Kultivate Magazine - July 2020 Issue

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Welcome to the July 2020 issue of Kultivate Magazine! In this issue we cover a different art form: roleplaying! This issue features 1920’s Berlin and it’s sister sim, Time Portal, Carmel Arts, the recent Linden Labs sell to private investors, the ROMA sims, Kondor Art Center’s Steam Machines exhibition, Pony Box, photographer Reya Darkstone, and a review of the Second Life filmed movie,, STOMOL. This issue also features photo essays by Tempest Rosca Huntsman and Whata Conundrum (Grace Sixpence). We also have an article on We Love Roleplay to help you get started roleplaying In Second Life, after all you will need costumes and clothing to fit into your chosen roleplaying community! As this is our first issue after our 5th anniversary issue, it is great to cover an activity that Tempest and I both love and that is roleplaying! We have found ourselves enjoying steampunk, medieval, and even a bit of goth roleplaying! Roleplaying is a great way to meet new people in Second Life and to discover some cool sims that can inspire you to create art and photography!

As we enter the end of July and the beginning of August, we hope that you continue enjoying the lazy days of summer as they speed by us! Very special thank you to all of our readers, contributors, artists, photographers, and advertisers! Tempest and I hope you enjoy the issue!

Sincerely, John, Owner & Publisher of Kultivate Magazine
























Being half native German in real life, I have always sought out to see representations of German places and landmarks in Second Life. A few years ago I cam across 1920’s Berlin and was intrigued by these sims that were frozen in time, during an interesting time in real life historic Germany. I was able to sit down with sim owner Jo Yardley to discuss 1920’s Berlin and it’s sister sims, Time Portal. JOHN: I love the concept of 1920's Berlin and Time Portal! For our readers who do not know of these 2 great places, tell us about both sims: when were they founded, why did you decide to create them and what are your goals with both locations? JO: 1920s Berlin is an historical roleplay sim where people get the opportunity to immerse themselves in the 'golden years' of this vibrant metropolis, the time of cabaret, unheard freedom, art, progress, all in the shadow of the dark years that would follow. Time Portal is an experience sim where people can explore, shop, party and watch a movie in six different time zones; Ancient Rome, Tudor London, Victorian London, 1920s-1940s New York, 1940s London and 1950s-1960s America. This is not a roleplay sim, although roleplay does happen there and is more than welcome, but people don't have to wear historical clothes or change their avatar like in 1920s Berlin next door. 1920s Berlin just celebrated its 11th anniversary. It opened in May 2009 as a little skybox in a rented plot of mainland. I decided to create it shortly after joining Second Life as I had finally discovered the best thing about SL; you can create experiences. The second I realized that I wanted to try and use SL for the one thing I want in real life but can't do; time travel. I'm fascinated with the first half of the 20th century and after chatting with a few people realized that 1920s Berlin might

something people would like to visit. So my goal was to mostly experience a bit of virtual time travelling myself but also allow other people to try that and learn some history and later the goal became to create and keep a vibrant active community of amazing people. Time Portal opened on October 1st 2016 and had two goals. As well as allowing people to explore historical neighborhoods and learn bout the past it was also more of a shopping & experience sim than a roleplaying sim. Anyone can visit, no dress code or preparations needed.

formal balls and top of the line dinners. Another hot spot is the Eldorado Cabaret, it is based on a real life 1920s Berlin gay & crossdress club, the city was very liberal and way ahead of its time, this club shows that nightlife atmosphere of a time when these clubs were not forced underground and were even quite popular among people from outside that scene. Everybody is welcome and there's a brand new stage show every week organized by the famous designer and SL celebrity Sonatta Morales. But Berlin has too many places to mention, we have a church, library, beach, military barracks, bath house, department store, restaurants, opera house, cinema, many different stores, tenement buildings, a brothel, an opium den, etc., etc.

JOHN: Does one have to rp when visiting 1920s Berlin? If so how does one start? JOHN: Obviously as 1920's Berlin is time specific, why did you decide to choose this era? JO: Yes and no, we're a very relaxed RP sim, What fascinates you about this era? with other words as long as you don't talk about post 1920s subjects or act or look in a JO: I choose 1929 because it was a golden age modern or unrealistic way, you'll be fine and you for Berlin, at the time it was the epicenter of the can just be yourself. We often tell new visitors to world when it came to art, fashion, architecture, just act like they would in real life if they had design, cinema, freedom, etc. Everybody was just arrived in a foreign city for the first time. looking to Berlin and people from all over the If all goes well it all happens automatically, we world came to see what was happening there. have daily events (generally around 2pm SLT) at After some very dark years it was a time of which you can meet some of the locals, chat a optimism and progress. If you like the 1920s, bit, find out what life is like in our city and like many people do, Berlin is the place to be. before you know it you've found yourself a hotel Things of course were pretty bad before this era room and are settling in. You do have to wear and after it, so it was a short bright moment. 1920s clothes and have a realistic avatar, after People were dancing on a volcano, but at least all historical immersion is the theme of the sim, they were dancing. you have to feel like you're experiencing the past. So fantasy avatars of people wearing JOHN: What are some of the upcoming events hotpants sort of ruin that. for 1920's Berlin? JO: Nothing specific, but we have events going JOHN: What are some of the popular on there every day. Sunday to Thursday people landmarks and locations of 1920's Berlin? can join us in the Biergarten for a drink, dance and chat. Friday its time to put on your JO: Der Keller is a basement bar where people fanciest outfit and join the upper classes at the hang out every weekday at 2pm SLT, I work Hotel Adlon for a dinner and formal dance and behind the bar there and its a great spot to Saturday is when people go wild at the Eldorado hang out, hear the latest gossip, make friends, cabaret. But we also have a book club, meetings have a drink and perhaps even a dance. There's at the Wannsee lake beach, roleplay events, etc. also the very fancy Hotel Adlon where we have Daily life is what we do best.

JOHN: Now lets talk about Time Portal a bit. Portal? If so which eras will you include? You have specific eras in that location, why did you choose these eras? JO: Currently there are no real plans for change, I have a few ideas for new zones but those are JO: Most of them were simply chosen because I top secret! wanted to build them and visit them. Personal preference. But with others I also had to keep in JOHN: Do you see rp in Second Life increasing mind that I had to find enough shopkeepers to in numbers or decreasing? rent shops there, people to organize events and of course make it appealing to visitors. So if a JO: Difficult to say, I don't get out much, I spend zone doesn't work, it closes and a new one most of my SL time in Berlin and things there opens. have been going very well almost since day one. So I can't really say much about SL in general. JOHN: How does Time Portal differ from 1920's Berlin and vice versa? JOHN: What would you like to see Linden Labs JO: Time portal is open to the public, there is no do for rp and vintage communities such as dress code, people don't have to roleplay, they your locations? can walk around using a fantasy avatar and as long as they don't bother anyone, they can do JO: Lower the tier! If SL was cheaper I'd have as they please. It is somewhere you can go just more sims by now. I'd also like some more social for a bit of fun, to explore, to take pictures and media tools on the official SL website, especially do a lot of shopping! You don't have something like Facebook groups perhaps, so I to worry about ruining an immersive could reach everyone who is a member of our atmosphere. You're time travelers after all! SL group, send messages, share pictures, have events schedules, etc. So we wouldn't have to JOHN: Can a person become a resident of rely on Facebook so much. either 1920's Berlin and/or Time Portal? What about creators do you have shops for rent? JOHN: Any tips for upcoming and new rp sims JO: Yes both sims allow people to rent homes out there? and live there. It is difficult to find a home in Berlin though as it has been almost JO: Start small! Many sims fail because they permanently fully rented for years now even invest a lot of money in lots of land, with almost 100 rentals. So you may need to be buying buildings, etc. In stead just rent a little a little patient and wait for a place to become land and try your idea out for a while, see available. In Time Portal it's easier to find a if people show up, if they stay, if they want to home and if you find an empty place live there. You can always expand but taking but no rental sign, just give me a call. steps back is hard. There are also shops available but generally they're invitation only because I only want shops that sell authentic things, no fantasy or objects that aren't quite right. Of course any shopkeeper who is interested can always get in touch and I'll check out what they create! JOHN: Any plans to change the eras of Time

Also never share the leadership, keep control of your sim, it is your baby. Of course get admins, ask friends for help, get event organizers, listen to your tenants, etc. but the buck should always stop with you. Too many sims crash when there are more than one owner and they fall out.

Very special thank you to Jo Yardley for sitting down with Kultivate to discuss 1920s Berlin & Time Portal! You can learn more about both sims by visiting the following links and slurls: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/1920sberlinproject https://www.facebook.com/ timeportalsl https://1920sberlinproject.wordpr ess.com/ https://timeportalsl.com/ Slurl to 1920’s Berlin: http:// maps.secondlife.com/ secondlife/1920s%20Berlin% 20Project/242/224/1929 Slurl to Time Portal: http:// maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Time%20Portal/128/128/1930 KM





their art.


Arts Community was generous enough to exhibit Tempest and myself twice at their great arts community! I was able to sit down with co owner Martha McFarren to discuss Carmel’s goal and plans for the future:

JOHN: So tell us about Carmel Arts Community. When was it founded? Why was it started? What is the goal of the community?

We brought forth the concept of Artist-inResidence (AIR) as truly being just that: an artist who lives at Carmel Art Community. For this we designed a nice neighborhood providing 5 AIRs a partially furnished cottage on the land, with a private skybox to use however they want. Some use it for private space. Some have set it up as a showroom. We provide our AIRs a private sandbox to work on projects or prepare their exhibits.

Our Carmel has three public exhibit areas of which two of them the AIRS have first option to MARTHA: Robert thought it would be nice to reserve for their exhibitions. The Gallery is bring our home town of Carmel into Second considered their premiere show space. The Life. We'd talked of doing this for a while and Gazebo is for smaller shows and also where we then when the pandemic swept into the world invite Special Guest Artist to exhibit. The patio and we both found ourselves at home, we area, which we call Carmel Under The Stars, is decided it was time, and thus, Carmel Art for our new Cabana Artists and invited guest Community was born. So, on April 1 -- April artists. This exhibit space is only for the summer Fools Day, when I woke and went downstairs for months, so this year it will only have exhibits, breakfast, Robert, excitedly, took me to the August, September and October. computer and showed me the new sim and our two avatars. Thus, the journey began. We provide our AIRS a peaceful environment to just hang out in with their friends or loved ones. My husband sums up our goal pretty clearly: So while we may have Art exhibitions and "Bring your art into an environment that your special art events, we think of ourselves as an art deserves." ~ Robert McFarren artist resort. What has amazed me the most is how overly busy everyone in SL seems to be, rushing around from place to place and not JOHN: How do you combine the arts with a really finding a peaceful rhythm. I'm sure that's living community? not true for everyone. But just hanging out and talking without any attachment to tipping MARTHA: Firstly, the vision behind our Carmel venues or performers and perhaps enjoying a Art Community isn't about competing with well little bit of roleplay at having an actual life in established galleries, but offering a community, Carmel is part of our vision. Maybe that sounds like in the real life Carmel, where artists socialize silly. and more importantly, live and just relax and do

JOHN: Who are some of the artists that you have in residence here? MARTHA: We currently have five Artist-inResidence and they are Seiko Blessing, Sisi Beidermann, Nils Urqhart, Giovanna Cerise and Griff Crowe... oh, I guess we have six because Robert is also an artist. We also have two Shop Artists, meaning they rent shops Downtown - Raging Bellls and Reycharles. And just this month we've opened up a new Cabana Artist area around the lagoon and harbor, where five guest artists show some of their art, those are Kisma Reidling, Dhyezl Ravenhurst, CybeleMoon, Jaelle Faerye, and Azrael Emmons.

November - In Gratitude (this will only be for Carmel Artists)

December - Holiday Time (this will mostly be for our Artists but will have a small themed exhibit for SL artists).

In 2021, we'll adding a few events that will happen around January, maybe one in March and a Spring Fling in May that will be sensual art. So we hope to have about 8 special events each year and of course our monthly exhibits. I think I need an assistant! Anyone out there interested? *smiles* I'm serious! Lol JOHN: What are your upcoming plans for Carmel?

MARTHA: Well aside from the special art events, we hope to be able to develop more JOHN: How does an artist become part of this performing artists, but have a tips only policy. community? We sort of hand over the downtown stage to them. I would love to see the poetic arts, MARTHA: This can happen in many ways. They storytelling and a writer's group form, but that might rent a shop Downtown or one of our five would require someone wanting to become a part of our management and handle that side of Canbanas located around the lagoon and harbor. We invite special guest artists to exhibit things. such as our special guest artists this month showing in the Gazebo. Maybe you've heard of I would love to have a bikini contest here. And them? John Huntsman and Tempest Roscahave someone organize and give windsurfing Huntsman, both incredible artists in their own lessons and give speedboat tours. right! *smiles) One day, it is my vision that someone in our Last but by no means least, because we are an community gets married in our little Chapel. I artist community, we want to provide many art hope some will host private little get togethers events that not only the Carmel Artists with their friends at the stage, or the beach participate in but which are open to the broader lounge area. We sort of have the philosophy SL Art Community. All our events are planned that "mi casa es tu casa" and we're waiting for to be annual events. Here's our list for this year: our Carmel Family to realize this is their sim too. But that's still a foreign concept to most people in SL I think. Maybe I'm being unrealistic. I • July - Carmel Summer Art Fair (for our AIRS always have grandiose plans. lol and SA and their invited guest artists) •

August - Graffiti Art Challenge (which was open to only five artists, ours and the public) JOHN: Are you an artist? If so what is your September - Barefoot In The Park (dedicated preferred art medium?

to 3D art which our Carmel Artists will participate in but which will also be open to the public. Our AIRs will also have an exclusive themed piece of art on exhibit.)

MARTHA: *Smiles* Robert is the artist in the family, my preferred medium is his oils. *giggles*

JOHN: Curation can be a very busy job, I know I enjoy a ride in a speedboat, windsurf, lounge have my hands full with it! Any tips for new on the beach, have a private party with a few friends in our beach lounge, enjoy a bicycle and upcoming curators? ride, shop for organic fruits & veggies, enjoy an ice cream cone and meet someone new... there MARTHA: Curators need to seek out artists and are lots of things to do in Carmel Art not just contact the established artist. There are Community. Come visit Carmel and if Robert so many talented people in SL, and a lot of them and I are here, please say hello, we love to chat are still yet unknown or unrecognized because and are never too busy to meet you.� they haven't gotten that first show. We've been blessed at Carmel to have such an incredible response from established artists! We're proud to embrace them in our community. Yet we are so very welcoming to emerging artists or returning artists and I think that is important for every curator to remember to be. Don't be afraid to ask ANY artist to exhibit -- the worst they can say is "no" *laughs* which isn't so bad because we have to remember artists can get busy with lots of booked shows and so if you have to wait to exhibit them, that's the nature of the art world. Besides, if they are a RL artist, they have to paint new works. You don't want to show the same old artworks that have been seen 100 times already! Right? *smiles* So, be aware of that as a new curator. If the artist you are inviting is in high demand and already has lots of booked shows, give them a breather to create something new. KM You can visit Carmel Art Community at the following links and slurl: https://www.flickr.com/ people/188633950@N03/ Slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ McFarren/136/199/31 Martha also left a bit of words of wisdom for everyone to enjoy: “No matter whether or not you are an artist, or an art lover, Carmel offers a resort environment for visitors to enjoy. A great place for a romantic date, or a quaint Chapel to get married in, socialize in our coffee bar, enjoy music and dance while listening to Bubbles Song our Carmel performing artist.


Roma SPQR prides itself on being the longest running Roman themed sim in SL, having its inception in a small mainland parcel in 2006, though it now spans 3 regions. It prides itself currently too on having over 1000 citizens, 20 associated groups and over 100 attractions for residents and visitors. A visitor first ‘lands’ by the Custom House in the docks where a Roman soldier called Aurelius Concordius first greets you and hands out an array of information, including places to see, the groups, sim rules and information on roleplay. On the way out of the Customs house the visitor passes the shifty looking Egyptian called Pakoumis invites one to start on a quest (one of the many activities available). Once outside you are in the central area, the Plaza, where there are small Roman shops and a bar and the looming height of the Capitoline Hill with its grand buildings above you. We are on the main ROMA SPQR region here, which approximates to central ancient Rome. There are two other sims, Roma Insula which is a residential Roman suburb and Roma Transtiberim, which is comprised of Ostia, the ancient Roman Port, the Street of Tombs and the Legio XIII Roman barracks and fort. The twin focuses of role play and education are both very much apparent in ROMA SPQR with a large number of role play groups where people can play particular kinds of Romans, such as gladiators, legionaries, Senators, priests or members of the various ruling families among others. Group members can also rent Conclaves (the authentic ancient Roman apartment buildings) for a very nominal cost if they wish to live as Roman Citizens in ROMA.

When it comes to educating visitors about ancient Rome and Roman culture then ROMA SPQR truly stands out. There is information everywhere on myriad aspects

of the Street of Tombs (watch out of Roman life. Across from the for the spectral flying skeletons!). One Customs House there is an area can do an archaeological dig in ROMA called the ROMA Urbs in which the Transtiberim, or make pots or craft Offician Quaestoris building is armor in the Lupenar situated. As well as the outside district of the main notice wall, there is a room inside ROMA SPQR sim. Even which gives notecards on all the just rezzing a chariot or different regions of ROMA SPQR horse and riding around along with special interest groups is huge fun. There are (like LGBTQ and furries for puzzles and mysteries instance). Many of the buildings and and games hidden shops have bright red information everywhere (click buttons which will provide a notecard everything, you never giving relevant historical know…). I can truly see information. There is even a Roman there being hours of brothel, complete with information on entertainment, prostitution in ancient Rome. I education and particularly enjoyed the detailed history exploration here. of the legions in Britain and the two border walls built at various times It is beautiful too to just between Roman Britain and walk around and Scotland. This is contained in displays imagine oneself back in around the fort walls in the Roma Ancient Rome and the Transtiberim sim. The history of ROMA subtle sound effects SPQR itself is told in the Capitoline work with the detailed Museum on the top of the Capitoline reconstructions of the Hill, the highest point in ROMA SPQR buildings to draw one (and the Temple of Jupiter and Juno into a state of reverie which crowns the apex of the hill). when exploring. The views too from the There is simply too much information Capitoline Hill, across available on ancient Rome, Roman life the City, past the and ROMA SPQR to do more than hint aqueduct to the rolling at here. ROMA SPQR is like an wooded hills beyond are immersive museum, but with life simply breathtaking too. I had heard breathed into it by the role playing (like many) of ROMA SPQR before, but there. had never visited. I will very definitely None of this touches on the ‘fun’ be coming back, multiple times. KM activities available in ROMA SPQR, such as the Chariot race rezzer in the Circus You can visit ROMA SPQR at the Maximus Hippodrome, or the mystery following slurl: http:// solving game found among the burials maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/









Pony Box is a half Homestead region designed on Dandy Warhlol (Terry Fortherington) on behalf of the Pony Box group as a location for them to offer DJ and live performer music to group members. We are a community of Music Lovers. Where music speaks to the soul. Underground electronic sounds is what we are about. – The Pony Box About Land description The setting is that of a stretch of coastline backed by cliffs from which dual waterfalls tumble, the water from them cutting a path through the lowland grasses and shingles to reach the sea, while sandy beaches lie to the south and north sit as book-ends to the land. The land between the northern beach and the stream is home to Pony Box’s main structure: a warehouse converted into a pub. It sits in the middle of broad wooden decking, one arm of which stretches out over the beach on legs that dip toes into the blue waters at the deck’s far end. This decking is home to two of the setting’s DJ music venues; one at the end of the pier-like stretch, the other nestled alongside the warehouse-pub. Steps descend from the stream side of the deck, providing a way to reach the shingle bank, home to a set of white bleachers. These face a live music stage sitting on the humped back of crooked finger of shingle that reaches into the stream, partially blocking it.

Two bridges span the lower extent of the stream, providing the best route to reach the southern extent of the land. This is a low, rugged landscape marked by the tall fingers of fir trees and the rounded, squatter spread of crab apple, oak and walnut trees that shade the island’s second major building. Empty at the time of our visits, this suggested it might be intended to become a club house or perhaps an indoor venue for music. We aren’t open all the time for music. We currently have a DJ who spins tunes every Friday at 1:00 pm SLT. We also do parties advertised through our land group, which I organize. The best way to find out about events is through the group. • Mr Frosty (JackFrosstt), Pony Box co-owner The highlands to the rest of the land aren’t direct accessible, although there are also signs of old habitation on them to give a further sense of depth to the vista as the land rises to form a natural barrier between Pony Box and the rest of the region. There are one or two rough spots in the landscaping – some of the lowland rocks have been stretched so that their physics shapes no longer match and so you can end up wading through them rather than walking on them, but on the whole, the setting offers good scope for photography and he beaches offer places to sit and relax, as does the pub in the old warehouse. So, if you’re looking for a place to visit or a new place to find music, why not keep an eye on the pony Box in-world group, and hop over to the island and take a look? KM You can visit Pony Box at the following slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Bonaire68/172/205/28







The Tejo Power Station, located in the BelĂŠm district of Lisbon, Portugal, is regarded as one of the most

Occupying the site of a thermoelectric plant first built in 1909 on the banks of the Rio Tejo, the building undergoing expansion over that time.

Encompassing architectural styles that run from arte-nouveau to classicism, the power station was decl Museum, celebrating its role in brining electrical power to Lisbon. It is in this capacity that Hermes Kond which his has placed on display at the Kondor Art Centre.

And while this may sound like a boring subject – believe me it is not. The bunkers, pressure chambers, p restored and maintained, and Hermes’ has captured all of this in incredible detail.

t beautiful examples of Portuguese industrial architecture from the first half of the 20th century.

g as it is seen today was first built in 1941, and provided power to the city through until the early 1970s,

lared a major Portuguese heritage center in 1986, and in 1990 became the home of the Electricity dor visited it, along with his camera, retuning with photographs of the building’s machinery, some 28 of

pipes, valves and metal walkways of the station’s machinery within the museum have been lovingly

Through an exquisite use of depth-of field, macro focus, ang threaded nut to valves to pressure vessels to the complexity of the larger machines, the crisp detail foun

Displayed within a modern skybox setting that itself has a clean industrial feel to it and that perfectly co beauty of these remarkable machines.

You can visit the exhibition at the following slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Waka/225/1

gle, framing and light, Hermes presents these machines and their individual part as living entities. From nd within each photograph is stunningly exceptional.

omplements the art on display, this is a genuinely engaging exhibition that fully captures the history and






Warning: if you have not seen STÖMOL, be aware this article does contain spoilers! So if you don’t want your experience spoiled, I suggest you click this link and catch it before you read any further! . Friday, July 24th, 2020 saw the official public première of STÖMOL, a featurelength science fiction machinima filmed entirely in Second Life. Written, directed, edited and produced by Huckleberry Hax, the film also stars Hax in the titular role of Epi Stömol, a private investigator / hunter, with Caitlin Tobias as Waarheid (and who also serves as the film’s assistant director and publicist), Ylva as Verity Certain, Boudicca Amat as Istinito Tatsache, Anthony Wesburn as Adevaru, and Mich Michabo as The Quill. Set some 40 years into the future, the film combines elements of the graphic novel with those of noir-style films to unfold a tale framed by the search for two missing coders, and which folds into itself questions on the nature of truth and reality in a world impacted by climate change and the control of conglomerates. On the surface, the story appears straightforward enough: attractive, mysterious woman hires PI / Hunter to locate her missing adopted son. Along the way, the PI encounters another hunter, Waarheid, who is looking for her missing niece – and both boy and girl appear to be two halves of the same puzzle: coders called The Eye and The Quill respectively, who could unlock both the reason for the climate catastrophe impacting the Earth – and also could hold the keys to both reality and our perception of the truth. Agreeing to seek the girl if Waarheid attempts to locate the boy, Stömol sets about his task, a shadowy, helmeted figure tracking his movements. Whether he is aware of this or not isn’t clear, but Stömol

does find the girl – and has an initial encounter with the helmeted figure in the process. Opting not to inform Waarheid of his find, ostensibly to prevent her from ending her search for the boy, Stömol has a further encounter with the mysterious helmeted one, confirming him to be Adevaru. Attempting to strike a deal, Adevaru reveals the true value of the two coders – giving Stömol pause for thought. Keeping to the bargain, Waarheid, informs Stömol she has located the boy, who is being held against his will. A rescue attempt is made, only to apparently fail, a kidnapper escaping with the boy. This set the film up for a sharp plot twist that is genuinely surprising and unexpected, in the process moving us to the final denouement, which in turn brings the story full circle to connect neatly with the opening sequence. All very easy to follow. However, this simple sounding narrative actually lies within a much more complex story, one that might be summed up in asking the question just what is truth? This is exactly what Stömol does as the film opens, mulling over both that and the nature of reality. STAMP YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND; DOWN THREE FINGERS OF WHISKEY; PUT A CIGARETTE IN YOUR MOUTH AND LIGHT IT. IS ANY ONE OF THESE THINGS REAL? IS ANY ONE OF THESE THINGS “THE TRUTH”? OR IS TRUTH JUST A STORY WE CREATE SO THAT THINGS SEEM TO MAKE SENSE? THE LINE THAT JOINS THE DOTS UP INTO A PICTURE THAT WE CAN UNDERSTAND. WE THINK EACH DOT CAN ONLY LEAD TO ONE OTHER; BUT WHAT IF EVERY DOT LEADS TO A THOUSAND OTHERS, AND A MILLION DIFFERENT PICTURES CAN BE DRAWN? – Epi Stömol Presented in terms of the action that follows these ruminations – the dispatch of an unknown individual carrying an automatic

weapon – it’s easy to simply view Stömol’s words as merely reflective of that action; indeed, with a nice slight of narrative, we’re encouraged to do so; but the fact is with this opening statement the film’s focal point is set – and, again, indirectly, a hint is given about Stömol himself. This element of “truth” being at the core of the film is revealed in other subtle ways as well. Take the names of the principal players Stömol encounters: Verity Certain (itself a play on words), Istinito Tatache, Waarheid – all are words for “truth” and / or the state or quality of being true in their language of origin (English, Croatian and Dutch). Even Adevaru would appear to be a play on Adevărul, Romanian for truth. Similarly, The Eye and The Quill are not randomly chosen names for the two missing coders: the eye is the organ that sees the truth, whilst the quill is the tool by which the truth can be recorded. It is this layering of elements in which STÖMOL is lifted above being a”simple” tale (although it can still be enjoyed as such), giving it more of a novellike feel. Similarly, the broader production values evident in the film also help to present it as more of a motion picture than a machinima. Good use is made of framing – over-the-shoulder shots, cutaways, closeups, all provide depth to STÖMOL. There are subtleties in approach that give the film added richness. As noted, the twist towards the end of the story is presented in a manner that is so entirely unexpected, I doubt anyone could see it coming. There are also ambiguities scattered throughout that add a certain edge to Stömol. Take the outcome of the rescue attempt: did it really fail, or did Stömol allow the kidnapper to escape with the boy so he might remove Waarheid as a potential rival and thus leaving open his path to having sole control over the Quill and the Eye? And what of the comment about making a gift to the man

Runner and Blade Runner 2049. These range killed in the opening sequence, is not a new from the obvious – the use of Zee9’s Drune light on this cast within the film’s ending designs (Bladerunner) plus the atmospheric and Stömol’s comments about controlling effects (aka Blade Runner 2049) – through the the truth through The Quill and The Eye? more subtle: watching the robotic major domo march into Verity Certain’s pool area However, it would be remiss to ahead of Stömol, I couldn’t help but think of say STÖMOL is not without its warts. Whilst Sebastian’s robotic playmates greeting him on relatively few, they do jar when they his homecoming. Stömol’s use of a noodle bar happen – such as the fight scene with also sits as a nod towards Deckhard in Blade Täuschung (another clever name – this time Runner. meaning “deception” or “to deceive”; a shame it didn’t go anywhere). It appears to Overall, STÖMOL is a creditable first outing have been included because it had been shot into feature-length filming in Second Life. Yes before the core of the story had been settled, it has some faults – name me a film that and the fight couldn’t be readily re-filmed to doesn’t, and technique can always be better fit the narrative. Thus we’re left with a polished. Certainly, the warts don’t prevent character that pops up and dies without the film from packing a satisfying punch at the saying a word and without serving any other end whilst achieving what it sets out to do: purpose than to facilitate a fight. entertain. The narration can also be unsettling. Delivered without cadence, it is peppered with unnatural pauses in delivery that can grate to the point of spoiling enjoyment. A case in point: early in the film Stömol walks the streets in a 4½-minute segment during which he delivers less than a minute of voiceover in total. This is painfully drawn out across the 4½-minutes with clumsy, mid-statement pauses up to 20 seconds in length. It’s a sequence that could have been edited to around 90-100 seconds without losing any of its dramatic edge whilst facilitating a far more fluid narrative delivery. Elsewhere, the film offers some nice hat-tips to its major sci-fi influences: Blade

Oh – and when watching, make sure you do so through the credits: there’s an MCU-style tag scene that offers a hint of what might come in the future. KM Click the following link to watch STOMOL online via YouTube: https:// www.youtube.com/watch? v=BZMOPUnHnD8


On Tuesday, July 9th, 2020, linden Lab announced it is to be acquired by “an investment group led by Randy Waterfield and Brad Oberwager”.

& Chief Executive Officer of Waterfield Group, one of the largest private financial organizations in the United State, and occupies board positions on a number of other companies and organizations.

The acquisition is currently pending approval Also commenting on the acquisition, Brad by financial regulators in the U.S., due to the Oberwager states: Lab’s subsidiary, Tilia Inc., which forms part BOTH THE COMPANY AND ITS VIRTUAL and parcel of the acquisition. WORLD COMMUNITY HAVE A UNIQUE CULTURE AND CREATIVE ENERGY THAT The full statement on the matter, which REMAIN IMPORTANT TO THE LONG-TERM can be read on the Lab’s corporate website, SUCCESS OF SECOND LIFE. THERE’S A BRIGHT includes a statement from Linden Lab CEO, FUTURE FOR BOTH SECOND LIFE AND TILIA Ebbe Altberg: AND WE’RE EXCITED TO HELP FUEL THESE GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES. WE’RE EXCITED FOR THIS NEW CHAPTER TO BEGIN. WE SEE THIS AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO With the news breaking on Twitter, Altberg CONTINUE GROWTH AND EXPANSION FOR responded to questions on what it means for SECOND LIFE AND OUR MONEY SERVICES Second Life with a simple “Continued BUSINESS TILIA. WE’RE GRATEFUL FOR THE Greatness!” ONGOING SUPPORT FROM OUR COMMUNITY, BUSINESS PARTNERS AND I reached out to linden Lab on finding out the INVESTORS. NOW MORE THAN EVER, THERE news, but was informed the company has no IS INCREASED RECOGNITION OF THE VALUE further comment on the acquisition beyond AND UTILITY OF VIRTUAL WORLDS TO BRING the press release. PEOPLE TOGETHER FOR SAFE, SHARED, AND SOCIAL ON-LINE EXPERIENCES. However, given that the acquisition will see Mr. Waterfield and Mr. Oberwager joining the Once the acquisition is finalized, both Mr. board, I would anticipate that – given the Waterfield and Mr. Oberwager will join the nature of acquisitions – it is unlikely there will Lab’s Board of directors. be any immediate visible changes to Linden Lab, Second Life or Tilia Inc., and, and the Bradford Oberwager has founded and/or run company will likely to continue to operate in a five tech/CPG companies—Jyve, Bare Snacks “business as usual” mode with regards to (acquired by PepsiCo), True & Good! Snacks, both Second Life operations and the Acumins/more.com (acquired by community for the immediate future. That HealthCentral), and Blue Tiger/Open Webs said, there will likely be a lot of speculation as (acquired by CarParts). to the future of SL, together with concerns / fears as to what the longer-term future might J. Randall Waterfield is Chairman of The Board be.

While it is purely speculative on my part, I would hazard a guess that the acquisition will take into consideration the increased interest Second life has witnessed over the last year(ish), and particularly as a result of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and will see in inflow of cash for the company that will allow it to (hopefully) meet its immediate goals with both Second Life and Tilia Inc., and allow both platforms to continue to be developed. This is certainly the belief held by Linden Lab’s co-founder, Philip Rosedale, who now heads-up High Fidelity Inc. Also quoted in the press release, he states:



I had the honor of meeting Reya Darkstone at The Resolution Exhibition, which was curated by my talented other half, Tempest Rosca Huntsman. I was able to sit down with Reya to discuss photography and more!

JOHN: So tell us about yourself. When did you first discover Second Life? What do you do here in addition to photography? REYA: I discovered SL by watching the news one day, a report on this "new, exciting virtual world" that was gaining in popularity. I joined SL for my real-life job—we were exploring ways to expand our client’s outreach, then started doing custom texture work for role-play sims. But I started logging in for "not work" exploration, and years later, here I am! Other than photography, I have a store, Rise Design, which sells jewelry and accessories. And I enjoy doing both!

JOHN: What inspires your photography? REYA: That question can have many answers. It can be as simple as finding a cool shirt and get an idea, or hearing a song that inspires me. Most often though it's an emotion I'm feeling strongly. For myself it's very cathartic-a feeling I am compelled to express, or even purge. JOHN: You recently exhibited at our Resolution Exhibition and we were honored to have you there, as well as our other talented photographers and artists! Was this your first exhibit? If so, any words for first time exhibitors? REYA: This wasn't my first, but was only my third, so I'm very new at this as well. Some exhibits have a theme, which can make it a little easier in picture choice and setup/

/display. As for ones that you have the pleasure to choose whatever, choose what you like. There is, to me, no wrong choice of what you pick to represent yourself, because it's all you. I do feel that "less is more" in regards to how many pieces you display, and then hopefully lead to wanting to explore more of your work on whichever platform you use (i.e. Flickr, DeviantArt, etc.) As for setting, I prefer to keep it simple, yet tasteful. The focus should be your art, not the decor. JOHN: What tools do you use to create your photography? Do you use for example a LumiPro and Photoshop and/or GIMP?

REYA: I use Photoshop, and on the rare occasion Illustrator if I want to get /really/ fancy.

JOHN: I know that some artists and photographers have much to say about post processing of images, Some are either for it or against it. How do you feel about post processing?

REYA: For myself, the picture dictates how much or how little is done. It is ultimately the artist's choice. For some photos, I've done very little, for others, I've done a lot, so I don't judge those that choose either way-after all, it's all subjective. I will say though that for product pictures and ads, I do as little post-process as possible so the product is represented as it would look "out-of-thebox".

JOHN: Tell us about your design business. What inspires your designs?

REYA: I so enjoy what I do! I create jewelry and rigged items, and am little by little expanding on different accessories. I have to say most anything and everything inspires

consistently in--information about them all can me: nature, vintage fashion, music--from K- be found at Rise Design main store. KM pop to classical, movies, art. There's just so much to pull from in everyday life, it makes Very special thank you to Reya for sitting it exciting, and sometimes a challenge to down with us for an interview! Reya said a narrow down choices! few additional words: I want to express my thanks to both John and Tempest for creating such a wonderful exhibition with so many JOHN: Do you find that you can combine amazingly talented artists! I was both photography and content creation? In humbled and honored to take part. Also, for other words does your photography those that want to create, whether it's inspire your designs and vice versa? pictures or SL content...DO IT! REYA: Yes, it does on occasion. I've actually wanted to take a certain photo and search stores to find what I want, can't find it, so have simply created it myself. It's a bonus that I then can sell it for everyone to enjoy as well.

JOHN: So what are some upcoming plans for you in Second Life? Any upcoming events?

Please visit the following links to view Reya’s awesome and talented photography and her brand, Rise design: Personal Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/ photos/reya_darkstone/

Rise Design: Main Store SLurl: http:// maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Valkyrie/212/146/1401 REYA: My plan is to keep evolving, growing Marketplace: https:// and continue experiencing all SL has to offer, marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/224765 meeting new friends and appreciating the Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ ones I already have. It's a given that any RiseDesignSL content creator wants to expand, and I've Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/ been very fortunate the owners of the events photos/164435183@N06 I'm currently in have been very kind to me for Flickr Group: https://www.flickr.com/ giving me a chance. Fameshed, Unik, Gems, groups/4566904@N25/ TLC, Fameshed X, and others are ones I'm





We <3 Role-Play is a monthly shopping event catering mainly, but NOT solely, to role-players. It was the first and original monthly event on this scale and so far is the most successful one still. We wish to focus on high quality content. We do NOT refuse creative users of templates because we think templates do have their place. However, we go for quality rather than quantity. ALL stores have been handpicked by the team and reviewed by each one of us. Our goal Our goal is not to make money, but to spread the word of awesome creations delivered by our favorite designers and support the role-play community with an event that offers great deals and quality items. We wish to support true creativity and true talent, especially with the current influx of ripped content, which often lets the motivation of true designers diminish. You will not find any gachas here. This goal generally is visualized, too, by a carefully and tastefully designed location with attention to details. We wish to deliver a feeling of a true role-play event, almost as if you could come shop in character. The event starts on the Fourth day of each month at 1pm slt with the exception of January and August in which the event will be closed for a break.

Visit the event on the Riverhunt sim in Second Life. We currently have a stunning build created by Hattie Panacek of Ex Machina. KM In addition to having a shopping event, We Love Roleplay has a great roleplay sim directory: https://weloveroleplay.weebly.com/roleplay-sims.html Visit We Love Roleplay at the following slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1505 Find We Love Roleplay on the web at the following links: https://www.flickr.com/groups/weloveroleplay/pool/ https://www.facebook.com/weloverp

Ristorante Kandela is the free and self serve restaurant on the Kultivate Sim! This v couples intan so you can enjoy a romantic date out with your loved one! The restau Huntsman a notecard in world with the booking date and time and any other specia 20Haven/95/221/28

venue is decorated in an Italian rustic style and features crooner music and a urant is also available for private events, free of charge. Simply drop Johannes al requests. SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Water%



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