Newsletter of Germanic Languages and Literatures The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Editor: Leonie Marx • Layout: Pam LeRow
KUrier Vol. 3, No. 2, Spring 2015
Graduate Studies
Graduate Examinations
Spring 2015 was a successful semester for our graduate students:
Four graduate students passed their M.A. degree examinations this academic year. Our congratulations go to: Shane Billig (December 2014) Schirin Kourehpazhassanalizadeh (April 2015) Stephanie Wille (April 2015) Marcus Höhne (May 2015)
Dissertation Colloquium
In March Emily Hackmann and Michael DeHaven, PhD candidates in German Applied Linguistics, each gave a presentation on the progress of their dissertation work: Michael DeHaven: “Navigating the Niemandsland of Two-Way Prepositions” Emily Hackmann: “The Expression of Temporal Events in Narration by L2 Learners of German”
Graduate Student Conference
The graduate students organized their 19th annual conference which was held on April 11th. This year’s theme was “Niemandsland/No Man’s Land: Lost in the Homeland and Searching for a Third Space” with an opening keynote lecture by Dr. Majid Hannoum from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Kansas: “Is there a ‘Third Space’? On Exile and Returning ‘Home’“. Schirin Kourehpazhassanalizadeh, M.A. candidate in German and this year’s president of the Graduate Association of German Students (GAGS), was instrumental in keeping the program running smoothly and bringing the conference to a successful conclusion. Schirin Kourehpazhassanalizadeh
Two of the M.A. students defended a Master's thesis: Marcus Höhne: “Tradition und Moderne im deutschen Wald: Wilhelm Hauffs Das kalte Herz“ (directed by Professor Lorie Vanchena). Schirin Kourehpazhassanalizadeh: “Das Gedicht als ‚Bedürfnis nach einem Ort‘: Zur Situation und Bildersprache des Exilanten Said“ (directed by Professor Leonie Marx).
Graduate Student Awards
Stella Knecht Graduate Teaching Award Stephanie Wille
Montana Huslig Award for Outstanding Service to the Department Schirin Kourehpazhassanalizadeh Summer Research Fellowship Awards Stefany Van Scoyk Emily Hackmann Max Kade Dissertation Fellowship Award Stefany Van Scoyk Dissertation title: “Wie viel Heimat braucht der Mensch?” Conceptualizations of Lost and Restored Heimat in German-Jewish Narratives” (directed by Professor Leonie Marx).
In this issue: Graduate Student News..............................................1 Recognizing our Graduates........................................2 Undergraduate Achievements....................................4 Undergraduate Class Project Achievement...............7 Max Kade Center News...............................................8 Faculty News................................................................8 Culture and Careers.....................................................9