George carey transmutation

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Transmutation— Turning of Water Into Wine The Lord of transmutation has ascended the throne of Aquarius to rule the world for 2,160 years. Aquarius, the fifth Son, Sun, of Jacob, circles, or follows after. Dan is the Hebrew word for Judge. Thus the day or time of judgment or understanding will have for its executor the revolutionary planet Uranus, or in Greek, “Oranous.” Uranus means Son of Heaven. This God is surely a suitable ruler for the zodiacal Sign Aquarius, the Man. “And then shall appear the Sign of the Son (Sun) of man in the heavens.” Since the solar system is now in Aquarius, we may expect and as a matter of fact are experiencing, the prophecies of great astrologians as recorded in Matthew 24th and also in Luke 2:1. On the Judgment Day, or time of knowledge, we are due to realize the process by which base metals are transmuted into gold. The word gold comes from Or, a product of the Sun’s rays or the breath of life. Life or Spirit breathed into man precipitates brain cells and gray matter which create or build the fluids and structure of physical man. “In the beginning was the word—the word was God.” God means power. Thus the emanations from the Sun, basic material, are changed to gold, and the process continues eternally. Alchemy is defined to be the science of transmitting metal into gold. This was not the real true meaning of Alchemy. The real

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