Myths and Facts About Student and Career Services
By Heather Cordner, MBA, Director of Student and Career ServicesAs a student enrolled through the eCampus, you have 24/7 access to resources from our Student and Career Services. This not only includes our Student and Career Services Department, but also the resources found in your Blackboard Student Organization eCampus Student and Career Services Like all departments here at the Keiser University eCampus, our Student and Career Services Department can be reached most days from 9:00 AM EST to 9:00 PM EST Even when we are not here, you can still obtain great assistance from accessing the resources found in the organization on Blackboard What resources are actually available to our online students? A lot more than most students know!
Myth # 1: There are no services available for online students.
Fact: We offer every service you can find at a ground campus online for our students Seminars and workshops are held every month through Keiser Live!, the same platform used in your classes In addition, we provide many one-on-one services, like mock interviews Everything is always virtual! You can even stream sporting events if you cannot attend them in person! Everything is always virtual!
Myth #2: I have no way of getting involved
Fact: A student can get involved in many ways All of our honor societies, student organizations, and programs are available online Some of our organizations include:
Student Government Association
Student Veterans of America
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
Psi Chi International Honor Society for Psychology Programs
Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society for Business Programs
Alpha Phi Sigma, International Honor Society for Criminal Justice Programs
Additionally, student organizations can be developed to meet the needs of the students Students Services also provides professional development workshops as part of Leadership Distinction Program
Myth#3: Thereisnograduationceremonyfor onlinestudents.
Fact:Graduationceremoniesareofferedtwiceayear. Everywinter,ourOfficeoftheChancellorhostsa statewideceremonyforallKeiserUniversitygraduates, andeverysummer,eCampushostsaceremonyforits graduates.Travelmayberequireddependingwherethe ceremoniesareheld.
Myth#4: Iamonmyowntofigureouthowto searchforjobs.
Fact:AsaCareerUniversity,wehaveastrongfocuson careerassistanceservices.OurStudentandCareer ServicesDepartmentprovidesthefollowingandmore!
·Careerwebsitetoviewandapplyforjobsinyourarea (
Ourgoalistomakesureyouhaveaplaninplacebefore yougraduateandareconfidentwhenyouwalkintothat interview.
Myth#5: CareerservicesareonlyforFlorida residents.
Fact:eCampusstudentsarelocatedallacrosstheUnited States,andevenotherpartsoftheworld;so,ourservices arenotlimitedtojustthestateofFlorida.Wehave relationshipswithemployerslocatedthroughoutthe nationandresourcestohelpfindopportunitiesinvarious areas.
Wetrulyhaveastudents-firstmindsetinStudentServices andwebelievethatonlinestudentsshouldhavethesame experiencesandopportunitiesthatstudentsattendinga groundcampusreceive.Wearehereforyou,fromyour firstdayandlongafteryougraduate.ToquoteNew Amsterdam,“HowcanIhelp?”
See the nextpage for instructions on how to locate Student Services on Blackboard.
Student Services Organization on Blackboard
The Student Services Team is here to help!
Call us at 866-537-7371 or email us at
· Heather Cordner, Director
· Channing Lamar, Associate Director
· Hisela Tamayo, Associate Director - Latin Division
· Rosa Veras, Student Services Coordinator
Access eCampus Student and Career Services resources on Blackboard, located under “My Organizations”
Business Office
Financial Aid: Here are quick links for commonly used websites:
· Financial Aid Docs Portal
· FAFSA Website
· Federal Student Aid
Questions? Please call in at 877-597-2552 and ask for your Financial Aid Officer.
Bursar Services: For assistance with student balances, stipend requests, invoices, and payments.
Payments may be made online by visiting Questions? Please call in at 877-597-2552 or email
Office of the Registrar
The Student Services Team is here to help!
Ordering Official Transcripts
Call us at 866-537-7371 or email us at
· Heather Cordner, Director
Ordering Official Transcripts, is quick and easy thanks to Parchment!
· Channing Lamar, Associate Director
Follow the instructions to first create a free account.
· Hisela Tamayo, Associate Director - Latin Division
Select Order Your Transcript
· Rosa Veras, Student Services Coordinator
Enter the Destination.
Select Delivery Method
Please note there is a cost per copy PLUS shipping.
(shipping costs vary depending on location shipping to and method)
Review Transcript Guidelines, sign, and submit request.
Proceed to checkout to Enter Payment Information.
Please allow 3-5 days for processing.
TIP: Plan wisely; order transcripts early!
If you have questions please contact the Registrar Office
Calling in at 877-597-2552 or
Understanding Transcripts
Unofficial Transcripts
Can be accessed by the students on prior institution platforms. Can be used for admissions and enrollment evaluation of transferring credits.
Can be emailed, hand-delivered, mailed, or whatever is the easiest way to send the transcript.
Official Transcripts
Requested by student from prior institution(s), refer to their guidelines. To receive PERMANENT transfer credits from previous institution(s), provide the Registrar’s Office by the end of the student’s first semester. All provided official transcripts need to be SEAL and NON-OPENED.
Leadership Distinction Program
Leadership Distinction Program
Schedule of Seminars:
September 2023 - December 2023
Date & Time Topic
September 21st at 3:00pm EST Success in Your Job with Dr. Van Allan
October 4th at 1:00pm EST
The Power of Networking with Dr. Reyes-Fournier
October 11th at 6:00pm EST
Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media with Professor Lowie Fawley
November 9th at 7:00pm EST
*Getting the Interview: Cover Letter, Resume, and Thank you with eCampus Director of Student Services, Heather Cordner, MBA
December 13th at 3:00pm EST
LinkedIn with Dr. Christopher Peterson, Director Student Services Graduate School
*Required Seminars
All dates, times, and topics are subject to change
Tutoring Services
Tutoring Services
Time Management Tips for College-Bound High School Students
By Jackson Nimshelm as published on USNewsHigh school students planning to attend college can look forward to spending less time in class But they ought to understand that academics are often more demanding in college than in high school "In high school, students are expected to be in class for 35 hours per week, and do approximately 15 hours of homework per week," Dave Ebert, a mathematics teacher at Oregon High School in Wisconsin, wrote in an email. "In college, students are in class for only about 15 hours per week, and then are expected to have approximately 35 hours of work outside of class per week "
Since college students must do much of their schoolwork independently, they need strong time management skills Here are seven tips to begin developing these skills before college:
Get ahead.
Use a calendar
Find a routine
Be responsible with technology
Learn how to study effectively
Schedule study breaks
Know your limits
Get Ahead
Students can expect to be tasked with more major assignments, like research papers, in college While you're still in high school, make a habit of starting these bigger projects well ahead of due dates rather than cramming to finish them at the last minute, experts recommend The same applies to studying for tests that are scheduled in advance. "If you have a research paper due in two weeks, find your research within the first two or three days, then work on reading it for the next four or five days, and then write the paper," says Jodi Bahr, a science teacher at Harvard Middle School and Harvard High School in Nebraska – also known as Harvard Public School – and high school science teaching division director for the National Science Teaching Association.
Use a Calendar
With so much work to complete outside of the classroom, it can be easy for college students to forget about assignments Instead of relying on memory alone, experts advise keeping track of due dates on a calendar.
"Find a planner," Bahr says "That may be something as simple as a piece of paper, or a physical planner from a store, or even a free app "
Find a Routine
Since students will usually spend only a few hours in class per weekday once they get to college, they'll have more flexibility to decide when they want to study and get their work done Trying out different strategies in high school can help you find a procrastinationproof regimen, experts say "Figure out how, when and where you do your best work," says Harris Cooper, a psychology and neuroscience professor at Duke University in North Carolina.
Be Responsible With Technology
Students tend to do schoolwork on computers that are filled with games and websites that can be distracting Those who leave home for college won't have guardians monitoring their phone, TV and video game usage So, while still in high school, it's wise to learn to enjoy nonacademic screen time in moderation, experts say Bahr also encourages students to set daily time limits for social media apps on their phone, adding that putting away cellphones while doing homework can help students stay on task
Learn How to Study Effectively
There are only 24 hours in a day Busy college students need to be efficient in the time that they devote to studying, and they are likely to be behind the curve if their study habits were poor in high school. Lisa Fulton, a school counselor at Eastern Lebanon County High School in Pennsylvania, encourages students to practice "active studying "
"A lot of students think that just looking at notes is studying That's not really studying; that's what you should be doing all the time," says Fulton, who is also assistant chair of the American School Counselor Association board. "You really need to be making flashcards, or having someone quizzing you, or quizzing yourself "
Schedule Study Breaks
Even the most diligent students need some relaxation time to refresh during seemingly endless hours of schoolwork, experts say But students should take break time in moderation so that they complete assignments Bahr suggests timed breaks of reasonable length to avoid unplanned overindulgence in leisure activities
"You can set a timer and give yourself 15 minutes to socialize," she says "But then, when that timer goes off, you need to know to redirect back to studying "
Schedule Study Breaks
Even the most diligent students need some relaxation time to refresh during seemingly endless hours of schoolwork, experts say But students should take break time in moderation so that they complete assignments Bahr suggests timed breaks of reasonable length to avoid unplanned overindulgence in leisure activities
"You can set a timer and give yourself 15 minutes to socialize," she says "But then, when that timer goes off, you need to know to redirect back to studying "
Career Assistance
KU Athletics
NO. 2 Women’s & NO. 3 Men’s Tennis Ready for ITA Regional Tournament
When: September 14-17
Where: Boca Raton, Fla. (Patch Reef Park)
The Women Seahawks will be in a mix of conference opponents with Ave Maria, Coastal Georgia, SCAD-Savannah, Southeastern, St. Thomas, and Warner all entering players into the tournament. Placing high in the tournament will give the girls a good chance to represent Kesier at the ITA Cup National Championships in Rome, Georgia in October Defending ITA Regional Champion Violet Apisah will look to make another run at the title joining teammates Florencia Araya, Isabella Perez Flores, and Vanja Vidanovic who are all making their return to the tournament Ecaterina Visnevscaia and Yeva Kononovich will both be making their debuts for the Seahawks as they joined the team over the summer
The Men’s Seahawks will see their first set of action on Thursday at the ITA Regional Championships All six representatives for Keiser are making their return to the squad with defending singles champion Yassir Kilani joining teammates Soufiane El Mesbahi, Shaheed Alam, Didrik Liljekvist, Christian Foss, and Max Bakken. Half of the doubles champions is also returning with El Mesbahi set to play with Alam. Last season the Seahawks achieved an unprecedented result of not losing a match to a non-Keiser opponent in the entire tournament.
For more information, tickets, complete schedules, and access to all our teams download the app today!
At Keiser University, service to our students and to the community, has always been at the heart of our mission Providing opportunities that give people the best chance to succeed in life is demonstrated in our quality academic programs and commitment to coaching students to employment This commitment is evident through Keiser’s role as the largest producer of nurses in Florida and our ranking as the No 1 school in the country for Social Mobility by U S News and World Report To continue our service to the community and our students, we see an incredible opportunity to change lives by building a new aquatic center on our Flagship Campus This aquatic center will provide a home for the National Champion Seahawks Swim Teams, a catalyst for sports tourism in South Florida, and a venue for children in our community to learn to swim For more information and additional ways that you can help, please visit: aquaticcenter keiseruniversity edu
Creative Commons
Photography submitted by Deidre Hernandez, student of the Master of Business Administration Program. She is a fulltime student, working fulltime, and a mother of two sweet girls. These photos were capture during her breaks at work, find inspiration in her surroundings.
“Nature is a beauty in itself.”
Alumni Spotlight
Challenging Side Effects
Even as the headaches mounted and the radiation made her skin peel and her hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and nails fell out, Scott remained enrolled in online classes toward an associate degree Remote schoolwork provided a distraction from the long days in the hospital
“It was horrible like an elephant was stepping on my head,” said Scott “But I pushed myself forward. I’m hard on myself because I want the best for myself, and I want to show my daughter that you can do anything when you set your mind to it.”
It was a running joke around her family circle. Ariella Scott acted as if she was a doctor. The Keiser University student would make it a point to be the first to tell her ailing relatives what might be bothering them But three years ago, the roles reversed The 23-year-old Texan gave herself an examination
“I was in pain,” said Scott, who will receive an Associate of Science degree in Medical Administrative Billing and Coding during Keiser University commencement exercises, Sept 8, 2023, at the Charles F Dodge City Center in Pembroke Pines, Fla “And I realized some things about my body that I needed to go get checked out ”
A mammogram detected what she had assumed. There were physical changes to her breast. The biopsy confirmed what she had feared. Scott was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer.
Young women like Scott are not supposed to get breast cancer. Only about 4% of the women who accounted for breast cancer diagnosis last year were under the age of 40. However, the American Cancer Society reports latestate breast cancer diagnosis in young women like Scott has been climbing by about 3% each year
Scott had only recently stopped breast feeding her daughter Now, immediately after her diagnosis, she was being asked to write a will, plan for hospice, and undergo chemotherapy as cancer marched into her brain area
“There were times I just didn’t want to do the chemotherapy,” said the Keiser University student, now 27 “Nothing made sense to me It was all so unreal ”
Arriella Scott Associate of Science Medical Billing and Coding August2023
The one caveat was Scott had to transfer to the billing and coding program once she realized that she could not continue chemotherapy and take part in the clinicals required of the medical assisting curriculum.
“I can definitely go back to school to be a medical assistant if chemotherapy stops,” said Scott. “Hopefully, I can get a remote job in billing and coding while continuing chemotherapy ”
That is for another day, which is more than Scott might have thought she had when she was first diagnosed with late-stage cancer three years ago. For now, tomorrow is about making the trip with her four-year-old daughter from their home in Fort Worth, Texas, to Florida where she will receive her diploma.
“It feels good that I may be an inspiration,” said Scott, who plans to author a book about her journey. “I know there are people with worse conditions. Keep moving forward Don’t let somebody tell you what you cannot do or what you shouldn’t be doing Don’t let cancer define you. Define yourself.”
Billing and Coding Careers
Keiser University’s Associate of Science degree in Medical Administrative Billing & Coding prepares students to assign accurate medical codes for diagnostic procedures and other services offered by healthcare practitioners Keiser University is currently enrolling its next cohort of nursing students, who may begin coursework this fall.
“We are so proud of Ariella,” said Arthur Keiser, chancellor of Keiser University. “At Keiser university, we are committed to providing a diverse and inclusive learning environment so that all students – even those who may have a very challenging path – can find a personable and nurturing atmosphere conducive to helping them learn and grow ”
For complete story please visit KUBLOG as well as follow us on social media for more amazing stories.
Faculty Spotlight
Dean of Academic Affairs Latin Division
KU Alumni 2020
Keiser University Academic Leader is Among HACU Leadership Academy Fellows
Dr. Norma Pastor, Academic Dean of Keiser University’s Latin Division, is among 50 fellows who will take part in the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) Leadership Academy.
The program, now celebrating its fifth cohort, is designed to increase diverse representation in executive and senior-level positions in higher education. “Our leadership academy fellows have already proven the value of the Association’s efforts to increase diverse representation within the upper echelons of higher education by assuming top positions at colleges and universities across the nation,” said HACU President and CEO Antonio R Flores “Students benefit from having leaders from a wide range of backgrounds, and this fifth and largest cohort to date brings a range of professional and life experience that can meet the challenges of our multicultural institutions of higher education ” Fellows participate in an array of leadership development activities preparing them for leadership roles in the full spectrum of institutions of higher learning, with an emphasis on Hispanic-serving institutions and Emerging HSIs.
“I am deeply honored and thrilled to be included in the HACU Leadership Academy. As an academic dean, I am committed to fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and inclusivity within our institution. I look forward to working collaboratively with my colleagues, students, and the broader academic community to create an environment where learning thrives and where we can continue to make meaningful contributions to education and research,” said Pastor
Dr.Pastorhasalwaysbeenpassionateaboutpromoting highereducationandisthankful toservetheHispanic community throughhercurrentrole Beforeserving as KeiserUniversity’sLatinDivisionAcademicDean,Pastor contributedasanAssociateDean,aProgram Directorof theBachelorof HealthServiceAdministration,andasa faculty member Originally from theDominicanRepublic, sheearnedherMedical Doctordegreefrom Autonomous University of SantoDomingoin2004 withaspecialty in Anesthesiology from theCentral Hospital of theArmed Forcesin2008 Afterrelocating totheUnitedStatesin 2012,sheearnedherDoctorof HealthSciencedegree from KeiserUniversity in2020
Theone-yearfellowship program includeswebinarsand threeseminars Thefirstseminarwill beheldinOctober 2023inconjunctionwithHACU’s37thAnnual Conference inChicago,Illinois.Thesecondseminarwill beheldin Washington,D.C.,inApril 2024,atHACU’sNational Capitol Forum Thethirdseminarwill takeplacein Salamanca,Spaininthesummerof 2024,atHACU’s International Conference
TheHACU Leadership Academy faculty consistsof currentandformerpresidents,chancellors,andsenior administratorsandbringsover100yearsof combined experienceinserving varioussectorsof highereducation, including private/publicuniversities,community colleges,andfaith-basedinstitutions Mentorship witha university presidentorsenior-level administratorisakey component,aswell asthedevelopmentof aspecial projectdesignedtohaveanimpactattheFellow’s currentinstitution.
TheHispanicAssociationof CollegesandUniversities, foundedin1986,representsmorethan500collegesand universitiesintheUnitedStates,LatinAmerica,Spain, andschool districtsthroughouttheU.S.HACU istheonly national associationrepresenting existing andemerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions(HSIs) TheAssociation’s headquartersisinSanAntonio,Texas,withregional officesinWashington,D.C.andSacramento,California. KeiserUniversity isaprivate,independent,non-profit university serving nearly 20,000studentsat21Florida campuses,online,andtwointernational sites Cofoundedin1977by Chancellor ArthurKeiser,Ph.D.,and EvelynKeiser,KeiserUniversity currently offersmore than100degreesfrom associatetothedoctoral level KeiserUniversity isadesignatedHispanic-Serving Institution,amemberof theHispanicAssociationof CollegesandUniversities,andwasrankedNo.1inthe U S inproviding Social Mobility by U S NewsandWorld Report in2023