Superyou, Hero Project, GSJ 2011

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OUR AIM Create an opportunity for teenagers to get involved in socially relevant tasks and, by doing so, helping them to develop civic skills. By being a part they will be more socially aware, develop confidence and team work skills.

= superhero skills

PERSONA David, 16yrs „what‘s in there for me?“ He uses the computer, but complains that his friends often get immersed on the internet. He knows he should do social tasks, he thinks about it, but not proactive enough to look for tasks. He‘s willing to do tasks if there‘s a purpose he can relate to and he knows what are the clear benefits (for himself and others) He is very likely to follow a recommendation from a friend. He likes to practice sports, that‘s how he hangs out with his friends.

SERVICE OVERVIEW We‘ve designed an online platform for teenagers in the age of 14-16, in the form of a social game that motivates them to use their „superhero potential“ in playful way. Teams receive a „call“, a social task assigned randomly that they have to complete within a given timeframe.

SERVICE OVERVIEW Completion and documentation of the tasks are accounted for in a point system. More points ďƒ¨ teams level up ďƒ¨ access to more challenging tasks with better rewards Points unlock access to digital or physical rewards.

SERVICE OVERVIEW There is an individual and a group dimension: the game is played in teams, but the points can be individual or team-based. It lasts for 3 months, then a new game-round is created.

IDENTITY TRANSFORMATION As the user signs up for the service, he goes through a „hero factory“, where his real life skills, interests and strengths are combined to create a hero identity which will be assigned to the player. These are represented in an avatar called Herokin, which he will be able to pimp up as he gets more points.

PARTNERSHIPS/ SPONSORHIPS The game is limited to the player‘s local area, they do not compete against teams from other cities. Therefore local partners like city government, schools, cultural associations or companies which are socially engaged can submit sponsored tasks that would finance the service and provide rewards to the players.


David receives a challenge from a friend, he gets curious and checks what it is.

He signs up on the SUPERYOU website

He goes through a „hero factory“, where his real life skills, interests and strengths are computed.

The combination of his skills generates a hero identity, which is assigned to him. His powers can be monitores through the Hero Profile. There he finds his HEROKIN, that the player build up form scratch. He automatically belongs to his friend‘s team.

He then receives a „hero call“, with a task to be complete with his team members, within a timeframe.

There is a data bank of tasks, and players or sponsors can add more tasks, which are assigned randomly. There are guidelines for the task creation, for example, they need to be related to social or environmental responsibility.

Tasks need to be documented, through a video or picture.

Points will be evaluated by community peers according to what you document.

get accessories for your HEROKIN

The points received from accomplished tasks add up and allow you to level up as a hero. More points ďƒ¨teams level up ďƒ¨access to more challenging tasks with better rewards

Points unlock access to rewards: digital (accessories for your HEROKIN, a team newspaper with a completed task as headline‌) or physical (action figure of your hero avatar)

spread the word through social networks when: your tasks are accomplished when you level up as a hero or when you pimp up your HEROKIN.

OVERVIEW become invited or recruited for a task

sign up & register !!! register your super hero abilities


get a HEROKIN and a hero profile become part of a team

assignment of the task documentation !!! proof of fullfillment by peers

fullfillment of the task !!! team has to upload the documentation

!!! team has a timeframe to complete the task

rewarding !!! earn points

pimp avatar & level up by points

more points more challenging tasks more team members

spreading !!! news feed on social network

new members new challenges MORE FUN!!!


SUPER (THANK) YOU * Andrea Cevenini

Daniel Zander

Isabel Stegmeier

Kwan Phonghanyudh

Global Service Jam 2011 | Kรถln

Samara Tanaka

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