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Magalies Water is one of the 9 water boards, which have come into existence through an act of parliament, the Water Services Act, 1997 (Act 108 of 1997). The entity which has strengthened its presence in the North West, Gauteng and Limpopo provinces, is a critical player in the development of the local economies of the three provinces. Magalies Water which recently was awarded a Golden Arrow Award by PMR Africa for their role in stimulating economic growth, and development of the North West Province is riding on the success of back-to-back clean audits with a performance of 93 and 95% during the 2019/20 and 2020/21 financial years.
The organization is based in the platinum-rich Rustenburg Local Municipality, the economic hotbed of the Bojanala Platinum District which contributes above 60% of the province’s gross domestic product (GDP). The region which is concentrated with mining activities is home to some of biggest producers of the world’s platinum group metals. The 53-year-old water utility is headed by KwaZulu Natal born Sandile Psychology Mkhize, who is no stranger in the water sector, with extensive experience spanning over twenty years. Mkhize, who will be completing his term at the end of 2022 as the entity’s Chief Executive, previously held the position General Manager (GM) for Water Services and was later appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO), has seen the water utility transition and evolve in the last couple of years. His presence has brought the necessary stability to the operations of one of the highest performing water boards in the country.
As the accounting officer, Mkhize has a solid track record in the water and environmental sector. Before joining Magalies Water back in 2014 he held various positions within different institutions including the Department of Water Affairs (now called Water and Sanitation) in the Gauteng Province, Development Bank of Southern Africa, Chevron which is an oil and energy company, AngloGold Ashanti and Humelani Water Services. It came as no surprise when the Ministry of Water and Sanitation announced that Magalies Water would take over from the soon to-be dis-established Sedibeng Water which operates in North West, Free State and Northern Cape.
The man at the helm, has been on the charm-offensive having presented an impressive futuristic plan which aims to deal with bulk water supply challenges in the Waterberg District of Limpopo province, where the water utility has a presence. Magalies Water currently, services Thabazimbi, BelaBela and Modimolle-Mookgophong Local Municipalities.
Under Mkhize’s leadership, Magalies Water has shown signs of stability and growth as a reliable bulk water provider. Further to this, the Chief Executive has been engaging all role-players necessary to ensure that the current water challenges, which are mainly due to staggering demand against current supply constraints are addressed.
Magalies Water is relentless in its endeavour to respond to the current bulk water challenges particularly where consumption patterns are high and will become unsustainable in the future. The Chief Executive provided technical details on how the second phase will be rolled out. The Phase 2 of the Pilanesberg Bulk Water Supply System (PBWSS), which will cost about R900-million, will be approached in 3 phases that will be funded through a multi-year funding by the Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) of the Department of Water and Sanitation and Magalies Water capital funding allocations.
Under Mkhize’s leadership, Magalies Water has shown signs of stability and growth as a reliable bulk water provider. Further to this, the Chief Executive has been engaging all role-players necessary to ensure that the current water challenges are resolved, for the benefit of all stakeholders.

• Phase 1: Construction of Tlhabane Reservoir. This will involve Earthworks where lare large excavation will be done, concrete structures, pipe work comprising of large diametre steel/pvc and stainless steel pipes, large bore valves in variable sizes.
• Phase 2: Construction of Mafenya to Tlhabane bulk water pipeline mainly of steel pipes to withstand high pressure in the system.
• Phase 3: Off-take from Phokeng to supply water to Maubu/Seron reservoir including pump station and command reservoir.
A similar project to address the consumption phenomenon in the Rustenburg municipal area has been started. While the project is at concept stage, once completed it is intended to increase the bulk water supply capacity to communities of Bethanie, Barseba, Makolokwe and Modikwe through an upgrade of the Kortbegrip pipeline.
Currently Magalies Water, is awaiting approval from the Department of Water and Sanitation for further expansion into Waterberg district with the aim of also servicing the Lephalale municipal area. Mkhize has enjoyed remarkable support from the Chairperson of the Interim Board Ms. Pinky Mokoto, who also is well versed with service delivery dynamics. Mokoto served on the Portfolio Committees on Finance and Communications at the National Assembly. She was a member of the National Executive Committee of the ANCYL and Provincial Executive Committee of the ANCWL. She also served as a District Executive Mayor of Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality from 2009-2011 and the ANC North West provincial media liaison officer from 1997-2004. On the 1st of July 2020, the former Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Lindiwe Sisulu announced the Interim Board of the water utility, following the end-of-term of the previous highest decision-making body of the organisation.
On the water board achieving two consecutive clean audits, Mokoto said the entity had adopted an intentional approach of ensuring compliance to legal processes such as the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) "our mission is to avoid irregular and fruitless expenditure and also ensuring that customers are provided with acceptable standards of water quality, through effective, efficient service delivery. We are clear on doing things right the first time, from the Board level until the lowest level of responsibility within MW. Our business units are more synchronized and as such collaborate very well to achieve the organizational goals" Mokoto emphasized. The Interim Board Chairperson also attributed the success of the water board, to the good working relationship that exists between the members of the Interim Board, some of whom are chairpersons of differing committees to which Magalies Water’s Executive Committee is accountable to.

Exco Standing left to right: Mr. Tshiamo Mpane – Acting General Manager: Project Management Unit and Mr. Mukesh Daynand – Acting General Manager: Water Services; Sitting left to right: Ms. Kelebogile Mogamisi – General Manager: Stakeholder and Customer Services, Ms. Matshidiso Tabane – Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Sandile Mkhize – Chief Executive, Mr. Ofentse Nthutang – Acting Chief Operations Officer, Ms. Buyiswa Bingwa – Acting General Manager: Corporate Support Services