Bizine #3

Page 18



Hydrangeas, my darling, is what I’ll bring you.

Kako opišeš vihar, ki se zbudi v tebi, ko jo vidiš?


Plant one in soil that is as bitter as discomfort caused by none other than Karen’s face, when I try to sink into our lovebirds’ space. But also plant one in soil as sour as the taste of: “You’re just going through a phase.” Then sit and watch the lovely flowers grow out of all that pain, for them to show you, who I like to kiss. And when you put them in neutral soil take a look … my love …. do you see? The color of the pretty petals, it tells you, who I really love. Now run. Come in my embrace, so I can kiss your beautiful face – as pink and blue and purple shine through me – to show the pride in me, for loving who I love.



Kako razložiš, da bi lahko celo življenje sedela ob njej? In ko se te dotakne; ko položi svojo roko v tvojo, ko približa svoje ustnice tvojim, ko uglasi svoj srčni utrip ob tvojem, kako ustaviš čas? ------------------------Mokra solza na ustnicah, ko me poLjubiš. In potem se vrneš k njej, ki jo poLjubiš. In potem se vrnem k njemu, ki ga poLjubim.

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