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TANTRIC SOUL MATES IN THE QURAN People of the world! out there I know none of you are satisfied - Teddy Pendergrass “Bad Luck” Completion and satisfaction in a relationship goes beyond sexual satisfaction. But can a person even achieve full sexual satisfaction if the other dimensions of his or her relationship are mired in dissatisfaction. Very few people in Western civilization are happy, content and satisfied in their relationships. Even married people seem to be incessantly desperately seeking somebody or at least on the look out for a possible close encounter of the romantic kind. Satisfied people don’t behave as the vast majority of people presently behave. How did people become so discontent? Is this a natural state of affairs? Is this the very best we can do? Are we all doomed to “lowered expectations” so that we “settle for” less than fulfilling relationships because it is “unrealistic” to expect to unite with the man or woman of our dreams? Nearly every advertisement seeks to snare us by stimulating our natural sexual urges and exploiting them by associating the stimulated drive with their (often worthless) product. This is called Subliminal Seduction. Please read the book “Subliminal Seduction” by Brian Wilson Key and “Hidden Persuaders” by Vance Packard to discover how advertisers literally seduce you into purchasing things (like liquor and cigarettes) you don’t need and which could be fatal to you. Take a long look at just about any color ad in a magazine and you will discover the words “sex” or “fuck” embedded (to look like distortions or blemishes) in the models’ faces. Or check out the liquor ads and scrutinize everything, especially the so-called ice in glasses. First of all, the bottle (a Freudian phallic symbol) is often situated to look like an ejaculating penis with white foam bubbling or pouring out the lip. The ice often shows pictures (supposedly reflections) or abstract drawings of people in coitus or even unspeakable acts like bestiality. Death symbols (like rats or skulls) are also sprinkled in such ads subliminally because the death drive is the flip side of the life (sex) drive. As astrologers know the 8th house is that of both sex and death. It’s also the house of “other people’s money.” We can begin to see, astrologically, the relationship among sex, money and death. The death drive is a real drive that’s closely linked to the sex drive. AIDS really made its mark in 1984 when several prominent promiscuous people died. Instead of everyone curbing their risky behaviour, many went buck wild as if the threat of death made the sex urge 10 times more potent. Advertisers exploit the death drive because they know that stimulating the death

drive automatically stimulates the sex drive. And an awakened sex drive binds itself to whatever image is associated with it. This is true Shirk or association that’s prohibited in Islam.

In the Quran, Iblis (the archetype of lower left-brained evil) says: “Because you adjudged me to be wrong, I will certainly lie in wait for them in your straight path. Then I will certainly come upon them from before them and from behind them and from their right [brain hemisphere] and from their left [brain hemisphere]. And you will not find most of them grateful” (7:16-17). Sex is natural, it’s part of the universe’s straight path. But diabolic manipulators ambush the unsuspecting public by perverting and corrupting natural drives. Even photographs processed by large outfits can have “sex” and “fuck” words embedded by means of something done with emulsifiers. That is how film producers seduce people to take more and more pictures. They make pictures “sexy.” But even the satanic advertisers would fail to ensnare people if they were satisfied in their relationships. Their own dissatisfaction is what makes people vulnerable to subliminal seduction. Being discontented, they have an eye already out for anything sexy or alluring. More American marriages end in divorce or separation than endure “till death to us part.” Marriage in America is a failing enterprise. Asked why marriages fail, most people will say “lack of communication,” but that answer is too superficial. The marriages were doomed to fail the moment they said “I do” because, in the vast majority of cases, the people were never suited to be together. People say, “What God has joined together, let no man tear asunder.” But what if God wasn’t the one who joined them? What if the unifier was nothing greater than their own lust for sex, money or status in the community? What if the unifier was the faint ticking of a “biological clock”? Can such a union endure? Old School Marriage Judged by longevity, marriages in the past were far more successful than the temporary trysts we call marriage today. In astrology, the 7th house is that of marriage and open enemies. People begin as a loving couple and within months turn into open enemies. Today, people scoff at the way people across the planet, prior to the end of World War II, often got married when they were as young as 15 or 16. But those marriages -- despite any natural growing pains -- usually lasted for life. But, in America, an unnatural and artificial period in life called teen years has been manufactured. Women have very insidiously and subtly been tricked into putting off marriage until later and later. Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field. -- Genesis 3:1

Marriage, it was proposed, should be put off until she finished school. That sounded reasonable enough. So 18 became the target year for matrimony (my great-grandmother would’ve called an unmarried 18 year old woman a spinster). Then, because college education is so important, marriage had to be postponed until graduation, around 22 years of age. But no bright girl should simply waste a good education. Gosh no! Put that 2

education to use and have a career. She’d established a career. Twenty-eight sounded like a good date to start really thinking about marriage. It’s not uncommon, now, for marriages and pregnancy (that won’t be aborted) to occur when the woman is in her early-to-middle 30s! That amounts to 15 - to - 20 years of puberty and menstruation without marriage or pregnancy. Is nature so stupid that it would bring on biological reproductive readiness that far before the woman is emotionally and socially ready? Or are our own social institutions and conventions so retarded that able-bodied men and women remain mentally incapable of parenthood until they are literally middle-aged? Arranged Marriages

To this day, many civilized cultures practice what we call arranged marriages. Practiced properly, such marriages succeeded because the people who arranged them were guided by oracles, astrologers, psychics, seers and spirits in making the arrangement. In other words, a wife and a husband were not just chosen. Spiritual technology was employed to divine which two people were already joined on the spiritual plane so that the bond could be completed here on the physical plane. That is the science behind certain traditional cultures wedding a child boy and girl. (They would not actually marry - in the sense presently understood - until much, much later). The decision who to marry is probably the most important decision most people will ever make. Should such a major decision, with such wide and far-reaching consequences be entrusted to two hormone intoxicated teenagers? The wise, the elders, the spiritually mature, are supposed to relieve teens of such an awesome burden. The dead ancestors are consulted so that the correct marriage bond is formed. Included in any marital decision is understanding of the primary reason why the people incarnated on earth in the first place. In wise societies, people aren’t born and then spend 20 or 30 years trying to figure out their purpose. Everyone is born with a mission already provided. Study of a person’s 10th house will reveal why they incarnated. The Bible says that God made “an help meet” for Adam. The spouse is intended to be a help meet for the wife or husband, i.e. a partner whose function includes helping her or him meet their life’s purpose. But if we know not our mission, how can we properly choose a spouse? Zavj: One Half of a Whole

In Quranic philosophy, each person is a zavj, i.e., a half of a whole that consists of two matching, interlocking and interworking parts. Each husband is called a zavj (mate) and so is every wife. And among His signs is this, that He created mates for you from your own souls that you may energize (tantrically) with them. And he placed love and merciful compassion between you. Surely in that are miraculous signs for a 3

people who meditate. -- Quran 30:21 The term “soul mates” is so often abused that I’d be embarrassed to even use it if not for the fact that it’s in the above verse of the Quran. You are half of a being, a zavj, and as such incomplete until reunited with your matching pair. Sing hymns to Him who created everything in pairs of what the Earth grows and from their souls and of what they know not. -- Quran 36:36

To flourish as a complete being you must be reunited with your matching half. Sometimes several incarnations take place with the zavjs making near misses. Any relationship with anyone except your true soul - zavj is really just a marriage of convenience. The purpose of a mate is, among other things, to energize the higher kundalini, the Sakinah and that mighty force is most easily switched on by life-force intensification rituals. The life-force is stored in the testicles and ovaries. The name of the goddess Het-Heru reveals that the love goddess is the House (Het) of Heru (libido, life-force). By rhythmically contracting and relaxing the perineum, the life-force floods the body with sexual pleasure. This is the basis of life-force intensification rituals. On a more intense level life-force intensification is accomplished through advanced sexual procedures called tantric yoga in India. The male rarely ejaculates (though he may achieve a non-ejaculatory orgasm). In both parties the raw sexual force is refined, elevated, processed, cultivated and purified until it transmutes to precious Sakiynah power which is also called Shechinah, Shekem and Shen power in other traditions. It’s elevation from the genitals up the spine to the crown lotus chakra is known as “raising up the salaat.” Raise up the Salaat from the declining of the Sun till the darkness of the night and the dawn Quran. -- Quran 17:78

There shall come to you the ark in which is Sakiynah from your Lord -- Quran 2:248 4

He it is who sent down Sakiynah into the hearts of the masters of semen retention. -- Quran 48:4

There are three “cauldrons” or storage centers for life-force. The abdomen Tan Tien holds ching or raw sexual force. The chest (behind the heart) stores chi or mental energy. The middle of the brain stores heavenly energy or Sakiynah. In the Tao, Sakiynah energy is called Shin. Most translators of the Quran translate Sakiynah to be “calm” or “tranquility” or even “quiet of mind.” Well, these are side effects of Sakiynah not Sakiynah (pronounced sah-kee-not) itself. The Quran says it was sent down to the heart because the orderly step-down progression of energy from refined to gross is head-to-heart-to-belly. In esoteric Judaism Shekinah (Hebrew for Sakiynah) is the wife of the God Yahweh. Energy, in spiritual literature is usually depicted as feminine. Sakiynah is a feminine word. Embedded in Arabic spiritual terms are core ancient Egyptian concepts. To understand and, more importantly, to practice those principles it is necessary to understand truly spiritual concepts from a mystical and technical level. The word mu’min is always translated “believe” or “faithful”, but it is an Arabicized form of the great Egyptian god Min whose principle icon shows him standing on a pillar, masturbating with his left hand. There are plumes (feathers) on either side of his head. Masturbating his erect penis with his left hand conveys very sublime information for those who have an eye to see. The erect penis signifies a powerful life-force which an initiate needs to live the type of life that results in divinity. All successful male initiates will have a powerful libido which force is essential for awakening the mighty kundalini energy current. But while Min’s (i.e. the initiates) libido is strong, it is under discipline and control as signified by the god’s use of his left hand, the hand for drawing energy inward. The right hand signifies expelling energy outward (ejaculation). So Min has high libido and is actively stimulated, yet not ejaculating. If he were ejaculating, his penis would not be stiff. The Egyptians mastered science the west has only recently re-discovered. The left side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain (and vice versa). It is the right brain that is in charge of visualization. By masturbating with his left hand, the sages of Egypt were showing that the initiate (the god Min) must cultivate creative visualization and to unite his/her images with the vivifying sexual force. The plumes indicate that success in such practices awakens the energy centers (chakras) in the Temples, on the sides of the Uraeus or Ajna chakra (also indicated by the wings at the top of the caduceus wand or medical staff). Min stands atop steps which signify degrees of initiation. At its purest, most refined level, Min becomes the supreme God Amen and that is 5

why Jewish, Christian and Muslim prayers end with “Amen.” A mu’min, then, is one who practices, cultivates and masters the principles and techniques of Min. And so I translate mu’miniyn (plural of mu’min) as “masters of semen retention” in Quran 48:4. The Quran is replete with words that non-mystical translators have stripped of most of their technical-spiritual meaning. Because retention of Semen is absolutely essential for male initiates (women can safely have orgasms without loss of spiritual power), several of the spiritual-technical words have sexual implications. Ittaga (from which words like taqwa/“righteousness” and muttaqiyn/”god-fearing” are derived) is usually translated “fear.” But the core, root meaning of the verb is “he retained.” What is being retained? Semen! Taqwa, then, is not simply “righteousness,” it is a state of spiritual cultivation resulting from a way of life of semen retention and energy raising. It is the loss of seminal power that creates conditions of fear. An ancient Indian story tells of an initiate who can’t seem to awaken his kundalini, so he goes to see the god Vishnu and is shocked to find him locked in sexual embrace with a female yogina. Vishnu questions him on why he thinks sex is debased and unholy. After some teaching, the god explains that while having intercourse with the initiate they visualize the maintenance and preservation of the universe. Min’s left-hand masturbation signifies the same. The feathers indicate that the initiate can reach heavenly consciousness.

Within the human being, the higher self (Ausar, Shiva, Yama, Allah, Atman, etc.) is the zavj or “soul mate” of the jivan or lower self (Isis, Yemaya, Mary, Asherah, etc.). This is a “sign” for people to meditate upon. There is a true “soul mate” in the world who is a perfect match for you. This man or woman completes you, makes you whole and with whom you can naturally produce miracles. The stress and tension of an ill-fitting union are absent when one is bonded with one’s soul mate. Of course, challenges appear but even these are greeted with an attitude of adventure, excitement, joy and mutual cooperation. Every labor becomes a labor of love. So if God has created soul mates for us, why are so few people bonded with theirs? Why haven’t we found our soul mate? In all probability, you have. But when you did you were already in a relationship or the soul mate was. So you missed each other. Perhaps the hunt will begin anew in your next incarnation. There is an energy cord or beam that connects you to your soul mate. Actually, there are two of them: muwaddat (love) and rahmat (mercy). True psychics like my amazing wife Helen can see the cords. But every relationship -- especially every sexual relationship -- creates new cords with whoever was the sexual partner. Each new sex act, fantasy or strong focus on that person, strengthens the link. Now, if you got married at 32, you know you were not celibate all those years 6

leading up to 32. There were many, many cords built up. These blur the more subtle cords between you and your soul mate. Those cords got lost and overridden by the shiny, bright lust cords made between you and your past and present lovers. People like Helen can “de-cord” or detach the cords and links between past lovers so energy is not wasted upon failed relationships. Some cords are connected to people’s genitals, showing a primarily sexual bond. Others are to the heart or the brain. One doesn’t really find the soul mate. One allows the divine attraction to bring the matching pairs together. The most difficult contribution is patience, i.e., to leave the romantic life uncluttered by temporary relationships. By meditating you can help create a conducive psychic environment for drawing the mates together. Often soul mates seem to be “odd couples,” people who, on the surface seem ill-suited to be together, and yet they are. That is because they are matching pairs or opposite aspects of the same soul. So they may be May-December (one young, one old), black and white, Jew and Muslim, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, etc. But beneath the surface differences will rest a unified energy/matter than cements them into one. The Quran says “herein are miracles for a people who meditate.” During tantric sex, the couple should visualize each other as god and goddess. He should worship her in her private parts and vice-versa. It may, at first, seem a little corny, but his true self is God and so is hers. God is actually the only one present. They should chant mantras during moments of heightened pleasure, especially the mantra of the deity in charge of their objective. For example, if you are sexually meditating for a new home, that is classified under Isis and the Moon. Isis’ chant (heka) is Aum Vam Duhum. The parties should visualize themselves entering their lovely new home and chant Isis’ dhikr (mantra) while in sexual embrace. Each should know that the other is the embodiment of the god or goddess. At some point one (usually the woman) may fall into trance and begin to prophesy and speak as the goddess to instruct the couple on achieving their goal, health issues, scriptural understanding and other things. Sometimes people spontaneously go into yoga postures. That is because, originally, all the asanas (postures) were sexual in nature and designed for use in sacred tantric rites. What Now? Please do not decide to break up with someone because you think he or she is not your soul mate. God knows and we do not. Even is that person turns out not to be your soul mate, you and he/she united for a karmic reason. Be the best wife or husband you can be to let that purpose unfold. Treat your mate as if she/he is your soul mate and whichever the case is will be manifested. Of course, if you are in an abusive, soul-debilitating hellhole of a relationship, by all means liberate yourself.

Develop the habit of consulting the oracle for major decisions like marriage. Let God guide and teach us how to best attract and be fit matching, interlocking pairs for our Soul’s mates. 7


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