MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
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Katy Trail Weekly
Vol. 4, No. 7
Neighborhood News
Community Calendar and Live Music Guide
New logo gains STEAM The Moody Innovation Institute, formed to advance the study of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) in grades K-12 in the Highland Park Independent School District (HPISD) unveiled a new logo on Friday. The symbols of a DNA strand, circuits, scale, paintbrush and golden ratio symbol represent the cross-disciplinary alignment of STEAM. The institute was made possible through a grant by the Moody Foundation. — HPISD
Clean-up planned for corridor The Trinity River Conservation Corps’ Corporate Day of Service is Friday, April 7 from 8:30 a.m. to noon. The day of service takes place within the Trinity River Corridor at the Moore Park Gateway and Photo courtesy of TRCC Santa Fe Trestle Trail, 1837 E. 8th St. Corporate leaders, organizations and individuals will plant native grasses, help pick up trash and participate in a “bio-blitz,” which will capture inventory of the biodiversity in the area using an app. For more info and registration, go to trinityparkconservancy.org. — Juliette Coulter
Flea Style in big space Flea Style (formerly The Dallas Flea) takes over the 100,000-square-foot Automobile Building at Fair Park on Friday, April 7 from 5-8 p.m. and Saturday, April Photo courtesy of Flea Style 8 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The best handmade, vintage and one-ofa-kind wares from Texas artisans and small businesses are available. Expect 200+ vendors offering art, furniture, paper goods, fashion, jewelry, dog gear and more. Free parking. For tickets and more information, go to fleastyle.com. — Joanne Yurich
Vince Jones work on display Liliana Bloch Gallery presents a new solo exhibition by Dallas-based artist Vince Jones. Using found objects, discarded materials and recycled text in his sculptures and collages, Jones makes witty assemblages that suggest the neo-era of American “arte povePhoto courtesy of Liliana Bloch Gallery ra.” Jones lives and works in Dallas. An opening reception will be Saturday, April 1 from 6 to 9 p.m. The exhibit runs through May 6. The Liliana Bloch Gallery is at 2271 Monitor St. — David Mullen
2 4 5 6 7
Notes from the Editor Along the Green Trail Fitness Bubba Flint Community Calendar Charity Spotlight
Dotty Griffith Recipe of the Week
Hammer and Nails
Winding Roads Crossword Puzzle Your Stars This Week
8 9 10 11
Uncle Barky Uptown Girl
Restaurant Directory Dallas Arts
Travel Automobility
Shop the Trail Scene Around Town
Arts and Entertainment
7-Eleven encourages more women ownership
By David Mullen
said. “So, we are looking for some females to help get these stores franchised.” And one woman will win the As part of an ongoing opportunity to become a franchise commitment by locally-based owner. 7-Eleven, Inc., the company is Now through April 7, the comreaching out to women in DFW pany is awarding a woman a 7-Eleven and nationally to attract new fee-free franchise, a value of up to franchisee ownership for their $190,000. After submitting an appliconvenience store chain. And cation, the top 25 qualified candidates currently, they are even proare asked to write an essay, meet with viding an opportunity for one corporate management and create a woman to own her own store Photo courtesy of 7-Eleven, Inc. video on why they deserve a 7-Eleven for free. franchise. That pool will be whittled One lucky woman will be awarded a 7-Eleven franchise. “Women ownership is down until a winner — selected in a real big focus for us,” said July — will be able to choose her own Bureau, 50.8 percent of the population in Dorian Cunion, director of franchise systems the U.S. are women. But a National Woman’s available 7-Eleven in the continental U.S. for 7-Eleven. “We have seen a lot of statistics Contest details are at womensfranchisegiveBusiness Council study found that only 10 like 33 percent of franchise businesses are away.com. percent of women are in retail sales. owned by women. We are a little bit under Additionally, 7-Eleven is making a doThe impact of 7-Eleven on retail sales that number but we want to grow to be over worldwide is undeniable. They operate nearly nation to the winning woman's charity of that number. Operationally, we would love to choice that is in sync with the company’s 8,500 location in the U.S. and close to 60,000 see it about 50-50. “Project A-Game” initiative. Started in 2012 stores globally in 18 countries. Ninety per“Here in DFW last year,” Cunion said, through 7-Eleven, Inc. and its franchisees, cent of all stores within 7-Eleven are fran“we brought in eight female franchisees and chise-owned and there are 430 stores in DFW. “Project A-Game” has awarded more than we would like to double that number this 2,800 grants to local schools and youth “There are currently 40 stores in the year.” DFW area that we are looking to franchise, According to the United States Census 7-ELEVEN cont'd on page 9 and eight of them are new stores,” Cunion
Two tequila tigresses take on the town
By David Mullen
david@katytrailweekly.com A most unusual start-up — which is beginning to grow like a Mexican agave plant — is based in DFW but has its roots in (of all places) India. We are talking a tequila company and two women who met through work are getting the opportunity to change perceptions in the marketplace. “I like to drink alcohol,” said India-native Sheela Marshall, the “Sheela” behind Sheela Tequila and — with partner Natalie Merrick — behind the Texas rollout. Merrick was born and raised in Westphalia, 35 miles south of Waco. The youngest of four, she grew up on a ranch driving tractors and 18-wheelers, bailing hay and working cattle. She is an Aggie from Texas A&M and got an accounting degree, while her mother was also attending A&M. “She would sit in the front [of the class] and ask questions,” Merrick said, “and all I wanted to do was sit in the back.” It was at her first accounting job in health care where she met Marshall. Marshall was born one of 14 children in Dindgul, India
Photos courtesy of Sheela Tequila
Natalie Merrick (left) and Sheela Marshall have introduced Sheela Tequila in Texas. The award-winning Reposado (right). — “a long, long, long time ago” she said - before moving
TEQUILA cont'd on page 9
Association provides key to luxurious homes By McClain Stone mcclain@culverpr.com
Association serve as docents in each home sharing information about the owners’ personal art collections, acTurtle Creek Association, a non-profcoutrements and the connection with it organization whose primary focus is to local artists, designers, architects and enhance, preserve and protect the Turtle builders. Creek Corridor, opens up three high-rise The homes on the tour are conresidences and two single-family homes dominiums on the 16th floor at The for their 2017 Home Tour on Sunday, April Claridge at 3510 Turtle Creek Blvd., 9 from 1 to 5 p.m. The tour culminates the fifth floor of Park Towers at 3310 with a separately ticketed post-tour recepFairmount St. and the 11th floor of Photo by Mike Healey tion from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the striking 3525, 3525 Turtle Creek Blvd. The home of Greg Pearl and Ashley Akin-Pearl single-family homes are at 3832 Turtle The veranda at 3529 Rock Creek Drive. at 3990 Stonebridge Drive. The casual eveCreek Drive and 3529 Rock Creek ning of drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be Drive. “We deeply appreciate the homeownprepared by Chef Abraham Salum. “This year we are focused on featurers who have so graciously opened their The 2017 Turtle Creek Association ing the art along the creek; all homes on homes to our fundraising tour.” Home Tour is the primary fundTickets for the Home Tour raiser for the nonprofit organiand after party are available for FIRST ANNUAL NORTHAVEN HOME TOUR – See page 6 zation dedicated to preserving purchase by calling 214-526the Turtle Creek area’s 87 acres 2800 or at turtlecreekassociation. of greenways and parklands. This designthe tour have spectacular art collections org. Tour tickets may also be purchased er showcase of homes offers a rare look at including regionally and internationally on the day of the tour at the tour’s central high-rise and upscale living in the Turtle known artists,” said Jennifer Shultz, presiparking location at 3811 Turtle Creek Blvd. Creek area. Members of Turtle Creek dent and CEO of Turtle Creek Association. or at any of the homes.
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MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
Longest moniker in Dallas County
By David Mullen
to register an older vehicle. Yes, I mailed in the paperwork, but John A. Ames — Dallas County Tax Collector and Assessor On Saturday, I went to the sent it back because my vehicle DFW Auto Show at the Kay registration number was two Bailey Hutchinson Convention short for their computers so Center and, as in previous my car inspection years, all of the cars information could pretty much look not be accessed the same. What haponline. It is not a pened to style and Model T for heavcreativity? Lincoln’s en’s sake! Knowing line of cars could the downtown barely field a booth office would be too area. Volkswagen crowded, I headed still has a van (the David Mullen off to the Marsh Microbus), but it Lane office. Finding is around $35,000 without the surfboard. Porsches the only space in the parking lot, I knew I was in trouble. are still sleek and sexy. I saw a Line out the door. So off to cop writing a speeding ticket at Belt Line Road in Carrollton. the parked demo. Maserati has a low cost (base price $103,400) There, you pick a number like it is a deli. Apparently, a popular sedan called the Quattroporte. The chrome name plate is prob- New York deli because it was so crowded I couldn’t even get to ably $50,000. The least expenthe number dispenser. Doesn’t sive car I saw (slightly above anyone work on a Monday? $13,000) was the Chevrolet So I headed downtown which Spark. It looked more like a is just five minutes from my “Speck.”… And speaking of home. Three people in line. autos, the previous week took Done in less than 10 minutes, me to the DMV as if I don’t have enough angst in my hum- leaving a full 50 minutes for the lucky person that took my ble existence. I went not once, metered parking space. The not twice, but thrice. I needed david@katytrailweekly.com
clerk was impressed that I had spelled out “John A. Ames – Dallas County Tax Collector and Assessor” on my check … I remember when there was so much doubt. I drove by Klyde Warren Park on a beautiful spring day this weekend to see the park teeming with families and couples of all races and generations eating, reading, relaxing or just goofing around. It was a great sight to see: an urban park that brings joy to so many ... I went to the Texas Theater for the first time on Saturday night. I don’t know what took so long. Jefferson Boulevard was alive and the theater — a bit worn in a good way — is still a piece of Dallas history ... As The Ticket’s Corby Davidson calls it, the little “wheel of hate” that keeps spinning on your computer when you wonder just what it is doing has been replaced by the equally annoying pop-up that informs you that your printer toner is low. When the light on your gas gauge comes on, you know that you still have a few miles before needing to fill up. But how many copies can you print before the toner goes
Fasting or six small meals?
By Turner Cavender
Cons: You have to plan ahead every single day. Get used to carrying around a small cooler filled with conWhat’s the best eating tainers of chicken, broccoli, brown rice strategy for fat loss? This is the and sweet potatoes. Each meal is small, question on the mind of those so restraint is required. Unless you are who are ready and motivated including the occasional cheat meal, or to transform their physique. A cheat day, there is no room in this diet quick online search produces Turner Cavender for empty calories or comfort foods. two popular eat-for-fat-loss Conclusion: The facts are out there strategies: intermittent fasting versus six small to prove that both of these eat-for-fat-loss meals. strategies work. There are photos of real, actuWhich strategy works best? And which al people who have subscribed to each of these should you follow? methods and have gone from flabby to lean. Intermittent fasting: This eating strategy Both methods irrefutably work. cycles between periods of eating and periods But why? How can two methods that utiof fasting. The content of your meals during lize opposing strategies both produce fat loss eating periods is not a factor. Some cycle beresults? And which one is better? Let’s dive tween eating and fasting each day, creating a deeper into what makes these eating strategies small window for eating and fasting for at least work… 16 hours, while others cycle eating and fast1. Meal timing: When you eat is a factor ing across several days, taking as much as 48 with both of these eating plans. This means hours at a time to fast. that subscribers to both plans are required Pros: Humans have been fasting for thou- to wait until the appointed time to eat. So sands of years. Our bodies are well equipped mindless snacking, or grabbing a muffin just to handle periods of fasting. Research shows because it’s there, is out of the question. This that fasting produces benefits for disease prereduces overall calories, which is key to weight vention, metabolic health, weight loss and loss, and explains why both plans produce even life extension. Some find it less work to results. fast rather than to plan for several small meals. 2. Meal content: The six small meals plan During eating periods you get to eat whatever focuses on the content of each of your small you want. meals in great detail. Your meals contain lean Cons: Abstaining from nourishment for proteins, fiber-filled veggies and limited comlong periods of time can be challenging, esplex carbs. This detailed control of calorie pecially when food is all around you. Socially, content is largely why this plan is a sure bet for it can be awkward to skip meals while your fat loss, not just weight loss. friends and family break bread together. Some Intermittent Fasting does not consider the find themselves overeating during eating cycontent of your meals during eating periods. cles, and some find the ongoing absence of 3. Meal size: The six small meals plan also food to aggravate food obsession and to profocuses on the exact size of your meals, which duce an unbalanced focus on food. makes sense since you are eating six times Six small meals: This eating strategy, of each day, and excess calories would quickly breaking the traditional three square meals add up. Typically this is done by weight, so into six smaller meals that are spaced two as you pack your meals for the day you’ll be to three hours apart, has been used by body using a food scale to ensure that you have builders and fitness competitors for years. The exactly the right amount of lean protein and content and size of each meal is an important complex carbs. Veggies are often measured factor of this eating plan. Meals early in the rather than weighed. day contain lean protein, fiber-filled veggies Intermittent fasting does not consider the and a small portion of complex carbs, while size of your meals during eating periods. meals later in the day are smaller and do not So what’s the BEST Eating Strategy for contain any complex carbs. All meals are low FAST Results? As we’ve discussed, both of the in fat. eating strategies above are capable of producPros: You never feel hungry. By fueling ing results. This is due to the fact that both up every 2-3 hours you never get the feeling plans result in a lowered caloric intake. of deprivation that comes with fasting. Energy When it’s all said and done, weight loss levels are steady and high due to the constant comes from caloric balance. supply of wholesome calories. Fat loss results Remember, the junk food diet where the are steady, and, when done with an exercise plan, muscle is maintained. FITNESS cont'd on page 5 turner@dallasfbbc.com
Katy Trail Weekly is a community-friendly newspaper designed to inform and entertain the people in many diverse demographics who live and/or work in these neighborhoods. Much like the Katy Trail itself, Katy Trail Weekly is designed to help bring together the neighborhoods of Downtown, Uptown, Cedar Springs/Oak Lawn, the Design District, the Medical District and the Park Cities, as well as others. The newspaper is placed in local businesses, and other locations, for free pick-up by their patrons. We support this publication by providing ad space to local businesses who want an effective and affordable way to reach the Katy Trail area readers we attract and serve. We welcome participation in the paper through story and picture submissions, and we hope that you will join us in making this paper the best it can be. Publisher Rex Cumming Editor in Chief David Mullen Managing Nancy Black Director Office Manager Ian Murphy Graphic Design Sidney Stevens Accounts Cindi Cox Manager Distribution Andy Simpson Manager Copy Editors Pat Sanchez
Michael Tate Jessica Voss Editorial William "Bubba" Flint Cartoonist Online Editor Bronwen Roberts Naima Montacre Society Editor Sally Blanton Advertising Sales Susie Denardo Becky Bridges Writers Ed Bark Turner Cavender Chic DiCiccio Candace Evans
Dotty Griffith Donald Hohman Beth Leermakers Megan Lyons Naima Montacer Sara Newberry Stephan Sardone Shari Stern Wayne Swearingen Michael Wald Kim Washington
© 2017 Trail Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Katy Trail Weekly is published weekly and distributed for free. Views expressed in Katy Trail Weekly are not necessarily the opinion of Katy Trail Weekly, its staff or advertisers. Katy Trail Weekly does not knowingly accept false or misleading editorial content or advertising.
Distribution Lynsey Boyle Thomas Combs Billy Griffin Mary Ann O'Brien Benjamin Smedley Lorenzo Ramirez Paul Redic Co-founders Nancy Black Rex Cumming David Mullen Andy Simpson
Katy Trail Weekly
(214) 27-TRAIL (87245) • P.O. Box 601685 • Dallas, TX 75360 info@katytrailweekly.com • katytrailweekly.com
William "Bubba" Flint — Special Contributor
out? One of the most arduous tasks in my life is changing the toner in my printer. Not only is toner outrageously expensive, I cannot remove the black ink cartridge without getting it all over my hands. This time I was going to get the best of the cartridge. I carefully removed that hated little rectangle with the precision of a transplant surgeon. But alas, as I looked down my hands were covered
in ink. The cashier at America’s largest office supply store on Oak Lawn Avenue didn’t seem to care. I think she had seen it before … Soda consumption in America is at a 30-year low. People have switched to water, making it the number one consumed non-alcoholic beverage in the U.S. I miss the days loitering with my friends out in front of the store, opening baseball cards and swigging down
an ice-cold quart of Tahitian Treat. Of course, that was more than 30 years ago ... There is a pot hole on Hall Street east of Central Expressway that is so large that Monty Hall could have put it behind Door Number 2. By the way, “TV’s Big Dealer” Hall is still dealing at 95 … Elle Macpherson turned 52 on Wednesday. Bet she doesn’t get toner cartridge ink on her hands.
The future is not plastics
By Naïma Jeannette
isn’t this practice done across all establishments nationwide? Culture needs a change. It’s easy for us to I guzzled all the water place a high value on a plastic water cup when it in my half-full 32 oz. aluholds water, but as soon as we don’t need it, the minum water bottle right cup is tossed in the trash and maybe the recycling before the security checkcontainer. We continue to create one-time-use point. Good thing I wasn’t plastic products derived from oil and continue to Naïma Jeannette treat these items as no big deal. Foreign countries trying to smuggle vodka. Once through the madness, I are even investing in U.S. resources to make more scoured the area for a water fountain to refill before plastic. It was just announced a few days ago that a the flight. With no water fountain in sight, I spotFrench company, Total, is partnering with chemted a fountain beverage dispenser with one tab that ical companies Borealis and Nova to build two loudly had the text “water” across it. I purchased new oil/natural gas units on the U.S. Gulf Coast. a snack so I wouldn’t feel terrible about asking for The two units will convert oil or natural gas into a water refill. I handed my water bottle over but chemicals used for polyethylene (the most cominstead was handed back a plastic water cup with mon plastic) and other plastics. Total’s CEO said a plastic lid. After trying to explain I wanted the they are taking advantage of the “business-friendly water in the water bottle, I was told I could pour environment” under the current administration. the cup into my water bottle. “May I have a refill Yay, more plastics. More plastics that will end to pour more in?” up in our waterNope, can’t refill a ways and outdoor used water cup, with “WE CONTINUE TO CREATE ONE-TIME- areas. The amount of a side of attitude. USE PLASTIC PRODUCTS DERIVED plastic waste at every Next stop was outdoor park I’ve FROM OIL AND CONTINUE TO TREAT a few meetings right THESE ITEMS AS NO BIG DEAL.” been to in the area is off the plane in San astounding. Hiking Diego, and then, fiwith trash. With a nally real food. I stopped at an order-at-the-count- 34 percent recycling rate on plastics in the U.S. in er style of diner, took out my water bottle and 2014, not enough of the one-time-use products before I even finished, “Can you please fill my…” are being reused and recycled. Much plastic waste the staff member took my water bottle and startis trashed or improperly disposed of. More than a ed filling it from the fountain beverage dispenser. billion people around the world do not have access Wow, that was easy. What’s the difference? Does to clean water and are forced into bottled water. California have different health code laws? Not the case in the U.S. The majority of U.S. tap Nope. There are both federal and state laws water supply meets the criteria for safe drinking stating that an establishment cannot serve the water. No need to buy the plastic, but a need to public any dish or receptacle that after its previous have bottle fill-up stations. If establishments are use has not been washed in warm water containconcerned with using the fountain beverage dising soap. Nothing specifically talks about refilling penser with water bottles, what about providing a water bottles. I understand the concerns of bacsmall water-filling station? teria on a water bottle that could enter into the The most important thing you can do for establishment, but is there data to actually back up your body is drink a lot of water each day. The that concern? Is there a way to reduce the risk and most important thing you can do for the environprevent company executives from scaring their ment is to use a refillable water bottle to drink that employees into the “don’t ever fill a water bottle” water. mindset? Starbucks gives you a ten cent discount Naïma Jeannette is a freelance writer, teacher every time you bring your reusable cup. Filling a and conservationist. Email her at naimajeannette@ reusable container can be done in a safe way. Why gmail.com or Tweet her @naimajeannette. @naimajeannette
CRIME WATCH March 23 – 9:04 a.m. 3900 Block, Lemmon Ave. (75219) Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s vehicle. March 23 – 1:06 p.m. 6400 Block, Tulip Ln. (75230) Theft of Property: An unknown suspect stole a pool pump motor and filter from the location. March 23 – 1:41 p.m. 2700 Block, N. Houston St. (75201) Burglary of a Habitation: An unknown suspect forced open the complainant’s door and stole a TV.
March 25 – 7:33 a.m. 3200 Block, Knox St. (75205) Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect broke into the complainant’s vehicle and stole property. March 26 – 1:44 a.m. 2500 Block, Community Dr. (75220) Aggravated Assault w/a Deadly Weapon: An unknown suspect intentionally drove over the complainant’s leg, causing injury. March 26 – 3:27 a.m. 3100 Block, Reagan St. (75219) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: The suspect stole the complainant’s vehicle by unknown means.
March 24 – 1:11 a.m. 2700 Block, Oak Lawn Ave. (75219) Burglary of a Building: The suspect made entry into the complainant’s business and stole money.
March 26 – 4:10 p.m. 5100 Block, Vandelia St. (75235) Burglary of a Habitation: An unknown suspect broke into the complainant’s apartment by unknown means and stole property.
March 24 – 10:46 p.m. 2500 Block, Knight St. (75219) Terroristic Threat: An unknown suspect threatened to burn down the building.
March 26 – 5:28 p.m. 2400 Block, Bennett Ave. (75206) Theft of Property: An unknown suspect stole the complainant’s bicycle from her patio.
March 25 – 5:52 a.m. 2800 Block, N. Henderson Ave. (75206) Aggravated Robbery of Business: Two unknown suspects pointed a gun at the complainant and stole cash from a register.
March 27 – 8:21 a.m. 1100 Block, W. Mockingbird Ln. (75247) Criminal Mischief: An unknown suspect shot into a closed business.
March 27 – 2:51 p.m. 2700 Block, Cole Ave. (75204) Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: An unknown suspect broke the driver’s side window and stole a watch. March 27 – 8:46 p.m. 1500 Block, Oak Lawn Ave. (75207) Burglary of a Habitation: An unknown suspect entered the complainant’s residence and stole property. March 27 – 11 p.m. 2500 Block, Lemmon Ave. (75204) Theft of Property: An unknown suspect stole a bag of chips and fled the location. March 28 – 1:52 a.m. 2700 Block, Oak Lawn Ave. (75219) Burglary of a Building: An unknown suspect broke a window, entered, stole money and fled on foot. March 28 – 9:35 a.m. 2700 Block, N. Stemmons Fwy. (75207) Theft of Property: An unknown suspect stole the tailgate from the complainant’s vehicle. March 28 – 7:12 p.m. 5400 Block, Lemmon Ave. (75209) Burglary of a Motor Vehicle: The suspect entered the complainant’s vehicle and stole property. March 28 – 9:18 p.m. 2700 Block, Howell St. (75204) Assault: The suspects hit and kicked the complainant, causing pain.
MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
LUXURY RESIDENCES OFFERED FOR SALE Ideally located between Dallas's upscale Park Cities and vibrant Lakewood neighborhoods, intersecting at the buzzing corner of Mockingbird and Central Expressway next to SMU,
The Residences at The Highland offer distinctive living in a sophisticated, resort-like setting. Each spacious floorplan features an open, airy design, expansive energy-efficient floor-to-ceiling windows, and private terraces extending magnificent city views. Re-energize in the heated, infinity
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extraordinary opportunity to call one of these six, recently completed residences your own, offered exclusively by Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty.
Holly Bock Deason 214-930-3000 hbockdeason@briggsfreeman.com Jeffrey Lester 214-280-4118 jlester@briggsfreeman.com
MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
Katy Trail Weekly
calendar Have a submission for Picture of the Week? Let us know what’s going on in our community: info@whiterocklakeweekly.com
Contact us at info@katytrailweekly.com with your Community Calendar Event. Mar. 31
1010 S. Pearl Expressway Dallas, 75201 214-664-9110
Dallas Farmers Market – Enjoy a night of drinking – but not just booze. “Pours: Booze, Coffee and Food Festival” is a night of tasting your favorite drinks. 7-10 p.m. $20.
April 1
1902 Main St. Dallas, 75201 214-744-1270
Main Street Garden – It’s that time of the year again: the Dallas International Film Festival is back, with screenings all over Dallas. At Main Street Garden, catch an outdoor, family-friendly showing of “Pete’s Dragon.” 7 p.m. FREE!
April 2
2889 Cityplace West Blvd. Dallas, 75204 214-377-8723
Mutts Canine Cantina – The Easter Bunny will hop in for a visit with dog lovers and their best friends. Photos with the Easter Bunny are free for Mutts members and $5 for non-members. Dog and Kitty City will also be on-site with adoptable pups. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
April 4
2389 Flora St. Dallas, 75201 214-880-0202
Strauss Square – Dallas Theater Center presents a one-of-a-kind production of the Greek tragedy “Electra.” Watch intimate scenes between characters while hearing audio commentary through headphones: making an experience that is both public and private. Runs through May 21. 8:30 p.m. Tickets are pay-what-you-can.
April 5
4000 Cedar Springs Road Dallas, 75219
Cedar Springs at Throckmorton – Don’t miss the Cedar Springs Wine Walk, happening the first Thursday of every month. The walk begins in front of the Round-up Saloon, where wine glasses will be sold. The glasses can be refilled at close to 20 businesses along Cedar Springs Road. 6-9 p.m. $10.
April 6
4001 Cedar Springs Road Dallas, 75219 214-377-6023
Zephyr Bakery Cafe – Grab some coffee and get some new contacts at Brewing Up Business. Give your elevator pitch, exchange business cards and forge new relationships the first Thursday of every month. 8:30-9:30 a.m. $10-$20.
April 7-9
1807 Ross Ave. Dallas, 75201 214-220-1278
Dallas Art Fair – Located at the Fashion Industry Gallery, the 2017 Dallas Art Fair will feature over 90 prominent national and international art dealers and galleries representing painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, video, and installation by modern and contemporary artists. Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Sunday from noon-6 p.m.
Fri 3/31
Picture of the Week On Saturday, April 1 at 8 a.m., Make-A-Wish North Texas will hold its 12th Annual Walk For Wishes 5K at Reverchon Park. Send us an item or photo on Facebook and it may be featured here!
Photo courtesy of Make-A-Wish North Texas
Harry Houdini, b. 1874 Steve McQueen, b. 1930 Bob Mackie, b. 1940 Keisha Castle-Hughes, b. 1990 1898 – 1st automobile sold. 1958 – Elvis Presley entered the U.S. Army. 1981 – “Nightline” with Ted Koppel debuted on ABC-TV.
Sat 4/01
April Fool's Day For the Love of the Lake – Shoreline Spruce-Up Franz Josef Haydn, b. 1732 Debbie Reynolds, b. 1932 Annette O’Toole, b. 1952 1976 – Apple Computer was founded.
Sun 4/02
Hans Christian Andersen, b. 1805 Alec Guinness, b. 1914 Marvin Gaye, Jr., b. 1939 Emmylou Harris, b. 1947 Jesse Plemons, b. 1988 1877 – 1st Egg Roll held on White House grounds. 1978 – 1st episode of “Dallas” aired on CBS.
Mon 4/03
Marlon Brando, b. 1924 Doris Day, b. 1924 Jane Goodall, b. 1934 Alec Baldwin, b. 1958 Eddie Murphy, b. 1961 Amanda Bynes, b. 1986 1513 – Ponce de Leon landed in Florida. 1948 – Pres. Harry Truman authorized the Marshall Plan.
Tue 4/04
Elmer Bernstein, b. 1922 Maya Angelou, b. 1928 Christine Lahti, b. 1950 Heath Ledger, b. 1979 1949 – NATO created by treaty of 12 nations. 1968 – Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated in Memphis.
Wed 4/05
Spencer Tracy, b. 1900 Bette Davis, b. 1908 Gregory Peck, b. 1916 Colin Powell, b. 1937 Paula Cole, b. 1968 1768 – 1st Chamber of Commerce in U.S. – in NY. 1987 – FOX TV Network debuted with “Married… with Children.”
Thu 4/06
Lowell Thomas, b. 1892 Merle Haggard, b. 1937 Billy Dee Williams, b. 1937 Zach Braff, b. 1975 1789 – 1st U.S. Congress began regular sessions. 1896 – 1st modern Olympics began in Athens.
Easter Sunday, April 16 • 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Live Music • Easter Egg Hunt • Photos with the Easter Bunny Pet Adoption • Food Trucks Bring your blanket, picnic basket and come spend the afternoon with family, friends and neighbors!
Athletes and coaches are uniting faith and sports in this Christian ministry, which promotes good character and sportsmanship.
By Sally Blanton
Biblical principles including the Ten Commandments and “love your neighbor as yourself.” They are instructed and given opportunity to be drug and alcohol free through our OneWay 2 Play-Drug Free initiative and wind up being better citizens.
sallyblanton455@gmail.com Each week, Katy Trail Weekly will feature a charity that is doing remarkable work in Dallas, a city known for philanthropy and generosity.
QW hat is your mission or highest purpose?
A Dallas/Fort Worth Fellowship of
Christian Athletes (FCA) was launched by Coach Tom Landry in 1966. Our mission is: To present to coaches and athletes, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.
Q H ow many people are served each year?
QW hat is rewarding about your job?
A Seeing a young student athlete make a
commitment to follow Christ and become an example to his/her teammates on how to be a leader on and off the field of play.
Q I n a short paragraph please tell how a specific person or family was helped.
A Here is a response from a dad whose son
attended our camp: “My son came to your camp last summer and it had a tremendous impact on him. Not only did he come back with a fire for Christ but a fire to see our FCA Huddle grow. Through his leadership our Huddle has gone from a handful at weekly meetings to an ‘impact making group’ that is greatly influencing the process of our school.”
A Sixteen thousand students/athletes and 25 sports teams.
QW hat are your critical needs now, besides money donations?
A Volunteers to serve as board members (we have 12 area leadership/advisory boards) and volunteers to help with camps.
QW hat upcoming fundraisers are on the
calendar? The 40th Tom Landry Open is Monday, April 17 at Stonebriar Country Club in Frisco, TX. Guest speakers include Troy Aikman and “Rocket” Ismail. Go to dfwfca.org/tlo for details.
QW hat sort of volunteer jobs are available?
A For events like golf tournament help, col-
Garrett Holloway
lege student leaders at camp and for board members.
QW hat do you think is the most important Enter the
Lee Park Pooch Parade $10 Advanced Registration On-site registration $15 leeparkconservancy.org
sponsored by
thing you do for the community?
A We have 500 volunteer coaches and
teachers who oversee before and after school clubs we call FCA Huddles. These partners with FCA help us clarify what true character and leadership is and we speak truth into these athletes that help them decide to walk according to
Q S uppose your nonprofit received a
$20,000 check in the mail today … where would it immediately be put to good use? Some would go to camp scholarships and some would help hire a needed staff.
QW hat does the future hold for your nonprofit?
A We just celebrated 50 years and the legacy of so many people who have helped along the way (and still do) will help us stay grounded and strong. As long as we don’t stray away from our “mission,” we have a great future.
Rick Bowles, executive director/North Texas director, answered this week’s questions.
MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
Poké around new Hawaiian spot
Fri, 3/31 - Thurs, 4/06
thiS week: Fri, 3/31 - thu, 4/06
American Football – Indie Rock Saturday, April 1, 9 p.m., $34-$36 Granada Theater ................................ 3524 Greenville Ave. 214-824-9933 ..................................... granadatheater.com
Club Dada ................ 2720 Elm St. ............... 214-742-3400 Generationals New Wave, Indie Pop 8 p.m. $12-$14 ................... dadadallas.com
Lee Ann Womack – Country Singer Songwriter Sunday, April 2, 8 p.m., $32 The Kessler Theater ............................... 1230 W. Davis St. 214-272-8346 ............................................... thekessler.org
The Hawaiian OG bowl and the Umami bowl at Freshfin Poke Co. — onion, edamame, red cabbage, toasted corn, cilantro — were all fine, but the chicken was dry and flavorless. A balsamic-ginger dressing helped some, but there wasn’t enough of it to really make a difference. I did create a bowl on my own, on one visit, using cooked shrimp as the protein and quinoa for the base. I also chose cucumbers, edamame, pineapple and roe, with the umami shoyu as the dressing. Like the chicken bowl, the flavors of everything except the protein were great, while the shrimp was lackluster. If you are new to poké, FreshFin is a good place to start. The menu is more limited than at other local poké places, but that’s not the worst thing if you’re not familiar. And if you already enjoy poké, it’s a convenient way to get your fix. FRESHFIN POKE CO. 3611A Greenville Avenue 214-730-0576 freshfinpokeco.com Sunday - Thursday: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday - Saturday: 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.
This spiedini is splendid
By Dotty Griffith
Dick Dale – Surf Rock, Proto Punk Saturday, April 8, 8 p.m., $36-$53 Granada Theater ................................ 3524 Greenville Ave. 214-824-9933 ..................................... granadatheater.com 10,000 Maniacs – Alternative Rock, Folk Rock Saturday, April 8, 7 p.m., and 10 p.m. $28-$38 The Kessler Theater ............................... 1230 W. Davis St. 214-272-8346 ............................................... thekessler.org Ariana Grande – Pop, R&B Sunday, April 9, 7:30 p.m., $30-$200 American Airlines Center ....................... 2500 Victory Ave. 214-665-4797 ......................... americanairlinescenter.com Bastille – U.K. Indie Pop Sunday, April 9, 8p.m., $34.50-$39.50 Verizon Theatre .................... 1001 Performance Pl., 75050 972-854-5050 ....................................... verizontheatre.com Glass Animals – Indie Pop Saturday, April. 11, 8 p.m., $31 South Side Ballroom ............................... 1135 S. Lamar St. 800-745-3000 ....................... southsideballroomdallas.com Bob Weir & the Campfire Band – Psychedelic Rock, Folk Tuesday., April 13, 7:30 p.m., $45+ Music Hall at Fair Park .................................... 909 1st Ave. 214-565-1116 .................................. liveatthemusichall.com Morrissey – Alt Rock, Indie Pop Saturday, April 15, 8 p.m., $148+ The Majestic Theater ...................................... 1925 Elm St. 214-670-3687 ................. dallasculture.org/majestictheatre Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers – Rock, Blues Rock Saturday, April 22, 7:30 p.m., $49+ American Airlines Center ....................... 2500 Victory Ave. 214-665-4797 ......................... americanairlinescenter.com The Wailers – Reggae, Bob Marley Saturday, April 26, 8:30 p.m., $36-$50 Granada Theater ................................ 3524 Greenville Ave. 214-824-9933 ..................................... granadatheater.com PJ Harvey – Soul Thursday, April 27, 8:30 p.m., $60 The Bomb Factory ............................. 2713 Canton St. 214-932-6501 ..................................... thebombfactory.com Vivaldi Four Seasons & Beethoven 6 – Classical Thurs.-Sun., April 27-30, 7:30 p.m./2:30 p.m., $64-$306 Meyerson Symphony Center ....................... 2301 Flora St. 214-670-3600 ................................................... mydso.com Paul van Dyk – Trance, Techno Friday, April 28, 7 p.m., $35 South Side Ballroom ............................... 1135 S. Lamar St. 800-745-3000 ....................... southsideballroomdallas.com Wall of Orange – Alternative Rock, Neo-Psychedelia Saturday, April 29, 8 p.m., $15-$25 The Kessler Theater ............................... 1230 W. Davis St. 214-272-8346 ............................................... thekessler.org
Dotty Griffith
slices of prosciutto the length of each rod of fontina. Place on ovenproof pan. Cook in hot oven until prosciutto is crisp at the edges, about 5 minutes. Photo courtesy of Pie Tap Pizza Workshop + Bar In a small Pie Tap Spiedini. bowl, toss togethPIE TAP SPIEDINI er arugula, balvinaigrette samic vinaigrette, 4 slices prosciutto Salt and pepper to taste salt, and pepper. 2 (10-inch long and 1-inch To serve, place baked thick) pieces of fontina Heat oven to 500 F. prosciutto-wrapped (about 2 ounces each) If desired, thread each cheese on salad plate with 1 cup arugula, lightly packed length of cheese onto a lightly dressed arugula. 2 1/2 tablespoons balsamic wooden skewer. Wrap 2 Makes 1 serving. professor lost weight eating restricted calories of only vending machine food? As long as you are taking in fewer calories that you are burning, you will end up losing weight. While both of the strategies above end up curbing your calories, only the six small meals plan encourages wholesome calories that are ideal for burning fat and building muscle, which is why this is the plan most used by body builders and fitness competitors. When it comes down to you choosing your own eating strategy, it’s important to determine what will work best with your lifestyle. If carrying a cooler with you and making time to stop every three hours to eat a meal is simply not something you can see yourself doing, then intermittent fasting may produce better results for you. The key is to figure out a plan for restricting calories that you would realistically be motivated to stick with. And the more wholesome the content of those restricted calories, the better and quicker your results will come! Turner Cavender, CPT, is owner of Dallas Fit Body Boot Camp and world renowned online personal trainer at cavendercoaching.com. “Remember J.A.M.O.D.I., Just a matter of doing it.” FITNESS cont'd from page 2
Adair’s Saloon ....... 2624 Commerce St. ....... 214-939-9900 Shane Walker & Desdimona Indie, Alt-Country 7:45 p.m. No Cover Trees Marie & The Heavy Hearts Americana 11 p.m. No Cover .............. adairssaloon.com
Pat Green at AT&T Concert Stage – Country Sunday, April 9, 3:15 p.m., FREE American Airlines Center ....................... 2500 Victory Ave. 214-665-4797 ......................... americanairlinescenter.com
Photo by Sara Newberry
Saturday,, April 1 1 SAturdAy April
Randy Rogers Band – Country Friday, March 31, 8 p.m., $37 The Bomb Factory ............................. 2713 Canton St. 214-932-6501 ..................................... thebombfactory.com
Irish Tune from County Derry at Park Cities – Classical Sun., April 2, 6:30 p.m., $19 Meyerson Symphony Center ....................... 2301 Flora St. 214-670-3600 ................................................... mydso.com
Cheese-on-a-stick sounds like a state fair dish, except this version isn’t fried. This is Chef Giovanni Mauro’s spiedini appetizer at bustling Pie Tap Pizza Workshop + Bar on N. Henderson Ave. So simple, this is more an idea than a recipe, but one well worth replicating. Wrap a long piece of cheese with prosciutto, grill or bake it, and serve with a handful of balsamic dressed arugula.
Live Music Guide Shows ShowS &and CConcerts onCertS
By Sara Newberry Recent Dallas food trends include ramen, fried chicken, southern-style home cooking … and now poké is taking the city by storm. Restaurants serving the Hawaiian raw fish salad have sprung up recently in Plano, Carrollton, Arlington and Dallas. The newest member of the club is FreshFin Poké Co., which opened its doors on Greenville Avenue in February. Haven’t heard of poké? Well, you will. It’s a dish that has its roots in Hawaii: fisherman would cut off chunks of fish from their catch, season them with soy sauce, and enjoy them as a snack before heading home. Poké was originally made with tuna, but it can be found now featuring salmon, scallops, and octopus, as well as slightly less authentic versions featuring cooked shrimp or chicken. Rice and vegetables are also now standard ingredients in poké bowls. FreshFin offers bowls created two ways: choosing one of their creations, or building your own bowl. If you are new to poké, I recommend going with one of their bowls; otherwise you risk creating something really unappetizing. The Hawaiian OG bowl is a good place to start. It features ahi tuna, radish, dried seaweed and is dressed with “umami shoyu,” a soy sauce-based sauce with a little sweetness. The fish was fresh and flavorful, and the other ingredients all worked together to complement it. A base of purple rice added a little nutty flavor and texture. I also enjoyed the Umami Classic bowl. Salmon and Yellowtail are the fish here; onion, carrot, a sesame dressing and the Japanese seasoning furikake round it out. It’s supposed to be topped with a sprinkling of fish roe, but they seemed to be out at the time. Again, the fish was ocean-fresh, with a sweet brininess that paired well with the other ingredients. The sesame emulsion was a little creamier than I expected, and its grey color was not the most appealing, but overall the bowl was a success. I was not a fan of the Free-Range bowl, which is disappointing, because I think a lot of poké neophytes will order that one first, because it included chicken. The mix-ins
The Weeknd – Alternative R&B Thursday, May 4, 7:30 p.m., $60+ American Airlines Center ....................... 2500 Victory Ave. 214-665-4797 ......................... americanairlinescenter.com Mambo Kings – Latin Jazz, Afro-Cuban Fri.-Sun., May 5-7, 7:30 p.m./2:30 p.m. (Sun.), $24-$150 Meyerson Symphony Center ....................... 2301 Flora St. 214-670-3600 ................................................... mydso.com David Crosby & Friends – Rock, Folk, Singer Songwriter Wednesday, May 10, 8 p.m., $80-$635 Granada Theater ................................ 3524 Greenville Ave. 214-824-9933 ..................................... granadatheater.com Hillsong Young & Free – Contemporary Worship, EDM, Pop Friday, May 12, 7 p.m., $24-$103 South Side Ballroom ............................... 1135 S. Lamar St. 800-745-3000 ....................... southsideballroomdallas.com Draco Rosa – Rock, Latin, Indie, Psychedelic, Electronic Saturday, May 20, 8 p.m., $22-$34 The Kessler Theater ............................... 1230 W. Davis St. 214-272-8346 ............................................... thekessler.org Reik – Latin Pop, Rock Saturday, May 27, 8 p.m., $45-$79 The Bomb Factory ............................. 2713 Canton St. 214-932-6501 ..................................... thebombfactory.com
The Crown and Harp .. 1914 Greenville Ave .. 214-828-1914 We Are Band Nerds Alternative Hip Hop, Nu Hop 10 p.m. $5 ................. thecrownandharp.com Double-Wide ........ 3510 Commerce St. .......... 214-887-6510 FOOLISH - Alex Harris Live Hip Hop, Electronic 10 p.m. $10 ........................ double-wide.com The Foundry ............ 2303 Pittman St. ............ 214-749-1112 Gringo Star Indie 8 p.m. No Cover ........................... cs-tf.com Lone Star Roadhouse ... 11277 E. NW Hwy .. 214-341-3538 Mr. Inez Band Rock Covers, Classic 8 p.m. $10 ............. lonestarroadhouse.com Independent Bar & Kitchen .. 2712 Main St. .. 469-872-6860 Supercollider Jazz 7 p.m. Free ...................... sundowndfw.com Maracas Cocina Mexicana .. 2914 Main St. ... 214-748-7140 Live Music Latin Jazz 8 p.m. No cover ................ maracascm.com Poor David’s Pub ...... 1313 S. Lamar St. ....... 214-565-1297 Blues Blowout Blues 8 p.m. $10 ............ poordavidspub.com Three Links ............... 2704 Elm St. ................ 214-653-8228 Atlantis Aquarius Roots, Psychedelic, Blues 9 p.m. $10 ........... threelinksdeepellum.com
2 2 SSunday, undAy, April April AllGood Café ............ 2934 Main St. ............... 214-742-5362 Brainliss Sundays w/ Kelly Cutler Singer Songwriter 5-7 p.m. Pay What You Can ................ allgoodcafe.com The Balcony Club ...... 1825 Abrams Rd. ....... 214-826-8104 Jonathan Fisher Trio Jazz 8:30 p.m. No cover ............... balconyclub.com The Free Man ....... 2626 Commerce St. ......... 214-377-9893 Them Bones Jazz 2 p.m. No cover Savoy Swing Band Early Jazz & Swing 7 p.m. No cover Blues Jam Blues 10 p.m. No cover ............ freemandallas.com The Rustic .............. 3656 Howell St. .............. 214-730-0596 Vincent Neil Emerson & The Old Souls Folk, Blues, Country 12:30 p.m. Free ............................ therustic.com Times Ten Cellars ..... 6324 Prospect Ave. .... 214-824-9463 Mike Finkel Group World Jazz 4 p.m. No cover ........... timestencellars.com Trees .................... 2709 Elm St. .................... 214-741-1124 Parachute Pop Rock 8 p.m. $24 .......................... treesdallas.com Twilite Lounge ............ 32640 Elm St. ........... 214-741-2121 Heartless Bastards Alternative Rock 9 p.m. Free ................. thetwilitelounge.com
3 3 MMonday, ondAy, April April The Balcony Club ...... 1825 Abrams Rd. ....... 214-826-8104 Linny Nance’s Hour Of Power Jazz Pianist 8:30 p.m. No cover Liz Mikel’s Entertainer’s Showcase Professional Open Mic 9:30 p.m. Free ....................... balconyclub.com RBC ................. 2617 Commerce St. .............. 469- 487-6149 Outward Bound Mixtape Sessions Experimental 9 p.m. Free .................... rbcdeepellum.com San Francisco Rose ... 3024 Greenville Ave. ... 214-826-2020 Open Mic with Aaron Puzey Variety, Open Mic 7-10 p.m. No Cover ......... sanfranciscorose.net Three Links ............... 2704 Elm St. ................ 214-653-8228 Strand Of Oaks Rock, Folk 9 p.m. $8 ............. threelinksdeepellum.com
Tuesday,, April 4 4 tueSdAy April Buzzbrews Kitchen .... 4334 Lemmon Ave. .... 214-521-4334 Classical Open Mic Classical 8 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Free ......................... buzzbrews.com The Crown and Harp .. 1914 Greenville Ave. ..214-828-1914 Harper’s Revue Local Music Showcase 10 p.m. Free .............. thecrownandharp.com Sandaga 813 .............. 813 Exposition ............. 972.415.7491 Jazz Jam Jazz 8:30 p.m. $5 - $10 ................ sandaga813.com San Francisco Rose ... 3024 Greenville Ave. ... 214-826-2020 Tin Man Singer Songwriter 8-11 p.m. No Cover ......... sanfranciscorose.net Sundown at Granada .. 3520 Greenville Ave. .. 214-823-8308 Bomber Spur Americana, Country Rock 10 p.m. Free ...................... sundowndfw.com Three Links ............... 2704 Elm St. ................ 214-653-8228 CoLab, Friday’s Foolery Funk, Hip Hop, R&B 9 p.m. Free .......... threelinksdeepellum.com
5 5 wWednesday, edneSdAy,April April
Clubs • R• Restaurants estauRants Clubs
The Crown and Harp .. 1914 Greenville Ave .. 214-828-1914 The Dolly Llamas Punk, Rock, Garage 10 p.m. Free .............. thecrownandharp.com
Adair’s Saloon ....... 2624 Commerce St. ....... 214-939-9900 Local Yoakam Country, Dwight Yoakam tribute band 7:45 p.m. No Cover Wink & Tovar Country, Grassroots Folk 11 p.m. No Cover.............. adairssaloon.com
The Green Elephant ........ 5627 Dyer St. ........ 214-265-1338 Dallas Drum Djam Open drum jam 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. $5 ............. greenelephantdallas.com
Friday, March FridAy ,M ArCh3131
Double-Wide ........ 3510 Commerce St. .......... 214-887-6510 Mammoths (ATX) Blues, Rock, Psych 10 p.m. $10 ........................ double-wide.com
The Free Man .......... 2626 Commerce St. ....... 214-377-9893 La Pompe Swing, Gypsy Jazz, French 7 p.m. Free HausBone Jazz, New Orleans Style Party Band 10 p.m. Free ................... freemandallas.com
The Foundry ............ 2303 Pittman St. ............ 214-749-1112 Johnny and the Paychecks Country 8 p.m. No Cover ........................... cs-tf.com
Opening Bell Coffee ..... 1409 S. Lamar St. .... 214-565-0383 Paul Slavens Improv, Musical Comedian 8 p.m. $10 ............... openingbellcoffee.com
The Free Man .......... 2626 Commerce St. ....... 214-377-9893 Curt & Alaina Jazz 7 p.m. Free HausBone Jazz, Blues, Funk 10 p.m. Free ................... freemandallas.com
The Rustic .............. 3656 Howell St. .............. 214-730-0596 Joe Savage Country 8:30 p.m. Free ............................ therustic.com
Independent Bar & Kitchen .. 2712 Main St. .. 469-872-6860 Becky Middleton Jazz, Soul 7 p.m. Free ...................... sundowndfw.com
Sundown at Granada .. 3520 Greenville Ave. .. 214-823-8308 Evanoff Dream Rock, Dance, Classic Rock 10 p.m. Free ...................... sundowndfw.com
Thursday,,April 6 6 thurSdAy April
Lone Star Roadhouse ... 11277 E. NW Hwy .. 214-341-3538 Hard Night’s Day Beatles Tribute Band 8 p.m. $10 ............. lonestarroadhouse.com
The Library Bar ....... 3015 Oak Lawn Ave. ..... 214-224-3152 Erik Barnes Classical, Jazz, Piano 7 p.m. Free .......... landmarkrestodallas.com
Opening Bell Coffee ..... 1409 S. Lamar St. .... 214-565-0383 Chris Strand Roots, Singer Songwrtier 8 p.m. $10 Larry Jones Singer Songwriter, Roots, Soulful Rock 9:30 p.m. $10 ............... openingbellcoffee.com
Opening Bell Coffee ..... 1409 S. Lamar St. .... 214-565-0383 Madeline Rae Singer Songwrtier 8 p.m. $10 Steven Wikoff Pop Rock Covers 9 p.m. $10 ............... openingbellcoffee.com
Poor David’s Pub ...... 1313 S. Lamar St. ....... 214-565-1297 Brave Combo Polka, Rock, Worldbeat 8:15 p.m. $30 ............ poordavidspub.com
The Prophet Bar ........... 2548 Elm St. ............ 214-742-3667 Anchor North Indie Rock 7 p.m. $10 ..................... thedoordallas.com
Twilite Lounge ............ 32640 Elm St. ........... 214-741-2121 Bobby Falk Quartet Jazz 10 p.m. Free ................. thetwilitelounge.com
Sundown at Granada .. 3520 Greenville Ave. .. 214-823-8308 Defrance Rock, Southern Rock, Country Rock 9:30 p.m. $12 ....................... sundowndfw.com
Uncle Calvin’s ...... 9555 N. Central Expy. ....... 214-363-0044 Tracy Grammer, Jen Hajj Singer Songwriter 8:15 p.m. $15-$27 .................. unclecalvins.org
Trees .................... 2709 Elm St. .................... 214-741-1124 WHY? | Eskimaux Alt Hip Hop 8 p.m. $16 .......................... treesdallas.com
MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
Let’s babble about towers
By Stephan Sardone
stephan@sardoneconstruction.com Like many of you, I just saw the new “Beauty and the Beast” and it gave me castle and tower fever. Though I’m not totally into the spirelook, I do respect a well-done tower. Not to mention, I love diving into interesting aspects of the home, especially those which are functional and charming. A theme I’ve unintentionally adopted over the last month or two has been traits that make you “look up” or “take you to great heights.” So, whether it’s been about balconies, tree houses or magnificent staircases, I love anything you can look down from, and anything that can make a house more than just Photo courtesy of Sardone Construction a house. Home towers add a touch of royalty. Basically a drastic and oversized balcony, I conground-level living room, or observatories, so be sure to sider towers dramatic and take yourself upstairs to be designate a spot upstairs for intriguing additions to the among the trees. a telescope and constellation home. Depending on where To take it a step further, diagram. the large structure extends, towers can even have their The best thing about it can be the center and own balconies. towers is that they foundation of the home, or tend to be a transperhaps an attachment over- At the very top, it would draw portation device to looking the pool area out another place and back or a corner tower, over- people upward as they marvel at time. For certain looking the streets below. the wrap-around tower styles, you Lofty and quaint, tower adporch so high in may feel you’re on ditions are great for offices, the beachfront, and studios, playrooms or librar- the air. Towers come in various for others, you may ies (maybe not quite like shapes: circuBelle’s library, but close). Stephan Sardone feel like a queen overlooking your I’ve seen modern homes lar, square and pointed are the kingdom. Towers that are towers themselves, most common. Circular is are magnificent avenues to no extra branches or extenmore cottage, while square feeling like royalty in your sions, and their stand-alone is modern and pointed towown home. style exudes independence ers lean toward Victorian and simplicity. You’ve seen drama. Stephan Sardone those cabins on Pinterest, So, high up towers work is owner of Sardone which are tall, skinny houses great as sunrooms as they Construction and has been full of windows; those are great little getaways and give are often full of windows. On helping people improve their the other hand, these special life by remodeling their home you the option to stay down escapes work as personal around their life. below in the comfort of the
By Candy Evans
candace@candysdirt.com Every Monday, we at CandysDirt.com proudly offer you a home that will knock your socks Candace Evans off. I mean, it’s Monday. Our Monday Morning Millionaires are designed to give you something to dream about while you are back to the grindstone, a dream to store and save up for, perhaps (save a whole lot for!) and a display. However, it’s often the things you lovely trip out of your reality. don’t see that separate the beautiful homes This week’s choice is a gorgeous tranfrom the beauties that also have brains. sitional Mediterranean mansion at 6214 A custom lighting system is something Mimosa Lane. Nestled in the middle of one we seldom notice until we do, and it makes of the most coveted neighborhoods in Dallas all the difference in a home. Security systems — Preston Hollow North — it has everyare vital now, and this home has the latest thing you could wish for in a home. Even our and greatest with multiple surveillance camdiscerning staff can’t find anything that has eras, all operated from your phone or tablet. been overlooked, and we’re somewhat hard There’s also an integrated vacuum, water to impress. purification, geothermal HVAC systems and Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate agents an elevator. Mark Cain and Stan Williams slipped this Yes, an elevator! 8,815-square-foot stunner onto the market It’s a lot of house for $2.897 million last week. and it does have everything! Give Cain and Every homeowner adds their own special Williams a call for a private tour. We think touch when they buy a house. This home was you’re going to love this one! beautiful when it was built in 2003, but now it’s spectacular. The present owners spent CandysDirt.com is the only blog in Dallas about nine months transforming it into an for the truly real estate obsessed! Named by elegant, state-of-the-art home that has every National Association of Real Estate Editors as modern amenity. the BEST Real Estate Blog in the country. “It was originally a very traditional home,” Cain said. “The present owners moved it into a transitional direction with very clean lines. The rooms are beautifully scaled, and the finish-out is exquisite.” There are six bedrooms, six bathrooms, a powder bath, and not one, but two home offices. A home theater will keep everyone entertained, and a gym ensures everyone can stay fit in privacy. Guests have their own accommodation in an apartment over the garage with a private entrance. Photos courtesy of Dave Perry-Miller It’s a given this home is beauThis home (at top and above), located at 6214 Mimosa tiful, with some striking elements Lane, is listed at $2.87 million. added — just check out the wine
First annual home tour benefits Kramer Elementary school
By Pete Peabody peteapeabody@gmail.com The Northaven Home Tour, presented by the Arthur Kramer Elementary PTA, is a means to showcase the surrounding neighborhoods that make up the feeder pattern for the award-winning school. Arthur Kramer Elementary is an exemplary neighborhood school, a hidden gem, serving an equally exemplary set of neighborhoods. Over the years, these neighborhoods have and continue to play a vital role in the dynamic that is North Dallas. Multiple generations of families have chosen to return to these neighborhoods, raise families and attend Kramer Elementary. The school serves a diverse population of students with a top-notch public education that includes International Baccalaureate and Dual Language programs. These programs offer a
Photos courtesy of Northaven Home Tour
Houses featured on the Northaven Home Tour include (clockwise) 7014 N. Jammar Drive, 7219 Kenny Lane, 11155 Lawnhaven Road and 6935 Northaven Road.
unique academic rigor and emphasis on students’ personal development. Parent involvement is key to
the constant growth of our school. The Northaven Home Tour is slated to be one of our most significant
fundraisers, allowing us to invest in needed campus improvements, technology and programs. Kramer
Elementary is a place children are inspired in a rich, educational environment. Our children are being cultivated as young leaders of the future. The First Annual Northaven Home Tour is Saturday, April 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Check-in and remarks are at 9:30 a.m. at 7131 Midbury Road. See northavenhometour.com for confirmed locations and reservations. Tickets are $20 for general admission and $25 for a special home tour. R.S.V.P. is required. The event title sponsor is Bernbaum/ Magadini Architects.
ACROSS 1. Yawning gulf 6. Dundee citizens 11. “The Body” Ventura 16. In a snit 21. Deliver a message
22. Journalist — Pyle 23. Murphy Brown's kid 24. Booster rocket 25. Rigel's constellation 26. Feed en masse
27. Curriculum — 28. Tracking device 29. Male swan 30. Ventricle neighbor 32. Bounce 34. Some, to Pierre 36. Autumn mo.
37. Woven 39. Quick glimpses 41. Low voices 43. Jeers at 45. Helps with a heist 47. — lazuli 49. Not minor
51. PC adepts 54. Where Khartoum is 55. Did batik 56. Part of SEATO 60. It multiplies by dividing 61. Uta of films 62. Warden 64. Teachers' org. 65. Pack animal 66. Hairdo feature 67. “No man is an island” poet 68. Caution 70. Tenet 71. Sham 73. Competing for 74. Cold era (2 wds.) 75. Mrs. Dick Tracy 77. Household members 78. Dingbat 79. More fair 80. Macbeth was one 82. Rows 83. Head of the clan 84. Tall cactus 87. Cartons 88. Humerus neighbor 89. Kind of flurry 93. Danish port 94. Sarcastic remarks 95. Godfather portrayer 97. Equal, in combos 98. Range of the Rockies 99. Invited 100. Like good soil 101. Slogan 103. Mild expletive 104. Women's hats 106. Small pansy 107. Nymph of the sea 108. Sudden silence
110. Director — Bunuel 111. Scallions' kin 112. Frozen plains 113. Water-balloon sound 115. Track winnings 116. Telegraph inventor 117. Rum drink (2 wds.) 120. Berate 122. Ocean trenches 124. Least of the litter 128. Grand Tour cont. 129. Movie frame 131. Dark 133. Pistol-packing 135. Weep loudly 136. Pithy platitude 138. Open-air lobbies 140. Math proportion 142. 1836 battle site 144. Quart, plus 145. Half a cassette (2 wds.) 146. Revival shouts 147. Navajo lodge 148. Wineglass parts 149. Given to back talk 150. North Dakota city 151. Soft leather DOWN 1. Earthen jar 2. Long-legged bird 3. Perpetrator's need 4. — Paulo, Brazil 5. Chatty pet 6. Confidences 7. Egg protectors 8. Saloon sign (2 wds.) 9. Gift for Dad 10. Desiccated 11. Spear 12. Removes a renter
and handed cups of cider or hot chocolate by smiling boutique shop owners. It’s My husband and I have hard not to spend money when you’re made to feel so added Georgetown as a welcome. favorite weekend Wildfire, a getaway destinarestaurant Time tion. Established called “a reaabout 150 years son to move to ago, Georgetown is Georgetown,” is just 27 miles north of off the square at Austin off I-35 or 812 S. Austin Ave. 164 miles from our Jo Ann Holt With its soothing Oak Cliff home. A atmosphere and two-college town attentive servers, it’s the with a growing populaperfect spot for romantic tion currently estimated at dining. The menu is load63,716, Georgetown claims ed with meat-and-potato to have the “most beautidishes plus wild game like ful town square in Texas” the oak-fired elk tenderloin (pictured). ($32) my husband loves. We first discovered Wildfire offers something this friendly community’s for everyone, except maybe charms several years ago, vegetarians. Their f lameduring the Christmas seakissed, bacon-wrapped son. Most of the square’s stuffed jumbo shrimp with retailers light up their Pepito wild rice and tequishops for the holidays, so la vegetables ($22) is my strolling around the town favorite. square was like taking a Dinner reservations trip back in time to small at Wildfire (wildfiretexas. town Texas. We were greetcom) are a must during the ed with “y’all come in,” joannholt@gmail.com
holidays. We found this out the hard way when we showed up once without reservations. We ended up eating in the adjoining saloon, a lively, crowded spot from happy hour till closing time. Nothing like the lengthy romantic dinner we had envisioned, but the food from the limited bar menu was still good. Wildfire’s next door neighbor is the historic Palace Theatre, built in 1925 to show “moving pictures.” The venue now showcases local talent in musicals like “Man of La Mancha,” (April 14-May 7) and “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” (May 19-June 18). Georgetown is home to the first university in Texas, Southwestern University,
The coming week will see a great many individuals getting in touch with figures from the past — those who have contributed in significant ways to personal or professional growth, or who have simply been there during memorable times. Everyone will want to reach out to a special friend at some point, and the opportunities for doing so will be many — and the balance of work and play will be conducive to lengthy communication in some cases. There is more to this exercise than mere nostalgia; in some cases, contact with someone from the past can change the trajectory of one's life in significant ways. A few may discover that while they've been on the wrong path for quite a while, the right path is now accessible — and can be taken immediately! News from afar will figure prominently in almost everyone's life. It's a good time to pay close attention to money, business and politics — local, national and international — as these will exert unusual pressures on a great many individuals all week long. Not all the news will be bad, certainly! ARIES (March 21-April 4) You must keep track of someone else's progress, as well as your own. Travel plans may give you cause for concern. (April 5-April 19) – You've been waiting patiently for something to come to pass, and you can wait no longer. It's time to make it happen
yourself! TAURUS (April 20-May 5) You've set certain goals for yourself, and you must work hard to reach them — whether they fit with another's plans or not. (May 6-May 20) – It's time to make a change that can improve both mental and physical fitness over time. Don't shy away from doing something difficult. GEMINI (May 21-June 6) Someone from your past takes a prominent position in your consciousness as the week opens. He or she will be there for you when it counts. (June 7-June 20) – You may find yourself catering to another's desires far more than your own, but a valuable lesson is learned in the process. CANCER (June 21-July 7) You can monitor your progress in a new way that gives you much better real-time feedback. Certain events will inspire you. (July 8-July 22) – You've been fighting for some time to earn a position at the top, and at long last all indicators point to near-certain success. LEO (July 23-Aug. 7) You must formulate a plan that everyone can follow and understand. Progress depends on effective, timely cooperation. (Aug. 8-Aug. 22) – Others are gravitating toward you for reasons you
may not yet understand, but you can surely make this trend work for you over the long haul. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 7) You're never too far from someone who can assist you in essential ways; all you have to do is let him or her know that the time is now! (Sept. 8-Sept. 22) – Communication will be the key to success — as it so often is. Right now, however, unusual methods can yield unanticipated results. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 7) It may be time for you to unveil your heart to someone who does not yet realize what has developed between you. Much will happen once you do! (Oct. 8-Oct. 22) – In the process of giving someone what he or she needs, you'll discover that you have been satisfying your own desires as well. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 7) You might assume things will transpire as expected because you cannot see anything else happening concurrently, but you're missing something. (Nov. 8-Nov. 21) – How you react to changing circumstances will not only affect your chances of success, but it will also provide a lesson for someone under your care. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 7)
86. Heredity units 87. Ten-speeds 88. Where Asia begins 90. Saltpeter 91. Ancient Rome's port 92. Tree locale 94. NASA outfits (hyph.) 95. Reserved a flight 96. Shaman's findings 99. Greenish-blue 100. Is prone 102. Gavel-banger's cry 105. Stan's comic foil 106. “La Traviata” penner 107. Sip slowly 109. FDR veep 111. A little night music 112. Crowning 114. Indiana team 115. Polo participants 116. Wool that doesn't scratch 117. Daily trio 118. Taxpayer's dread 119. In a foul mood 121. Whey companion 123. Down the hatch 125. Meter reading 126. Land rover? 127. Carnivore's delight (hyph.) 130. Bonny miss 132. Bloke's streetcar 134. Dit opposites 137. Valuable stone 139. — Maria (coffee liqueur) 141. Mademoiselle's date 143. Piniella of the diamond
Circle the most beautiful town square in Texas
By Jo Ann Holt
13. Fight (hyph.) 14. Tijuana “Mrs.” 15. Took a gander 16. Feudal tenant 17. It may be fragile 18. Rare gas 19. Pass, as a bill 20. Pub game 31. “Tosca,” e.g. 33. Where Fuji is 35. Chopin opus 38. Grasping sort 40. Nancy's comics pal 42. Maxim 44. Sporty truck 46. Jazz genre 48. Citrus coolers 50. Edit out 51. Sister's clothes 52. Bring a smile to 53. Crocus “bulbs” 54. Treats an icy road 55. DeVito or Kaye 57. Close by, for a poet 58. Twilled fabric 59. Spud 61. Terre —, Ind. 62. Splices 63. Fast-moving snake 66. Bingo variant 67. Units of force 69. Main roles 72. Narrow squeak 73. Tarzan's transport 74. Wooden horse saga 76. Daring feat 78. Put the kibosh on 79. Shrewd 81. Laces into (2 wds.) 82. Ear parts 83. Andes ruminant 84. Murmur, as the wind 85. Farewell
established in 1873. The city is proud of its history, lovingly restoring many older buildings like the court house (circa 1911), and the Willliamson Museum on Austin Avenue. The Monument Café, 500 S. Austin Avenue, is a few blocks north of the courthouse square. The 1940’s-style diner features home-style cooking, reminding my husband of his West Texas childhood. My favorite meal is breakfast, and they serve it all day long. I order the three egg SQUARE cont'd on page 9
Photo by Jo Ann Holt
Copyright 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Practicality may conflict with dreams until you find a way to get them more in sync. You demand much from yourself. (Dec. 8-Dec. 21) – What you expect is not likely to be what you encounter, but the fault doesn't lie with you. Indeed, surprises will abound in many scenarios. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 6) Familiarizing yourself with what others are going through can give you a valuable new perspective. Don't run from the truth. (Jan. 7-Jan. 19) – You can provide yourself more of what you really want and need by being in the right place at the right time. It's all a matter of priorities. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 3) You'll want to give yourself plenty of time to meet certain requirements, as you don't want to be bringing up the rear. (Feb. 4-Feb. 18) – It will be important for you to share your expectations with another as you make plans that will soon bring the two of you together in some way. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 5) You're eager to see things move forward in a more dramatic fashion, but take care! Moving too fast can expose you to real hazards. (March 6-March 20) – Someone close is waiting for you to make a decision that will affect you both in a significant and lasting way. Ask yourself: What is holding you back?
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MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
‘Alien’ knock-off nothing but wasted ‘Life’
CBS most watched network by staying same By Ed Bark
Photos courtesy of Columbia Pictures
Jake Gyllenhaal and Rebecca Ferguson star in “Life.”
By Chic DiCiccio @chiccywood
It's been 38 years since “Alien” hit theaters and even with multiple sequels, a remake of it was inevitable. The thing is this: “Life” isn’t a remake. This sci-fi/horror yarn is an original piece of work, but it rips off nearly every single element of director Ridley Scott’s classic to an almost shameless level. Naive scientist that never believes the alien life is nothing more than a killing machine? Check. Snarky, comedic relief from a grunt? Got it. Selfless captain who puts his own life before everyone in their crew? You know it. “Life” does have thrills and scares throughout, but that’s fairly easy to make happen when working from a template of one of the most frightening movies ever made. In moments, it’s so effective that it’s easy to forget you’re watching a blatant carbon copy. “Life” takes place on the International Space Station located in Earth’s orbit. The opening sequence is as impressive a cinematic feat in recent memory as director Daniel Espinosa creates a one-shot sequence in which the crew is capturing a damaged probe returning from Mars with soil samples that could possibly contain life. The soil samples do contain an organism that is brought back from hibernation by British biologist Hugh Derry (Ariyon Bakare), who treats this creepy amoeba-looking thing like his newborn child. This is met by skepticism by the comedic relief, engineer Rory Adams (Ryan Reynolds), whose dialogue is either jokes or telegraphed foreshadowing. After being named Calvin by kiddos in the States, the alien grows and eventually acts like the shark in “Jaws.” It systematically hunts down everyone on the space station, leaving quarantine officer Miranda North (Rebecca Ferguson) in a lurch as she attempts to close the alien off from the rest of the crew and keep it from reaching Earth. Along for the ride is Dr. David Jordan
(Jake Gyllenhaal), whose cynicism of humanity has kept him on the space station for longer than any astronaut in history. David is mostly along for the ride, but by the time he ominously reads the children’s book, “Goodnight Moon,” it’s obvious where “Life” is going. It all leads up to an ending that is meant to be shocking, but screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick build up to this with zero subtlety. In the hands of a filmmaker actually interested in surprises, the final 15 minutes may have worked. However, Espinosa makes it painfully obvious what is going to happen, thus eliminating any possible twists. These very talented actors are wasted on truly stupid dialogue that seems more fit for a B movie. It seems like Ryan Reynolds was added to this cast just so the entire movie wasn’t a dire slog of predator versus prey. He brings a few wisecracks to an otherwise sadsack, depression-filled 103 minutes. Hiroyuki Sanada, a talented, charismatic actor, is completely wasted, and it’s clear where his character is heading once he watches his wife give birth on Earth via Skype (complete with Skype sounds and graphics, gotta make those side dollars). Even an actor that can lift average material up to a higher standard like Jake Gyllenhaal can’t do much here, and he’s mostly a bystander until the final 30 minutes or so. “Life” isn’t the worst sci-fi movie ever, and if it’s to be seen, it should be seen in a theater as the views of Earth from space are actually fantastically rendered. The alien is rightfully gross, and the marketing team has made a wise choice to keep its appearance under wraps. However, there’s just nothing new to see here, and when the game of Ten Little Indians starts up, it’s an exercise in guessing which character will make it to the end of the movie. And then there’s that ending. It wants to be clever and dark, but the execution is so very, very poor. It’s so bad that any amount of goodwill, even if you can tolerate all the “Alien” knock offs, makes this a wasted “Life.”
CBS has done it again. For this network at least, it’s become an annual rite of early spring to announce a flotilla of series renewals in a show of both strength and “stability.” This time the word went out on March 23rd, with the No. 1 network in total viewers listing 18 pickups, including five freshman series. On the flip side, another five of these returnees — “60 Minutes,” “48 Hours,” “Survivor,” “NCIS” and “The Big Bang Theory” — have been part of CBS’ schedule for 10 years or longer. “NCIS: Los Angeles” and the Tom Selleckled “Blue Bloods” are both approaching that mark. The 201718 season will be the ninth for “NCIS: Los Angeles” and the eighth for “Blue Bloods.” It’s long been popular to twit CBS as the network whose audience literally is dying off. Or as the late Brandon Tartikoff once jabbed, CBS skews “north of Forest Lawn” in the Nielsen ratings. Tartikoff was president of NBC entertainment at that time. CBS since has taken some steps to “youthify” its audience, but still is on pace to finish third this season, behind NBC and Fox, among advertiser-prized 18-to-49-year-olds. CBS is comfortable in its own skin, though. And in an ever-expanding universe of myriad network and streaming choices, there’s something to be said for that. Once upon a time, at the start of the 1995-96 season, CBS had a bit of an identity crisis. It tried to get “edgy” and hoped to appeal to a younger crowd with the likes of “Bless This House” (a raunchy sitcom starring Andrew Dice Clay); the yuppy-heavy serial soaper “Central Park West;” and “Dweebs,” a comedy about socially inept young computer programmers. The “traditional” CBS audience mostly recoiled in horror, and all three newcomers were canceled in short order. Network executives then acknowledged that they had erred in trying to
Photos courtesy of CBS
Mark Harmon of "NCIS." make CBS something it wasn’t. CBS long has made its major ratings marks with “procedural” crime dramas. The “CSI” franchise, which included three spinoffs, endured for 15 seasons before finally Ed Bark playing itself out. But the “NCIS” franchise has stepped in and shows little sign of tiring out. The original series, a spinoff of “JAG,” premiered in fall 2003 and is still humming along. “NCIS: Los Angeles,” as previously noted, also will be among the CBS returnees, as will “NCIS: New Orleans.” On the comedy front, CBS is the only Big Four broadcast network still clinging to laugh track-driven, three-camera halfhours filmed before a “live studio audience.” The only exception is “Life In Pieces,” which will be back for a third season. But the first-year comedy renewals – “Man With a Plan,” “Kevin Can Wait” and “Superior Donuts” — all amuse to the tune of laugh tracks. As do the two veterans in CBS’ future plans, “Big Bang” and “Mom.” CBS’ other freshman renewals are the re-booted “Macgyver” and “Bull,” which stars former longtime “NCIS” regular Michael Weatherly as the cocky boss of a jury consulting firm. The character is modeled after a longtime CBS-backed daytime fixture, Dr. Phil McGraw. Although CBS has long preached strength through stability, it’s not hesitant to quickly pull the plug on obvious failures. “Doubt,” a new midseason
drama starring Katherine Heigl, was yanked after just two episodes. The first-year hospital drama “Pure Genius” likewise is not in CBS’ future plans. Another freshman entry, “The Great Indoors” (which has a premise very similar to that of “Dweebs”), doesn’t appear among the 18 announced CBS renewals. “Training Day,” whose principal star, Bill Paxton, died after filming on the planned 13 Season One episodes had been completed, looks to be one and done. The feature film spinoff continues to perform poorly in the ratings, and was a long shot for a Season 2 with or without Paxton. It’s also looking a little iffy for the long-running “Criminal Minds” and its spinoff “Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders,” neither of which made the network’s announced renewal roster. Two second-year series, “The Odd Couple” and “Code Black,” seem like sure goners. But “Thursday Night Football” will be back for at least one more season on CBS under the terms of a three-year contract. CBS officially will fill in the relatively few holes in its schedule with an official announcement on May 17 as part of the annual “upfronts” in New York City. Whatever occurs, don’t expect any undue departures from CBS “tradition.” This is a network that knows what it and its audience wants. Crazy-quilt deviations are for others. Ed Bark, who runs the TV website unclebarky.com, is a current board member of the Press Club of Dallas.
Embracing artsy side of Deep Ellum By Ryann Gordon
ryannbgordon@yahoo.com It’s back — our favorite excuse to venture east of downtown toward our most beloved, hipster sanctuary — the Deep Ellum Arts Festival, which is the Mecca of Dallas artists. Returning for its 23rd consecutive Ryann Gordon year with a conglomeration of artsy productions like never before, the Deep Ellum Arts Festival will take over six blocks of Main Street for three full days of colorful, creative excitement. So get your vintage club masters ready and cuff those jeans if only for a night, because the
inner hipster in you may take the win on this one. Indulge your senses for no cost at all, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. next Friday, April 7, Saturday, April 8 and until 8 p.m. on Sunday, April 9 as you wind through hundreds of vendors, over 200 decorative and visual artists, 150 musical performances, eight performance areas and stages and countless food and drink vendors to keep Photos courtesy of Deep Ellum Arts Festival you full and refreshed along the way. Don’t get too distracted by Throngs of artists, vendors, musicians and festival goers will take over Deep Ellum next weekend, the food though, and let your April 7-9 for the Deep Ellum Arts Festival. other senses take over as you experience a music and arts festival like none other in the area. Beginning next Friday afternoon, the arts festival will kick off with music, vendors, food and endless pieces of art to admire as you stroll along the strip. Either seek out the local musicians you admire and plan your trip around the performances or casually jam as you walk to music played on six stages and two additional performance areas dotted through the festival. Go full music festival and create your own schedule online at deepellumartsfestival.com where you can browse through musicians by genre. Are you a rocker or a bluesy, funk kinda’ guy or gal? Or would you prefer some lesser known indie artists? Don’t worry, because they’ve got all the genres and styles for every eclectic soul with, ceramics, photography, sculptures and all of the aesthetiin the metroplex. The music will continue endlessly throughout cally pleasing pieces your heart could desire will be available for the entirety of the event, so let it soothe your soul as you embrace purchase. Along with food galore! Let your inner bloodhound the cool and enticing vibes that make this particular festival so lead you through the crowd toward whatever food it is that draws inviting. you in. Greek, Cajun, Mexican, Italian, American and the list goes The musical guests are only part of the art that will be up on … just make sure to strategically plan your stomach space and for admiration. Cutting edge designs from fine artists, painters, not get too lost in the lines of food trucks and booths. sculptors, jewelers, muralists, leather and wood crafters and creAnd don’t forget about perhaps the most exciting attraction ators of our world’s most aesthetically pleasing materials will line of all — the parades! “I love a parade,” as my mom always sang; the streets of Deep Ellum within the festival. Witness renowned and that we do. Especially when it involves pooches. The annual artists create original pieces on the spot before your very eye, Pet Parade will kick off Sunday at 11 a.m. with dogs of all colors, or browse through creative vendor booths in search of that one talents and, best of all, costumes. Following the Pet Parade is the painting your home is begging for … or maybe just that one piece People’s Parade at 1 p.m., where you will find a similar display of jewelry to complete your neckline. of costumes, music and hundreds of people marching to spread Whether it’s items to wear or those to decorate your home good vibes.
MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
Our Favorite Restaur ants AMERICAN – HOMESTYLE Beck’s Prime 5931 Forest Ln. 972-661-8681 Bubba’s Cooks Country 6617 Hillcrest 214-373-6527 Mama’s Daughters’ Diner 2014 Irving Blvd. 214-742-8646 Riverside Grill 940 Riverfront Blvd. 214-748-2700 ASIAN – JAPANESE – SUSHI Blue Sushi Sake Grill 7859 Walnut Hill, #100 972-677-7887 Sushi House 5619 W. Lovers Ln. 214-350-2100 Sushi Kyoto II 6429 Hillcrest Ave. 214-520-9991 Ten Ramen 1818 Sylvan Ave. 972-803-4400 WaiWai Kitchen – Sushi, Noodles 4315 Lemmon Ave. 214-520-8868 BAKERY – DESSERTS – ICE CREAM Celebrity Café & Bakery 10720 Preston Rd,#1016 214-373-0783 Crème de la Cookie 6025 Royal Ln. 214-363-4766 6706 Snider Plaza 214-265-5572 Einstein Bros. Bagels 3827 Lemmon Ave. 214-526-5221 6011 Royal Ln. 214-265-1435 6109 Berkshire Ln, #A 214-691-2445 Gigi’s Cupcakes 5450 W. Lovers, #130 214-352-2253 Highland Park Soda Fountain 3229 Knox St. 214-521-2126 Marble Slab Creamery 3001 Knox St., #103 214-219-0300 6130 Berkshire Ln. 214-369-5566
Mojo Donuts 6522 Lemmon Ave. Mustang Donuts 6601 Hillcrest Ave. The Original Cupcakery 2222 McKinney, #230 Paciugo 3699 McKinney Ave. Pokey O’s 3034 Mockingbird Top Pot Doughnuts 8611 Hillcrest, #195 Yummy Donuts 4355 Lovers Ln.
214-357-5154 214-363-4878 214-855-0003 214-219-2665 214-987-1200 469-232-9911 214-520-7680
BAR-B-Q Aloha Hawaiian Barbecue 5601 Lemmon, A-1 214-521-8868 Big Al’s Smokehouse Barbecue 3125 Inwood Rd. 214-350-9445 Dickey’s Barbecue Pit 2324 McKinney Ave. 469-248-3149 Katy Trail Ice House 3127 Routh St. 214-468-0600 Peggy Sue Bar-B-Q 6600 Snider Plaza 214-987-9188 Smokey John’s Bar-B-Que 1820 W. Mockingbird 214-352-2752 BARS, PUBS & TAVERNS 6th Street Bar / Uptown 3005 Routh St. 214-965-0962 Big Al’s McKinney Ave. Tavern 2907 McKinney Ave. 214-969-1984 British Beverage Co. 2800 Routh St., #115 214-922-8220 The Corner Bar & Grill
4830 McKinney 214-219-8002 The Ginger Man - Uptown 2718 Boll St. 214-754-8771 The Idle Rich Pub 2614 McKinney Ave. 214-965-9926 Nickel and Rye 2523 McKinney Ave. 214-389-2120 The Quarter Bar 3301 McKinney Ave. 214-754-0106 Time Out Tavern 5101 W. Lovers Ln. 214-956-9522 Uptown Pub & Grill 3605 McKinney 214-522-5100 Windmill Lounge 5320 Maple Ave. 214-443-7818 BREAKFAST AND/OR LUNCH Bailey’s Cafe 2525 Inwood Rd., #123 214-350-9445 Original Pancake House 2900 Lemmon Ave. 214-528-7215 4343 W. NW Hwy,#375 214-351-2012 Two Sisters 3111-C Monticello 214-526-1118 BURGERS, DELI & SANDWICHES Blues Burgers 1820 W. Mockingbird 214-750-9100 BGR – The Burger Joint 3001 Knox St., #108 469-941-4471 Burger House 6913 Hillcrest 214-361-0370 Chip’s Old-Fashioned Hamburgers 4530 W. Lovers Ln. 214-691-2447 East Hampton Sandwich Co. 6912 Snider Plaza 214-363-2888 Gazeebo Burgers 5950 Royal Ln. 214-368-3344 Goff’s Hamburgers
6401 Hillcrest 214-520-9133 Great American Hero 4001 Lemmon Ave. 214-521-2070 Hunky’s Old-Fashioned Hamburgers 3930 Cedar Springs 214-522-1212 Jake’s Hamburgers 2702 McKinney, #101 214-754-8001 Jersey Mike’s Subs 3001 Knox St. 214-520-7827 5301 W. Lovers Ln. 214-350-7611 8411 Preston Rd., #118 214-691-7827 Mooyah Burger 6713 W. N.W. Hwy. 214-987-2666 Potbelly Sandwich Shop 5921 Forest Ln., #100 972-392-7771 Smashburger 4235 W. NW Hwy, #100 972-220-1222 Snuffer’s 8411 Preston Rd, #112 214-265-9911 Subway – SMU area 6935 Hillcrest 214-444-9068 Village Burger – West Village 3699 McKinney 214-443-9998 Wild About Harry’s – Katy Trail Serving up Harry’s mother's recipe of creamy frozen custard in many flavors made daily, award-winning hot dogs & a friendly atmosphere, Harry's has become the place to eat and relax for everyone. Open: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., 7 days a week. www.wildaboutharrys.com 3113 Knox St. 214-520-3113 CHINESE Howard Wang’s China Grill 3223 Lemmon Ave. 214-954-9558 4343 N.W. Hwy, #345 214-366-1606
Mayor Rawlings deems April ‘Arts Month’ By Hady Mawajen/ KERA News For the past several years, The City of Dallas has spent one week in April celebrating the arts and art makers in the city. But on Wednesday, March 22, Mayor Mike Rawlings held a press conference to announce a change. “Those of you that have been here before, you know that we announce Arts Week,” Rawlings said. “But we kind of outgrew Arts Week, didn’t we? We had to make it bigger.” Mayor Rawlings said there is so much artistic activity happening in the city that one week just wasn’t going to work anymore. So this year, instead of one week, Dallas will be reveling in arts and culture for an entire month. And Rawlings is asking citizens to take advantage of the
several hundreds of events happening around the city during Dallas Arts Month. “I need you to love an Artist in April, okay?” Rawlings joked. “I need you to go to a play. I’m going to a play on Sunday afternoon.” “One of the things I believe in that we need to do better is our corporations need to be sponsoring more arts organizations,” Rawlings said. Dallas Arts Month kicks off on April 1 when the Nasher Sculpture Center welcomes the second recipient of the Nasher Prize for Sculpture, Pierre Huyghe of France. Then on April 7 and 8, more than 20,000 visitors will come to see the best that Dallas art has to offer at the Dallas Art Fair at the Fashion Industry Gallery. Below is a list of more noteworthy events:
SQUARE cont'd from page 7
omelette with ham, cheese and spinach, home fries, biscuits and honey ($10) and Monument Blend coffee ($2.25). Another favorite is their huge cinnamon roll, large enough for two ($5) — not that I plan to share. My husband can’t pass up Monument’s chicken fried steak with gravy and potatoes ($10). It’s easy to see why. They hand cut their French fries and serve Kobe beef from Heartbrand and Certified Angus beef from Texas ranches — even for the CFS. Another special that looks good is Truckstop Enchiladas ($8). All desserts, including delicious cream meringue pies, are made from scratch. Monument Café (themonumentcafe.com) 7-ELEVEN cont'd from page 1
This is half of Our Favorite Restaurants. See the full list at our website: KatyTrailWeekly.com
Creative Conversation: Art, Architecture and Placemaking, Monday, April 10, 6 – 8 p.m. at Dallas City Performance Hall. Arts Advocacy Day, Tuesday, April 18, 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Latino Cultural Center. Family Event hosted by the Office of Culural Affairs, Friday, April 15, noon – 4 p.m. at the Ronald Kirk Bridge and Felix H. Lozada Sr. Gateway Park. Three, free outdoor performances of BANDALOOP, the vertical dance company, which will perform off the side of a downtown office tower. Presented by Dallas Arts District, TITAS Presents and AT&T Performing Arts Center on Friday, April 22 in the Dallas Arts District.
doesn’t require reservations. The restaurant is large enough there’s usually room for two more any time you go. If there is a waiting line, head to the back to browse the Monument Market’s wide selection of fresh produce. Many of the vegetables are grown in their own garden, and other goods are locally produced. Any time is a good time to visit Georgetown, which has a number of outdoor activities in the spring. There are several family-friendly, free festivals like the upcoming Red Poppy Festival (poppy.georgetown.org). There will be music, food, arts and crafts, and a car show Friday, April 28 through Sunday, April 30. Jo Ann Holt is a longtime journalist, now writing about cars, entertainment and travel.
Royal China 6025 Royal Ln., #201 Wang’s Chinese Café 6033 Luther Ln.
214-361-1771 214-265-1688
COFFEE & SPECIALTIES Drip Coffee Co. 4343 W. Lovers Ln. 214-599-7800 Oak Lawn Coffee 2720 Oak Lawn 214-219-5511 Sip Stir Cafe 3800 McKinney, #180 214-443-9100 Starbucks 2801 Allen St., #180 214-965-9696 3216 Knox St. 214-520-2273 4343 W. NW Hwy. 214-654-0704 Union Coffee Shop 5622 Dyer St. 214-242-9725 ECLECTIC Angela’s Cafe 7979 Inwood Rd. 214-904-8122 Black-Eyed Pea 3857 Cedar Springs 214-521-4580 Bread Winners Café & Bakery 3301 McKinney Ave. 214-754-4940 5560 W. Lovers, #260 214-351-3339 Buzzbrews 4334 Lemmon Ave. 972-521-4334 Café Brazil 3847 Cedar Springs. 214-461-8762 Café Express 5600 W. Lovers, #109 214-352-2211 Denny’s 2030 Market Ctr. Blvd. 214-749-6215 Dick’s Last Resort 2211 N. Lamar, #100 214-747-0001
Eden Rest. & Pastries 4416 W. Lovers Ln. Henry’s Majestic 4900 McKinney Ave. Lucky’s Cafe 3531 Oak Lawn The Rustic 3656 Howell St. Stoneleigh P 2926 Maple Ave.
972-267-3336 469-893-9400 214-522-3500 214-730-0596 214-871-2346
ETHIOPIAN Dallul 2515 Inwood Rd, #117 214-353-0805 FRENCH Rise No 1 Salon de Souffle 5360 W. Lovers, #220 214-366-9900 Toulouse Café & Bar 3314 Knox St. 214-520-8999 Whisk Crepes Café 1888 Sylvan Ave. 469-353-9718 GERMAN Kuby’s Sausage House 6601 Snider Plaza 214-363-2231 GREEK Greek Isles 5934 Royal Ln. Little Greek 9665 N. Central Exwy.
214-234-7662 214-696-1234
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TEQUILA cont'd from page 1 to Boston to attend Boston College with her husband. She also earned a degree in accounting. Marshall and her husband divorced, and without a family in the U.S. she decided to move to Texas to be near her ex-mother-in-law and raise her children for 17 years. Giving up accounting, she began a successful career in real estate. After a decade in Chicago where she married, Merrick (now a CPA with a master’s degree from UTD) moved to Abu Dhabi. (She recently moved back to Little Elm). Despite the distance, Merrick and Marshall formed a company. “Ten years ago, I visited my mother in India,” Marshall said, “and I paid $35 for a shot of awful tequila. It bothered me so much. I said, ‘This is not tequila!” The guy [bartender] couldn’t even tell me ‘tequila.’ He said ‘ta-cool-a.’” At the time, vodka was just getting into the market. As one could imagine, the sale of alcohol in India was in its infancy and heavily regulated. Nonetheless, Marshall knew she could do better. “So, I came here and I did some research,” Marshall said. “Natalie and I talked. I went to Mexico, but I couldn’t do much because I couldn’t speak Spanish.” Through a set-up by her (now) husband’s daughter, she met Brooke Marshall, who is an U.S. Army veteran and fluent in Spanish. “He’s a Mexican trapped in a white man’s body,” Marshall joked. “He can speak Spanish, write, read, rap … whatever. “So we went to Mexico and spent a lot of time and found this recipe,” Marshall said. After consulting with Merrick, Marshall went all-in. “I wanted something very unique because there are too many tequilas. We wanted a very good, premium tequila. We wanted organic, because as you can see, Natalie is very health conscious. She works out. So that’s how we started this journey.” In 2015, Sheela Tequila launched in India as the first organic spirit in the country. “It is totally a different ballgame. There are no retail stores like there are here,” Marshall said. In India, one primarily can purchase a bottle of alcohol from the few “wine shops.” Drinking in public was once taboo, but drinking at home was common. “When I was young and would get a cold,” Marshall said, “my mother would give me a teaspoon full of brandy.” The first shipments of Sheela Tequila went from the plant in Amatitán, Jalisco by truck and then by boat to India. It was a 60-day journey. Marshall and Merrick travel to India often, as they do to Mexico for quality control. In July 2016, Sheela Tequila contracted a Dallas-based independent distributor and rolled out the product in Texas. They have appealed to a wide variety of restaurants and bars, including Celebration on W. Lovers Lane. The brand can also be found at Total Wine and Spirits as well as other Texas retailers. Sheela Tequila is 100 percent agave, USDA certified organic and is available in Blanco, Reposado and Añejo. All three brands won medals in the 2016 San Francisco Spirits Competition. The Reposado was honored with the prestigious “Double Gold” medal. “Our story is the uniqueness between Sheela and I ever being able to come together,” Merrick said. “It is merging diversity, very different cultures yet with similar backgrounds. It is the fact that we are two women. We are very strong and don’t get defeated.” Sheela Tequila is believed to be the first tequila that is solely owned by women. “Our tequila is a not a shooting tequila — you can shoot it if you want — but it is more of a sipping tequila,” Marshall said. Expansion into other states is in the future. The brand was created out of necessity. But the name came very unscientifically. “What do you name a tequila, Sheela?” Marshall was asked. Sheela Tequila was born.
sports organizations. The community investment has been approximately $1.6 million. Programs have expanded to include initiatives that encourage youth safety and provide
hunger relief. Up to this point, convenience store ownership has been male dominated. “That is a byproduct of the convenience store industry,” Cunion said. “In general, it is an industry that is very heavy on that. But we are trying to attract more women, primarily because they are a core customer in our stores. We think the more franchisees that reflect the community and understand our customer base, the better we will be able to grow our sales and take care of customer’s needs.” The company has just created a new position in Manager of Diversity Recruiting. “We are going to be tasking this individual with doing outreach to different organizations,” Cunion said, “and just figuring out how we better recruit females into franchising. “What we know is that franchising provides a lot of flexibility from a work/life balance,” Cunion said. “You have an opportunity to grow your earnings based on your work. Our business model and the support that we provide helps individuals make the transition from corporate America to being their own business owner. And we see a lot of success in the women that operate our stores.”
Tootsies hosts luncheon
Photo by Lisa Means Photography
Wilkinson Center celebrated its Fifth Annual Can Do! kickoff event, which took place on Thursday evening, March 23 at Tootsies (above) at The Plaza At Preston Center. Nearly 60 people came out to shop. The Can Do! Luncheon award winners, Ashlee and Chris Kleinert and Kelsey Hamilton from The Real Estate Council, were also in attendance. Tootsies donated 10 percent of all proceeds back to the charity. Wilkinson Center is an organization dedicated to helping Dallas families find pathways out of poverty. – Vodi Cook
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Rangers don’t have playoff look
By David Mullen
Something doesn’t feel right about the 2017 Texas Rangers. They have won the American League West the last two years, only to lose the first round of playoffs to the Toronto Blue Jays. In the offseason, they lost Ian Desmond, Carlos Beltran, Colby Lewis and Mitch Moreland. They brought back 35-year-old Mike Napoli and his .252 career batting average. Future Hall of Fame third baseman Adrian Beltré turns 38 on April 7. (Don’t touch his head). But they do have catcher Jonathan Lucroy for a full season. The team is loaded in some positions and lacking in others. It is just not the makeup of a championship team. Maybe it is the beaming glow of talented youth coming from Houston that is making it difficult to see the Rangers winning the division again. Second baseman Jose Altuve, 26, hit .338 last year. Shortstop Carlos Correa, 22, hit 20 home runs. Each had 96 RBIs. The only Ranger with more RBIs than the Astros up-the-middle tandem was Beltré with 104. Plus, the Astros added Beltran at DH and Josh Reddick (a perfect fit in H-Town) to play right field. The Houston bullpen is deep and are the pick to win the division in 2017. The wild card in the West is the Seattle Mariners, and I don’t necessarily mean Wild Card team. They could be ready to actually play hard for a full season and give the Astros and Rangers fits. Seattle faces both the Rangers and Houston during a seven-game road trip in mid-September that will determine their fate. With Robinson Cano, Nelson Cruz and “King” Felix Hernandez, the M’s will take a chunk of wins from division teams. The Los Angeles Angels are still a mystery. Centerfielder Mike Trout is the best player in baseball, but they are brutally weak at second base, shortstop and catcher, and their bullpen is a mess. The Oakland Athletics will win the World Series … in 2020. Ryon Healy, the first of a slew of young players that are part of the A’s future, is a potential 2017 All Star. This year, the expansive grounds of the Coliseum will be
Photo courtesy of MLB
Cole Hamels hopes to lead the Rangers to the playoffs again. renamed Rickey Henderson Field on Opening Day. In the Central Division, the AL Champion Cleveland Indians, led by manager Terry Francona, got even better offensively this year by adding Edwin Encarnacion. Last year was a surprising 95-win season for the Tribe. This year — with five starting pitchers having double-digit wins last season — will be no fluke. Led by the ageless Miguel Cabrera, the Detroit Tigers still have a fearful lineup. Five players had more than 20 home runs despite playing half of their games in spacious Comerica Park. It is make-orbreak for the Tigers as father time is catching up. The Kansas City Royals are just one year removed from being World Champions. But last season they came to and realized they are just a mediocre team with a deep bullpen. Key starters like first baseman Eric Hosmer and centerfielder Lorenzo Cain are free agents at the end of the season, as KC returns to small market status. The Chicago White Sox bring in Rick Renteria (who managed one season for the Chicago Cubs in 2014) to see if he can field a competitive squad on the south side. Luckily, he has a three-year contract. The Minnesota Twins did nothing in the offseason except hold on to second baseman Brian Dozier, who hit 42 home runs last year. There is a lot to like about the Boston Red Sox, except that they are the Red Sox. Their starting pitching became the best in the league by adding Chris Sale. And their lineup got young all of a sudden. With budding stars in Mookie Betts, Xander
Bogaerts and Andrew Benintendi, the Red Sox are the team to beat — and hate — this year. The Toronto Blue Jays lost a key player in Encarnacion, and now they don’t look as imposing. They still have Josh Donaldson, but Troy Tulowitzki seems to be losing his edge. The Baltimore Orioles waited for home run hitter Mike Trumbo to sign and got him. They don’t hit for average and must win with the longball, which could work out when the O’s give a one-run lead to closer Zach Britton. The New York Yankees lineup are no longer the Bronx Bombers, and their pitching staff look like a bunch of pea-shooters. They must hope closer Arodis Chapman can save the day, and a lot of games. At least they have great delis in Manhattan. The Tampa Bay Rays play in a lousy stadium, have lousy uniforms and look like a last place team. At least they have great Cuban sandwiches in Ybor City. Reluctantly, I will put the Rangers in the Wild Card game against the Tigers. Realistically, it could be the Mariners facing Detroit. The Tigers move on to join the Astros, Red Sox and Indians. The Astros and Red Sox will battle it out in the AL championship series, with the Bo Sox prevailing. The fans will be raucous and ratings will be high when Boston plays the Chicago Cubs in the 2017 World Series. In a hard-fought battle that should feature great pitching, offense and defense, the north side of Chicago will bask in a world championship again. The chant of “Wait until next year” will change to “Break up the Cubs!”
When you’ve got to go but can’t and warn customers, and should have a desk outside the terminal where boarding passes can be obtained. Emirates Airlines is a major I later learned that this is carrier flying to India. And it’s standard procedure for airports the airline I used for a recent trip throughout India, not just at there. So you would think that the Delhi, meaning Emirates Airlines airline would warn its passengers should definitely know better. about the bizarre Indian airport For an airline that claims to be security system. But it doesn’t. In the most customer friendly (with fact, it’s just the opposite. Jennifer Aniston taking showers I was scheduled on an on the plane), I found it isn’t so Emirates Airlines flight leaving special. Delhi, India’s busiest airport, en Another special annoyance route to Dallas. I always recomin India is with carry-on baggage. mend checking in online for your As I checked in, Emirates Airlines flight if you can. Usually you can personnel asked, “Do you have an only do this 24 hours in advance. I Photo by Michael Wald airline nametag on each piece of did this for my return flight using The departure schedule at hand baggage?” I thought it was my computer and the internet India's Delhi Airport. the standard courtesy question to connection at the hotel. Note that see if I wanted many Indians do not have computto be given a nametag. Nope. It’s ers or ready internet access, so doing this would be far more than that. It’s part of impossible. the unique Indian protocol. No Usually one of the reasons for checking in nametag, no entry beyond the online is you are issued a boarding pass that enbaggage scanning process at the ables you to bypass long lines at the ticket counter airport. As part of that process, for check-in at the airport. When I checked in with the baggage check people will Emirates Airlines, the webpage said that you canMichael Wald stamp this all-important nametag not get a boarding pass online. You must get it at with the date. If you don’t have the Emirates Airlines counter at the airport. And, one, back to the check-in counter to start the proin fact, Emirates has a separate, shorter line at its cess all over, including waiting on all the lines to get counter for those that checked in online. through security. But, as I approached to enter the airport termiObviously, these procedures are unlike anynal, I was stopped by a pair of police officers who where else I have traveled. No one warned me about wouldn’t let me into the airport without a boardeither of these annoying procedures. The best-reing pass. I explained that I was told to get it at the garded guide books are all silent about it. counter. No matter; I was not getting in. I was diSo, be forewarned. Indian bureaucracy is really rected to another police officer. And then another. bad, and the airport procedures are a nightmare. After about one hour, I was able to convince an Best advice is to know the problems discussed here officer that I had a ticket by showing him my itinand how to circumvent the hassles before you have erary I had printed out at home before I started my to deal with them and risk missing your flight. journey to India. The process was complicated by the fact that none of the officers spoke English, only Michael Wald is a travel specialist with special Hindi, in a country where English is supposedly the expertise in Panama adventure travel. He blogs about official language, but, more often than not, I found travel and other musings at untroddenla.com. Follow myself unable to communicate in English. him @Adventourist. Emirates Airlines should know the procedure
The rides — and reads — of March djboldt@sbcglobal.net
By Michael Wald
MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
Late last month — on the cusp of spring — Indian Motorcycle David Boldt announced the availability of its “premiere” flat track race bike for purchase, the FTR750. While a $50K price tag may keep the posers away, it’s but a small financial step in the building of a race program. And nothing speaks better to the history of American motorcycling than flat track motorcycles and the men that race them. Thankfully, you don’t have to race flat track to tap into the spirit of American motorcycling; any number of recently introduced (or revived) choices are there for the riding. We’re especially taken by the industry’s move to scramblers and adventure-oriented rides, and both Triumph’s redesigned Scrambler and Ducati’s more dirt-specific Scrambler Desert Sled do a credible job of getting you off-road, when and where the pavement inevitably ends. If, however, the arrival of spring and onset of summer means riding may require way too much psychic energy, we’ll offer the “reads” of spring, headlined by author Alan Girdler’s Harley-Davidson Sportster: Sixty Years. Girdler, a former editor of Cycle World and Road & Track magazines, brings an informed perspective to virtually anything he tackles, and in that his life stage roughly parallels that of the Sportster. His perspective is spot-on. In Girdler’s overview of the Sportster, the honesty of the Harley-Davidson mechanism has never been made clearer. It is machinery with no pretense or affectation, not unlike MG’s postwar TC or the early 289 Cobras. And the enduring beauty of a ’58 Sportster is that most of its lines can be found in Harley’s 2017 derivative. Girdler documents production models and the various low-volume specials, customs and one-offs. The Sportster has benefited from some well-considered design elements in the course of its evolution, but has also had some awkward periods that, in a history, need to be documented while this reader wishes they could be forgotten. I don’t know if Girdler and his editorial team have included everything here — I’m a fan, not a scholar — but it seems that it has been discussed. Harley-Davidson Sportster: Sixty Years is published by Motorbooks, an imprint of
Quarto Publishing Group. Suggested retail is $45. Photographs are capably supplied by Jeff Hackett, David Blattel and Dain Gingerelli. He’s dubbed the “King of Cool”, and while a royal descriptive may be a tad much for the decidedly blue collar appeal of Steve McQueen, it’s hard to argue with its accuracy. My first memories are of him portraying Josh Randall in “Wanted: Dead or Alive” and, of course, the jump scenes in “The Great Escape.” For McQueen himself, the great escapes were motorcycles and cars, the riding and the racing. The riding is well documented in McQueen’s Motorcycles – Racing and Riding With The King Of Kool, authored by Matt Stone. Stone, the one-time executive editor of Motor Trend, brings an L.A. perspective on both McQueen and motorcycles to this 160-page overview. And if Stone’s subject lacks the span of Girdler’s, it more than makes up for the shortfall with action-packed celebrity and — of course — celebrities in action. Personally, we were sucked in by the book’s cover, where McQueen is casually piloting a Triumph twin with one hand on its throttle and the other hand trailing behind him. We stayed in with the writer’s in-depth look at the bikes, many of them inevitably juxtaposed with their era. McQueen was far more than just an enthusiast. He partnered with Bruce Brown in the production of Brown’s “On Any Sunday”, raced as a member of the U.S. team in the International Six Day Trial (1964), and was an avid collector of virtually anything on two wheels with visual (and visceral) interest. And while any number of celebrities are identified with motorcycling today (Keanu Reeves is behind the production of his own low-volume two-wheeler, while Peter Fonda — some years ago — made a movie), that wasn’t the case in the ‘50s and early ‘60s. McQueen wasn’t alone, but you could fill a small room with the celebs that joined him on a bike. The Matt Stone book is also published by Motorbooks, benefits from a foreword by Dave Ekins, and has a suggested retail of $35. Neither book is essential reading, but if you want to get your mental motor revving — or are simply between bikes — both offer a weekend’s worth of amusement. And in Stone’s McQueen, it’s a great escape. David Boldt brings years of experience in automotive retail sales and public relations to his automotive reporting. More can be found at txGarage.com.
MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017
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By Sally Blanton
Society Editor
Junior Conservancy Group Lee Park and Arlington Hall Vineyard Vines
Steve DeShazo, Jane Brecunier, Kurt Mitchell, Gay Donnell, George Walter
Anne DeFilippo, Petrushka Dickson, Cindy Cocklin, Gina Angelella
Fashion Stars Suicide & Crisis Center Diamond Doctor
Yvonne Crum, Carolyn Tillery
Francesco Mainetti, Marcos Duron
Tyler Stevens, Gay Donnell, Camille Cain Barnes
Under the Moonlight Ronald McDonald House Home of Lindy and Brad Berkley
Rachel Michell, Jane Rozelle, Co-Chairs Heather Randall and Maggie Cooke Kipp
Hosts Lindy and Brad Berkley
Bob Wood, Diane Fullingim
Toast To Life Resource Center Benefit Empire Room
Patrick Sands, Kristy Morgan Sands, Caroline Rose Hunt
Sara Offringer, Sasha Hana
Rodrigo Orta, Steven Lindsey
Rich Hill, Emily Lewin, Nancy Villere, Austin Harris
MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 2017