To my four beautiful children, Inaayah, Musa, Ruqayyah and Eesa: you are the inspiration behind this book and my constant motivation to strive for a kinder world where you are always seen, understood and loved. -NK

To my four beautiful children, Inaayah, Musa, Ruqayyah and Eesa: you are the inspiration behind this book and my constant motivation to strive for a kinder world where you are always seen, understood and loved. -NK
Written by Neelum Khan
I am sure many of us can relate to feeling quite helpless when we see our children struggling with emotional overwhelm. Sometimes we recognise the triggers and are able to course correct before chaos takes over. But truth be told, we can’t always be present or that intuitive. In this book, Bilal models practical ways to take control of big feelings and to rely on Allah (Swt) to restore calm. This Iman focused way of self-regulating will hopefully set the foundation for the emotional resilience needed in our children to navigate the challenges of the world we live in today.
Of the five strategies that can be selected by spinning the dial when prompted in the story, three are common yet effective grounding techniques. Deep breathing, removing ourselves physically away from stressors and being hugged by a loved one are well known to provide relief when feeling emotionally unbalanced. Two faith-based strategies that have been included are equally as powerful. The barakah of wudu to wash away sins is an authentic sunnah1. Here the idea of cleansing ourselves has been developed for children to feel that they are washing away their worries. Even if the spiritual significance is not understood by our younger children, the sensory impact of having water run over the skin moves the mind away from inner thoughts to the outward soothing sensation.
From the moment Bilal opened his eyes, he just knew it was going to be one of those days. The kind of day when nothing goes right. First, he woke up to the sound of his brother and sister arguing over their toys.
Next, he realised his mum had forgotten to buy his favourite breakfast cereal. “Say Bismillah and try the new one Bilal. I’m sure you’ll like it!” Mum said.
Then, his dad made a joke about his bed hair that Bilal didn’t find funny.
AT All! To make matters worse, mum said they were having guests over for lunch.
On top of that, Mum ordered him to tidy his room. Bilal plodded up the stairs.
Could this day get any worse?