Kube Publishing 2012 Ramadan Catalogue

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Kube Publishing

Ramadan Catalogue 2012




Established in 2007, Kube Publishing seeks

The Islamic Foundation aims to achieve

to lead a new wave in Muslim publishing.

excellence in academic research, education,

It handles the well-established Islamic

publications, training and building bridges

Foundation imprint, now in its fourth decade,

between Muslims and others. Since 1973,

with over 300 published titles with strengths

the Foundation has developed its national

in Qur’an commentary (tafsir), Islamic

and international standing through the

economics and books for children. The other

character, variety and scope of its activities.

imprint, Kube, seeks to reflect the Muslim

It has, at present, over 300 published titles,

experience to the world through history,

and houses one of the largest private Islamic

biography, memoir, politics, current affairs,

libraries in Western Europe. It publishes two

culture and civilisation.

academic journals: The Muslim World Book Review (quarterly) and Review of Islamic Economics (biannually). Its academic wing the Markfield Institute of Higher Education awards MA/MPhil/PhD degrees, PostGraduate Diploma and Certificate in Islamic Studies in partnership with the University of Gloucestershire, UK.

www.kubepublishing.com www.islamic-foundation.com


A Journey Through Islamic History: A Timeline of Key Events Yasminah Hashim and Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Beg

Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Beg was a lecturer in the Faculty of Islamic Studies at the University of Malaysia (1974-78). He was then promoted to the office of an Associate Professor (1979-1986) in the Department of Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization. During the rest of his career he has been an Associate Professor at various Universities, including the University of Brunei. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge.

A Journey through Islamic History tells you all you ever wanted to know about the history of the Muslim world from the Prophet Muhammad to Malcolm X in a short, accessible and lavishly-illustrated format.

Yasminah Hashim is a twenty-one year old law student currently living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Her main focus is in the initiative she co-founded “Lawyers United�; a union that brings together law students/ graduates and lawyers in an effort to develop skills, discuss current legal issues and exchange experiences.

Includes eight chronological essays covering 1500 years and includes: over 175 photographs; a timeline with 500 entries; textboxes featuring important personalities key events and major ideas. ÂŁ18.99

164 pp Hardback | Age: 14+ | 9781847740281

1025 1609 1616CE 1018


,VODPLF WKH Ă€IWHHQ FHQWXULHV RI reason that history. It is for this caliphate, the abolition of the more a even if it had become the twentieth by unity of symbol as a century, was still seen majority great loss by the vast widespread of Muslims. It had ences legal and spiritual consequ nity commu for the Muslim caliph in (ummah): there is no sermon whose name the Friday d in (khutbah) can be delivere the Muslim mosques throughout the caliph as world. The loss of authority a Muslim sovereign of sign a itself of was in and Islamic the sharp decline in y by the power and authorit abolition twentieth century. The a nationalist of the caliphate by showed government in Turkey regarded as that it was no longer a dramatic a relevant institution, ns in change from the Ottoma century who model of political the late nineteenth to symbolise the ideal the The caliphate had come the Shi‘i Muslims had had attempted to revive Apart from the Sunnis, that RUGHU authority in Islam. tenth century, a sign RIĂ€FH RI WKH FDOLSKDWH WR caliphate during the l prestige unity. universa established the Fatimid near Muslim to strengthen caliphate itself enjoyed out the institution of the denominations through all backgrounds and among Muslims of

s, II (r. 1446-1451) onward the time of Murad cy, The Ottomans, from strengthen their legitima the title of caliph to had sometimes used claim to exercise political a formal and lasting but they never made V Ă€UVW RI DOO DV VXOWDQV HPVHOYH UGLQJ WK PV UHJD late DXWKRULW\ RYHU DOO 0XVOL more strongly in the made were claims these other or kings. However, to the Russians and when, in losing land t eighteenth century, emphasised to highligh the title of caliph was nonEuropean nations, s now under foreign l duty towards Muslim the sultan’s spiritua 09) who made the Abdulhamid II (r. 1876-19 H RI VKRULQJ Muslim rule. It was WKH KRS JDLQ LQ IĂ€FH RI FDOLSK D loosing ground VWURQJHVW FODLP WR WKH R n empire that was rapidly up support for an Ottoma list sentiment within and to growing nationa to the European powers d by the nationalist e was formally abolishe was its borders. The caliphat 1924. Its abolition Ataturk on 3rd March as a whole. Turkish leader Kemal (ummah) nity for the Muslim commu NU seen a great tragedy WKH Ă€UVW FDOLSK $EX %D LQFH WKH HOHFWLRQ RI political )RU WKLUWHHQ FHQWXULHV V despite its decline in e, caliphat the 632, al-Siddiq, in the year SRWHQW V\PERO RI WK FHQWXU\ UHPDLQHG WKH VLJQLĂ€FDQFH DIWHU WKH WHQ QGHU WKH 5LJKWO\ JXLGHG ULFDO XQLĂ€HG FDOLSKDWH X c KH KLVWR symboli XQLW\ 7 0XVOLP s kept a great ds and the early ‘Abbasid and caliphs, the Umayya the twentieth century to the beginning of uct of miscond the legitimacy right down to e challeng ideal and a after, providing a political throughout the ages. Muslim kings and rulers

Construction of the l Blue Mosque in Istanbu

Believing strongly in the value of history, Yasminah started writing A Journey through Islamic History at the age of seventeen.

1118AH 1658 1707CE 1069 the 1068AH 1628 1658CE 1037 r, Shah

Reign of Awrangzeb, r last great Moghul empero

l empero Reign of the Moghu Taj Mahal Jahan, who built the

textiles, poetry, science, history, In Ottoman society, FHUDPLFV UH DOO Ă RXULVKHG ,VODPLF FHUDPLFV DQG DUFKLWHFWX in the heights at Iznik, Turkey, perhaps reached their underglazed where uniquely seven mid-sixteenth century RUDO V ZLWK Ă UDWH WLOH WR GHFR FRORXUV ZHUH SLRQHHUHG S 6LPLODUO\ WKH JUHDW WKH WXOL KDW RI GHVLJQV PRVW QRWDEO\ W innovative new 588) would pioneer architect Sinan (1491-1 ent of Emperor better the achievem to designs mosque 7KH GRPH 6W 6RSKLD LQ ,VWDQEXO -XVWLQLDQ¡V FDWKHGUDO RI at Edirne, was, the Selimiye Mosque of his masterpiece, deeper than wider and four cubits in his words, ‘six cubits 86 page (see the dome of St Sophia’

Mosque Lamp, Iznik




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Sharing Eden: Green teachings from Jews, Christians and Muslims Natan Levy | David Shreeve | Harfiyah Haleem “Finding common ground between Christianity, Islam and Judaism is a critical priority for the whole world – and nowhere is that common ground more evident or inspiring than on environmental issues.” – Jonathon Porritt Sharing Eden sets out to show how respect for the environment is at the heart of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths. Today’s environmental concerns can trace their heritage through scriptures, teachings and actions known to generations across the centuries. The millions of followers of the Abrahamic faiths have the potential to turn their common environmental awareness into a worldwide force for the future of the planet they share with all people of faith – and of none. Combining a lightness of touch with some of the most beautiful and enlightening texts from the Abrahamic scriptures, Sharing Eden is just a beginning. £4.99

104 pp Paperback | 9781847740410

To order call: 01530 249 230

Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet Ibrahim Abdul-Matin “Ibrahim Abdul-Matin’s deep connection with Islam and the environment helps to make his book clear, easy to read, balanced and convincing.” – Harfiyah Abdel Haleem, Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences, UK “Ibrahim-Abdul Matin not only shows the myriad ways… Muslims are contributing to the resolution of the environmental crisis that threatens us all.” – Imam Zaid Shakir, cofounder, Zaytuna Institue Muslims are taught by their religion to praise their Creator, pray, fast and give charity. But what is not widely known is that there are deep and longstanding connections between Islamic teachings and environmentalism. In this groundbreaking book, Ibrahim Abdul-Matin draws on research, scripture and interviews with Muslims to trace Islam’s profound dedication to humankind’s collective role as stewards of the Earth. Abdul-Matin points out that the Prophet Muhammad declared that ‘the Earth is a mosque.’ £9.95

262 pp Paperback | 9781847740403 Available July 2012

www.kubepublishing.com www.islamic-foundation.com

Splitting the Moon: A collection of Islamic poetry Joel Hayward “Joel Hayward’s poetry is fascinating, deep, intelligent and beautiful. These evocative poems show verve and pathos and shed rich insight into the complexities of becoming and then living as a Muslim.” – Shaykh Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri Founder and Patron, Minhaj-ul-Quran


Five Pillars: Laying the Foundations of Divine Love and Service to Humanity Musharraf Hussain “I am delighted to recommend this book as it fills an important gap in English Islamic literature in introducing the reality of Islam... It effectively merges reason with revelation and tradition with modernity.” – Prof Dr M.Munir, University of Al-Azhar, Cairo

“Joel Hayward’s poetic style is simple yet poignant... He effectively explores the numerous intricate and complicated strands of religion and belief through a personal, introspective voice.” – Sarah Joseph, Editor, emel

“Shaykh Musharraf Hussain has rendered this invaluable service to Islam in which he has remained true to tradition whilst taking into account the contemporary lives of Muslims. A truly scholarly piece of work.” – Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, Leicester

Splitting the Moon, Joel Hayward’s second major collection, includes poems about his conversion to Islam from Christianity, his journey of faith, his experiences and observations as a British Muslim, and thoughts on the state of Muslims today. The poems are deeply personal, reflecting upon the ever-changing world around us.

The Five Pillars of Islam is a comprehensive and practical manual on the fundamentals of belief and practice of a Muslim, and provides an understanding of the true spirit of worship.


122 pp Paperback | 9781847740342

Written with a contemporary Muslim audience in mind, the creed is based on the orthodox Sunni Maturidi School of Theology, and the legal rulings upon the Hanafi Legal School. £8.99

285 pp Paperback | 9781847740236




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Dying and Living for Allah Khurram Murad This book is a wake up call, not just to kith and kin, but to all Muslims. The forty gems that make up this call are Khurram Murad’s last gift. They provide a window into the heart and soul – spelling out clear cut guidelines for self purification and preparation for the struggle of life. £2.95

In the Early Hours: Reflections on Spiritual and Self Development Khurram Murad; edited by Riza Mohammed A collection of inspirational advice by a dear and beloved teacher, Ustadh Khurram Murad, on the subject of spiritual and self development. £3.95

80 pp Paperback | 9780860373360

176 pp Paperback | 9780953676804

Zakat Calculation: Primarily based on Fiqh-uz-Zakat Yusuf al-Qaradawi Based on an authoritative source, Fiqh-uz-Zakat by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, this guidebook is an excellent reference for average readers on the concept, objectives, nature, benefits and principles underlying zakat. £4.95

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128 pp Paperback | 9780860373889

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Heavenly Bites: The Best of Muslim Home Cooking Karimah bint Dawood Heavenly Bites features the best of Muslim cooking to be found from Morocco to Bangladesh, which is all part of the dynamic food culture of modern-day Muslim London, served up by Karimah bint Dawood, the TV presenter, cook and convert to Islam. £9.95 104 pp Paperback | 9781847740311


Seven Steps to Moral Intelligence Musharraf Hussain Based on the teachings of Imam al-Ghazali and upon years of practical experience in teaching young Muslims, Dr Musharraf Hussain has written a contemporary and accessible book to apply Islamic teachings to character building. £3.99

Inner Dimensions of Islamic worship Imam al-Ghazali This book covers those dimensions of Islamic rituals of worship, Prayer, Almsgiving, Fasting, Pilgrimage, etc. which are essential to the fulfilment of inner quality. This book will be of immense help to countless young men and women of our times, who are rapidly growing in their commitment to Islam. £4.95

144 pp Paperback | 9780860371250

128 pp Paperback | 9781847740090




Muslim All-Stars: Helping the Polonskys Khaleel Muhammad In this exciting new series, a group of Muslim kids come together to clean up an old man’s house before his wife returns home from a major operation. But with time running out and a bigger mess than they had imagined... can they succeed? £3.99

80 pp Paperback | 16 full-colour illustrations Age: 8+ | 9780860374541

To order call: 01530 249 230

Islamic Manners Activity Book Fatima D’Oyen Learn a selection of Arabic prayers and expressions while having fun! 60+ pages of imaginative activities that will introduce young children to a range of practices from Islam and the Muslim world. £2.99

60 pp Paperback 34 B&W Illustrations | Age: 4+ 9780860374633

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Thank You O Allah! Ayesha bint Mahmood A glorious array of Allah’s never-ending bounties, evoking a child’s feeling of gratitude for everything Allah has given – from iman and knowledge, to family and health, from animals and nature, to food and life itself. £3.95

22 pp Hardback | 9780860373353

Imam al-Ghazali: A Concise Life Edoardo Albert In this short biography you will discover how AlGhazali rose from his humble background as a fatherless young boy from a small town, to become a successful student, a great teacher and the most famous thinker on Islam of his time. £4.99

104pp Paperback | 9781847740304

www.kubepublishing.com www.islamic-foundation.com

Hasan and Aneesa Go to Madrasa Yasmeen Rahim Hassan and Aneesa are going to madrasa. At madrasa they will meet new friends and learn about Islam. £2.50

16 pp Paperback | Age: 2+ | 9780860374596


The Spider and the Doves: The Story of the Hijra Farah Morley The Prophet Muhammad is besieged on all sides by his enemies. Then God sends him some unlikely helpers in the form of a pair of doves and a spider. This retelling of a story from the Prophet’s life weaves a tale that shows how even the smallest of us can have a great destiny. £3.95

A Picnic of Poems in Allah’s Green Garden Dawud Wharnsby This is Dawud Wharnsby’s unmissable new album and songbook for children. Made up of 30 songs that cover a range of topics, including bullying, prayer and Ramadan, this collection of poems will engage and inspire a new generation of children. £9.99

46 pp Hardback |Includes FREE audio CD | 9780860374442

32 pp Hardback | 9780860374497

Cinderella: An Islamic Tale Fawzia Gilani Follow the trials and tribulations of the sweet, gentle and pious Zahra when her parents die and she is left with an uncaring stepmother. A well-crafted Islamic version of the classic Cinderella story, in which faith, goodness and prayer are rewarded in the end. £5.95

44 pp Hardback | Age: 5+ | 9780860374732




Reflections on the Qur’an Fethullah Gulen This extensive commentary on selected verses of the Qur’ãn is penned in a clear yet grand style that is accessible to both the general and scholarly audience of the contemporary age. Along with frequent references to a variety of classical and contemporary sources, the author presents new insights and fresh interpretations to the understanding of the modern age. £7.99

336pp Paperback | 9781597842761

The Qur’an: With Annotated Interpretation in Modern English Translated by Ali Ünal A timely addition to the literature on the holy book of Islam, this interpretation of the Qur’an provides both the original Arabic verse as well as extensive explanations and interpretations in modern English.

The Qur’an in 99 Questions Dr Muhittin Argil This guide provides extensive answers to frequently asked questions about Muslims, Islam, and the Qur’an. £9.99

298pp Paperback | 9781597841306


1368pp Hardback | 9781597840002 ALSO AVAILABLE:

40 Hadiths: Translation and Commentary Ali Budak, Zainab Mahmoud £7.99 | 140pp Paperback | 9781597842082

Muhammad The Messenger of God: An Analysis of His Life Fethullah Gulen £14.99 | 430pp Paperback | 97818597849836

Good Character: A Comprehensive Guide to Manners and Moral in Islam Musa Kazim Gulkur £6.99 | 144pp Paperback | 9781597841344

Fundamentals of Rumi’s Thought Sefik Can £12.99 | 332pp Paperback | 9781932099799

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Aisha: The Wife, The Companion, The Scholar Resit Haylamaz This book portrays one of the most significant personalities in the history of Islam. The book clarifies her critical role in establishing Islamic teaching, with particular reference to her role in recording the authentic sayings of the Prophet, as well as the transmission of private matters concerning women and marital relations. £6.99

220pp Paperback 9781597842662

The Young Person’s Guide to Living Islam Asli Kaplan This book is a form of guidance for the youth of today, a guide for their everyday lives, as well as being a compilation of useful information that is related to the various forms of worship. £6.99

160pp Paperback 109 images & illustrations 9781597842532

The Young Person’s Guide to Understanding Islam Asli Kaplan This book seeks to bring to the attention of young minds questions concerning our lives in this world. The beauty of belief and leading a virtuous life are the underlying theme of it’s content. £7.99

200pp Paperback 74 images & illustrations 9781597842518

ALSO AVAILABLE: Tales from Rumi: Mathnawi Selections for Young Readers Al Fuat Bilkan £5.99 160pp Hardback | 9781597841245

No Room for Doubt: Selective Essays for Youth Abdullah Aymaz £3.99 82 pp Paperback | 9781597842488




To order call: 01530 249 230


Abu Bakr: The Pinnacle of Truthfulness Resit Haylamaz Abu Bakr was the first Caliph to rule the world of Islam. More important than his achievements as a state leader, was his close companionship with Prophet Muhammad. £5.99

175pp Paperback | 9781597842501

Uthman Ibn Affan: Bearer of Two Pure Lights Ferruh Akin Uthman was the third Rightly-Guided Caliph in the history of Islam. This book is a biography of one of for whom the Prophet said, “Everyone will have a friend in paradise and my friend there will be Uthman.”

Zayd: The rose that Bloom in Captivity Resit Haylamaz Zayd ibn Haritha, an emancipated slave of the Prophet, was his sincere friend and loyal servant. £4.99

88pp Paperback | 9781597842471


100pp Paperback | 9781597842679

Ali ibn Abi Talib: The Hero of Chivalry Resit Haylamaz Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth RightlyGuided Caliph of Islam, is also noted for his bravery. This book brings to life the biography of this unique hero of Islam, the gallant lion of the fields, the standard-bearer of the heroes, and the spiritual guide of believers. £5.99

160pp Paperback | 9781597842495

Khadija: The First Muslim and the Wife of the Prophet Muhammad Dr. Resit Haylamaz Exploring the birth period of Islam, this biography focuses on one of the most prominent and respected Muslim women in history, Khadija, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. £5.99

160pp Paperback | 9781597841214


The Global Mufti: The Phenomenon of Yusuf Al-Qaradawi Bettina Graf

Sayyid Qutb and the Origins of Radical Islamic Thought John Calvert

Blood and Faith: The Purging of Muslim Spain Matthew Carr

An outstanding legal scholar, an Islamist activist and a renowned host of al-Jazeera’s most popular religious program, ‘Sharia and Life’, Yusuf al-Qaradawi is one of the best-known and most controversial figures of contemporary Islamism. Indeed, it is difficult to think of another Muslim scholar-activist whose global influence matches, let alone exceeds, that of Qaradawi.

Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966) was an influential Egyptian ideologue credited with establishing the theoretical basis for radical Islamism in the post colonial Sunni Muslim world. Lacking a pure understanding of the leader’s life and work, the popular media has conflated Qutb’s moral purpose with the aims of bin Laden and al-Qaeda. He is often portrayed as a terrorist, Islamo-Fascist, and advocate of murder. This book rescues Qutb from misrepresentation, tracing the evolution of his thought within the context of his time. An expert on social protest and political resistance in the modern Middle East, as well as Egyptian nationalism, John Calvert recounts Qutb’s life from the small village in which he was raised to his execution at the behest of Abd alNasser’s regime.

In April 1609, King Philip III of Spain signed an edict denouncing the Muslim inhabitants of Spain as heretics, traitors, and apostates. Later that year, the entire Muslim population of Spain was given three days to leave Spanish territory, on threat of death. By 1614 Spain had successfully implemented what was then the largest act of ethnic cleansing in European history, and Muslim Spain had effectively ceased to exist. Blood and Faith is celebrated journalist Matthew Carr’s riveting chronicle of this virtually unknown episode, set against the vivid historical backdrop of the history of Muslim Spain.

Qaradawi’s standing - among ullama, Islamists and the Arab (if not the Muslim) public at large - is such that he is undeniably considered the most important Sunni religious figure in the world today. This volume is the first book-length treatment of Yusuf al-Qaradawi in any European language. £10.99

256 pp Paperback | 9781850659396


288 pp Hardback | 9781849040068


368 pp Hardback | 9781849040273




Rules of the Game Asim Qureshi In the aftermath of 7/7, the then Prime Minister Tony Blair said that ‘the rules of the game have changed’. He referred to how his government planned to respond to the attacks, but few people at the time anticipated that counter-terrorism would become synonymous with circumventing time-honoured concepts such as the rule of law. It is associated now with words such as profiling, incommunicado detention, rendition and torture. Rules of the Game investigates global counter terrorism through the perspective of those affected by such measures. £10.99

256 pp Paperback | 9781850659686

To order call: 01530 249 230

My Life with the Taliban Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef

Poetry of the Taliban Alex Strick van Linschoten, Felix Kuehn, Faisal Devji (editors)

Abdul Zaeef describes growing up in rural Kandahar province, which he fled for Pakistan after the Russian invasion of 1979. Zaeef joined the jihad in 1983. Zaeef was one among the former mujahidin who were closely involved in the emergence of the Taliban, in 1994. He had a role as ambassador to Pakistan during 9/11. In early 2002 Zaeef was handed over to American forces in Islamabad and spent four and a half years in prison in Bagram and Guantanamo before being released without charge. My Life with the Taliban offers insights into the Pashtun village communities that are the Taliban’s bedrock and helps to explain what drives men like Zaeef to take up arms against the foreigners who are foolish enough to invade his homeland.

The poetry of the Taliban, long overlooked by analysts as mere propaganda, is a prominent part of how they present themselves to Afghans and to the wider world. Published on the Taliban website during the last decade, with a few older specimens of Afghan poetry dating from the 1980s and ‘90s, this collection of over 200 poems from uncensored voices within the Taliban draws upon Afghan legend and recent history as much as upon a long tradition of Persian, Urdu and Pashto verse.


360 pp Paperback | 9781849041522

Their verse is fervent, and very modern in its criticism of human rights abuses by all parties in the war in Afghanistan; whether in describing an air strike on a wedding party or lamenting, “We did all of this to ourselves,” it is concerned not with politics, but with identity, and a full, textured, deeply conflicted humanity. £13.99

246 pp Hardback | 9781849041119

www.kubepublishing.com www.islamic-foundation.com

The Infidel Within: The History of Muslims in Britain, 1800 to the Present Humayun Ansari There has been an explosion of research into the experiences of British Muslims, but what has been conspicuous by its absence is a proper historical treatment of the phenomenon. This text aims to address this issue. Reissued with a new cover design in spring 2009, The Indfidel Within remains one of the leading books on the subject. £13.99

438 pp Hardback | 9781850656852


Islam and the Abolition of Slavery W. G Clarence-Smith In this important book, ClarenceSmith provides the first general survey of the Islamic debate on slavery. He draws on examples from the “abode of Islam”, from the Philippines to Sengal and from the Caucasus to South Africa, paying particular attention to the period from the late 18th century to the present. Once slavery had disappeared, it was the Sufi mystics who did most to integrate former slaves socially and religiously, avoiding the deep social divisions that have plagued the Western societies in the aftermath of abolition. £18.99

300 pp Hardback | 9781850657088

The Islamic World in the New Century: The Organisation of the Islamic Conference, 1969 – 2009 Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu Based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) was founded forty years ago to respond to the Palestinian crisis and counts fifty-seven Muslim countries among its members. It has since branched out into the areas of economic development, education, culture, science, technology, conflict resolution, and tackling Islamophobia. This book details the achievements, successes, and failures of this singular political body and demonstrates why modernization is so central to the continued development of Islamic society. £18.99

288 pp Hardback | 9781849040631




Anthropomorphic Depictions of God: The Concept of God in Judaic, Christian and Islamic Traditions – Representing the Unrepresentable Zulfiqar Ali Shah “[This work] is a masterful, thought-provoking, and insightful study by Zulfiqar Ali Shah of anthropomorphism in the conceptions of God in the Bible and the Qur’an that will be welcomed by scholars and students and all who are interested in the Abrahamic traditions.” – John Esposito, Professor of Islamic Studies, Georgetown University “This is an extremely important topic and critical to the understanding of Western faiths and the current crisis of disbelief. Idolatry is the great sin of Judaism and Islam, and yet many of the greatest theologians have missed the idolatry of the very conception of God as mental image.” – Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, Founder, Zaytuna College, California

Contemporary Approaches to the Qur’an and Sunnah Edited by Mahmoud Ayoub The Qur’an and Sunnah are the two primary sources of Muslim faith, life, law and morality. The Qur’an is for Muslims the foundation of their faith and the Sunnah is the framework of their morality. Together they constitute the two sources of the law (Shariah) of God, a guide to prosperity and happiness in this life and to the bliss of the hereafter. Although the Qur’an and Sunnah are materially and formally two independent sources, they are inextricably bound in a dynamic relationship. The rulings and precepts (ahkam) of the Qur’an constitute the law (shar’) of God. They are supplemented by the precepts of the authentic Sunnah, which possess authority second only to the precepts of the Qur’an. The Qur’an commands Muslims, “Whatever the Messenger gives you, that you must take, and whatever he forbids you, you must desist therefrom....” (59:7). £11.95

This monumental study examines issues of anthropomorphism in the three Abrahamic Faiths, as viewed through the texts of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and the Qur’an. £22.95

762pp Paperback | 978-1-56564-575-2

248pp Paperback | 978-156564-578-3

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The Qur’anic Worldview: A Springboard for Cultural Reform Adbulhamid Abusulayman

Al-Shura: The Qur’anic Principle of Consultation Ahmad al-Raysuni

Looking back at the various stages of Islamic historical development, AbuSulayman puts forward a thesis that focuses on the recovery of what is termed the Qur’anic worldview. Our faith will only be complete when we have become utterly sincere in our love for God, a love expressed in a pure, passionate love for goodness and truth in this world. It was the strict internalization of this perspective and close adherence to the principles of the Qur’an which AbuSulayman contends, played a key factor in galvanizing the devout and intensely Godconscious followers of fledgling Islam to achieve the successes that they once did, the profound historical and global impact of which is still the subject of much study and admiration today.

In this work, the author attempts to introduce and examine key meanings and practices of al-Shura, trace its historical evolution, and explore ways in which the principle can be introduced, institutionalized and applied in Muslim societies. There is no doubt that al-Shura has been sidelined throughout the Muslim world and the reasons for this are both historically and politically complex. As al-Shura is increasingly associated with democratic participation in a decisionmaking process, debate has ignited with critics challenging the notion of equating the principle with western notions of democracy, with others claiming that the principle allows for a meaning that breaks the grip of centralized power. These and other issues are investigated with careful scholarship.


208pp Paperback | 978-1-56564-365-9


208pp Paperback | 978-1-56564-361-1

ALSO AVAILABLE A Thematic Commentary of the Qur’an £19.95 | 806pp Paperback | 9781565642607

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Variant Readings of the Qur’an £6.95 | 182pp Paperback | 9781565644205

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Observing the Observer: The State of Islamic Studies in American Universities Edited By Mumtaz Ahmad, Zahid Bukhari & Sulayman Nyang Over the last few decades the United States has seen significant growth in the study of Islam and Islamic societies in institutions of higher learning, fuelled primarily by events including economic relations of the U.S. with Muslim countries, migration of Muslims into the country, conversion of Americans to Islam, U.S. interests in Arab oil resources, involvement of Muslims in the American public square, and the tragic events of 9/11. Although there is increasing recognition that the study of Islam and the role of Muslims is strategically essential in a climate of global integration, multiculturalism, and political turmoil, nevertheless, the state of Islamic Studies in America is far from satisfactory. The issue needs to be addressed, particularly, as the need for intelligent debate and understanding is continuously stifled by fly-by journalists, think tank pundits, and cutand-paste “experts.” Includes papers by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Anouar Majid and Marcia Hermansen. £14.95

294pp Paperback | 978-1-56564-581-3

To order call: 01530 249 230

The Socio-Intellectual Foundations of Malek Bennabi’s Approach to Civilisation Badrane Benlahcene Since the publication of Samuel Huntington’s The Clash of Civilizations concern about civilization has been reintroduced into the debate on the world order. Malek Bennabi (1905–1973), prominent Algerian thinker and great Muslim intellectual, focused on unravelling the causes of Muslim decline and the success of Western civilization and culture. The key problem he theorized lay not in the Qur’an or Islamic faith but in Muslims themselves. The author investigates Bennabi’s approach to civilization and the fundamental principles drawn, using metatheorising methodology. In doing so he sheds further light on perhaps one of the more intriguing elements of Bennabi’s theory, that civilization is governed by internal-external and social-intellectual factors and that an equation can be generated for civilization itself. This equation of Man+Soil+Time = Civilization and of which religion, according to Bennabi, forms the allimportant catalyst, is explained and its significance in terms of the reversal of Muslim decline evaluated. What is clearly apparent is that for Bennabi, Man is the central force in any civilizing process and without him the other two elements are of no value. £14.95

392pp Paperback | 978-1-56564-367-1

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Interfaith Dialogue: A Guide for Muslims Muhammad Shafiq & Mohammed Abu-Nimer

Toward Our Reformation from Legalism to Value-Oriented Islamic Law and Jurisprudence Mohammad Omar Farooq

Islam recognizes a plurality of religions and asks Muslims to respect other religions. The primary role of interfaith dialogue is to remove misunderstanding and accept difference, the aim being to generate a climate of peaceful coexistence and harmonious social relations. The book is designed to guide Muslims who are interested and/or involved in building relations with those of the Jewish and Christian faiths.

It is the author’s contention that at the heart of the Muslim predicament lies ignorance and/or lack of commitment to core Islamic values, thus what is advocated throughout this work is a return to what is termed a “value-oriented” approach. We further learn that with the passage of time what we today consider to be the Shariah is in effect an original hub enveloped in a labyrinthine shroud of scholastic views and deductions hindering Muslim development, and to rely on fraudulent hadith and fallacious implementation of hudud law is not only to betray the spirit of the Qur’an and the Prophet’s message, but a disastrous exercise.


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The Refinement of Character Ibn Miskawayh Abu Ali Ahmad ibn-Muhammad ibn Yaqub Miskawayh was an active scholar in many fields of knowledge in 10th century CE, Iran. In the area of ethics, the Tahdhib is his most important and influential work. The Tahdhib or ‘Refinement of Character’ consists of six discourses: The Principles of Ethics, Character and its Refinement, The Good and its Division, Justice, Love and Friendship, and The Health of the Soul.



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Imam al-Ghazali

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This is Imam Ghazali’s Persian summary of his famous Arabic treatise on morality and ethics in Islam, The Revival of Religious Sciences. In this work, Ghazali details the many pitfalls, snares, and distractions – internal and external – that lie in wait to divert the traveler of the Way from attaining the goal which al-Ghazali calls “spiritual happiness.” £55.00

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What Everyone Should Know About Islam Suzanne Haneef This work presents a brief yet comprehensive survey of the basic teachings on the significance of Islam’s central concept, faith in and submission to God. It introduces the reader to how Muslims feel about various aspects of life, how they worship, and how Muslims living in the West practice their religion. £7.49

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The Qur’an Translated by Tarif Khalidi “What sets Khalidi apart from his predecessors is his sensitivity to the sounds and many layers of meaning of the original as well as his skill in conveying them to an anglophone audience... Khalidi’s introduction and bibliographic note are marvelously succinct, explaining the textual nature and structure of the Qur’an, its place in Muslim life, and providing a very useful summary of recent research and further reading... a landmark in the history of English translations of the Qur’an.” –Ziad Elmarsafy, Times Literary Supplement, UK This milestone translation by Tarif Khalidi retains the rhythms and structures of the original Arabic’s exquisite poetry, bringing this holy book to life for readers in English. £9.99

Paperback edition | 560 pp | size 129 x 198mm | 9780670084173


Tarif Khalidi was born in Jerusalem in 1938. He received degrees from University College, Oxford, and the University of Chicago, before teaching at the American University of Beirut as a professor in the Department of History from 1970 to 1996. In 1985 he accepted a oneyear position as senior research associate at St Anthony’s College, Oxford, and from 1991 to 1992 was a visiting overseas scholar at St John’s College, Cambridge. In 1996, Tarif Khalidi left Beirut to become the Sir Thomas Adams’ Professor of Arabic at Cambridge University, the oldest chair of Arabic in the Englishspeaking world. He was also Director of the Centre for Middle East and Islamic Studies and a Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. After six years, Professor Khalidi returned to the American University of Beirut, taking on the Sheikh Zayed Chair in Islamic and Arabic Studies, the first chair to be filled at the University since the civil war. £24.99

Hardback edition | 560 pp| size 241 x 165mm | 9781846140211

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The Arab Awakening: Islam and the new Middle East Tariq Ramadan In The Arab Awakening Tariq Ramadan explores the opportunities and challenges across North Africa and the Middle East, as they look to create new, more open societies. He asks: can Muslim countries bring together Islam, pluralism and democracy without betraying their identity? Will the Arab world be able to reclaim its memory to reinvent education, women’s rights, social justice, economic growth and the fight against corruption? Can this emancipation be envisioned with Islam, experienced not as a straitjacket, but as an ethical and cultural wealth? Arguing that the debate cannot be reduced to a confrontation between two approaches - the modern and secular versus the traditional and Islamic Ramadan demonstrates that not only are both of these routes in crisis, but that the Arab world has an historic opportunity: to stop blaming the West, to jettison its victim status and to create a truly new dynamic. £20.00

288pp Hardback | 9781846146503


Malcom X: A Life of Reinvention Manning Marable ‘Here at last is the meticulous portrait he deserves’ – Andrew Anthony, Observer ‘Lucid, hugely researched and surely definitive ... an extraordinary story’ – Dominic Sandbrook, Sunday Times Manning Marable’s new biography is a stunning achievement, filled with new information and shocking revelations that will reframe the way we understand his life and work. Malcolm Xunfolds a sweeping story of the darkest days of racial unrest, from the rise of the Ku Klux Klan to the struggles of the civil rights movement, examining his engagement with the Nation of Islam, and the romantic relationships whose energy alternately drained him and pushed him to unimagined heights. Manning Marable passed away days before the publication of his work Malcolm X, A Life of Reinvention for which he won the Pulitzer Prize for History. He taught at Columbria University, USA, and was one of the leading figures in African-American studies in the world. £12.99

608pp Paperback | 9780141024301



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