A majestic box set with both books £15
The Blessed Names of Allah and
His Prophet
A b d u r Rah e e m K i d w a i
(b. 1956)
is Professor of English at the Aligarh Muslim University, India and Visiting Fellow, School of English, University of Leicester, UK. He is a well-known author of many works on the Qur’an and Islam, including: The Qur’an Essential Teachings, Daily Wisdom: Islamic Prayers and Supplications, Daily Wisdom: Selections from the Qur’an and What Should We Say?
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BlessedNames Flyer v4.indd 1
Contemplate and reflect upon Allah’s Divine Attributes and Prophet Muhammad’s sublime character 06/01/2016 16:46
a b d u r r a h e e m k i dwa i
a b d u r r a h e e m k i dwa i
Blessed Names and Attributes of Allah
Blessed Names and Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad “Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. Believers, invoke blessings and peace on him.” Qur’an (al-Ahzab 33:56)
Al [Imran 3: 144
Al [Imran 3: 144
From Surah
From Surah
1 r: 3,33
b al-
hi rmid
ُّانل َّ ِبيي
64 fal 8:
8: 64
b eace ho thos an re an posit warns in Allah-m ammad, (p e exaltcedord lamic Allah w who em upies or ac n uh e Is f cc positio Prophet M t, holds a m In th rvant o he those e thus o The us. st Prop all of c byd s to d se the La .H being t be obeyed lecte od new ct it onship. se je be us m re go and ace lati ho nfal c
22 d
Includes 99 Names and Attributes of prophet muhammad
Accompanying each names is a commentary shedding light upon the Prophet’s pivotal role and exemplary character
a piv
) n him upo n sitio d po xalte
Each name can be found in the Qur’an or a hadith
A concise summary of each Beautiful Names meaning and how it affects our daily life
Surah From
h 1: 1
From Surah c
1: 1
6: 117
6: 117
From Sura
From Surah
1: 1
From Sura
ُّ انلَّب ِيي c
ibed by rly imb uld be clea including the truth sho exists, evident these. all that Th is self between created what is each Allah has us; that equal. For earth and t the hou ss wit and countle Creator heavens tful. His , He is the and deligh ativity and Moreover is unique His cre of His of ive reflect creature nders are wo e creativ ess. atn gre
T Allah and ang els send bles Muhammad sings upon the (peace be upo Prophet n him) (al-Ah to his exalted zab 33: 56) po status. The ints Qur’an direct send blessings s us: “Believer on him” (al-Ah s, zab 33: 56). that Allah pra It also indica ises him and tes blesses his mi has exalted ssion. Allah his name and fame. His along with name figure Allah in the s credal statem ول اهلل ُ اهلل حممدٌ ا َر ُس3 َّ ent of Islam: َّ إلـٰه إال by billions of َ الand in acts of devotion al worship Muslims. Th is again sho he is praised. ws how wipdel het pro y Muslims hav pr o ph et -five e e im rnse t h e s rrr enty r love and Little wond th rr s rme -five res het r d tw pec r errthen that) is used twentyop t het r for Him. et) is use the Prop of het acc e Pr ord Encyclopaedi e Prop ing th ing ofto The roph ressing kind e a,l-NMu Pbia Co n abi” (th address m mankind e lum a ham le h d hi ma ge m “A W dhishi wholmo e ran nameThin rang e term e Qur’an. bi” (t hile ad h him throug edthe a st le a com d in the N o an e th mo womrld ), . n. giv W en ug in wh d a lif “Ales in Mo s conv on hi reey tha ha to lea presentim rm miQur’an and thro veyed a ad a life be up , Allah le for man tly bea ente150 (peace place le ), les s con is a e llionimma sare nam anrdthi valuab e. All thiTsha un he time h inttruth Preop tremendallou ha an to sder th, pon ll. , m which m h a gs wi s sco a in r is th res to s ll u th adm tipeople beand Mu A s’ ble fo th Hion e of of tru wiirat et is e, slim h c e th p a c la rdance amic schemforo him fai brings ouact cothe invites . Mo a p lu ee re sigtald a Pro wh brac (p uth, e Isl re ,v it l. Allah o em pies a pievoannificanatly In thtruth oftha gs, a ple to tr nd t he ose wh has occu servant person in the wil hich thin llntim to th a o a thus bee w is e f the e ws p s o h H selected mo ) H ne ann m st pra t it. es fait goodals of me onthhi rejec his upu with ised nship. tor gives invit otal obef tr latioy. race e who sche iocne
16 d
Kitab al-
r srr
r e cr eato
at or th e c re r
Source of each Divine Name 16 d
ج )515 ص،1-
31 Tafsir: 3,3
From al-T
ُ ِ اخلَال ُقخلَالِق ا 12
2 للهَّ ُ َّم ف َارِجَ الْ َ ِّم1 ا2 ك َا ِي ش َ ف ْال َ ّ ِ م ُ م ِ ج ي َ ْخ ةيِ وَ رَحيِ َ ُْمم ْبَ َد عْع َو يِة ا ْلـ ُم ع َ ِالُّنْ َا وَ ْال ي ض ِّر عْ َي َر ْحمَ^ َن ْـَا أَ عْ َن تَ ْ َح يِ ْْن ف َار بِ َا َح يِْن بِ َ عْحَ ٍة تُ ْنيِي يِ ْعْن َعَ ْن رَّ عْحَ ٍة مَ ْن يِسوَاك
rrr sr
َّ الر ِشي ُد
rlance. Islamic pa helpful ique to ides this me is un hlas prov Ik Living. eral– Th is na rah ernal, Ev ’anic Su ne is lah, the Et The Qur . And no “He is Al en : ott im H beg of 6: 117 Creator r was He account no the is y al-An[am an 4) He ah er begot 2: 1-Fro 11 Sur ith s m ne hla He (al-Ik . to Him.” universe comparable e entire th of r ine and Susta
th 5 rr rr rrrsr ed by arly imbib ُس ْبحَا َن الْ َمل ِيِكي 4 ا قل ُّ د uld be cle ُّو the ِ س sho ، ُ س ْ ب th ح َا tru , including َُّن الْ َمليِكيِ اقل قلُّدُّوis اself evidehants created all that existsbe se. ِ ُس ْبحَا َن الْ َمليِكي، رَبُّ الْمَالَ ئ دُّو ِس، ُسبُّوحٌ قُدُّو ٌس، ِسTh tween the is lah Al at t َ ِي ِك و us; tha َا رل ُّ r each و th and wh ُْح Fo l. ear عن ua ابن ع the eq )469 باس ns and without ss ave or (مس tle he eat ،لم un ك Cr 6 co تاب He is the htful. His 51 )223 ص،ال ّصالة Moreover, e and delig vity and اre of His is uniqurefl His creati َللهَّ ُ ََّم أatu عْ َنcre ا سل َ أ ective of ََّال ُ م ك و َ َعْب ُ ِمي ا ل ْ are َعْك ا َ ك َ ب ers سل nd ْا ِئ ُر اإلِ ع creative wo َّْالَ ُم تَ َارَ ْ َك يَا ذَا ال ُع ُقوْقُ الْو، ِ َّشَاكُ بيِالل ِ بابَجالدالَليِ وَ ْ ِاإل ْكَا ْم قَوْلَ ازلُّ وْ ري،(أبو داود ، َشَا َد ُة ا ُّزل ْو يِر،َِالِ َ ْيي 10 ess. greatn )260 ص،عاء َ ُس ْبحَا ن يِذ ،(البخاري )6 ص،األدب ُ َْي الْ ُملْكيِ وَا ْل َمل ِك ْو ي وَ ا ِت وَا ْلجَبَ ُ ْو ي 52 ت لْكيِبْ ِ يَا يِء وَ ال َ ْْعمَ يِة15 َ و ل ََك ا ل ْ َ ح (ال ْ م ُ د طبرا َ أ ْ ا،ني 15 - ج،لـمعجم ٌ َ ََن الْحَقُّ َو َو ْعدَك )12 ص،10 ٌ َ ح َو انلَّا ُر ٌَ ٌ َ َح َوقَ ْول ُك ٌ َ ُح وَانلَّار ح َوالْ َج َّن ُة َاللهَّ ُ ََّم أ ٌ َ ح وَانلَّبيِ ُّو َن عْ َن رَ يِ يّ ْب َل ايِلـ^ َه ايِ هَّل أ َ ْع ٌ َ ح وَ مُ َحمَّ ٌد ص َ ن َ خ ل َ ق ْ ت َ ِي ْ ن و َ ٌ َ ح وَاسلَّاعَ ُة أ َ ح ن (البخا َ ْعديِكَ وَ وَ ععْديِكَ مَا ا ْس َتَعْتُ أعُوْ ُذ ب َا عَ ْدُكَ وَ أَنَا عَل باب الت،ري )هجد بالليل ِِكَ مي 53 ُل َكَ بِ يِ ْع َمتيِكَ ع َ ََّل َو أبُ ْو ُء ِب َذن يِ ْعْب ف َا ْغ يِفر ِ ْْل ْن َ ِّش مَا َصنَعْتُ أَبُوْ ء (ا ِإنهَّ ُه َل يَ ْ يِف ُر ا ُّذلنُو َْب ِي ا َّه ل ا َ أ َّلله ْع ُ 15 َ َّ م ن ل ََك َ أ ْ س ل َ كتاب،لبخاري َو ب، ُمْت َو عَلَ ْكَ تَ َو، ُ) وَ بيِكَ خَا َصمْتُ َكَ آمَ ْت143 ص،الدعوات 19 ، وَِإ َلْكَ َأنَ ْ ُب، ُكَّلْت اللهَّ ُ َّم إ ِ يّ ِْن أَ ْسئَل ،(البخاري وَ ظَاهيِ َ هُ ُكَ فَوَاتيِحَ الْخَيْ ِ وَ َخ ،باب التهجد )1120 ص وَاتيِ َ ُه وَ َجوَاميِ َ ُه وَ أَو َو 54 ُميِ عْني َّلَ ُ و أَ يِ َخ هd ا.ِبَاطيِنَ ُه وَا َّلرَ جَا يِت الْ ُىل ميِ َن الْ َجنَّةي ا َّلله ُ َّ م (احلا إ ِ ّي ِن ،كم ج َ ض )520 ص،1عيِيْ ٌف فَ َوِّ ْي ُ َبِ ِ َضاكَ ُضعْفيِـ ْي و وَا عْجَلِ ْ يِال ْسالَ َم مُ عْتَىه رِ ضَآ يِء ْي اللهَّ ُ خذ ِ ْْل الْخَيْ َ بِ َا يِصي يِ َْت َّم إ ِ يِّن َ ض ذ ع ِي َِلي ي ْ ٌْل ٌ ف ف َ أ َف ِي َ ِ ّ َع و ِ ّ ِ ِ ْ ن ْ ن و َ و َ ِ يِّإن إ ِ يِّن فَ يِيْ ٌ ف َارْ زُ ق يِ ْْن
49 ُْسب حَا َن ِذي الْمَ ْج ِد وَ ا ل ْ َ ك ر َ ِ م ُ س ب ْ ح َا َ ن ِذ لْ َجالَلِ وَ ْ ِاإل ْكَا ِم،(الطبراي اني
Includes the 99 names of allah
th e pr ai se d on e
id e th e gu
From Sur
al la h /g
rrr s rrr
T haT Allah and angels send blessin gs upon the Prophe Muhammad (peace t be upon him) (al-Ah zab 33: 56) points to his exalted status. The Qur’an directs send blessings on us: “Believers, him” (al-Ahzab 33: 56). It also indica that Allah praises tes him and blesses his mission. Allah has exalted his name and fame. His name figure along with Allah s in the credal statement of Islam: ول اهلل ُ الَّ اهلل حممَّ دٌ ا رَ ُس T ال إلـٰ َه إand in acts of devotional worship by billionsha of Muslims. This again shows how he is praised. widely Muslims have immense love and respect for Little wonder Him. then that accord ing to The Colum Encyclopaedia, Muha bia mmad is the most common given name in the world . More than 150 presently bear this million males name. All this under scores Muslims’ tremendous admira tion for him. More brings out the significantly, it truth that he has been the most person in the annals praised of history.
rr aktum, Umm M ullah ibn on ort, [Abd ace be up ing to a rep ophet (pe Accord irmidhi, on the Pr l-T (A ion, called ide him. aktum, a Compan him to gu Umm M requested the only Ibn him) and 31) Not guided by Tafsir: 3,3 re were ns Kitab alusands mo ver, millio reds of tho ). Moreo and but hund upon him life-giving (peace be from his ions Prophet guidance s life, act to derive illustriou continue ge. His should try ing messa hts. We of soul-enrich beacon lig able source s serve as this invalu and saying aw upon best to dr our level idance. divine gu
15 d
دا كتاب الصل،ود )246 ص،وة
ce. mic parlan in the Isla pful to God es this hel e is unique las provid iving. Th is nam ah al–Ikh l, Ever-L r’anic Sur the Eterna d none is The Qu e is Allah, An “H n. : of Him He begotte ator r account nor was is the Cre ) Her begot any r s rr 112: 1-4r He neither (al-Ikhlas to Him.” verse. comparable entire uni e er of the God in th and Sustain
rr r’an. in the Qu ss es of Allah We posse urrent nam of Allah. of the rec ping in t attribute It is one While kee . a dominan is rcy me rcy kind His For me should be owing to e we hav ah , we of All all that we Likewise nt name s excelle n beings. d by mind thi ow huma y prescribe l to fell low the wa n interest and helpfu int to fol in our ow ke it a po One ful. It is ful rci should ma rci Me st Me ho is Mo the Most ion cat ich pli Him, W wh etic sup ly that to ing Proph to do on e follow ine name: d us. Th div s ide thi gu of has centrality the t ou brings
r srr
25 َْل يَذِلُّ مَ ْن وَّا َلْت وَ َل يَ يِزُّ مَ ْن عَا َد ْ ْي
go d
rr rrr sr
th e p ra i se d one
m, aktu m M upon Um hi, ibn ce be llah et (pea Tirmid , bdu m laktu . (A rt, [A Proph repo n the ide him mm M by the a o to U ided illions to gu ly Ibn in g , called gu rd im e m n o n h er r, to and Ac c mpanio ested No more w oreove ving s qu o 1) gi M etion a C and re r: 3,33 sands is lif u im). ) si e, ac try him al-Taf of tho pon h from h us lif uld s u ce strio e sho rce of Kitab undred ce be illu idan W h sou (pea rive gu . His lights. but able et ge lu de n sa ph va aco Pro nue to g mes is in ti in as be pon th con enrich serve u ldraw ngs sou sayi st to and vel be ce. le an our e guid n divi
al la h/
ide gu r t h e s rr r
Price £5.99 | $13.95 128pp | Hardback Ribbon bookmark
Ti om al-
to r th e cr ea r
if st m e rc th e m o
ُ ا هلل ُ
ٌ َُ م َّمد
َ اخلال ِ ُق
r by y imbibed be clearl th should luding the evident tru t exists, inc Th is self ated all tha een these. lah has cre at is betw wh d each us; that Al earth an ual. For thout eq and the untless heavens Creator wi ul. His co r, He is the d delightf y and Moreove unique an s creativit of His is tive of Hi creature are reflec wonders creative . greatness
ْ َّ ال ُحَـٰن ر
َُ م َّم ٌد
ُ الر َّ ِشيد
Price £5.99 | $13.95 136pp | Hardback Ribbon bookmark
ah m Sur
“Allah, there is no god but He! To Him belong the most Beautiful Names.” Qur’an (Ta Ha 20:8)
s , (pe give those w -man re e mad s ah ore uham lds a m warn n in All et M ho tio posi e Proph rophet, f us. o Th st P d by all a L e g th beye bein ust be o m and
“Allah has 99 names. He who remembers these will certainly enter Paradise.” prophet muhammad
Allah lavishes His blessings on you (the Prophet Muhammad) and His angels invoke blessings on you that He may lead you out of darkness into light.
- Bukharhi -
- Qur’an (al-Ahzab 33:43) -
22 d
ّ ال،أبوداود ،صالة )1522 ص
BlessedNames Flyer v4.indd 2
06/01/2016 16:46
a b d u r r a h e e m k i dwa i
a b d u r r a h e e m k i dwa i
Blessed Names and Attributes of Allah
Blessed Names and Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad “Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. Believers, invoke blessings and peace on him.” Qur’an (al-Ahzab 33:56)
Al [Imran 3: 144
Al [Imran 3: 144
From Surah
From Surah
1 r: 3,33
b al-
hi rmid
ُّانل َّ ِبيي
64 fal 8:
8: 64
b eace ho thos an re an posit warns in Allah-m ammad, (p e exaltcedord lamic Allah w who em upies or ac n uh e Is f cc positio Prophet M t, holds a m In th rvant o he those e thus o The us. st Prop all of c byd s to d se the La .H being t be obeyed lecte od new ct it onship. se je be us m re go and ace lati ho nfal c
22 d
Includes 99 Names and Attributes of prophet muhammad
Accompanying each names is a commentary shedding light upon the Prophet’s pivotal role and exemplary character
a piv
) n him upo n sitio d po xalte
Each name can be found in the Qur’an or a hadith
A concise summary of each Beautiful Names meaning and how it affects our daily life
Surah From
h 1: 1
From Surah c
1: 1
6: 117
6: 117
From Sura
From Surah
1: 1
From Sura
ُّ انلَّب ِيي c
ibed by rly imb uld be clea including the truth sho exists, evident these. all that Th is self between created what is each Allah has us; that equal. For earth and t the hou ss wit and countle Creator heavens tful. His , He is the and deligh ativity and Moreover is unique His cre of His of ive reflect creature nders are wo e creativ ess. atn gre
T Allah and ang els send bles Muhammad sings upon the (peace be upo Prophet n him) (al-Ah to his exalted zab 33: 56) po status. The ints Qur’an direct send blessings s us: “Believer on him” (al-Ah s, zab 33: 56). that Allah pra It also indica ises him and tes blesses his mi has exalted ssion. Allah his name and fame. His along with name figure Allah in the s credal statem ول اهلل ُ اهلل حممدٌ ا َر ُس3 َّ ent of Islam: َّ إلـٰه إال by billions of َ الand in acts of devotion al worship Muslims. Th is again sho he is praised. ws how wipdel het pro y Muslims hav pr o ph et -five e e im rnse t h e s rrr enty r love and Little wond th rr s rme -five res het r d tw pec r errthen that) is used twentyop t het r for Him. et) is use the Prop of het acc e Pr ord Encyclopaedi e Prop ing th ing ofto The roph ressing kind e a,l-NMu Pbia Co n abi” (th address m mankind e lum a ham le h d hi ma ge m “A W dhishi wholmo e ran nameThin rang e term e Qur’an. bi” (t hile ad h him throug edthe a st le a com d in the N o an e th mo womrld ), . n. giv W en ug in wh d a lif “Ales in Mo s conv on hi reey tha ha to lea presentim rm miQur’an and thro veyed a ad a life be up , Allah le for man tly bea ente150 (peace place le ), les s con is a e llionimma sare nam anrdthi valuab e. All thiTsha un he time h inttruth Preop tremendallou ha an to sder th, pon ll. , m which m h a gs wi s sco a in r is th res to s ll u th adm tipeople beand Mu A s’ ble fo th Hion e of of tru wiirat et is e, slim h c e th p a c la rdance amic schemforo him fai brings ouact cothe invites . Mo a p lu ee re sigtald a Pro wh brac (p uth, e Isl re ,v it l. Allah o em pies a pievoannificanatly In thtruth oftha gs, a ple to tr nd t he ose wh has occu servant person in the wil hich thin llntim to th a o a thus bee w is e f the e ws p s o h H selected mo ) H ne ann m st pra t it. es fait goodals of me onthhi rejec his upu with ised nship. tor gives invit otal obef tr latioy. race e who sche iocne
16 d
Kitab al-
r srr
r e cr eato
at or th e c re r
Source of each Divine Name 16 d
ج )515 ص،1-
31 Tafsir: 3,3
From al-T
ُ ِ اخلَال ُقخلَالِق ا 12
2 للهَّ ُ َّم ف َارِجَ الْ َ ِّم1 ا2 ك َا ِي ش َ ف ْال َ ّ ِ م ُ م ِ ج ي َ ْخ ةيِ وَ رَحيِ َ ُْمم ْبَ َد عْع َو يِة ا ْلـ ُم ع َ ِالُّنْ َا وَ ْال ي ض ِّر عْ َي َر ْحمَ^ َن ْـَا أَ عْ َن تَ ْ َح يِ ْْن ف َار بِ َا َح يِْن بِ َ عْحَ ٍة تُ ْنيِي يِ ْعْن َعَ ْن رَّ عْحَ ٍة مَ ْن يِسوَاك
rrr sr
َّ الر ِشي ُد
rlance. Islamic pa helpful ique to ides this me is un hlas prov Ik Living. eral– Th is na rah ernal, Ev ’anic Su ne is lah, the Et The Qur . And no “He is Al en : ott im H beg of 6: 117 Creator r was He account no the is y al-An[am an 4) He ah er begot 2: 1-Fro 11 Sur ith s m ne hla He (al-Ik . to Him.” universe comparable e entire th of r ine and Susta
th 5 rr rr rrrsr ed by arly imbib ُس ْبحَا َن الْ َمل ِيِكي 4 ا قل ُّ د uld be cle ُّو the ِ س sho ، ُ س ْ ب th ح َا tru , including َُّن الْ َمليِكيِ اقل قلُّدُّوis اself evidehants created all that existsbe se. ِ ُس ْبحَا َن الْ َمليِكي، رَبُّ الْمَالَ ئ دُّو ِس، ُسبُّوحٌ قُدُّو ٌس، ِسTh tween the is lah Al at t َ ِي ِك و us; tha َا رل ُّ r each و th and wh ُْح Fo l. ear عن ua ابن ع the eq )469 باس ns and without ss ave or (مس tle he eat ،لم un ك Cr 6 co تاب He is the htful. His 51 )223 ص،ال ّصالة Moreover, e and delig vity and اre of His is uniqurefl His creati َللهَّ ُ ََّم أatu عْ َنcre ا سل َ أ ective of ََّال ُ م ك و َ َعْب ُ ِمي ا ل ْ are َعْك ا َ ك َ ب ers سل nd ْا ِئ ُر اإلِ ع creative wo َّْالَ ُم تَ َارَ ْ َك يَا ذَا ال ُع ُقوْقُ الْو، ِ َّشَاكُ بيِالل ِ بابَجالدالَليِ وَ ْ ِاإل ْكَا ْم قَوْلَ ازلُّ وْ ري،(أبو داود ، َشَا َد ُة ا ُّزل ْو يِر،َِالِ َ ْيي 10 ess. greatn )260 ص،عاء َ ُس ْبحَا ن يِذ ،(البخاري )6 ص،األدب ُ َْي الْ ُملْكيِ وَا ْل َمل ِك ْو ي وَ ا ِت وَا ْلجَبَ ُ ْو ي 52 ت لْكيِبْ ِ يَا يِء وَ ال َ ْْعمَ يِة15 َ و ل ََك ا ل ْ َ ح (ال ْ م ُ د طبرا َ أ ْ ا،ني 15 - ج،لـمعجم ٌ َ ََن الْحَقُّ َو َو ْعدَك )12 ص،10 ٌ َ ح َو انلَّا ُر ٌَ ٌ َ َح َوقَ ْول ُك ٌ َ ُح وَانلَّار ح َوالْ َج َّن ُة َاللهَّ ُ ََّم أ ٌ َ ح وَانلَّبيِ ُّو َن عْ َن رَ يِ يّ ْب َل ايِلـ^ َه ايِ هَّل أ َ ْع ٌ َ ح وَ مُ َحمَّ ٌد ص َ ن َ خ ل َ ق ْ ت َ ِي ْ ن و َ ٌ َ ح وَاسلَّاعَ ُة أ َ ح ن (البخا َ ْعديِكَ وَ وَ ععْديِكَ مَا ا ْس َتَعْتُ أعُوْ ُذ ب َا عَ ْدُكَ وَ أَنَا عَل باب الت،ري )هجد بالليل ِِكَ مي 53 ُل َكَ بِ يِ ْع َمتيِكَ ع َ ََّل َو أبُ ْو ُء ِب َذن يِ ْعْب ف َا ْغ يِفر ِ ْْل ْن َ ِّش مَا َصنَعْتُ أَبُوْ ء (ا ِإنهَّ ُه َل يَ ْ يِف ُر ا ُّذلنُو َْب ِي ا َّه ل ا َ أ َّلله ْع ُ 15 َ َّ م ن ل ََك َ أ ْ س ل َ كتاب،لبخاري َو ب، ُمْت َو عَلَ ْكَ تَ َو، ُ) وَ بيِكَ خَا َصمْتُ َكَ آمَ ْت143 ص،الدعوات 19 ، وَِإ َلْكَ َأنَ ْ ُب، ُكَّلْت اللهَّ ُ َّم إ ِ يّ ِْن أَ ْسئَل ،(البخاري وَ ظَاهيِ َ هُ ُكَ فَوَاتيِحَ الْخَيْ ِ وَ َخ ،باب التهجد )1120 ص وَاتيِ َ ُه وَ َجوَاميِ َ ُه وَ أَو َو 54 ُميِ عْني َّلَ ُ و أَ يِ َخ هd ا.ِبَاطيِنَ ُه وَا َّلرَ جَا يِت الْ ُىل ميِ َن الْ َجنَّةي ا َّلله ُ َّ م (احلا إ ِ ّي ِن ،كم ج َ ض )520 ص،1عيِيْ ٌف فَ َوِّ ْي ُ َبِ ِ َضاكَ ُضعْفيِـ ْي و وَا عْجَلِ ْ يِال ْسالَ َم مُ عْتَىه رِ ضَآ يِء ْي اللهَّ ُ خذ ِ ْْل الْخَيْ َ بِ َا يِصي يِ َْت َّم إ ِ يِّن َ ض ذ ع ِي َِلي ي ْ ٌْل ٌ ف ف َ أ َف ِي َ ِ ّ َع و ِ ّ ِ ِ ْ ن ْ ن و َ و َ ِ يِّإن إ ِ يِّن فَ يِيْ ٌ ف َارْ زُ ق يِ ْْن
49 ُْسب حَا َن ِذي الْمَ ْج ِد وَ ا ل ْ َ ك ر َ ِ م ُ س ب ْ ح َا َ ن ِذ لْ َجالَلِ وَ ْ ِاإل ْكَا ِم،(الطبراي اني
Includes the 99 names of allah
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T haT Allah and angels send blessin gs upon the Prophe Muhammad (peace t be upon him) (al-Ah zab 33: 56) points to his exalted status. The Qur’an directs send blessings on us: “Believers, him” (al-Ahzab 33: 56). It also indica that Allah praises tes him and blesses his mission. Allah has exalted his name and fame. His name figure along with Allah s in the credal statement of Islam: ول اهلل ُ الَّ اهلل حممَّ دٌ ا رَ ُس T ال إلـٰ َه إand in acts of devotional worship by billionsha of Muslims. This again shows how he is praised. widely Muslims have immense love and respect for Little wonder Him. then that accord ing to The Colum Encyclopaedia, Muha bia mmad is the most common given name in the world . More than 150 presently bear this million males name. All this under scores Muslims’ tremendous admira tion for him. More brings out the significantly, it truth that he has been the most person in the annals praised of history.
rr aktum, Umm M ullah ibn on ort, [Abd ace be up ing to a rep ophet (pe Accord irmidhi, on the Pr l-T (A ion, called ide him. aktum, a Compan him to gu Umm M requested the only Ibn him) and 31) Not guided by Tafsir: 3,3 re were ns Kitab alusands mo ver, millio reds of tho ). Moreo and but hund upon him life-giving (peace be from his ions Prophet guidance s life, act to derive illustriou continue ge. His should try ing messa hts. We of soul-enrich beacon lig able source s serve as this invalu and saying aw upon best to dr our level idance. divine gu
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دا كتاب الصل،ود )246 ص،وة
ce. mic parlan in the Isla pful to God es this hel e is unique las provid iving. Th is nam ah al–Ikh l, Ever-L r’anic Sur the Eterna d none is The Qu e is Allah, An “H n. : of Him He begotte ator r account nor was is the Cre ) Her begot any r s rr 112: 1-4r He neither (al-Ikhlas to Him.” verse. comparable entire uni e er of the God in th and Sustain
rr r’an. in the Qu ss es of Allah We posse urrent nam of Allah. of the rec ping in t attribute It is one While kee . a dominan is rcy me rcy kind His For me should be owing to e we hav ah , we of All all that we Likewise nt name s excelle n beings. d by mind thi ow huma y prescribe l to fell low the wa n interest and helpfu int to fol in our ow ke it a po One ful. It is ful rci should ma rci Me st Me ho is Mo the Most ion cat ich pli Him, W wh etic sup ly that to ing Proph to do on e follow ine name: d us. Th div s ide thi gu of has centrality the t ou brings
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Ti om al-
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ُ ا هلل ُ
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ْ َّ ال ُحَـٰن ر
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ُ الر َّ ِشيد
Price £5.99 | $13.95 136pp | Hardback Ribbon bookmark
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“Allah, there is no god but He! To Him belong the most Beautiful Names.” Qur’an (Ta Ha 20:8)
s , (pe give those w -man re e mad s ah ore uham lds a m warn n in All et M ho tio posi e Proph rophet, f us. o Th st P d by all a L e g th beye bein ust be o m and
“Allah has 99 names. He who remembers these will certainly enter Paradise.” prophet muhammad
Allah lavishes His blessings on you (the Prophet Muhammad) and His angels invoke blessings on you that He may lead you out of darkness into light.
- Bukharhi -
- Qur’an (al-Ahzab 33:43) -
22 d
ّ ال،أبوداود ،صالة )1522 ص
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The Blessed Names of Allah and
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A b d u r Rah e e m K i d w a i
(b. 1956)
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Contemplate and reflect upon Allah’s Divine Attributes and Prophet Muhammad’s sublime character 06/01/2016 16:46