Arabic Consonants
Initial, unexpressed medial and final: ء ’ a d d k b dh t l t r z m th z [ n j s gh h h sh f w kh s q y
With a shaddah, both medial and final consonants are doubled.
Vowels, diphthongs, etc.
Short: a i u Long: a i u Diphthongs: aw ay
Sayings of the Companions of the Prophet , another volume in Kube Publishing’s Daily Wisdom series, aims at acquainting the readers with their understanding and elucidation of Islam. Essentially, these sayings constitute the amplification of the life-giving message of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Since these noble, pious souls had the unique privilege of enjoying over the years the Prophet Muhammad’s company, and as they were keen on assimilating the life enriching message of Islam, their sayings have a great value and relevance. At one level, their sayings and practices serve as one of the primary sources, next to the Qur’an and Sunnah, in the codification of Islam. Among the jurists, Imam Malik in particular placed much premium on the actions of the Madinan Companions. His premise was natural and logical: these Companions must have learnt from the Prophet all that they did, for emulating him was their mission.
Most of their sayings therefore stand out for their nuanced elaboration, summarization and recapitulation, and even contextualization of the Prophet’s words and deeds. Their comments underscore their sagacity, their insights into the faith and practice of Islam and their earnest
attempts to preserve faithfully what they had received directly from the Prophet . Their unwavering commitment led to the formulation and development of the vast Hadith corpus, bearing out as it does their devotion to Islam and the Prophet and their sincere goal of transmitting their invaluable knowledge to subsequent generations. For they were wedded unflinchingly to the cause of promoting Islam at the widest possible scale. Needless to add, their sayings reverberate and reinforce the sayings of the Propher , and at times, extend these in a logical fashion. Some of their sayings capture the circumstantial setting of certain Qur’anic verses. Take the following saying by [Abdullah ibn [Abbas , * a brilliant Qur’an exegete in his own right, as illustrative:
Regarding the words of Allah Most High … and restrain their rage, [Al [Imran 3: 134], Ibn [Abbas said: “This refers to a man who verbally abuses you and you restrain your rage and do not answer back despite being able to do so.”
* Whenever we say the illustrious names of the Companions of the Prophet we should always say May Allah be pleased with them
Abu Hurayrah’s following saying exemplifies a pithy aphorism:
Yazid ibn al-Asamm said: “I heard Abu Hurayrah say: “One of you sees a speck in his brother’s eye but does not see the log in his own eye.”
The following comment by the rightly guided Caliph. [Umar ibn al-Khattab is reflective of his piety and God-fearingness:
[Umar ibn al-Khattab said: “Were a lamb to perish because it got lost by the banks of the river Euphrates, I would be afraid that Allah may ask me (as the Caliph) about it.”
(Ibn Abi Shaybah)
Some of these sayings provide a vivid glimpse of life in the Prophet’s day, especially those by [A’ishah :
It is reported from [A’ishah that she said: “The believing women used to pray Fajr prayer with the Prophet (peace be upon him) wrapped up in their sheets and then after that return to their families without being recognized by
These Sayings are from scores of Companions, most notably the four rightly-guided Caliphs, [A’ishah , Abu al-Darda’ , Abu Hurayrah and [Abdullah ibn Mas[ud . These have been gleaned from the authentic Hadith collections by Bukhari, Muslim, Malik, Ahmad and others.
I take this opportunity to thank Brother Haris Ahmad, CEO, Kube Publishing, without whose valuable help this work could not have seen the light of day.
Abdur Raheem Kidwai Aligarh, India Rabi‘ al-Awwal 1433 H December 2022 CE
Daily Wisdom Sayings of the Companions of the Prophet
day 1
Abu’l-Darda’ said: “Worship Allah as if you see Him; and consider yourself among the dead; and beware of the supplication of the one who is wronged, and know that the little that is just sufficient is much better than abundance which distracts you [from Allah], and that pious works never wear off while sin is never forgotten.”
(Waki[ ibn al-Jarrah, Kitab al-Zuhd) day 2
ammad ibn Zayd reported that [Uthman ibn [Affan, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “No doer does any work except that Allah wraps him in the raiment of his work.”
3 مويلا ١ َيلاُي نَأ :ِءاَدْرَّهلدا وُبَأ َيلاق َةَْقيَيذُح ْنَع َنوُدِقْقَت اَم ِدَْع ْنَع َوُهَو ُهِْم ِِلماَس ْنَع َيلَْقفَأ َناَك اَم ٍْكَب وُبَأ َيلاَق َسْح َأ ْنِإَف (2) ُل َمَْي ٍلِماَع ْنِم اَم :َيلاَق ُهَّنَأ َناَمْقُع ْنَع ٍدْيَز ِْب ِداَّهَح ْنَع .ِِلَمَع َءاَدِر َُّهللا ُهاََيك َّيِإ ًلَمَع دمحأ )3( ،َيتْوَملا ِف َكَسْقَن َّدُعَو ،ُهاََت َكَّنَأَك ََّهللا ِدُْعُا :ِءاَدْرَّهلدا وُبَأ َيلاق ٍْيرِثَيك ْنِم ٌْيرَخ َكْيِنْقُي ًلِْلَق َّنَأ َْيلْعاَو ،ِمْوُلَْملا َةَوْعَدَو َكاَّيإَِو .َسْقنُي َيل َمْثِلا َّنَأَو َيلَْي َيل َِّبلا َّنَأَو ،َكْيِْلُي دهزلا باتك ،حاََّّرلجا نب عيكو (4) َكِساَّهلنا َّهباَّلشا ىَرَأ ْنَأ ُِّحَُيلأ ِّنِإ :َُمُع َيلاَق .ِبا َيِّلثا َفيَِّنلا دهزلا باتك ،حاََّّرلجا نب عيكو (5) َّهَيلِإ َُّحَأ َُكْقشَأَف َيفاَعُأ ْنََيلأ :َيلاَق َِّهللا ِدَْع ِْب ِفِّرَيُم ْنَع . َِبْصَأَف َيلَْبُأ ْنَأ ْنِم دهزلا باتك ،حاََّّرلجا نب عيكو (6) .ِءاَّهَّلضا ِف َكْرُكْذَي ِءاَّهَّهلسا ِف ََّهللا ِرُكْقذُا :ِءاَدْرَّهلدا وُبَأ َيلاق دمحأ مويلا 2 وُبَأ َبَتَيك َيلِمَع اَذِإ ِمَع اَذإَِو َيلِإ ُهََّغَب :ِءاَدْرَّهلدا وُبَأ َيلاق َيلاُي نَأ :ِءاَدْرَّهلدا وُبَأ َيلاق َةَْقيَيذُح ْنَع َنوُدِقْقَت اَم ِدَْع ْنَع (1) :َتْلُق اَذِإ :يرَِم ٍمْوَي ِف ِهِنِّذَؤُمِل َيلاَق ُهَّنَأ ٍساَّهَع ِْب َِّهللا ِدَْع ْنَع :ْلَُت َلَف ،َِّهللا ُلوُسَر اًدَّهمَحُم َّنَأ ُدَْقشَأ ،َُّهللا َّيِإ ََيلِإ َيل ْنَأ ُدَْقشَأ َساَّهلنا َّنَأ َكَف :لاَق ،ْمُكِت وُُب ِف اوُّلَص :ْلُق ،ِةَلَّهلصا َيلَع َّهَح َوُه ْنَم اَيذه َيلَعَف ْقدَق ،اَيذه ْنِم َنوُبَجْقَتَأ :َيلاََف ،َكاَذ اوَُيكْقَتْسا ْم ُكَج ِْخُأ ْنَأ ُتْهَِيك ِّنإَِو ،ٌةَمَْع َةَعُمُجْلا َّنِإ ،ِّنِم ٌْيرَخ .ْْحَّهلداَو ،ِينِّلا ِف اوُش ْمََيف ملسم و يراخبلا (2) ُل َمَْي ٍلِماَع ْنِم اَم :َيلاَق ُهَّنَأ َناَمْقُع ْنَع ٍدْيَز ِْب ِداَّهَح ْنَع .ِِلَمَع َءاَدِر َُّهللا ُهاََيك َّيِإ ًلَمَع دمحأ )3( ،َيتْوَملا ِف َكَسْقَن َّدُعَو ،ُهاََت َكَّنَأَك ََّهللا ِدُْعُا :ِءاَدْرَّهلدا وُبَأ َيلاق ٍْيرِثَيك ْنِم ٌْيرَخ َكْيِنْقُي ًلِْلَق َّنَأ َْيلْعاَو ،ِمْوُلَْملا َةَوْعَدَو َكاَّيإَِو .َسْقنُي َيل َمْثِلا َّنَأَو َيلَْي َيل َِّبلا َّنَأَو ،َكْيِْلُي دهزلا باتك ،حاََّّرلجا نب عيكو
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allah be well pleased with him, said: “O people! Indeed, I am a follower [of the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace] and not a blameworthy innovator. So, if I do well, you should help me; and if I deviate, you should set me right.”
(al-Baqillani, I[jaz al-Qur’an) day 14
li ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be well pleased with him, said: “These hearts are receptacles, and the best of them are those who retain things well.”
(Al-Sharif al-Radi, Nahj al-Balaqhah)
day 13
A ˘
15 مويلا ١3 : اََيل َيلق : َيلاَق ِءاَدْرَّهلدا ِّمُأ ْنَع ِدْعَجْلا ِيبأ ِْب ِِلماَس ْنَع . ُّكَفَّلا :َْيلاَق ؟ِءاَدْرَّهلدا ِيبَأ ِلَمَع َيلَْقفَأ َناَك اَم فّّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا (13) ،ٍعِدَتْبُمِب ُتَْيلسَو ٌعِبَُّم اَنَأ اََّينِإ ،ُساَّهلنا اَُّيَأ :ُيقِّدِّلصا ٍْكَب وُبَأ َيلاَق .cِنوُمِّوََف ُْقغِز ْنإَِو ِنوُنِعَأَف ُْقنَسْح َأ ْنِإَف نآرقلا زاجعإ ،ينلاقابلا ماملإا دهزلا باتك ،حاََّّرلجا َّهَيلِإ َُّحَأ دهزلا باتك ،حاََّّرلجا .ِءاَّهَّلضا ِف َكْرُكْذَي دمحأ مويلا ١4 َمْقُع ِيبَأ ْنَع اَيذَكَو اَيذَيك ِل :َُمُع َيلاَق ْوَأ ُدَْع َيلاَق .ِةَعْقدِْلا ِف (14) .اَهاَعْوَأ اَهُْيرَخَف ٌةَِعْوَأ َبوُلُْلا ِهِذَه َّنِإ :ٍِلاَيط ِيبَأ ُْب ٌِّلَع َيلاَق ةغلابلا جهن ،يِّضَرلا فيرَّّشلا (15) ُْهَُيثْقكَأ ِةَماَيِْلا َمْوَي اًبوُنُذ ِساَّهلنا َُيثْقكأ :َيلاَق َناَمْلَس ْنَع .ِللها ِةَيِْعَم ِف اًمَلَك فَّّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا (16) ُْكِذ :َيلاَق ؟ُلَْقفَأ ِلَمَْلا ُّيَأ :ٍساَّهَع َْبا ُْلَأَس :َيلاَق َةََتَْع ْنَع ِللها َباَتِك ِهِف َنْوَيطاَعََي ٍْيَب ِف ٌمْوَق ََيلَج اَمَو ،َُبْقكأ ِللها اوُناَكَو اَِتَحِْجَأِب َُيكِئَلَمْلا ْمُْقتَّيلَيظَأ َّيِإ ُهَنوُسَراَدََيَو ْمُهَْيَب اَمِف
Abu al-Darda’ said: “Seek refuge in Allah from the humble devotedness of the hypocrite.” He was asked: “And what is that?” He said: “It is seeing the body humbly devoted while the heart is not.”
(Ibn Abi Shaybah, al-Musannaf) day 114
Regarding the words of Allah Most High: (… and restrain their rage…) [Al [Imran 3: 134], Ibn [Abbas said: “This refers to a man who verbally abuses you and you restrain your rage and do not answer back despite being able to do so.”
(Al-Tabarani, Makarim al-Akhlaq)
day 113
127 مويلا ١١3 112 ُمِدَْي اَم ُفِرَْقت ْلَه : َُمُع ِل َلاَقق :َلاَقق ٍْيَقدُح ِْنب ِداَيِز ْنَع ِيقِفا َنُمْلا ُلاَقدِجَو ِِلاَْلا َُّيلَز ُهُمِدَْي :َلاَقق !َلا :ُت ْلُق ؟َمَقلاْسِْلإا .َينِّلُِمْل ا ِةَّمِئَْلأا ُمْكُح َو ِباَتِكْلاِب يمراَّدلا 113 َلِق .ِقاَقفِّلنا ِيعو ُشُخ ْنِم َِّللاِب اوُذيِعَتْسا :لاق ِءاَدْرَّلدا ِيبَأ ْنِع اًعِشاَخ َقدَسَجْل ا ىََقت ْنأ :لَاق ؟ِقاَقفِّلنا ُعوُشُخ اَمَو :َُل .ٍعِشاَقخِب َْيَل َبْلَْلاَو فَّّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 114 )ْيَْلا َين ِمِظاَقكْلاَو( : ِِلْوَقق ِف ٍساََّع ِْنبا ِينَع ْننَأ ُرِدَْقت َْننَأَو ِهِنا َس ِلِب َكُلَواَقَقتَي َلُجَّلرا ُديُِي ]134 :نامع لآ[ .اًئْنيَقش ِهَْلَع ُّدَُقت َقلاَقف ُهْنَع َكَْنيظَقغ َمِظْكََف ِهَْلَع َّدَُت قلاخلأا مراكم ،يناربطلا ِدَْع ْنَع ٌنِْح 107 ُدَْع َلاَقق ؟َكُلاَّمُع ُلَمَْي اَم َّمُع ََم َّمُع ْنِم 108 ِيبَأ ْنَع َينَِّيلذا مويلا ١١4 ا ِلهأ نم اًدحأ َنو .لا :َلاَقق ؟اًكِْشُم ُهَقنوُّمَسُت لَقف نايملإا ،ملاس نبا مساقلا ديبع وبا 112 ُمِدَْي اَم ُفِرَْقت ْلَه : َُمُع ِل َلاَقق :َلاَقق ٍْيَقدُح ِْنب ِداَيِز ْنَع ِيقِفا َنُمْلا ُلاَقدِجَو ِِلاَْلا َُّيلَز ُهُمِدَْي :َلاَقق !َلا :ُت ْلُق ؟َمَقلاْسِْلإا .َينِّلُِمْل ا ِةَّمِئَْلأا ُمْكُح َو ِباَتِكْلاِب يمراَّدلا 113 َلِق .ِقاَقفِّلنا ِيعو ُشُخ ْنِم َِّللاِب اوُذيِعَتْسا :لاق ِءاَدْرَّلدا ِيبَأ ْنِع اًعِشاَخ َقدَسَجْل ا ىََقت ْنأ :لَاق ؟ِقاَقفِّلنا ُعوُشُخ اَمَو :َُل .ٍعِشاَقخِب َْيَل َبْلَْلاَو فَّّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 114 )ْيَْلا َين ِمِظاَقكْلاَو( : ِِلْوَقق ِف ٍساََّع ِْنبا ِينَع ْننَأ ُرِدَْقت َْننَأَو ِهِنا َس ِلِب َكُلَواَقَقتَي َلُجَّلرا ُديُِي ]134 :نامع لآ[ .اًئْنيَقش ِهَْلَع ُّدَُقت َقلاَقف ُهْنَع َكَْنيظَقغ َمِظْكََف ِهَْلَع َّدَُت قلاخلأا مراكم ،يناربطلا ُلُجَّلرا 106 ِدَْع ْنَع ٌنِْح 107 ُدَْع َلاَقق ؟َكُلاَّمُع ُلَمَْي اَم َّمُع ََم َّمُع ْنِم 108 ِيبَأ ْنَع َينَِّيلذا
day 137
Anas said: “Whoever takes on a brother for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a castle in Paradise; and whoever gets to wear a garment at the expense of his brother, Allah will put on him a garment in the Fire; and whoever consumes food at the expense of his brother, Allah will make him eat food in the Fire; and whoever stands in a position of fame and showing off at the expense of his brother, Allah will make him stand on the Day of Judgement in a position of fame and showing off.”
(Ibn Abi Shaybah, al-Musannaf) day 138
Salman [al-Farisi] said: “When Allah created Adam, He said to him: ‘There is one thing which is Mine, one thing which is yours, and one thing which is between Me and you. As for the thing which is Mine, it is that you worship
day 143
bu Yahya Hakim ibn Sa[d heard [Ali saying: “Do not be hasty, quick to spread news and unable to keep a secret, for there shall be ahead of you a very painful calamity that will hit hard as well as heavy calamitous matters that will weigh on you for a long time.”
(Al-Bukhari, al-Adab al-Mufrad) day 144
bd al-Rahman ibn al-Aswad related that his father reported that [Abdullah ibn Mas[ud said: “Verily, these hearts are but receptacles, so preoccupy them with the Qur’an and nothing else.”
(Ibn Abi Shaybah, al-Musannaf)
165 مويلا ١43 141 ْنِإ :َهلاَعَعف ِهِئاََح َعةَّيدِشَو َنا َمُْع َرَعكَعذَو َهلاَعق ِنَسَحْتل ا ِنَع ُهَْع ُعََي ا َمَعف ٌقَهلُْم ِهَْهلَع ُباَْتلباَو ِْيَْتلبا ِف ُنوُكََهل َناَعك .ُهَْتلُص َميِيُي ْنَأ ُءاَيَحْتلا ُهُعَنَْعي َءاَمْتلا ِهَْهلَع َيضِفُِل َبْوَّلثا دمحأ 143 اوُنوُكَت َهل :ُلوَُعي اًِّلَع ُتْعِمَس :َهلاَعق ٍدْعَس ِيْب ِيمِكَح َيَْعي ِبَأ ْنَع ،اًحِلْمُم اًحَِّبُم ًءَعلَب ْمُكِئ اَرَو ْنِم َّنِإَعف ،اًرُذُب َعِيياَهذَم ًلُجُع .اًحُدُر ًَهلِحاَمَُم اًروُمُأَو درفلما بدلأا ،يراخبلا 144 ُْب َِّللا ُدَْع َهلاَعق :لاَعق ِهِيبأ ْنَع ِدَوْسَلا ِيْب ِنَْحَّلرا ِدَْع ْنَع ِينآْرُْتلقاِيب اَهو ُلِغْشَأَعف ، ٌةَِعْوأ ُبوُلُْتلقا ِهِذَه اََّانإ: ٍدوُعَْم .ِهِيْيَِيب اَهوُلَغْشَهت َهلَو فَّّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 150 َهلَع ُلوَُعي َُمُع َناَعك :َهلاَعق ِهِيبَأ ْنَع ،ََهلْسَأ ِيْب ِدْيَز ْنَع ِهِذَه اوُفِخَأَو ،ْمُكي ِيواََم ْمُك َْهلَع اوُحِلْصَأ ،ُساَّلنا اَُّيَأ اَي :ِيَبْنِمْتلا .ْمُكَعفيِخُت ْنَأ َهلَْهق َناَّنِيجْتلا درفلما بدلأا ،يراخبلا 151 َوُك ْشَهت َهل ْنَأ :َمَدآ ِيْبا ِيْمَأ ِكَعلِم ْنِم ٌثَعلَهث :ِءاَدْرَّلدا وُبَأ َهلاَعق .كِناَس ِلِيب َكَسَْعن َِّيكَُت َهلَو َكَِجَوِيب َهثِّدَحُت َهلَو َكَتَيبُِم دمحأ اوُنوُكَت َعلَعف اًْنَعذ ْنِكَهلَو ،َُّللا قلاخلأا مراكم ،يناربطلا َْين ِكِّس اَمَُم ْنِمَو ََّالَسَو ِه َْهلَع .اوُك فّنصلما ،قاّزرلا دبع اوُمِظْتكاَعف ُهو .ُبو يمراَّدلا ،اًمِّيلَعَُم َنوُكَت دهزلا باتك ،حاََّّرلجا ْمُْيَأَر اَعذإ ْم ِيقَّيَعنت :اْوُلاَعق ؟ِه فَّّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ مويلا ١44 ِضَْعي ٍضاَعق َْيَهل ُهَّينَأ ُدِيَهن اَّينِإ :ُّيِدو َُيهْتلا َُهل َهلاَعَعف ؟َكيِيرْدُي اَمَو ِهِناَدِّد َسُي ٌكَهلَم ِِلاَمِش ْنَعَو ٌكَهلَم ِهِنيِيَعي ْنَع َناَعك َّاِإ ِّقَحْتلاِيب .ُهاَعكََعتَو اَجََع َّقَحْتلا َكََعت اَعذِإَعف ِّقَحْتلا ََمع َماَد اَم ِّقَحْتلِل ِهِناَعِّفَوُيَو أطولما ،كلام 141 ْنِإ :َهلاَعَعف ِهِئاََح َعةَّيدِشَو َنا َمُْع َرَعكَعذَو َهلاَعق ِنَسَحْتل ا ِنَع ُهَْع ُعََي ا َمَعف ٌقَهلُْم ِهَْهلَع ُباَْتلباَو ِْيَْتلبا ِف ُنوُكََهل َناَعك .ُهَْتلُص َميِيُي ْنَأ ُءاَيَحْتلا ُهُعَنَْعي َءاَمْتلا ِهَْهلَع َيضِفُِل َبْوَّلثا دمحأ 143 اوُنوُكَت َهل :ُلوَُعي اًِّلَع ُتْعِمَس :َهلاَعق ٍدْعَس ِيْب ِيمِكَح َيَْعي ِبَأ ْنَع ،اًحِلْمُم اًحَِّبُم ًءَعلَب ْمُكِئ اَرَو ْنِم َّنِإَعف ،اًرُذُب َعِيياَهذَم ًلُجُع .اًحُدُر ًَهلِحاَمَُم اًروُمُأَو درفلما بدلأا ،يراخبلا 144 ُْب َِّللا ُدَْع َهلاَعق :لاَعق ِهِيبأ ْنَع ِدَوْسَلا ِيْب ِنَْحَّلرا ِدَْع ْنَع ِينآْرُْتلقاِيب اَهو ُلِغْشَأَعف ، ٌةَِعْوأ ُبوُلُْتلقا ِهِذَه اََّانإ: ٍدوُعَْم .ِهِيْيَِيب اَهوُلَغْشَهت َهلَو فَّّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 150 َهلَع ُلوَُعي َُمُع َناَعك :َهلاَعق ِهِيبَأ ْنَع ،ََهلْسَأ ِيْب ِدْيَز ْنَع ِهِذَه اوُفِخَأَو ،ْمُكي ِيواََم ْمُك َْهلَع اوُحِلْصَأ ،ُساَّلنا اَُّيَأ اَي :ِيَبْنِمْتلا .ْمُكَعفيِخُت ْنَأ َهلَْهق َناَّنِيجْتلا درفلما بدلأا ،يراخبلا 151 ٍةَّمِذِيب ََّللا ىَزاَُي اََّانإ فَّّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ اوُنوُكَت َعلَعف اًْنَعذ ْنِكَهلَو ،َُّللا قلاخلأا مراكم ،يناربطلا َْين ِكِّس اَمَُم ْنِمَو ََّالَسَو ِه َْهلَع .اوُك فّنصلما ،قاّزرلا دبع اوُمِظْتكاَعف ُهو .ُبو يمراَّدلا ،اًمِّيلَعَُم َنوُكَت دهزلا باتك ،حاََّّرلجا ْمُْيَأَر اَعذإ ْم ِيقَّيَعنت :اْوُلاَعق ؟ِه
173 مويلا ١5١ 150 َهلَع ُلوَُعي َُمُع َناَعك :َهلاَعق ِهِيبَأ ْنَع ،ََهلْسَأ ِيْب ِدْيَز ْنَع ِهِذَه اوُفِخَأَو ،ْمُكي ِيواََم ْمُك َْهلَع اوُحِلْصَأ ،ُساَّلنا اَُّيَأ اَي :ِيَبْنِمْتلا .ْمُكَعفيِخُت ْنَأ َهلَْهق َناَّنِيجْتلا درفلما بدلأا ،يراخبلا 151 َوُك ْشَهت َهل ْنَأ :َمَدآ ِيْبا ِيْمَأ ِكَعلِم ْنِم ٌثَعلَهث :ِءاَدْرَّلدا وُبَأ َهلاَعق .كِناَس ِلِيب َكَسَْعن َِّيكَُت َهلَو َكَِجَوِيب َهثِّدَحُت َهلَو َكَتَيبُِم دمحأ دهزلا باتك ،حاََّّرلجا ْمُْيَأَر اَعذإ ْم ِيقَّيَعنت :اْوُلاَعق ؟ِه فَّّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ مويلا ١52 َكَُُّي َقلاَقف َّن َُقتيِْنعُأ اَقذِإ ٍلَقلاِخ َُبْرَأ :َلاَقق وٍْمَع ِْنب ِللا ِدَْع ْنَع ،ٍةَمْعُط ُفاَقفَعَو ،ٍةَققِلَخ ُنْسُح :اَْنُّلدا َنِم َكْنَع َلُِع اَم .ٍةَقناَمَأ ُْفِحَو ،ٍيثِدَح ُقْدِصَو درفلما بدلأا ،يراخبلا 150 َلَع ُلوَُقي َُمُع َناَقك :َلاَقق ِهِبَأ ْنَع ،ََلْسَأ ِْنب ِدْيَز ْنَع ِهِذَه اوُفِخَأَو ،ْمُكي ِواََم ْمُك َْلَع اوُحِلْصَأ ،ُساَّلنا اَُّيَأ اَي :َِبْننِمْلا .َّمُكَقف يِخُت ْننَأ َلْنَق َناَّنِجْلا درفلما بدلأا ،يراخبلا 151 َوُك ْنشَت َلا ْننَأ :َمَدآ ِْنبا ِْمَأ ِكَقلاِم ْنِم ٌثَقلاَث :ِءاَدْرَّلدا وُبَأ َلاَقق .كِناَس ِلِب َكَسَْقن َِّكَُت َلاَو َكَِجَوِب َثِّدَحُت َلاَو َكَتَيبُِم دمحأ 152 اَيهِف َُقفَْقي ،ُهُْنيَب ِلُجَّلرا ُةََمْوَص َمِْن :َلاَقق ِءاَدْرَّلدا ِيبأ ْنَع .ِهْلُت َو ِغْلُت اََّنِإَقف َققوُّلاَو َكاَّيإَِو ،ُهَََبَو ُهَقناَِل فَّّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 153 .ِّلُّلذا ِقاَثِو ِف ُِماَّيلطا : ٍِلاَط ِيبَأ ُْنب ٌِّلَع َلاَقق ةغلابلا جهن ،يضَّرلافيرشلا 144 ِدَْع ْنَع ٍدوُعَْم ْنشَت َلاَو 145 ِّرِز ْنَع ُموَُقي ُديُِي 146 ْنَع ِهِقُلُخ 147 ِدْيَز ْنَع ِلِب ٌذِخآ
day 161
Al-Ahnaf [ibn Qays] reported that [Umar [ibn al-Khattab] said: “Acquire deep understanding of the Din before you become leaders [of your people].”
(Ibn Abi Shaybah, al-Musannaf) day 162
li [ibn Abi Talib] said: “Make an effort to acquire knowledge, and when you do acquire it, keep it tight and do not taint it with laughter or play, lest [people’s] hearts reject it.”
A ˘
day 266
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq said: “If I were to catch a drunkard, I would love that Allah conceals him [such that others do not know about his drinking], and if I were to catch a thief, I would love that Allah conceals him [such that others do not know about his stealing].”
(Ibn Abi Shaybah, al-Musannaf) day 267
Mu[adh ibn Jabal said: “The Child of Adam does not do any work that is likely to save him from Allah’s chastisement more than the remembrance of Allah.”
(Malik, Muwatta’)
297 مويلا 266 ُناَيمِْرلإا :ٌِّلَع َلاَق ْتَداَدْزا ُناَيمِْرلإا َءاَدْوَس ًةَْقُن ُأَدَْي َّتَح ،اًداَوَس ٍنِمُْم ِبْرلَق ْنَع ُهوُُتْدَجَوَل ٍقِفاَُم 260 ةْيَُه ِبَأ ْنَع َُبليُِت ِعْرَّلزا :َلاَق ؟يِوَْرلا يُِت َلَو َكِلَذ فَّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 265 ُفاَْنِلإا :َناَيمِلإا َعََج َّن َُعََج ْنَم ٌثلَث : َلاَق ٍراَّمَع ْنَع .َِلاَْرلِل ِملَّلسا ُبلْرذَبَو ِراَْرقِلإا َنِم ُقاَْنِلإاَو َكِسَْن ْنِم فَّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 266 َُّللا ُهہَُتْسَي ْنَأ ُْبَْحََلأ اًبِراَش ُتْرذَخَأ ْوَل :يقِّدِّلصا ٍْركَب وُبَأ لاق .َُّللا ُهہَُتْسَي ْنَأ ُْبَْحََلأ اًقِراَس ُتْرذَخَأ ْوَلَو فَّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 267 ْنِم َُل َجْنَأ ٍل َمَع ْنِم َمَدآ ُْبا َلِمَع اَم :ٍلََج ُْب ُذاَُم َلاَق .َِّللا ِْركِذ ْنِم َِّللا ِباَذَع فَّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا مويلا 267 258 :ٍساََّع ُْبا َلاَق َلاَق :اوُبلوَُت 259 ُناَيمِْرلإا :ٌِّلَع َلاَق ْتَداَدْزا ُناَيمِْرلإا َءاَدْوَس ًةَْقُن ُأَدَْي َّتَح ،اًداَوَس ٍنِمُْم ِبْرلَق ْنَع ُهوُُتْدَجَوَل ٍقِفاَُم 260 ةْيَُه ِبَأ ْنَع َُبليُِت ِعْرَّلزا :َلاَق ؟يِوَْرلا يُِت َلَو َكِلَذ 264 ُةَلَّلصاَو ُناَيمِْرلإا :ٍفاَثَأ ُبثَلَث َمَلْسِْرلإا َّنِإ :َلاَق ٍِّلَع ْنَع َّىلَص َنَمآ ْن َمَف ،ِناَيمِْرلإاِب َّىِإ ٌةَلَص ُبلَبُْت َلَف .ُةَعاَمَجْرلاَو َةَْبِر َع َلَخ ْدََف ٍْبِش َدَْق َةَعاَمَجلا َقَراَف ْنَمو ََماَج َّىلَص نَمَو .ِهِقُُع ْنِم مَلْسِلإا فَّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 265 ُفاَْنِلإا :َناَيمِلإا َعََج َّن َُعََج ْنَم ٌثلَث : َلاَق ٍراَّمَع ْنَع .َِلاَْرلِل ِملَّلسا ُبلْرذَبَو ِراَْرقِلإا َنِم ُقاَْنِلإاَو َكِسَْن ْنِم فَّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 266 َُّللا ُهہَُتْسَي ْنَأ ُْبَْحََلأ اًبِراَش ُتْرذَخَأ ْوَل :يقِّدِّلصا ٍْركَب وُبَأ لاق .َُّللا ُهہَُتْسَي ْنَأ ُْبَْحََلأ اًقِراَس ُتْرذَخَأ ْوَلَو فَّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 267 ْنِم َُل َجْنَأ ٍل َمَع ْنِم َمَدآ ُْبا َلِمَع اَم :ٍلََج ُْب ُذاَُم َلاَق .َِّللا ِْركِذ ْنِم َِّللا ِباَذَع فَّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا
Abu’l-Darda’, may Allah be well pleased with him, used to supplicate: “O Allah! I ask You for perpetual faith, beneficial knowledge and precious guidance.”
(Ibn Abi Shaybah, al-Musannaf) day 343
Salman al-Farisi, may Allah be well pleased with him, said: “The example of the five daily prayers is that of the shares of the spoils of war. The one who gets five shares is better than the one who gets four, and the one who gets four is better than the one who gets three, and the one who gets three is better than the one who gets two, and the one who gets two is better than the one who gets one. And Allah does not equate someone with one share in Islam with someone who does not have any share whatsoever.”
(Ibn Abi Shaybah, al-Musannaf)
day 342
383 مويلا 342 ِيف ْعكَي اَم ِِّيبْعلا ءايلولأا ةيلح ،يناهفصلأا ْرم ِييهِبف اَم ؟ْرُقهَُثْكَأ دهزلا باتك ،لبنح ٍل َمَع ْرنِبم ٌة دهزلا باتك ،لبنح َتوُراَه .ُهَّيدَخ دهزلا باتك ،لبنح ُهََمآ ِبَّللا ِبتاَذ ِبف ُه َسَْن َتََم ْرنَم :ُيقِّدِّلصا ٍْعكَب وُبَأ َلاَق .ِبهِبتَْم ْرنِبم َُّللا سفنلا ةبساحم ،ايندلا يبأ نبا 342 اًمْعلِبع َو اًمِئاَد اًناَيمِإ َكُلَأْرسَأ ِّينِإ َّمَُّاللا :ُلوُقَي ِبءاَدْررَّلدا وُبَأ َناَك . اًمَِّق اًيْندَهَو اًعِبفاَن فّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 343 ِيل َثََك ِيسْرمَخْعلا ِبتاَوَلَّلصا َلََم َّنِإ :ُِّبسِيراَلفا ُناَمْعلَس َلاَق ُبِيْنَي ْرن َّمِبم ٌْريَخ ٍةَس ْرمَخِيب اَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَمَف ،ِبةَميِبنَْعلا ِبماَِبس اَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَّمِبم ٌْريَخ ٍةََبْررَأِيب اَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَمَو ، ٍةََبْررَأِيب اَيهِبف ،ِيْرينَمْرَسِيباَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَّمِبم ٌْريَخ ٍةَثَلَِيب اَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَمَو ، ٍةَثَلَِيب ،ٍمْرَسِيب اَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَّمِبم ٌْريَخ ِيْرينَمْرَسِيباَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَمَو . َُل َمْرَسَل ْرنََك ِبمَلْرسِْعلا ِبف ٌمْرَس َُل ْرنَم َُّللا َلََج اَمَو فّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا مويلا 343 .ِيمْرسَْعل ا ِبف َلْدَْعلاَو فّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ ِيف ْعكَي اَم ِِّيبْعلا ءايلولأا ةيلح ،يناهفصلأا ْرم ِييهِبف اَم ؟ْرُقهَُثْكَأ دهزلا باتك ،لبنح ٍل َمَع ْرنِبم ٌة دهزلا باتك ،لبنح َتوُراَه .ُهَّيدَخ دهزلا باتك ،لبنح 341 ُهََمآ ِبَّللا ِبتاَذ ِبف ُه َسَْن َتََم ْرنَم :ُيقِّدِّلصا ٍْعكَب وُبَأ َلاَق .ِبهِبتَْم ْرنِبم َُّللا سفنلا ةبساحم ،ايندلا يبأ نبا 342 اًمْعلِبع َو اًمِئاَد اًناَيمِإ َكُلَأْرسَأ ِّينِإ َّمَُّاللا :ُلوُقَي ِبءاَدْررَّلدا وُبَأ َناَك . اًمَِّق اًيْندَهَو اًعِبفاَن فّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا 343 ِيل َثََك ِيسْرمَخْعلا ِبتاَوَلَّلصا َلََم َّنِإ :ُِّبسِيراَلفا ُناَمْعلَس َلاَق ُبِيْنَي ْرن َّمِبم ٌْريَخ ٍةَس ْرمَخِيب اَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَمَف ،ِبةَميِبنَْعلا ِبماَِبس اَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَّمِبم ٌْريَخ ٍةََبْررَأِيب اَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَمَو ، ٍةََبْررَأِيب اَيهِبف ،ِيْرينَمْرَسِيباَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَّمِبم ٌْريَخ ٍةَثَلَِيب اَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَمَو ، ٍةَثَلَِيب ،ٍمْرَسِيب اَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَّمِبم ٌْريَخ ِيْرينَمْرَسِيباَيهِبف ُبِيْنَي ْرنَمَو . َُل َمْرَسَل ْرنََك ِبمَلْرسِْعلا ِبف ٌمْرَس َُل ْرنَم َُّللا َلََج اَمَو فّنصلما ،ةبيش يبأ نبا
day 363
Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be well pleased with him, said: “Knowledge keeps watch over you while you keep watch over wealth. However, a watchman cannot turn his eyes away from what he is watching over otherwise it would be lost or wasted.”
(Abu Nu[aym al-Asfahani, Hilyat al-Awliya’) day 364
Abu’l-Darda’, may Allah be well pleased with him, said: “I have known people who were leaves without thorns and now they have become thorns without leaves; if you disapprove of them, they disapprove of you, but if you leave them alone, they do not leave you alone.” He was asked: “What shall we do then?” he said: “You let them tear up at your honour, the reward of which you will find when you need it most [i.e. on the Day of Judgement].”
(Ibn Abi al-Dunya, Mudarat al-Nufus)
Allah’s mercy, 212 Allah’s reward, 42 Angels, 16, 32, 64, 120 Ansar, 24
Believer(s), 22, 68, 70, 78, 88, 98, 100, 120, 122, 142, 150, 178, 224, 236, 244, 254, 288, 290, 292, 298, 330, 368
Charity, 76 Clothes, 4, 162, 198, 212 Congregational Prayer, 4, 70 Day of Judgement, 18, 58, 92, 96, 140, 148, 152, 156, 174, 188, 198, 280, 380, 404
Death, 114, 142, 144, 258, 322, 330, 362, 368, 378, 390 Disobedience to Allah, 8 Divorce, 138
Evil, 24, 68, 100, 112, 194, 228, 308, 310, 378
Faith, 24, 26, 40, 134, 154, 168, 238, 288, 290, 292, 294, 322, 382
Fasting, 154, 232 Funeral, 112
Guidance, 52,56,256,278,336,382
Hadith, 54, 144, Hell, 46, 108, 140, 146, 274, 380 The Hereafter, 260, 268