A Deep Dive into Vertical Vegetation in Urban Communities
Stephanie Ung EDUC 536: Urban Ecology Faculty: Kathleen Wolf & Weston Brinkley
CONTENTS Introductory Summary: Vertical Vegetation ......................................................................... 3 Brief #1 – Food Security – Pasona Group (Tokyo, Japan) ...................................................... 4 Brief #2 – Flood Mitigation – Rubens at the Palace Hotel (London, UK) ............................... 6 Brief #3 – Noise Abatement .................................................................................................. 8 Brief #4 – Reducing Urban Heat Island Effects ................................................................... 10 Brief #5 –Air Quality Improvement: EdGware Station in London, UK ..................................12 Brief #6 - Biodiversity in the City: ...................................................................................... 14 Educational Applications .................................................................................................... 16 Food & Community ....................................................................................................... 16 Neighborhood Walk-Abouts .......................................................................................... 16 Interpretive Signs & Community Input ......................................................................... 16 Synthesis ............................................................................................................................. 17 Sources ............................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 1 Moveable biodiversity walls, Gould Hall, University of WA, Seattle, WA (UW Office of Sustainability)
Figure 2 A mall in South Korea covers its outer walls with plants (Google)
INTRODUCTORY SUMMARY: VERTICAL VEGETATION As cities have become more densely populated and the demand for places to live, work, and play increases, greenspaces have often been sacrificed in the name of this development. Put in its place are empty, inefficient, and impervious surfaces that do not accommodate the natural systems of our atmosphere such as rainfall, light and heating, and wind patterns. Rather, these constructions can exacerbate negative ecological and public health impacts, as there are little to no visible or explicit connections between built environment and natural environment. Adding to this, fuel emissions, storm water runoff, and energy usage are just a few human activities that adversely affect the various biological systems that maintain functioning of our planet. Residents of cities that do not actively integrate nature into its built environment are shielded from these impacts on systems that support urban lifestyles. The presence of elements of nature alone have proven to improve well-being mentally, physically, and emotionally. These shifts in understandings of inherent human connection to nature has supported nature’s comeback in the city in the form of parks, greenbelts, gardens, and even design and architecture. When space for expansion outwards becomes limited, we can start looking up and at vertical spaces to further integrate nature into bustling cities. Vertical vegetation can be categorized into green façades and living walls, based on construction methods and choice of plants. Alongside environmental and social benefits, urban communities will find that vertical green systems are practical for the economic benefits, as these sustainable designs often serve multiple purposes in an ordinarily empty space. While western thinking emphasizes technological advances, vertical vegetation implements an ancient technology, plants, that can insulate, absorb noise, provide cooling, clean air, provide food, and much more. Manufacturing industrial materials to provide the same service is costly, both environmentally and economically, while also removing nature elements. This document explores how strategically-planned vertical vegetation can bring a number of ecological, social, and monetary benefits, all at the same time, for urban communities. Each briefing topic below will highlight a valuable aspect of vertical vegetation and an example of its successful implementation in an urban community. Transforming elements of the built environment into supporters of nature and working in tangent with the natural systems present on our planet will serve to build bridges between humans and nature. In doing this, using vertical vegetation specifically, we can bring awareness and visibility to the impacts of human development on systems, discover the functionality and benefits of plants integrated into the built environment, and creating a network of greener cities and healthier citizens.
BRIEF #1 – FOOD SECURITY – PASONA GROUP (TOKYO, JAPAN) FOOD SECURITY WITHIN URBAN FOOD SYSTEMS As the global population and the density of urban areas rise, the demand for food, and space the grow food, will similarly increasei. Urban ecological systems have often been studied under the confines of city limits to determine the impact and role of humans and the urban ecosystem. However, it is crucial to consider how urban systems rely on the functioning of ecological systems beyond city limitsii. Urban food systems present a dilemma when discussing a growing world population. With city limits expanding and space for crop planting decreases, food security becomes a pertinent issue. Urban communities can work towards securing a sustainable food economy by taking advantage of Figure Tokyo, Pasona3 Pasona Urban Urban Farms,Farms, Tokyo, Japan local growing spacesiii,iv. This will stimulate economic Japan (Pasona Group) growth locally, as dollars will remain in the growerconsumer loop, as well as flourish ecologically, as urban farms are designed to be more ecologically-sound. VERTICAL VEGETATION IMPLEMENTATION:
Figure 4. Pasona HQ, Inhabitat.com
In 2013, Pasona Group, a Japanese recruitment company, hired Kono Designs to create and install a 43,000 square foot fully-functioning garden on the walls of its office building (left). The outside of the building hosts a green façade, complete with perennial flowers and orange trees growing on balconiesv. This particular example of vertical vegetation is noteworthy for food security because of its computercontrolled system that maintains healthy plant growth year-round. Food
also grows inside the building, further exemplifying the integration of people and their food source. Employees of the building are also involved in the cultivation and care, as a form of community-building, while the foods harvested are prepared and served in the cafeteria. Pasona opens its doors to Figure 5. Employees in rice paddy. Inhabitat.com the public, with limited access, in hopes of reconnecting more people with the traditional Japanese lifestyles of farmingvi. CONNECTING TO THE LARGER PICTURE Land available for agricultural purposes is limited in Japanvii so the implementation of an urban farm within and on a large building is an efficient use of space and resources to increase food security. Additionally, Japan’s strong local farm co-operatives have been advocating for high import tariffs on farm goodsviii. The high visibility of this unique design also exposes urban citizens to the source of their food and promotes the Japanese agricultural industry. Integrating urban food systems with the exterior and interior design of buildings provides a unique way of connecting people with their food source. Additionally, it can effectively serve to promote a local food economy by integrating best growing practices of the region’s climate. When food is grown and eaten in the city without traveling over hundreds and thousands of miles, the community can experience less air pollution from delivery trucks.
BRIEF #2 – FLOOD MITIGATION – RUBENS AT THE PALACE HOTEL (LONDON, UK) WATER IN THE CITY Urban areas have a large concentration of impervious surfaces--that is, surfaces which water cannot penetrate and soak through. In areas with more vegetation, soil, and other pervious surfaces, precipitation can soak in beneath the surface, to be stored as groundwater. Thus, as rain falls upon cities, much of the precipitation runs right off the walls of buildings, down the streets, over the sidewalks, and through the parking lots into storm drainsix. As water makes its way to these drainage systems, it gains speed and collects debris, to be discharged into a local stream. When rainfall is high and there are fewer permeable surfaces, the amount of water entering the stormwater collection system dramatically increases, which can lead to flooding in areas where the drainage is slow and in streams of dischargex.
Figure 6 Flooding at London Victoria Railway Station (London Green Party)
Local solutions to flooding and overwhelming the storm drainage system have included vertical vegetation, as means of slowing down the rate at which rainfall enters the storm drains; additional permeable surfaces to recollect, store, and re-use water, further reduces the stress on natural resources and existing water transport infrastructure.
VERTICAL VEGETATION IMPLEMENTATION: RUBENS AT THE PALACE HOTEL: LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM In London's neighborhood of Victoria, the Rubens at the Palace Hotel has recently installed one of the largest living wall systems, with high hopes of reducing flooding in local areas. This living wall stands at 350 square meters (over 3,750 square feet!) and contains over 10,000 ferns and herbaceous plants that are chosen for year-round growth and to attract pollinators such as birds, bees, and butterfliesxi.
The Victoria Business Improvement District (Victoria BID) envisioned this wall with the initial purpose of seeking more greenspaces within the cityiv. The unique design integrates a water catchment system, as this part of Victoria is prone to surface flooding during periods of high rainfall (see above). On the roof of the Rubens at the Palace Hotel are rainwater harvest tanks that capture rainfall directly, reducing the Figure 7 Maintenance of Rubens at the Palace Hotel living wall (Fast risk of flooding on the ground. Company) This excess water is then used to irrigate the greenery on the wall through a series of installed pumps that carry water to each of the planter boxes, creating a sort of sustainable drainage system. This method can store up to 10,000 liters (over 2,600 gallons) of waterxii. As this occurs, less water reaches the ground of the neighborhood, reducing risk of surface floods. At the same time, no additional water is necessary for maintenance of plants, thus saving on filtered waterxiii. This vertical vegetation example not only shows how a living wall can help mitigate flooding in urban areas, but also demonstrates how this design can support other low-impact development technologies. The wall is maintained with water captured by a cistern on the roof, maintaining a water conservation lens; this allows rainwater to be slowly re-introduced into the environment and preventing damages of flooding. The built environment can thrive when one element has multiple purposes. CONNECTING TO THE LARGER PICTURE London is situated east of the River Thames. In February 2014, the banks of River Thames overflowed and flooded several towns upstream from Londonxiv. During periods of high rainfall, much of the water run-off enters storm drains that deposit directly into this riverxv. Without going through much filtration, many of the street pollutants (such as oil from cars) and debris (trash, leaves, etc.) will enter River Thames, further affecting the river's health and downstream ecosystems.Though London was protected by the Thames barrier, slowing down the speed of water entering the stormwater system from London, and thus into River Thames locally, can help keep the flooding downstream to a minimum.
BRIEF #3 – NOISE ABATEMENT NOISE POLICIES IN BERKELEY, CA In urban areas, noise is a difficult element to escape; with so many moving parts such as people, animals, buses and cars, diesel trucks, helicopters, police vehicles and ambulances, and construction. Despite this expectation, many cities have upheld appropriate noise level restrictions to protect their residents. The city of Berkeley, CA for example, recognizes that all citizens have a basic right to "an environment Figure 8. Aerial view of Aquatic Park, Berkeley, CA. Right of the relatively free from the intrusion park is Interstate-80, producing high levels of vehicular noise. of noise pollution."xvi The potential (Google) impact of noise exposure varies from person to person, community to community. In general, Berkeley strives to protect its citizens by imposing a City Noise Ordinance to address potential impacts such as ear damage, hearing loss, sleep disturbance, stress and economic impact that may affect the overall well-being of residents.xvii
VERTICAL VEGETATION IMPLEMENTATION LIVING SOUND WALL: AQUATIC PARK IN BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Vehicular noise is a prominent noise source in Berkeley, namely along Interstate80; the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has strict criteria for building sound walls along freewaysxviii. Based on the travel path of sound waves, noise walls can effectively reduce noise by about a perceived one-half when the wall is constructed to block the line of sight between source and receiverxix. In 2000, the city of Berkeley worked with Steven Grover & Associates (SGA) and Caltrans to design a noise abatement solution that would reduce noise entering Aquatic Park, Berkeley's largest multi-use greenspace (see below)xx.
Figure 9. Showing how the living sound wall decreases level of noise to which park users would be exposed. (SGA)
This living sound wall is an alternative to concrete-block sound walls. Using soil and vegetation to block traffic noise has been effective because the leaves and soil take in the sound waves rather than deflecting, as concrete doesxxi. The large depth of the wall also provides a thick barrier for reducing noise levels (see dimensions below, SGA). Concrete walls would have needed to be tall enough to block sound from a diesel truck; such walls would create an unpleasant tunnel sensation for drivers on the freeway, and are also vulnerable to graffiti and vandalismxxii. While a clean canvas could serve as a community-input art project, replacing the concrete with a terrace of greenery not only creates an effective sound barrier but adds ecological value to what would otherwise be a bleak concrete wall. This project was largely a success due to support from users of Aquatic Park. CONNECTING TO THE LARGER PICTURE As cities continue to grow in activity, noise levels overall ultimately will, as well. In order for cities to maintain comfortable environments for residents, cities will need to look to various noise abatement techniques. Implementing vertical vegetation will not only use the unique noise absorption properties of vegetation, but will also provide visual aesthetics for residents. Because noise levels are relative and the greenery of a living sound wall is inherently comforting for people, the public perception of the effectiveness of the sound wall could also improve as well. Further steps for the city could include a rainwater catchment system to provide automatic irrigation for upkeep of the living sound wall.
BRIEF #4 – REDUCING URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECTS URBAN HEAT ISLAND CONCEPT As rapid development and growth takes place in cities and suburban areas, more human-made structures such as buildings are replacing canopy cover and greenspaces. These buildings have a low albedo, and does not reflect much of the sun's energy back; instead, the concrete slabs often absorb this radiation in the form of heatxxiii. With more heat-absorbing surfaces in an urban community, the urban heat island (UHI) effect arises. This graphic shows depicts the Urban Heat Island effectxxiv; moving away from concentrations of high-rise buildings brings cooler temperatures. Increasing vegetation can provide cooling services directly through shading heat-absorbing surfaces and indirectly through evapotranspiration. Additionally, many cities do not provide many options for creating new Figure 10 Image of heat distribution from rural to urban (Google) greenspaces, as they are densely packed with people and buildings. Addressing UHI effects using vegetation on walls not only provides greenspace in the city, but adapts cities for urban summer heat accumulation that is expected with global climate changexxv. VERTICAL VEGETATION IMPLEMENTATION HORTICULTURE PARK IN (HORTPARK) SINGAPORE Singapore is a leader in urban biophilic design. Horticulture Park (HortPark) is an active demonstration of many adaptations that cities can implement to adapt to the heating of climate change using green walls and facades. The living wall installation provides several examples of kinds of plants and structure, to provide a plethora of options for UHI mitigation (below)xxvi. Temperature and relative humidity data loggers are placed along each wall to record the average wall and growing substrate surface temperatures. Most of the walls contain a growing substrate/medium such as soil or composite peat moss (see above; wall 2 does not-it is a simple wall trellis) which provides a significant surface temperature factor for living walls. A notable contribution that substrates provide on walls is the
cooling effect through evapotranspiration of moisture from the substratexxvii. Additionally, HortPark finds "a distinct reduction of the temperatures of the wall and the substrate surfaces as compared to the control wall" as well as "differences in surface temperatures between surfaces with and without vegetation can be as high as 11 degrees C."xxviii This clearly demonstrates how a living wall may provide relief from UHI effects.
Figure 11 HortPark living wall study (Wong, et al.)
LARGER IMPLICATIONS FOR LIVING WALLS UHI effects amplify the warming of climate change and exacerbate the pollutants already present in the air from industries, cars, and other emitters. Cities can adapt to these changes while simultaneously providing more enriching greenspaces for citizens to interact with and value. Living walls and vertical vegetation provide so many benefits in the public and private realm; as city planners begin seeking for more ways to cut energy costs (especially cooling in the summer months), they can absolutely look at adding to existing buildings as a worthy investment. As the interior of buildings heat up from its exterior walls absorbing the sun's radiation, building energy usage increases as well, emitting more carbon emissions into the atmosphere and further exacerbating the greenhouse gas effect and climate change.
BRIEF #5 –AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT: EDGWARE STATION IN LONDON, UK STREET CANYONS AFFECTING AIR QUALITY The densest parts of urban communities are populated by tall buildings, placed in long rows and clusters. The packed spread of buildings not only contributes to the urban heat island effect – as there is an increase in surfaces that absorb solar radiation as opposed to reflecting it – but also creates a street canyon xxix. A street canyon refers to the phenomenon in which air flow between long rows of tall buildings is modified and instead, recirculates itself in a vortex fashion (see below) xxx. This is detrimental for air quality at the street-level in street canyons because air pollutants are trapped. Many factors such as wind speed, wind direction, and humidity affect the severity of the canyon, but it is apparent that this recirculation of air exacerbates the concentration of Figure 12 Graphic of air circulation in a street canyon (Srivastava) pollutants emitted at the street level xxxi. This raises concerns for air quality, as pollutants that are emitted such as particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon dioxide become much more concentrated at pedestrian-level. VERTICAL VEGETATION IMPLEMENTATION EDGWARE STATION IN LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM As particulate matter and other forms of pollution are trapped in the canyons, the concentration of pollution at the human-level is increased, and is exacerbated by the urban heat island effect xxxii. The worsened air quality in street canyons is an issue that urban planners, designers, and citizens can address using vertical vegetation. Living walls constructed of leafy and climbing plants such as ivy take up carbon dioxide, as well as particles of smoke and dust, without taking up horizontal space in already-crowded urban areas xxxiii. In 2011, the Transport for London Department installed a living wall just outside the Edgware Road Tube Station to help remove particular matter 10 (PM10) emitted by traffic, from the air (see below) xxxiv. Biotecture designed the wall with
“14,000 plants of 15 different species with smaller leaves and a variety of textures, which were specifically chosen as they are better air filters of PM10”xxxv. Living walls are most effective in heavily polluted areas, as the street canyon effects exposes more pollutants to the surfaces of concrete buildings; when these surfaces are covered by vegetation that acts as deposits for air pollutants, air quality can increase by factors of almost 10% xxxvi. The Imperial College London conducted a review of the effectiveness of this green wall and found that the most PM10 was captured by plants with high density of leaf hairs and plants with smaller surface areas xxxvii. Thus, increasing such vegetation in a vertical form would be a strategic use of vertical space on the side of buildings facing inward to the street canyon. CONNECTIONS TO THE LARGER PICTURE Vertical space in a city is often underutilized; the walls of concrete buildings give way to the urban heat island effect, as well as create street canyons that trap emitted pollutants from dispersal into the atmosphere xxxviii. Many cities, like London, have implemented initiatives to target emitters, such as retrofitting industrial technology and replacing transportation using diesel with zero-emission vehicles. On a broader scale, the United States’ Clean Air Act addresses emissions of air pollutants that contribute to bad air quality. These top-down approaches are necessary to support the local ownership of pollution and hold emitters accountable. However, green infrastructure, such as vertical vegetation, can provide complementary support; strategically planned living walls assist in pollutant capture after being emitted. Because street canyons can amplify the effects of air pollutants, even small concentrations can present
health concerns. The integration of living walls, especially, in street canyons of urban areas will also provide the wider benefits of green spaces for the environment and its habitants.
Figure 13 Top and Bottom: Living wall outside of Edgware Station (Biotecture)
BRIEF #6 - BIODIVERSITY IN THE CITY: SIGNIFICANCE OF BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity refers to the variety of forms of life, ranging from a scale of habitats to individual species to genetic diversity within species. It is also in reference to the different living organisms present in an ecosystem. For urban communities, biodiversity includes humans, urban flora and fauna. Studies have indicated that the higher biodiversity of an ecosystem, the healthier it isxxxix. With a plethora of organisms working together or against, a complex system of checks and balances is created. In many urban communities where greenspaces are scarce, biodiversity is low, as habitat for urban fauna is often removed for development. Even in cities where parks exist, elements of the natural world may only exist in fragments, and further exacerbates urban residents’ connections to the natural resources that power our city lives (such as watersheds, food systems, energy sources)xl. Connections and access to greenery have proved mentally, physically, and emotionally beneficial for humans. Therefore, fostering biodiversity within densely-populated cities may contribute to more productive and happy urban citizens and communitiesxli. VERTICAL VEGETATION IMPLEMENTATION SEMIAHMOO PUBLIC LIBRARY, WHITE ROCK, CANADA
Figure 14 Semiahmoo Public Library living wall (Unbiased Writer)
The Semiahmoo Public Library installed the largest vertical garden in North America, covering 3,000 square feet with ground cover plants, larger perennials, shrubs, and small treesxlii. The plants grow soilfree and mimic adaptations of those growing off cliffs, bluffs, and waterfalls. This example of vertical vegetation is especially astounding because it consists of over 10,000 individual plants, representing over 120 different
species. Patrick Pouraud, Principal at Green Over Grey, the design firm responsible for this vertical wall, states that “the large diversity of plant species chosen creates a balanced ecosystem that is an urban oasis for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds”xliii. Providing a hospitable habitat for these pollinating organisms will increase their activity and visibility in the city. Pollinating organisms support systems we rely on such as food production, in the form of plant reproduction. CONNECTIONS TO THE LARGER PICTURE In many cases, “green” architecture strives to conserve resource use, source sustainably, and eliminate toxics from the construction process. There are programs such as the Living Building Challenge and LEED certification that measure how “green” a building pre- and during-construction. However, concerns for the impact on wildlife beyond habitat displacement are often overlookedxliv. For example, many birds flying through urban areas can get distracted by glares from reflective windows, causing serious injury or deathxlv. Implementing designs that consider biodiversity after the construction phase is key to creating truly sustainable buildings. As vertical vegetation becomes more prominent in Figure 15 Semiahmoo Library Living Wall cities, both urban wildlife and people are exposed (FresHome) to more greenery. For urban wildlife, this means opportunities for habitat and safety. Biodiversity in terms of plants and animals, is unique to its environment. Cities provide an interesting set of environmental conditions that would breed an equally unique array of biodiversity. As humans become more accustomed to seeing non-human animals and plants in the city, as well as the ecosystem services they provide, people may begin to orient themselves around biodiversityxlvi. By connecting already dedicated nature reserves or greenspaces to one another, we can begin to connect a network of co-existence between the built environment and natural world.
EDUCATIONAL APPLICATIONS FOOD & COMMUNITY Food represents the closest connection that humans have to the earth; when urban residents become better connected to their food system in the city, it can lead to more conscious choices, demands for more equitable access and fair options, and even involvement in local food movements. Community gardens are an opportunity to engage community members in growing their own food, building community with one another, and experience the positive benefits that time spent outside and with nature can bring. Greenspaces do not have to be vast parks or long greenbelts. Rather, they can be pockets of nature growing: backyards, front yards, planting strips, boulevards, and roundabouts are all opportunities to engage people in growing food. Think: Guerilla Gardening (creating seed bombs) and Victory Gardens (history lesson from food production during World War I and II! NEIGHBORHOOD WALK-ABOUTS Building off these components, conduct a neighborhood walk-about to discover what other places could be used to grow food or add plants? While not necessarily address vertical vegetation, this shifts the lens through which our participants are observing their neighborhood. See “What’s Good in My Hood” curriculum for a colorful guide on how to engage students in a Community Asset assessment. By prefacing with some lessons exploring Vertical Vegetation, students can start to seek out empty walls or spaces that might otherwise benefit from one of the features of vertical vegetation explored in this Deep Dive. INTERPRETIVE SIGNS & COMMUNITY INPUT Like the Seattle’s Bullitt Center and the exemplars in this Deep Dive, there are many existing examples of successful vertical vegetation. However, the problem is that much of the public does not know it exists, or only hears snippets of information about a new living wall installation. Buildings that boast vertical vegetation should also invest in signage that capture’s an audience’s attention and accurately defines the aspects and benefits of the living wall. The below image is an example of an interpretive sign that describes what this space is and the benefits it provides. The social and economic benefits of vertical vegetation are rarely discussed but are rather surprising. By increasing awareness, we can increase appreciation, buy-in, and likelihood for it to become a norm.
Figure 16 BioSwale Interpretive Sign by Premera  Involving community input in the design process also creates a buzz of anticipation around its installation. Dedicating time and money towards community outreach, or building a partnership with a prominent community leader, will help translate the benefits of the living wall. SYNTHESIS Living walls have demonstrated that they can provide a number of benefits to the urban community, many of them simultaneously. In exploring food security and access, urban heat islands, flood mitigation, noise barriers, air quality, and biodiversity, it is evident that vertical vegetation is not the end-all solution. The built environment is inevitably tied to human development; as cities will only continue to grow larger, so will the strain of dense populations have on the planet and its finite resources. However, this presents a prime opportunity for education. With large populations concentrated in an area, there are more people interacting and moving through the urban environment. Vertical vegetation is a bold statement to viewers and users that nature can be integrated into the city. For so many years, the built environment has increasingly moved us away from a cohesive interconnected notion of urban and “wilderness.â€? Living walls are an opportunity to flip the status quo and support creativity in designing with nature elements. Aside from the individual benefits of nature in the city, the technology involved in each of these briefs and other examples of vertical vegetation around the world is based in bringing forward and using the automatic functioning of plants. From absorbing noise to providing shade to carbon sequestration, plants are an investment. Strategic planning and design can select for low-maintenance, drought tolerant plants, be coupled with a built-in watering system using recaptured rainwater, or specific plants that best capture air pollution particles (particulate matter). The huge diversity of plants and designs to choose from allows for flexibility and creativity while also supporting nature in the cityscape.
SC Gerlach Affiliation: Center for Cross-Cultural Studies (2013). Rebuilding northern foodsheds, sustainable food systems, community well-being, and food security. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 72. ii S. T. A. Pickett, M. L. Cadenasso, J. M. Grove, C. H. Nilon, R. V. Pouyat, W. C. Zipperer, and R. Costanza (2001). Urban Ecological Systems: Linking Terrestrial, Ecological, Physical, and Socioeconomic Components of Metropolitan Areas. Annual Review of Ecological Systems, 32: 127-157. iii SC Gerlach Affiliation. iv Moreno-Peñaranda, Raquel (2011). “Japan’s Urban Agriculture: Cultivating Sustainability and Well-Being.” United Nations University. 20 September 2011. Web. Accessed here. v Buczynski, Beth (2013). “Pasona Urban Farm Engulfs Tokyo Office Building With Fresh Food.” EarthTechling.com. 15 Sept 2013. Web. Accessed here. vi Meinhold, Bridgette (2013). “Pasona HQ is an Urban Farm That Grows Food For Its Employees in Tokyo.” Inhabitat.com. 20 Feb 2013. Web. < http://inhabitat.com/pasona-hq-is-an-urban-farm-that-grows-food-for-its-employees-in-tokyo/> vii “Field Work.” The Economist. 13 April 2013. Web. Accessed here. viii Meinhold. ix Konrad, C.P. (2014). Effects of Urban Development on Floods. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 076-03. http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/fs07603/ x Konrad. xi London's largest Living wall will "combat flooding" (2013). Dezeen Magazine online. http://www.dezeen.com/2013/08/21/londonslargest-living-wall-will-combat-flooding/ xii Konrad. xiii Holloway, Iona. “This Giant Wall Made From Plants Isn't Just Pretty: It Can Stop A Flood.” Fast Company. http://www.fastcoexist.com/3016271/this-giant-wall-made-from-plants-isnt-just-pretty-it-can-stop-a-flood xiv Dezeen Magazine. xv Dezeen Magazine. xvi “CONDITIONS,TRENDS & ISSUES Environmental Quality: Noise.” Planning and Development, City of Berkeley xvii City of Berkeley xviii Holtz, Debra Levi. “Berkeley Has New Sound Wall Plan / City has redesigned landscaped noise baffle.” SFGate. Accessed here. xix City of Berkeley xx “Berkeley Living Sound Wall.” Steven Grover & Associates. http://www.stevengrover.com/97-01-living-wall/ xxi Abbas, Ala R., et al. “Green Noise Wall Construction and Evaluation.” Ohio Dept. of Transportation. Accessed here. xxii Abbas, et al. xxiii Chen, Dong, et al. "Assessment of Urban Heat Island and Mitigation by Urban Green Coverage." Mitigating Climate Change, Springer Environmental Science and Engineering.pp 247-257. Accessed here. xxiv C3 Headlines. http://www.c3headlines.com/global-warming-urban-heat-island-bias/ xxv Newman, Peter. "Biophilic urbanism: a case study on Singapore." Australian Planner, 51(1). Accessed here. xxvi Newman xxvii Wong, Nyuk Hien, et al (2010). "Thermal evaluation of vertical greenery systems for building walls." Building and Environment, 45(3). pp 663-672. Accessed here. xxviii Wong, et al. xxix Pugh, Thomas A. M., A. Robert MacKenzie, J. Duncan Whyatt, and C. Nicholas Hewitt (2012). “Effectiveness of Green Infrastructure for Improvement of Air Quality in Urban Street Canyons.” Envir.Sci.Technol, 46 (14), pp 7692-7699. doi: 10.1021/es300826w. Accessed here. xxx Srivastava, Anjali and B. Padma S. Rao (2011). “Urban Air Pollution Modeling.” Air Quality-Models and Applications, Prof. Dragana Popovic (Ed.), doi: 10.5772/16776. Accessed here. xxxi Pugh et al. xxxii Pugh et al. xxxiii Shackleton, Kyle, Nigel Bell, Hannah Smith and Linda Davies. “The role of shrubs and perennials in the capture and mitigation of particulate air pollution in London.” Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London. Accessed here. xxxiv Biotecture. “Edgware Road Tube Station, Marylebone.” Accessed here. xxxv Biotecture xxxvi Pugh et al. xxxvii Shackleton et al. xxxviii Pugh et al. xxxix “Green Walls, Roofs, and Biodiversity.” Islington. Accessed here. xl The Wild Land Trust, Nottinghampshire. “Biodiversity and Urban Design.” Accessed here. xli The Wild Land Trust. xlii Aid, Rob. http://www.robaid.com/tech/green-architecture-semiahmoo-public-library-green-wall.htm xliii Aid. xliv The Wild Land Trust. xlv The Wild Land Trust. xlvi “Why protect urban green spaces.” The Bodine Street Community Garden. Accessed here.