Smash the Patriarchy!

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SMASH THE PATRIARCHY! KU ETCWGE's Collaborative Zine Project

Em t Itrren& theyshe/her


"Patriarchy is a political-social s that insists that males are inheren dominatingl sup€rior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially femal€s1 B.rrd endowed" with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and. to maintain that domi.nanee through various forms of psychological terrorism and violelLc€"" ,ystem tly ,)i "PatriarchY as a sYstem is historrca].: landl itg]-n hrstoryit has a be cal processd by historican be ende o

THE CREATION OF PATRIARCHY Megan Williams she/her FORMING STRENGTH Laura-Marie River Victor Peace Nopales she/her DROWNING WOMAN Hannah Sigourney she/her EULOGY Hunter Duke they/them AN OLD MAN'S REFLECTIONS Jeff Lough he/him ONE KIND OF ACCEPTABLE MAN Jamie Kalen he/him & they/them EXPAND MASCULINITY, SAVE SOCIETY Ellynn Mayo they/them


This synbolic d.evaluing ofronen ln relatlon to the dlnine beeones one ofthe founding netaphors ofllestern civjJ-ization. The other founding netaphor is supplJ.etl by Aristotelian philosophyl whlch assunes as a glven that wonen are inconplete and danaged hunan beings of an enurely djlferent order than nen. It is rith the creation ofthese two netaphorical constrrrctse rhtch are built into the very foundatlone ofthe oynbol systens ofilestern civilizationl that the subordination ofwonen cones to be seen aB 'natur&lr'hence it becones invlElble. lt is thj-s which fina]-ly establishes patriarchy firmly as an actuality and as an ideology. ,10.8-1986),PRESS,

The period ofthe "establishment ofpatriarchy" was not one "event" but a process developing over a peri-od of near1ry 2500 yearsl from approxi-mately 3100 to 600 B.C. The appropriation by nen ofwonen,g gexual and reproductive capacity occurred priorto the fornation ofprivate property and class society. Its connodlfi-cation lies, in fact, at the foundation ofprivate property' The archaic states were organized in the form of patriarchy; thus flon its inceptlon the state had an eseential Jrrterest in the naintenance ofthe patriarchal faniJy. *.:-'- ."1 Men learned to institute dominance over the women of their own group. This found expression in the I instttutional-ization of,slaver'lrr rhiohbegan riththe englavement ofwonen ofconquered groups' I Women's sexual subordircation rae institutionallzed in the earlleet lar codes and enforced by the flrJI porer of, the state. Ilonen's cooperation in the system was secured by various neansi forcel econonic dependency on the nale head of the famlJyl class priv5Jeges bestowed upon conforming and dependent women ofthe upper classesl and the an*iSiciauy created divieion of*onen into respectable and not-respectabl€ roo€r. on their relationship to the means ofproduction: those who owned the neans of production not. For 1po[e1; class is nediatecl through their sexual ties to a na[1 Tho then gives then The division ofwonen into "respectable" (that isl attached to a nan) and "not-respectable" Class for nen was and is based could domi-nate those who did aecegg to naterial legources. (that ise not attached to one nan or free of all men) is lnstitutionalized ln lawe pertai$ing to the ve5J-5$g ofrronen. Long afber women are sexualJy and economically subordinated to mene they still play active and respected roles in ned.iating between humans and gods as priestessesl s€€rs1 diviners, and healers' Metaplqrsical f,enaLe porer, especla3\y the power to give lifee le rorshiped by nen and sonen ln the forn ofporerftrl goddessee long afber ronen are eubordinated to nen ln nost aopecto oftheir lives on earbh. The dethroning ofporerful goddesses and their replacenent by a doninant naJ.e god occur in nost Near Eastern societles folloring the establishnent of a strong and lnperialistic kingship. Gradually the ftnction of controlling fertility; formerly enti.rely held by the goddesses, is symbolized through the synbolic or actual mati-ng of the male god or Ood-King with the Goddess or her priestess. Fina11y, sexuality (erot5"cisd and procreatirrity are split in the energence of separate goddesses for each functione and the Mother-Goddess is transforned into the wife/consort ofthe chief nale God. The energence of Hebrer nonotheisn takes the form of an attack on the riclespread oults of the various ferti-lity goddesses. In the writing of the Book of Genesis, creativity and procreativity are ascribed to an all-powerful Oodl whose epitaphs of "Lord" and "King" establish hin as a mal-e godl and fenale sexuality other than for procreatlve purporce beconeg assoclated with si.n and ev5J-. rn the establishment ofthe covenant comnunity the basic symbolisn and the actual contract between God and hunanity assumes as a given the subordinate position oiro*"t and tireir exclusion from the metaphysical covenant and the earthly covenant connunity. Their on\y accesB to ood and to the holy connunity ls jn their f\rnctlon ag nothers'


E N offiEIi -t paul Cockshotte How the World Worksa The Story ofHuman Labor from Prehistory to the Modern Day(New York: Monthly Review Presse 2020)' PauI Cockshott, "The Rise of Class and Patriarchyl" YouTube Videor S epte nUer 19, }OLg, inttpst/ / youtu'be'/ 6plf LzRDnCA' Frederich Engels, The origin ofthe FaniTye Private Property andthe (1BB ; Chicagol Charles H' Kerr & Co'1 t902)" State ---l Silvia Fe6erici, CaTiban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Prinitive AccunuTation (Brooklyn, NYI Autononedia, 2004). |Sili. Federicj-, witches2 witch'Hunting2 and wanen(oakland.1 cAr pM pressl MatlJ.da Joslyn Gagee Womanl Chureh and State (Chicago: Charles H, Ke* & I Co.1 IB93). David Graeberl Debt: The First SAO0Iears (NewYork: Melvi}le House Pubtrshingl 20Il). beIL hooksl The WiJ-l- to Change: Mene Masculinityl and Love (New York: Atrial 20a4), Chris Kni.ghtl "Ear\r Human Kinship llas MatrjJ-ineal" tn EarJSr Humam Kinship2 edited by N. J. Allenl 11. $a]Iarl1 R. Dunbar and ![. Janes (gxford.: Blackwell, 2008) 6l-82. Gerd.a Lernerl The Creation of Patriarchy (New York: Oxford Universitv I I Pressl 1986)' . ##J."i,f,'"""I;:laB?r'5.1ffiffi;ffi *,[T"'."i,#;]rf.rspectivei'yourube/


submissions may include - BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TOessays, personal narratives, poetry, collage, comics, drawings, or photographs. Email your submissions & any questions to Make an 8.5” x 11” page exploring the theme of horror & gender OR analyzing horror from an intersectional feminist perspective. Submissions will be included in our Feminist Fright Fest program - a collaborative zinewhich will be released September 29th at an event featuring contributors.

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