry Como’s Kraft Music Hall” on NBC. With impressive roots and continuing audience appeal, the local version of “My Sister Eileen” is enjoyable community theater. Performances run through Aug. 5 at MainStage Theater, 3333 N. MacArthur Blvd. in Irving. For tickets and more information, visit irvingartscenter.com or call the box office at 972-2522787. Discount tickets are available for seniors and students.
JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 2017
1. B-vitamin source 6. Accident reminders 11. Perky flavors 16. Overhead honkers 21. Al of Indy fame
22. Make nervous 23. Disney site 24. Posh hotel lobbies 25. Nancy Drew author 26. Bandleader Count — 27. Excalibur’s holder
28. Object 29. Mouths, in biology 30. Lay down cards 32. Floods the market 34. Animal shelters 36. Big green parrot 37. Eminent
39. Football’s “Papa Bear” 40. Heavy gold chain 41. Like lumber 42. Sort 43. Dampen with drops
44. Tamper with 46. Bulb planter 49. Toweled off 50. Exercise system 51. Spice rack item 55. Soprano — Gluck 56. Engine covers 57. Ale sources 58. Biker’s maneuver 59. Yes, in Yokohama 60. The One-L Lama 61. WWW addresses 62. Complain 63. Tooth-puller’s org. 64. Brilliant 66. Pump, perhaps 67. Changed color 68. Kind of school 69. Minded 70. Map a course 71. Quick look 72. Movers and shakers 73. Orange root 74. Odd-shaped fishes 76. Fleetwood — 77. Goldberg et al. 80. Run for it 81. Hearty enjoyment 82. “Ghost Dance” tribe 86. Concerning (2 wds.) 87. Leaf juncture 88. Bounce 89. Eggplant dish 90. Hush-hush org. 91. Kinks’ tune 92. Wharf 93. Jawbreakers, e.g. 94. Muscle spasm 95. Bewilder 97. Go up in smoke 98. Utah canyon 99. Clammy 100. Hit the Tab key
101. Gull’s perch 102. The earth 103. Arctic floaters 104. Wireless pioneer 106. Tenor or bass 107. British rule in India 108. Reduction 111. Accelerator particles 112. Memory glitch 113. Cape waver 117. — — standstill 118. Blurt out 119. Night-flying insects 120. Mooring post 121. Purpose 122. Urban, for short 124. Worm seeker 126. Red lab stain 128. Unwilling, plus 130. Singers Hall and — 131. Venom carrier 132. Calcutta coin 133. Tennessee — Ford 134. Famous last words 135. Organic compound 136. Bear 137. See without eyes DOWN 1. Jack London setting 2. First month in Baja 3. “Save me — —” 4. D.C. figure 5. Quiver 6. Deep black 7. Wearing something 8. Small batteries 9. Bucket passers 10. Needed a bath 11. Auditions
wald.world@yahoo.com Before I visited West Point, I had no idea that the Benedict Arnold story was part of the history of West Point. Did you know that he was in charge of West Point and made a deal to sell plans for the fortification to the British in exchange for land? The plot was foiled by chance when George Washington was about to make a surprise inspection visit to West Point just as the deal was being consummated. The rest is history, as they say. Had Arnold succeeded in his plan, we’d all be British citizens today. West Point was crucial to America’s winning independence. For this reason, I am surprised that West Point isn’t really on the tourist map. Stopping at a highway roadside rest stop, a room full of tourist brochures contained nary a single mention of West Point. I visited during the summer. Once off the highway, I was the only car on the road for miles until I reached the base. Once
on base, I did encounter a few Japanese tourists, but mainly it was deserted. Even cadets, who don’t have school during the summer, were away on military exercises in the nearby woods. Nevertheless, West Point should be on your list of places to visit. The Thayer Hotel, facing the Hudson River, is on base and open to the public. It would be a great place to get away for a weekend. West Point is only about one and one quarter hour drive north of New York City, so you can also visit without staying overnight, as I did. I want to go back, however, because there is a lot to see and learn. As you approach the base, a visitor center does a quick security check. Complete a second check as you enter the base, and immediately to the left are the sports fields and dormitories (“barracks” here). The Army-Navy football stadium is in another location on base. West Point is one of our best academic institutions; some say on par with Harvard. Only nine percent of applicants are accepted and there is a 25
Fort Putnam at West Point. percent failure rate from a beginning class of about 1,200. From the main gate, ahead to the right is the Hudson River—the reason why West Point is here. The Americans had no navy to fight the mighty British war ships. Picked by military strategists of the time as the best strategic location to defend the Hudson River, West Point is at a bend in the river where ships had to slow down. The Continental Congress commissioned a five-square
The coming week will require of many the ability to juggle various activities and endeavors, whether familiar or brand new, while looking ahead to what is in store in the coming days or weeks. This is no mean feat, and not everyone will feel comfortable doing all that must be done simultaneously. Indeed, some will feel a bit like circus animals in training, being asked to perform in ways they feel wholly unsuited and unprepared for, with expectations mounting at every turn. What's the secret to surviving such a week — and even making a success of it? Simplicity! Though there may be much to do, and all at once, the streamlined approach — with simpler techniques and tactics — will allow one to navigate a complicated course with confidence, while avoiding becoming exhausted or overwhelmed. Some may have the opportunity to step in and do things on a new, higher level, with a chance to impress those who have the power to provide a boost, either personally or professionally. It is within the professional arena, however, that the greatest opportunities lie hidden, waiting to be uncovered. LEO (July 23-Aug. 7) With the addition of a particular teammate, you can see the path to success laid out clearly before you. It's up to you to lead. (Aug. 8-Aug. 22) – Former troubles may come back to haunt you, but that's no reason to give up on a plan you've
worked so hard to put in place. Keep looking forward. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 7) Your to-do list may be longer than expected, but if you start slowly, you can work your way up to a pace that accommodates all your needs. (Sept. 8-Sept. 22) – Saying a thing is so doesn't make it so. You've got to back up what you say with hard evidence. Things may take a little time. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 7) There are some who will come after you if you continue along your present course, but you know what you have to do in response. Be ready! (Oct. 8-Oct. 22) – A fabrication will send you in the wrong direction, but you'll soon receive information that can set everything right. You will recover. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 7) You've been pushing your agenda for a while now, and still you're being met with opposition. Perhaps it's time for a personal assessment. (Nov. 8-Nov. 21) – What happens as the week opens can be quickly forgotten by some, but you understand that it will affect what you do — and why — for a while to come. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 7) You may have to work hard to fight against the rumors that are swirling around you. You'll stumble on a solution when a friend shows up.
78. Merger 79. Cattle ID 80. Tree trunk 82. Explorer — de Leon 83. Golden Horde member 84. Barely scraping by 85. Burlap bags 87. Hole in the head 88. Judge’s panel 89. Possibly 91. The Moon 92. Je ne sais — 93. “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” singer 96. Wife, to a lawyer 97. Chignons 98. Be ecstatic (2 wds.) 99. — vu 101. Elegant sweets 102. Prairie diggers 103. Fought it out 105. Rough-textured 106. Cauldron 107. Squeal on 108. Where Pago Pago is 109. Elite squad (hyph.) 110. Coffeehouse option 112. Solitude enjoyer 113. Quarried 114. Guitarist — Eddy 115. Ancient Rome’s port 116. Change the length 118. Honcho 119. Comics — Nomad 120. Good, for Pedro 123. Stimpy’s pal 125. Flying fox 127. Hot spring 129. Boston hockey great
Benedict Arnold, commander of West Point
By Michael Wald
12. Many NYC homes 13. Pvt.’s superior 14. Cable car 15. Makes tea 16. Slangy pistols 17. Afr. nation 18. Slezak of soaps 19. Tendon 20. Minneapolis suburb 31. Taiga denizen 33. Motor City org. 35. Whinnied 38. Met role 39. Alpine moppet 40. Some are glad 41. “Auld Lang —” 43. Sweeping 44. Watch chains 45. Vassal’s land 46. Bwana, in Bombay 47. Flat 48. Noted quilt makers 49. Allotted 50. Gift-giving time 52. Driving hazard 53. Fluffy quilt 54. Harvests 56. Bevy of wives 57. It may have cilia 58. Pay period 60. Aria performers 61. Yikes! (hyph.) 62. Farewells 65. Check endorser 66. Miniblind part 67. Bug repellent 68. Hocus- — 70. Volcano goddess 71. Attention getter 72. Dagwood’s pooch 74. Kind of cracker 75. Count on 76. Bea Arthur sitcom 77. Nina of fashion
(Dec. 8-Dec. 21) – You can benefit greatly from any sort of social outing, but an excursion with a certain loved one will help you pave the way for the future. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 6) Others are waiting for you to make decisions that are required before they can swing into action. Do you have all the info you need? (Jan. 7-Jan. 19) – Examining your personal history will give you a new perspective. This, in turn, allows you to free yourself from certain self-imposed restrictions. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 3) You've been trying to negotiate with someone for quite some time, but you still cannot find common ground. A discovery waits to be made. (Feb. 4-Feb. 18) – Focus on specifics, and you'll find that the big picture takes care of itself. Someone who has criticized you in the past will finally fade from view. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 5) They say that patience is a virtue, but from where you're standing, it looks like an excuse to avoid doing what you know you should do. (March 6-March 20) – You'll have more energy than expected as the week opens, and you can make a few big plans even as you deal with routine concerns. Ambition is high. ARIES (March 21-April 4) Someone you've known for a
mile base to be built on the west bank of the river on land jutting into the river. A smaller fort had already occupied the east bank. The British controlled New York City throughout the Revolutionary War. They also controlled Canada. If they could control the Hudson River, they could isolate the rebels of New England. West Point prevented that. At West Point, you will be TRAVEL cont'd on page 9 Copyright 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. while will affect you from afar quite strongly, though indirectly. You may want to get in touch. (April 5-April 19) – It's hard for you not to feel what a certain someone is feeling, but you must do your best to remain strong as you provide the help he or she needs. TAURUS (April 20-May 5) You'll surely have the advantage all week if you just remember to keep people guessing at least some of the time. Don't reveal everything! (May 6-May 20) – A reunion will have you making new plans. A loved one may intervene when things become dicey, and you'll know who really has your back. GEMINI (May 21-June 6) You don't want to miss any goings-on that might affect you even a little. Pay particular attention to unscheduled developments. (June 7-June 20) – Given what others have told you, you're not sure you can proceed as planned, but it's possible you've received some inaccurate information. CANCER (June 21-July 7) Disagreements needn't lead to the cessation of work, but rather to its continuation, when new ideas arise during open discussions. (July 8-July 22) – You must pay attention to what a rival is doing, because you will then know what is possible or impossible for you when your turn comes.
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By Sally Blanton
JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 2017
Society Editor
Ronald McDonald House Under The Moonlight Westin Downtown
Diane Fullingim, Roger and Marianne Staubach
Kate Rose Marquez, Nickki Webb, Lisa Singleton
Piers Hurley, Kelly Perkins, Alison Pearl, Teffy Jacobs, Lee Traweek
$2 Million Gift Announcement Texas Women’s University Pecan Room
Bruce Ledbetter, Chair of the Board Hilda Calvan
Hannah and Jason McPhaul
Golf Tourney Kick-Off National Kidney Association The Rustic
Tom Hough, Chair Brandon Rowland, Scott Price
Mark Edwards, Jessica Garza, Neil Foote
Amanda Crowley-Rios, Kristein McCaffey, Jenny Moore, Vanessa Garnica
Helping Our Heroes 7th Annual Dinner Ocean Prime
Marilyn and Herbert Mulherin, Anne Griffith
Travis Wilson, Speaker Jeremy Lock, Mike Morasco
Co-Founder Trip Bomar, Barbara Bomar
Co-Chair Mike Morasco, Cesar Reyes, Co-Chair/ Co-Founder Travis Wilson, Frank Hytken
To be featured in this section, call: 214-27-TRAIL or email: info@katytrailweekly.com
Sergio’s is a full service neighborhood jewelry store. Birthstone for August is the Peridot. “Wear a Peridot or for thee, no conjugal felicity; The August-born without this stone, ‘tis said, must live unloved and lone.” We appraise jewelry and coins. Our specialty is Custom Designs – we use CAD software and a 3-D wax printer. We use a Laser welder for repairs on antiques, eyeglasses and other delicate items. All jewelry repair is done on site. We replace batteries and repair watches. While-you-wait repair service is available. Tue-Fri: 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 170 Casa Linda Plaza SW corner of Buckner Blvd. at Garland Rd. 75218 info@sergiosjewelry.com Call ... 214-320-2007, Text ... 469-999-3338
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JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 2017
Our Favorite Restaur ants INDIAN Masala Wok 6106 Luther Ln. 469-232-9390 IRISH PUB Black Friar 2621 McKinney, Ste A 214-953-0599 Renfield’s Corner 2603-A Routh St. 214-397-0300 ITALIAN & PIZZA California Pizza Kitchen 8411 Preston Rd. 214-750-7067 CiboDivino Marketplace & Cafe 1868 Sylvan Ave. 214-653-2426 Dough 11909 Preston, #1444 972-788-4600 Holy Ravioli 4446 W. Lovers Ln. 214-696-3993 I Fratelli 2815 Allen St., #124. 214-720-0070 Italia Express 111 Continental, #300 214-748-2700 4000 Cedar Springs 214-521-3300 Joe’s Pizza, Pasta & Subs 4343 W. NW Hwy, #347 214-272-9007 Lover’s Pizza Pasta & Grill 5605 W. Lovers Ln. 214-353-0509 Mimi’s Pizzeria 6807 W. N.W. Hwy. 972-215-7290 My Family’s Pizza 10720 Preston Rd,#1014 214-363-6122 Olivella’s 3406 McFarlin Blvd. 214-528-7070 Penne Pomodoro 6815 Snider Plaza 214-373-9911 11661 Preston Rd, #143 214-368-3100
Rocco’s Uptown Pizza & Pasta 2717 Howell St. 214-871-9207 Sal’s Pizza Rest. 2525 Wycliff 214-522-1828 Taverna Pizzeria 3312 Knox St. 214-520-9933 Tomato Pie 11661 Preston Rd. 214-750-8743 Villa-O Rest. 4514 Travis, #132 214-707-3848 LATIN AMERICAN Gloria’s 3223 Lemmon Ave. 214-303-1166 Zaguan Latin Cafe 2604 Oak Lawn Ave. 214-219-8393 MEALS TO GO – CATERING The Festive Kitchen – Snider Plaza 3404 Rosedale Ave. 214-520-6888 Short Stop – Food To Go 6025 Royal Ln., #101 214-265-8828 6918 Snider Plaza 214-360-0311 MEDITERRANEAN Baboush 3636 McKinney, #160 214-559-0707 Fadi’s Mediterranean Grill 3001 Knox St., #110 214-528-1800 Zoe’s Kitchen 6025 Royal Ln., #104 469-341-0123 MEXICAN & TEX-MEX Bandito’s Tex-Mex Cantina 6615 Snider Plaza 214-750-6100 Campuzano Mexican Food 2618 Oak Lawn 214-526-0100
Chipotle Mexican Grill 2705 McKinney Ave. 214-871-3100 4502 McKinney Ave. 214-302-2500 Digg’s Taco Shop 6309 Hillcrest Ave. 214-520-0155 E Bar Tex Mex 1901 N. Haskell, #120. 214-824-3227 El Fenix 5622 Lemmon Ave. 214-521-5166 6811 W. NW Hwy. 214-363-5279 Fuzzy’s Taco Shop 4740 W. Mockingbird 214-352-8226 Manny’s Uptown Tex-Mex 3521 Oak Grove Ave. 214-252-1616 Mario’s Mexican & Salvadorian Rest. 5404 Lemmon Ave. 214-599-9744 Mattito’s – Centrum 3102 Oak Lawn Ave. 214-526-8181 Meso Maya 11909 Preston, #1426 469-726-4390 Mi Camino Restaurante 3830 W. N.W. Hwy. 214-888-0055 Ojeda’s Mexican Restaurant 4617 Maple Ave. 214-528-8383 Qdoba Mexican Grill 5600 W. Lovers Ln. 214-352-2277 Rafa’s Café Mexicano 5617 W. Lovers Ln. 214-357-2080 Taco Diner 3699 McKinney, #307 214-521-3669 Torchy’s Tacos 5921 Forest Ln. 972-720-9200 Urban Taco 3411 McKinney Ave. 214-922-7080 MIDDLE EASTERN Food From Galilee 6710 Snider Plaza 214-750-0330
MOROCCAN Souk 3011 Gulden Ln, #114 469-458-2233 NATURAL–GLUTEN-FREE –ORGANIC Company Cafe 3136 Routh St. 214-468-8721 Kozy 4483 McKinney Ave. 214-219-5044 Southpaw’s Organic Cafe 3227 McKinney Ave. 214-754-0100 6009 Berkshire Ln. 214-987-0351 NEW AMERICAN City Café 5757 W. Lovers Ln. 214-351-3367 Luck 3011 Gulden Ln, #112 469-250-0679 Natalie’s Restaurant 5940 Royal Ln. 214-739-0362 NHS Bar & Grill 10720 Preston Rd. 214-368-1101 SEAFOOD Amberjax Fish Market Grille 3011 Gulden Ln., #107 469-513-9088 Dive-Dallas Coastal Cuisine 3404 Rankin St. 214-891-1700 Half Shells Oyster Bar & Grill 6617 Snider Plaza 214-691-8164 Hook, Line & Sinker 3103 Lemmon Ave. 214-965-0707 Lovers Seafood and Market 5200 W. Lovers Ln. 214-351-6363 Rockfish Seafood Grill 5331 E. Mockingbird 214-823-8444 11661 Preston Rd, #153 214-363-7722
its departure from North Park Center, Cartier will reopen at Highland Park The world of retail Village this upcoming continues to spin as September. Conveniently technology introduces nestled between powmore simplified and erhouses Tom Ford and flashier ways of shopLeah Frazier Giuseppe Zanotti, the ping at the expense of self-proclaimed “jeweler long-standing brick and to the kings” hits the HPV mortars. Yet despite the most recent ZIP code with high anticipation. Get reports of shuttered retailers, Dallas ready to glisten and sparkle this fall moves forward with new store anas Cartier returns with new arrivals nouncements, exciting retail addiand coveted collections that are sure tions and personalized shopping to make you shine. experiences. From Highland Park’s Veronica Beard Pop-Up, future Valentino digs to a new NYX Highland Park Village (Coming Cosmetics landing via NorthPark, Soon). While the official date rehere’s a preview of what’s coming mains pending, Highland Park hints down the pipeline for Dallas retail, at an upcoming pop-up location and it’s definitely worth the hype. for American sportswear brand Valentino, Highland Park Veronica Beard. Following the sucVillage (Coming Fall 2017). Slated cess of many pop-ups over the years for a Fall arrival, Highland Park (Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop and Reese Village will welcome global fashion Witherspoon’s Draper James which house Valentino to its expansive is now permanent), the impending listing of luxury shops. Situated bearrival of this effortless chic collectween Dior Beauty and Céline, the tion has everyone at attention. Be international label brings both tradi- on the lookout for modern twists tion and innovation to one of Dallas’ to iconic staples, a blend of classic most historic districts. This creative meets cool, plus superior tailoring catalyst exudes elegance in its exattributes with this eponymous New pertly crafted selections of leather York-based brand. goods, handbags, eyewear, fragrancNYX Cosmetics, NorthPark es and more. Center (Coming Summer 2017). Cartier, Highland Park Village Beauty lovers can now blush! Just (Coming Fall 2017). Following fresh off of its success of this Spring’s leahfrazier.com
BARKY cont'd from page 1 disgusting human being. Not very smart and she’s got a lot of problems, to put it mildly. And I believe you’ll see that whole thing blow up, and please give me a little bit of the credit when it does.” He also termed O’Donnell a “bully” and a “slob.” Furthermore, “The one thing I have learned, I learned it in high school. I learned it before high school. When you’re attacked by a bully, you hit the bully hard right between the eyes. Hard and fast. And that’s what I did.” Sound familiar? Also true to form, Trump claimed sole responsibility for keeping “The View” afloat by calling attention to the show. “Let me tell you what’s going to happen,” he said. “In two weeks, you people won’t be asking this question anymore, and the ratings on “The View” will tank. Barbara Walters hates Rosie O’Donnell . . . Sadly, I’ve increased the ratings of “The View.” Because, you know, I watched it the other day for the first time in a long time. And I’ve been on “The View” many times, unfortunately. In fact, Barbara Walters chose me last year as one of her 10 most whatever-the-hell people.” Holding a train of thought then and now is not one of Trump’s strong suits. His two kids were more succinct at this particular session, with Don Jr. in particular speaking volumes after I dared to ask what he and Ivanka think of O’Donnell. She demurred — “We’re not going to give a good ‘sound bite’” before Don Jr. chimed in. “I think ultimately we’re always going to defend TRAVEL cont'd from page 7 able to see the fortifications at Fort Putnam that gave the Americans the high ground to protect against oncoming ships. The high ground also allowed the Americans to protect against an attack by land over the
mountains to the west. The remnants of an ingenious chain link across the river that prevented ship passage is on display at Trophy Hill on base. During a winter visit to West Point, you can use its ski slope open to the public. The West Point golf course is also open to the public. The
Shell Shack Uptown 2916 McKinney Ave. 877-434-1411 St. Pete’s Dancing Marlin 2730 Commerce St. 214-698-1511 SPANISH Café Madrid 4501 Travis St. 214-528-1731
Frisco opening, NYX Cosmetics will open a new location at NorthPark Center between Finish Line and Lorna Jane on Level 2. Recognized for its high quality products at an affordable price, the globally popular brand explores expansion, bringing its on-trend cosmetics to the NorthPark customer. John Varvatos, NorthPark Center (Coming Fall 2017). Dallas menswear will take a structured spin as American men’s fashion label John Varvatos opens next to Gregory’s on Level 1 this Fall. Taking an edgier approach to coveted classics, the John Varvatos name brings youthful lifestyle by way of tailored clothing, sportswear and accessories targeted towards the fashionably-conscious gentleman. Uniting “old world craftsmanship and refined tailoring with modern innovations in textiles and a rock ‘n’ roll sensibility”, the John Varvatos addition breaks new territory at the Center. This will be the only John Varvatos boutique in the DFW metroplex. Leah Frazier is an award-winning fashion entrepreneur based in Dallas with almost a decade of fashion and lifestyle reporting under her belt. Her continued coverage of Dallas fashion and events can be found at inspirenstyle.com.
our father no matter what he does,” he said. “That’s what family is about. That’s the way we were brought up. And you know, in our eyes he can do no wrong, and I think he handled himself perfectly.” One more thing. Trump’s gut-punching tactics throughout the crowded Republican presidential primary elections were crystallized in this less-than-focused but very telling observation. “I watched a politician this morning,” he began. “He’s announcing for President. And they were asking about somebody else that’s going to be running. And I said — I just hate it — I went to the Wharton School of Finance. I was a very, very good student, top student. And you know, so I understand like, life, and I understand also the academics. And I understand what I have to understand. “But I watched this politician. They said, ‘Well, what about your opponent?’ ‘Oh, he’s a fine man. He’s this. He’s that.’ Everything was perfect. I’m saying, ‘What the hell you going to vote for this guy for? Let’s vote for the other guy.’ It was called being politically correct. “The reason that this feud (with O’Donnell) became so big is that I was so unpolitically correct. I was non-political. I said it like it is. And I think people liked that, and that’s why it kept going.” Less than a decade later, America was witness to “Lying Ted.” “Little Marco.” “Low Energy Jeb.” And finally, “Crooked Hillary.” And they now call Trump “Mr. President.” Ed Bark, who runs the TV website unclebarky.com, is a current board member of the Press Club of Dallas. setting is beautiful as the Hudson River’s lush shores provide scenic views in all directions. The base includes many hiking trails that range from easy to difficult. Whether you’re a history buff, want great outdoor activities or want a beautiful place to spend a weekend, West
Point is a wonderful place to visit. Michael Wald is a travel specialist with special expertise in Panama adventure travel. He blogs about travel and other musings at untroddenla.com. Follow him @Adventourist and see where he is off to next.
TURKISH Café Istanbul 5450 W. Lovers, #222 214-902-0919 Vertskebap 7949 Walnut Hill Ln. 469-726-2855 VEGETARIAN Cosmic Cafe 2912 Oak Lawn 214-521-6157
SPORTS BAR & RESTAURANT Christie’s Sports Bar & Grill 2811 McKinney, #22 214-954-1511 Liquid Zoo Sports Bar & Grille 3851 Cedar Springs 214-221-3004 Milo Butterfingers 5645 SMU Blvd. 214-368-9212
VIETNAMESE Miss Chi 6030 Luther Ln, #130 214-692-1000 Pho Crimson 3000 Blackburn, #140c 469-547-5443 Pho Envy Vietnamese Bistro 8611 Hillcrest, #190 214-987-1468
STEAKS Dee Lincoln Steak & Burger Bar 2626 Howell St. 214-754-4949 Dunston’s Steak House 5423 W. Lovers Ln. 214-352-8320
WINE BAR Dream Cafe 2800 Routh St., #170. 214-954-0486 Two Corks & a Bottle – Quadrangle 2800 Routh St., #140 214-871-9463
THAI Best Thai 5959 Royal Ln., #540 214-373-8113 CrushCraft Thai Street Eats 2800 Routh St., #150 972-677-7038 Malai Kitchen – Thai & Vietnamese 3699 McKinney, #319 972-591-3387 Naga Thai Kitchen & Bar 665 High Market St. 214-953-0023 Sabaidee Lao & Thai Street Food 5200 Lemmon, #100. 214-520-6868 Saucy’s Thai Pho 5944 Royal Ln. 214-378-8424
YOGURT, SMOOTHIES & JUICES The Gem 5915 Forest Ln, #360 214-792-9928 I Heart Yogurt 5450 W. Lovers, #143 6305 Hillcrest Ave. Nekter Juice Bar 6712 Snider Plaza 469-418-4029 Smoothie Factory 2817 Howell, #210 214-954-0900 Smoothie King 6061 Forest Ln. 972-404-1852 Tropical Smoothie Cafe 4560 W. Mockingbird 214-351-7037
GREEN cont'd from page 2
Dallas shopping expands with new stores
By Leah Frazier
This is half of Our Favorite Restaurants. See the full list at our website: KatyTrailWeekly.com
to provide stimulating enrichment for each and every animal. One of the best feelings is watching an animal enjoy enrichment you put love, time and effort into creating. When I saw the video of the gorilla dancing in his plastic pool, my heart connected to the cheerful zookeepers heard giggling throughout. But the marketing department missed a huge opportunity with the video. They were sitting on a viral video with no plan to connect it back to their conservation mission. I thought back to the viral movement of the “ice bucket challenge” that raised money for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). More than $115 million was donated through the ALS ice bucket challenge during an eight week period in 2014, and $77 million was dedicated to research that led to three new genes discovered in the last two years that will help identify new therapies. The silly fun made a difference. How could we have connected the gorilla dancing video to a conservation movement? The video made a huge splash and now it’s gone. Instead, we could have used the video to launch a fun way to engage in conservation. Conservation has many paths and exposing people to it in unique ways is imperative to extending it’s reach beyond the core community. In order to be successful in conserving our ecosystems our reach needs to extend into everyday culture. Gorillas are facing extreme challenges in the wild. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) lists both the Eastern and Western gorilla as critically endangered. Hunting, loss of
habitat from forest clearing for agriculture and timber, and disease threaten the continued survival of gorillas. The need to conserve gorillas is at a critical point. Here’s some fun ways we could have paired the viral video with a conservation movement: • Modeled off of the ice bucket challenge: #ZolaDanceChallenge. Encourage everyone to film themselves doing their best Zola impression and post to social media. Participants then challenge three others to do the same or donate to gorillafund.org. Partner with wildlife social media influencers and celebrities to help start the movement and, poof, you’re off to doing more than sharing an awesome video. • Run a contest for the best editing of the video. Allow people to use the video to come up with their own conservation message. One person added the Flashdance song, “She’s a Maniac” to the video and it went viral as well. Get more interaction and ideas from the internet to increase conservation. • At the very least include a message about gorilla conservation in the video. Connect it back to the very phone that 80 percent of people use to get online and watch the video. Coltan is needed to make your phone and is harvested in mountain gorilla habitat in the Congo. When you have something that will reach people far and wide, use it to your advantage to do something different to serve a core mission. Naïma Jeannette is a freelance writer, teacher and conservationist. Email her at naimajeannette@gmail.com or Tweet her @naimajeannette.
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JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 2017