his collection of essays brings together leading scholars and practitioners to discuss contemporary issues in the rapidly-expanding sukuk market, and debates the challenges facing it since the 2008 financial crisis and a number of high profile sukuk defaults. It looks in particular at issues of Shari[ah compliance, the issue of replication in Islamic finance, the need to have a true sale in the asset securitization process, and the issue of sukuk defaults. It is highly recommended for practitioners, scholars and students of Islamic finance. The contributors are Abdul Karim Abdullah, Mohammed Imad Ali, Muhammad Al-Bashir Muhammad Al-Amineo, Rafe Haneef, Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Nermin Klopic, Raja Teh Maimunah, Faizal Ahmad Manjoo, Abbas Mirakhor, Sirajulhaq Hilal Yasini, and Sheila Ainon Yussof. Professor Mohammad Hashim Kamali is the founding chairman and CEO of the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) in Malaysia, and is a leading authority in Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic finance and human rights in Islamic law. A. K. Abdullah is Research Fellow at the IAIS. He previously lectured at several private institutions of higher learning both in Canada and in Malaysia, and also at the University Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).
In a relatively short period of time the sukuk industry has become the most vibrant chapter of Islamic banking and finance. Rapid progress has, however, given rise to very many questions. This book provides insightful responses to topical questions that the students and scholars of Shari[ah would find refreshing and relevant. Sheikh Nizam Yaquby, Shari[ah scholar and advisor to numerous Islamic financial and institutions worldwide The papers in this volume contributed by scholars and practitioners demonstrate that Shari[ah compliance in sukuk structuring remains a challenge. They also remind us of the need to resolve the issue of overlapping jurisdictions that govern sukuk under the common law and the Shari[ah. This book will be of interest to members of the legal profession, especially in the corporate sector, and in Islamic banking and finance. Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad, former Chief Justice of Malaysia
THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION United Kingdom www.islamic-foundation.com
Islamic Finance Issues in Sukuk and Proposals for Reform
Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar, former Chairperson, Securities Commission Malaysia
Islamic Studies | Islamic Finance | Economics
Kamali and Abdullah
This is a valuable book that addresses current issues regarding the sukuk, both from the Shari[ah as well as the legal and regulatory perspectives and offers important insights and observations in response. The extensive analysis of the issues will help facilitate greater understanding of the challenges and contribute towards meaningful discussions on solutions.
Islamic Finance
Issues in Sukuk
and Proposals for Reform
isbn 978-0-86037-551-7 | US$24.95
Editors Mohammad Hashim Kamali and A.K. Abdullah www.iais.org.my
In the midst of continued turmoil in the financial markets, a search for credible alternatives is gaining pace. This book is engaged in a crucial discussion about the best Shari[ah-compliant ways of addressing the challenge of developing structures for sound investment, and, at the heart of this debate, is the assessment of ‘asset-based’ versus ‘assetbacked’ sukuks, which has come out well in this book. Dr. Mansoor Durrani, Senior Vice President, Head of Project Finance, National Commercial Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia