Raisah and the Boat Trip - Nadia Ali

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Boat Trip and the Raisah

Illustrator Fatma Zehra Köprülü Nadia Ali

Boat Trip and the Raisah

Nadia Ali Illustrator Fatma Zehra Köprülü
Today, Raisah, Mama and Papa are going sailing. ‘Behold!’ said Papa. ‘This is our boat.’

Raisah stepped in holding her doll and sat next to Mama. She looked over the side at the clear, sparkly water. And, with a tug, tug, tug on the engine they rumbled into the ocean.

Or else, like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, covered by waves above which are waves, with clouds above it all. (Quran 24: 40)

‘Look! The water is getting dark!’ Raisah pointed out.
‘It’s because the water is getting very deep and sunlight cannot reach that far down,’ said Mama.
Lawful to you is allwater-game ,
and whatever food the sea bringsforth .(Qur’ an 5

Raisah and the Boat Trip

First Published in 2023 by THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION


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Text copyright © Nadia Ali Illustrations copyright © Fatma Zehra Köprülü

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner

Author Nadia Ali Illustrator Fatma Zehra Köprülü

Book design Nasir Cadir

A Cataloguing-in-Publication Data record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-0-86037-911-9

eISBN 978-0-86037-916-4

Printed in China


illustrated and full of wonder, Raisah and the Boat Trip takes us from the shallow shoreline to the deep sea. By way of a simple day out, Raisah and her parents, show young curious readers that the seas and oceans are a gift to humanity and all living things. Through themes of family and nature it celebrates the favours of Allah and reminds us of our duty to His Creation. ISBN 978-0-86037-911-9 | US $9.95 9 780860379119 50995 ISBN 978-0-86037-911-9 Exclusively managed by www.kubepublishing.com K PUBLISHING KUBE

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