4 minute read
Established in 1999, The Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB), an independent authority has continued to deliver its mandate without fear, favour or prejudice. The MDB’s mandate is derived from the Municipal Demarcation Act (Act No. 27 of 1998) and Municipal Structures Act (Act No. 117 of 1998) as amended. As such, the organisation is geared towards enhancing its processes towards delivering spatial democracy within the confines of these legislation that governs it.
• Determine and re-determine Municipal Boundaries
• Delimit ward boundaries for Local Government Elections
• Conduct Municipal Capacity Assessments; to ascertain whether municipalities have the requisite capability to fulfil their constitutional obligations; therefore, advice the responsible MECs on allocation of powers and functions between Local and District Municipalities; and
• Provide advisory services on related local Government matters.
The Board comprises of ten (10) Board members of which five (5) are women. Members of the Board are selected through a process that culminates in interviews conducted by an independent panel headed by a Judge of the Constitutional Court, and appointed by the President of the Republic of South Africa. The current Board was appointed on
01 March 2024 and will serve until 2029.
The organisation has an overall staff complement of 47 employees, with 28 (59%) of which are women. Furthermore, the organisation has achieved an unqualified audit report for the past five consecutive years under the leadership of astute and capable women Chief Financial Officers (CFOs).
This is a true testament of the organisation's commitment to empower women in all areas of development. Women owned companies are therefore invited to register to conduct business with the MDB.
• MDB has commenced with the education and awareness of the Municipal Ward Delimitation/ change process well ahead of time to allow for intensified public participation ahead of the local government elections (LGE).
• The MDB delimits wards every five years preceding the local government elections (LGE) in line with the Municipal Structures Act 117 0f 1998, schedule 1 as amended (MSA).
• The education and awareness campaign will be rolled out in all Provinces from July- September 2024 targeting all MDB stakeholders such as Traditional Leadership, Ward Councillors, Ward Committees, Municipal Officials, members of the public etc.
• The MDB will, thereafter, draft the first set of draft wards and present these at the public consultation meetings scheduled between April and May 2025. Members of the public and stakeholders will be afforded an opportunity to engage on the draft set of wards and make comments or submit their own proposals. Although this process is not legislated as per the Municipal Structures Act, it will be conducted to reflect MDB's resolve to enhance its public participation processes.
• Communities and stakeholders are requested to lookout for updates of the process on the MDB website and social media platforms.
• Members of the public are encouraged to actively participate in the process and familiarize themselves with the step-by-step status update of the process.

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