Ramadan catalogue
Here you will find something for everyone. We are delighted to announce that our new Ramadan catalogue for 2013 is now available. With forthcoming titles including a popular history of the Muslim Heritage of Bengal, a ground-breaking new take on Islamic Education, and a new children’s book by master songwriter Dawud Wharsnby, your bookshelves this Ramadan are going to be different and exciting. Also Included in this catalogue are our Ramadan bestsellers and the latest books we have decided to distribute.
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Kube Publishing would like to wish all its customers Ramadan Mubarak. May this month be a source of guidance and inspiration. May Allah accept our prayers and supplications, forgive our sins and protect us in this life and the hereafter.
The Kube Team
Daily Wisdom Islamic Prayers & Supplications
Daily Wisdom: Islamic Prayers and Supplications Abdur Raheem Kidwai This beautiful presentation of Islamic prayers and supplications from the Qur’an and recorded sayings of the Prophet Muhammad engages the reader in a moment of daily reflection. With 365 prayers covering the whole year, this is a must for every home. With accompanying Arabic text, and the prayers fully referenced, this book is also an authentic and reliable compilation. £9.99 | Hardback | 412pp ISBN: 978-1-84774-043-4
Abdur Raheem Kidwai
£19.99 | Deluxe | 412pp ISBN: 978-1-84774-048-9
ALSO AVAILABLE Daily Wisdom: Selections from the Qur’an Abdur Raheem Kidwai £9.99 | Hardback | 391pp ISBN: 978-1-84774-032-8
Daily Wisdom: Sayings of the Prophet Abdur Raheem Kidwai £9.99 | Hardback | 400pp ISBN: 978-1-84774-018-2
A book stand is also available on request to display this best-selling series.
NEW TITLES The Muslim Heritage of Bengal: The Lives, Thoughts and Achievements of Great Muslim Scholars, Writers and Reformers of Bangladesh and West Bengal Muhammad Mojlum Khan A popular history book that covers 800 years of the history of Islam in Bengal through the example of 42 inspirational figures up until the 20th century by the author of the bestseller The Muslim 100. Included are the prominent figures Shah Jalal, Nawab Abdul Latif, Rt. Hon. Syed Ameer Ali, Sir Salimullah Khan Bahadur and Begum Rokeya. £16.99 | Paperback | 420pp ISBN: 978-1-84774-052-6 £29.99 | Hardback | 420pp ISBN: 978-1-84774-059-5 “The Muslim Heritage of Bengal is a multidimensional work covering aspects of the Muslim history, culture and heritage of Bengal from the early thirteenth century to the modern times… I am sure this book shall add to the vista of knowledge in the field of Muslim history and heritage of Bengal. I recommend this work.” – Dr A. K. M. Yaqub Ali, Professor Emeritus, Islamic History & Culture, University of Rajshahi and renowned historian of Bangladesh
“This book provides glimpses of Bengal’s Muslim history from the beginning of the 13th century to more recent events during the early part of the 20th century. Khan’s book provides invaluable information which will inspire present and future generations regarding the Muslim history, culture and heritage of Bengal. Highly recommended reading for Muslims and non-Muslims, young and old alike.” – Dr M. Abdul Jabbar Beg, Formerly Professor of Islamic History & Civilization at National University of Malaysia and co-author of A Journey through Islamic History: A Timeline of Key Events.
Educating Muslim Women: The West African Legacy of Nana Asma’u (1793 – 1864) Jean Boyd and Beverley Mack Nana Asma’u was a prolific Muslim scholar, poet, historian, and educator, whose system of education for rural women established in early 19th century West Africa flourishes today. This book, richly illustrated with maps and photographs, recounts Asma’u’s upbringing and critical junctures in her life, from several perspectives: her own first-hand experiences presented in her writings; the accounts of contemporaries who witnessed her endeavours; and the memoirs of European travellers. The authors have drawn on a variety of primary sources, mostly unpublished, as well as modern scholarship. £12.99 | Paperback | 256pp ISBN: 978-1-84774-044-1 £19.99 | Hardback | 256pp ISBN: 978-1-84774- 060-1
Islamic Civilization: Its Foundational Beliefs and Principles Abul A‘la Mawdudi In this book Mawdudi (1903-1979) attempts to bring out the vital relationship between the concept of civilization and Islam’s underlying worldview and vision of life. He argues that the true understanding of Islamic civilization is possible only by having access to the soul of that civilization and its underlying fundamental principles – belief in God, the angels, the Prophets, the Revealed Books and the Last Day – rather than to its manifestations in knowledge, literature, fine arts or rhetoric, its social life, its notions of refined living or its system of governance. With a Foreword by Zafar Ishaq Ansari, this is an authoritative first complete English translation by Syed Akif, of Islami Tahdhib awr uskey Usul-o-Mabadi written in the 1930s at a time when the momentum for independence was growing in British India. £14.99 | Paperback | 288pp ISBN: 978-0-86037-474-9 £29.99 | Hardback | 288pp ISBN: 978-0-86037-479-4
iving in Allah’s Presence: Aspects of Islamic Spirituality introduces the natural human characteristics (fitrah) that are universally considered to be praiseworthy. In the Qur’an, Islam is referred to as al-din al-fitrah, meaning that the human being is, by his very nature, inclined to submit to the Will of Allah, and is inclined towards goodness. These Qur’anic concepts like sincerity, truthfulness, humility, morality, modesty and steadfastness underpin the Islamic value system. The reflections on these key concepts presented in this book guide the reader towards moral excellence and self-purification, which if achieved lead to the establishment of justice, living a life in Allah’s Presence and building a true relationship with Him, striving to fulfill His Will on earth and seeking His Pleasure in the afterlife. Islam | Religion
ISBN 978-0-86037-576-0 | US $13.95
Abdur Rashid Siddiqui
Abdur Rashid Siddiqui gained an honours degree in Economics and Politics as well as a law degree from the University of Bombay. He completed his postgraduate study in Librarianship from the University of London and was elected an Associate of the Library Association. He worked as an Information Librarian at the University of Leicester from 1966 until his retirement in 1997. His publications are Key to al-Fatihah, Key to Al [Imran, two volumes of 55 Khutbah for Friday prayers under the title Lift Up Your Hearts, Man and Destiny: Some Reflections on Iqbal’s Concepts of Khudi and the Perfect Man, Qur’anic Keywords, and Nawa-e-Benawa (an anthology of Urdu poetry). He has also edited a collection of essays entitled Tazkiyah: The Islamic Path to Self-Development.
Living in Allah’s Presence
Living in
Allah’s Presence a spects o f isl a mic spiritualit y
Abdur Rashid Siddiqui
New Directions in Islamic Education: Pedagogy and Identity Formation Abdullah Sahin
Living in Allah’s Presence: Aspects of Islamic Spirituality Abdur Rashid Siddiqui
New Directions in Islamic Education explores the relationship between pedagogy and the formation of religious identities within Islamic education settings that are based in minority and majority Muslim contexts. Based on empirical research, the book engages critically with the philosophical, theological and cultural dynamics that inform Muslim educational thought and practice. The book offers an integrated model of Islamic education that identifies the heart of the Islamic educational imagination as tarbiyah, a transformative process of becoming.
Living in Allah’s Presence: Aspects of Islamic Spirituality introduces the natural human characteristics (fitrah) that are universally considered to be praiseworthy. In the Qur’an, Islam is referred to as al-din al-fitrah, meaning that the human being is, by his very nature, inclined to submit to the Will of Allah, and is inclined towards goodness. The Qur’anic concepts like sincerity, truthfulness, humility, morality, modesty and steadfastness underpin the Islamic value system. The reflections on these key concepts presented in this book guide the reader towards moral excellence and self-purification, which if achieved lead to the establishment of justice, living a life in Allah’s Presence and building a true relationship with Him, striving to fulfil His Will on earth and seeking His Pleasure in the afterlife.
“This ground-breaking book is one of the most significant contributions made in recent years to Islamic education.” — John M. Hull, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom £22.99 £22.99 | Paperback | 304pp ISBN: 978-1-84774- 058-8 £34.99 | Hardback | 304pp ISBN: 978-1-84774-033-5
£6.99 | Paperback | 208 pp ISBN: 978-0-86037-576-0
Towards Understanding the Qur’an Sayyid Abul A‘la Mawdudi £17.95 Hardback – Arabic/English | 1408 pp ISBN: 978-0-86037-510-4 £9.95 English only | Paperback ISBN: 978-0-86037-416-9 £9.95 Pocket Size | Leather back ISBN: 978-0-86037-580-7
In the Shade of the Qur’an Sayyid Qutb Complete tafsir in 18 volumes. £11.95 | Single volume | Paperback £17.95 | Single volume | Hardback
Tafsir £10.95 | Paperback Volume 1 – 9 available plus Juz Amma £17.95 | Hardback Volume 1 – 9 available plus Juz Amma
Set Offer at £200 for Paperback and £315 for Hardback
The Glorious Quran: Text, Translation & Commentary Abdul Majid Daryabadi £15.95 | Hardback | 1184pp ISBN: 978-0-86037-360-5 The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an Abdullah Yusuf Ali £11.99 | Hardback | 752pp ISBN: 978-0-860373-71-1
BESTSELLERS / RAMADAN HIGHLIGHTS A Journey Through Islamic History: A Timeline of Key Events Yasminah Hashim and M.A.J Beg A Journey through Islamic History tells you all you ever wanted to know about the history of the Muslim world from the Prophet Muhammad to Malcolm X in a short, accessible and lavishly illustrated format. £18.99 | Hardback | 192pp ISBN: 978-1-847740-28-1 n Seven chronological essays covering 1500 years of history. n With over 150 pictures, illustrations and maps.
n A comprehensive pull-out timeline with over 500 entries. n Textboxes featuring important personalities, key events and major ideas.
Inner Dimensions of Islamic worship Imam al-Ghazali This book covers dimensions of Islamic rituals of worship; Prayer, Almsgiving, Fasting and Pilgrimage, which are essential to the fulfillment of inner quality.
Zakat Calculation: Primarily based on Fiqh-uz-Zakat Yusuf al-Qaradawi Based on an authoritative source, Fiqh-uzZakat by sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, this guidebook is an excellent reference for average readers on the concept, objectives, nature, benefits and principles underlying zakat.
£4.95 | Paperback | 142pp ISBN: 978-0-86037-125-0
£4.95 | Paperback | 128pp ISBN: 978-0-86037-388-9
BESTSELLERS / RAMADAN HIGHLIGHTS Heavenly Bites: The Best of Muslim Home Cooking Karimah bint Dawood Heavenly Bites features the best of Muslim cooking to be found from Morocco to Bangladesh, which is all part of the dynamic food culture of modern-day Muslim London, served up by Karimah bint Dawood, the TV presenter, cook and convert to Islam. Winner of Best Arabic Cuisine Book, UK – Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2012 £9.95 | Paperback | 104pp ISBN: 978-1-84774-031-1
Discover the Best in You! Life Coaching for Muslims Sayeda Habib Discover the Best in You! gives you the skills and tools you need to enhance the quality of your life, and gives you the support you need to turn things around when you’ve had a setback. This book provides exercises, explanations and case studies to help you develop a sense of hope in your life. £7.95 | Paperback | 192pp ISBN: 978-1-84774-025-0
Muhammad (pbuh): Man and Prophet Adil Salahi Adil Salahi’s compelling biography traces the life of the Prophet Muhammad from his birth and childhood to the triumph of Islam and its hold on Arabia. The author sets this against a fascinating historical backdrop. This is the most extensive biography of Prophet Muhammad ever published in English. £19.95 | Paperback | 854pp ISBN: 978-0-860373-22-3
KUBE NEW CHILDREN’S TITLES Colours of Islam Dawud Wharsnby Revisit the classic nasheeds from Colours of Islam in this new songbook. Beautifully illustrated throughout, and with a free audio CD, children will be overjoyed to read, listen and sing along to the timeless poetry of togetherness and diversity by Dawud Wharnsby. Included are the songs: Sing, Children of the World, Alhamdulillah (I’m a Rock), Allah Ta‘ala and a brand-new song, Hear Me Beat my Drum. £9.99 | Hardback (full colour) | 40pp Age 5+ | ISBN: 978-0-860375-91-3
ALSO AVAILABLE A Picnic of Poems: In Allah’s Green Garden This is Dawud Wharnsby’s unmissable recently released new album and songbook for children. Made up of 30 songs that cover a range of topics, including bullying, prayer and Ramadan. This collection of poems will engage and inspire a new generation of children. £9.99 | Hardback (full colour) | 40pp Age 5+ | ISBN: 978-0-86037-444-2
Snow White: An Islamic Tale Fawzia Gilani
The Great Race to Sycamore Street J. Samia Mair This topsy-turvy adventure on Sycamore Street sees brother and sister Hude and Amani arrive in the country with one thought: it was going to be a long, boring summer. They couldn’t be more wrong. With Grandma Hana’s new neighbour planning to pull down her prized peach tree and a gang, led by the archer Bobby, marshalling the local lake, Hude and Amani have a hard time getting any peace.
After Snow White’s parents die she finds herself alone with a stepmother whose vanity is only matched by her wickedness. When the stepmother’s jinn reveals that Snow White is the ‘fairest of them all’, she does all she can to destroy her. To survive Snow White must escape the devious plans of her poisonous stepmother, who will stop at nothing to kill her. £5.95 | Hardback (full colour) | 44pp Age 5+ | ISBN: 978-0-86037-526-5
In this warm and comical story, find out how, under the watchful eyes of Grandma Hana, Hude and Amani plan to save the peach tree and beat Bobby at his own game before leaving Sycamore Street behind. £5.99 | Paperback (with B&W illustrations) 200pp | Age 9+ ISBN: 978-1-84774-057-1
Cinderella: An Islamic Tale Fawzia Gilani £5.95 | Hardback (full colour) | 44 pp Age 5+ | ISBN: 978-0-86037-473-2
Ibn Sina: A Concise Life Edoardo Albert Ibn Sina, who is referred to as Avicenna in Latin, was a true polymath. Born in the tenth Century his passion for knowledge was unbound, and due to the scope and brilliance of his work he can be compared to the great Leonardo Da Vinci. He served under princes and kings (and fled from them too), wrote books of philosophy that are still argued over today and set down medical treatments that continue in use. As such, Ibn Sina is often referred to as the most brilliant Muslim thinker in Islam’s Golden Age. £4.99 | Paperback | 96pp Age 12+ | ISBN: 978-1-84774-045-8
ALSO AVAILABLE Imam Al-Ghazali: A Concise Life Edoardo Albert £4.99 | Paperback 80 pp | Age 12+ ISBN: 978-1-84774030-4
When Wings Expand Mehded Maryam Sinclair Writing on the pages of her journal, Nur, a teenage girl in Canada, charts the onset and advance of her mother’s cancer. Nur watches her mother’s body begin to shrink, and her discomfort begin to increase. And, when family and friends begin to appear, Nur must face the prospect of her mother’s looming death. Nur bears the crushing loss and finds her adolescent life more demanding and complex. But with the legacy of her mother’s love, her family’s support, and the guidance of her faith, she manages to overcome the searing pain and use her new found strength to bring joy in to the lives of others. Showing that after death, wings can expand.
Winner of a Muslim Writers Award 2011 £5.99 | Paperback | 224pp Age 11+ | ISBN: 978-0-86037-499-2
Islamic Manners Activity Book Fatima D’Oyen Learn a selection of Arabic prayers and expressions while having fun! 60+ pages of imaginative activities that will introduce young children to a range of practices from Islam and the Muslim world.
Hasan and Aneesa Go to Madrasa Yasmeen Rahim
Hasan and Aneesa Go to Masjid Yasmeen Rahim
£2.50 | Paperback 16pp | Age 2+ ISBN: 978-086037-459-6
£2.50 | Paperback 28pp | Age 2+ ISBN: 978-086037-521-0
£2.99 | Paperback | 60pp | Ages 4+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-463-3
The Muslim All-Stars: Helping the Polonskys Khaleel Muhammad In this exciting new series, a group of Muslim kids come together to clean up an old man’s house before his wife returns home from a major operation. But with time running out and a bigger mess than they had imagined….can they succeed? £ 3.99 | Paperback | 80pp | Age 7+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-454-1
We’re Off to Make ‘Umrah Sana Munshey Discover the joys of ‘Umrah, step by step, in rhymed verse with charming illustrations. Includes poster and paper dolls £4.95 | Hardback | 32pp | Age 3+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-458-9
NEW TITLES DISTRIBUTED BY KUBE PUBLISHING — SAQI BOOKS Introducing Saqi Books Saqi Books is an independent publishing house of quality general interest and academic books on North Africa and the Middle East. Founded in 1983 in London, Saqi’s links with cutting edge and authoritative voices have led to a rigorous reassessment of Arab cultural heritage.
The Crusade through Arab Eyes Amin Maalouf European and Arab versions of the Crusades have little in common. For Arabs, the twelfth and thirteenth centuries were years of strenuous efforts to repel a brutal and destructive invasion by barbarian hordes. Under Saladin, an unstoppable Muslim army inspired by prophets and poets finally succeeded in destroying the most powerful Crusader kingdoms. £14.99 | Paperback | 296pp ISBN: 978-0-86356-023-1
The Life of Saladin Sir Hamilton Gibb Saladin, the Kurdish founder of the Ayyubid Dynasty, ruled Egypt and Syria, made enemies of the fabled Assyrians and conquered Jerusalem in 1187, repelling the Crusaders (and prompting their resurgence in the Third Crusade). His chivalry and impeccably honourable conduct became enshrined in European as well as Muslim lore, influencing a long line of poets and historians. £9.99 | Paperback | 94pp ISBN: 978-0-86356-928-9
The Arab Rediscovery of Europe Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Ibrahim Abu-Lughod’s pioneering work traces the role of the Arab intelligentsia in increasing Arab awareness of Europe and in shaping visions of Arab political futures. First published in 1963, it was hugely influential in instigating a detailed study of the Arab–European encounter in the nineteenth century using Arabic sources. £9.99 | Paperback | 192pp ISBN: 978-0-86356-403-1
NEW TITLES DISTRIBUTED BY KUBE PUBLISHING — SAQI BOOKS Kalila and Dimna Ramsay Wood The tales of Kalila and Dimna, also known as The Panchatantra, Kalila wa Dimna and The Fables of Bidpai originated around two thousand years ago. These charming and humorous stories about animals have since found their way, in one form or another, into the folklore of every major culture and tradition. £9.99 | Paperback | 301pp ISBN: 978-0-86356-661-5
Sulemain the Magnificent André Clot Suleiman the Magnificent, most glorious of the Ottoman sultans, kept Europe atremble for nearly half a century. In a few years he led his army as far as the gates of Vienna, made himself master of the Mediterranean and established his court in Baghdad. Faced with this redoubtable champion, who regarded it as his duty to extend the boundaries of Islam farther and farther, the Christian world struggled to unite against him. £14.99 | Paperback | 416pp ISBN: 978-0-86356-498-7
Harun al-Rashid André Clot Harun al-Rashid, the legendary caliph reigned for a quarter of a century, his empire spreading over south-west Asia and into north Africa. He waged war on the Byzantine Empire, and dealt ruthlessly with the religious and social insurrections which threatened his kingdom. As well as being a ruthless soldier and politician Harun was also a great patron of the arts, and highly esteemed by Charlemagne. £12.99 | Paperback | 268pp ISBN: 978-0-86356-550-2
Introducing I.B. Tauris I.B.Tauris is an independent publishing house that has pioneered a distinctive approach to the publication of both general non-fiction and new scholarly writing in the humanities and social sciences. I.B.Tauris has long been recognised as one of the leading publishers on the Middle East and the Islamic World. Understanding the Qur’an Muhammad Abdel Haleem The tenets of Islam cannot be grasped without a proper understanding of the Qur’an. In this important new introduction, Muhammad Haleem examines its recurrent themes – life and eternity, marriage and divorce, peace and war, water and nourishment – and for the first time sets these in the context of the Qur’an’s linguistic style. Professor Haleem examines the background to the development of the surahs (chapters) and the ayahs (verses) and the construction of the Qur’an itself. £14.99 | Paperback | 256pp ISBN: 978-1-84511-789-4
Introduction to the Qur’an M.A. Draz In this book, the distinguished Islamic scholar M.A. Draz sets out the fundamental principles of the Qur’an and its much misunderstood and misquoted teachings on gender and women, polygamy, war, faith, Judaism, Christianity and the many other issues on which the Qur’an pronounces. Draz emphasises the continuity of monotheistic doctrine and ethics through Judaism, Christianity and Islam. £12.99 | Paperback | 176pp ISBN: 978-1-84885-689-9
The Vision of Islam Sachiko Murata, William Chittick This introduction to Islam for Western readers explores the fundamental religious beliefs held by Muslims for nearly 1400 years. It covers the four dimensions of Islam – practice, faith, spirituality and the Islamic view of history, as outlined in the Hadith of Gabriel. Interweaving teachings from the Koran, the sayings of the Prophet, and the great authorities of the tradition, the book introduces the essentials of each dimension. £14.99 | Paperback | 408pp ISBN: 978-1-84511-320-9
NEW TITLES DISTRIBUTED BY KUBE PUBLISHING — I.B. TAURIS Umar (Makers of Islamic Civilization) Shibli Numani Honoured by Sunni Muslims as the epitome of the just ruler, Umar, or Omar – the second Caliph – is one of the most significant figures in early Islamic history. His rule (634-44 CE) laid the foundations of an empire that has since defined, both culturally and geographically, the heartlands of the Islamic world. Shibli Numani’s classic book links the military conquests of the period with Umar’s reforms in law, government and public administration. He describes the personal strengths, skills and character of Umar and evaluates his contribution to the ethos of Islam. £10.99 | Paperback | 160pp ISBN: 978-1-85043-670-6
The Odyssey of Ibn Battuta: Uncommon Tales of a Medieval Adventurer David Waines Ibn Battuta was, without doubt, one of the world’s truly great travellers. Born in 14th century Morocco, and a contemporary of Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta has left us an account in his own words of his remarkable journeys throughout the Islamic world and beyond: journeys punctuated by adventure and peril, and stretching from his home in Tangiers to Zaytun in faraway China. Whether sojourning in Delhi and the Maldives, wandering through the mazy streets of Cairo and Damascus, or contesting with pirates and shipwreck, the indefatigable Ibn Battuta brings to vivid life a medieval world brimming with marvel and mystery. £14.99 | Paperback | 240pp ISBN: 978-1-78076-360-6
Light from the East: How the Science of Medieval Islam helped to shape the Western World John Freely Long before the European Renaissance, while the western world was languishing in what was once called the ‘Dark Ages’, the Arab world was ablaze with the knowledge, invention and creativity of its Golden Age. This is the story of how Islamic science, which began with the translation of Greek manuscripts into Arabic in eighth-century Baghdad, preserved and enhanced the knowledge acquired from Greece, Mesopotamia, India and China. £18.99 | Hardback | 264pp ISBN: 978-1-84885-452-9
NEW TITLES DISTRIBUTED BY KUBE PUBLISHING — TUGHRA BOOKS The Message of Abraham His Life, Virtues, & Mission Ibrahim Canan The life and teachings of the Prophet Abraham - generally regarded as the patriarch of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism - are presented from an Islamic standpoint in this meditation on the interfaith icon. From his virtues and family ethics to his exemplary struggles, the Prophet’s regard for nature, hospitality, compassion, and devotion to God are meticulously explored. £6.99 | Paperback | 190pp ISBN: 978-1-59784-627-1 Selected Qur’anic Verses & Hadiths on the Virtues & Mission of the Prophet Ali Unal This book is a compilation of selected Qur’anic verses and hadiths that describe the Prophet, his good character and manners, as well as his mission. £4.99 | Paperback (full colour) | 196pp ISBN: 978-1-59784-037-8
A Tribute to the Prophet Muhammad Hakan Kosova This book is devoted to the blessed memory of the Last Messenger. Articles contributed discuss different aspects of the Prophet and try to present us with a true image, an image that is not duly appreciated in our world today.
ÂŁ4.99 | Paperback | 128pp ISBN: 978-1-59784-077-4
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The Young Person’s Guide to Nourishing Faith Asli Kaplan The Young Person’s Guide to Nourishing Faith addresses such concepts as how to recognise God’s blessings, attain the freedom to become a believer and achieve the characteristics of a devoted Muslim. £8.99 | Paperback (full colour) | 198pp ISBN: 978-1-59784-280-8
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ISBN: 978-1-59784-281-5
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UMAR IBN AL-KHATTAB Examplary of Truth and Justice
Tarık Ünal
Umar Ibn al-Khattab: Exemplary of Truth and Justice Tarik Unal Umar Ibn al-Khattab, the second of the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs, was tough against injustice but gentle when it came to matters related to religion. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘There is no angel on earth that does not pay respect to Umar. There is no devil on earth that does not run away from Umar.’ £5.99 | Paperback | 172 pages ISBN: 978-1-59784-281-5
Aisha: The Wife, the Companion, the Scholar Resit Haylamaz This book portrays one of the most significant personalities in the history of Islam. The book clarifies her critical role in establishing Islamic teaching, with particular reference to her role in recording the authentic sayings of the Prophet, as well as the transmission of private matters concerning women and marital relations. £6.99 | Paperback | 220pp ISBN: 978-1-59784-266-2
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An Introduction to Islamic Faith and Thought Ali Unal This guide reveals what Islam says about itself, and explains the pillars of the Islamic faith. It also explains why Prophets were sent to guide us to the truth, why the Qur’an is the best guide for this journey, and how and why God equipped us to make this journey. Living in the Shade of Islam
The How to Live as a Muslim series is an essential guide for anyone who seeks to acquire an accurate knowledge of Islam, as it elucidates all the facets of Islam with precise brevity in three volumes: An Introduction to Islamic Faith and Thought, Living in the Shade of Islam, and Living the Ethics and Morality of Islam.
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Qur’an with Annotated Interpretation in German, Spanish and Turkish. Ünal is and English, including Islam Addresses
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worship. Islam holds believers accountable for fulfilling certain acts of worship. These prescribed acts of worship, on which the building of Islam rests, are known as the five pillars of Islam. The belief in God’s Existence and Oneness and the Messengership of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, is the first of these pillars. This most important pillar along with all the essentials of Islamic faith and thought and Islam’s outlook on life are discussed in the first book of this series.
Referring again to the Islamic faith briefly in the first chapter, this second
volume discusses in detail the other four pillars of Islam: the establishment of the five daily Prayers, the prescribed purifying alms, observing the fast of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Makka. In this work, cleanliness, which is equated by God’s Messenger to “half of faith” is also presented in detail with its material, spiritual, and ritual aspects. This volume also examines the issues of marriage and family life, the lawful and the unlawful, as well as the prayers, supplications, and remembrance of God in a clear, succinct manner. Ali Ünal is a scholar, columnist and a prolific translator of works with an Islamic theme into English. Ünal’s English translation of the Qur’an was released in 2006 with the title, The Qur’an with Annotated Interpretation in Modern English. It is also available in German, Spanish, and Turkish. Ünal is the author of several books in Turkish and English, including Islam Addresses Contemporary Issues and The Resurrection and the Afterlife.
£7.99 | Paperback | 280pp ISBN: 978-1-59784-210-5
Living in the Shade of Islam Ali Unal Part two of the ‘The How to Live as a Muslim Series’ elucidates the various facets of Islam. It is suitable for those who seek to acquire a more complete knowledge of Islam. £8.99 | Paperback | 352pp ISBN: 978-1-59784-211-2
NEW TITLES DISTRIBUTED BY KUBE PUBLISHING — TUGHRA BOOKS Uthman ibn Affan: Bearer of Two Pure Lights Ferruh Akin Uthman was the third Rightly-Guided Caliph in the history of Islam. This book is a biography of one of for whom the Prophet said, “Everyone will have a friend in paradise and my friend there will be Uthman.” £4.99 | Paperback | 100pp ISBN: 978-1-59784-267-9
Khadija: The First Muslim and the Wife of the Prophet Muhammad Resit Haylamaz Exploring the birth period of Islam, this biography focuses on one of the most prominent and respected Muslim women in history, Khadija, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. £5.99 | Paperback | 160pp ISBN: 978-1-59784-121-4
Zayd: The Rose that Bloomed in Captivity Resit Haylamaz Zayd ibn Haritha, an emancipated slave of the Prophet, was his sincere friend and loyal servant. £3.99 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN: 978-1-59784-247-1
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K ube P ublishing Established in 2007, Kube publishing is one of the largest publishing houses for Islamic Literature in Europe and seeks to lead a new wave in Muslim publishing across the globe. It handles the well established Islamic Foundation imprint, now in its fourth decade, with over 300 published titles with strengths in Qur’an commentary (tafsir), Islamic Economics and books for children. The other imprint, Kube, seeks to reflect the Muslim experience to the world through history, biography, memoir, politics, current affairs, culture and civilization.
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