The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life is a cosmogram which graphically depicts the order of the universe. It is a graphic compliment of the cosmology of the universe. The Tree is also a guide for creating any event and a guide for thinking and understanding the myriad things in the universe which illustrates the manner in which they all interrelate. The Tree highlights the steps a prospective initiate must take and the experiences she must undergo in order to achieve the apex of enlightenment.
Egyptian Tree
According to E.A. Wallis Budge "The early Egyptians thought that Egypt was the world, and that it was surrounded by a chain of lofty mountains, like the Gebel Kaf of the Arabs, which was pierced in two places, one in the east and the other in the west. In the evening the Sun passed through the western hole, and travelling, not under the earth, but on the same place and outside the chain of mountains, it came round to the eastern hole in the mountains, through which it entered to begin the new day above the earth." So Budge would have us believe that an advanced, scientific culture that discovered Pi, intricately worked out the precession of the equinoxes, understood solstices, studied distant stars like Sirius and sent missionaries all over the planet "thought Egypt was the world" and that the sun "passed through" holes in mountains each day. It is astonishing that a "scholar" like Budge would not have seen immediately that such analogies were metaphors. To characterize such descriptions as "Egyptian thought" would be equal to saying Americans thought the world was flat because some of their maps are flattened out to show both hemispheres. The imagery of the world surrounded by a mountain chain became the Qaf Mountains among the Arabs. Quaf is the letter "Q" in the Arabic alphabet.
Don't they observe the sama' [asteroid belt]1 above them (and see) how We have fashioned it and decorated it and (that) it has no gaps? And the Earth, We have stretched her and cast mountains in her and grown in her some of every magnificent and delightful pair. An enlightened Vision and a Manta to every rotating slave. Quran, al-Qaf, 50:6-8 Qaf is one of the Quran's mystic letters. I've translated sama' "asteroid belt" because that is what the Sumerians called the "hammered out bracelet" that once formed a part of the giant planet Tiamet. Earth and the sama' (asteroid belt) were once one planet (tiamet). The Quran, therefore says that the asteroid belt (usually mistranslated "sky") and the Earth were once one unit which were split apart. The Sumerian record provides a detailed description of the process. The word for mountains, rawaasiy, literally means "heads." Qaf (Hebrew Koph) means "back of the head" Rawaasiy (mountains) means "heads" and Qaf is also the name of sacred mountains. What is the relationship between back of heads and mountains. To break this bit of the code we've got to travel to China. The ancient Taoist masters called the region in the back of the crown, near the pineal gland, the Kum Lun mountain. This mountain effects inner vision, the brain's glands and other significant spiritual energetic processes.
Beneath the Kun Lun mountain is the Small Brain Point or Jade Pillow which controls breathing. The Kun Lun mountain of Qaf is to give sight, enlightenment, clairvoyance or inner vision (tabsirat, v.8) "to every rotating slave." A "slave" is code for spiritual initiate. In the old days a wannabe would become the apprentice of a master and would "serve" that master for however long was necessary. But the "serving" part was really just the means by which instruction took place. Usually, the student was more of an impediment to the mater's work than a real asset, at least in the early years of training. So the word 'abd (slave) was used to symbolize an apprentice-initiate who was studying and obtaining the character transformation necessary to one day himself (or herself) become a master ("guru" in Sanskrit). When the Bible says for the slave to be obedient to his master, the froward as well as the kind, it's not 3
talking about the vile creatures who were slave masters, murderers and oppressors of Blacks, Whites and Indians in America. Those demonic creatures have no divine authorization of exemption from the karmic law. They exploited the scriptural passage to apply it to their criminal behaviour when it, in fact, had not a thing to do with them or their "peculiar institution." But the whole guru function and position has been grossly misused by men of all spiritual systems. Few of the Indian yogi "gurus" who are hustling in America and the rest of the west are worth a dime or a moment of your precious time. Most of them don't even know the depths of the yoga which they stole and distorted from the Dravidian people of India. The New Age silliness that features well-meaning girls supposedly channeling a wide variety of ghosts, aliens and arch-angels has to be evaluated on its content. What thing of value, what advanced wisdom, have you gotten from all the channelers who've popped up since Jane Roberts and Seth? There are probably a few who actually are communicating with some discarnate spirit. Such ones will usually be in need of a sho' nuff exorcism from someone who knows what they're doing, such as an African priest of priestess of Yoruba, Voodoo or ancient Kamitic wisdom. See, the "vibration" of any non-physical being is not in harmony with that of the physical vehicle. So prolonged or repeated "invocations" of such beings is not a wise or good thing. Look at Jane Roberts herself" Seth killed her! Nobody wants to admit it, but Seth's constant manifestation in and through Jane weakened and wore down her system until it killed the poor girl. And all the while this was going on Seth's jive behind was inside her talking about "your got to work on your beliefs about health." It wasn't her belief's about health that were killing Jane it was Seth's no good ass himself. I don't mean to scare you, but you are more than likely a part time (or maybe even full-time) victim of possession. The modern life style is possessive by its very nature. Sorry, but that's the truth as far as I know it and I've resisted evidence of ghostly things interfering with people. But the evidence for such interference is overwhelming. See there are certain rules of the game. Now, these days people don't like to think about laws, rules and all that. We want to just freestyle spiritually. So we've become a bunch of Evil Knieval spiritual daredevils. But despite that, the rules are the rules. Group dancing is a call to spirits. So when you go to a club or disco and dance yourself into a trance (with the requisite libation of alcohol) you are "emailing" a spirit that you are inviting it to inhabit you. Okay, that sounds weird. I know. And I'm not saying don't dance. Hell, I think dancing should be mandatory! I'm just saying....(I always wanted to write that). I'm just saying that group dancing was created and designed for spiritual possession purposes. Check out the Africans and Indians, etc., who created this stuff. They didn't do it for "fun" or "to socialize." They did it as an advanced spiritual rite. So, today when your unaware butt is shaking on the dance floor, hoping to attract somebody, you have no idea just how many somebodies you are attracting. Poor babies. So you go away from the disco carrying more than your credit cards. Usually, you go away carrying a nasty demon of some sort. Darn, I'm probably sounding like Jerry Falwell or somebody and that's not at all how I want to come off.
Drugs, alcohol, peyote, mushrooms -- all mind-altering substances -- are designed to lower our defenses so that spirits can get inside. That's was they were designed for, not for pleasure or whatever silly reason we use or "to get in the mood." Oh, my lovely, but silly friends. You are playing around with some stuff so potent that only high priests should be touching it. And yet you run willy nilly into harm's way and have no idea that you're even doing so. Kinky sex, sex games, bondage, tying up, fellatio, cunnilingus, spanking and all that good stuff -- the purpose of all sex game stuff is to invoke (and direct) spirits. For real. And you need to be a spiritual master (and a sexual energy All Pro) to be fooling around with that kind of high potent material. Today, we just call that stuff "foreplay." Let's just deal with one thing. Bondage. For some reason the things we do on this plane become quite real on other planes. One purpose of bondage was to hold a spirit, to tie it down, until it was forced to do your bidding. When the person -- usually the woman -- is tied up, the spirit acts as if it is bond. It then becomes very submissive and will (usually) do as it is commanded. Before the spirit is tied down, the spirit is "captured" by bringing the woman to the boiling point of sexual arousal. That sexual heat is what draws the entity. Then when the woman's ankles and wrists are bond, the ghost thinks it has been caught. After some posturing, the spirit will usually submit and become quite passive. Sex with the woman in the bound position was meant to give power to the ghost to accomplish what is was commanded to do or to "reward" it for successfully fulfilling its mission. For the record, I do not recommend fooling around with spirits in this manner. They're too tricky. And it takes an expert to clean the woman up and make sure her spirit doesn't attach itself to the forcefulness and commands intended for the ghost. Once a woman has been "turned out" like that, other ghosts see her as easy meat and will use her as they see fit. Keeping ghosts off such a woman can become a full time job. By the way, lots of cops have strong sex demon attachments. Many female cops are rocking with them. I imagine that the violence, fear and basic negativity draws the ghosts to cop girls. Female cops can be cleaned, but it takes 10 times the work. Now, dig, I don't have a moral judgement whatsoever about what anyone does to get off. Same sex, group sex, sex with Junebugs... I got more on my mind that what someone else does to feel great. But, at the same time, I now know that there are consequences and heavier stuff going on than just screwing. There be ghosts and stuff involved in this stuff and that's part of the reason why the orgasm and sensation can be so incredibly powerful. there are psychological, physiological, energetic and spiritual centers and regions that are exploded during "kinky" sex.
Now the proper and scientific cultivation and use of such incredible energy is what tantra is all about. I'm very pleased to see that tantra is becoming more and more popular in the West. I also know that a lot of people are just using tantra to be freaky. Cool. Eventually, it'll lead to the heavy stuff that it's meant to get us to. But to really excel in tantra a whole lot of sexual trauma, hang-ups and psychological injury and garbage have to be cleared up. Otherwise, the life-force intensification (sexual kundalini force) rituals will screw you up worse than you were before. Let's say a woman was sexually abused as a girl. Okay, one fairly common effect of that kind of tragedy is that the woman starts having a "secret sexual identity." She has a "proper" image then she has a whole nympho thing going on on the side. The sad thing is she usually either "can't" experience orgasm or has a really difficult time achieving one or needs all kinds of verbal or physical abuse to have one. And this leaves her in a state of self-loathing so profound that suicide is seldom outside the realm of possibility. I would not direct such a woman to the practice of tantra right off. (In a way, it's all tantra, but I'm speaking of the directly sexual aspects of spiritual practice, okay?) The kundalini force and heat would, at that level, only intensify her existing programming ("Feelings"/"desires") and take her deeper into the whole nympho/self-loathing cycle. And then more stuff would jump out. So the poor little thing would be found strapping on leather and stilettos and all that costume attire because, deep down, she's trying to find the inner power that was ripped away from her when she was but a girl. So before introducing or recommending tantra to such a woman, I'd encourage her to do lots of work having to do with establishing her true identity, discovering past traumas, deprogramming those traumas and things like that. 2 So, if I'm right, and ghosts are summoned by "sex, drugs and rock and roll" (to put it succinctly) then the average person is way more ghosted up than they can even imagine. For the most part, such ghosts do not leave until they are banished. And how many people know how to banish negative entities? So people are carrying ghosts inside them from way back when they were kids and added to them each year of their lives. These negative entities get off on energy so they push buttons to excite your emotions and appetites so that you end up feeding their insatiable lusts. Sometimes it isn't' really you who did that horrid thing. Sometimes it's the entity inside you that got off on the deed and that's why, afterwards, you feel so awful, so empty, so void. Cuz it didn't satisfy you, it brought temporary and brief satisfaction to a nasty demonic thing inside you. Eventually, they wear away at your health. I think the abundance or reproductive ailments, breast cancers, etc. in Western women is related to sexual demons (incubi) they've incorporated into their lives unknowingly. Now when you have sex with somebody, whatever they're carrying (spiritually) can easily be transferred to you. So it's like spiritual HIV. And since ghosts don't deal in time and space like we do, a whole sexual network can be formed with ghosts jumping across the wires from person to person. 6
It's sort of like this. Joe fantasizes about his ex-wife and so a sexual energy connection is there between him and her. When Joe has sex with his new wife whatever was in the first wife can cross over to the new wife. Now, Tommy is the first wife's current boyfriend and all his demons can easily make it over to Joe who then passes then onto his new wife who passes them onto the guy at work who has the hots for her. At the end of the week the ghosts are having a ghostly orgy going on. Rituals like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram can help (a little) with things like possession, but my experience indicates that if you've already got something inside you, then you need more juice, more protection, that the LBRP seems to provide. You need someone to go in and exterminate those pests. I haven't spent a bunch of my time learning how to get rid of negative beings, but my wife, Helen, is an expert. If you think you need help with entities, demons, ghosts and what not, contact her right now at She'll tell you the truth and not try to rip you off. She can ghost bust better than anyone I know or even have read about. Returning to the Quranic passage, a "rotating slave" refers to circulating chi energy though pathways such as the Microcosmic Orbit. Now, the Microcosmic Orbit isn't the only chi pathway. There are many. The path of the ida and pingala nadis go from the nostrils to the brain and then crisscross down the spine in a circular or undulating (serpent-like) manner. This chi movement is what the so-called salaat ritual intends to convey when the person praying circles his head to the right and says, "As-Salaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullah"3 and then does the same thing on the left. The so-called imam will say that you are greeting your angel on the left and your angel on the right. That is nice Sunday school teaching for people at a preschool level of spiritual knowledge. But today, the Islamic world needs a whole lot more if they're gonna survive the shock and awe that Wolfowitz and the Boys have in store for them. And since I mentioned imams, let me say this: How can you justify not allowing women to be imams when the very words imam is derived from the word umm which means mother? Way back in the day, the spiritual teachers (imams) were, in fact, women and men hijacked that function from them and today have the audacity to say that they are upholding God's will by keeping women out. Dhikra, in verse 8, refers to the process of repeating a work of power (heka or mantra) so that it effects the reptilian brain at the brain stem in the back of the head. This is the power part of the brain which can produce miracles ("wisdom"). "Be ye wise like serpents." Vision is accomplished in the brain by the optic nerves conveying images to the occiput (back of the head or Qaf). The fact that this was known by the author of the Quran is implied by the word tabsirat (vision) in verse eight. The sun and Moon are called God's "two eyes" in scriptures like the Pert em Hru. The Moon stands for spiritual sight. So the tarot Moon card symbolizes "second sight" or spiritual vision. Qaf is also a sound unit of power (mantra). Mastery of the chant Qaam allows one to see the part of 7
the Akashic Record ("umm al-Kitaab") that deals with ones' past lives. "When we died and were dust -- that was a far return. Surely We Know what the earth diminishes of them and with Us is a Record Preserved" (50:3-4). Chanting Quaam will also stimulate the Kun Lun mountain and Jade Pillow (back of the head) to stimulate spiritual or psychic vision. The two openings in the Qaf "mountain range" refer to the points into and out of that center when chi (solar force or "sun") is circulated in the Microcosmic Orbit. The Moon Tarot card corresponds with the Qaf. That card shows 15 Yods (Hebrew letters) emanating from the Moon which also emits 32 rays.
The 32 rays symbolize the 32 Masonic degrees, 32 Tree of Life paths (including the 10 spheres) and 32 Arabian parts in astrology. Because the Jade pillow controls breathing, the 15 Yods represent the 15 breaths per minute humans breathe on average. The Moon card shows the link between breathing and the back of the head. When the Jade Pillow is open, breathing patterns change. There are two dogs (Anubis and Apuat) on either side of a divide which stands for the two brain hemispheres. The two dogs also stand for the speech centers, the Brocca and Wernicke. The Moon card is attributed to Pisces and the great challenge for Pisces is inner vs. outer, left brain vs. right. A scorpion (the sign Scorpio, part of the watery triplicity) is seen crawling out of the water of the subconscious. This shows that the power and transformative capacity is inside the subconscious. All things operate in pairs. The large brain is considered Yang and is the storage place for sexual energy and the earth force. The small brain -- including the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata -- is Yin and stores refined sexual energy and earth force. The Qaf letter is represented by the Moon series of postures in yoga.
1 The Arabic word "sama" literally means "hammered bracelet." Its roots go back to the Sumerian cosmolo the asteroid belt was formed by Nibiru (Marduk) colliding with Tiamet, cutting her in tow and forming the c asteroid belt and the Earth. In most English translations, "sama" is translated "heaven" (its plural, samawaat translated "Heavens") or "sky." Some even translate it "cloud" in such verses as those which say, "He sent water from the sama'." But modern science has confirmed that the asteroid belt is replete with water and so down water from the asteroid belt is quite accurate. A good deal of confusion results from bad translations well-meaning people. The Quran is a very specific and scientific book. It can advance our knowledge and o technology when we know what it's actually saying. For example, the Quran speaks of "seven sama'", i.e., s asteroid belts. Recently, astronomers "discovered" an asteroid belt beyond Neptune. So that gives us two s (hammered bracelets) right within our solar system. Either in this solar system or elsewhere there are likely t more since the good book says there are seven. Now, that could solve certain deep space problems. If ther watery asteroid belts "out there" then future space travelers could take advantage of that by converting the l into drinkable water. Metals could also be obtained. The Quran says "He sent iron down from the asteroid
2 Meditation with the heka Aum Vam Huhum can help a person discover those conditionings which are hol back. 3 Translation: Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah.