House style guidelines - Islamic Foundation and Kube Publishing

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House Style Guidelines for

The Islamic Foundation and Kube Publishing Version 2.3, 20 January 2014 1. Rules for Setting English, Transliterated Characters and Arabic Use British English spelling, not American English or any other, except in quotations where original spelling should be retained. The text must always be set in the Times New Roman font. Where stipulated, use the standard Anglo-American academic convention for transliterating Arabic words unless they have been recognized as English words (for further details, see Section 7 and Appendixes A and B). Transliterated characters must always be set in the AtTimes font (download here). This means that transliterated words are a composite of the Times New Roman and AtTimes fonts. Texts in Arabic should only be set in the following fonts – the Traditional Arabic font or the Simplified Arabic font (both are Word system fonts) – and must always be fully vowelled. Arabic texts are to be prepared in a separate document (see further details in Section 12). 2. Abbreviations If abbreviations are prevalent in a text, then the author or editor of a collection should provide a separate list in alphabetical order. Otherwise, if abbreviations are not so prevalent, then for less well-known organizations, the full name should spelt out in the first appearance in the text with the acronym in parenthesis thereafter. Subsequent to that the acronym should be employed. For more general guidance on abbreviations, please refer to Hart’s Rules, Ch. 10. 3. Honorifics, Pious Formulae and Common Expressions in Arabic In general, usage of honorifics should be minimized, and, where it is used, English should be preferred over the Arabic. Some common examples include: [azza wa jall = Mighty and Majestic bismillah al-rahman al-rahim = In the name of God/Allah, most Compassionate, most Merciful insha’Allah = if God/Allah wills masha’Allah = what God/Allah wills radiyallahu [anhu/ha/hum = may God/Allah be pleased with him/her/them rahmatullahi [alayhi/ha/him = may God/Allah have mercy upon him/her/them sallallahu [alayhi wa sallam = may God/Allah bless him and give him peace Sayyiduna = our leader/master subhanahu wa ta[ala = glorified and exalted is He Further examples are given with their translations in Appendix B. In more academic texts within Islamic studies proper, such honorifics and pious formulae may be used once as a note in the foreword or introduction with an instruction to the Muslim reader to assume its use elsewhere in the text; with academic texts in the social sciences and Pages 1/25

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