For your next presentation you will need to have in mind the following information. 1. In pairs, You will create a poster about an specific English speaking country. 2. You will need to describe the following information. Remember that you NEED TO WRITE IT, make a summary of the information you will find on the internet: a. Currency b. Capital city c. Population d. Government (president, etc…) e. National animals f. Important places g. A myth or a legend h. National dish i. National drink j. National sport k. National dance l. Traditions m. Near oceans n. Flag o. Flower p. Emblem 3. We will not only evaluate your use of English, but also we will evaluate your neatness and the distribution of the information. Remember you need to be organized. 4. The last information you will need to add into your project will be a comparison list with this country and another one. You will need a list of 7 comparisons. Example: England is colder than New Zealand New Zealand is the most amazing country in the world. 5. You are going to need the following materials: o 1 cartón piedra grande o Un pliego de cartulina Española o Recortes sobre el país asignado o Información requerida para completer el trabajo o Tijeras y stix fix o Un block de papel entretenido o Plumones o Huincha de embalaje (gruesa y transparente)
Templates: These are the templates you can use in order to distribute your information, remember to pick one of them: