Pixxelpoint 2016 - program

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Urnik razstav/Exhibition schedule: 1 Osrednja razstava v Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica bo na ogled od 2. do 9.

decembra 2016, vsak dan med 9. in 19. uro. The main exhibition at the Nova Gorica City Gallery will be open for visitors 2-9 December 2016, from 9.00 to 19.00. 2 Akademija umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici (Ulica A. Diaz 5, Gorica, I) bo

svoja vrata za ogled razstave delavnic animacije, filma, fotografije in bio-umetnosti na temo Mi odprla od 5. do 9. decembra 2016, med 10. in 15. uro. University of Nova Gorica School of Arts (Via A. Diaz 5, Gorizia, I) will show work-in-progress of animation, film, photography and bio-art workshops on the topic We on December 2016, every day from 10.00 to 15.00. 3 Carinarnica – bivak urbane kulture (Erjavčeva 53, Nova Gorica) bo odprta od 2. do 9. decembra 2016, vsak dan od 14. do 17. ure. Carinarnica – Bivouac of Urban Culture (Erjavčeva 53, Nova Gorica) will be open for visitors 2–9 December 2016, every day from 14.00 to 17.00. 4 Galerija TIR, Mostovna (Cesta IX. korpusa 99A, Solkan) bo odprta v petek in soboto od 21. do 23. ure ter v nedeljo, sredo in četrtek od 17. do 19. ure. TIR, Mostovna Gallery (Cesta IX. korpusa 99A, Solkan), will be open for visitors from 21.00 to 23.00 on Friday and Saturday, and from 17.00 to 19.00 on Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday. 5 Goriška knjižnica Franceta Bevka (Nova Gorica) bo odprta od 2. do 9. decembra 2016, v času delovanja knjižnice. France Bevk Gorica Library (Nova Gorica), will be open for visitors 2–9 December 2016, during the library’s normal opening hours. 6 Projekti postavljeni v Kulturno-informacijski stični točki (Železniška

postaja Nova Gorica) bodo na ogled od 2. do 9. decembra 2016, vsak dan od 9. do 18. ure. The Cultural information touchpoint (Nova Gorica Train Station) will be open for visitors 2–9 December 2016, every day from 9.00 to 18.00. 7 Trgovski dom (Korzo G. Verdi 52, Gorica, I) bo za ogled razstave odprt od 2. do 9. decembra 2016, vsak dan od 14. do 17. ure, za vnaprej dogovorjene skupine tudi izven. Trgovski dom Gallery (Corso G. Verdi 52, Gorizia, I) will be open for visitors 2–9 December 2016, every day from 14.00 to 17.00, other hours by appointment only.

Druga prizorišča festivala Other festival venues: 8 Frančiškanski samostan Kostanjevica nad Novo Gorico – celodnevno

dogajanje 9. decembra 2016, od 10. do 18. ure. Kostanjevica Franciscan Monastery above Nova Gorica – all-day event, 9 December 2016, from 10.00 to 18.00. 9 Kinemax (Travnik, Gorica, I) – prizorišče filmskih projekcij in pogovorov z

umetniki. Kinemax (Piazza Vittoria 41, Gorizia, I) – film projections and discussions with the artists.

10 Kulturni dom Nova Gorica – prizorišče filmskih projekcij, pogovorov z umetniki in znanstveniki. Kulturni dom Nova Gorica – film projections and discussions with the artists and scientists. 11 Rotunda SNG Nova Gorica – 2., 3. in 6. decembra 2016 v večernih urah. Rotunda of SNG Nova Gorica – evening hours, 2., 3., 6. December 2016.

Sobota/Saturday, 3. december Izmenjevanje srajc v okviru projekta shirting…, ki bo potekalo skozi ves festival. Točka izmenjave je v Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica. Shirt exchange as part of the shirting... project, which will continue throughout the festival. The point of exchange is the Nova Gorica City Gallery. Prijave/Registrations: mestnagalerija@kulturnidom-ng.si. 11.00–13.00: Petra Varl, Izrezi/Cutouts: fotografski sprehod z umetnico in njenimi iz kovine izrezanimi prenosnimi risbami Sprehod od Akademije umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici, mimo tunela pod Kostanjevico, Carinarnice in Železniške postaje Nova Gorica do Mestne galerije Nova Gorica 11.00–13.00: Petra Varl, Cutouts: photographic excursion with the artist and her portable metal drawings Walk from the University of Nova Gorica School of Arts, past the tunnel, Carinarnica and the Nova Gorica Train Station to the Nova Gorica City Gallery 12.00–15.00: Helene Thuemmel, Digitalni kamni ali Kje je Tito: individualni pogovori o napisih na hribih Carinarnica 12.00–15.00: Helene Thuemmel, Digital stones or Where is Tito: individual discussions about hillside writings Carinarnica 13.00–14.00: Ruobing Wang, Eat Me Umetnica iz Singapurja v Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica in Goriški knjižnici Franceta Bevka postavlja kompozicije iz zelenih knjig. V soboto še lahko prinesete svoje odslužene knjige z zelenim ali zelenkastim hrbtom, umetnica jih bo vključila v svojo kompozicijo in se pogovarjala z vami. Mestna galerija Nova Gorica 13.00–14.00: Ruobing Wang, Eat Me The Singapore-based artist arranges compositions using green books at the Nova Gorica City Gallery and the France Bevk Library. You are invited to bring your used books with green or greenish backs, which the artist will use in her composition and where she will converse with you. Nova Gorica City Gallery 16.00–18.00: Paul Bush, While Darwin Sleeps (5’) in Babeldom (85’), filma Po projekciji bo Igor Prassel vodil pogovor z avtorjem. Festival Pixxelpoint v sodelovanju z Akademijo umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici in festivalom Animateka. Kinemax 16.00–18.00: Paul Bush, While Darwin Sleeps (5’) and Babeldom (85’), films After the projection, Igor Prassel will moderate a discussion with the author. Pixxelpoint Festival in collaboration with the University of Nova Gorica School of Arts and the Animateka Festival. Kinemax, Gorizia 19.00–21.00: Denis Mavrič, Energijske interakcije: interaktivna instalacija v prisotnosti avtorice Rotunda SNG Nova Gorica 19.00–21.00: Denis Mavrič, Energy Interactions: interactive installation with the author present Rotunda of SNG Nova Gorica

Nedelja/Sunday, 4. december 9.00–16.00 Ekskurzija Mi – prostori umetnosti in kulture Obiskali bomo Postajo Topolove pri Čedadu in muzej SMO – Slovensko multimedialno okno v Špetru Slovenov, Italija. Za brezplačni prevoz se lahko prijavite na mestnagalerija@kulturnidom-ng.si. 9.00–16.00 We Excursion – Spaces of Art and Culture We will be visiting the Topolo Station in Cividale del Friuli and the SMO Landscape and Narrative Museum, in Udine, Italy. Register for free transportation: mestnagalerija@kulturnidom-ng.si

12 Univerza v Novi Gorici, Gorica, Rožna Dolina, Ajdovščina, Vipava –

Ponedeljek/Monday, 5. december

Ob določenih terminih bodo na prizoriščih dogodki z umetniki, preverite program na spletni strani: http://www.pixxelpoint.org/ ali na facebook profilu festivala. Events with the artists will be scheduled, check the program at: http:// www.pixxelpoint.org or the festival’s Facebook profile.

11.00–13.00: Mi – spomin za prihodnost – spomenik, diskusija Diskusijo s sodelujočimi avtoricami in avtorji (Gal Kirn, Niloufar Tajeri, Tanja Lažetić, Nemanja Ćađo, Helene Thuemmel) bo vodil Miha Colner. Trgovski dom 11.00–13.00: We – Memory for the Future – Monument, discussion The discussion with various authors (Gal Kirn, Niloufar Tajeri, Tanja Lažetić, Nemanja Ćađo, Helene Thuemmel) will be moderated by Miha Colner. Trgovski dom Gallery

ekskurzija po laboratorijih in znanstvenih centrih. University of Nova Gorica, Gorizia, Rožna Dolina, Ajdovščina, Vipava – field visits to laboratories and science centers.

Program Petek/Friday, 2. december 17.30: Pred-otvoritev Razstavni prostori Akademije umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici 17.30: Pre-opening University of Nova Gorica School of Arts 18.30: Pred-otvoritev Razstavni prostor Trgovskega doma 18.30: Pre-opening Trgovski dom Gallery 19.30: Pred-otvoritev Carinarnica 19.30: Pre-opening Carinarnica 20.00: Odprtje razstave Mi in uradna otvoritev festivala Pixxelpoint 2016 Mestna galerija Nova Gorica 20.00: opening of the exhibition We and official opening ceremony of Pixxelpoint 2016 Nova Gorica City Gallery 21.00–22.00: Denis Mavrič, Energijske interakcije: interaktivna instalacija v prisotnosti avtorice Rotunda SNG Nova Gorica 21.00–22.00: Denis Mavrič, Energy Interactions: interactive installation with the author present Rotunda of SNG Nova Gorica

14.00–16.00: Helene Thuemmel, Digitalni kamni ali Kje je Tito: individualni pogovori o napisih na hribih Carinarnica 14.00–16.00: Helene Thuemmel, Digital stones or Where is Tito: individual discussions about hillside writings Carinarnica 18.00–19.15: Nika Autor, V deželi medvedov (Slovenija, 2012, 72’), film 19.15–20.30: Mi – spomin za prihodnost – vloga umetnika, diskusija Diskusijo s sodelujočimi avtoricami (Nika Autor, Vesna Bukovec, Widad Tamimi, Rawan Hourani, Sabina Đogić) bo vodil Miha Colner. Kulturni dom Nova Gorica 18.00–19.15: Nika Autor, In the Land of Bears (Slovenia, 2012, 72’), film 19.15–20.30: We – Memory for the Future – Role of the Artist, discussion The discussion with various authors (Nika Autor, Vesna Bukovec, Widad Tamimi, Rawan Hourani, Sabina Đogić) will be moderated by Miha Colner. Kulturni dom Nova Gorica Če pa ste v Ljubljani, si ob 20.00 v Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana lahko ogledate predstavo Kje sem ostala. Predhodne rezervacije na telefonsko številko: 041 581 319. PTL, Prijateljeva 2a, Ljubljana If you are in Ljubljana, you can catch the show Where Was I at 20.00 in the Ljubljana Dance Theater. Book your ticket at: 041 581 319 PTL, Prijateljeva 2a, Ljubljana

18.00–21.00: Denis Mavrič, Energy Interactions: interactive installation with the author present Rotunda of SNG Nova Gorica

Sreda/Wednesday, 7. december 14.00–16.00: Helene Thuemmel, Digitalni kamni ali Kje je Tito: individualni pogovori o napisih na hribih Carinarnica 14.00–16.00: Helene Thuemmel, Digital stones or Where is Tito: individual discussions about hillside writings Carinarnica 18.00–19.00: Jasna Hribernik, Vitanje v vesolju – Sunita (Slovenija, 2015, 52’), film 19.00–20.00: Mi – v vesolju, diskusija Po projekciji bo Ervin Hladnik Milharčič vodil pogovor z avtorico filma, znanstvenikoma astrofizike Univerze v Novi Gorici prof. dr. Samom Staničem in doc. dr. Sergeiem Vorobiovim ter z direktorjem Slovenske znanstvene fundacije dr. Edvardom Kobalom. Kulturni dom Nova Gorica 18.00–19.00: Jasna Hribernik, Vitanje in Space – Sunita (Slovenia, 2015, 52’), film 19.00 – 20.00: We – In Space, discussion After the film projection, Ervin Hladnik Milharčič will moderate the discussion with the author of the film, astrophysicsists from the University of Nova Gorica, Prof. Dr. Samo Stanič and Doc. Dr. Sergei Vorobiov and the director of the Slovenian Scientific Foundation Dr. Edvard Kobal. Kulturni dom Nova Gorica

Četrtek/Thursday, 8. december 10.00–15.00: Ekskurzija Mi – prostori znanosti, prostori umetnosti Obiskali bomo laboratorije in raziskovalne centre Univerze v Novi Gorici, ki so v Rožni Dolini, Ajdovščini in Vipavi, potem pa se vrnili v Mestno galerijo Nova Gorica, da si ogledamo plod sodelovanja med umetnicama (Robertina Šebjanič, Tea Hvala) in znanstvenico (Andreea Oarga-Mulec, UNG) Za brezplačni prevoz se lahko prijavite na mestnagalerija@kulturnidom-ng.si. 10.00–15.00: We Excursion – Spaces of Science, Spaces of Art We will be visiting the laboratories and research centers of the University of Nova Gorica located in Rožna Dolina, Ajdovščina and Vipava, then return to the Nova Gorica City Gallery, where we will view the result of the artistic collaboration between two artists (Robertina Šebjanič, Tea Hvala) and a scientist (Andreea Oarga-Mulec, UNG) Register for free transportation: mestnagalerija@kulturnidom-ng.si 16.30–17.30: Rawan Hourani, Razglednice lovilca sanj, otroška delavnica z Likovno šolo v Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica Mestna galerija Nova Gorica 16.30–17.30: Rawan Hourani, Dreamcatcher postcards, kids’ workshop with the Nova Gorica City Gallery Art Course Nova Gorica City Gallery 17.30–22.00: Pixxelpoint obišče PAIC (Udeležbena umetnost za nevidne skupnosti) v Oseku pri Šempasu – s predstavitvijo delavnic in javno okroglo mizo. Po dogodku sledi pogostitev z lokalnimi kulinaričnimi in vinskimi dobrotami. V organizaciji Akademije umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici ter KTD Osek. Za brezplačni prevoz se lahko prijavite na mestnagalerija@kulturnidom-ng.si. 17.30–22.00: Pixxelpoint meets PAIC (Participatory Art for Invisible Communities) in the town of Osek pri Šempasu – with a presentation of workshops and a public round-table discussion. The event will be followed by a luncheon with a selection of local culinary delights and fine wines. Co-organized by the University of Nova Gorica, School of Arts and KTD Osek. Register for free transportation: mestnagalerija@kulturnidom-ng.si

Petek/Friday, 9. december 15.00–16.30: Rawan Hourani, Razglednice lovilca sanj, delavnica z najstniki migranti in domačini Carinarnica 15.00–16.30: Rawan Hourani, Dreamcatcher postcards, a workshop with teenage migrants and locals Carinarnica 16.00: Rene Rusjan, vodstvo po razstavi v Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica Vez med umetnostjo, učenjem in vsakdanjim življenjem, v sodelovanju z Likovno šolo v Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica (Julij Borštnik, Anja Kranjc, Katja Oblak) Mestna galerija Nova Gorica 16.00: Rene Rusjan, guided tour of the exhibition in the Nova Gorica City Gallery “The link between art, learning and everyday life” in collaboration with the Nova Gorica City Gallery Art Course (Julij Borštnik, Anja Kranjc, Katja Oblak) Nova Gorica City Gallery 10.00–18.00: Sabina Đogić, 14 pesmi – Molitev za izgubljene pesmi Filmska ustvarjalka vabi na točko za zbiranje izgubljenih pesmi, kjer boste zapeli pesem po spominu in tako obogatili nastajajočo zbirko. Frančiškanski samostan Kostanjevica nad Novo Gorico 10.00–18.00: Sabina Đogić, 14 songs – A Prayer for Lost Songs Film author set up a song collection point. She invites you to come sing your song from memory and contribute to this growing collection of songs. Kostanjevica Franciscan Monastery above Nova Gorica 17.00 Zatvoritev festivala Dvorišče cerkve Frančiškanskega samostana Kostanjevica nad Novo Gorico 17.00 Festival closing ceremony Kostanjevica Franciscan Monastery chapel courtyard above Nova Gorica

Torek/Tuesday, 6. december 14.00–16.00: Helene Thuemmel, Digitalni kamni ali Kje je Tito: individualni pogovori o napisih na hribih Carinarnica 14.00–16.00: Helene Thuemmel, Digital stones or Where is Tito: individual discussions about hillside writings Carinarnica 18.00–21.00: Denis Mavrič, Energijske interakcije: interaktivna instalacija v prisotnosti avtorice Rotunda SNG Nova Gorica

Podrobnosti in morebitne spremembe bodo objavljene na / Details and updates will be announced on:


Nova Gorica in Gorica bosta spet v znamenju medn- Sodelujoči avtorji/Contributing artists arodnega festivala sodobnih umetniških praks, Pixxelpoint 2016, tokrat na temo Mi, s katero nas nagovarja kuratorka Rene Rusjan. Pred meseci sem sprožila proces, ki se je razvijal skozi vse leto. Zgoščeno dogajanje, ki se zgodi v festivalskem tednu decembra 2016, je le zaključek neke faze tega procesa, pravzaprav le točka, ko se srečajo poti vseh sodelujočih, je festival, praznovanje in predstavitev, komunikacija skozi dogodke, ko se nam pridružijo tudi obiskovalci. Posebnost letošnje edicije Pixxelpointa je posebej dolg in razvejan proces, skozi katerega povezujem sodelujoče v njem. Umetnice v sodelovanju z drugimi umetniki in s študenti umetnosti, z znanstvenicami ter laboratoriji in raziskovalnimi centri Univerze v Novi Gorici, z lokalno skupnostjo, v raziskovanju specifik obmejnega življenja v luči mednarodnih tokov, vse to na križiščih med umetnostjo, znanostjo in družbo ter vsakdanjim življenjem.

Morda je glavno vprašanje, ki si ga zastavljam skozi ta proces, kako vidimo drug drugega. Ne le skozi umetnost ali znanost, temveč predvsem, kako nam vse to pomaga preživeti, kako je s tem povezana usoda človeškega bitja. Osrednji prostor festivala je kot vedno Mestna galerija Nova Gorica, a tam je le manjši del razstave in festivalskih dogodkov. Prizorišča se razprostirajo po obeh mestih, prav tako dogodki, čez ves teden. Včasih vas skupaj z umetnicami in umetniki vabimo na razstavo, drugič v kino, na pogovor ali petje. Včasih gremo na sprehod, drugič se peljemo na ekskurzijo. Lahko preizkusite ‘srajčkanje’, potem pa se samotno sprehodite po razstavah, se usedete in berete poezijo, poslušate zvok za enega poslušalca. Festivalski teden se prične z druženjem, razmislekom o spominu za prihodnost in se v drugi polovici prevesi v naravoznanstvo, da bi se zadnji dan spet obrnil k druženju. Rene Rusjan

Nova Gorica and Gorizia

will once again organize the international festival of contemporary art practices Pixxelpoint 2016, with this year’s theme We, curated by Rene Rusjan. Some months ago I started a process which has been taking form throughout the year. The concentrated sequence of events scheduled during the festival week taking place in December 2016 is only the conclusion of a stage of this process, only an intersection where the paths of all contributors meet, it is a festival, a celebration and an exhibition, a communication exercise via the events where we are joined by the visitors. This edition of Pixxelpoint is a particularly long and widespread process through which I bring together the contributing artists. Women artists in collaboration with other artists and art students, women scientists and laboratories and research centers of the University of Nova Gorica, join together with the local community in the researching the specific nature of living on the state border in light of international events, all between at the intersections between art, science, society and everyday life.

Robertina Šebjanič, Andreea Oarga Mulec, Tea Hvala, Jasna Hribernik, Antonio Della Marina, Alessandra Zucchi, Denis Mavrič, Paul Bush, Niloufar Tajeri, Gal Kirn, Tanja Lažetić, Helene Thuemmel, Rawan Hourani, Sabina Đogić, Anja Medved, Nadija Mustapić, Toni Meštrović, Vesna Bukovec, Widad Tamimi, Nika Avtor, Anja Golob, Nemanja Ćađo, Nina Šorak, Urša Adamič, Pila Rusjan, Gaja Kutnjak, Elena Fajt, Lucija Vljudno vabljeni na otvoritev festivala

Jankovec, Dejan Krajnik, Neja Kaligaro,

v petek, 2. decembra 2016,

Valerie Wolf Gang, Ruobing Wang, Petra

ob 17.30 v prostore Akademije umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici (Gorica), ob 18.30 v razstavne prostore Trgovskega doma (Gorica), ob 19.30 v Carinarnico na Erjavčevi, ob 20.00 v Mestno galerijo Nova Gorica.

Varl, Metod Blejec, Una Rebić, Miha Colner, Slavko Glamočanin, Postaja Topolove/ Stazione di Topolò, SMO – Slovensko

You are cordially invited to attend the Festival opening

multimedialno okno/Landscape and

Friday, 2 December 2016,

Narrative Museum In vsi, ki so prispevali k posameznim projektom in festivalski ediciji ”MI” kot celoti. And all contributors in individual projects and the festival edition ‘We’ as a whole.

17.30 at the University of Nova Gorica School of Arts (Gorizia), 18.30 at the Trgovski dom Gallery (Gorizia), 19.30 at the Carinarnica - Bivouac of Urban Culture, Erjavčeva, 20.00 at the Nova Gorica City Gallery.



Perhaps the key question I ask throughout this process is how we see one another. Not just through art or science, but most of all how all this helps us to survive, what it implies for the fate of the human being.

4 Galerija TIR, Mostovna

TIR, Mostovna Gallery

While the festival centers around the Nova Gorica City Gallery, it will host only a small part of the exhibition and festival events. During the festival week the event venues and the events themselves are spread throughout the city. Sometimes artists will invite you to attend an exhibition, other times they will invite you to see a movie, join in a discussion or sing. Sometimes will take a little walk, and another day we will be making a day-trip. You are invited to try out ‘shirting’, then take a walk alone to see the exhibitions, sit down and read some poetry, or listen to the sound intended for a single listener.

5 Goriška knjižnica

10 Kulturni dom Nova Gorica

Franceta Bevka France Bevk Gorica Library

Kulturni dom Nova Gorica

6 Kulturno-informacijskia stična točka

11 Rotunda SNG

Cultural-Info Point

The festival week begins with a social event, a reflection on the memory for the future, and the other half will sail into the territory of natural sciences, rounded-off with another social event.

Rotunda of SNG

1 Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica

Nova Gorica City Gallery

3 Carinarnica – bivak urbane kulture

Rene Rusjan

Carinarnica - Bivouac of Urban Culture TUNEL

O kuratorki/About the curator: Rene Rusjan je vizualna umetnica s koreninami v kiparstvu, ki ga razume predvsem v relaciji prostor/odnosi. Umetnost raziskuje skozi prizmo njene vloge v naših življenjih, kot orodja za vzpostavljanje komunikacije med nami samimi, različnimi nivoji družbe, odnosa do zgodovine in sedanjosti, relacij med različnimi disciplinami, razumevanju drugega. Je soustanoviteljica Šole uporabnih umetnosti Famul Stuart (1994), predhodnice Visoke šole za umetnost in sedaj Akademije umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici, kjer je od 2009 zaposlena kot direktorica programa in profesorica sodobnih umetniških praks. Po selitvi šole iz Ljubljane v Gorico se Rusjanova še posebej posveča raziskovanju potencialov, ki jih ponuja ta prostor, soočanju njegovih geografskih, zgodovinskih in kulturnih posebnosti z izzivi sodobnosti, v katerih ima skozi številna sodelovanja lahko pomembno vlogo tudi univerza. Rene Rusjan is a visual artist rooted in sculpture, which she understands mostly in terms of space and relationships. She observes art through the prism of the role it plays in our lives, as a tool for establishing communications between ourselves, various layers of society, a tool for exploring our attitudes to history and the present time, the relationships between different disciplines and a tool for understanding each other. She co-founded and served as program director of the Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts (1994), the predecessor of the School of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica, where she has been employed since 2009 as program director and as a professor of contemporary artistic practices. Since the School’s relocation from Ljubljana to Gorizia, she has focused on researching the local environment’s potential, juxtaposing its geographic, historic and cultural characteristics with the challenges of contemporaneity, where the University can play an important role through various collaborations.

8 Frančiškanski samostan Kostanjevica

Kostanjevica Franciscan Monastery

9 Kinemax


7 Trgovski dom

Trgovski dom Gallery

2 Akademija umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici

University of Nova Gorica School of Arts



Kemična čistilnica Slamič Alenka




12 Univerza v Novi Gorici

University of Nova Gorica

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