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KU English in the News
Book gives fresh perspective on Black literature of 1930s | KU News (June 2022)
Associate Professor Ayesha Hardison co-edited “African American Literature in Transition, 1930-1940,” including contributor John Edgar Tidwell, Professor Emeritus.
Literary scholars digitally illuminate early critique of Columbus | KU News (June 2022)
Professor Laura Mielke co-edited the “John Brougham’s Columbus Burlesque” microedition of Scholarly Editing, examining an early & important example of American literature criticizing Columbus.
The 6th & 7th John S. Tuckey Awards for Lifetime Achievement in Mark Twain Studies | Mark Twain Studies (August 2022)
Emeritus Professor Susan K. Harris was given the John S. Tuckey Award for Lifetime Achievement in Mark Twain Studies.
Paths to accessing Shakespeare affect understanding | KU News (August 2022)
Professor John Lamb & doctoral student Suzanne Tanner wrote book chapter “Abstraction as Shakespearean Interface” for The Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Interface
Psychological lens reveals racial repression at heart of ‘Passing’ | KU News (August 2022)
Professor Doreen Fowler published article “Racial Repression and Doubling in Nella Larsen’s Passing” for The South Atlantic Review
Hawks to Watch: Tracey Lien, author | KU College Stories (November 2022)
Ecocritic ponders links between race, environmental crisis in new works | KU News (February 2023)
Associate Professor Paul Outka wrote book chapter “Slavery and the Anthropocene” for The Cambridge Companion to American Literature and the Environment
At Spencer Museum of Art, poetry invites the public into redesigned, more diverse galleries | KCUR (March 2023)
Tracey Lien (MFA ‘21) was featured as a ‘Hawk to Watch’ after the publication of her debut novel, All That’s Left Unsaid
An Interview with William J. Harris | Poetry Magazine (February 2023)
Poetry Magazine published a feature dedicated to the work of Emeritus Professor William J. “Billy Joe” Harris.
Doctoral candidate Anthony Boynton was commissioned by the Spencer to write poems inspired by six works now on view in their galleries.
KU Professor co-writes award-winning ‘benevolent gaslight’ essay | KU News (April 2023)
Assistant Professor Pritha Prasad co-wrote “’I Am Not Your Teaching Moment’: The Benevolent Gaslight and Epistemic Violence”, which was given the Conference on College Composition and Communication’s 2023 Richard Braddock Award.
Lifelong Lawrencian finds her niche in advocacy and scholarships | Lawrence Times (April 2023)
Undergraduate junior Cherin Russell was awarded the Newman Civic Fellow Award for 2023-24.
MTSU’s diversity fellowship program supports doctoral students from dissertation to professorship | MTSU News (June 2023)
Doctoral candidate Sandra Jacobo has received the MTSU diversity fellowship, to pursue her dissertation which investigates art by Afro-Caribbean femme writers.
Latest Issue of Modern Drama features KU connections (July 2023)
Modern Drama literary magazine features an article on the first Modern Drama Conference which was held in December 1959 and organized by A.C. Edwards, the founding editor of Modern Drama and a professor at the University of Kansas.