The Body Positivity Project

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THE BODY POSITIVITY PROJECT A Collaborative Zine Compiled by Hannah Sigourney


What does body positivity mean to you? What self-care routines make your body feel good? What do you need to feel nourished, energized, and strong? What can you eliminate from your life that doesn't make you feel good? POSITIVITY A Collaborative Zine Compiled by Hannah Sigourney

For her LDST 532 final project, Hannah Sigourney, a junior studying Communications and Leadership at The University of Kansas, worked with Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender Equity to create an Instagram campaign and compile this collaborative zine project promoting body positivity. Hannah invited members of the KU community and beyond to submit a page or pages for inclusion in this zine. The Body Positivity Project represents its contributors' responses to the prompts below.



"I Am Beautiful" Hannah Sigourney (she/her) "Self Care" Jyoti Gangaraju (she/her) "Body Evolution As Revolution" Nikita Haynie (she/her) "Body Positivity" Clare Ballard (she/her) "Unapologetically, Radically, & Beautifully Original" Maranda Scheller (she/her) "Loving Myself Is A Constant Struggle" Megan Williams (she/her) "Unveil" S. Rupsha Mitra (she/her)

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J tr { .t i. YO on as Revolution it. I body Iuti , LI I exPress-ruY beautY hoa I uant to p e t f e c this rahole thing. I enioY. mv aai,st and Irins. I looe ea?rvthin.q."' -*=*", ,o*a t tI tt ]finrt -DEVI BROWN, I E I 7 T I I v -tl \ t7 7 r i i .{ ! I ?it t L r! ^a a \ I r'|-l -t r1 f ha/ \ nL , ! a 'I am enough. I am uortht'ilhat is joyous. VJ, !g "l 7-- IL \ 7l ! EIIS r* I L. il

trl ve normali rcd?nd cmbroccd Y0DY P0.ftTprrl |1r:hfP'n3 fi1*l{;:fi'H,1}i ,nd cholltnqinq othars ln nnt1 ii fc to,[o t[ra satltc. No OITG,S bodq;[J$#'*:I: $h )l'f,?Ln r Gust ii unrqrt, qlln?.ts tnc, mmfY,l{{fllnd ilfiir;i6n Fdrmg bd'!; I At{t l'lY ()llrlN VI.BRA ft ,IIN{Drftp AUTp I { s NiKita ltqnic We are strength defined. Expressive by intent And powerful in voice. We are love learned. Magical in design And tenBcious by choice. We are bold, Black, and in way" 3

— SONYA RENEE TAYLOR, THE BODY IS NOT AN APOLOGY: THE POWER OF RADICAL SELF-LOVE " " “A culture fixated on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty but an obsession about female obedience. Dieting is the most potent political sedative in history. A quietly mad population is a tractable one.”


— NAOMI WOLFE, THE BEAUTY MYTH: HOW IMAGES OF BEAUTY ARE USED AGAINST WOMEN a mad white queer cisgender woman with a bipolar II disorder diagnosis, socialized within a middle class white supremacist capitalist patriarchal culture, I have struggled with perfectionism, poor self-esteem, body shame, and self-hatred my entire life. Thin and athletic throughout junior and high school, my weight has fluctuated since I went to college. Yo yoing between 150 lbs. and 210 lbs. I've done every diet in an effort to be thin. At the times in my life when I have been at my heaviest, including at present, internalized white supremacist patriarchal fat phobia plagues me. Loving myself is a constant struggle. thathavebeenusedtobothdegradeblackwomenanddisciplinewhitewomen."




Unveil How we wear a veil, everyday Just that feat, incessant desire To appease "them"' We adorn ourselves. Wth new Pieces of jewels, the way lhat they want us to be. we masquerade relentlessly - myriad drapes corseting our bodies, Dampening weights. Excruciating Pains. How the self hides somewhere deeP Beyond reach, can't we reclaim that self Coveted, in the woods can,t we reclaim this beauty, this body, and navigate its will. ,every single daY.

HANNAH SIGOURNEY (she/her), KU Junior, Communication Studies & Leadership Studies JYOTI GANGARAJU (she/her), Lawrence Community Member NIKITA HAYNIE (she/her), Assistant Director, KU Sorority & Fraternity Life CLARE BALLARD (she/her), KU ETCWGE "Make Zines, Do Feminism" Facebook Group Member MARANDA SCHELLER (she/her), KU Senior, Applied Behavioral Science, Sociology, & Leadership Studies MEGAN WILLIAMS (she/her), Assistant Director, KU Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender Equity THE BODY POSITIVITY PROJECT A Collaborative Zine Compiled by Hannah Sigourney ZINE RELEASE & REFLECTION Thursday, 4/29, 5 - 6 pm Register for Zoom link & passcode: PANEL OF FEATURED CONTRIBUTORS People with disabilities are encouraged to attend ETCWGE events For accommodations, please contact etcwge@ku edu

Request a Free Zine Making Kit Instructions Scissors Sharpie Stickers Crafting Paper Printer Paper Magazine (For Collaging) & MORE! How to make a mini zine To request a kit email

WeinviteYOUtosubmitan8.5"x11"pageresponding totheprompt/saboveforinclusioninVol.2ofour collaborativezineproject.Allsubmissionswillbe compiledintoajointzine! WRITTENAND/ORVISUALSUBMISSIONSMAY INCLUDE,BUTARENOTLIMITEDTOESSAYS, PERSONALNARRATIVES,POETRY,COLLAGE,COMICS, DRAWINGS,ORPHOTOGRAPHS. SMASHTHEPATRIARCHY! “Patriarchyisapoliticalsocialsystemthatinsiststhatmalesareinherentlydominating, superiortoeverythingandeveryonedeemedweak,especiallyfemales,andendowedwiththe righttodominateandruleovertheweakandtomaintainthatdominancethroughvarious formsofpsychologicalterrorismandviolence.” bellhooks,"UnderstandingPatriarchy" “Patriarchyasasystemishistorical:ithasabeginninginhistory[and]itcanbeendedby historicalprocess.” GerdaLerner,TheCreationofPatriarchy HOWDOYOUEXPERIENCEPATRIARCHYINYOUREVERYDAYLIFE? GIVENTHATPATRIARCHYISANHISTORICALCONSTRUCT,HOWMIGHT WEWORKTOCHALLENGEANDULTIMATELYDISMANTLEIT? CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS KU ETCWGE's Collaborative Zine Project, Vol. 2 ZINEPAGEPROMPT: SUBMISSIONS DUE JULY 1, 2021

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