MHC660 Schedule

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Clinical Mental Health Counseling Residency Agenda

Friday, March 7, 2025 – March 9, 2025

MHC 660


Attendance and participation are for all activities throughout the Residency weekend. Residency is an orientation and acclimation to the program. It is an opportunity to interact with faculty and peers while enhancing student learning. Residency is designed to fulfill the requirements of the above course. Due to the nature of the learning environment, students must attend all sections as there are components in which the student presents information relating to the class. Residency is a program and course requirement.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Turner Auditorium

Greetings - Faculty will take attendance

8:00 am - 8:15 am

8:15 am - 9:00 am

9:00 am - 10:00 am

10:00 am -10:15 am

Presenter: Dr. Dominguez & Dr. Panjwani

CACREP 2024 Standards Section 3.E

Welcome, Overview of Learning Objectives, & Faculty Introductions

Presenters: Dr. Dominguez & Dr. Panjwani, Dean Robertson-Arduengo, Dr. Robert Keiser, all faculty

CACREP 2024 Standards Section 3.E

Ice Breakers & Team Building

Presenter: Dr. Dominguez & Dr. Panna

Objective: Provide students with opportunities to build rapport, improve communication, and build a positive environment.

SELF-CARE BREAK Room 206 after Break

10:15 am -12:00 pm Comprehensive Practice Counselor Examination (CPCE) Overview

Presenter: Dr. Panna

Objective: Understand the importance of professional counseling credentialing, including certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards. The Comprehensive Practice Counselor Examination (CPCE) assesses graduate counseling students on core knowledge areas. The CPCE evaluates students' understanding of counseling theory and application, preparing them for professional licensure. Covering eight major content areas, the CPCE ensures

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

students meet the academic and practical standards required for effective counseling practice under the latest CACREP guidelines.

CACREP 2024, 2.C.1 & 3


Comprehensive Practice Counselor Examination (CPCE): Time Management and Study Tools, Tips and Strategies

Presenter: Drs. Glover and Panna

Objective: Effectively manage time for the Comprehensive Practice Counselor Examination (CPCE) and create a study schedule that breaks down CACREP 2024 core areas (e.g., ethics, human development, counseling skills) into manageable blocks. Use study tools like flashcards, practice exams, and counseling textbooks. Prioritize difficult topics and review consistently. Set realistic goals, minimize distractions, and take regular breaks. Form a study group for accountability and ensure a balance between studying and self-care to avoid burnout and enhance retention.

CACREP 2024, 2.C.1 & 3

2:30 pm – 2:45 pm

2:45 pm – 4:15 pm


Comprehensive Practice Counselor Examination (CPCE): Action Plan Activity

Presenter: Dr. Panna

Objective: The CPCE Action Plan activity helps counseling students create a structured approach to prepare for the exam, aligning with CACREP 2024 standards. Students identify the eight core content areas (e.g., ethics, human development) and develop personalized study goals. The action plan includes setting timelines, using study tools (e.g., flashcards, practice tests), and seeking support through peer groups or faculty. Emphasizing self-assessment and regular review ensures mastery of CACREP core standards, preparing students for successful performance on the CPCE.

CACREP 2024, 2.C.1 & 3

4:15 pm – 4:30 pm

8:00 am – 8:15 am

8:15 am – 8:30 am

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Greetings and Review- Faculty will take attendance

Presenter: All faculty

Move to Turner 206

Welcome & Overview of Learning Objectives

Presenters: Drs. Day, Hamblin, and Panna

Objective: Overview of the clinical file lifecycle and expectations for the two-day residency, including hands-on practice and micro-skills.

CACREP 2024, 3.E

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Please clean the area around you before leaving daily.

8:30 am – 9:00 am

Competencies of Professional Counselors

Presenter: Dr. Panna

Objective: Understand the importance of professional counseling credentialing, Individual Liability Insurance, Supervision, Counseling activities, and performance during the clinical experience, including certification, licensure, accreditation practices and standards, and the effects of public policy on these issues.

CACREP 2024, 3.E

9:00 am – 9:30 am Clinical File Lifecycle

Presenter: Dr. Panna

Objective: Understand the importance of professional counseling credentialing, Individual Liability Insurance, Supervision, Counseling activities, and performance during the clinical experience, including certification, licensure, accreditation practices and standards, and the effects of public policy on these issues

CACREP 2024, 3.E.3

9:30 am – 9:45 am Intake Process and Initial Documentation

Presenter: Drs. Day and Hamblin

Objective: Discuss intake assessments (demographics, informed consent, presenting issues).

CACREP 2024, 3.E.2., 3.E.8.-3.E.10., 3.E.12., 5.C.1., 5.C.4., & 5.C.5

9:45 am – 10:15 am Intake Process and Initial Documentation Practice

Objective: Role-play an intake session in pairs. One student acts as the counselor, the other as the client. Focus on initial rapport-building and informed consent

Microskills: Active listening, open-ended questions.

CACREP 2024, 3.E.2., 3.E.8.-3.E.10., 3.E.12., 5.C.1., 5.C.4., & 5.C.5; 3.E.1. & 3.E.21

10:15 am – 10:30 am SELF-CARE BREAK

10:30 am – 11:00 am Assessment and Diagnosis

Presenter: Drs. Day and Hamblin

Objective: Discuss psychosocial assessments, initial diagnostic impressions, and risk assessments.

CACREP 2024, 3.E.2., 3.E.8.-3.E.10., 3.E.12., 5.C.1., 5.C.4., & 5.C.5

11:00 am – 12:00 pm Assessment and Diagnosis Practice

Group practice on completing assessments using the case they will use for their case conceptualization beginning in Week 11. Have students work on developing diagnostic impressions.

Microskills: Questioning, summarizing client’s history, clarifying information

CACREP 2024, 3.E.2., 3.E.8.-3.E.10., 3.E.12., 5.C.1., 5.C.4., & 5.C.5; 3.E.1. & 3.E.21

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm LUNCH BREAK

1:00 pm – 1:30 pm Treatment Planning

Presenter: Drs. Day and Hamblin

Objective: Review how to develop a treatment plan with the client collaboratively.

CACREP 2024, 3.E.2., 3.E.8.-3.E.10., 3.E.12., 5.C.1., 5.C.4., & 5.C.5

1:30 pm – 2:00 pm Treatment Planning Practice

Objective: Students will create a treatment plan based on the case they will use for their case conceptualization beginning in Week 11.

Microskills: Collaboration, goal setting, motivational interviewing.

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Please clean the area around you before leaving daily.

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm

3:00 pm -3:15 pm

3:15 pm – 4:15 pm

CACREP 2024, 3.E.2., 3.E.8.-3.E.10., 3.E.12., 5.C.1., 5.C.4., & 5.C.5; 3.E.1. & 3.E.21

Progress Notes & Ethical Documentation

Presenter: Drs. Day and Hamblin

Objective: SOAP/DAP notes, documenting interventions, and ethical/legal considerations.

CACREP 2024, 3.E.16.& 5.C.9.

Progress Notes & Ethical Documentation Practice

Objective: Write SOAP and DAP notes using the case they will use for their case conceptualizations beginning in Week 11

Microskills: Clear communication, critical thinking.

CACREP 2024, 3.E.16.& 5.C.9.; 3.E.1. and 3.E.21


Practicing Crisis Intervention Documentation

Presenter: Drs. Day and Hamblin

Objective: Handling and documenting crisis situations (e.g., suicidal ideation).

CACREP 2024, 3.E.16. & 5.C.9.

4:15 pm–4:30 pm

8:00 am – 8:15 am

8:15 am – 9:00 am

DEBRIEF, WRAP UP & CLEAN UP Turner Auditorium

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Turner 206

Welcome & Overview of Learning Objectives

Presenters: Drs. Day, Hamblin, and Panna

Objective: Review key takeaways from Day 1 and outline goals for today, which focus on discharge and advanced skills, including hands-on practice and micro-skills

CACREP 2024, 3.E

Mid-Treatment Adjustments & Client Review

Presenter: Drs. Day and Hamblin

Objective: Discuss adjusting treatment plans based on client progress or setbacks.

CACREP 2024, 3.E.3., & 3.E.13.-3.E.15

9:00 am – 9:45 am Mid-Treatment Adjustments & Client Review Practice

Objective: Work in groups to revise the treatment plan after 6 weeks of therapy using the case they will present on their case conceptualization beginning in Week 11.

Microskills: Flexibility in planning, feedback, client reassessment.

CACREP 2024, 3.E.3., & 3.E.13.-3.E.15; 3.E.1. & 3.E.21

9:45 am – 10:15 am Discharge Planning & Termination Documentation

Presenter: Drs. Day and Hamblin

Objective: Proper documentation for discharge, summarizing progress, referrals.

CACREP 2024, 3.E.3., & 3.E.13.-3.E.15

10:15 am – 10:30 am SELF-CARE BREAK

10:30 am – 11:30 am Discharge Planning & Termination Documentation Practice

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Please clean the area around you before leaving daily.

Objective: Students will conduct a simulated final session and write a discharge summary.

Microskills: Summarizing progress, closure, and preparing for aftercare referrals.

CACREP 2024, 3.E.3., & 3.E.13.-3.E.15; 3.E.1. & 3.E.21

11:30 am – 12:00 am File Retention & Legal/Ethical Considerations

Presenter: Drs. Day and Hamblin

Objective: Legal retention of files, ethical practices, and audits. Large group discussion on managing legal and ethical dilemmas related to documentation.

Microskills: Analytical thinking, ethical decision-making.

CACREP 2024, 3.E.5., 3.E.6., & 5.C.3.

12:00 pm -1:00 pm

1:00 pm – 1:45 pm

1:45 pm – 3:15 pm

Advanced Microskills Workshop


Objective: Refine advanced counseling skills, focusing on empathy, confrontation, and immediacy. Roleplaying complex cases involving difficult clients or ethical concerns. Focus on applying microskills in real-time interactions.

Microskills: Empathy, confrontation, reflection of feelings.

CACREP 2024 Standards E.2, E.10, & E.15

Final Review: Putting It All Together

Objective: Review the full lifespan of a clinical file, emphasizing best practices. Students refine their client case conceptualization file that they will be using to present beginning in Week 11 from intake to discharge, including all stages. Presentation of this file to the group for feedback will begin during Week 11.

Microskills: Integration of clinical skills and documentation.

CACREP 2024, 3E

3:15 pm – 3:30 pm Closing Remarks

Presenter: All faculty

DEBRIEF, WRAP UP & CLEAN UP Turner Auditorium

Objective: Reflect on key insights from Residency.

CACREP 2024, Section 3E

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Please clean the area around you before leaving daily.

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