Kultivate Magazine April 2020

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PUBLISHER’S NOTE Welcome to the April 2020 issue of Kultivate Magazine!

important to remember that friendship is what can keep us all going throughout trying times. Whether it is seeing a friend laugh at something silly or a friend cheering you up or you simply listening to a friend, it can do wonders for you.

It has been a very long time since I said those words and I regret that it has been so long ,but real life caught up with me and boy did it did! I had only intended to stay away for a few months and it turned into almost 2 years since I am personally fortunate to have really we have had our last magazine issue, great friends in both worlds and to have but I am glad to be back! had the wings of Spring fate to knock on my door and bring me the unexpected gift of my love, Tempest. What a woman This issue features The Hand by Bryn is all I can say and a talented artist and Oh, SL Name Changes, the lost subsea photographer in her own right! continent of SL, a photo essay by Chic Aeon, live performer Ambrosia Kamala, artist Jamee Sandalwood, Last Drop I would like to give a very special thank Cafes on the Mainland, the you to all of our contributors, artists, Naturescapes Exhibition, the Devin’s Eye advertisers, business partners and Sim, & fashion by Roxanne Fyanucci & readers for being patient during the Paradox Mecury. magazine’s two year absence and for all of your support, it means a great deal to myself and everyone at Kultivate! It is hard to believe that Second Life will Tempest and I thank you all! turn 17 this year, where has the time flown? Plus it is year 2020 and there are so many changes in all our lives at the Sincerely, moment, in both worlds. John, Owner & Publisher of While many if not all of us are suffering Kultivate Magazine from social distancing fatigue it is

KULTIVATE MAGAZINE APRIL 2020 CREDITS Johannes Huntsman (formerly johannes1977 Resident), Owner & Founder Veruca Tammas, Chief Operating Officer, Gallery & Sim Manager Jessii Warrhol, Special Events Marketing Coordinator CONTRIBUTORS: Inara Pey, Lead Contributor Kamille Kamala Pearl Grey Paradox Mercury Roxanne Fyaanucci Vanessa Jane Cover Photography Bryn Oh














– drones buzz around and project adverts on Bryn Oh first created Hand is walls and floors for whoever might Second Life in 2016. An watch them – presumably as a form immersive experience, it of currency / earning, and lights mixed art and storytelling with flicker and play. Walking through a touch of mystery and the streets and buildings there appears to be nods to dystopian scidiscovery. fi: a hint of Soyent Green here, a Originally an installation that reference to rampant consumerism used Second Life Experience there. While Flit [the principal character] and the other children brought to mind shades of And The Children Shall Lead, minus the Keys, Hand recently transitioned to space alien angle. Sansar with the assistance of a grant from the Ontario Arts Council, – Bryn’s Hand in Second and which I recently wrote about Life, December 2016As promised in Bryn Oh’s Hand in Sansar. That during the VWBPE 2018 grant has also allowed Hand to conversation with Linden Lab CEO once again be resurrected in Ebbe Altberg and Brett Atwood (Brett Linden), Senior Manager for Second Life. Marketing at Linden Lab, the In writing about Hand in 2016, I company has provided a blog noted of the installation: postpresenting something of a This [is a] journey takes us through “roadmap” for Second Life. a strange, broken urban setting with decaying, collapsing buildings; a place where adults are almost (but not entirely) absent, apparently leaving their children to fend for themselves. Technology is still active

This is still true, as is the use of Experience Keys to assist visitors, instructions for which are provided at the landing point. What is different with this iteration is that rather than using a teleport to

work – so don’t be afraid to touch things as you explore. Take the in an underground station – scene of the girl with the golden visitors must find their way crown and her little entourage through a tunnel from one waiting to be found whilst exploring station to the next, where Flit is the rooms of the main building in the installation: touching the girl or waiting. the insects and creatures will offer From here visitors once again you the chance to watch a video travel up the escalator and out about The Girl with the Paper into the run-down setting of a Crown. city well past its prime. Here the story will unfold by finding, Hand, whether visited in SL or and following Flit as she appears at Sansar – and a visit to both shows various points in the installation, some of the core differences either pointing the way through the between the two – remains a story or ready for a chapter of it to captivating story, one that be told. As you approach the latter, encourages us to fill-in the blanks you should hear the narration through our own imaginations, (assuming you have local sounds adding to the richness of the tale enabled). However, if no audio is Bryn tells through character, setting obvious, make sure local sounds are and the words of her narrator. KM on, and touch the microphone SLURL: http:// alongside Flit. maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Aspects of the path through the Immersiva/18/111/25 story do require some care – making your way over tightrope-like planks and fallen towers for example, or climbing up piles of the detritus of humanity. Also, cleverly woven into the story are hooks to several other elements of Bryn’s





added to accounts in VAT -paying countries. Second Life offers Premium Account holders the opportunity to change the first name, the last name or both the first and last names of their account at any time, or to revert to any name they name have used in the past (again, first name, last name or both). This Tutorial is intended to provide an overview of using the Name Change capability.

Once a first name+ last name combination has been applied to an avatar account, it cannot be used by any other account (so “Josephine Bloggs” cannot use Name Change to become “Inara Pey”).

It is possible for you to revert back to any previously-used name assigned to your account.

If you are Premium and use the Name Change capability, then subsequently downgrade to Basic, you will retain whatever avatar / account name you have at the time you downgrade. You will not “revert” to any past name you may have had, and you won’t be able to change you name again until such time as you re-up to Premium.

Name Changes is not replacing Display Names – these will remain available at no charge to all who wish to use them.

Name changes are made via the Second Life dashboard, and


First some points to note:

Premium members may change their first name or their last name or both their first and last name whenever they wish.

First names are free-form.

Last names are selected from a list, with the available names updated periodically.

There is a fee applicable each time the capability is used. This fee is displayed as a part of the Name Change process.

VAT at applicable rates will be

and you must be logged-out of Second Life in order to make sure any Name Change you make is correctly applied to your account.

A reminder than you can change your first name, your last name or both.

An option to go ahead and change your account name.

Click the Next Step button to proceed.

The Choose a New Name page is displayed. This comprises three parts:

CHANGING YOUR NAME Note: It is possible (and based on some feedback received), that a name change might take a little time to propagate through SL’s various services, which may have some impact on things like scripted objects such as security systems. Premium Members can change their names as follows:

The Change First Name option.

The Change Last Name option with a list of currently available last names.

A list of previous last names you have used – if you have not previously used Name Changes, only your current last name is displayed.

Log out of the viewer if you are currently in-world.

Log on to your dashboard at secondlife.com.

Click Account on the left-menu.

Click on Change Name.

The Change Your Account Name page is displayed. This comprises: CHANGE YOUR FIRST NAME ONLY The account availability of Name • Leave the Change First Name option checked. Changes (including a link for

Basic account holders to upgrade to Premium.

Use the text input field to enter your desired first name.

The fee that will be applied to your account, including and VAT that may be added.

Uncheck the Change Last Name option.

Click on the require last name from the list of your previously used Last Names (if available). •

CHANGE YOUR LAST NAME ONLY Uncheck the Change First Name option. •


When you are happy with the name(s) you have set / selected, click the Review Changes button.

A summary of your changes is displayed (if you have made no changes, you’ll be taken back to the Change Your Account Name page).

Make sure the details are as you want them, or use the Go Back link to change your selection(s).

If you are certain of the changes:

Log out of the viewer if you have not already done so.

Click on Continue to Checkout.

On the check-out page, you are presented with your payment options:

Via an US dollar balance on your Tilia account.

Requires acceptance of the Tilia Terms of Service, if you have not already done so.

If you have a sufficient US dollar

Leave the Change Last Name option checked. •

Click the radio button next to last name you would like to use. •


Keep both the Change First Name option and the Change Last Name option checked.

Enter your desired first name in the text input field under Change First Name

Click the radio button next to last name you would like to use.


If you have previously used Name Changes, and would like to change back to an “old” name: Enter the first name in the Choose a First Name text input field (if required).

balance on your Tilia account, but do not with to use it, click the Don’t Use button.

Via any credit / debit card already tied you your Second Life Account.

By clicking the More Payment Options… and making a selection (e.g. assigning another credit / debit card to your account).

When you have selected your preferred payment method, click the blue Buy Now button to complete your Name Change. KM




Subsea Continent of SL


The Lost (subsea) Continent of SL? If anywhere in this virtual world barely 17 years old counts as an ancient landscape, surely the mysterious undersea area off the south coast of Corsica continent is one. This little known and intriguing region of some 50 sims or so was landscaped by Moles when the continent was being formed in 2008. Despite my best efforts at sifting through the internet I have been unable to discover more about the history of this region. Like a real-life archaeologist I must look at the evidence as I find it and attempt to piece together and tease out suggestions of the stories told within the scattered artefacts and structures of this undersea realm. Primitive indeed are the things to be found there, from the distant

ancestors of the living creatures in the lands above, to the structures eroding away on the seabed. The world builders Garden, Silent, Dark, Naughty and Mythic Mole only had prims and early sculpts to work with but the creative mind is a wondrous thing and shapes the materials it has to build...wonders. I first became aware of this place (for which I can find no name) when I rented an ocean parcel close by. It didn’t take me long to discover what I came to call ‘the strange plug hole in the sea’ just off shore and it was while investigating that I stumbled amazed on everything else there.

As well as a fully landscaped terra of seaweeds, fish and other sea creatures (including monstrous ones which would not have looked out of place in the Cambrian Age),

there are hints of a long-forgotten war and a proud civilization brought to dust (if indeed dust can exist underwater).

forest), to rusting wrecks of boats and biplanes. In Breitbach sim a vast and elongated glasshouse structure dives back into a low hill, the sand hiding any evidence of The first clue I stumbled across entrance. It is clearly a steampunk was a heavily silted bunker in construction, made of sturdy studBogatanta sim. At first one only welded steel, but totally empty sees a thick concrete slab resting inside. Was it a cage for a leviathan, on the seabed, but a narrow slit of or a subsea air-filled headquarters entrance leads inside to a mostly for the steampunk Military buried room, with helmets on a Command? We will never know and shelf along one wall. There are it mocks the viewer with its posters talking about the dangers of looming and inscrutable presence. diseased Mer prostitutes and regimental posters for the That there was a Mer civilization 327th Recon. But then, a clue. One becomes evident initially from the poster describes a ‘cruel swim of widely scattered and toppled death’ inflicted on the Mermen by a statues of what appear to be a Mer ‘Steampunk Torture Squad’, killing goddess, each identical sculpture 500 of them. Buried by countless holding a still glowing lamp. One sim quakes the room also has a lies within the bounds of a sunken collection of spears viewable only if and smashed city in Petaccio one ‘excavates’ by peering beneath sim. Home now only to turtles, the land surface. jellyfish and the odd menacing shark, it is a forlorn place. More The clues about war continue with forlorn still is the cave I stumbled the steampunk wreckage littering upon in Stodierski sim where, the seafloor, from cannons and guarded by an octopus, the strangely pulsing beacons such as scattered bones of a hero or a king the one in Twogood sim (near the lie upon a stone slab. The bones are petrified stumps of a drowned accompanied by a dented helmet

the scattered bones of a hero or a king lie upon a stone slab. The bones are accompanied by a dented helmet and greatsword illuminated by a shaft of light. These Atlantean relics may never reveal their actual stories but my travels among them left me fascinated and wondering. As with all fallen civilizations Nature has now taken over. The bones of Mermen and Steampunks lie ‘five fathoms deep’ and covered by the growing corals which bloom like strange flowers and reach a magnificent crescendo in a stunning coral reef that straddles Pravach and Savitovich sims. There I finished my exploration, entranced by the colors and the shimmering sparkle that illuminates the place. A magical end to a magical journey, one I recommend to you also dear reader. KM










Upon my return back to Second Life, along with returning as a contributor to the Windlight / Kultivate magazine, I was naturally faced with the dilemma regarding who would be my first featured artist. I pondered on this task for just a few moments until suddenly my friend's online notification read "Ms. Ambrosia Kamala is Online".

Veronica Weksler. Who is one of the most notable live music promoters in Second Life. More on that in another interview.

Meanwhile, I sat back and thoroughly enjoyed Ambrosia sing this song while I commenced to smiling from ear to ear as my avatar shook her thick hips. However, there was one very important detail that I forgot to mention when it I thought to myself what perfect came to Ambrosia. She is also my timing so I sent her a quick IM to Second Life sister and has been for see if she had the time to sit with close to 10 years now. I can me only to find out she was in the remember the day that I first saw midst of putting herself in the her and how full of life she was. I queue to sing at a karaoke event. said within myself, I wanted to have She instead her in my Second Life for good. So, I offered me a ride to come hear her approached her with the idea that I and to also get acquainted with a would love for us to be sisters being whole host of other artists as well. that we each had chosen the same Second Life surname and to my How lucky am I to know such a surprise, she agreed. vibrant, strong, witty, and talented individual who taught me the basics Again, lucky me. Throughout the on what the word networking years of our tenure as sisters, I will means or a refresher shall I say. She not lie and say that the roads were not only got up on stage and killed not at all times the best, but one the rendition of one of my favorite thing for sure there is no one in SL songs by Erykah Badu, but she also that is more endearing, positive, introduced and linked me up with and one that has the ability to find

the courage to move on when it comes to the bumpy roads of life. Now on to her musical talents and career. Yay!

1999." I wanted to know, so I asked her, "Are there any rituals that you perform prior to singing?

After hearing her sing I was bursting with writer's anxiety to get down to the meat and bones of this interview. So, I invited her back to my home. She took the teleport offer and we sat down in adjacent armchairs in my living room.

Ambrosia Kamala: (Fun Fact: We lost to Cissy Houston - you know Whitney's mom) "Well, as a mom and caregiver to a young adult special needs daughter, being online affords me a certain socialization, I wouldn't normally have. There are amazing online After we took a few moments to karaoke outlets that allow me to catch up, we began our tete a tete. share my love of music. I came to I dug right in asking her, When did SL as a transplant from a chat you get introduced to singing? program called Paltalk and decided And, what made you want to to finally pursue live performing in share your talent in SL live? 2005." Ambrosia Kamala: Well, I come from a family who adore music of all genres and sang at a very early age. All through high school, local talent shows and college. I also sang in church and was blessed to tour with my choir as a backing recording choir with the Late. Bishop, Timothy Wright. We snagged a Grammy nomination for Best Traditional Gospel Album in

I asked, teasingly, are there any rituals? "Prayer! Actually warming up is very important. Vocal exercises, warm liquids like herbal tea with honey moistens the vocal chords." I let her know that I understood and kept the conversation going forward with the question, "What is your overall message with your

overall message with your music? as Relay for Life." She pondered for a moment, saying "Hmmm, My influences are so multifaceted, from Gospel to Pop, R&B to Jazz, even some country and soft rock. I want to make people happy and serenade them. Singing is my gift to those looking for a musical respite." Her confidence was duly noted and I posed the question, "When it comes to evoking emotions as an artist, we have the power to change thoughts and change minds and change hearts. We can also heal with our work. Do you agree and if so, do you feel that any of your work has accomplished any of these things?"

I needed to know, so I retorted, "What qualities in your opinion makes a great singer? Her answer to me was, "Passion, Tenacity, Versatility and the ability to grow and try new songs. Stretching ourselves as artists help us expand our minds and reach new audiences". I queried, "Did you choose singing or did singing choose you?"

She said to me, "Wow, what a deep question. Music SAVED me. As a RL survivor of domestic violence and depression, music became my outlet and my saving grace. Music is a way for me to share my testimony She said, "Absolutely, I have met and maybe someone can be some of the most amazing vocalists touched by my stories through in SL, like Jackie Lefko, TJ O. song." Ĵöũbèrţ, Scorpio Aeon, Justin Elias and others who have mentored and I asked her, "What accolades have inspired me to sing. Plus, we are you achieved as a SL artist?" not only an active musical community, we are also socially She informed me very honorably, active and get involved with a "The honor and appreciation of our variety of charities and causes, such audiences move and humble me,

but I have been blessed to be one of the 2019 Finalists for the SL's Got Talent competition and the 2020 Dope Magazine Awards nominee for Best SL Entertainer, which will be announced on March 26th."

Now that statement really ties it up and it allows us to explore the breadth and full extent of this multi -talented individual. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing and catching up with her. We ended up spending most of the day together and she also As we are coming close to the end introduced me to her husband, of the conversation, I always ask all which I have to say was one of the of my interviewees, "Where can we most loveliest things. I cannot say find you performing on the Second this about most relationships I Life grid? come across in SL, but they are a match made in heaven. She answered me very forthcoming, "I have several weekly And to my readers new, old, and inperformances, including, Cafe between I am back and I feel Musique and Rossini's. I am honored to write about my working to expand my brand, adventures with SL artists we are all Serenades by Ambrosia and very blessed to encounter. incorporate more wedding venues However, I am so grateful to write plus produce several musical events for this fabulous mag and so this year. Stay tuned!" excited for those things to come. Bye for now, my loves. KM And lastly, I ask, "Do you have any last words you would like to say to our readers, she says "Yes, I would like to thank the many live venue owners that give us a platform to share our love of music and to our family, friends and fans that support our dreams."





Jamee Sandalwood is a professional photographer, artist, model, stylist and blogger in SL. She is a 2015 graduate of Visionaire Institute of Photography and since graduation has explored all areas of photography and art in Second Life. Jamee is known for her work with shadows and lighting and considers herself to be a shadow artist as of this time, though she continues to explore more areas of photography and art.

Jamee produces landscapes, abstract art, fashion photography, and professional invitation/graphic art for various projects around SL. Jamee thanks you all for coming to enjoy the art show and hopes that you find peace and inspiration through her art. Thank you all for your support. KM For more of Jamee Sandalwood Photography visit : https://www.flickr.com/photos/jameesandalwood/ and https://www.flickr.com/photos/143483143@N06/

Mainland Spotlight: Last Drop


For those of you who travel the mainland, have you come across a Last Drop Cafe? It began with one, and now there are nine. They are operated and decorated by different avatars, and are on at least four continents. The parcel sizes range from 192 – 1024 square meters. ‌.

Cafe ~ Chain of Coffee Shops


The Cafe in Montiaur is operated by MBeatrix and Veyot. “Oh no, that lady at the Cafe is moving furniture again! But, come in and have some coffee and a sandwich.”

and travel!” The shop in Chapala is on the smallest parcel – 192 sq. m. It is operated by Klaus Bereznyak and me. One weekend, a large group of avatars did indeed travel from The image on the left, Craggen Maw to this shows the inside of location. Some of us the Cafe in Craggen Maw. continued on, while the The low Li, small footprint rest of us sat and chatted. buildings were given to us Soon, there will be a by the builder, MBeatrix. notecard with a route Veyot and she operate mapped out to travel from this shop. There’s a this location to a different gorgeous garden on the type of Cafe in Stanlee, at grounds with spring the end of West Coast flowers and trees. Road, owned by Ann “Take the Last Drop Forbes. The notecard will Challenge! Can you visit include rez zone all nine cafes? You can landmarks along the way, drive to the one at and will be located inside Chapala if you study the a jar in the front yard. map a little. Take the free car or the bike outside

“Cafe near rez zone. Art. Posters. Welcome. Get landmarks for the other Last Drop Cafes from the news vendor machine.”

The Last Drop Cafe at Wyrd is located on the continent of Satori, and gorgeously decorated by Seraphim Placebo. “Always open. Watch for The Coffee Shop in this our cafes wherever you location is part of Xiraz in travel.” Leafminer. It’s located near Leafminer Park and This is the only Mole Mart. There is a taxi snowlands coffee shop rezzer out front. Avatars so far. It’s located can travel be road to and at Shoshin Lodge in from the Coffee Shop in Kendall. The Lodge, Rustic. owned by Zoe Foodiboo, is open to the public The Coffee Shop in too. Rustic is owned by Dawnie “Welcome weary Macarthur. There’s travelers! Come in, relax, seating out front warm up, make yourself overlooking the water, something to eat. Rest and pod boats go by at 8 up before you continue minutes after the on your journey through hour. “Have your coffee the snowlands of on the deck by the water.” Sansara.”

The SLurl for this Cafe at Cultured Goats will take you directly inside the building. It is located on a very steep hill. You can climb down a ladder to a small park in front, or use the teleporter to access the treehouse art gallery above. The High Mountain Road is very close by, above the gallery. The parcel is owned by Elle Thorkveld, and the cafe is decorated by Klaus and me. “Art + Goats + Cafe” This location is on the rocky land in Rosewood, just off Circuit La Corse. It’s operated by Klaus and myself, and there are other things to look at and places to hang out on the small parcel called Last Drop Cafe and

Dimensional Way Station. The black news vendor shown out front in the photo above contains a notecard with all the landmarks to the other locations. “Welcome kindly avatars. Last Drop Cafe. Art. Hedda Sterne & William H. Johnson exhibit in sky gallery. Teleporter on outside wall in back of the parcel.” My previous post is regarding the exhibit in the sky in Rosewood. Veyot and MBeatrix have been inspiring with this project I’ve enjoyed the last month or so. KM

Luane’s World leads you along the banks of the waterway which cuts between the region and Luane’s Magical World from the south, feeding into a large heartedshaped pool of water sitting at the center of the region. The path circles this pond, carrying itself over the little channel feeding it to offer the way to an old windmill on one side, and the way past a cozy little café to where it branches, leading the way past a tree house to a beach that curves around the north and west of the region. Above the beach to the west, the land rises a little, providing space for an old fort, watched over by a lighthouse sitting just off the coast. Throughout the region are plenty of places to sit, cuddle and relax – such as the little cottage on the little southern island or scattered across the beach. Across the water to the east, reached by either stepping-stones or a wooden bridge, is Luane’s Magical World. Hidden by a veil of mist, this is definitely a place for

lovers and romance. Frosted tree a spread across waters frozen in time. In this, it remains similar to the first time we visited in December 2016. However,

beneath the boughs, the environment has changed – most obviously in the frozen water replacing the snows. There is no set path through this region, it’s a place to wander and

and let go of time – although fallen leaves suggest footpaths to follow. Lights glow from the frozen trunks and branches, whilst waiting to be found throughout the region are places to sit and cuddle. These range from an old greenhouse to beds under nets to a hanging chair suspended from a leaf and watched over by unicorns, to a tent guarded by albino elephants.

make for memorable visits. Should you take photos during your visit, consider adding them to the Luane’s World Flickr group. KM

Elsewhere, under a table of rock at the northern end of the region there are tunnels and caverns awaiting exploration, while those seeking a celebratory meal will find it in an old gazebo, or if a romantic dance is preferred, the impressive ruins of a Gothic chapel offers a stone flagged floor and dance machine. Luane’s World and Luane’s Magical World can be visited individually or together, depending on your mood. Both offer plenty of opportunities to share time together, and both are beautifully designed (as always) by Luane, and

You can visit Luane’s World at the following slurl: http:// maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Slice%20of%20Heaven/158/78/22





Johannes Huntsman may not be a familiar name to patrons of art in Second Life when reading it here – but if I mention that he’s actually the founder of Kultivate Magazine and the Windlight Gallery, then recognition will immediately drawn, the new moniker he carries being the result of SL’s Name Changes capability.

are 15 large-format image images, with a supporting collection of 8 smaller pieces, Naturescapes is an honest tour de force for Johannes’ ever-evolving breadth of styles with his art, offering as it does pieces that appear to enfold both second Life and the physical world. As the name suggests, this is a series of images focused on nature’s beauty, with three pieces offering painted coastal views that As a Second Life resident, Johannes’ support of the arts over may have started life as the years has been indefatigable, photographs. from the magazine and gallery The collection is mostly presented through to supporting multiple charity events to co-founding has in color, but with five monochrome pieces, two of which have a own fund-raising organization, Team Diabetes of Second Life, he is marvelous quality of having been a veritable powerhouse. He is also etched. Other pieces have the an exceptional gifted photographer clarity of pencil drawings or the gentle tones of watercolors or the and artist – a fact that can be attested to with a visit at the Kiku richness of oil paintings. Each Gallery curated by Suzanne Logan individual item has a natural beauty, but I confess to being during April / early May, for that particularly drawn to the studies of gallery is currently hosting a a puffin and a dog – with a bias stunning portfolio of pieces by towards the former, if only Johannes that are – without any exaggeration – quite breath-taking. because like many people, I have a peculiar fascination for those little alcids. Encapsulated in what is itself a

charming boutique gallery space

Whether painted directly or the result of post-processing, these are all pieces that carry a depth of life that instantly draws the observer into each one. Meanwhile, the eight smaller pieces are in fact three collections of pre-sized, pre-framed pieces that would grace any Second Life home; one contains three miniatures of the coastal sail scapes, the second the trio of flower paintings and the third an exquisite pair of monochrome photographs of birds. KM A genuinely engaging exhibition, well worth visiting. SLURL DETAILS Kiku Gallery (Amatsu Shima, rated Moderate)





I was a little stunned to realize that it’s been close to two years since I last blogged about Devins Eye, the Homestead region designed by Ally Mildor & Roy Mildor (and which is also their home and the base for their store). Always an eye-catching place to visit, Devins Eye currently sports a wide-open setting much in keeping with past designs, and with the familiar care and eye for detail Ally and Roy share with their designs, set under what resembles a spring afternoon sky.

on the grass of the landing point, the land sloping and stepping upwards to the south and dropping gently down to the waters of the north, it’s entirely possible to imagine Devins Eye not so much as an island but a stretch of intercoastal lowlands backed by a spine of hills that conceal the lands beyond them from view.

This is a place of wonderful contrasts and settings, perfectly blended together into a whole that is an honest delight to explore – and one of the best ways to do so is on horseback. Sadly, scripts are turned off within the region which Always an eye-catching place to visit, means that if you want to ride your own Devins Eye currently sports a wide-open wearable horse, you must mount it setting much in keeping with past before teleporting to the region. designs, and with the familiar care and Fortunately, a rezzing point close by the eye for detail Ally and Roy share with landing point is available to offers their designs, set under what resembles “local” horses to riders. a spring afternoon sky. On that last occasion of a visit, we found the region was enclosed in a offsim surround; this time it stands alone, and in doing so offers a very defined island setting with an equally clearly defined north-south orientation in which the landing point lies slightly offcenter to the east, caught between the rugged southern uplands and the northern dimpled coastline. Such is the lie of the land, that standing

Buildings are few and fair between, adding to the richness of the setting, while the age and condition of some of them offer a sense of life and history to the island. To the south and at the end of a climbing walk among the hills sits a Tuscan villa. Reached via a grassy path that passes through iron gates and between blankets of lavender floors, it crowns the region, looking down from on high across the lowlands to the west and north.

Down on that coast sits an old pier, home to a squat radio shack, long since converted into something of a den for visitors. This and the villa make up the two main fixed “residential” structures on the island, although scattered between them is an old stone cone of a windmill, its ageing sails still turning, a trailer home that has seen better days, and a small hut occupying sitting on a pier extending into the waters of the region’s lake, watched over by a tall water tower. Power lines are strung across one side of the region, held aloft by a marching line of wooden poles – but whether they still offer a service is debatable – they start and end without connecting to anything.

of other parts of the region, inlets hiding a variety of elements from wreck fishing boats and rowing boats to places to sit while more sprays of lavender provide a color link to the higher slopes. Poppies also add their color to the region – in fact it is the color casts by the flowers, lavender plants, poppies, yellow daisies, white wildflowers, and so on – that provide more of the region’s depth.

Cut by pools and streams, rising from water’s edge too high hills, there is nothing that can be found in Devin’s Eye that isn’t immediately photogenic, the entire region finished by an ideal windlight and a gentle sound scape. It’s a place of quite remarkable views and The age and lie of the buildings provide quite original features – full kudos to a sense of the history I spoke of above, Yvonita Dash for her composite giving the island a feeling of being lived creation ~ xantes ~ Tears Rock, and to in – something readily apparent of the Roy and Ally for using it. hints of ruins and aged cut stone the are scattered across the grasslands. But Simply put: not a region design not to there are also signs that this is also a be missed whether you are seeking a place that is still being renewed: two place for photography or for a like new looking, stout bridges span the fast romance – or to experience a sense of -flowing stream that flows out to the the outdoors at a time when we’re all sea from the island’s lake, and the water being encouraged to minimize out time tower is obviously maintained. outdoors. KM Another attraction to the region is the Slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/ low coastal region to the north. Broken secondlife/Devins%20Eye/182/102/28 by humpbacked, rocky hills and shingle banks, this coast shares the sense of age



Fashion Style| DDL @ ACCESS Event╰╰╰True bag╰╰╰

Hair Style| TRUTH ╰╰╰Paradise╰╰╰

Photographer : Roxaane Fyanucci - Les clairs de lune de Roxaane

lesclairsdelunederoxaane.blogspot.fr/ www.facebook.com/lesclairsdelunederox/? fref=ts fr.pinterest.com/fyanucci/ twitter.com/RFyanucci www.tumblr.com/blog/ roxaanefyanuccy plus.google.com/u/0/105300544617797133478 500px.com/ roxaanefyanucci www.bloglovin.com/…/les-clairs-de-lune-de-roxaane-1… www.instagram.com/roxaanefyanucci_/ More quality here : www.flickr.com/photos/ roxaanefyanucci_ www.effigy.photos/roxaanefyanucci/albums www.ipernity.com/doc/2552512/49750656

IMAGE BY ROXANNE FYANUCCI Fashion Style| Kaithleen's @ Uber╰╰╰Kaithleen's Bradress╰╰╰

Hair Style| no.match_ @ Cosmopolitan Event╰╰╰NO PAPER╰╰╰

Companion Animal Style| [Rezz Room]╰╰╰ Koala adult animesh coming soon Kustom9╰╰╰

Photographer : Roxaane Fyanucci - Les clairs de lune de Roxaane

lesclairsdelunederoxaane.blogspot.fr/ www.facebook.com/lesclairsdelunederox/? fref=ts fr.pinterest.com/fyanucci/ twitter.com/RFyanucci www.tumblr.com/blog/ roxaanefyanuccy plus.google.com/u/0/105300544617797133478 500px.com/ roxaanefyanucci www.bloglovin.com/…/les-clairs-de-lune-de-roxaane-1… www.instagram.com/roxaanefyanucci_/ More quality here : www.flickr.com/photos/ roxaanefyanucci_ www.effigy.photos/roxaanefyanucci/albums www.ipernity.com/doc/2552512/49750656



Photographer : Roxaane Fyanucci - Les clairs de lune de Roxaane

lesclairsdelunederoxaane.blogspot.fr/ www.facebook.com/lesclairsdelunederox/? fref=ts fr.pinterest.com/fyanucci/ twitter.com/RFyanucci www.tumblr.com/blog/ roxaanefyanuccy plus.google.com/u/0/105300544617797133478 500px.com/ roxaanefyanucci www.bloglovin.com/…/les-clairs-de-lune-de-roxaane-1… www.instagram.com/roxaanefyanucci_/ More quality here : www.flickr.com/photos/ roxaanefyanucci_ www.effigy.photos/roxaanefyanucci/albums www.ipernity.com/doc/2552512/49750656


Makeup: The Ghoul Eyeshadow, Brows, and Contour by Dotty's Secret Headpiece: Gothic Rose Headpiece by Zenith Top: Morian Longtop Jersey Pattern by Artificial Hallucination (at The Mens Dept) Fur Stole: Diva fur stole mink by Avenge


Mask Decor: Sue Boe Masks (Decor only) by L'Emporio Mask (wearing): Provocation Mask by AZOURY Neck Makeup: Ninja by Nuuna Leggings: Morian Leggings by Artificial Hallucination (at The Mens Dept) Gloves: Long Bento Gloves by L'Emporio Pasties: Nipple Spiked Shields by AIDORU


Money money

Mask (mouth piece and X's on eyes): Party Grin by Afterparty Thong: Shine Underwear by Mossu Tattoo: Exit by This is Wrong

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