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Kuangwei Lo
I've drifted from hometown in Central Taiwan Island to Taipei, then Tokyo, New York, San Francisco, Trieste (Italy). Moved back to Asia now, "trying" to live my life PURA VIDA way, in old-school fashion. Wish to complete the full circle and bring back the essence of traditional China wisdom in next few years of my journey..... Glad that you stand by me, my friends! 多年前,曾經輕狂地以"俠客貓"為筆名, 自詡身上流著藍色血液龍族傳承,寓意能像古代輕功高強如貓的俠客自由穿梭五湖四海, 藝高膽大地應對生命中各種挑戰。九死一生的貓總在窮途末路之際,奇蹟發生地絕處逢生,撥雲見日如鷹展翅來到達更高的境界。