Please note that characters like me are 100% fictional; we do not represent any people from the Quran. We are here to build empathy and understanding of the stories. Enjoy learning, inshallah!
Authored by Reem Rahman and Marium A. Rahman. Illustrated by Justine Torrevillas.
Thank you to storyboard artists Axel Livoireau and Justine Torrevillas, editors Mohammed Ali, Naeem Baig, Basheer Kareem and Adam Kareem, layout editor Malaaya Adams, and all the families who provided feedback. Thank you also to our elders, families, friends, and teachers for your ongoing inspiration and support.
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A Cataloguing-in-Publication Data record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83592-008-4 (Box set)
Printed in China
To Our Children Bismillah
We begin with a prayer from our hearts
Please bless the lives of our little ones from the start May they find ways to spread goodness every day With love and joy in all they do and say

One day, Ibrahim taught his people about God, the One who created everything! He knew not to worship idols 6: 74 they were such weak things!

So he looked up and questioned if Allah was a star in the night?

But in the morning, he showed that the stars went away with the light! 6: 76

Next, he showed them the moon, so full in the night sky!
But when the day came, the moon also went bye, bye! 6: 77

With the sun, it was the exact same story: so bright in the day, but by night, it lost its glory! 6: 78

So, Ibrahim told them out LOUD, and as clear as the day: I believe in the One who NEVER goes away! 6: 79