8. mednarodno tekmovanje saksofonistov/8th International Saxophone Competition

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NOVA GORICA, 29. 6.−­10. 7. 2016



NOVA GORICA, 2.−­9. 7. 2016

Častni pokrovitelj tekmovanja/ Honorary patron of the competition:

Matej Arčon,

župan Mestne občine Nova Gorica/ Mayor of the Municipality of Nova Gorica


Posebna zahvala/ Special thanks to:


Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Big band RTV Slovenija

Generalna sponzorja zaključnega koncerta/The main sponsors of the final concert:

• • • • • •

Mestna občina Nova Gorica/ Municipality of Nova Gorica Občina Brda/Municipality of Brda Orkester Slovenske filharmonije/Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Big Band RTV Slovenija/Big Band RTV Slovenia Ameriško veleposlaništvo v Sloveniji/U.S. Embassy Ljubljana, Slovenia Hiša Štekar/House Štekar, Snežatno Hotel Sabotin, Solkan Mestne storitve d.o.o., Nova Gorica

Medijska sponzorja/ Media sponsors: • •

Izdal/Published by: Kulturni dom Nova Gorica Direktorica/Director: Pavla Jarc Uredila/Edited by: Polona Abram Prevod/Translation: Peter Szabo Oblikovanje/Design: Marko Krumberger Tisk/Print: Tiskarna Present, Ljubljana Naklada/Pressrun: 400 izvodov/copies Partnerji/Partners:

Občina Brda

Radio Koper Radio Robin

Sponzorji nagradnega sklada in tekmovanja/ Prize-Fund and Competition sponzors: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Henri Selmer Paris, Francija/France Vincero, Ljubljana Roberto Buttus, S. Giovanni al Natisone, Italija/Italy Društvo slovenskih skladateljev, Ljubljana/ Society of Slovene Composers, Ljubljana Glasbena mladina Slovenije /Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia Mestna občina Nova Gorica/Municipality of Nova Gorica Glasbeno društvo Saksofonija/Saksofonija Music Society D'Addario and Company, Inc. New York, ZDA/USA Eugene Rousseau Music Products, Minnesota, ZDA/USA BG France, Francija/France Symphony international, Kranj HIT, d.o.o.

Nova Gorica po treh letih spet gosti mednarodno tekmovanje saksofonistov, kjer se za lepe nagrade sponzorjev, partnerjev in podpornikov že osmič kosajo mladi glasbeniki iz različnih delov sveta. Kandidati letos prihajajo iz šestnajstih držav - Avstralije, Belgije, Finske, Francije, Italije, Japonske, Južne Koreje, Kitajske, Makedonije, Nizozemske, Poljske, Portugalske, Rusije, Slovenije, Srbije in Španije. Mladi umetniki izvajajo skladbe izbranih slovenskih skladateljev, za katere marsikdo med njimi prej verjetno še ni slišal, ter tako širijo védenje o Sloveniji (njeni kulturi in ustvarjalnosti) izven naših meja. Osebnost, muzikalnost, inventivnost in tehnično dovršenost dokazujejo še z izbranim repertoarjem, katerega stili segajo od romantike preko standardnih skladb 20. stoletja vse do glasbe našega časa. Predsednik žirije je stari znanec naših srečanj, nedvomno prvo ime klasičnega saksofona in profesor na znamenitem Pariškem konservatoriju, Claude Delangle. Prvič smo v žirijo povabili tudi jazzista, to je francoski saksofonist Guillaume Orti, ki bo igro nastopajočih ocenjeval z nekoliko drugačnega glasbenega zornega kota. V Novi Gorici tokrat gostimo enega najpomembnejših ameriških klasičnih saksofonistov in pedagogov Stevena Mauka. Iz Hrvaške prihaja vzhajajoča zvezda, saksofonist, skladatelj in pedagog Gordan Tudor, slovenske barve pa zastopa stalnica mednarodnih srečanj v Novi Gorici, vsestranski Lev Pupis. V finalu se žiriji pridružuje odlični mladi dirigent Simon Krečič, ki bo z osrednjim nacionalnim orkestrom, Orkestrom Slovenske filharmonije, spremljal pet najboljših solistov tega tekmovanja v koncertih iz železnega repertoarja za ta inštrument. Tekmovanja za mladega nadobudnega umetnika prav gotovo niso življenjsko usodna, lahko pa ga motivirajo pri delu in iskanju osebnega izraza ter ga usmerjajo, neposvečenim in laični publiki pa lahko odkrijejo marsikateri nebrušeni diamant. Dragi tekmovalci, dobrodošli in veliko uspeha vam želim! Matjaž Drevenšek, umetniški vodja

Nova Gorica is hosting once again the International Saxophone Competition - three years since last time - thus offering young musicians from all over the world the chance for competing for the lovely prizes of sponsors, partners and supporters for the eighth time. This year, the candidates come from sixteen countries: Australia, Belgium, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, China, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Serbia and Spain. The young artists will perform songs by selected Slovenian composers, whom the young performers probably did not know before, thus spreading the Slovenian culture and creativity beyond the country’s borders. The musicians express their personality, musicality, inventiveness and professional excellence with the choice of the repertoire, with styles ranging from romanticism to contemporary music, including standard pieces of the 20th Century. The president of the judging panel is Claude Delangle, an old acquaintance of our meetings, undisputed doyen of classical saxophone and professor at the famous Conservatory of Paris. For the first time, we invited a jazz player to join the panel. French saxophone player Guillaume Orti will be judging the performances from a slightly different music perspective. We will also be hosting Steven Mauk, one of the greatest American professors and players of classical saxophone. Gordan Tudor, rising star, saxophone player, composer and professor, will be coming from Croatia, while Slovenia will be represented by the very talented Lev Pupis, a regular of international meetings in Nova Gorica. In the finals, the young conductor Simon Krečič with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, main national orchestra, will team up with the panel to see the five best soloists of the competition perform in concerts of the standard saxophone repertoire. For young aspiring artists, competitions are certainly not vitally important, but they can motivate them to work, find their personal traits and develop them, while the public can discover many diamonds in the rough. Dear contestants, I bid you a warm welcome and wish you every success! Matjaž Drevenšek, Artistic Director

odmevnega dogodka ozrli nazaj in pobrskali po arhivu, smo z navdušenjem ugotavljali, kako se je srečanje iz leta v leto vedno bolj razvijalo in nadgrajevalo, koliko mladih iz praktično celega sveta se je udeleževalo poletnih šol, tekmovalo v okviru mednarodnih tekmovanj in sodelovalo na festivalih. Mnogi med njimi so postali mednarodno uveljavljeni saksofonisti. Bogat je tudi seznam eminentnih domačih in tujih glasbenikov, mentorjev, ki so v vseh teh letih v Novi Gorici strokovno usmerjali mlade vedoželjne saksofoniste, sodelovali v tekmovalnih žirijah in navduševali občinstvo na številnih koncertih. Skratka, Nova Gorica je z Mednarodnim srečanjem saksofonistov postala prepoznavna v slovenskem in širšem mednarodnem prostoru in se na svetovni zemljevid vpisala kot mesto saksofona. Sedaj je potrebno samo ambiciozno zreti naprej ter vse te izjemne dosežke bogatiti z novimi, svežimi vsebinami.

20 LET SAKSOFONA V MESTU Mednarodno srečanje saksofonistov že dve desetletji pomembno sooblikuje kulturno podobo Nove Gorice in prinaša v mesto utrip festivalskega življenja. Vse se je začelo leta 1996, ko se je glasbenemu pedagogu, pihalcu in dolgoletnemu vodji goriških pihalnih orkestrov, Stojanu Ristovskemu, porodila prodorna ideja, da bi v Novi Gorici pripravili srečanje saksofonistov. Tu bi na delavnicah mladi glasbeniki pridobivali dodatna znanja in nove izkušnje, spoznavali raznovrstno literaturo za to vse bolj popularno glasbilo, posebnosti njegovega zvoka, igrali v komornih skupinah in oblikovali orkester saksofonov. Tako so se rodili prvi Dnevi saksofona v Novi Gorici, ki jih je pripravil Kulturni dom Nova Gorica pod vodstvom takratne direktorice Alenke Saksida v sodelovanju z glasbenima šolama Nova Gorica in Velenje. Umetniško vodenje srečanja je bilo zaupano mednarodno uveljavljenemu saksofonistu in pedagogu Otu Vrhovniku. Leta 2000 so srečanje začeli strokovno usmerjati italijanski saksofonisti in pedagogi iz kvarteta saksofonov Accademia, ki so poletnemu glasbenemu izobraževanju dajali ritem vse do leta 2004, ko je to vlogo prevzel priznani saksofonist in profesor na ljubljanski Akademiji za glasbo, Matjaž Drevenšek, in jo uspešno opravlja še danes. Ko smo se ob pripravah na dvajsetletnico tega enkratnega in

Pavla Jarc, direktorica

20TH ANNIVERSARY OF SAXOPHONE IN TOWN The International Saxophone Meeting has been polishing the cultural image of Nova Gorica and bringing festival vibes to the town for two decades. It all began in 1996 when Stojan Ristovski, music teacher, wind player and long-time conductor of wind orchestras from the Goriška region, came up with the marvellous idea of organising a saxophone meeting in Nova Gorica. Young musicians would gain new knowledge and experience in workshops, get familiar with the literature for this increasingly popular instrument with specific sound features, play in chamber ensembles and form a saxophone orchestra. This is how the first Nova Gorica Saxophone Days were born: organised by the Kulturni dom Nova Gorica managed by the then Director Alenka Saksida in cooperaton with the Nova Gorica and Velenje music schools. The Art Director of the meeting was Oto Vrhovnik, internationally acclaimed saxophone player and professor. In 2000, Italian saxophonists and professors from the “Accademia” saxophone quartet offered their professional guidance and continued by setting the pace of the summer music event up until 2004 when

the role was taken on and is still played by MatjaĹž DrevenĹĄek, noted saxophone player and professor at the Ljubljana Academy of Music. As we looked back and rummaged through our archives in preparation for the 20th anniversary of this unique and momentous event, we were more than happy to discover how much the meeting grew and improved from year to year and how many young people from all over the world attended the summer schools, took part in international competitions and performed in festivals. Many of them became world-renowned saxophone players. There is also a long list of Slovenian and foreign musicians, mentors who have guided curious young saxophone players in all these years in Nova Gorica, participated in judging panels and enthralled the audience at numerous concerts. In short, thanks to the International Saxophone Meeting, Nova Gorica has become visible in Slovenia and in the wider international arena and was put on the map as the town of saxophone. Now all we need to do is to look ahead with ambition and dress up all these extraordinary achievements in new, fresh content. Pavla Jarc, Director

8th International Saxophone Competition

Kategorija: rojeni leta 1986 in mlajši

Category: saxophonists born after 1986



Obvezni skladbi:

Compulsory compositions:

• César Franck: Sonata v A-duru − I. st. (transkripcija po izbiri) ali • Johannes Brahms: Sonata, op. 120 št. 2 − I. st. (transkripcija po izbiri) • Janez Matičič: Repliques (DSS)

POLFINALE (največ 10 kandidatov) Obvezna skladba: • Nina Šenk: Impetus (DSS)

Skladba s sledečega seznama: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

William Albright: Sonata (Peters) Georges Aperghis: Alter ego (Durand) Luciano Berio: Sequenza VIIb (Universal) Edison Denisov: Sonata (Leduc) Thierry Escaich: Lutte (Misterioso) Jindřich Feld: Sonata za sopranski ali altovski saksofon (Leduc) Christian Lauba: 25 etud – ena po izbiri Lojze Lebič: Invokacija / à Primož Ramovš (DSS) Bruno Mantovani: L’incandescence de la bruine (Lemoine) David Maslanka: Sonata (NASA) Uroš Rojko: Godba (DSS) Florent Schmitt: Legende, op. 66 (Durand) Mariyn Shrude: Renewing the Myth (Lemoine) Karlheinz Stockhausen: In Freundschaft (Stockhausen Verlag) Piet Swerts: Kotekan (Zodiac) Peter Šavli: Visuddhi (DSS) Fuminori Tanada: Mysterious Morning III (Lemoine)

FINALE (največ 5 kandidatov) Solistični skladbi z Orkestrom Slovenske filharmonije, dirigent Simon Krečič • • • •

Henri Tomasi: Koncert (Leduc) ali Jacques Ibert: Concertino da camera (Leduc) ali Jeanine Rueff: Concertino, op.17 (Leduc) in Frank Martin: Ballade (Universal)

• César Franck: Sonata in A Major − I. mvt. (any transcription) or • Johannes Brahms: Sonata, Op. 120 No. 2 − I. mvt. (any transcription) and • Janez Matičič: Repliques (DSS)

SEMI-FINALS (maximum 10 candidates) Compulsory composition: • Nina Šenk: Impetus (DSS)

One composition from the following list: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

William Albright: Sonata (Peters) Georges Aperghis: Alter ego (Durand) Luciano Berio: Sequenza VIIb (Universal) Edison Denisov: Sonata (Leduc) Thierry Escaich: Lutte (Misterioso) Jindřich Feld: Sonata za sopranski ali altovski saksofon (Leduc) Christian Lauba: 25 etud – ena po izbiri Lojze Lebič: Invokacija / à Primož Ramovš (DSS) Bruno Mantovani: L’incandescence de la bruine (Lemoine) David Maslanka: Sonata (NASA) Uroš Rojko: Godba (DSS) Florent Schmitt: Legende, op. 66 (Durand) Mariyn Shrude: Renewing the Myth (Lemoine) Karlheinz Stockhausen: In Freundschaft (Stockhausen Verlag) Piet Swerts: Kotekan (Zodiac) Peter Šavli: Visuddhi (DSS) Fuminori Tanada: Mysterious Morning III (Lemoine)

FINALE (maximum 5 candidates) Solo with the Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Simon Krečič: • • • •

Henri Tomasi: Concerto (Leduc) or Jacques Ibert: Concertino da camera (Leduc) or Jeanine Rueff: Concertino, Op.17 (Leduc) and Frank Martin: Ballade (Universal)



8. mednarodno tekmovanje saksofonistov

Pravila za tekmovalce:

Rules for the participants:

1. 2.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Igra se izključno iz originalnih partitur. Dobitnik I. nagrade na Mednarodnem tekmovanju saksofonistov v Sloveniji v najvišji starostni skupini (Krško 2001, Nova Gorica 2003 do 2013) se tekmovanja ne more ponovno udeležiti. Tekmovalec ima na razpolago uradnega korepetitorja. Tekmovalec je pred tekmovanjem dolžan pokazati identifikacijski dokument. Tekmovalec komisiji pripravi pet kopij (klavirskih) not vsake izbirne skladbe. Vrstni red tekmovanja je določen z javnim žrebom pred tekmovanjem. Organizator si pridržuje vse pravice za javna snemanja, predvajanja in objavo na avdio in/ali video zapisih.

Pravila za delo žirije: 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Žirija ima predsednika in pet članov: Claude Delangle (F) – predsednik, Steven Mauk (ZDA), Guillaume Orti (F), Lev Pupis (SI), Gordan Tudor (HR) in Simon Krečič (SI). V primeru, da je član žirije odsoten zaradi višje sile, ima predsednik žirije pravico do odločanja v kočljivih situacijah. Žirant tekmovalca/ko ocenjuje s točkami od 1 do 100 (50 točk pomeni še sprejemljivo izvedbo). Za končno oceno se izračuna povprečje točk iz kvalifikacij in polfinala (te pred koncem tekmovanja niso javno objavljene) ter točk iz finala. Člani žirije poleg petih (5) nagrajencev izberejo še izvajalca, ki je med celotnim tekmovanjem podal najboljšo izvedbo skladbe slovenskega skladatelja. Če je žirant v sorodu s tekmovalcem/ko oz. je njegov/njen trenutni učitelj, tekmovalca/ke ne ocenjuje. Predsednik sme v imenu žirije prekiniti nastop tekmovalca/ke, če tako zahteva časovni okvir tekmovanja. Žirija lahko za polfinale in finale določi tudi manj od maksimalnega števila kandidatov. Odločitev žirije je dokončna, po zaključku tekmovanja je možen razgovor s člani.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Competitors must perform from original sheet music only. Photo-copies are not allowed. Winners of the 1st prize of previous International Saxophone Competitions in Slovenia in the highest category (Krško 2001, Nova Gorica from 2003 to 2013) will not be allowed to participate. An official accompanist is available to all the competitors. Competitors must produce a valid ID document before the competition. Competitors must prepare five copies of the (piano) score of the selected works. The order of performance will be determined by a public draw prior to the competition. The organiser retains all public recording and broadcasting rights, including the rights to publishing audio and/or video recordings.

Rules for the Work of the Jury: 1.

2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8. 9.

The Jury shall be composed of its president and five members: Claude Delangle (F) as President, Steven Mauk (USA), Guillaume Orti (F), Lev Pupis (SI), Gordan Tudor (HR) and Simon Krečič (SI) as Members. If a Juror is absent because of force majeure and the Jury cannot assign points as a result, the President of the Jury shall decide. Jurors shall assess the competitors by assigning points ranging from 1 to 100 (where 50 points stands for acceptable performance). The final ranking shall be made on the basis of the average of all points won in the Preliminaries, the Semifinals — the results of which will not be officially published until the end of the Competition — as well as of the points won in the Finale. Apart from five (5) prize winners, the Jurors shall also select the best interpretation (during all competition stages) of a composition written by a Slovene composer. If a Juror is related to a competitor or is his/her current teacher, the Juror may not assess the competitor. The President, acting on behalf of the Jury, may interrupt the performance of a competitor due to time restraints. The Jury may set out fewer than the maximum number of participants for the Semifinal and the Finale. The Jury’s decisions shall be considered final and indisputable. Competitors may ask to talk to the Jury after the competition.


1. nagrada: • • • • •

Selmer sopranski saksofon SIII − Selmer Paris; honoriran koncert v višini 500 EUR v enem izmed ciklov GMS v sezoni 2016/17 − Glasbena mladina Slovenije; BG Duo − pozlačena objemka − BG France; darilni bon vikend paket za dve osebi v hotelu 4* Perla ali Park, Nova Gorica − HIT d. d.; Rico Pack - D'Addario and Company, Inc.

5. nagrada: • • • •

Posebne nagrade: •

2. nagrada: • • • • •

Yanagisawa saksofon − Vincero d.o.o.; denarna nagrada v vrednosti 500 EUR neto − Mestna občina Nova Gorica; BG Duo − pozlačena objemka - BG France; kovček za saksofon − Symphony International; Rico Pack − D'Addario and Company, Inc.

3. nagrada: • • • •

Sequoia sopranski saksofon − Buttus Roberto Riparazioni Strumenti Musicali; vrednostni bon v višini 500 EUR − Eugene Rousseau Music Products; BG Duo − pozlačena objemka − BG France; Rico Pack − D'Addario and Company, Inc.

4. nagrada: • • • •

Denarna nagrada 300 EUR − Glasbeno društvo Saksofonija; BG Duo - zlato lakirana objemka − BG France; notno stojalo − Symphony International; Rico Pack − D'Addario and Company, Inc

denarna nagrada 200 EUR − Glasbeno društvo Saksofonija; BG Duo − posrebrena objemka − BG France; notno stojalo − Symphony International; Rico Pack − D'Addario and Company, Inc.

• •

Kulturni dom Nova Gorica najvišje ocenjenemu slovenskemu tekmovalcu omogoči honoriran koncert v višini 500 EUR bruto na festivalu 21. mednarodnega srečanja saksofonistov v Novi Gorici leta 2017. Glasbena šola Nova Gorica omogoči drugemu najvišje ocenjenemu slovenskemu tekmovalcu honoriran koncert v višini 300 EUR neto v ciklu Zvoki mladosti v sezoni 2016/2017. Društvo slovenskih skladateljev podari vsem finalistom praktične nagrade (zgoščenke in edicije) iz lastne produkcije.

Nagrada za vse udeležence: •

Vsi udeleženci prejmejo potrdilo o udeležbi, podjetje BG France pa jim podari Reed Performer Set.

First prize: • • • • •

Selmer SIII Soprano Saxophone − Selmer Paris; Paid concert (500 €) in the 2016/17 concert series of Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia − Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia; Gift voucher for two HB overnight stays at the Perla four-star hotel in Nova Gorica − HIT, d. d.; BG Duo − ligature gold plated − BG France; Rico Pack − D’Addario and Company, Inc.

Fifth prize: • • • •

Special prizes: •

Second prize: • • • • •

Yanagisawa Saxophone − Vincero Ltd.; Cash prize worth € 500 net − Mestna občina Nova Gorica; BG Duo − ligature gold plated − BG France; Saxophone case − Symphony International; Rico Pack − D’Addario and Company, Inc.

Third prize: • • • • •

Sequoia Soprano Saxophone − Buttus Roberto Riparazioni Strumenti Musicali; Cash prize worth € 500 − Eugene Rousseau Music Products; Saxophone case − Symphony International; BG Duo − ligature gold plated − BG France; Rico Pack − D’Addario and Company, Inc.

Cash prize worth € 200 − Saksofonija Music Society; BG Duo − alto ligature silver plated − BG France; Music stand − Symphony International; Rico Pack − D’Addario and Company, Inc.

The Slovene competitor with the best assessment will be awarded a concert honorarium in the amount of € 500 gross − a concert staged as a part of the 21th International Saxophone Meeting, which will take place in Nova Gorica in 2017 − The prize is awarded by Nova Gorica Arts Centre. The Slovene competitor with the second best assessment will be awarded a concert honorarium in the amount of 300 € − a concert staged as a part of the seria Sounds of ther Youth in the season 2016/2017. The prize is awarded by Nova Gorica Music School. All the finalists will receive practical gifts (CDs and publications) from the Society of Slovene Composers.

All candidates: •

All the participants will receive participation certificates and BG France “Reed Performer Set”.

Fourth prize: Cash prize worth € 300 − Saksofonija Music Society; BG Duo − ligature gold lacquered − BG France; Music stand − Symphony International; Rico Pack − D’Addario and Company, Inc.


• • • •


Umetniški vodja:

Artistic director:

Matjaž Drevenšek (SI)

Matjaž Drevenšek (SI)

je redni profesor za saksofon in prodekan na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani, solist in komorni glasbenik, član Zagrebškega kvarteta saksofonov, Orkestra saksofonov SOS ter drugih zasedb, s katerimi nastopa po Evropi, Južni Ameriki, Aziji, Kanadi in ZDA. Kot solist igra z vodilnimi simfoničnimi in pihalnimi orkestri doma in v tujini (Francija, Hongkong, Hrvaška, ZDA). Sodeluje v žirijah na domačih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih mladih glasbenikov (Avstrija, Francija, Hrvaška, Italija, Latvija, Nemčija, Poljska, Srbija). Krstno je izvedel prek 50 skladb domačih in tujih avtorjev, sodeloval je pri 19 diskografskih izdajah. Predsedoval je Glasbenemu društvu Saksofonija, ki je poleti 2006 gostilo 14. svetovni kongres saksofonistov, in Zvezi glasbene mladine Slovenije. Od leta 2004 je umetniški vodja Mednarodnih srečanj saksofonistov in Mednarodnega tekmovanja saksofonistov v Novi Gorici.

is a resident professor of saxophone and Vice Dean at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, a soloist, chamber performer, member of the Zagreb Saxophone Quartet, SOS Saxophone Orchestra and of other ensembles with which he performs throughout Europe, Asia, Canada, South America and the USA. As a soloist, he plays with leading symphony orchestras and concert bands at home and abroad (Croatia, France, Hong Kong, USA). He took part, as a jury member, in Slovenian and international competitions for young musicians (Austria, France, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Germany, Poland, Serbia). He premiered over 50 pieces by domestic and foreign composers, and he has taken part in 19 discography projects. He was formally president of the Saksofonija Music Society, which during the summer of 2006 hosted the 14th World Saxophone Congress. He also served as president of the Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia. Since 2004 he is the artistic director of the International Saxophone Meetings and International Saxophone Competition in Nova Gorica.



Claude Delangle (FR)

Claude Delangle (FR)

Solist, raziskovalec in pedagog Claude Delangle (FR) je eden izmed največjih sodobnih saksofonistov, ki je pravi mojster francoske šole saksofona. Kot poznavalec klasičnih del spodbuja ustvarjalnost in svoj repertoar bogati s sodelovanjem z najbolj znanimi skladatelji, kot so L. Berio, P. Boulez, Toru Takemitsu, A. Piazzolla, ter se zavzema za mlade upe. Od leta 1986 je saksofonist pri zasedbi Ensemble Intercontemporain, poleg tega pa kot solist nastopa z najuglednejšimi orkestri ter sodeluje z dirigenti, kot so D. Robertson, P. Eötvös, K. Nagano, E. P. Salonen, Miung Wung Chung, G. Bernstein in mnogi drugi. V njegovih posnetkih za založbe BIS, Deutsche Grammophon, Harmonia Mundi, Erato in Verany se kaže francoska glasba, a hkrati odkrijemo nova glasbena obzorja, od zbirke genialnega Adolpha Saxa do avantgardnih del ali splošnega repertoarja. Claude Delangle je bil leta 1988 po številnih nagradah pariškega glasbenega konservatorija imenovan za profesorja na tej ustanovi, kjer je ustvaril najprestižnejši saksofonski razred na svetu.

Soloist, researcher and pedagogue, Claude Delangle (FR), one of the greatest contemporary saxophonists, stands out as the master of the French saxophone. Privileged interpreter for classic works, he enriches the repertoire and encourages creation by collaborating with the most renowned composers, including L. Berio, P. Boulez, Toru Takemitsu, A. Piazzolla, and promoting the youngest. Since 1986, he is invited saxophonist in the Ensemble Intercontemporain, he also appears as soloist with the most prestigious orchestras and works with D. Robertson, P. Eötvös, K. Nagano, E. P. Salonen, Miung Wung Chung, G. Bernstein and many other conductors. His recordings for BIS, Deutsche Grammophon, Harmonia Mundi, Erato and Verany bring out French music while revealing new musical horizons from the repertoire created by the brilliant Adolphe Sax to the avant-garde works or the popular repertoire. After obtaining several outstanding Premiers Prix at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique of Paris , Claude Delangle was appointed professor in 1988, where he has created the most prestigious saxophone class in the world.

Dr. Steven Mauk (USA)

je profesor saksofona na Akademiji za glasbo v Ithaci od leta 1975. Kot solist, član komornih zasedb in orkestrov je nastopal po vsem svetu. Kot eden izmed največjih strokovnjakov za sopranski saksofon je pogosto povabljen na predavanja, recitale in predstavitve člankov v povezavi s to vrsto saksofonov. Poleg tega je ustanovitelj komornih sestavov Empire Saxophone Quartet, Troica, Remeleixo, in Tango de Cámara. Kar trideset skladb so zanj napisali skladatelji, kot so Dana Wilson, Graham Fitkin, David Kechley, Meyer Kupferman, Lawrence Weiner, Marc Satterwhite, Gregory Woodward, Peter Rothbart ter David Deason. Steven Mauk je posnel 22 albumov, napisal več kot 100 člankov ter štiri knjige. Je poznavalec tako Selmer kot Vandoren ustnikov. Kot aktiven član Severnoameriške saksofonske zveze je opravljal funkcijo predsednika in direktorja na področju znanstvenih objav. Leta 2012 je bil izvoljen za častnega člana, kar je najvišji častni naziv, ki ga dodeljuje ta organizacija, prejel pa je tudi mnoge nagrade za dosežke pri poučevanju in raziskovanju.

has served as Professor of Saxophone in the School of Music at Ithaca College since 1975. He has presented numerous solo, chamber music, and concerto performances all over the world. As one of the foremost authorities on the soprano saxophone, he is often invited to present lectures, recitals, and articles dealing with this member of the saxophone family. He is a founding member of the chamber groups Empire Saxophone Quartet, Troica, Remeleixo, and Tango de Cámara. Thirty works have been dedicated to him by such composers as Dana Wilson, Graham Fitkin, David Kechley, Meyer Kupferman, Lawrence Weiner, Marc Satterwhite, Gregory Woodward, Peter Rothbart, and David Deason. Mauk has recorded 22 albums, written over 100 articles, and authored four books. He is an artist/clinician for both Selmer and Vandoren. As an active member of the North American Saxophone Alliance, Mauk has held the offices of President and Director of Scholarly Publications. In 2012, he was elected an Honorary Life Member, the highest honor bestowed by this professional organization and received many awards for his excellence in teaching and research.

Guillaume Orti (FR)

Guillaume Orti (FR)

francoski jazzovski saksofonist, je saksofon začel igrati pri enajstih letih. Že od takrat ga zanimata tako improvizacija kot tudi izvajanje glasbe po notah. Študiral je jazz in klasično glasbo na Regionalnem konservatoriju v Avignonu ter se udeležili mnogih instrumentalnih delavnic in seminarjev. Ko se je leta 1989 preselil v Pariz, je soustanovil skupino Kartet, nato pa še glasbena kolektiva Hask in Mercoledi & Co. Te tri zasedbe so kasneje postale vodilne na področju improvizirane glasbe. Spoznavanje z glasbeniki širom Evrope, Afrike in Indije mu je omogočilo, da je razvil dolgoročno sodelovanje z mnogimi skupinami. Leta 2012 in 2013 je bil umetniški direktor zasedbe European Saxophone Ensemble, sestavljene iz 12 mladih saksofonistov iz dvanajstih različnih držav Evropske unije, ki izvajajo nove kompozicije petih evropskih skladateljev.

French jazz saxophonist, started playing the saxophone at the age of eleven. Since then he has always been interested in improvisation as well as in any written music. He studied both jazz and classical music at the Regional Conservatory of Avignon and attended to many different instrumental workshops and seminar. Settled in Paris in 1989, he co-founded the band Kartet, then the collectives of musicians Hask and Mercoledi & Co. These three ensembles were to become leading voices in the field of improvised music. Meeting musicians throughout Europe, Africa and India led him to develop long term collaborations with many other bands. For the years 2012 and 2013, he was artictic director of the European Saxophone Ensemble: an ensemble of 12 young saxophonists from twelve different countries of the European Union gathered for an original repertoire created by 5 European composers.


Dr. Steven Mauk (ZDA)


Lev Pupis (SI)

Lev Pupis (SI)

velja za enega vodilnih klasičnih slovenskih saksofonistov. Študiral je na Dunaju, v Parizu in Ljubljani, kjer je zaposlen na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet. Njegovi profesorji so bili Oto Vrhovnik, JeanYves Fourmeau, Vincent David in Matjaž Drevenšek. Kot solist sodeluje s priznanimi komornimi in simfoničnimi orkestri, je ustanovitelj kvarteta Ensemble 4Saxess, s katerim je koncertiral po Evropi in ZDA in tudi član ter koncertni mojster mednarodnega saksofonskega orkestra SOS. Zanj in za zasedbe, v katerih aktivno sodeluje je bilo napisanih preko 30 skladb sodobnih slovenskih in tujih avtorjev. Lev Pupis pogosto predava na tujih glasbenih univerzah in je mentor na različnih poletnih šolah, vabljen pa je tudi kot žirant glasbenih tekmovanj doma in v tujini. Poleg poučevanja in koncertiranja je aktiven tudi kot organizator in vodja pedagoško umetniških projektov, kot so: Mednarodni glasbeni festival in tekmovanje EMONA, AS festival Bled in medgeneracijski projekt SOS. Lev Pupis je uradni promotor znamk DAWW in SEQUOIA ter član vodstva mednarodnega saksofonskega komiteja.

one of the best Slovenian classical saxophone players, studied in Vienna, Paris and Ljubljana, where he works as a teacher at the Conservatory of Music and Ballet. His professors were Oto Vrhovnik, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Vincent David and Matjaž Drevenšek. As a solo artist, he cooperates with famed chamber and symphonic orchestras. He is the founder of the 4saxess saxophone quartet, which he led on tours across Europe and the US, as well as a member and concertmaster of the SOS international saxophone orchestra. Contemporary Slovenian and foreign authors wrote over 30 music pieces for him and the orchestras he actively cooperates with. Lev Pupis teaches quite frequently at foreign music academies and several summer schools, while also acting as judge at music competitions in Slovenia and abroad. Apart from teaching and performing at concerts, he also organises and manages educational and artistic projects such as the EMONA International Music Festival and Competition, the Bled AS Festival and the SOS Intergenerational Project. He is an endorser of the DAWW and SEQUOIA brands as well as a member of the International Saxophone Committee.

Gordan Tudor (HR)

Gordan Tudor (HR)

je saksofonist in skladatelj. Študiral je v Splitu, Zagrebu (Dragan Sremec), Amsterdamu (Arno Bornkamp) in Parizu (Claude Delangle). Gordan je nagrajenec mnogih domačih in mednarodnih tekmovanj za saksofoniste in skladatelje, v različnih komornih zasedbah (duo, trio, kvartet, solo in elektronika) ter kot solist v številnih orkestrih pa je nastopal po Evropi in Severni Ameriki. Je altovski saksofonist priznanega kvarteta Papandopulo in sopranski saksofonist tria GIG. Prav tako je umetniški direktor festivala "Dani nove glazbe" v Splitu in dela na Umetniški akademiji v Splitu kot docent za saksofon in komorno glasbo, na glasbeni šoli "Josip Hatze" ter na Akademiji za glasbo v Novem Sadu. Leta 2015 je izdal prvi album s hrvaško glasbo za saksofon, in sicer pri založbi CANTUS. Poletje 2011 pa je preživel na rezidenci na poletnem festivalu Bang on a Can v Muzeju sodobne umetnosti v Massachusettsu (North Adams, MA).

saxophone player and composer. He studied in Split, Zagreb (Dragan Sremec), Amsterdam (Arno Bornkamp) and Paris (Claude Delangle). Gordan is a laureate of numerous national and international competitions for saxophone players and composers and has performed throughout Europe and North America in various chamber ensembles (duo, trio, quartet, solo + electronics) and with many orchestras as a soloist. Gordan is the alto saxophone player of the highly acclaimed Papandopulo Quartet and the soprano saxophone player of the Trio GIG. He is the artistic director of the festival “New Music Days” in Split, working also as an Assistant Professor of Saxophone and Chamber Music at the Split University Art Academy, at the “Josip Hatze” Music School, and at the Music Academy in Novi Sad (Serbia). In 2015, Gordan Tudor published his first album with Croatian music for saxophone, released by CANTUS. He spent the summer of 2011 in residence at the Bang on a Can Summer Festival – Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (North Adams, MA).

Simon Krečič (SI)

pianist in dirigent, je sprva študiral klavir na ljubljanski Akademiji za glasbo, kjer je leta 2002 diplomiral v razredu Acija Bertonclja. Leta 2005 je opravil podiplomski študij v razredu Aleksandra Madžarja na Visoki umetniški šoli v Bernu. Novembra 2008 je bil nagrajenec mednarodnega dirigentskega tekmovanja v italijanskem Grosettu. Od marca 2009 je redni gost orkestra Slovenske filharmonije in Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija. Dirigiral je številne koncerte v okviru abonmajskih ciklov, protokolarne in priložnostne koncerte ter številna snemanja. Študij dirigiranja je zaključil septembra 2012 na ljubljanski Akademiji za glasbo v razredu prof. Milivoja Šurbka. Sodeluje s številnimi vidnimi domačimi in tujimi solisti, s katerimi je posnel vrsto zgoščenk. Vse bolj se uveljavlja tudi v mednarodnem prostoru. Marca 2011 je bil asistent dirigenta predstave Werther v Teatru Real v Madridu. Februarja 2015 je dirigiral Verdijevo opero Macbeth v Teatru Verdi v Pisi. Od decembra 2013 je umetniški direktor Opere SNG Maribor.

pianist and conductor, studied piano at the Music Academy of Ljubljana, graduating in 2002 from the class of Aci Bertoncelj. In 2005, he completed his master’s degree at the University of the Arts in Bern, where he attended Aleksandar Madžar’s class. In November 2008, he received an award at the International Conducting Competition in Grosseto, Italy. He has also been a regular guest of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra since March 2009. Numerous concerts as part of season tickets, ceremonial and exclusive concerts as well as many recordings have been conducted by him. He completed his conducting studies at the Music Academy of Ljubljana in the class of Professor Milivoj Šurbek in September 2012. He works with many prominent Slovenian and foreign solo artists, with whom he made a number of records. Simon Krečič is also gaining more and more international recognition. In March 2011, he was Assistant Conductor in the Werther opera at the Teatro Real in Madrid. He also conducted Verdi’s opera Macbeth at the Teatro Verdi in Pisa in February 2015. In December 2013, he became Artistic Director of the SNG Maribor Opera.

Tajnik tekmovanja:

Secretary of the Competition:

Dejan Prešiček

Dejan Prešiček

Dejan Prešiček je svoje glasbeno izobraževanje končal na glasbeni akademiji v Frankfurtu. Izpopolnjeval se je v mojstrskem razredu J.M. Londeixa v Bordeauxu, kjer je prejel zlato medaljo in častno nagrado mesta Bordeaux za saksofon in komorno igro. Je član Ensemble 4Saxess in Tria Slavko Osterc. Kot solist in komorni glasbenik je igral na mnogih festivalih in v koncertnih dvoranah širom po Evropi ter v Kanadi, ZDA in Braziliji. Snemal je za različne radijske in televizijske hiše po Evropi ter sodeloval pri snemanju številnih zgoščenk. Leta 2003 je z Matjažem Drevenškom in Milkom Lazarjem soustanovil slovensko društvo saksofonistov ‘’Saksofonija’’. Od leta 2010 je njegov predsednik. Redno predava in sodeluje kot član žirij pri slovenskih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Od leta 2001 je soustanovitelj in predsednik glasbenega društva “Ansambel Slavko Osterc”. Je direktor in pedagog na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani.

has completed his musical studies at the Academy of Music in Frankfurt. He honed his skills at J.M. Londeix’s master class in Bordeaux, where he received the Gold Medal and the Honorary Award of the City of Bordeaux for saxophone and chamber music. He is member of the Ensemble 4Saxes and the Slavko Osterc Trio. He performed both as a soloist and a chamber musician in an array of festivals and venues around the globe. He played as a soloist with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Symphonic Orchestra of the Radio and Television of Slovenia, the Celje String Orchestra, the Slavko Osterc Ensemble and the Soloists of the Belgrade Philharmonic. In 2003, together with M. Drevenšek and M. Lazar he co-founded Saksofonija, a Slovenian saxophone players’ association, and has become its president in 2010. He teaches regularly and acts as a panel judge in Slovenian and international competitions. He has been one of the co-founders and president of the Slavko Osterc Ensemble since 2001. He is director and pedagogue at the Conservatory of Music and Balet of Ljubljana.


Simon Krečič (SI)


Piano accompanists:

Sae Lee (JP)

Sae Lee (JP)

je v letih 2007 in 2008 z odliko zaključila študij klavirja in komorne glasbe na Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris. Njeni profesorji so bili Michel Beroff, Eric Le Sage in Laszlo Hadady. Je dobitnica devetih prvih nagrad na mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Izpostaviti velja 1. nagrado na mednarodnem tekmovanju Citta di Padova (Italija) in 1. nagrado na mednarodnem pianističnem tekmovanju Albert Roussel (Sofia, Bolgarija). Kot aktivna komorna glasbenica sodeluje s saksofonistom Miho Roginom, s katerim nastopata po svetu kot Duo Kalypso. Duo je dobitnik prvih nagrad na mednarodnih tekmovanjih Fnapec (Pariz) in Carlo Soliva (Italija). Sae Lee je zaposlena na Akademiji za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani.

Maria Nemcova (RU) se je rodila v Moskvi, kjer je diplomirala na Moskovskem konservatoriju, podiplomski študij pa na Kraljevski Akademiji za glasbo v Londonu. Nadaljevala je na Akademiji za klavir v Imoli v Italiji, kjer je pridobila višjo diplomo, magistrski študij pa zaključila na Konservatoriju za glasbo in ples Trinity Laban v Londonu. Požela je vrsto nagrad na številnih mednarodnih tekmovanjih v Rusiji, Italiji, Združenem kraljestvu, Avstriji in Združenih državah. Maria ima za sabo tudi več klavirskih recitalov v Rusiji, Evropi, Združenih državah in Aziji. Marca 2010 je debitirala kot solistka v dvorani Carnegie v New Yorku in nastopala na drugih večjih svetovnih odrih. Je ustanoviteljica dobrodelnega projekta "Glasba za mir", s katerim organizira koncerte in mojstrske tečaje za mlade glasbenike, ki živijo na območjih današnjih spopadov.

After studying at the University of Music Toho-Gakuen Sae Lee (JP) continued her studies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris with Professors Michel Beroff and Eric Le Sage. In June 2007 and 2008 she graduated with the highest marks of Piano and Chamber Music. She was the prize winner at the International Competition of “Citta di Padova” and at the International Piano Competition of “Albert Roussel”. In 2004 she started to play with a saxophone player Miha Rogina as Duo Karypso. Duo Kalypso is a prize winner of International competition for music of ensembles “FNAPEC”. They have also won the 1st prize at the International chamber music competition of “Carlo Soliva” . She appeared on radio and TV programs in Japan and also in Europe. She is regularly invited to the music festivals and gives recitals and chamber music concerts in Europe and Japan.

Maria Nemcova (RU) was born in Moscow, Russia. She graduated from Moscow conservatoire (BMus), Royal College of Music in London (PGDip), Accademia Pianistica in Imola, Italy (AD) and Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London (MMus). She has been a prizewinner of numerous international piano competitions in Russia, Italy, UK, Austria and USA. Maria gave a number of recitals throughout the Russia, Europe, USA and Asia. In March 2010, she gave her solo debut at the Carnegie Hall in New York City and has performed at other major venues around the world. She is a founder of the charitable project “Music for peace” which includes concerts and master-classes for young musicians who live in today`s conflict zones.

w w w. s e l m e r. f r










Joanna BLEJWAS (Poljska) se je rodila leta 1991 in je študentka 1. letnika magistrskega programa, smer saksofon, na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani v razredu profesorja Mihe Rogine. Leta 2016 je prejela prvo nagrado na slovenskem državnem tekmovanju TEMSIG in mednarodnem tekmovanju pihalcev in trobilcev v Varaždinu. Udeležila se je mnogih mojstrskih tečajev pri priznanih izvajalcih, sodelovala pa je tudi s številnimi orkestri na Poljskem in v tujini.

Simona CASTRIA (Italija) se je rodila leta 1994. Saksofon je začela študirati že zelo zgodaj, ko se je vpisala na Konservatorij v Materi, na katerem je tudi diplomirala. Nato je zaključila še magisterij na Konservatoriju v Milanu, kjer jo je poučeval Daniele Comoglio. V tem času je pridobila tudi Erasmus štipendijo za študij na Kraljevem konservatoriju v Bruslju pri Simonu Diricqu in Alainu Crepinu. Trenutno obiskuje Konservatorij v Lyonu, in sicer razred Jean-Denisa Michata. Nastopa kot solistka, a tudi v številnih glasbenih zasedbah.

Patricia CORONEL AVILÉS (Španija) se je rodila leta 1993. Diplomirala je na Višjem konservatoriju v Sevilli pri prof. Alfonsu Padilli. Sodelovala je na mnogih tekmovanjih, med drugim na tekmovanju Emona, na katerem je prejela tretjo nagrado. Nastopala je na recitalih in koncertih v Španiji, Franciji in Avstriji. Svojo tehniko je izpopolnjevala na mojstrskih tečajih z uglednimi saksofonisti, kot so C. Delangle, A. Bornkamp, V. David idr. Trenutno je vpisana na magistrski program na dunajski Akademiji za glasbo in umetnost pri prof. Larsu Mlekuschu.

Mari Ángeles DEL VALLE CASADO (Španija) se je rodila leta 1993. Leta 2014 je zaključila magistrski študij saksofona na Mednarodni univerzi v Andaluziji, pri čemer je dosegla najvišje število točk. Leta 2015 pa je prejela nagrado za najboljšo pihalko na državnem tekmovanju "Intercentros Melómano". Lansko leto je zaključila dodiplomski študij saksofona na Konservatoriju za glasbo Manuel Castillo v Sevilli, v razredu J. M. Jiméneza Albe, trenutno pa je vpisana na magistrski študij solističnega saksofona na Akademiji za glasbo in ples v Kölnu pri D. Gauthieru.

Joanna BLEJWAS (Poland) was born in 1991. She is a first-year student of the master’s programme saxophone at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, in the class of M. Rogina. In 2016 she won the first prize at the Slovenian national competition TEMSIG and the International Woodwind & Brass Competition in Varaždin. She took an active part in many master classes with a lot of well-known artists and has also been collaborating with many orchestras in Poland and abroad.

Simona CASTRIA (Italy) was born in 1994. She began to study saxophone at a very early age attending the Conservatory of Matera where she received her bachelor’s degree. She continued her studies obtaining a master’s degree at the Conservatory of Milan with Daniele Comoglio. During the same period, she won an Erasmus scholarship to study at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels with Simon Diricq and Alain Crepin. She is currently enrolled at the Conservatory of Lyon, class of JeanDenis Michat. She performs as a soloist and in several music groups.

Patricia CORONEL AVILÉS (Spain) was born in 1993. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from the Superior Conservatory of Seville with Alfonso Padilla. She has participated in several competitions, such as the Emona Competition, where she received the third prize. She has played in recitals and concerts in Spain, France and Austria. She has improved her technique in master classes with prominent saxophone players like C. Delangle, A. Bornkamp, V. David, etc. She is currently enrolled in a master’s programme of the Music and Arts Academy of Vienna, class of Lars Mlekusch.

Mari Ángeles DEL VALLE CASADO (Spain) was born in 1993. In 2014, she completed her master’s degree in saxophone from the International University of Andalusia achieving the highest scores. In 2015, she won the award for “best wind-wood interpreter” at the national competition “Intercentros Melómano”. Last year she finished her bachelor’s degree in saxophone from the Manuel Castillo Conservatory of Music of Seville, class of J. M. Jiménez Alba, and is currently studying solo saxophone (master’s programme) at the Cologne Academy of Music and Dance with D. Gauthier.

Po narodnosti je Korejka, sicer pa je bila rojena na Japonskem leta 1990. Leta 2012 je diplomirala na Akademiji za glasbo Senzoku Gakuen, na kateri jo je poučeval Yoshiyuki Hattori. Med letoma 2012 in 2015 je študirala v Franciji na Konservatoriju Saint-Maur-des-Fosses pri profesorju Nicolasu Prostu, leta 2013 pa na Konservatoriju Aubervilliers La Courneuve pri profesorju Julienu Petitu.

Jan GRIČAR (Slovenija) se je rodil leta 1992. Trenutno opravlja magistrski študij na Nacionalem konservatoriju za glasbo in ples v Parizu, v razredu Clauda Delangla. Nastopa na številnih glasbenih odrih po Sloveniji in Evropi, kot solist večkrat s slovenskimi simfoničnimi orkestri. Je prejemnik nagrad na številnih tekmovanjih. V času šolanja je prejel Škerjančevo nagrado Konservatorija za glasbo in balet Ljubljana, Prešernovo nagrado Univerze v Ljubljani in Svečano listino za najboljše študijske dosežke.

Miki ISOGAI (Francija) se je rodila leta 1989. Leta 2012 je zaključila dodiplomski študij na Akademiji za glasbo v Nagoyi na Japonskem. Istega leta je študij nadaljevala v Franciji na Konservatoriju Aulnay-sous-Bois pri profesorju Jérômu Laranu. Nato se je vpisala še na Konservatorij v Versaillesu, v razred profesorja Vincenta Davida. Zmagala je na številnih tekmovanjih (prva nagrada na prvem mednarodnem tekmovanju Dilson Florêncio v Braziliji leta 2015, prva nagrada na tekmovanju Léopold Bellan v Parizu leta 2016).

Nace KOGEJ (Slovenija) je bil rojen leta 1994. Saksofon se je začel učiti z 8 leti v Glasbeni šoli Idrija in nato je nadaljeval s šolanjem na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani. Leta 2010 je pod mentorstvom Dejana Prešička in Luke Loštreka na državnem tekmovanju TEMSIG prejel srebrno plaketo. Je dobitnik srebrne plakete leta 2011 na mednarodnem tekmovanju Davorin Jenko v Beogradu. Na državnem tekmovanju Temsig 2013 v Krškem je prejel zlato plaketo in prvo nagrado. Izobražuje se na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani v razredu Mihe Rogine.

Yugwi GONG (Japan) Her nationality is Korean, but she was born in Japan in 1990. In 2012, she graduated from the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, class of Yoshiyuki Hattori. Between 2012 and 2015 she studied in France at the Saint-Maur-des-Fosses Conservatory with Nicolas Prost, while in 2013 she perfected her knowledge at the Aubervilliers La Courneuve Conservatory with Julien Petit.

Jan GRIČAR (Slovenia) was born in 1992. He is currently enrolled in a master’s programme at the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Paris, class of Claude Delangle. He gives numerous performances across Slovenia and Europe, often as a soloist with Slovenian symphonic orchestras. Jan also received many prizes in competitions. He won the Škerjanc Award of the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and Ballet, the Prešeren Award of the University of Ljubljana and the Award for extraordinary student achievements.

Miki ISOGAI (France) was born in 1989. In 2012, she graduated from the Nagoya College of Music in Japan. In the same year, she continued her studies in France at the Aulnay-sous-Bois Conservatory with professor J. Laran. She was then admitted to the Regional Conservatory of Versailles, class of V. David. She won several international competitions (1st prize at the 2015 Dilson Florêncio International Saxophone Competition in Brasil, first edition, 1st prize at the 2016 International Competition Léopold Bellan in Paris).

Nace KOGEJ (Slovenia) was born in 1994. He started playing the saxophone at the age of 8 at the Idrija Music School and then entered the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and Ballet. In 2010, he won a silver plaque at the TEMSIG national competition with his mentors Dejan Prešiček and Luka Loštrek. Nace also won a silver plaque at the 2011 Davorin Jenko International Music Competition in Belgrade. In 2013, he received a gold plaque and first prize at the TEMSIG competition in Krško. He is studying at the Ljubljana Academy of Music, in the class of Miha Rogina.


Yugwi GONG (Japonska)


Shusuke KOMATSU (Japonska) se je rodil leta 1995. Leta 2013 je v kategoriji saksofonistov prejel bronasto nagrado na 15. tekmovanju mladih pihalcev in tolkalcev na Japonskem. Leta 2014 je dobil nagrado na 15. tekmovanju mladih saksofonistov, leta 2016 pa na 2. glasbenem tekmovanju "K" (kategorija saksofonistov), prav tako na Japonskem. Učil se je pri profesorjih, kot sta Takuro Fukuzumi in Masato Kumoi. Trenutno je študent Akademije za glasbo Kunitachi.

Domen KOREN (Slovenija) rojen leta 1995, je študent 2. letnika na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani pri Matjažu Drevenšku. Je večkratni prvonagrajenec državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanj. Aktiven je tudi kot član več komornih sestavov, s katerimi redno koncertira v Sloveniji in drugod po Evropi. Poleg sodelovanja s profesionalnimi orkestri se predstavlja tudi kot solist na recitalih in drugih glasbenih dogodkih. Izpopolnjuje se pri priznanih svetovnih saksofonistih.

Krzysztof KOSZOWSKI (Poljska) se je rodil leta 1995. Saksofon je začel igrati pri 9 letih. Trenutno študira na Akademiji za glasbo Fryderyk Chopin v Varšavi, kjer ga poučuje Paweł Gusnar, ter na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani, v razredu Mihe Rogine. Na tekmovanjih je prejel številne nagrade, od druge nagrade na mednarodnem tekmovanju saksofonistov "Sax Fest" v Lodžu leta 2015, druge nagrade na mednarodnem tekmovanju saksofonistov v Vroclavu leta 2016 do prve nagrade na mednarodnem tekmovanju pihalcev in trobilcev v Varaždinu leta 2016.

Tilen LEBAR (Slovenija) rojen leta 1993, je saksofonist, komponist in komorni glasbenik. Končal je dodiplomski študij saksofona v razredu Matjaža Drevenška. S kompozicijo se kot samouk ukvarja od svojega štirinajstega leta starosti. Leta 2015 je prejel izredno pozitivne kritike za kompozicijo Trop za trio saksofonov s krstno izvedbo na festivalu ISCM Svetovni glasbeni dnevi. Je večkratni nagrajenec in prejemnik zlatih in srebrnih plaket mednarodnih in državnih tekmovanj (TEMSIG 2016, Davorin Jenko Beograd 2012 in 2013).

Shusuke KOMATSU (Japan) was born in 1995. He won a bronze prize at the Japanese 15th Wind and Percussion Junior Competition within the saxophone category in 2013. He also won a prize at the 15th Junior Saxophone Competition in 2014 and at the 2nd “K” Music Competition (saxophone category) in 2016, both in Japan. He honed his skills with Takuro Fukuzumi and Masato Kumoi. He is now a student at the Kunitachi College of Music.

Domen KOREN (Slovenia) Born in 1995, Domen is a second-year student at the Ljubljana Academy of Music, in the class of Matjaž Drevenšek. He won numerous first prizes in national and international competitions. He is also an active member of several chamber orchestras, with which he plays across Slovenia and the rest of Europe. Apart from collaborating with professional orchestras, he also performs as a soloist at recitals and other music events. He is improving his knowledge with worldrenowned saxophone players.

Krzysztof KOSZOWSKI (Poland) was born in 1995. He started playing the saxophone at the age of 9. He is currently studying under Paweł Gusnar at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw and under Miha Rogina at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. He was awarded numerous prizes in competitions, i.e. 2nd prize at the 2015 International Saxophone Competition “Sax Fest” in Łódź 2015, 2nd prize at the 2016 International Saxophone Competition in Wrocław and 1st prize at the 2016 Woodwind & Brass International Competition in Varaždin.

Tilen LEBAR (Slovenia) Tilen Lebar, saxophone player, composer and chamber musuician, was born in 1993. He graduated in saxophone from the class of Matjaž Drevenšek. He has been a self-taught composer since the age of fourteen. In 2015, he received extremely good reviews for his composition Trop for three saxophones, which was performed for the first time at the ISCM World Music Days. He received many golden and silver plaques in national and international competitions (TEMSIG 2016, Davorin Jenko Belgrade 2012 and 2013).

se je rodil leta 1989. Od leta 2007 do 2011 je študiral saksofon na Konservatoriju v Toulonu v Franciji, kjer se je nato še dve leti izpopolnjeval na podiplomskem študiju. Leta 2012 je diplomiral iz muzikologije in francoščine. Leta 2013 je prejel prvo nagrado podiplomskega programa za smer saksofon. Od leta 2013 do 2014 pa je študiral na Državni akademiji za glasbo Mantes-la-Ville. Trenutno študij nadaljuje v Franciji, na Konservatoriju v Versaillesu.

Yumeko MIURA (Japonska) Rodila se je leta 1989, saksofon pa je začela igrati pri desetih letih. Magistrski študij, smer saksofon, je zaključila na Akademiji za umetnost Univerze v Tokiu leta 2014. Yumeko je tudi učiteljica na 3. gimnaziji v Mitu in asistentka na Oddelku za instrumentalno glasbo Akademije za umetnost na Univerzi v Tokiu. Lastni recital je imela leta 2015, sicer pa še veliko nastopa.

Shusaku MUKAIYAMA (Japonska) se je rodil leta 1995. Saksofon je začel igrati v osnovni šoli. Učil se je pri profesorjih, kot sta Toru Furumizo in Masato Kumoi. Na 9. mednarodnem glasbenem tekmovanju YOKOHAMA je dobil tretjo nagrado. Poleg tega je opravil avdicijo za Japonsko združenje glasbenikov in izvedel Koncert za saksofon in godalni orkester v Esduru A. Glazunova s filharmoničnim orkestrom Sendai. Trenutno je študent četrtega letnika Akademije za glasbo Kunitachi.

Ita NAGODE (Slovenija) rojena leta 1996, je svojo pot začela na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet Ljubljana pri Matjažu Drevenšku, sedaj pa obiskuje prvi letnik ljubljanske Akademije za glasbo pri Mihi Rogini. Je članica kvarteta saksofonov Patetiko. Leta 2015 je prejela srebrno plaketo in tretjo nagrado na tekmovanju EMONA ter prvo nagrado na tekmovanju pihalcev in trobilcev v Varaždinu. Ob spremljavi Komornega godalnega orkestra Slovenske filharmonije je v letu 2015 izvedla Koncert za alt saksofon A. Glazunova.

Yi LU (France) was born in 1989. From 2007 to 2011, he studied saxophone at the Toulon Conservatory in France and then took a two-year postgraduate course there. In 2012, he graduated in music studies and in French language. In 2013, he won the first prize of the saxophone postgraduate course. Between 2013 and 2014, he studied at the National Academy of Music of Mantes-la-Ville. He is currently continuing his studies at the Regional Conservatory of Versailles in France.

Yumeko MIURA (Japan) She was born in 1989 and started playin the saxophone at the age of ten. She completed her master’s degree in saxophone at the Tokyo University of Arts in 2014. Yumeko Miura is also a teacher at the Mito 3rd High School and a teaching assistant at the Instrumental Music Department of the Tokyo University of Arts. She played a recital in 2015, but she also gives many other performances.

Shusaku MUKAIYAMA (Japan) was born in 1995. He started to play the saxophone in junior high school. He has studied in the classes of Toru Furumizo and Masato Kumoi. He won the 3rd prize at the 9th YOKOHAMA International Music Competition in Japan. He passed the audition for the Japanese Federation of Musicians as well as performed Concerto for Saxophone and String Orchestra in E-flat major by A. Glazunov with the Sendai Philharmoic Orchestra. He is currently a fourth-year student of the Kunitachi College of Music.

Ita NAGODE (Slovenia) Born in 1996, Ita studied at the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and Ballet, class of Matjaž Drevenšek. She is currently a first-year student at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana with Miha Rogina. She is a member of the saxophone quartet Patetiko. She won a silver plaque and ranked third at the 2015 EMONA competition, as well as first prize at the International Woodwind & Brass Competition in Varaždin. In 2015, she performed Concerto for Alto Saxophone by A. Glazunov accompanied by the Slovenian Philharmonic String Chamber Orchestra.


Yi LU (Francija)


Ryo NAKAJIMA (Japonska) se je rodil leta 1992. Diplomiral je na Akademiji za glasbo Kunitachi, za študijske dosežke pa je prejel nagrado guvernerja Tokia. Magistrski študij je zaključil na Akademiji za umetnost Univerze v Tokiu pri profesorjih, kot so M. Hirano, N. Sugawa, H. Hara in M. lkegami. Prvo nagrado je prejel na državnem tekmovanju pihalcev in tolkalcev leta 2014 ter na mednarodnih glasbenih tekmovanjih Yokohama leta 2014 in "K" leta 2015. Nastopil je z orkestroma Tokyo Geldai Philharmonia in Tokyo New City Orchestra.

Go NISHIDA (Japonska) se je rodil leta 1993. Diplomiral je na Akademiji za glasbo Kunitachi. Opravil je avdicijo za Japonsko združenje glasbenikov in izvedel Koncert za saksofon in godalni orkester v Es-duru A. Glazunova s filharmoničnim orkestrom Nagoya, pri čemer je bil dirigent Kentaro Kawase. Učil se je pri profesorjih, kot so S. Fujisawa, K. Hayashida, Y. Arai, G. Koyama in M. Kumoi. Udeležil se je tudi mojstrskih tečajev z uglednimi saksofonisti, kot so J.-Y. Fourmeau, L. Mlekusch, T. McAllister, J. Wintringham ter kvartet Quatuor Morphing.

Kalle OITTINEN (Finska) se je rodil leta 1988. Leta 2014 je diplomiral na Akademiji Sibelius. Trenutno na tej akademiji opravlja magisterij pri J. Rautioli. Leta 2013 se je udeležil Evropske univerze saksofona v Gapu, od tega leta pa je tudi solist simfoničnega orkestra Akademije Sibelius. Kalle igra v saksofonskem kvartetu Aava, saksofon pa tudi predava na Akademiji za glasbo v mestu Tampere. Leta 2014 je sodeloval na tekmovanju CIAS v Dinantu. Nastopal je s filharmoničnima orkestroma mest Tampere in Turku ter komornim orkestrom Avanti!.

João OLIVEIRA (Portugalska) se je rodil leta 1992. Od leta 2011 do 2014 je študiral na Višji akademiji za glasbo, umetnost in uprizarjajočo umetnost v Portu pri profesorjih Henku Van Twillertu, Fernandu Ramosu in Gilbertu Bernardesu. Med šolanjem je imel priložnost delati s priznanimi saksofonisti, kot so Jean-Marie Londeix, Claude Delangle, Arno Bornkamp, Vincent David, Christian Wirth ter Christophe Grèzes. Leta 2013 je sodeloval na Evropski univerzi saksofona v Gapu.

Ryo NAKAJIMA (Japan) was born in1992. He graduated from the Kunitachi College of Music, where he was awarded the Governor of Tokyo Prize. He completed his master’s degree at the Tokyo University of Arts with M. Hirano, N. Sugawa, H. Hara and M. lkegami. He won the first prize at the Japanese Wind and Percussion Competition (Tokyo, 2014), the Yokohama International Music Competition (Yokohama, 2014) and the "K" International Music Competition (2015, Roppongi). He has performed with the Tokyo Geldai Philharmonia and the Tokyo New City Orchestra.

Go NISHIDA (Japan) was born in 1993. He graduated from the Kunitachi College of Music. He passed the audition for the Japanese Federation of Musicians and performed Concerto for Saxophone and String Orchestra in E-flat major by A. Glazunov with the Nagoya Philharmonic Professional Orchestra, conductor Kentaro Kawase. He studied in the classes of S. Fujisawa, K. Hayashida, Y. Arai, G. Koyama and M. Kumoi. He attended a number of master classes with J.-Y. Fourmeau, L. Mlekusch, T. McAllister, J. Wintringham and Quatuor Morphing.

Kalle OITTINEN (Finland) was born in 1988. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from the SibeliusAcademy in 2014 and is now enrolled in a master’s programme with J. Rautiola. In 2013, he participated in the European University of Saxophone in Gap and became soloist of the Sibelius-Academy Symphony Orchestra. Apart from being a member of the Aava Saxophone Quartet, Kalle is also a lecturer of saxophone at the Tampere Music Academy. In 2014, he attended the CIAS competition in Dinant. He played concerts with Tampere Philharmonics, Turku Philharmonic Orchestra and Avanti!.

João OLIVEIRA (Portugal) was born in 1992. From 2011 to 2014, he studied at the Superior Academy of Music, Arts and Performing Arts in Porto, in the classes of Henk Van Twillert, Fernando Ramos and Gilberto Bernardes. Along his academic path, he had the opportunity to work with noted saxophone players such as Jean-Marie Londeix, Claude Delangle, Arno Bornkamp, Vincent David, Christian Wirth and Christophe Grèzes. He also attended the European University of Saxophone in Gap in 2013.

se je rodil leta 1992. Diplomiral je na Akademiji za glasbo Senzoku Gakuen, nato pa se je vpisal na Državno akademijo za umetnost v Tokiu. Na 31. tekmovanju pihalcev in tolkalcev je v kategoriji saksofonistov prejel tretjo nagrado. Na tekmovanju festivala novincev Omagari je dobil najvišjo nagrado. Učil se je pri profesorjih, kot so Hiromitsu Kanai, Kazuhiro Ninomiya, Masato Ikegami, Hirokazu Hayashida in Nobuya Sugawa.

Nozomi SAKAI (Japonska) se je rodila leta 1989. Leta 2011 je diplomirala iz glasbe na Univerzi SOAI. Zatem je opravljala podiplomski študij na Konservatoriju v Versaillesu. Trenutno je vpisana na magistrski študij na Kraljevem konservatoriju v Bruslju. Na 10. tekmovanju pihalcev Kosma leta 2006 in na 2. tekmovanju saksofonistov Chibori na Japonskem je prejela prvo nagrado. Leta 2013 je bila finalistka 7. mednarodnega tekmovanja saksofonistov v Novi Gorici. Leta 2014 je izvedla koncert H. Tomasija s Kraljevim filharmoničnim orkestrom mesta Liège.

Pablo SANCHEZ (Španija) se je rodil leta 1987. Diplomiral je na Višjem konservatoriju Manuel Castillo v Sevilli pri A. Padilli, nato pa je študij nadaljeval na Konservatoriju v Versaillesu pri V. Davidu. Trenutno študira na Akademiji za glasbo Fryderyk Chopin v Varšavi, v razredu P. Gusnarja. Na tekmovanjih je prejel številne nagrade, med drugim prvo nagrado na 9. tekmovanju glasbe 20. in 21. stoletja v kraju Radziejowice (Poljska) ter prvo nagrado na 3. mednarodnem tekmovanju v Lodžu (Poljska).

Martin SKUBIN (Slovenija) se je rodil leta 1993. Srednješolski študij je zaključil na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani pod mentorstvom L. Pupisa, trenutno pa je študent na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani pri M. Drevenšku. V dosedanjem času je prejel več nagrad na državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Kot solist je igral z Orkestrom Slovenske filharmonije, z Orkestrom Konservatorija za glasbo in balet Ljubljana ter s Simfoničnim orkestrom RTV Slovenija. Od leta 2011 deluje kot dirigent Mladinskega pihalnega orkestra Brda.

Kenta SAITO (Japan) was born in 1992. He graduated from the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music and then enrolled at the Tokyo National University of Arts. He won the third prize within the saxophone category at the 31th Japanese Wind and Percussion Competition and the highest award at the Omagari Rookie Music Festival Competition. He studied with Hiromitsu Kanai, Kazuhiro Ninomiya, Masato Ikegami, Hirokazu Hayashida and Nobuya Sugawa.

Nozomi SAKAI (Japan) was born in 1989. In 2011, she graduated from the SOAI University in Japan and then continued with a postgraduate course at the Regional Conservatory in Versailles. She is currently enrolled in a master’s programme at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels. She won the first prize at the 10th Kosma Wind Instrument Competition in 2006 and at the 2nd Chibori Saxophone Competition in Japan. She was also a finalist at the 7th International Saxophone Competition in Nova Gorica. She performed Concerto by H. Tomasi with the Liège Royal Philharmonic in 2014.

Pablo SANCHEZ (Spain) was born in 1987. He graduated from the Superior Conservatory of Music Manuel Castillo (Seville) with A. Padilla and was afterwards admitted to the Regional Conservatory of Versailles, class of V. David. He is currently studying at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw with P. Gusnar. He was awarded in several competitions, among others first prize at the 9th Competition of Music of the 20th and 21st Century in Radziejowice, Poland, and at the 3rd International Competition in Łódź, Poland.competitions.

Martin SKUBIN (Slovenia) was born in 1993. He completed his studies at the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and Ballet in the class of L. Pupis, while currently he is a student at the Ljubljana Academy of Music with M. Drevenšek. He has received several prizes in national and international competitions. As a soloist, he played with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and Ballet and the RTV Slovenia Symphonic Orchestra. He has been conducting the Brda Junior Wind Orchestra since 2011.


Kenta SAITO (Japonska)


Elvis SOUSA (Francija) se je rodil v Londonu leta 1992. Glasbeno kariero je začel pri 8 letih na Madeiri, in sicer pri Filharmoničnem orkestru São Vicente. Obiskoval je Konservatorij na Madeiri, kjer ga je poučeval Duarte Basilio, nato pa se je vpisal na Višjo akademijo za umetnost in glasbo v Portu, v razred Henka van Twillerta in Fernanda Ramosa. Elvis je nagrajenec mnogih državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanj. Od leta 2014 študira na Konservatoriju v Versaillesu pri Vincentu Davidu.

Ningxin (Yo-yo) SU (Nizozemska) se je rodil leta 1991. Študiral je na Konservatoriju v Montepellieru pri Philippu Braquartu ter na Konservatoriju v Versaillesu pri Vincentu Davidu, sedaj pa pot nadaljuje na Konservatoriju v Amsterdamu pri Arnu Bornkampu. Bil je finalist na ABC nagradah za mlade izvajalce, na katerih je nastopil s Simfoničnim orkestrom Tasmanije, polfinalist pa na 2. in 3. mednarodnem tekmovanju saksofonistov Jean-Marie Londeix, pri čemer je kot najmlajši polfinalist prejel posebno nagrado.

Yuina TAKAMIZO (Belgija) se je rodila leta 1991. Saksofon je začela igrati v osnovnošolskem orkestru, s solističnim repertoarjem pa jo je začel seznanjati M. Nagase. Leta 2009 se je vpisala na Akademijo za glasbo Senzoku Gakuen, v razred Shinichija Iwamota, na kateri je diplomirala leta 2013. Leta 2013 je začela študij na Kraljevem konservatoriju v Bruslju pri A. Crepinu in S. Diricqu, medtem ko je bila leta 2014 izbrana kot kandidatka za mednarodno tekmovanje saksofonistov Adolphe Sax. Trenutno študij nadaljuje na magistrski ravni.

Kaho TAKEDA (Japonska) se je rodila leta 1991. Od aprila 2010 do marca 2014 je študirala uprizarjajočo umetnost na Akademiji za umetnost Univerze v Tokiu. Takoj zatem, aprila 2014, se je na isti Akademiji vpisala še na magistrski program uprizarjajoče umetnosti. Pri nagradah je potrebno omeniti, da je na 31. državnem tekmovanju pihalcev in tolkalcev zasedla peto mesto.

Elvis SOUSA (France) was born in London in 1992. He started his musical career in Madeira when he was 8 years old in the São Vicente Philharmonic. He entered the Conservatory of Madeira, class of professor Duarte Basilio and, later on, the Superior Academy of Arts and Music of Porto with Henk van Twillert and Fernando Ramos. He won several national and international competitions. He has been studying at the Regional Conservatory of Versailles with Vincent David since 2014.

Ningxin (Yo-yo) SU (Netherlands) was born in 1991. He is a graduate of the Regional Conservatory of Montpellier, where he studied with Philippe Braquart, and Regional Conservatory of Versailles, class of Vincent David. He is currently a student of Arno Bornkamp at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. He was a finalist at the ABC Young Performers Award performing with the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra and a semi-finalist in both the 2nd and the 3rd International Jean-Marie Londeix Saxophone Competition, in which he received a special award as the youngest semi-finalist.

Yuina TAKAMIZO (Belgium) was born in 1991. She started playing the saxophone in a junior high school band, while she began learning solo repertoire with M. Nagase. Between 2009 and 2013, she studied at the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music with Shinichi Iwamoto and graduated in 2013, obtaining a bachelor’s degree. In 2013, she enrolled at the Brussels Royal Conservatory with A. Crepin and S. Diricq and in 2014, she was selected as a candidate for the Adolphe Sax International Saxophone Competition. She is currently finishing her master’s degree.

Kaho TAKEDA (Japan) was born in 1991. From April 2010 to March 2014, she studied performing arts at the Tokyo University of Arts and in April 2014, she enrolled in a master’s programme in performing arts at the same university. It is worthwhile pointing out that she finished in fifth place at the 31st Japanese Wind and Percussion Competition.

se je rodila leta 1991. Diplomirala je na Akademiji za umetnost v Waregemu. Nato je študij nadaljevala še na Kraljevem konservatoriju v Bruslju in Konservatoriju Boulogne-Billancourt, na katerem je njeno znanje izpopolnjeval J. M. Goury. Po zaključenem magistrskem študiju v Bruslju se je vpisala še na podiplomski študij na Konservatorij v Versaillesu pri V. Davidu. Blestela je na številnih tekmovanjih, med drugim na mednarodnih tekmovanjih Zlati saksofon (2015) in Adolphe Sax (2016).

Ivan TRAJANOSKI (Makedonija) Rodil se je leta 1995. Leta 2013 je maturiral v razredu Vladimirja Trajanoskega. Študij saksofona nadaljuje na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani, v razredu Matjaža Drevenška. Prejel je vrsto najvišjih priznanj in uvrstitev na državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih solističnega in komornega značaja. Je altist saksofonskega kvarteta Evterpa, prejemnika zlate plakete in posebne nagrade EMCY na državnem tekmovanju TEMSIG. Kot solist uspešno nastopa z raznimi makedonskimi in slovenskimi orkestri.

Miguel VALLÉS MATEU (Španija) se je rodil leta 1993. Študira na Konservatoriju Liceu v Barceloni, kjer ga poučuje Albert Julià. Pridobil je štipendijo za mlade upe ter štipendijo za študijske uspehe fundacije Ferrer-Salat. Na tekmovanju mladih glasbenikov Španije je prejel prvo nagrado, na mednarodnem tekmovanju "Intercentros Melómano" pa nagradi za najboljšo sodobno interpretacijo in najboljšega pihalca. Vrsto nagrad je dobil tudi kot član komornega sestava Heli Quartet, s katerim je nastopil na številnih festivalih.

Vitaly VATULYA (Nizozemska) se je rodil leta 1987. Diplomiral je na Akademiji za glasbo Gnesin v Moskvi pri M. Shaposhnikovi. Trenutno študira na Konservatoriju v Amsterdamu pri A. Bornkampu. Prejel je številne nagrade na mednarodnih tekmovanjih v Rusiji, Ukrajini, Italiji in Franciji, kot solist in član komornih sestavov pa nastopa po Evropi, Rusiji, Izraelu, Indiji in drugih državah. Izdal je dva albuma ter je eden izmed ustanoviteljev in pobudnikov mednarodnega dobrodelnega projekta "Glasba za mir". Od leta 2005 tudi poučuje.

Nele TIEBOUT (Belgium) was born in 1991. She graduated from the Waregem Academy of Arts. She then studied at the Brussels Royal Conservatory and at the Regional Conservatory of Boulogne-Billancourt with J. M. Goury. She finished her master’s degree in Brussels and took a postgraduate course at the Regional Conservatory of Versailles, class of V. David. She has impressed in a number of competitions, such as the 2015 Golden Saxophone International Competition and the 2016 International Competition Adolphe Sax.

Ivan TRAJANOSKI (Macedonia) was born in 1995. In 2013, he graduated from the class of Vladimir Trajanoski. He is currently studying saxophone at the Ljubljana Academy of Music with M. Drevenšek. He has received a number of the most prestigious prizes and has ranked highly in national and international competitions for soloists and chamber orchestras. He plays alto saxophone in the Evterpa Saxophone Quartet, which won a golden plaque and a special EMCY award at the TEMSIG competition. As a soloist, he performs with various Macedonian and Slovenian orchestras.

Miguel VALLÉS MATEU (Spain) was born in 1993. He studies with Albert Julià at the Conservatori del Liceu in Barcelona. He received a scholarship for young promising talents and a scholarship for academic excellence by the Ferrer-Salat Foundation. He was also given first prize at the Competition for Young Spanish Musicians and the awards for best contemporary interpretation and best woodwind interpreter at the International Competition “Intercentros Melómano”. He received many prizes with his ensemble Heli Quartet, with which he peformed on various festivals.

Vitaly VATULYA (Netherlands) was born in 1987. He graduated from the Gnessin Academy of Music (Prof. M. Shaposhnikova) in Moscow. He is currently a student at the Conservatory of Amsterdam (A. Bornkamp). He is the prize-winner of numerous international competitions in Russia, Ukraine, Italy, France and performs as a soloist and a chamber musician in Europe, Russia, Israel, India and other countries. He released two albums. Vitaly is also one of the authors and initiators of the “Music for Peace” international charity project as well as a teacher (since 2005).


Nele TIEBOUT (Belgija)


Jiaoyu YANG (Kitajska) se je rodil leta 1992. Saksofon je začel igrati pri 9 letih, pri 18 pa je bil sprejet na Konservatorij v Tjandžinu na Kitajskem, kjer mu je nova znanja vlival profesor Zhuxi LIU. Med študijem se je učil igranja na štiri vrste saksofona, postal pa je tudi član saksofonskega kvarteta z imenom "The Pioneers". Po zaključku dodiplomskega študija pri dvaindvajsetih letih se je vpisal na Konservatorij v Rouenu, v razred profesorja Marca Siefferta.

Miyu YOKOYAMA (Japonska) se je rodila leta 1987. Saksofon je začela igrati pri 15 letih. Leta 2012 je diplomirala iz saksofona na Akademiji za umetnost Univerze v Tokiu. Miyu Yokoyama je tudi učiteljica na 3. gimnaziji v Mitu in srednji šoli Matubushi. Lastni recital je imela aprila leta 2016, sicer pa še veliko nastopa.

Jiaoyu YANG (China) was born in 1992. He started playing the saxophone when he was nine years old, while he entered the Tianjin Conservatory of Music in China, class of Professor Zhuxi LIU, at the age of eighteen. During his studies, he learned to play four types of saxophone and became a member of a saxophone quartet called “THE PIONEERS”. After his bachelor’s degree which he obtained at the age of twenty-two, he was admitted to the Rouen Conservatory of Music to study with Professor Marc Sieffert.

Miyu YOKOYAMA (Japan) She was born in 1987. She started playing the saxophone at the age of fiteen. She graduated in saxophone from the Tokyo University of Arts in 2012. Miyu Yokoyama is also a teacher at the Mito 3rd High School and the Matubushi High School. She played a recital in April 2016, but she also gives many other performances.

Zmagovalec 7. mednarodnega tekmovanja saksofonistov/ The winner of the 7th International Saxophone Competition: MAKOTO HONDO (Japonska/Japan)

FESTIVAL Obisk koncertov je brezplaÄ?en/Admission free.


Organizator festivala si pridrĹžuje pravico do spremembe programa./The festival organiser reserves the right to change the program. V primeru slabega vremena bodo koncerti v veliki dvorani Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica/In case of bad weather the concerts will be relocated in to the Great Hall of Nova Gorica Art Centre.

29. 6. 2016, ob/at 21.00

8. 7. 2016 ob/at 21.00

Bevkov trg Nova Gorica/Bevk Square, Nova Gorica

Bevkov trg Nova Gorica/Bevk Square, Nova Gorica

Big Band GD NOVA

Skupina Kombo

Damijan Valentinuzzi, dirigent/conductor Nika Kodrič, vokal/vocal

30. 6. 2016 ob/at 21.00 Hiša Štekar, Snežatno/Štekar House in Snežatno

Boštjan Simon Organ Trio (Slovenija, Avstrija,

Zlatko Kaučič, umetniški vodja/artistic director Gostje/guests: Jani Šepetavec, tenor saksofon/tenor saxophone Damijan Valentinuzzi, trobenta/trumpet Matija Mlakar, pozavna/trombone Boštjan Simon, alt saksofon/alto saxophone

Portugalska/Slovenia, Austria, Portugal)

9. 7. 2016 ob/at 18.00

Velika dvorana Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica/Great Hall of Nova Gorica Arts Centre

Boštjan Simon, tenor saksofon/tenor saxophone Rob Bargad, Hammond orgle/Hammond organ Luis Candeias, bobni/drums

1. 7. 2016 ob/at ob 21.00 Bevkov trg Nova Gorica/Bevk Square, Nova Gorica

Jazz punt Big Band

Matija Mlakar, dirigent/conductor

Finale 8. mednarodnega tekmovanja saksofonistov/Finale of the 8th International Saxophone Meeting Orkester Slovenske filharmonije/Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Simon Krečič, dirigent/conductor

2. 7. 2016 ob/at 21.00

Bevkov trg Nova Gorica/Bevk Square, Nova Gorica

10. 7. 2016 ob/at 21.00

Big Band Grosuplje & Blaž Vrbič

Klemen Kotar, dirigent/conductor Blaž Vrbič, vokal/vocal

6. 7. 2016 ob/at 21.00 Bevkov trg Nova Gorica/Bevk Square, Nova Gorica

Towel of shower

Blaž Trček, bariton saksofon in vodenje skupine/baritone saxophone and band leader Mitja Šinkovec, vokal/vocal Dominik Krajnčan, trobenta/trumpet Tomaž Gajšt, trobenta/ trumpet Domen Gantar, pozavna/ trombone

Lenart Krečič, tenor saksofon/tenor saxophone Jani Moder, kitara/guitar Blaž Jurjevčič, klaviature/ keyboard Aleš Avbelj, bas/bass Vid Žgajner, bobni in producentstvo/drums and production manager

Amfiteater gradu Kromberk/Amphitheatre of the Kromberk Castle

Vse barve saksofona/All the Colors of Saxophone

James Carter Organ Trio Big Band RTV Slovenija

Tadej Tomšič, dirigent/conductor

Posebni gostje/Special guests: Claude Delangle Guillaume Orti Steven Mauk Gordan Tudor Matjaž Drevenšek Dejan Prešiček Lev Pupis


ez z mladimi posluĹĄalci in glasbeniki

Zveza glasbene mladine Slovenije Kersnikova ulica 4, Ljubljana www.glasbenamladina.si

Sponzorji nagradnega sklada in tekmovanja/Sponsors of the prize fund and competition:

Info: KULTURNI DOM NOVA GORICA Bevkov trg 4 SI – 5000 Nova Gorica Umetniški vodja/Artistic director: Matjaž Drevenšek Vodja projekta/Project leader: Pavla Jarc Kontaktna oseba in koordinatorka programa Contact person and programme coordinator: Polona Abram Tel.: + 386 5 335 40 13 E: pr@kulturnidom-ng.si W: www.kulturnidom-ng.si Predstavnik soorganizatorja Co-organisers Representative: Sandi Vrabec, ravnatelj Glasbene šole Nova Gorica Headmaster of the Nova Gorica Music School

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