3ro – Radio Drama Show For this project, you will create a radio drama show based on the book you read called “The hound of the Baskervilles’” and written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Below are a few guidelines for the project, so have them in mind when you start:
Your group will need to be composed by at least 4 integrants Every group will need to create the radio drama show for 2 of the chapters of this book. All the audios will be added into a single track; that is why the class will need to decide a name for their “radio drama program”. Every audio will need to have at least 1 advert . One of the integrants of the group will need to be the narrator A second integrant will have the role of the presenter of the show. The rest of the integrants will be in charge of the characters’ voices. Try to integrate as many sounds (cues) as you can in every part of the dialogues and narrations. Here you can find a list of examples : http://www.freesfx.co.uk/ Besides the cues (door sounds, train, rain, etc…) You may also have in mind the following concepts. o BRIDGE: Music played between scenes with no dialogue over it. Also called "Act In" or "Act Out" music. In radio it is the equivalent of the curtain falling or rising on a scene.
BED: Music that plays under dialogue, either as brief intro before fading or under the entirety of a speech for dramatic use. A SOURCE BED cue has music being heard by the characters while they talk. Say, music playing in the background on a car radio while the characters are driving or an orchestra playing while the characters are whispering at the ballet.
STING: Music that arises suddenly to emphasize a line of dialogue. This was a cliché used in soap operas where a character would get to a certain word in a line and the organist would hold one long note emphasizing the speech. It's still used in film and TV, but with a bit more subtlety. Now, it often leaps out of a music bed as a single sustained note or chord. The group that gets the first 2 and the last 2 chapters will need to integrate the corresponding presentation, welcoming or closure for the show.
The due time for this project is the first week of November. Remember that this will be used as part of the ENGLISH DAY presentation on November 14 th. Here you will find examples: http://tunein.com/radio/Unshackled-p32500/