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`≥Å∞QÆ∞ Hõ`ÀeHõ ɡ·|∞Å∞
APBC, Bible Commission
Hõ`ÀeHõ J#∞"å^Œ=Ú, ã¨g∞HõΔ =∂iÛ, 2011
Imprimatur :
+ Gali Bali QÍe ÉÏe President, APBC Chairman, APBC Bible Commission QÆ∞O@∂~°∞ Ñ‘~åî kèÑ`¨ ∞« Å∞ PO„^èŒ Hõ`ÀeHõ Ñ‘~åî kèÑ`¨ ∞« Å ã¨=∂MϺ^躌 ‰õΩΔ Å∞ PO„^èŒ Hõ`ÀeHõ ɡ|· ∞Å∞ ã¨OѶ∂¨ ^躌 ‰õΩΔ Å∞
C All Rights Reserved by
Jxfl ǨωõΩ¯Å∞ :
The Andhra Catholic Bible
PO„^èŒ Hõ`ÀeHõ ɡ|· ∞Å∞ ã¨OѶ∞¨ =Ú "åiq Commission "≥Ú^Œ\ ˜ ‰õÄ~°∞Ê : 1990 – 50, 000 „Ѩ`∞« Å∞ ~Ô O_»= ‰õÄ~°∞Ê : 1998 – 1, 40, 000 First Edition - 1990 -50,000 Copies Second Revised Edition : 1998-1,40,000 Copies
=¸_»= ‰õÄ~°∞Ê : 2011 – 1, 25 ,000 „Ѩ`∞« Å∞
Third Revised Edition : 2011-1,25,000 Copies
COPY RIGHT NOTICE Written permission must be obtained from the Andhra Catholic Biblical Commission as copyright holder prior to the reproduction of any part of this publication in any form by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system.
„ѨHÍâ◊‰Ωõ Å∞ : PO„^èŒ Hõ`ÀeHõ ɡ|· ∞Å∞ ã¨OѶ∞¨ =Ú a+¨Ñûπ ǨÏ∫ãπ, K«O„^Œ=∞øo #QÆ~,ü QÆ∞O@∂~°∞ – 522 007
Published by : The Andhra Catholic Biblical Commission Bishop's House, Chandramoulinagar, Guntur - 522 007
DTP : (SUBODHA) APBC Bible Center, Hyderabad, A.P. India. Printed at : Brilliant Printers, Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru - 560 094, India.
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