Kumon Feature
Instructors’ Quotes “The Kumon worksheets were designed to
“I understand that squeezing Kumon in
progress in difficulty through small steps
with school, all within the confines of home,
which keep students learning one level at a
may be challenging for children and their
time. Eventually, the process helps students
parents. But children are using their time
to improve their skills. They can maximise
well to keep learning. In fact, many of my
their potential while learning through
students are actually asking for more
the examples provided. Many young
worksheets as they have completed their
children are studying advanced material
homework ahead of schedule. They are
in Kumon. This not only develops their
also responding well to pre-arranged video
academic ability, but also helps students
call sessions. I see this is as my students
to make strong progress in terms of their
showing a great deal of resilience through
independence, resilience, and enthusiasm
the pandemic. This shows to me that it is
for learning. All are key attributes that will
always possible to bring out the best in
help Kumon students to thrive in the future.”
every child, in any situation.”
8 Potential
Ms. Nurul Syamimi Pauzi
Ms. Krishna Sharma
Kumon Malaysia
Kumon Australia and New Zealand