Kun yang worksample

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KUN YANG Work Samples 2014-2018


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Second Prize Winner (Individual) Autodesk Revit National Sustainable Architectural Design Competition for College Students 2014 Location: Beijing, China Professor: Qiuye Jin Software: Revit, Sketch Up, PS

To provide an exciting and interesting space for architecture students, several linear spaces were used and attached a large open space for exhibition and presentation. Above the over all studios, offices and other facility rooms is a continuous large roof. It was a reference for Chinese traditional architecture language — the big roof. What surround the periphery of the whole building are a series of pillars as an auxiliary support for the roof and a screen that blurred the outside and the inside. It entitled a lightness to the roof and generated a floating shelter. The big roof consisted of solar panel, wood truss and light well to provide natural light and green energy. Under the roof, a series of spaces with different qualities can be used for different functions.



First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Wood louver brings light to the yard and houses, and also helps to refresh the air. Yards between classrooms are the quiet places which are designed for students’ relaxation. The roof is the open space for various and exciting activicies. As for the solar panels, they will help to produce electricity, to keep the building cool and to save energy.

Turning Corner NEW ORLEANS HOUSING DESIGN Graduate Core Stutio (Individual Work) Location: French Quarter, New Orleans Professor: Derek Hoeferlin Software: Rhino, PS, AI

In French Quarter, everything is surprising. From the Jazz Bar to the Seafood restaurant, you can always find something fun. The tall French door and windows, the half hidden courtyard or the wild vegetation, the buildings there are never boring. Every time you turn around the corner, something different and unexpected is waiting for you. It could be happy, it could be sad, but it won’t let you regret and will always impress you. In order to make the 30 units housing project fit in this environment, how units are connected and how to form different kinds of public spaces are more important. The overall project is lifted to deal with the humid climate. Louvers are used to provide shades in hot summer but still allows ventilation. Units are connected in a sequence of solid and void rhythm to bring the excitement every time you turn.

Basilica de Marfa PERMANENT EXHIBIT DESIGN Graduate Optional Stutio (Individual Work) Location: Marfa, Texas Professor: Stephen Leet Software: Rhino, PS, AI

For the permanent exhibit building, two artists’ works were chosen — Eva Hesse and Sol LeWitt. Not only because of their success in art but also the friendship between them. The site was in Marfa TX, a true desert like place. Next to the building it Donald Judd’s two unfinished concrete building. In order to show its permanent quality, concrete was used to create a sense of monumentality. The form of the building is made of a long hall with eight individual rooms on the two side for different content of art works. The two artists’ works are exhibited in an order that visitors can see how they gradually influenced each other. Inverted arch was used to introduce diffused light into the building and won’t bring too much heat. It’s like a Basilica for art works sited in the middle of no where. It’s communicating with the surroundings.

Fauna Barge MOBILE MISSISSIPPI MONITORING MACHINE Graduate Comprehensive Stutio (Individual Work) Location: Mississppi River Professor: Derek Hoeferlin Software: Rhino, PS, AI

This project act as a monitoring machine that documents the numbers of Asian Carps and visualized them to give the public a more straightforward awareness of the threat caused by the invasive species. Besides, the project also includes a place that allow scientists to rescue injured birds and mark birds for observation and counting. At the end of the barge is a carp restaurant that proposes multiple recipes of Asian Carps as a potential solution. The Fauna Barge is the barge-i-tecture that monitor the migration of species (birds and Asian Carps) and bring the awareness of the public to pay more attention to the environment and other species that are threating our life or being threatened by human activities. It’s an architecture for not only human beings but animals.

Other Work Hand-drawings

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