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OCTOBER 20 - 26, 2017


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Katy Trail Weekly

Vol. 4, No. 36 | Neighborhood News | Community Calendar and Restaurant Guide | Arts and Entertainment | katytrailweekly.com


‘Howl-O-Ween’ contest at Mutts For the fifth consecutive year, Mutts Canine Cantina at 2889 Cityplace West Blvd. is hosting its popular ‘HowlO-Ween’ costume contest on Saturday, Oct. 21. The paw-ty is from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Each pup participating in the costume contest must be regisMUTTS CANINE CANTINA tered before 11:45 a.m. This year’s categories include best overall costume, funniest costume and most creative costume. More information is available at muttscantina.com. — Marilyn Perkins

Poe folks to gather at library The Friends of the Dallas Public Library presents its fourth annual Edgar Allan Poe Victorian Halloween on Saturday, Oct. 21 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Children’s Center at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library at 1515 Young St. There will be readings, chamber music, games, crafts, fortune telling and a costume contest. Janet Fox (right), author of The Charmed Children of Rookskill Castle, is the guest of honor. Call 214-670-1671 for DALLAS PUBLIC LIBRARY more information. — Kate Park

Urban Taco no longer shell On Oct. 18, a new Urban Taco opened at 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 105 in Mockingbird Station, replacing a previous location in the complex. The new spot (on the far northeast corner inside URBAN TACO the complex and adjacent to the main theater entrance) allows for more interior space, an updated look and large patio. Hours of operation are Sunday through Thursday 11 a.m. – 10 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. — Lindsey Miller

A walk in the art at NorthPark The Dallas Art Fair and NorthPark Center announce the fall season of guided tours and discussions of the internationally celebrated onsite art collection. On Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., Lucia Simek (right) of the Nasher Sculpture Center will be leading a discussion. The meeting location is at Green House DALLAS ART FAIR Market on level two near the AMC ticket counter. To attend, send a message to RSVP@dallasartfair.com. — Dallas Art Fair

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Mull It Over Uptown Girl Automobility

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Community Calendar Charity Spotlight

Dotty Griffith Restaurant Review


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SMU dedicates Payne Stewart Golf Training Center

By Spencer Stewart

"Facilities like the Payne Stewart SMU Golf Training Center, the Robson & Lindley On Oct. 13, SMU Athletics Aquatics Center, the new SMU dedicated the new Payne Stewart Tennis Center, the renovatSMU Golf Training Center at Trinity ed Moody Coliseum and the Forest Golf Club located less than 10 planned Indoor Performance minutes from downtown Dallas on Center are examples of the Great Trinity Forest Way. The center University's commitment to is named in honor of Payne Stewart compete at the highest level '79, 1989 PGA Champion, two-time of intercollegiate athletics," U.S. Open Champion and member said SMU President R. Gerald of five U.S. Ryder Cup teams. Turner. The 6,700-square-foot facility The facility, among the SMU features team locker rooms, coaches' finest in college golf, was made A state-of-the-art golf facility opened for the SMU teams. offices, a conference room, a workout possible through the support of center and kitchen. The center also donors Ann Park Roberts Gibbs houses a hitting bay featuring premier equipment, including the '66 and James R. Gibbs '66, '70, '72, Carolyn L. Miller and David Swing Catalyst, which tracks weight shift throughout the swing as B. Miller '72, '73 and the David B. Miller Family Foundation, The well as four video motion-capture cameras and monitors to show Dedman Foundation and family, and the Payne Stewart Family swings. A TrackMan system uses dual radar technology to track Foundation, Inc. Many additional donors also contributed to the both club movement and the ball at the moment of impact. This initiative. equipment provides the perfect foundation for analysis, enabling the Next month, SMU will open the Robson & Lindley Aquatics Mustang golfers to use real-time data to improve their games. Center, a new 42,000-square-foot facility that features an OlympicThe Payne Stewart SMU Golf Training Center also includes sized, eight-lane indoor pool with a platform diving area, five 70,000 square feet of teeing ground, a 45,000-square-foot putting springboards, a 10-meter tower, coaches' offices, locker rooms, a and chipping green and a challenging nine-hole short course. classroom and meeting area. sastewart@smu.edu


Family still answering spelling question about ‘Frys’ By Shari Goldstein Stern stern.shari@gmail.com

Jack Pyland III was on a U.S. Navy ship in 1941 when he fried the first of his “fried potatoes,” so it seemed like a natural to sell French fries after the World War II. In 1945, the Fair re-opened following the war. Pyland III approached the Fair, and subsequently opened his first Jack’s French “Frys” concession. He liked his incorrect spelling, so he kept it as his own. During the other nine months of the year, the vendor manages other Fair booths, setting them up and taking them down. He also works other venues like Wurst Fest in San Antonio. “I started working for my Dad at the age of five,” Jack

Pyland IV said. “My first responsibility was counting potatoes. There were a lot of them!” In addition to Jack’s three concessions at the Fair, he sets up and takes down 25 additional booths. When asked about his “typical” days during the Fair, Pyland IV said, “I’m up at 4 a.m. every day and go to work, with a quick siesta between 1 and 2 p.m., then it’s back to work. I get to bed between 1 and 2 a.m.” Like many locally-based concessionaires, Pyland IV keeps his RV on Fair property as his “home away from home” while he sets up for the Fair in advance, throughout the 24-day event and tearing down after. Jack employs 60 people to work at his stands during the Fair. Each morning he takes his potato truck bed to pick up the


Jack Pyland IV runs the show today at Jack's French Frys. 50-pound bags of fresh potatoes he will need for the day. “We go through 450 bags or 22,500 pounds of potatoes every State Fair.” Jack estimates that he uses 600 gallons of oil during the Fair. According to the seasoned concessionaire, “We use a special,

Hammer and Nails Uncle Barky's Bites

Crossword Puzzle Your Stars This Week Life on the Trail

Shop the Trail Scene Around Town

Travel Love on the Trail


Dallas CASA receives $2 million grant from Moody

By Rosanne Lewis

Dallas CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) has received a $2 million grant from The Moody Foundation. The grant will endow two volunteer supervisor positions, allowing Dallas CASA to expand and serve more vulnerable children. Dallas CASA recruits, trains and supervises community volunteers who advocate for abused and neglected children who are living in protective care because it’s unsafe in their homes. CASA volunteers gather information to help judges decide the best outcomes for these children. Every volunteer receives 30 hours of in-house training and is supervised by one of 50 Dallas CASA professional staff members. In 2016, Dallas CASA’s


Dallas CASA staff: (standing) Lynn Brooks, Becca Leonard, Ben Wilkins, Ellen Rupple, Cindy Warner, Brandon Smith and Rosanne Lewis. (Sitting) Natalie Owens and Kathleen M. LaValle, executive director and president. 1,093 volunteers helped 2,768 Dallas County children have safe, permanent homes. More than 4,000 children lived

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hand-operated appliance to cut potatoes. We peel and slice potatoes no more than two hours before cooking, so they are always fresh. We throw away all potatoes that have been fried more than two minutes. All orders are cooked just before serving.”




Notes from the Editor Bubba Flint Along the Green Trail My View


in protective care last year. Today, one out of every four Dallas children removed from home for abuse or neglect does not have a CASA volunteer by their side. While experiencing significant recent growth, Dallas CASA is keenly aware of the need for sustainability. “The $2 million in endowment funds from the Moody Foundation allows us to build up a foundation that looks toward our future,” said John Gibson, Dallas CASA board chair. “We hope the Foundation’s generous gift will encourage others to think about endowment and legacy gifts so that Dallas CASA is well-positioned to serve tomorrow’s vulnerable children.” The Galveston-based Moody Foundation is a charitable family organization that seeks to make the lives of Texans better by funding projects and programs in Texas with an emphasis on social services, children’s needs, education and community development.



OCTOBER 20 - 26, 2017


Do not use crystal meth

By David Mullen

louder tone I said “Excuse me!” The woman then looked at me and said, “Oh. We will accept.” She then It was hot and humid moved aside. Wait, what? early one October day when “We will accept?” What the I saw my first Christmas ad … ? Do I need some sort on television. A company of human toll tag to get to called Balsam Hill is advertising imitation Christmas David Mullen my car? I guess I should take solace in that they were trees and ornaments. Made talking and not staring at their iPhones me want to go out to CVS Pharmacy … Maybe it is because of all of the lawto see if I could find some fake snow lessness that seems to be around today, … I want to thank the drunken guy at but I am currently hooked on watching 7-Eleven who was behind me in line police shows. Reruns of “Adam 12,” the other night questioning my pur“Cops” and “Campus PD” are my fachase of milk and Diet Dr Pepper. “I vorites. “Adam 12” just takes me back am not mixing them together,” I told to a simpler time when LAPD wore him. I assumed he was not mixing his hats, shot at someone everyday and the Copenhagen and beef jerky together backdrops were full of smog. The true either. I am used to being panhandled learning experience, however, comes outside of the store, but not heckled infrom watching “Cops.” Some things side of the store. By the way, mind your that I have learned from my short-term own business and have another quart of Bud Ice Light … Here’s a first. Maybe fascination includes: 1) Wear a t-shirt outside. Tank tops don’t count. If you I am not as hip on today’s lingo as I do not have a shirt, your neck and thought. When three 20-somethings shoulder tattoos are exposed. So you are (two men and a woman) were standing probably on crystal meth and will be at the base of my stairwell having an arrested. 2) Don’t live in a trailer park animated conversation about body ink in Florida. (See reason one.) 3) Don’t while smoking cigarettes, they would drive a 20-year old, four-door Toyota not move to let me pass. “Excuse me,” Corolla without license plates. And do I said. Nothing happened. Again, in a david@katytrailweekly.com

not say that “It is not my car, it is my friend’s car.” Also, do not say that “I don’t know how it got there.” You will be busted for crystal meth. 4) Wear a belt and don’t have your pants riding around your knees. It is impossible to outrun the cops when your pants or jorts (jean shorts) impede you from taking full strides, no matter how fat the cops are. They will catch you and arrest you for possession of crystal meth. 5) Don’t use crystal meth. This has been a public service announcement … These days it is hard to have fun, but Monday night WILLIAM "BUBBA" FLINT — SPECIAL CONTRIBUTOR was a breath of fresh air. Dotty Griffith, food critic for the humble and loveable Katy Trail Weekly and of the beloved, but departed, Riviera on I attended a soft opening for the new Inwood Road, escargot and tortellini Al Biernat’s - North on Spring Valley has been added to the appetizer menu. Road. It was a who’s who of Dallas. The This place is a hit! … For the sake of ever loveable Biernat gave us a personmy shock absorbers, on Tuesday, Nov. al tour. The place is open and bright. 7, Dallas citizens can vote for a City of The second floor is yet to be completDallas capital bond program with 10 ed, but the first floor offers a variety of propositions totaling $1.05 billion — for options from sitting at the vibrant bar, streets, libraries, parks, infrastructure sitting in the garden room or occupyand more in critical need of improveing a table in one of the swanky dining ment, expansion and/or replacement — rooms. And as a throwback to the days that does not require a property tax rate



By Naïma Jeannette

By Rani Cher Monson

Candy ingredient shadows cost to land

(E.U.) announced plans to ban palm oil in biodiesel and other products. The E.U. is the second largest export destination of palm oil Whoever first put chocolate and peanut from Indonesia and Malaysia. The palm oil butter together was a pure genius. It’s the time industry has been working hard to strengthen of the year when candy surrounds us. It’s in their reputation in the E.U., but it’s not workhuge bags at the stores, in everyone’s office ing. The palm oil companies are having troubowls, at friend’s houses and, of course, on ble hiding their environmental issues. The our own coffee tables. To me, when I think E.U.-commissioned report on energy sources about candy, I think about milk chocolate and said that the production of palm oil creates peanut butter but, when I see it, all I see is more greenhouse gas emissions than fossil palm oil. It’s like I have X-ray vision for palm fuels. Not good. oil. Instead of refining their practices, the I have the same vision when I see makepalm oil industries in Indonesia and Malaysia up, lotion, soap, milk, cookies, are searching for new markets to crackers and anything that’s in a sell their product. Who will overbox and has a label. Palm oil is in look the environmental effects and nearly everything — over 50 perbuy into the product? I have one cent of the products in the grocery idea. store. I am a compulsive checker of Greed still leads the palm oil labels especially of soap, always on industry. “Sustainable palm oil” is the search for palm oil-free soap. I still not an accurate representation have found one small soap compaof what we want it to be. Therefore, ny that sets up shop at the Dallas I can do without the candy that Naïma Jeannette contains palm oil, without the lush Farmers Market that doesn’t use palm oil. soaps that boast about their use of My palm oil vision glasses started years sustainable palm oil and every other damn ago when I found out about the palm oil inthing that contains it! Ok, it’s actually nearly dustry in Indonesia. Indonesia has done a impossible to go completely palm oil free bevery good job at building their palm oil busicause it’s often hidden in your products. But, ness, but it’s come at the expense of millions you can avoid it as much as possible. Get a of acres of rainforests and a sharp decline in pair of palm oil glasses and check your labels. many species including endangered orangWhat if we saw the impact of every produtans and tigers. That’s the kind of stuff that uct we bought listed on the package? What trumps a piece of chocolate and peanut butter if there was a section on the nutrition facts for me. that listed environmental damage? Would we I’ve watched as the industry has risen to consume as much? Would we shift our econoa worldwide infestation in our products, inmy to more sustainable methods that factor in cluding baby formula. I followed the journey people, profit and planet? of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, Have a happy Halloween and do me a led by large palm oil executives, who tried to favor, read your candy labels before you buy. shade their way into promoting sustainable Surprise, surprise! There are still issues with palm oil with questionable ethics. Now, prodpalm oil and sustainable palm oil. ucts proudly display “sustainable palm oil” on their labels. Naïma Jeannette is a freelance writer, But where are we? Can we trust those teacher and conservationist. Email her at labels? Can we eat the candy?! naimajeannette@gmail.com or Tweet her @ Earlier this year, the European Union naimajeannette.


Take a native Texan to the State Fair show, and then we’ll go see the butter sculpture,” he said with an abnormal-for-him I’ve lived in Texas long amount of animation. For as enough that I’ve been to the many times as I’ve been to the State Fair of Texas more than Fair, I’ve never actually seen a once. I’ve gone show. Truth be told, with my paraside from the live ents and a night music, I’m not even with friends and sure I knew shows co-workers. I’ve existed. gone before a Boyfriend was Dallas Summer giddy like a little Musicals show. I kid expecting tons even went on what of presents on his I thought was a birthday. And beRani Monson fore you get the date, only to later find out it wasn't. The kiss? "I wrong idea — no. He didn’t was drunk!" propose. Although I do know But none of these experi- someone who got engaged at ences rival attending the Fair the Fair. with a native Texan, someone Letting a native, who who knows all the ins and knows all of the ins and outs outs. If you ever get the opdirect you through the gates portunity — seize it! of Fair Park, is by far the best For me, it was unexpectway to greet Big Tex. They ed. Out of nowhere, Boyfriend know stuff. Like which gate to suddenly got all excited enter and how to avoid traffic. about the Fair. This is someHe started to talk about where one who’s been claiming he we’d eat a turkey leg and is “done” with Dallas. “Been which pavilions to visit. there and ready to move He not only knew about on.” So I was quite surprised all of the different shows, he when, with great precision, he even knew how to navigate started to review the weather us to where they took place report to plan which day we’d and the names of the different visit. stages. It was a mix of impresConfused, I inquired. "I sive and scary. grew up going to the Fair," he My favorite show was the said, whatever that means. “Wild West Pet Palooza,” with He’s been working like a mad- different animals performing man, so I was thrilled that tricks on a Wild West-themed he was looking forward to stage. The best part were the anything fun. Appropriately dogs and cats in the show, enough, this year’s theme is which were rescue animals. It "Celebrating Texans," so I melted my heart and made me started to consider the day want to take home a bunch of a celebration of all things adopted dogs. I didn’t. Boyfriend and let him set the The next best thing was agenda. scouring the area for $3 beer. His excitement was not You really could make an only adorable, it was highly entire day of it, not only going contagious. around looking for those hot “We’re going to see the spots, but also talking to the pig races and the animal people in line. Like us, they





Katy Trail Weekly is a community-friendly newspaper designed to inform and entertain the people in many diverse demographics who live and/or work in these neighborhoods. Much like the Katy Trail itself, Katy Trail Weekly is designed to help bring together the neighborhoods of Downtown, Uptown, Cedar Springs/Oak Lawn, the Design District, the Medical District and the Park Cities, as well as others. The newspaper is placed in local businesses, and other locations, for free pick-up by their patrons. We support this publication by providing ad space to local businesses who want an effective and affordable way to reach the Katy Trail area readers we attract and serve. We welcome participation in the paper through story and picture submissions, and we hope that you will join us in making this paper the best it can be. Publisher Rex Cumming Editor in Chief David Mullen Graphic Design Bronwen Roberts Sidney Stevens Accounts Mgr. Cindi Cox Distribution Randy Elms Mgr. Copy Editors Michael Tate Jessica Voss Editorial William "Bubba" Flint Cartoonist Online Editors Bronwen Roberts Naïma Jeannette

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increase. Proposition A would provide for $534 million to improve city streets and transportation. I hope I can get to the voting booth without falling into a pothole. Early voting starts Monday, Oct. 23 … News comes from the Dallas Zoo that they broke their all-time record with 1.2 million visitors in their fiscal year that ended Sept. 30. It marked the eighth year in a row of record attendance for the zoo. “We will agree” that’s a notable achievement.

Oct. 13 – 3:11 p.m. 5200 Block, Ross Ave. (75206) Theft of Property: An unknown suspect pulled through a drive-thru window and stole a sign. Oct. 14 – 1:35 p.m. 4400 Block, Maple Ave. (75219) Aggravated Assault w/a Deadly Weapon: The suspect fired several shots at the complainant as he was driving away. Oct. 15 – 10:53 a.m. 4900 Block, Belmont Ave. (75206) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s vehicle. Oct. 15 – 5:20 p.m. 4500 Block, Cole Ave. (75205)

Burglary of a Habitation: An unknown suspect entered the complainant’s residence and stole property. Oct. 16 – 1:31 a.m. 4100 Block, Hawthorne Ave. (75205) Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect entered the complainant’s vehicle and stole property. Oct. 16 – 9:11 a.m. 5000 Block, W. Lovers Ln. (75209) Theft of Property: The suspect jumped over the complainant’s fence and stole property. Oct. 16 – 9:34 a.m. 1600 Block, Hi Line Dr. (75207) Burglary of a Building: An unknown suspect threw a rock through a window, entered and stole property. Oct. 16 – 4:49 p.m. 2800 Block, Cole Ave. (75204) Theft of Property: The suspect stole the complainant’s tires.

were intentionally seeking out the cheapest beer. It was a hoot! The butter sculpture is a must, and it even made me lose interest in cookies for a bit, which is a very good thing. I’m always amazed and delighted by the designs from Farmer Mike the Pumpkin Carver, but I couldn’t decide if the glue on eyes made the work better or worse. The one disappointment was missing out on the “World of Magic” show. We even arrived early — which is a term that is not in my vocabulary — and were out of luck. The seating area already was filled and it was the last show of the day. Boyfriend was highly disappointed and I wanted to buy him a treat to make him feel better. Oh, and the Swan Paddle Boats were hiding the day we visited. But that was offset by a visit to the “Made in Texas” area, which I’ve heard about in the past but never experienced. We wanted to buy Bloody Mary mix but decided it was too large to lug around. Instead I got lip balm, snacks and spices. I also bowed down to a Fletcher’s Corny Dogs. Come on! If Oprah has eaten one, you know it’s something not to be missed. We ended our visit with two pieces of Sutton’s Salt Water Taffy, which perfectly consumed our last two remaining tickets. Just like all things State Fair, we left wanting more. Until Boyfriend suggested we go back again this weekend. Writer Rani Monson lives in Dallas. She's still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up. Oct. 17 – 3:15 a.m. 4300 Block, Hartford St. (75219) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s vehicle. Oct. 17 – 8:30 a.m. 100 Block, Turtle Creek Blvd. (75207) Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect broke the passenger side window, entered and stole property. Oct. 17 – 11:26 a.m. 3600 Block, McKinney Ave. (75204) Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: The suspect entered the complainant’s unlocked vehicle and stole a laptop. Oct. 17 – 6:37 p.m. 2600 Block, Reagan St. (75219) Burglary of a Habitation: An unknown suspect stole a TV and jewelry from the complainant’s apartment.

OCTOBER 20 - 26, 2017





Slim chances for Mavericks this season

Winter is coming and so are trends By Ryann Gordon

By David Mullen

david@katytrailweekly.com In the 1974 comedy “Blazing Saddles,” a famous quote from Taggart — played by Slim Pickens — is “What in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin on here?” That quote seems to apply to the 2017-18 NBA season which started this week, because for the rest of the league, including the Dallas Mavericks, there is no chance to compete for a title. The teams with a chance for an NBA championship will come from a NBA mix of six, maybe seven, squads with at least four coming from the Mavericks’ Kevin Durant hopes to lead the Golden State Warriors to another title. conference. While the other professional sports Phoenix Suns and Memphis Grizzlies will be hard leagues (NFL, MLB and NHL) strive for parity among pressed to compete. Teams in the West are just too teams, the NBA embraces domination by a few “suloaded with firepower. perteams.” The NBA brass seems to think it is good for The Houston Rockets seem to have the best merchandise sales and television ratings. But it is bad chance to dethrone the Western Conference champion for the competitive nature of the game, tends to alien(and 2016-17 NBA champion) Golden State Warriors. ate small market teams and is detrimental to building a Adding elite guard Chris Paul will take some preslocal fan base. sure off of potential NBA MVP James Harden. The The lack of competition irked NBA great Charles Oklahoma City Thunder added veteran stars Paul Barkley when he spoke to reporters in Dallas last George and Carmelo Anthony to complement defendmonth. The opinionated Barkley questioned why fans ing NBA MVP Russell Westbrook, but the game is in cities representing clubs that don’t have a chance at played with just one basketball. They could find themthe playoffs even bother to buy season tickets. That is a selves fighting for attention. bit extreme, but he has a point. If there is a surprise team, it might be the For Mavericks fans, it has been a great run. Since Minnesota Timberwolves who added Jimmy Butler 2000, they’ve won an NBA championship, should have in the off-season, which stripped the Chicago Bulls of won a second and have only been out of the playoffs any chance to compete. And as long as Gregg Popovich and in the draft lottery three times. This season will is at the helm, the San Antonio Spurs will make make it four times. The draft is how you rebuild an some noise. But ultimately, all roads lead to the San aging and patchwork team. The Mavs should still proFrancisco Bay area and Golden State, where the quarvide fans plenty of excitement, eschewing Barkley’s call tet of Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Klay Thompson for a ticket boycott. and Draymond Green may eventually go down as the Rick Carlisle is a masterful coach. Dirk Nowitzki, greatest in history. this season in a reduced role, is still a joy to watch. LeBron James is back and poised for another title First round draft pick guard Dennis Smith, Jr. has run. The Cavs added Dwayne Wade and Derrick Rose, Rookie-of-the-Year potential. But past those two playhoping they still have enough game left to compliers, the Mavs will rely on a group — all with limitament James. A devastating game one injury to Gordon tions — that have not had enough time to mesh. Hayward may have cost the Boston Celtics the chance There will be familiar names returning to the of becoming an elite team in the East. This opens the team like J.J. Barea, Devin Harris, Wesley Matthews door for the rising Toronto Raptors and Washington and Dwight Powell, but they are role players. Power Wizards to challenge King James and his band of forward Nerlens Noel is only 23, plays hard and may Cavaliers. become a presence underneath the basket. But the The NBA championship will, once again, come road to rebuilding the franchise into a contender lies down to the Warriors and Cavaliers with this season this season with Smith, Jr. and future draft picks. The Cleveland winning the crown. That is the idea of comMavericks will miss the playoffs and will hope for a petitive balance in the NBA. Have the same two teams high seed in next year’s draft. in the championship every season. For any other team The Mavericks are not alone. Teams in the competing against Golden State or Cleveland, their Western Conference like the Sacramento Kings, chances for an NBA title will be “slim pickens.”

your denim pieces, so as not to get washed out. It may sound a bit too extra ryannbgordon@yahoo.com for some, but I promise you’ll have every eye that sees you jotting down Winter is coming … so they say. ideas for their next ensemble. And it’s finally that time of the year This is also the time to let your (only a few months later than most) blue jean baby shine. Go for high-waistwhen the weather in Dallas drops a few ed skinny jeans or crisp, darkdegrees. It’s dropped just washed bell-bottoms, or opt enough for us to switch out for one of these more modern those soft, lightweight pants looks that have shaped this and shorts for something year’s jean obsession. a bit more fashionable. I’m This brings us to another talkin’ blue jeans, baby. one of this season’s most noOr shall I say, blue jean table trends: cuffed-bottoms EVERYTHING. and high-waters. Those emDenim has only grown with age, so if you Ryann Gordon barrassingly too-short pants your mom made you wear are a hoarder of a sort and until you couldn’t get the zipper up still own half of the clothes you wore are actually in style now. Either dress in the ‘90s, you’re in luck, because down your ankle-length skinny jeans one of our favorite trends is back and with flats or sneakers or dress up a pair in full action. Surely you remember of cuffed, boyfriend jeans with tight, the Britney Spears/Justin Timberlake slip-on sock boots or point-toe pumps. denim suit duo? Needless to say, the Embrace this nerdy fashion and throw drama hasn’t turned down a bit. Whip on some ankle-strapped heels or dress out the skinny jeans, frayed jackets and sandals for a girlish take beneath cuffs. boyfriend button ups, because that But exercise caution because if there’s most basic blue has now fully taken one thing that’s not in style this year, it’s over the 2017-18 fashion scene. And it’s tripping over your heels in jeans that are even cooler than it was 20 years ago. too long. Perhaps the most notable of Destroyed denim especially can American fashions, the evolution of be seen on just about every Instagram denim has varied over the years from tight and sleek to outrageous, destroyed feed. Pair a silky, lingerie-like top and heels with a pair of light-washed boyand beyond extra, and now it’s back friend jeans that are nearly falling off, again. Coming in all shapes and sizes, and covering every part of our bodies, it with holes and tears from beneath the buttocks to large, gaping rips above can make or break an entire ensemble. and over the knees for a contrast that is Even double denim, which was romantic yet undeniably edgy. Or stick for a while considered to be a fashion with aged denim that is fitted in just no-no, has returned to match items the right places; I suggest finding a pair like chambray button ups and jean of flared, aged-jeans and cut them off jackets with blue jeans or even overalls. ankle-length yourself. Throw on a cropThe denim on denim look is simply so top and get those strappy heels kickin’ wrong that it’s right, and it’s easier than underneath. you think. Mismatch your shades of And don’t forget about those denim with a bleached-out button up denim skirts as you get ready for tucked into a pair of dark washed jeans, spring. Step ahead of the fashion game or perhaps a tight, spandex-denim with a button up denim skirt that you micro skirt. Or pair your bottoms with a simple top beneath a destroyed, white- can rock throughout the year. Pair an A-line style jean skirt with thigh-high washed denim jacket that came straight boots and a tucked in turtle neck for from your favorite throwback film. warmth through the winter (anothIf you’re feeling especially daring, er less-than-expected style to return) try pairing shades of almost identical-colored denim. Make sure that there and let yourself take on the persona of queen of the schoolyard. is a space, like crop top sized, between


Assignment in transportation literature

By David Boldt

evocative, while the narration is both In a friend’s informative Alexandria (Va.) garage and pleasantly sits both a Triumph TR-3 conversational. and ERA Cobra. While And in a coffee distinctly different, both David Boldt table format, its speak to an earlier, sim224 pages and pler time and that era’s $50 cover price earlier, much simpler mechaare well worth the price of adnisms. And both speak to the mission. With Cobras fetching intrinsic appeal of automotive big money, and continuation nostalgia. That appeal is movCobras bringing real money, a ingly enhanced by the contribu- few hours spent with Carroll tions of authors Dave Friedman Shelby — via Mr. Friedman — is (Cobra), Randy Leffingwell inexpensively compelling. (Porsche) and Matthew D. In 1948, Harry Truman ran Plunkett (Boston Whaler). Here, for his own presidential term, then, are their books: the U.S. initiated the Marshall Where were you in 62? If Plan for European recovery you were in Venice, Calif. you and — not incidentally — the might have tripped over Texan Porsche family launched its Carroll Shelby’s new space on own automobile. In author Princeton Drive, where series Randy Leffingwell’s Porsche – 70 production of Shelby’s new Years: There Is No Substitute, Cobra had begun. In Shelby Leffingwell provides an exhausAmerican Up Close and Behind tive overview of the company’s the Scenes, author and photogbeginnings, its race successes rapher Dave Friedman takes us and — of course — its evolution back — way back — to a suinto the luxury performance percharged era when a retired brand we know today. driver could drawl his way into Whether as an automotive a partnership with Ford Motor enthusiast or enthusiast of histoCompany. ry, the Porsche story is compelObviously, what appears ling, and Leffingwell’s documensimple — the installation of tation — with help provided by an American V8 into a British both his research and extensive sports car chassis — really isn’t, photography — supplies a can’tand once you’ve done it you put-it-down narrative. At one need to then sell it and, if you’re point the late ’40s seem so last Carroll Shelby, race it. In raccentury, but within the context ing, Shelby and his team were of Porsche’s evolution it might wildly successful, while showbe yesterday. That impression room reaction to the original is reinforced by the old 356 260 and 289 Cobras was lusty, Porsches you continue to see, as albeit necessarily limited. In a well as the elements of that 356 comparison not unlike that of DNA within every 911. today’s Alfa 4C and Porsche’s There are, of course, literalBoxster, the Cobra was clearly ly hundreds of volumes devoted more visceral than the Corvette, to Porsche and its history. If you but also more one-dimensioncan own just one, there’s a good al. Its successor, the 427 Cobra, argument to be made for Randy remained one-dimensional, with Leffingwell’s latest $60 entry. all of those dimensions signifiIn a crazy coincidence, cantly larger. Porsche’s 356 is known (given Friedman’s photos remain its inverted, wholly organic djboldt@sbcglobal.net

shape) as the bathtub, while the first Boston Whaler, introduced some 10 years after the first Porsche, is known as the ‘blue bathtub.’ And that’s but of many notes found within the pages of Unsinkable: The History of Boston Whaler. In his book, author Matthew D. Plunkett documents the riptide of development that created the singular — and singularly successful — boat company, and the impact it has made on the boating industry in and around the world. In a manner not unlike Porsche, VW or Saab, the founders of Boston Whaler took what was known about the personal boating industry and turned it on its head. Once the boats were launched, a distinctive marketing voice followed. And while ‘unsinkable’ had been associated with boating since 1912, Boston Whalers would inject safety into the boating discussion more forcefully than anything — or anyone — since 1912. Like many products we review, Boston Whalers are too expensive for most incomes. But if you enjoy putting money into long term investments, few will provide the payoff of a Boston Whaler purchase. And to better understand where your money is going, Unsinkable: The History of Boston Whaler is — you guessed it — a whale of a good start. Our thanks to Quarto Publishing for providing review copies of the above titles. More info is available at quarto.com. David Boldt brings years of experience in automotive retail sales and public relations to his automotive reporting. More can be found at txGarage.com.

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OCTOBER 20 - 26, 2017

Contact us at info@katytrailweekly.com with your Community Calendar Event. Oct. 20

3636 Turtle Creek Blvd. Dallas, 75219 214-219-2718

Kalita Humphreys Theater — “The Full Monty” follows six down-on-their luck steelworkers who are desperately seeking employment and a paycheck to support their families — until they come up with a bold way to make some quick cash. Runs through Nov. 5. $30-$50.

Oct. 20

17817 Davenport Road, Suite 110 Dallas, 75252 972-818-1649

CakeMix Recording — The Dallas recording studio is hosting an art show to benefit those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Texas Artists featured include Dallas artists Suzy Moritz-Rawdin and Julia Ross, Dallas photographer Julie Shields, and Austin artists Robin Hegemier, Janell Oakes and Sheri Devino. 6-10 p.m. $12-$15.

Oct. 21

3656 Howell St. Dallas, 75204 214-730-0596

The Rustic — Stop by and enjoy the jam and toast brunch and decorate a pumpkin! TUPPS Brewery will also be featuring their seasonal beer, Full Grown Jack, which will only be available in stores in limited quantities. Noon to 5 p.m.

Oct. 23

2121 McKinney Ave. Dallas, 75201 214-922-4848

Fearing’s Restaurant — The Movies That Should be Musicals team returns to the Live Oak Bar with their latest, an original cabaret-style musical celebrating the spooky, earnest, '90s delight that is “Practical Magic.” 7:30 p.m. $15.

Oct. 23

411 Elm St. Dallas, 75202 214-747-6660

Sixth Floor Museum — As White House correspondent for the Westinghouse Broadcasting Company, Sid Davis closely followed President Kennedy on an almost daily basis. In this special presentation, marking the 55th anniversary of the Cuban missile crisis, Davis will share candid memories from two of the most significant stories: disarming Cuba and Kennedy’s assassination. 7-8:30 p.m. $15.

Oct. 24

1717 N. Akard St. Dallas, 75201 214-720-2020

The Fairmont Dallas — The annual Hope for Humanity dinner is the primary annual fundraising event of the Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance. This year’s honoree is Lauren Embrey, a champion of human rights. 6 p.m.

Oct. 25

2389 Flora St. Dallas, 75201 214-880-0202

Strauss Square — The artists Zakir Hussain and Dave Holland collaborate to create a "crosscurrent" between the idioms of jazz and Indian music. Bassist Holland is one of the most distinguished players in jazz, while Hussain is known for his constant exploration of music. 7:30 p.m. $30-$70.


Picture of the Week



On Oct. 13, a ceremony was held in honor of Texas’ newest Blue Star Memorial marker located at the T. Boone Pickens Hospice and Palliative Care Center at 12477 Merit Drive. Send us an item or photo on Facebook and it may be featured here!




Sp tlight





Christian ministry is reaching millions through the Internet, inspiring people and helping answer life’s toughest questions.

By Sally Blanton

not only provide stability emotionally, but spiritually.

sallyblanton455@gmail.com Each week, Katy Trail Weekly will feature a charity that is doing remarkable work in Dallas, a city known for philanthropy and generosity.

QW hat is your mission or highest

purpose? To present the truth about Jesus Christ and why he came. We want everyone to have a chance to learn about the gospel and what the Bible teaches about Christ, so we developed a website called AmazingGrace.Life. We want to reach all ends of the earth. Amy Simmons Crafton wrote the children‘s book Amazing Grace. Over 175,000 copies have gone all over the world in six different languages. She realized she could reach millions through the Internet and social media. In just one year, Facebook reached more than 3,600,000 and more than 50,000 came to the website looking for answers.


QW hat are some needs of Amazing

Grace Life? We need people to share the website, Facebook and Instagram with everyone they know and care about. Occasionally we need volunteers, mainly around the holidays.


QW hat do you think is the most important thing you provide? The ability to make the gospel/books available to anyone and everyone for free, in hopes of leading people to the Lord.


QW hat is difficult about what you do?

A Not being able to help everyone. There

are so many reputable, good organizations that are giving people a hand up, not a hand out. They need the donations but they also are faith-based and

QW hat are some nonprofits that you

partner with or help? Youth Believing in Change, New Friends New Life, Reconciliation Outreach, West Dallas School, YWAM, Pine Cove, Sky Ranch, Kanakuk Camps, East West Ministries, Feed3, Mercy Street and Operation Care.


QW hat makes you proud that you founded your charity? I feel so blessed to be able to help those in need. Not only proving food and water, but spiritual nutrition that will last a lifetime! A meal can sustain you for a couple of hours, but believing in Jesus will sustain you forever and for eternity!


Q I f you received a check for $20,000

tomorrow where would it best be put to use? I would use the $20,000 to have more Amazing Grace booklets printed in different languages, so the children in other countries can learn about Jesus and hopefully make a choice to follow him.


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QW hat does the future hold for Amazing Grace Life? The future looks great! Our first year we reached 3,600,000 through social media. We hope to reach 10 million in the next couple of years!


Amy Simmons Crafton, founder, answered this week’s questions.

Plan your trip at



OCTOBER 20 - 26, 2017


No telling what Tre Wilcox will do

By Dotty Griffith

sipping a cocktail, club goers may select from shareable plates such as smoked hamachi crudo with Shhh! There’s a new grapefruit, avocado sauce and club downtown with an togarashi panko or beef sliders. ambitious menu. The chef Large plates include a whole red pulling the strings is Tre snapper or a New York strip with Wilcox, who soared to fame truffle fries. several years ago with his Of course, there’s an extenDotty Griffith sive bar program developed by appearance on Bravo’s Top Chef. General Manager James Hamous. Named Don’t Tell Supper Club, the He’s one of the creators and co-owners of bar-restaurant turns into a night club at Uptown’s Standard Pour and High Fives 11 p.m. when circus acts, burlesque dancoff Henderson Avenue. His imaginative ers, aerialists and even hypnotists may fingerprints are everywhere. Bartenders take the stage. The atmosphere is Salvador churn out inventive twists on classic cockDali does cabaret. tails served in unexpected vessels with Until then, diners can dine from surprise garnishes. The Old Fashioned the menu developed by Wilcox. While is presented in an old, medicinal serum bottle; the Negroni features a Death Star ice cube; and the Champagne punch is sprinkled with pop rocks. On a recent tasting visit, Chef Tre was on hand to present some of his menu favorites such as Kobe beef carpaccio and tuna tartare. It was a good chance to catch up with him. Once one of Dallas' higher profile chefs, he’s purposely slipped into some degree of obscurity. OK, if not obscurity at least some time to call his own. Instead of cooking in a multi-star restaurant, Wilcox runs his own business, Cooking Concepts. He operates out of a kitchen facility in Plano where he teaches classes that turn into dinners and corporate team building events as well as catering and consulting. So why the lower profile day job DON'T TELL SUPPER CLUB that leaves him home on evenings and Sharable plates are in at Don't Tell. weekends, prime time in the high-end dotty.griffith@yahoo.com

restaurant business? His 16-year-old daughter Alexis. “I’m the frontiersman of chefs who realized it was unlikely I could be fulltime dad if I stayed a full-time executive chef. That’s why I got out.” A single dad, Tre wanted to spend time with his daughter who is a high school junior in Frisco. Too many chefs feel they must sacrifice family for the business. He didn’t want to do that. When his daughter was in the eighth grade, he realized the demands of a restaurant were a threat to their relationship. Wilcox feared “losing my connection with her.” His mission at Don’t Tell Supper Club was to develop dishes for the menu that were “great food and cost effective.” Supper Club asked me if I’d give them a menu. Give us great food but cost effective. Added two more cold items and four salads to shareable section. He’s added glamour with deviled eggs stuffed with thumb size chunks of lump crab. The whole seared red snapper served with kale, shaved Brussels sprouts, swiss red chard and a soy sesame glaze that imparts a sparkle and distinctive sweet-nutty notes proved memorable. Don’t Tell Supper Club is not your typical Dallas restaurant or club. It’s an anomaly wrapped in a conundrum that can feel like a sensory tsunami. Tell everyone you know. DON’T TELL SUPPER CLUB 2026 Commerce St. Dallas, 75201 214-432-8282 donttellsupperclub.com


Stellar cast lights up Joseph Kosinski's ‘Only the Brave’

By Chic DiCiccio @chiccywood

The manner in which firefighters fight forest blazes is an interesting parallel to the story in “Only the Brave.” These brave men are dropped into chaos and the only way to stop it is literally fighting fire with fire. The characters in this movie, all based on real people, seem to be surrounded by chaos and the only thing that saves them or makes them whole is fire. “Only the Brave” tells the true story surrounding the Granite Mountain Hotshots and their journey from local firefighting crew to a certified team that traveled the country to shut down forest fires. These southern fried good ‘ol boys start off as clichés, but their emotional layers are slowly revealed which makes the inevitable that much more powerful and unbelievably tragic. In short, bring tissues. The team is led by Eric Marsh (Josh Brolin), an extremely gruff fella that doesn’t suffer fools. The first scene with his wife, Amanda (Jennifer Connelly), sets up their loving but rocky marriage between two people with flawed pasts. Marsh is obsessed with getting his crew certified as hotshots, and it’s the main source of friction between the two of them. While Marsh works tirelessly with Duane Steinbrink (Jeff Bridges as Jeff Bridges), Brendan McDonough (Miles Teller) works tirelessly at drug addiction and run-ins with law enforcement. After learning that

his ex-girlfriend is pregnant, Brendan shows up at Marsh’s station looking for a job and an earnestness that impresses Marsh. For the first 30 minutes, “Only the Brave” seems like a straight-forward recap of actual events starring one-note dudes with way too much protein powder in their diets. Thankfully, Ken Nolan and Eric Singer’s screenplay starts peeling layers away and upwards of 10 characters are revealed to be more than they appear. It’s a testament to Sony for giving director Joseph Kosinski the creative freedom to steer the ship away from melodrama and into almost uncharted “studio film” territory. There’s little doubt that “Only the Brave” could have become a “rah rah” crowd pleaser, but the numerous warts of all these actual people make it more challenging and not necessary the feel good story that the masses enjoy. While several actors do more with less (most notably Taylor Kitsch), the casting proves to be impeccable. Miles Teller does have the most difficult role in the entire film and he’s established himself as a fantastic character actor. If there is a character for the audience to clearly identify with, it’s him as an outsider to this already tight-knit group and his desire to prove himself to them and his family. At this point, Josh Brolin can be counted on for excellence no matter what movie he’s in. He’s got an everyman

quality that allows him to easily inhabit the role of a person that you’d like as your neighbor. For a California guy, Brolin has that southern drawl down to the now-perfect level of his co-star, Jeff Bridges. Also, casting directors should do all they can to employ Brolin and Jennifer Connelly as husband and wife whenever possible. Normally, wife roles in movies like this are secondary cheerleaders, but again this script defies convention. Connelly gets a truly indepth part and quickly becomes the emotional core of the entire movie. It’s fairly shocking that “Only the Brave” reportedly had a $38 million budget. The effects, some of which are clearly practical, are quite impressive and dangerously close to the actors. The sound is so impeccable that nearly every distinct and terrifying pop of burning wood is audible. There have been a handful of true life movies based on blue-collar folks like “Only the Brave” released in the last year and many of them went unnoticed. It would be unfortunate for people to stay away from this movie as it’s not only a tear jerker with loads of depth, it’s a moving tribute to those that do the jobs that many of us can’t or won’t. But again, be prepared for an ugly cry.


Josh Brolin and Jennifer Connelly (top) share a moment. The Granite Mountain Hotshots (above) battle one of the worst wildfires in American history at Yarnell Hill, Ariz.



Roasted Brussels Sprouts


By Sara Newberry ROASTED BRUSSELS SPROUTS WITH PANCETTA AND PECANS 1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed, halved (quartered if large) 1 cup diced pancetta 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup chopped pecans Salt and pepper Heat oven to 400F. Line a baking sheet with parchment or foil.

In a bowl, toss Brussels sprouts and pancetta with the olive oil. Season lightly with salt (pancetta is salty) and generously with pepper. Spread into a single layer on the prepared baking sheet and roast just until starting to soften, about 10 minutes. Sprinkle pecans over sprouts and return to the oven until sprouts are dark golden brown, about 10 minutes more.



OCTOBER 20 - 26, 2017


Weather or not, be prepared By Stephan Sardone

the exterior spigots are turned off and secure. And if you want to get real amThe old adage “If you don’t like bitious, paint or varnish your front the weather in Texas, wait 15 mindoor. Cooler temperatures and low utes” never holds truer than now as humidity make outdoor painting we make the transition from a long, chores a breeze. hot summer to the rest of the year. Inside the house, it is time to We really never have a true fall. We “floss” the windows and doors. Poke could have a brutal winter or virtual- around with a putty knife or screwly miss it like we did this year. driver to search for any leaks. Add As the weather becomes coolcaulk or insulation to any exposed er, now is the time to shore up the areas. No one likes to floss, but it house. It is the perfect time takes the teeth out of to do small chores — in those high winter heata day or overtime — that ing bills. will prepare your home for Since you’ve already whatever Mother Nature been on the roof, go into brings to North Texas. the attic during daylight Start outside of the to make sure that there house and work your way are no visible openings inside. Head up to the roof, from the inside. And assuming that you don’t check that the insulasuffer from vertigo, or hire Stephan Sardone tion is placed properly a construction professionand in good shape. It is al to inspect shingles and common for us to see areas around chimneys, pipes, skyinsulation (even recently installed lights or anything you might have or replaced insulation) installed secured to the roof. improperly, so double check that This will prevent two things: your insulation is in the best place 1) Any moisture caused by rain or and installed properly in order to get snow will not enter the house, and maximum benefit. 2) As those pesky rodents that love Take care of some basics like reto hide in a warm attic to make their placing filters and batteries in smoke winter home will not have a source alarms. You probably have not used of entry. your wood-burning fireplace in If you do hire a professional months. Inspect it thoroughly to for a roof inspection, thoroughly look for leaks, or hire a chimney research the company and make sweep to come by and prepare the sure that they are happy to do fireplace for winter use. It’s also a small patchwork jobs and are not good time to make sure that your just looking for the big ticket roof water heater is working properly. replacement. Unlike other appliances, they don’t Clean your gutters and downlast forever and an inspection will spouts. Leaves can pile up fast. The prevent a cold shower and put your one thing that can be counted on in mind at ease. Dallas is that there will be at least Here is a job that is not very one torrential downpour lasting sexy, but well worth a Saturday minutes or hours, and you don’t morning before the college footwant any drainage clogs causing un- ball games come on TV. If you are foreseen issues. a green thumb, go to the garage or Search around the house for shed, give your garden tools a good exposed pipes. Make sure that the scrubbing and organize them for areas are clear for easy access should winter storage. a deep freeze come through. Check You will be surprised how much all connections, and consider wrapyou can get done in the 15 minutes ping the pipes with a winter tape these tasks take to perform while which is available at hardware and you wait for the weather to change. home improvement stores. This will prevent freezing and busted pipes. Sardone Design-Build Remodel Also, if you have any exterior garden is locally owned and operated. hoses, now is the time to coil them Sardone, his wife and two daughters up for winter. And make sure that are Lake Highlands residents.


By Candy Evans


shed. The exterior is freshly painted shades of gray and white with a bright pop of color with the yellow Deep in the heart of East Dallas, front door. The roof is new, as is the in a family friendly neighborhood, electrical panel. find a California midcentury with a Every room is light and bright marvelous aesthetic. throughout the house and Hey there, you know there are hardwood floors us at CandysDirt.com, as well as recessed lights. right? And you know how The house offers a modmuch we love to bring your est-sized footprint and glorious properties in each makes the most of it with and every category across a partially open floorplan the Metroplex. Well, this in the common areas, one is a humdinger and it’s Candace Evans moving the eye naturally so cheap, you could practithrough the rooms. cally just say "charge it!” The updated eat-in Feel the mid-mod vibe kitchen features buyer wants withat 2361 San Marcus Ave. in Casa out sacrificing the mid-mod feel. View Haven, built in 1953, beautifulRenovations added a breakfast bar, ly maintained and tastefully updated. quartz countertops, blue clay-fired The retro re-do, our Tuesday Two backsplash, white cabinets and Hundred, takes the best of the origstainless steel appliances. A nearby inal features, like awning windows utility closet fits a full-sized stackand refinished hardwoods and adds able washer and dryer which is a big on-trend styles and colors. convenience. This home has three bedrooms, Find chic updates in the bathone bathroom and 1,150 square feet room, too, including a floating vanon one story. It is listed by Shelly ity and oversized sink, teal-colored Seltzer with Ebby Halliday Realtors walls, new lights, hex tile on the and located near Gus Thomasson floor and new tile in the shower. Road and Ferguson Road. Ready to Hardwoods extend to the nearby check it out? bedrooms, which also have lots of The curb appeal is quintessennatural light. tial midcentury modern with a douThere’s lots of room to play in ble carport and nice-sized storage


This home at 2361 San Marcus Ave. is listed by Shelly Seltzer for $229,900. the backyard, which has a six-foot privacy fence. It’s pretty much a blank slate for the next owners. The only downside of this property we can see is the one bathroom. That is a hard sell for a family looking for a three-bedroom. But the asking price of $229,900 just might change minds. It was listed on Oct. 13 by Seltzer and won’t stay on the market long. CandysDirt.com is the only blog in Dallas for the truly real estate obsessed! Named by National Association of Real Estate Editors as the BEST Real Estate Blog in the country.


Showtime’s ‘White Famous’ based on overused premise By Ed Bark

viral after being posted on YouTube. And Floyd’s career suddenly has new unclebarky@verizon.net momentum, with Foxx (who ocIt’s an easy sell, and now even casionally will play himself) taking more so, to depict Hollywood as one notice and offering a role in his latest big, soulless, immoral den of iniquity. movie. That’s one of the basic premises of Foxx should be credited, I guess, Showtime’s expletive-drenched “White with portraying himself as a suFamous,” which premiered Oct. 15 per-quirky Lothario who’s first seen and supposedly is based on princicopulating with a naked woman in his SHOWTIME pal executive producer (and Terrell, trailer before Floyd sees that he’s wearJamie Foxx and Jay Pharoah. Texas native) Jamie Foxx’s real-life ing a cheerleader’s skirt. What follows experiences. is even more bizarre — and basically OK, fine. The harder sell is distasteful. “White Famous” over-playing the race card as an oppresSupporting characters, all of whom work into the mix sive force in the life of Floyd Mooney (Jay Pharoah), a pretty well, include Floyd’s proudly corpulent best friend, halfway gainful standup comic looking to get ahead on Ron Balls (Jacob Ming-Trent), his estranged wife, Sadie his own terms. It doesn’t entirely negate the effectiveness (Cleopatra Coleman) and their appealing seven-year-old of this comedy’s oft-coarse humor — or offset Pharoah’s son, Trevor (Lonnie Chavis). Floyd dotes on his “Little aggressive approach to his lead role. Still, “White Famous” Ninja” while also hoping to reconnect with Sadie, who’s would benefit by easing up on rather than ramming home relented in the past when the mood is right. These aren’t what’s rapidly becoming a dated proposition. Cesspool? entirely booty calls. His affection for Sadie seems genuine, Hollywood remains very much guilty as charged. Fount of even if Floyd also is prone to other women’s advances. racism, intended or otherwise? Evidence abounds on our Hollywood as a whole has no redeeming qualities, home screens that television in particular increasingly is though. The rot from within is epitomized by filmmaker nothing of the sort. Teddy Snow (the always crazed Michael Rapaport), who Floyd’s flailing agent, Malcolm (Utkarsh Ambudkar), uses staged racism, among other things, to bait Floyd into who’s of Middle Eastern descent, is fully capable of bendtaking on a role as the renegade leader of a ’90s punk band ing the truth in service to his client and himself. But he's called Angry Black. No one can be trusted to be even renot lying in telling an unconvinced Floyd in Episode 2 that motely on the up and up. All of Hollywood is self-interest “it is pilot season in the golden age of diversity.” personified. Screwing someone to get ahead — literally or In other words, television roles of import have befiguratively — is a given throughout “White Famous.” come plentiful for people of color. These are times when Pharoah nonetheless brings the juice. Seldom more the landscape is brimming with examples ranging from than a peripheral member of the “Saturday Night Live” Donald Glover’s Emmy-winning “Atlanta” on FX; to cast, he plays Floyd without reservation and with an asABC’s thriving “black-ish;” to HBO’s “Insecure;” to The sured, cockeyed conviction. “White Famous” can be faultCW’s de-whitening of its “Dynasty” reboot — to name ed in its conceits and concept, but Pharoah is fully invested just a very few examples. Even CBS’ upcoming remake of and funny at times, too. As when Floyd balks at Sadie’s “S.W.A.T.” will have an African-American, Shemar Moore determination to enroll their son in a prestigious private from “Criminal Minds,” in the lead role of hard-charging school by extolling the battered public school system as a “Hondo” Harrelson. Game shows, once as white bread as “prison” that spurred him to break out they come, are now humming along in prime-time with and be somebody rather than going Steve Harvey, Anthony Anderson and Michael Strahan as soft. hosts. Through the first three episodes Malcolm does want Floyd to relent and “cross over” a made available for review, “White bit in the interests of becoming a “white famous” star. Even Famous” struggles to get its grounding that notion has become increasingly dated, though. And and sometimes falls hard after slipping this is no period piece. It’s set in the here and now rather on its own banana peels. But it doesn’t than the 1990s, when Foxx’s career took root in “The Jamie look like a lost cause just yet. It looks Foxx Show.” like a show that could mature into Nonetheless, Episode 1 of “White Famous” includes something more than it is now, with a labored encounter between Floyd and a prominent Pharoah as a sturdy building block and Hollywood producer named Stu Beggs (Dallasite Stephen two Texans stacked on top of him. Tobolowsky in a recurring role), who mistakes him for a Ed Bark, who runs the TV website valet before awkwardly apologizing and digging himself unclebarky.com, is a past member of the even deeper while being upbraided. The “incident” goes national Peabody awards board.

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1 Fencers' blades 6 NFL broadcaster 10 Chicken morsels 15 Throw for -- -20 Probe

21 Hyrax 22 Light incense to 23 Discover (2 wds.) 24 Dressy events 25 River in France 26 Continue a contract

27 Premier Zhou -28 Helen, in Madrid 29 Market 30 Rapidly 31 Jacket part 32 Nine-digit I.D. 33 Infuriated

35 Warty critter 37 Verbose (hyph.) 39 Untamed 41 John -- (the Lone Ranger) 43 Skirmish 44 Dervish, for one

47 Androcles' pal 49 Show team spirit 51 Unburdened 52 Oklahoma town 56 Buffalo's lake 57 Saloon sign (2 wds.) 59 Marinate 61 "Nighty-night" hour 63 Vitamin amt. 64 Egypt neighbor 66 TV equine (2 wds.) 68 Kid watcher 69 Lighter fluid 73 Farm structures 75 Go slow 77 Ivana's successor 78 DEA operative 80 Steel rod 82 Hyde Park sight 84 Deposed Amin 85 Suit color (2 wds.) 89 Began again 91 Unusual 94 Ghost -- -- chance 95 Auction site 97 Fastened 99 Nile sun god (var.) 100 Whales like Shamu 103 Burnoose wearer 105 Doctrine 107 Impolite noise 111 Closed tightly 113 Social climber 115 Bright star in Orion 117 Massen of "Tokyo Rose" 118 Subjects of wills 120 Hire a caddie 122 Taj - 124 Shaman's quest


125 "-- So Cold" (Stones tune) 126 Drop -- -- line 128 Hang onto 130 Eighteen-wheeler 131 ZIP - 132 Good, to Juan 134 Paydirt Pete's sch. 136 Orlando attraction 138 Dance wear 143 Time spans 145 Approves 146 Soyuz destination 149 Squirrel's hoard 150 Gathered leaves 152 Karate cousin 154 New moon to new moon 156 Herald of spring 157 Punctuation mark 158 Japanese noodles 159 More weird 160 Make very happy 161 Fragrant shrub 162 Accumulate 163 Bete - 164 Put up clapboards 165 Romantic interlude 166 Car lifter 167 Sipped DOWN

1 Verges 2 Chimes 3 DeGeneres sitcom 4 Novelist -- Hunter 5 Elmo's street 6 Maneuver slowly 7 Refine, as ore 8 Pizza place 9 Compass pt. 10 "Star Trek" speed


record of any recent purchase of heartworm preventatives. bethleermakersphd.com When I called the “other” “Don’t judge a book by family’s vet, I discovered its cover.” I can still hear that this family’s pets were my mother’s voice inside all current on everything, my head. And yet I someincluding their heartworm times forget these words of preventatives. Furthermore, wisdom. I recently had two Dr. Leermakers the vet receptionist told me applications for my favorite that one of their dogs takes foster dog, Mickey Mouse. many medications, and those One family lives in a rural area, in a prescriptions are refilled regularly. modest home with several dogs, rabMy assumption — that the seemingly bits, cats and horses. The other family wealthier family would take better care resides in an upscale suburban neighof Mickey — may not be true, at least borhood, in a huge home with an even based on the vetting history. bigger fenced yard. Yes, I checked out Assumptions can help us make their addresses on Google and Zillow. decisions in a timely manner. We Without meeting the first family, I don’t usually have the luxury of time made a snap decision that the latter to gather information and analyze the family, whom I met at an adoption nuances in every situation. We use event, would provide a better home for our knowledge about past behavior or my beloved Mickey because they had experiences to predict what will hap(apparently) more financial resources. pen in the future. Because I see many Then I checked their vet referheartworm-positive dogs in rural anences, calling to be sure their current imal shelters, I assume that people in pets are up-to-date on vaccinations those areas won’t provide adequate and heartworm preventative. I was vetting for their dogs. disappointed to learn that, although Unfortunately, assumptions can she was current on her vaccinations, get us in trouble. Remember the old the resident dog of my “chosen” famsaying “When you assume, you make ily was several months overdue for an ass out of you and me?” That hapher heartworm test, and there was no pens sometimes. Assumptions can lead

Dr. Beth Leermakers is a clinical psychologist who specializes in stress management and well-being seminars and coaching. Contact her at 214-9233766 or bethleerwork@gmail.com.

by Stella Wilder

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 7) You must know just what your true purpose really is this week, otherwise you will simply wander and become more frustrated with yourself. (Nov. 8-Nov. 21) — You and a friend, though separated by necessary circumstances, will find a way to stay in touch and keep things moving forward in a most

productive way. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 7) A reunion of sorts is to be expected today, but as soon as you think you know what it will bring, you're likely to be quite surprised. (Dec. 8-Dec. 21) ­— Someone is trying to keep you off balance this week. The work you do is good, and you may rely on your track record to give you confidence. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 6) You are likely to encounter someone who is proposing nothing concrete; take care you aren't taken in by this sham. (Jan. 7-Jan. 19) — You will get closer to a certain personal goal this week than you have ever gotten — though you may not be ready to take the last few necessary steps. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 3) You may have to study certain situations and circumstances carefully this week before you have the confidence to jump in. (Feb. 4-Feb. 18) — You are waiting for someone to provide you with certain essentials, but you can't wait too long! You can get moving without having all the tools at your disposal. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 5) You may have to search long and hard for something that only recently was right by your side. You will want to determine just how it was lost. (March 6-March 20) — Focus on that which appears clear

87 Leave empty 88 Beagle features 90 Overalls material 92 Luau fare 93 Business abbr. 96 Yin complement 98 Ballerina painter 101 Woe is me! 102 Solidify 104 Reserve a flight 106 Giggle (hyph.) 108 1950s crooner 109 Drew on 110 Window part 112 Disagrees 114 Roquefort hue 116 Spoofs 119 Appear to be 121 Honored in style 123 Salt block 124 When DST ends 127 Type of barometer 129 Part of mpg 132 Forbidden 133 Aloud 135 Kind of party 137 "Puppy Love" singer 138 -- and penates 139 Gene-splicing bacteria (2 wds.) 140 Smell moldy (2 wds.) 141 Correspond 142 Olaf's toast 144 Yma - 146 Tibet neighbor 147 Bow opposite 148 Fiona's love 151 SASE, e.g. 153 Cubicle filler 155 Aroma 157 151, to Caesar 158 Sahib's rule

to prejudicial treatment of people or animals (judging pit bulls based on misconceptions) and missed opportunities. When reviewing the applications, I should have checked the vet references and spoken with both families before ruling out one family based on them being “geographically undesirable.” I often tell people to judge dogs based on their behavior, not their breed/appearance. Don’t assume that a pit bull is aggressive — just because you’ve seen sensational news stories about pit bull attacks. Take time to meet the dog and evaluate his behavior. The families who apply to adopt my foster dogs deserve the same consideration and respect. When you catch yourself making assumptions about people based on their appearance or external characteristics, stop and analyze the situation. Gather more data about the person’s behavior. Ask questions and observe their behavior. Withhold judgment until you’ve checked out your assumptions. You may just be surprised …

YOUR STARS THIS WEEK The coming week is likely to lull many into the belief that things can be accomplished as easily as one-two-three. But for those who care to look more closely, there will be an undercurrent of conflict that makes things much more complex, if not difficult, than any appearances may suggest. What happens this week isn't the result of any astrological conspiracy, however! Anyone who looks for some sort of diabolical influence over their affairs is sure to be disappointed, or relieved! Those who know that nothing is quite what it seems will be ready for what comes — including difficulties that were not anticipated and for which, perhaps, one cannot even prepare. This week, endeavors both easy and hard must be approached in a realistic manner. On the personal front, this is a week of discoveries. Friends, lovers, spouses and even archenemies are likely to uncover truths about others that change the landscape ever so slightly — but quite significantly. The result, of course, is that nothing assumed to be "permanent" is so: Everything can change and will, eventually, to some degree.

11 Just right 12 Sarge, for one 13 Leafier 14 Apply a patch 15 Type of penguin 16 White-sale buy 17 Eyed amorously 18 Debonair 19 Eavesdropped 21 Scorns 30 Zorro's farewell 31 Garbo and Borg 34 The younger Guthrie 36 -- Lingus 38 Facile 39 Hag's cry 40 Yoga position 42 Gloom's partner 44 Certain Slav 45 Pakistan language 46 Edict 48 Lowest ebb 50 Field cover 52 R&B singer James 53 Corrosive acid 54 Shoe-happy Marcos 55 Jump the tracks 58 More washed-out 60 Brown seaweed 62 Shady 65 Dynamite inventor 67 Boots' pal 70 Your choice 71 Apprehend 72 -- Stanley Gardner 74 Anwar of Egypt 76 Statistics 79 -- libre (cocktail) 81 Kitchen tool 83 Bullfinch topic 85 Dogie stoppers 86 Once more


Sometimes I hear things, but forget the words

By Dr. Beth Leermakers

and crisp; don't spend time trying to work your way through any kind of fog — whether real or imagined. ARIES (March 21-April 4) Any sense of ease this week is coming from within, for that which you face is likely to be more complicated than usual. (April 5-April 19) — Just because something is hard doesn't mean it isn't worth doing; on the contrary, it is likely to be far more important for you to do because it is difficult! TAURUS (April 20-May 5) What you are doing may confuse those who only claim to know you, but those who know you well will understand everything quite clearly. (May 6-May 20) — You know where to go for the kind of assistance you need, but you may choose to solicit it without letting anyone else know. Why is that? GEMINI (May 21-June 6) You can give yourself precisely what you need, but don't you think it will be more satisfying to let a loved one do it for you? (June 7-June 20) — You may be getting yourself in hot water without even knowing it; as the week progresses, you'll want to know just how others are reacting to your every move. CANCER (June 21-July 7) In the time it takes to do something half as difficult you can reach a certain personal goal this

Copyright 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. week — and share benefits with a friend. (July 8-July 22) — It may be time for you to come clean and let others know just what you've done, and why. There should be no punishment in store; it will all make sense! LEO (July 23-Aug. 7) You may be distracted throughout much of the week by someone who is doing things in a way that doesn't sit well with you. (Aug. 8-Aug. 22) — You may have to repeat yourself in word and deed more than a few times in order to ensure that others know what you're talking about and what you are doing. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 7) Don't let anyone push you into a corner this week. You must remain free and flexible so that you can maneuver as necessary to avoid obstacles. (Sept. 8-Sept. 22) — A threat comes to you in an unusual form this week, and you may not recognize it for what it is until the time comes for you to act. Don't hesitate! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 7) You are able to show someone close to you just how you expect certain things to be done. When the time comes, you can let him or her fly solo. (Oct. 8-Oct. 22) — What you have lost is likely to be found by someone who didn't even know it was missing. This week, you'll have many occasions to thank perfect strangers.

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OCTOBER 20 - 26, 2017



By Sally Blanton

OCTOBER 20 - 26, 2017



Society Editor

Kidney Texas Luncheon and Fashion Show Brook Hollow Golf Club

Chair Susan Russell, President Andrea Alcorn, Chair Christine Martin

Awardee Natalie Taylor, Sue Goodnight

Honorary Chairs Steve and Linda Ivy

Hope Fest Live at Harwood Happiest Hour

Brighton Keller, Bridget Barbier-Mueller

Ribbon Cutting “The Parlor” for young children Dallas Heritage Village

Kelly Whaley, Paige Vanderkamp, Jessica Young, Dylan Reid

Caroline Fair, Kaleta Blaffer, Sadie Batson, Audrey DeWitt, Emily Dawson

United Way Toqueville Society Omni Hotel

Capa and Troy Aikman

Awardees Dustin Holcomb and Nerissa von Helpenstill, Dee Lincoln

Jessica Carrier, Attorney Matthew Mitzne, DHV President Melissa Prycer, Mandy Olsen, Trey Pugh, Katie Grimes

DIFFA Grants to AIDS service organizations Resource Center Auditorium

Annette Simmons, Dr. Ken Altshuler, Ruth Sharp Altshuler, Gene Jones

Dr. Ken Cooper, Millie Cooper, Diane and Hal Brierley

Andrew Griffith, Carol Quist, Freddy Valderrrama



To be featured in this section, call: 214-27-TRAIL or email: info@katytrailweekly.com


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OCTOBER 20 - 26, 2017


Our Favorite Restaur ants AMERICAN – HOMESTYLE Beck’s Prime 5931 Forest Ln. 972-661-8681 Bubba’s Cooks Country 6617 Hillcrest 214-373-6527 Mama’s Daughters’ Diner 2014 Irving Blvd. 214-742-8646 Riverside Grill 940 Riverfront Blvd. 214-748-2700 ASIAN – JAPANESE – SUSHI Blue Sushi Sake Grill 7859 Walnut Hill, #100 972-677-7887 Sushi House 5619 W. Lovers Ln. 214-350-2100 Sushi Kyoto II 6429 Hillcrest Ave. 214-520-9991 Ten Ramen 1818 Sylvan Ave. 972-803-4400 WaiWai Kitchen – Sushi, Noodles 4315 Lemmon Ave. 214-520-8868 BAKERY – DESSERTS – ICE CREAM Celebrity Café & Bakery 10720 Preston Rd,#1016 214-373-0783 Crème de la Cookie 6025 Royal Ln. 214-363-4766 6706 Snider Plaza 214-265-5572 Einstein Bros. Bagels 3827 Lemmon Ave. 214-526-5221 6011 Royal Ln. 214-265-1435 6109 Berkshire Ln, #A 214-691-2445 Gigi’s Cupcakes 5450 W. Lovers, #130 214-352-2253 Highland Park Soda Fountain 3229 Knox St. 214-521-2126 Marble Slab Creamery 3001 Knox St., #103 214-219-0300 6130 Berkshire Ln. 214-369-5566

Mojo Donuts 6522 Lemmon Ave. Mustang Donuts 6601 Hillcrest Ave. The Original Cupcakery 2222 McKinney, #230 Paciugo 3699 McKinney Ave. Pokey O’s 3034 Mockingbird Top Pot Doughnuts 8611 Hillcrest, #195 Yummy Donuts 4355 Lovers Ln.

214-357-5154 214-363-4878 214-855-0003 214-219-2665 214-987-1200 469-232-9911 214-520-7680

BAR-B-Q Aloha Hawaiian Barbecue 5601 Lemmon, A-1 214-521-8868 Big Al’s Smokehouse Barbecue 3125 Inwood Rd. 214-350-9445 Dickey’s Barbecue Pit 2324 McKinney Ave. 469-248-3149 Katy Trail Ice House 3127 Routh St. 214-468-0600 Peggy Sue Bar-B-Q 6600 Snider Plaza 214-987-9188 Smokey John’s Bar-B-Que 1820 W. Mockingbird 214-352-2752 BARS, PUBS & TAVERNS 6th Street Bar / Uptown 3005 Routh St. 214-965-0962 Big Al’s McKinney Ave. Tavern 2907 McKinney Ave. 214-969-1984 British Beverage Co. 2800 Routh St., #115 214-922-8220 The Corner Bar & Grill 4830 McKinney 214-219-8002

The Ginger Man - Uptown 2718 Boll St. 214-754-8771 The Idle Rich Pub 2614 McKinney Ave. 214-965-9926 Nickel and Rye 2523 McKinney Ave. 214-389-2120 The Quarter Bar 3301 McKinney Ave. 214-754-0106 Time Out Tavern 5101 W. Lovers Ln. 214-956-9522 Uptown Pub & Grill 3605 McKinney 214-522-5100 Windmill Lounge 5320 Maple Ave. 214-443-7818 BREAKFAST AND/OR LUNCH Bailey’s Cafe 2525 Inwood Rd., #123 214-350-9445 Original Pancake House 2900 Lemmon Ave. 214-528-7215 4343 W. NW Hwy,#375 214-351-2012 Two Sisters 3111-C Monticello 214-526-1118 BURGERS, DELI & SANDWICHES Blues Burgers 1820 W. Mockingbird 214-750-9100 BGR – The Burger Joint 3001 Knox St., #108 469-941-4471 Burger House 6913 Hillcrest 214-361-0370 Chip’s Old-Fashioned Hamburgers 4530 W. Lovers Ln. 214-691-2447 East Hampton Sandwich Co. 6912 Snider Plaza 214-363-2888 Gazeebo Burgers 5950 Royal Ln. 214-368-3344 Goff’s Hamburgers 6401 Hillcrest 214-520-9133

This is half of Our Favorite Restaurants. See the full list at our website: KatyTrailWeekly.com

Great American Hero 4001 Lemmon Ave. 214-521-2070 Hunky’s Old-Fashioned Hamburgers 3930 Cedar Springs 214-522-1212 Jake’s Hamburgers 2702 McKinney, #101 214-754-8001 Jersey Mike’s Subs 3001 Knox St. 214-520-7827 5301 W. Lovers Ln. 214-350-7611 8411 Preston Rd., #118 214-691-7827 Mooyah Burger 6713 W. N.W. Hwy. 214-987-2666 Potbelly Sandwich Shop 5921 Forest Ln., #100 972-392-7771 Smashburger 4235 W. NW Hwy, #100 972-220-1222 Snuffer’s 8411 Preston Rd, #112 214-265-9911 Subway – SMU area 6935 Hillcrest 214-444-9068 Village Burger – West Village 3699 McKinney 214-443-9998 Wild About Harry’s – Katy Trail Serving up Harry’s mother's recipe of creamy frozen custard in many flavors made daily, award-winning hot dogs & a friendly atmosphere, Harry's has become the place to eat and relax for everyone. Open: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., 7 days a week. www.wildaboutharrys.com 3113 Knox St. 214-520-3113 CHINESE Howard Wang’s China Grill 3223 Lemmon Ave. 214-954-9558 4343 N.W. Hwy, #345 214-366-1606 Royal China

6025 Royal Ln., #201 Wang’s Chinese Café 6033 Luther Ln.


4416 W. Lovers Ln. Henry’s Majestic 4900 McKinney Ave. Lucky’s Cafe 3531 Oak Lawn The Rustic 3656 Howell St. Stoneleigh P 2926 Maple Ave.


COFFEE & SPECIALTIES Drip Coffee Co. 4343 W. Lovers Ln. 214-599-7800 Oak Lawn Coffee 2720 Oak Lawn 214-219-5511 Sip Stir Cafe 3800 McKinney, #180 214-443-9100 Starbucks 2801 Allen St., #180 214-965-9696 3216 Knox St. 214-520-2273 4343 W. NW Hwy. 214-654-0704 Union Coffee Shop 5622 Dyer St. 214-242-9725

972-267-3336 469-893-9400 214-522-3500 214-730-0596 214-871-2346

ETHIOPIAN Dallul 2515 Inwood Rd, #117 214-353-0805 FRENCH Rise No 1 Salon de Souffle 5360 W. Lovers, #220 214-366-9900 Toulouse Café & Bar 3314 Knox St. 214-520-8999 Whisk Crepes Café 1888 Sylvan Ave. 469-353-9718

ECLECTIC Angela’s Cafe 7979 Inwood Rd. 214-904-8122 Black-Eyed Pea 3857 Cedar Springs 214-521-4580 Bread Winners Café & Bakery 3301 McKinney Ave. 214-754-4940 5560 W. Lovers, #260 214-351-3339 Buzzbrews 4334 Lemmon Ave. 972-521-4334 Café Brazil 3847 Cedar Springs. 214-461-8762 Café Express 5600 W. Lovers, #109 214-352-2211 Denny’s 2030 Market Ctr. Blvd. 214-749-6215 Dick’s Last Resort 2211 N. Lamar, #100 214-747-0001 Eden Rest. & Pastries

GERMAN Kuby’s Sausage House 6601 Snider Plaza 214-363-2231 GREEK Greek Isles 5934 Royal Ln. Little Greek 9665 N. Central Exwy.

214-234-7662 214-696-1234

Do you have a favorite area restaurant or bar you want to see listed in this Directory? If so, please call:

214-27-TRAIL (214-278-7245)


Canadian colony of Riverview, Saskatchewan is a throwback in time

By Michael Wald

pass through fields of golden canola, wheat, corn, peas and other crops, all on a vast farm. My tour guide upon arrival is Bertha, wald.world@yahoo.com whose everyday language is “low German,” but she gives the tour in Today, I demonstrate how travel opens your eyes and teachhesitant English, explaining how the community operates. es new ideas. I visited a Hutterite colony. I am transported back She is one of four community cooks. Her husband is the assisin time. This community, Riverview, is 30 minutes outside of tant minister. His father is the community “boss,” responsible for Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, but there are similar communiall the finances of the community, relieving all other community ties in far northern U.S. such as Montana. I called ahead for a tour members from having to concern themselves at all with money. of a unique way of life in this agrarian religious sect. At Riverview everyone has an assigned job. The community meets The Hutterites derive from Germany and are somewhat simthree times a day at the dining room for meals, and daily for maleilar to the Amish and the Mennonites. They farm and ranch for led religious services in a newly-built church building. In the dining a living, while living an extremely minimalist life. They dress in room, men and women sit separately, seated in assigned seats, arhandmade clothes and eat as a community in a large dining area. ranged by age. Those under age 16 eat separately, also seated by age Riverview has 100 people within 26 families. As the commuand gender, with an adult couple assigned to supervise their meals. nity grows to around 120, their tradition is to form a new commuChildren under six eat at home. nity starting with 60 people, leaving 60 people behind in the old Every family has their own home, but as all meals are commucommunity. nal, they do not have full kitchens. On the drive into the community over rural dirt roads, you Some of the assigned jobs in the community are limited to men. They involve various aspects of the farming operation, which include chickens, cattle, pigs, lamb and goats. On the day of my visit the community had just slaughtered their egg-producing chickens from the prior year and had started growing new chickens. People travel from all around to get eggs and fresh chickens, MICHAEL WALD as well as other Eggs (above right) from the colony. At Riverview in Western Canada, the Hutterites (above) live together and dine together and are assigned farming responsibilities in order to feed the group.

frozen, butchered meats. The chicken operation is run by men and women of the community together in a barn with a freezer and stainless steel benches to prepare the chickens for sale. A community carpentry shop makes everyone’s furniture and also sells furniture to nearby stores for resale. Laundry is done twice a week by each family, but two women are assigned to the laundry room to assist. Children attend a one-room school on the community grounds with a teacher supplied by the local city. School is only through grade nine. A couple of community men are selected for trade school after that to learn electrical and plumbing trades so the community can build new houses. There are no televisions in the community. Only the men have cell phones once they reach age 15, as they are needed in the operation of the farm. Every person is given a monthly allowance of about $15 for personal expenses such as birthday presents. No one forces you to stay in the community. If you need a doctor, you go to town. The community uses the local medicine system for healthcare. Life in this community is mostly set for you. You do your assigned job, you are fed, you make your own clothing from cloth given to you and your time is taken up in community activities. You are isolated from worldly concerns. Whether this life is liberating or feels like a jail sentence depends on the individual. But no matter what, Hutterite life is certainly interesting to observe. Michael Wald is a travel specialist with special expertise in Panama adventure travel. He blogs about travel and other musings at untroddenla.com. Follow him @Adventourist and see where he is off to next.



Phubbing: a new way of ignoring By Donna Arp Weitzman

In its essence, phubbing is a major hindrance to communication, which is just a stepping stone to worse problems. When there’s not good communication, a couple can grow disModern-day dating and retant, fight more and even suffer intimately. Such lationships are completely differalienation can also cause trust issues, as one ent than they were decades ago, person remains in constant wonder about what and it’s mostly for one particular their partner is so immersed in on their phone. reason: technology. Technology This stuff is no phunny business. (Ha!) poses good and bad things for Donna Arp Weitzman Phubbing is in the top four reasons for divorce our relationships and daily enin this country, along with money, sex and counters; not only does it help kids. It’s important for lovers in society to become create connections, but it also keeps us in touch with more self-aware and make some changes, even if it’s family and friends overseas or in different states. going against one’s second nature of screen addiction. On the other hand, it has created quite the disBefore pulling out your phone, be thoughtful enough traction in a lot ways. It’s given us reasons to not to ask before you do it. That gives your partner comcommunicate in person, and it’s given us a default fort in knowing that you are aware of their feelings action for when we feel awkward or bored. Therefore, and the potential of it bothering them. we never learn how to just be in a moment, nor feel Also, be open to your partner also phubbing confident when eating alone at a restaurant. every now and then, especially if you’re going to. I won’t go into all the ways technology has affectHave an agreement that it’s okay every now and then, ed our daily lives and relationships, but one in particand be sure to keep yourself from taking it personally ular has to do with a phenomenon called “Phubbing.” when it does happen. Ultimately, we need to get out Funny word, huh? It means, “Phone Partner of our heads and out of the virtual world at our finSnubbing.” In other words, your phone is more intergertips just for a minute to see the person across from esting than your partner, and you’d rather focus on us. We don’t have a lot of time on this earth, so let’s your smartphone than pay attention to your date. not waste the moments we could be looking into their On average, we check our cell phones 150 times eyes, hearing their voice and connecting on a deeper a day. Sadly, that doesn’t stop even when on a date, as level than LinkedIn. 50 percent of all dates today end with phubbing. Put simply, phubbing is just ignoring your partner, which A former mayor and businesswoman, Donna Arp sends negative and hurtful messages: “You’re not that Weitzman was a later-dater before marrying Herb interesting” or “You’re not that important,” or even “I Weitzman in 2012. She is the author of Cinderella has could be talking to someone else right now.” This can Cellulite and Sex and the Siren, both best selling books cause your partner to feel discounted and not valuavailable on Amazon. able, which then creates conflict. donnajarp@gmail.com


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OCTOBER 20 - 26, 2017


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